[FairfieldLife] Re: Moussoui's Life sentence

2006-05-03 Thread Jason Spock
The old Judeo-christian texts, ie the old-testament was a con-job. It worked well. So, Prophet Muhammed plagarised the whole thing, altered a few names here and there, and turned it into a Jehadi con-job, which worked just as well..!! Right now there are atleast 3 billion people who

[FairfieldLife] Re: Genographic kit: trace your DNA history

2006-05-02 Thread Jason Spock
The South-American natives are Dark-Brown in colour. It gives them sufficient protection from UV. Secondly, they are decendents of the second migration into Americas ie; the Mongoloid Migration from the Cold Siberia 8000 years ago. They completely replaced the original Aborginee-Negroid

[FairfieldLife] Mad-Cow, Dirt-Hogs, NOW, Shit-Eating Fishes of Asia

2006-05-02 Thread Jason Spock
UtilitiesA bone to pick Thursday April 20 2006 17:21 IST Maneka GandhiBecause the oceans of the world have been decimated by over-fishing and rivers are increasing being polluted, people are beginning to eat more farmed fish. When you eat

[FairfieldLife] Reply to Hindu Editor - From N.S.Rajaram

2006-05-02 Thread Jason Spock
May 2, 2006Editor The HinduINDUS SIGNS IN THE SOUTHSir: The discovery of a stone axe with signs found on the Indus Valley seals is certainly significant, but we need to exercise caution and not jump to hasty conclusions. To begin with similar signs have been

[FairfieldLife] Re: Andy Garcia's Cuba movie

2006-05-02 Thread Jason Spock
I heard that 50% of the Cuban population survive on Prostitution.?? Sir, McGurk, Have you seen Steven Speilberg's movie "Amistad", Which is a true story about African Slavery.! [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Date: Tue, 2 May 2006 16:05:12 EDTSubject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Andy Garcia's

[FairfieldLife] Indus-Sarasvati Script in South-India

2006-05-01 Thread Jason Spock
Front Page "Discovery of a century" in Tamil Nadu T.S. Subramanian Stone axe with Indus Valley script found near Mayiladuthurai CHENNAI: A Neolithic stone celt with the Indus Valley script has been discovered by a school teacher, V. Shanmuganathan,

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Mexican Govt.- Comes Clean'

2006-05-01 Thread Jason Spock
Pakistan's biggest exports are Heroin and Terrorism. Thousands of acres of Poppy are grown in Afghanistan. There are hundreds of Heroin refining factories in Pakistan's North-West-Frontier province. Pakistani military Generals and the ISI negotiate the prices with the Afghan

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sudan: to send troops in?

2006-05-01 Thread Jason Spock
The United-Nations should send in Blue-Helmet troops in to Sudan. The problem is Kofi Annan is a corrupt and inefficient buggar. For Jim Flanegin aka the pal, "All that is necessary for Evil to triumph isfor good men to do Nothing." ~ Edmund Burke Sir McGurk, Do you

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sudan: to send troops in?

2006-05-01 Thread Jason Spock
Please note, The United-Nations itself, is the Brain-Child of America. Only because of America's efforts we have a international Law body called UN today. The world has become so complex a place that No single nation can handle world problems. The UN needs structural reforms and

[FairfieldLife] Re: Light up the Senate switchboard now!

2006-05-01 Thread Jason Spock
Many experts say that Japan and South-Korea which are into heavy research on Fuel-Super-Effecient cars will take away a lot of business away from American Car-companies and literaly drive them out of business. At the way things are going on, in another 20 years, there will virtualy be no

[FairfieldLife] Re: Light up the Senate switchboard now!

2006-05-01 Thread Jason Spock
I don't think there is much oil in Arctic. There is an urgent necessity to bring in Clean Green Technologies. There is also an urgent necessity to diversify the energy sources so that we are not dependent on just one type of source. A diverse Energy base and a Clean Green Energy base will

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Huge Opium Crop- Headed This Way?'

2006-05-01 Thread Jason Spock
It affects your country in many ways. First, it creates flight of Dollars to outside your country. It will make your trade deficit worse. It will lead to health complications, which will lead to additional medicial expenditure, which in turn will drain your economy. Health

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Happiness Formula

2006-05-01 Thread Jason Spock
This reminds me of an old Joke, What is the difference between Recession and Depression.? When you neighbour loses his job, it's Recession, When you lose your job, it's Depression.! claudiouk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Date: Mon, 01 May 2006 21:12:57 -Subject: [FairfieldLife]

[FairfieldLife] Re: Light up the Senate switchboard now!

2006-05-01 Thread Jason Spock
I heard that Frozen Tundra, ie PermaFrost, contains SuperGreen-House Gases like methane in a dormant from. A rise in Temperatures due to Global-Warming will melt the PermaFrost and release those Gases into the Atmosphere. It'll make the Global-Warming worse.ShempMcGurk [EMAIL

[FairfieldLife] Re: Genographic kit: trace your DNA history

2006-04-30 Thread Jason Spock
Genetists say, a single mutation in a single gene can change colour and characteristics. Evolution does not take place slowly and gradually, but in fits and bursts. There is a lot of genetic evidence for this. Genetic testing shows that there is very little genetic variations in Humans. On

[FairfieldLife] Re: Genographic kit: trace your DNA history

2006-04-29 Thread Jason Spock
Look into Dr. Spencer Wells research on National Geographic channel. A single common ancestor in South-Africa 60,000 years ago. Colour Black, Negroid. https://www3.nationalgeographic.com/genographic/about.html At that time sea levels were 120 metres lower. From the tip of South-Africa

[FairfieldLife] Re: Genographic kit: trace your DNA history

2006-04-29 Thread Jason Spock
Great Warning to everyone. Scientists say that YellowStone National Park is a giant Volcano that erupts once every 600,000 years. Now, 620,000 years have passed. A massive blow-up is long overdue. Such an eruption will cover half the hemisphere with ash. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Date: Sat,

[FairfieldLife] Re: Condom and Dirt - Found in Pepsi bottle

2006-04-29 Thread Jason Spock
My dear unknown Virtual friend, The problem is with India's Political system. A rotten, dumb and stupid Political system. A real piece of shit system. India is a huge country. Don't get fooled by the Mercator Map. The Map creates spatial distortion and stretches out the regions in the poles

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hear Neil Young, Help Stop the War

2006-04-29 Thread Jason Spock
I was reading somewhere, An old guy goes to a concert and at a particular number, he lights his Cigarette-Lighter and holds it up, then he turns around to see an entire young generation holding up their glowing Cell-phones.!! TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Date: Sat, 29 Apr 2006

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hear Neil Young, Help Stop the War

2006-04-29 Thread Jason Spock
At a particular point in time, Abraham Lincoln was the most hated man in America. When he abolished Slavery the population hated him with such intensity that the white people refused to come out and meet him. If in the future, Iraq becomes a prosperous democracy, the perspectives will

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hear Neil Young, Help Stop the War

2006-04-29 Thread Jason Spock
Pal, I'm not kidding. A Soldiers duty is to fight for his Army. An Army's duty is to fight for it's country.Death is an occupational hazard. It comes with the territory. This is why they are well taken care of. If America had not faced up it's challenges in the past 250 years, What

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hear Neil Young, Help Stop the War

2006-04-29 Thread Jason Spock
Alright, Sir McGurk, Here is a web-page that will make a man or break a man. Proof of an impersonal Universe and impersonal Nature, http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/ce/4/part2.htmlA very long article, Should be read very carefully... ShempMcGurk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Date:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hear Neil Young, Help Stop the War

2006-04-29 Thread Jason Spock
At least that's what the commentator in the History Channel was trying to imply. You might be right on this one. Authfriend can help me out on this, I heard that, there are more jews living in New-York than in Israel.?? And over 40% percent of the restaurants in New-York are Kosher.??

[FairfieldLife] Re: Why the Future Doesn't Need Us (Long)

2006-04-29 Thread Jason Spock
There is an difference between 'Artificial-intelligence' and 'Artificial-Consciousness'. Dr.John Hagelin states that it is not possible to reach a temperature of Absolute Zero. You reach one-millionth of a degree above absolute zero, then, one-billionth and then, one-trillionth and then,

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hear Neil Young, Help Stop the War

2006-04-29 Thread Jason Spock
This one can be very dangerous. Sudan's Geo-Strategic location is such that it can make both the Gulf-War and the current Iraq-war look like a Picnic. A potential Vietnam. The huge desert, the temperatures in day-time rise up to 55 degrees celsius. Sandy terrain with dust-storms

[FairfieldLife] Re: Genographic kit: trace your DNA history

2006-04-29 Thread Jason Spock
Hey Man, Sombody else wrote it. I don't remember who wrote it.?? Readthe posts more carefully Pal. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Date: Sat, 29 Apr 2006 16:46:16 EDTSubject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Genographic kit: trace your DNA historyAnother America hater. Jason you must be an under

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hear Neil Young, Help Stop the War

2006-04-29 Thread Jason Spock
I'm not a War-Monger. War should always be a last resort. All I am saying is that Bush.jr chose the wrong time to go to war. It's not a good idea to open too many fronts at a time. About Nature, Don't take it literaly. It was just a figurative _expression_. The point is that the

[FairfieldLife] Re: Genographic kit: trace your DNA history

2006-04-29 Thread Jason Spock
Some months back, some moron Joker misunderstood my post and gave me a real Bloody Nose with insultomatic. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Date: Sat, 29 Apr 2006 17:41:01 EDTSubject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Genographic kit: trace your DNA historySorry Jason, I misread it. Double the pox on

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hear Neil Young, Help Stop the War

2006-04-29 Thread Jason Spock
I can assure you it's true. They are not our friends. They are Bill Clinton's friends. Clinton sold them missile nose-cones that improve the accuracy of missiles by more than 600% percent.!! Clinton also took bribes from Chinese government for his campaign funds. While the

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hear Neil Young, Help Stop the War

2006-04-29 Thread Jason Spock
] wrote: Date: Sat, 29 Apr 2006 17:04:59 -0500Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hear Neil Young, Help Stop the War To Jason Spock. You are a war monger if you support this moron in the White House. To bring up what SH did does not justify this war criminal currently occupying the White House going

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hear Neil Young, Help Stop the War

2006-04-29 Thread Jason Spock
If I remember correctly, Bush.jr did make a point in his meeting with the Chinese premier on democracy. The priorities of the cold war made Nixon resume diplomatic ties with China. Something had to be done to counter Soviet-Union, that was the first priority. But, it was really Henry

[FairfieldLife] Re: FFL under observation

2006-04-28 Thread Jason Spock
It depends on the character of the Forum you interact with. In some mature forums, you can tell your identity. But in immature loony-bins like this one might feel squeamish about showing identity. A few Rabid dogs in this forum bit me severely. Surely can't trust anyone here and

[FairfieldLife] Condom and Dirt - Found in Pepsi bottle

2006-04-28 Thread Jason Spock
TOP STORIESApr 28, 2006Click Home to get Latest EditionArchives Dated: 27 April 2006Condom in sealed bottle; Pepsi fined Rs 1 lakhThursday April 27 2006 00:00 IST PTI NEW DELHI: Soft drink giant Pepsi has been ordered to

[FairfieldLife] Dead insects - in Coca Cola bottle

2006-04-28 Thread Jason Spock
TOP STORIESApr 28, 2006Dead insects in bottle, Coca Cola fined Rs 1.2 lakhFriday April 28 2006 20:23 IST PTI NEW DELHI: In yet another “eye-opener” judgement, Coca Cola was on Friday ordered by a city consumer court to pay over Rs

[FairfieldLife] Re: Condom and Dirt - Found in Pepsi bottle

2006-04-28 Thread Jason Spock
Big_Bwana, it sounds like an African name. Do you know Swahili or some African language.? By the the way, each year about 10 women tourists get raped in india. India has become very unsafe of women tourists. One of the reasons could be due to a repressed and patriarchial culture in

[FairfieldLife] Re: Chlorophyll, Lymph and Milk

2006-04-28 Thread Jason Spock
ChlorophyllWorld famous nutritionists have long confirmed and recommended the nutritional value of Chlorophyll. Today, through hi-tech extraction processes scientists are not only able to extract concentrated Chlorophyll from Alfalfa leaves but also maintain the

[FairfieldLife] Re: RAAM currency rising 20%

2006-04-24 Thread Jason Spock
If the TM-org won't accept Raams for payment, then why the hell the currency is for.?? If someone wants to pay in Raam for learning TM, will the TM-org accept it or only the Almighty Dollar.?? What is the situation regarding the 'Coupon system' for Agriculture in Third-world

[FairfieldLife] Re: archeological evidence of civilisations

2006-04-24 Thread Jason Spock
The 8000 year old Settlements found in Middle-east and South-Asia come under the category of Proto-Civilisations. This was the time the transistion from tribal to urban culture was taking place. The Indus-Sarasvati civilisation came to an end because of Ecological destruction and

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM once big in Nepal, what happened?

2006-04-23 Thread Jason Spock
What you are saying is fucking Nonsense. Why do you have such extreme Prejudices.? The Maoist rebels are bloody rogues, who want a easy life, without doing much work. The economy of Nepal itself will be destroyed if these terrorists come to power and it will harm India's interests also.

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM once big in Nepal, what happened?

2006-04-23 Thread Jason Spock
Perhaps there are two types. One is Pseudo-scientific proselytizing and the other is creating awareness about Genuine Science.?? Many Scientists feel that public should be made aware of Pure Science. It's good for the science in the long run. The fucking Creationists morons use

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ancient Flying Machines - Vimanas

2006-04-23 Thread Jason Spock
Atlantis many scientists say is probably South-America. There was an island in the middle of a huge lake in the Andes. A huge city existed in this island 3000 years ago. One day the entire island along with the city collapsed into the lake. This information somehow reached Plato who called

[FairfieldLife] Re: U.S. helped Iran go nuclear

2006-04-22 Thread Jason Spock
The Shah himself was at the controls and flew the plane to Egypt and then to US. The mad Ayatollah was in exile in Iraq. The moron Shah requested Saddam Hussain to deport Ayatollah and Iraq obliged.Within minutes after Shah took off for Egypt, Ayatollah landed in Tehran and took

[FairfieldLife] Re: The proper way to eat a fig

2006-04-21 Thread Jason Spock
Why then do you criticize Pervarishi.? Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 18:54:10 -0400Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The proper way to eat a fig In probably one of the most extraordinary enlightenment-poems in history, the female-Buddha Yeshe Tsogyal tells how she

[FairfieldLife] Re: Turning off the taps

2006-04-21 Thread Jason Spock
Probably, India will buy Chavez's Oil and sell it back to America.shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2006 19:22:49 -Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Turning off the taps Good!Let Chavez sell all his oil to India.Liberals like Turquoise can cheer all they want. What

[FairfieldLife] Re: ' 40,000 Iranian Suicide bombers/ Sunday Times'

2006-04-21 Thread Jason Spock
Creating Israel was a bad idea, a colossal blunder. Both, Israel and Palestine haven't existed for 3000 years. Ever since Nebuchadnezar of Babylon conquered that territory, it has been under foreign rule. Partitioning a state is one of the worst things that can happen. It leads to

[FairfieldLife] Re: The four classes [Chain]

2006-04-07 Thread Jason Spock
I wrote about this to quite a few people. NoBody except Sir Rick Archer bothered to reply. I think this idea of Superiority has become a Dogma. The sooner the TM movement gets rid of this Chain [Golden Chain] the better off it will be. I think it's Voltaire who said, "Only fools

[FairfieldLife] Re: Declaration of Loyalty to Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

2006-04-07 Thread Jason Spock
Would the Nephews bite the hand that feeds them. Maharishi also protects them from Tax-raids. Without Maharishi they would have lot of problems.Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Date: Fri, 07 Apr 2006 13:24:07 -0500Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Declaration of Loyalty to

[FairfieldLife] Re: The four classes [Shemp]

2006-04-07 Thread Jason Spock
The TM-org lacks compassion.Had it been a little compassionate and treated it's members like family, it would not be having so many enemies today.ShempMcGurk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Date: Fri, 07 Apr 2006 18:43:06 -Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The four classes [Shemp] From day one,

[FairfieldLife] Re: Declaration of Loyalty to Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

2006-04-07 Thread Jason Spock
Maharishi hasconsiderable influence politico-social sphere in India. He can pull strings and get things done. Besides the number of devotees willing to obey him and do anything for him is still high. In India, if you have the right connections, Nothing can touch you. It is very different

[FairfieldLife] Re: Declaration of Loyalty to Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

2006-04-07 Thread Jason Spock
My initator told me that the TM-org was using pundits and meditators to bring in Gold into into india. There was a time when Gold inflow was under severe controls in India. Every TM-org person coming in, had maximun permissible amount of gold with him which was collected by the Indian TM-org

[FairfieldLife] Re: Dalai Lama Speaks on Dealing with Terrorism[Shemp]

2006-04-06 Thread Jason Spock
affairsbut allows it domestic sovereignty. 2. A feudal lord to whom fealty was due.Draw your own conclusions..--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Jason Spock [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I only wrote, what had happened. There is a subtle differencebetween the two words. jim_flanegin [EMAIL

[FairfieldLife] Re: Declaration of Loyalty to Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

2006-04-06 Thread Jason Spock
People with similar Vibrations attract each other. 'Birds of the same feather flock together.' People who have known each other in previous incarnations also attract each other. If Tm-org is a sand-box, then Tallest building is a Pie in the sky.?? Are Exc. Morris and Exc. Hagelin

[FairfieldLife] Re: The four classes

2006-04-06 Thread Jason Spock
Only a Brahmin can become a Shankaracharya. All the 5 Shankaracharya posts are allowed only for Brahmin-born. My initator told me that Maharishi cannot become Shankaracharya although he deserves the post.Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2006 08:31:53 -0400Subject: Re:

[FairfieldLife] Re: The four classes

2006-04-06 Thread Jason Spock
I think His Majesty Dr. Nader is a Master of the Absolute, Relative and he's qualified for the Light-sabre as well. Looks like a Genuine guy. Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2006 08:51:52 -0400Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The four classes True. And you have to be

[FairfieldLife] Re: The four classes

2006-04-06 Thread Jason Spock
Well, once in my dream he gave me a glass of white milk.!! There is something about Dr.Naderthat eludes explanation.! I was thinking of reviving Buddhism in india on a large scale. I felt that it is the only solution to the caste problem which india has perpetually. You know

[FairfieldLife] Re: The four classes

2006-04-06 Thread Jason Spock
In other words, you're saying that I am insane and my judgement about Dr. Nader is wrong. Would you please elaborate on this.? What is it that you don't like in Dr. Nader.?? TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Date: Thu, 06 Apr 2006 13:26:52 -Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The four

[FairfieldLife] Re: The four classes [Turque]

2006-04-06 Thread Jason Spock
I suppose, I belong to the Bob Brigante school. King Tony is pure, but everything around him is a Joke. By the way, have you heard of McCartney's number, "Rough Ride to Heaven". Album, 'Flowers in the Dirt". Maybe Maharishi might ride rough to eternity.?? TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[FairfieldLife] Re: The four classes [Shemp]

2006-04-06 Thread Jason Spock
ldLife] Re: The four classes Jason: May I ask you why you are preceeding Nader's name with "His Excellency" and Bevan's with "Exc"?--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Jason Spock [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I think His Majesty Dr. Nader is a Master of the Absolute, Relative an

[FairfieldLife] Re: The four classes [Shemp]

2006-04-06 Thread Jason Spock
I think it's the age difference. I am only 34. Having seen them on VedaVision for many years on gets to feel an affinity for them. Only after I looked into FairFieldLife the dirty linen came out. shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Date: Thu, 06 Apr 2006 21:19:39 -Subject:

[FairfieldLife] Re: The four classes [Shemp]

2006-04-06 Thread Jason Spock
First, What is your definition of insanity.?? Second, it may not be sane, but you cannot ignore the teachings completely. That would be like throwing the baby along with the bathwater. Third, A little bit of Snake-Oil might be necessary to grease the wheels of a big movement.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Dalai Lama Speaks on Dealing with Terrorism[Shemp]

2006-04-05 Thread Jason Spock
I only wrote, what had happened. There is a subtle difference between the two words. jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Date: Tue, 04 Apr 2006 19:42:30 -Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Dalai Lama Speaks on Dealing with Terrorism[Shemp] "Suzerainty" is defined as 'overlordship',

[FairfieldLife] Re: Dalai Lama Speaks on Dealing with Terrorism[Shemp]

2006-04-04 Thread Jason Spock
Have you heard of the great Indian Goof-Up, prior to the Chinese invasion of Tibet.? There was a lot of Speculation that China might invade Tibet. So the Indian Strategists want didn't want to offend China, sent a Cleverly worded message to the indian Ambasador stating that he should

[FairfieldLife] Re: Dalai Lama Speaks on Dealing with Terrorism[Shemp]

2006-04-03 Thread Jason Spock
Would you please elaborate on this ShempMcGurk.?? Five years of Indo-Chinese friendship ended when Dalai Lama came to India. China wanted Dalai Lama back, but India refused. The 1962 war, in the words of the Chinese Leadership, was "To Teach India a Lesson." In the 1950's,

[FairfieldLife] Re: No, THIS one is more worthy of Dr. Pete's attention

2006-04-03 Thread Jason Spock
Ask her if she's related to Gen. Colin Powell.?? By her reply you can guess what she is up to. anony_sleuth_ff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Date: Mon, 03 Apr 2006 18:22:54 -Subject: [FairfieldLife] No, THIS one is more worthy of Dr. Pete's attention I just received this one. I can

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'It's Time To Tell Iran'

2006-04-02 Thread Jason Spock
The iranian government is printing Counterfeit US-$ dollar currency notes for decades with it's state-of-art intaligo press. About, 50% percent of the fake US-$ dollars in the world financial market are printed by the Iranian government and released into circulation. The Bush

[FairfieldLife] Re: New Book- by Cynthia Lennon

2006-04-02 Thread Jason Spock
If Lennon was such a crank, How did Yoko Ono take all the shit.? Maybe, Yoko Ono was the one who introduced Lennon to Heroin.?? Maybe Heroin toned him down.?? or was it Maharishi.?? Robert Gimbel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Date: Sun, 2 Apr 2006 11:21:34 -0700 (PDT)Subject:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hoi, Rick Archer, Help me out on this

2006-04-01 Thread Jason Spock
Actually, I was suspicious in the beginning. But the sound of so much money was tempting. Then I decided to put it in the enlightened FairfieldLife to see the opinions. Thanks for your Advice shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Date: Sat, 01 Apr 2006 19:29:18 -Subject:

[FairfieldLife] Re: 5 stars!

2006-04-01 Thread Jason Spock
If the Translations for the remaining chapters exist, Why Can't the TM-org publish it.? Maharishi in the beginning of the Gita translation said that, each sloka in the Gita has to be interperted from the view-point of the 6 systems and 4 states of consciousness, which means there are


2006-03-31 Thread Jason Spock
Dude, I think I posted this filea long time back.jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Note: this was forwarded to me by a friend- ```Take your time with this test and you may be amazed. The Dalai Lama suggests you read it to see if it works for

[FairfieldLife] Re: FF neighborhood meditation halls, : Global Family Chat March 18th

2006-03-30 Thread Jason Spock
NoBody in SSRS camp is offended by TM. in fact SSRS teaches TM in the Third-Level course. it is Sahaja Samadhi meditation. Sudharshana Kriya is no more harmful than Yogic-flying.! When I told my Sudharshna instructor that, I am a follower of Maharishi, he spoke very highly of

[FairfieldLife] Re: Easter Surprise: 911 'II'

2006-03-30 Thread Jason Spock
A Nuke terror attack on America, will spell the complete destruction of Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, Syria and Libya. The massive military-industrial complex in America, requires a permanent enemy on it's radar screen. It feeds on enemies. Immediately after the 9/11 attack, some

[FairfieldLife] Borg to sell Wimbledon trophies - Agassi, Connors criticize

2006-03-19 Thread Jason Spock
Sport - Tennis Bjorn Borg to sell Wimbledon trophiesP. Subramanyam London: Last week, Bjorn Borg surprised everyone saying that he intended to sell his five Wimbledon trophies which he won between 1976 and 1980 and two rackets, including the one he used in defeating

[FairfieldLife] Re: New Sexy Sadie Story

2006-03-16 Thread Jason Spock
Maybe Ramtha himself can tell something about Maharishi. If Ramtha's GrandMother could come up with this kind of story, I wonder what Ramtha would cook up.? anonyff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2006 16:09:14 -Subject: [FairfieldLife] New Sexy Sadie StoryThe other

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fake Gurus and the Attack of the Asuras [Mason]

2006-03-11 Thread Jason Spock
Sometime in the 1980's, the Libyan Premier, Muamar Gaddafi approached india for two Nuclear Warheads. He said, in return he would supply unlimited amount of Oil. The Indian government wisely refused the offer.Premanand Paul Mason [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Date: Tue, 07 Mar 2006

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Fatigue of the Non-Self

2006-03-11 Thread Jason Spock
Someone called Gerbil accused Maharishi of taking our own teachings and giving it back to us.?? His teachings got better and better over time.?? Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Date: Sat, 11 Mar 2006 09:00:40 -0600Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Fatigue of the Non-Self I believe

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fake Gurus and the Attack of the Asuras [Reavis]

2006-03-11 Thread Jason Spock
Please Note, the Vanarahs of Monkeys are incarnations of Devas. Vali was the incarnation of indra the king of the Devas. Hanuman incarnation of Vayu and so on. Ravana got a boon fromShiva that no celestial could kill him. So the Devas incarnated themselves as Monkeys to assist Vishnu who

[FairfieldLife] Re: The population on Earth today is nearly four times the number in 1900

2006-03-05 Thread Jason Spock
There is Massive amount of Abortion of Female fetuses in China and India. This has caused an imbalance in the gender ratio in China and india. This is one of the reasons, experts state that Brothels will continue to flourish in big cities in China and india. By the way Sir Archer, I

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sanskrit

2006-03-05 Thread Jason Spock
TheFacts areslightly different. Over 90% of the indian population were illiterate back then. All the VedaShalas, the traditional Vedic Schools were open only to Brahmins and other elite classes. This is because the Brahmin would never sit with a Shudra and teach him the language.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Earth's Chandler's Wobble has stopped. Does this matter?

2006-02-13 Thread Jason Spock
The magnetic field could be a result of Static electricity, produced by the motion of the electrons in the iron. Sometimes in the Earth's histroy, the magnetic poles were near the Equator.!! The polar inversion is random in direction and can move to any point on the Globe. bbrigante

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Gematriculator says

2006-02-13 Thread Jason Spock
Maharishi is 50% Good and 50% Crazy. Majesty. Tony Nader is 100% Good and 0% Evil Exc. John Hagelin is 50% Good and 50% UnProvedExc. Bevan Morris is 100% Fat and 100% Crazy Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Date: Sun, 12 Feb 2006 21:17:57 -0600on 2/12/06 8:41 PM,

[FairfieldLife] Re: Bush receives Sri Sri in White House

2006-02-12 Thread Jason Spock
Big Boss,Bush.jr clearly knows the importance of the Vedic philosophy. Perhaps, the politicking is just to corner the votes of the fundies. He opposes Abortion. By the same logic, President Bush.jr should also oppose the 'Terminator Gene' by Monsanto. It is abortion of plants.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Money Smuggling, was: [Actually, there are far more qualityposts now.]

2006-02-05 Thread Jason Spock
Snoopy typing on his typewriter, "It was a dark and stormy night.". is considered, the world's greatest one-line novel. Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Date: Sat, 04 Feb 2006 10:29:41 -0600 Huckleberry Finn - generally regarded as the greatest American novel. Yahoo! Mail -

[FairfieldLife] Re: Can the enlightened make mistakes? was: [Actually, there are far more qualityposts now.]

2006-02-05 Thread Jason Spock
Archer Sir, is it any worse than Witch-burning justice systemin medival Europe, or the Penal system in Saudi-Arabia etc..etc Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Date: Sat, 04 Feb 2006 18:29:55 -0600 I think he was referring to things like the Manu Smriti, which is full of brutal

[FairfieldLife] Re: India - child abuse

2006-02-01 Thread Jason Spock
There's an old joke in India, about the difference between America and India."In America, kissing is permitted in public, but Pissing is Not permitted in public. In India, kissing is not permitted in public, but Pissing is permitted in public.!!" Child abuse and kidnappings are

[FairfieldLife] Re: Finding True East

2006-01-30 Thread Jason Spock
The Precession of the axis, refers to the change in the Tilt of the axis. The axis itself does not change. The Tilt of the axis changes because the Earth Wobbles in it's rotation. It cannot change the direction on the ground. I think Doc_Gabby and Sri. Stein are correct.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Happy Birthday Mark Meredith!

2006-01-30 Thread Jason Spock
Häppy Birthday, Mârk MéredithBliss, Peace and Énlightenment to you. Rick Archer[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2006 10:15:07 -0600 Today’s the day. Bring words and photos together (easily) with PhotoMail - it's free and works with Yahoo! Mail. To subscribe, send a

[FairfieldLife] Re: Finding True East

2006-01-29 Thread Jason Spock
I don't understand this. If 'True-East' changes, True-North and True-South and True-West has to change along with it as well.?? Can this be found out by a Sun-dial.?? The Sphinx in Egypt faces True-East,... that is Spring Equinox. See, Robert Bauvall - " The Orion Mystery".Has it's

[FairfieldLife] Fwd: Gems From Bhagavan - 9

2006-01-29 Thread Jason Spock
Peter[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Date: Fri, 2 Dec 2005 12:26:19 -Subject: [RamanaMaharshi] Gems From Bhagavan The books use the following illustration to help explain creation: The Self is like the canvas for a painting. First paste is smeared over it to close the small holes that are in

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM bonds -- Now Nutcases

2006-01-28 Thread Jason Spock
Home » AmericasSexual harassment affects a third of US college students 1/25/2006 1:17:00 PM New York, Jan 25 (IANS) Nearly two-thirds of college students in American campuses - where Indians account for the largest number of foreign admissions - have experienced sexual harassment,

[FairfieldLife] Re: Finding True East

2006-01-28 Thread Jason Spock
Precession in the Earth's axis will not affect Vâstu. The real problem will start only if the Earth stops rotating on itself and there will be no axis.Meanwhile, a temprorary problem for TM-org,. Continental drift. Over the course of millions of years, continents will shift their

[FairfieldLife] Re: Chubby scorpions

2006-01-28 Thread Jason Spock
Scientists have found out that UnRefined wheat flour is good far superior to health than Refined flour. UnRefined flour releases it's sugars very slowly into the blood-stream. Refined flour is dangerous because it releases it sugars very fast into the body, which causes the sugar levels to

[FairfieldLife] Re: Evangelical Christianity

2006-01-26 Thread Jason Spock
Teachings of Christ is for wise-men. Religion of Christianity is for mad-men. It could be genetic trait. The Selfish gene tries to beat out all competion and probagate itself on the biological level. A similar thing is taking place on the Social level. Centuries back it was on the

[FairfieldLife] Re: Again India does it [Sparaig]

2006-01-26 Thread Jason Spock
But, I thought Flash-Gordon was created before SuperMan. Maybe, Flash is based on something else.?? sparaig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 19:56:32 -Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Again India does it Superman is a Jewish superhero taken from the myth of the gollem,

[FairfieldLife] Re: Again India does it

2006-01-17 Thread Jason Spock
Indians are the world's biggest copy-cats. India's greatest Super-hero, Shaktimaan is a combination of Superman and Flash-Gordon. By the way Rick, Do American Presidents pardon their Christmas Turkey.?? When did the practice start.? Bush must have pardoned his Turkey then.?? Rick

[FairfieldLife] Re: Again India does it

2006-01-17 Thread Jason Spock
Cook it with Butter.?? A pat of Cheese also.?? shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Date: Sun, 15 Jan 2006 21:53:27 -Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Again India does it How could it be delicious without any fat?Fat is what makes everything taste good..."Pig fat rules!" -- Emiril

[FairfieldLife] Re: Again India does it

2006-01-15 Thread Jason Spock
Is this the one.? http://dvd.net.au/review.cgi?review_id=4686TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Date: Sat, 14 Jan 2006 23:40:46 -Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Again India does it Speaking of focus, and the dark side of things, you get ten extra brownie points if you can

[FairfieldLife] Re: Again India does it

2006-01-15 Thread Jason Spock
Speaking of Buffalos, There is huge smuggling of cattle and buffalos from India to Bangladesh..to beslaughtered for beef. The demand for beef in Bangladesh is huge. How good is Ostrich meat.?? I've never tasted it. TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Date: Sun, 15 Jan 2006 20:29:10

[FairfieldLife] Re: Again India does it

2006-01-14 Thread Jason Spock
In case you don't know, There was a string of brutal rapes in india, which included the high profile case of a Swiss diplomat raped in Delhi, http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/3193820.stm President's elite body guards raping a university student, a cop raping a

[FairfieldLife] Re: Again India does it

2006-01-14 Thread Jason Spock
Hey, Who the hell is Nuff.?? I know, it's your focus that determines your reality. But the focus should be the right kind of focus. TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:'Nuff said. You're a smart kid...you'll figure it out. Yahoo! Photos Ring in the New Year with Photo Calendars. Add

[FairfieldLife] Again India does it

2006-01-13 Thread Jason Spock
South-African Model Gang-Raped in Mumbai, India NDTV Correspondent Mumbai, December 31A 27-year-old South African model, who had come to India’s glamour capital in September to make a career in Bollywood, was allegedly gangraped by two people in a city hotel.

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