Re: Schmidhuber II implies FTL communications

2002-09-06 Thread Wei Dai

On Thu, Sep 05, 2002 at 07:32:49PM -0700, Hal Finney wrote:
> This was an interesting paper but unfortunately the key point seemed
> to pass by without proof.  On page 5, the proposal is to use entangled
> particles to try to send a signal by measuring at one end in a sequence
> of different bases which are chosen by an algorithmically incompressible
> mechanism.  The assumption is that this will result in an algorithmically
> incompressible set of results at both ends, in contrast to the state
> where stable measurements are done, which we assume for the purpose of
> the paper produces algorithmically compressible results.
> The author writes: "This process of scrambling with the random template T
> guarantees that Bob's modified N-bit long string of quantum measurements
> is almost surely p-incompressible..., and that Alice's corresponding
> string (which is now different from Bob's) is also (almost surely)
> p-incompressible"
> It's not clear to me that this follows.  Why couldn't Bob's measurement
> results, when using a randomly chosen set of bases, still have a
> compressible structure?  And why couldn't Alice's?

I think you're right, the author skipped some steps in his reasoning here. 
I'll try to fill in with my guesses.

When Bob randomizes his measurement directions, it could have one of three
effects. It could predictably change Alice's measurement outcomes, it
could unpredictably randomize Alice's measurement outcomes, or it could
not affect Alice's measurement outcomes at all. The first two can both be
used for FTL communications. The last one is ruled out by experiments
relating to Bell's inequality.

To see why, let Alice and Bob agree on 3 coplanar directions each
seperated by 120 degrees, and label them a, b, and c. They're going to
independently randomly choose one of these directions and measure the spin
of their particles along it.  They do this a bunch of times and then
compare notes.

Suppose Alice can predict her outcomes as a function of her choice of
direction independent of Bob's choice of direction. She can say something
like if I choose a, outcome will be 0, if I choose b, outcome will be 1,
and if I choose c, outcome will be 1. These predictions must apply to Bob
just as well. So it's like there is a local hidden variable in the
particle that determines what the outcome is in all three cases. Bell's
inequality says if you look at the times when Alice and Bob choose
different directions, their measurements should agree at least 1/3 of the
time. Take the <0,1,1> case above. There are 6 ways that Alice and Bob can 
choose different directions, and at least 2 of them (b,c and c,b) result 
in agreement. This applies to every possible prediction, hence the 1/3 
figure. However, QM predicts and actual experiment shows they agree only 
1/4 of the time, therefore Alice must not be able to predict her outcomes 
without knowing Bob's choice of direction.

Re: Schmidhuber II implies FTL communications

2002-09-05 Thread Osher Doctorow

From: Osher Doctorow [EMAIL PROTECTED], Thurs. Sept. 5, 2002 10:25PM

I don't know whether Hal Finney is right or wrong after reading pages 5-8 of
Yurtsever, since Yurtsever writes like David Deutsch and Julian Brown and so
many other members of the quantum entanglement school - no matter how many
words they put in, they always leave out interconnecting logic and physics.
Most mathematical psychology models have in the past been of this type,
believe it or not, which is probably why mathematical psychology is today
one of the most backward fields.  I think that, despite NASA's alleged use
of chaos avoidance in some satellite or missile, chaos theory is more or
less in the same boat.

I spent some time on an internet forum discussing David Deutsch's work some
time ago, and neither Deutsch nor his friends had the faintest idea what I
was talking about, and the feeling is mutual.   I used to think that
misunderstandings between scientists (including mathematicians) are not
usually deliberate, but I am beginning to even question that in reference to
quantum entanglement because such dogmatism and intolerance and lack of
spelling out steps characterizes the field.   And it's OK with some people,
because they've been doing that as a way of life with less complicated stuff
and getting away with it!

If nothing else, entanglement as a continuous or connected process/event
can't be as easily faked or double-talked as entanglement as a bunch of
discrete steps.   Unless somebody has some comments to make about my work,
much of which is at, I'll go back to
the forum where I can continue my continuous are piecewise continuous
approach.  Actually, they can reach me at [EMAIL PROTECTED],. if they have
any useful comments.

Osher Doctorow

Osher Doctorow
- Original Message -
From: "Hal Finney" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, September 05, 2002 7:32 PM
Subject: Re: Schmidhuber II implies FTL communications

> Wei writes:
> > I just found a paper which shows that if apparent quantum randomness has
> > low algorithmic complexity (as Schmidhuber II predicts), then FTL
> > communications is possible.
> >
> >
> This was an interesting paper but unfortunately the key point seemed
> to pass by without proof.  On page 5, the proposal is to use entangled
> particles to try to send a signal by measuring at one end in a sequence
> of different bases which are chosen by an algorithmically incompressible
> mechanism.  The assumption is that this will result in an algorithmically
> incompressible set of results at both ends, in contrast to the state
> where stable measurements are done, which we assume for the purpose of
> the paper produces algorithmically compressible results.
> The author writes: "This process of scrambling with the random template T
> guarantees that Bob's modified N-bit long string of quantum measurements
> is almost surely p-incompressible..., and that Alice's corresponding
> string (which is now different from Bob's) is also (almost surely)
> p-incompressible"
> It's not clear to me that this follows.  Why couldn't Bob's measurement
> results, when using a randomly chosen set of bases, still have a
> compressible structure?  And why couldn't Alice's?
> Also, does this result depend on the choice of an unbalanced system
> with alpha and beta different from 1/2?  This short description of
> the signalling process doesn't seem to refer explicitly to special
> alpha/beta values.
> If not, could the procedure be as simple as choosing to measure in
> the X vs + bases, as is often done in quantum crypto protocols?  If we
> choose between X and + using an algorithmically incompressible method,
> will that guarantee that the measured values are also incompressible?
> Hal Finney

Re: Schmidhuber II implies FTL communications

2002-09-05 Thread Hal Finney

Wei writes:
> I just found a paper which shows that if apparent quantum randomness has 
> low algorithmic complexity (as Schmidhuber II predicts), then FTL 
> communications is possible.

This was an interesting paper but unfortunately the key point seemed
to pass by without proof.  On page 5, the proposal is to use entangled
particles to try to send a signal by measuring at one end in a sequence
of different bases which are chosen by an algorithmically incompressible
mechanism.  The assumption is that this will result in an algorithmically
incompressible set of results at both ends, in contrast to the state
where stable measurements are done, which we assume for the purpose of
the paper produces algorithmically compressible results.

The author writes: "This process of scrambling with the random template T
guarantees that Bob's modified N-bit long string of quantum measurements
is almost surely p-incompressible..., and that Alice's corresponding
string (which is now different from Bob's) is also (almost surely)

It's not clear to me that this follows.  Why couldn't Bob's measurement
results, when using a randomly chosen set of bases, still have a
compressible structure?  And why couldn't Alice's?

Also, does this result depend on the choice of an unbalanced system
with alpha and beta different from 1/2?  This short description of
the signalling process doesn't seem to refer explicitly to special
alpha/beta values.

If not, could the procedure be as simple as choosing to measure in
the X vs + bases, as is often done in quantum crypto protocols?  If we
choose between X and + using an algorithmically incompressible method,
will that guarantee that the measured values are also incompressible?

Hal Finney

Re: Schmidhuber II implies FTL communications

2002-09-05 Thread Osher Doctorow

From: Osher Doctorow [EMAIL PROTECTED], Thurs. Sept. 5, 2002 5:43PM

I have accessed the paper by Yurstever, and I want to mention that I have
been pursuing the algorithmic incompressibility thread on
[EMAIL PROTECTED] in connection with supersymmetric theories of
memory.   The reception there was partly one of interest from a member of
the Royal Statistical Society, but lately two members have complained about
(a) off-topic, and (b) too lengthy emails of mine.  This is definitely
progress toward the Socratic position, and I am encouraged.   : > )

I am very impressed by the algorithmic incompressibility viewpoint of
randomness, although I should point out that it is only one (but a very
good) viewpoint.   Now I will continue reading the Yurtsever paper.

Osher Doctorow

Re: Schmidhuber II implies FTL communications

2002-09-05 Thread Osher Doctorow

From: Osher Doctorow [EMAIL PROTECTED], Thurs. Sept. 5, 2002 5:07PM

Wei Dai,

Good!   I will try to access the paper almost immediately.   I have long
been partial to FTL as a conjecture.   When Professor Nimtz of U.
Koln/Cologne came up with his results, or shortly thereafter, and
interpreted them favorably toward FTL, I emailed him, and he was kind enough
to send me copies of some of his papers by regular (*snail*) mail/post.

Some of the non-Analysis school have indicated here and on other forums that
the pendulum has swung too far away from algebra/arithmetic/number theory,
but the loop theorists like Smolin and Ashtekar and a number of people in
string/brane/duality theories who follow their leads, not to neglect the
MacLane/Lawvere Category theorists in mathematics and physics, actually
constitute an extremely large Mainstream today rather than a downtrodden
minority (although the Gauge Field Theorists still claim the *largest
Mainstream* title).   My tendency is to follow the least popular path in
science and in several other fields.   That was the way of life of Socrates,
and also of many of the greatest Creative Geniuses in history - including
Kurt Godel, who is still being berated by conformists shuddering at the
thought that there might be limitations as to what assumptions can lead to.

Osher Doctorow

- Original Message -
From: "Wei Dai" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Russell Standish" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, September 05, 2002 4:50 PM
Subject: Schmidhuber II implies FTL communications

> On Mon, Sep 02, 2002 at 12:51:09PM +1000, Russell Standish wrote:
> > This set of all descriptions is the Schmidhuber approach, although he
> > later muddies the water a bit by postulating that this set is generated
> > by a machine with resource constraints (we could call this Schmidhuber
> > II :). This latter postulate has implications for the prior measure
> > over descriptions, that are potentially measurable, however I'm not
> > sure how one can separate these effects from the observer selection
> > efects due to resource constraints of the observer.
> I just found a paper which shows that if apparent quantum randomness has
> low algorithmic complexity (as Schmidhuber II predicts), then FTL
> communications is possible.
> Quantum Mechanics and Algorithmic Randomness
> Authors: Ulvi Yurtsever
> Comments: plain LaTeX, 11 pages
> Report-no: MSTR-9801
> A long sequence of tosses of a classical coin produces an apparently
> random bit string, but classical randomness is an illusion: the
> algorithmic information content of a classically-generated bit string lies
> almost entirely in the description of initial conditions. This letter
> presents a simple argument that, by contrast, a sequence of bits produced
> by tossing a quantum coin is, almost certainly, genuinely
> (algorithmically) random. This result can be interpreted as a
> strengthening of Bell's no-hidden-variables theorem, and relies on
> causality and quantum entanglement in a manner similar to Bell's original
> argument.

Schmidhuber II implies FTL communications

2002-09-05 Thread Wei Dai

On Mon, Sep 02, 2002 at 12:51:09PM +1000, Russell Standish wrote:
> This set of all descriptions is the Schmidhuber approach, although he
> later muddies the water a bit by postulating that this set is generated
> by a machine with resource constraints (we could call this Schmidhuber
> II :). This latter postulate has implications for the prior measure
> over descriptions, that are potentially measurable, however I'm not
> sure how one can separate these effects from the observer selection
> efects due to resource constraints of the observer.

I just found a paper which shows that if apparent quantum randomness has 
low algorithmic complexity (as Schmidhuber II predicts), then FTL 
communications is possible.

Quantum Mechanics and Algorithmic Randomness
Authors: Ulvi Yurtsever
Comments: plain LaTeX, 11 pages
Report-no: MSTR-9801

A long sequence of tosses of a classical coin produces an apparently 
random bit string, but classical randomness is an illusion: the 
algorithmic information content of a classically-generated bit string lies 
almost entirely in the description of initial conditions. This letter 
presents a simple argument that, by contrast, a sequence of bits produced 
by tossing a quantum coin is, almost certainly, genuinely 
(algorithmically) random. This result can be interpreted as a 
strengthening of Bell's no-hidden-variables theorem, and relies on 
causality and quantum entanglement in a manner similar to Bell's original 