Re: The quantum = monadic domain as the domain of life,mind and intelligence

2012-12-18 Thread Stephen P. King

On 12/18/2012 10:51 AM, Roger Clough wrote:

Hi Stephen P. King
You said
" I see space and time as, respectively, the order of simultaneous
givens and of sequentially givens of the percepts of monads. They emerge
from the statistics of entanglements between many monads and need not be
considered as existing a priori."
OK, the order of... that's how Leibniz or possibly his commentators 

the actions of the monads.

Dear Roger,

But the quantum computer people say things like
"both the 0 and the 1 states exist at the same time."

I think that you are describing the 'qubit', which is the quantum 
version of a bit...

This is incomprehensible to modern physicists, who seem unwilling
to accept the existence of a nonphysical domain beyond spacetime.

I cannot care about that other than to understand that people that 
cling to such ideas are not advancing knowledge anymore.

And perhaps even Penrose, not sure.

I can't speak authoritatively for Penrose, but he does seem to be 
against a classical vision of he Universe but does also seem to imagine 
the universe as a fixed structure.

This would explain the domain of the mind and life
and intelligence. Thinking is then instantaneous,

Yes, instantaneous within its own internal measure of such.

and mind has unlimited capacity, at least
as the One.

Yes, but communication/interaction between instances of the One is 
another story; those are necessarily finite.



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Re: The quantum = monadic domain as the domain of life, mind and intelligence

2012-12-18 Thread Stephen P. King

On 12/18/2012 9:38 AM, Roger Clough wrote:

Stephen King has sent the following link(s) at the bottom,
which I am very thankful for, since they suggest many similarites
between the idealistic (inextended) domain of the monads and
the quantum domain.  I believe they are identical,

Dear Roger,

I agree 100%! This is what I have been hoping that you would see as 
soon as you joined the List and began discussing the monadology. ;-)


(a) Both are nonphysical (inextended), both being outside
of spacetime, since time and space are absent.
Thus operations there are:
(b) Nonlocal (entangled)

(c) Instantaneous

(d) Collective --Possible at two or monads (quantum states)
 at the same time.

(d) is true only for Bosonic modes of monads (as QM systems). The 
Fermion-Boson modality is a very interesting addition to this 
revisioning of the Monadology. I see it as allowing a way to solve the 
PEH problem in a novel way.

IMHO These are simply different ways of saying the same
thing. For the nonphysical, where time and space are absent, all
operations are entangled (collective and simultaneous).

I see space and time as, respectively, the order of simultaneous 
givens and of sequentially givens of the percepts of monads. They emerge 
from the statistics of entanglements between many monads and need not be 
considered as existing a priori.

Quantum Information Theory,
for understand quantum computing, which is the principal  means of locking or 
encypherment codes.

This other link also is important to understand the quantum basis of life, mind 
and intelligence:

which shows the inportance of quantum computing in life processes.
I would include here mind and intelligience, these being .

Right. I highly recommend all of the work of Vlatko Vedral on this.



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