Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Religion that doesn#39;t take itself deadly seriously

2014-01-14 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 1/13/2014 12:04 PM, wrote: *You responded to Ann and me /before/ Barry instructed you to ignore us. If you intend to ignore that instruction and continue to make your own decisions about what to respond to, that's good, I approve.* Maybe we should add this admonition

[FairfieldLife] RE: Religion that doesn#39;t take itself deadly seriously

2014-01-13 Thread dhamiltony2k5
s3; The uni-sex dress-code, which uni-sex dress-code could you favor for us? Which one? The bib-overall long has been a great equalizer. Liberating and very fitting in so many ways. -Buck s3raphita wrote: I am a great believer in the uni-sex dress-code. Re Tolstoy gave the right

[FairfieldLife] RE: Religion that doesn#39;t take itself deadly seriously

2014-01-13 Thread dhamiltony2k5
---In, s3raphita@... wrote: Re Tolstoy gave the right advice.: Possibly. But, as I said, it's the hypocrisy of Tolstoy that grates with me. Om s3, which hypocrisy bothers you more? Tolstoy doing the serf girls? Maharishi and college girls? Mao

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Religion that doesn#39;t take itself deadly seriously

2014-01-13 Thread awoelflebater
---In, sharelong60@... wrote: Buck, what about the woman who walks around FF in shapeless bibs, with her long blond hair streaming...down to her ankles?! You gonna make her cut her very feminine hair? Have everybody shave their heads?! Are there really

[FairfieldLife] RE: Religion that doesn#39;t take itself deadly seriously

2014-01-13 Thread s3raphita
The line I am a great believer in the uni-sex dress-code was copied over (by Yahoo not me!) from a post by Jason. I don't advocate any dress codes. Jason can defend that view if he wishes. My input was about the hypocrisy of Muggeridge and Tolstoy - both men who were enthusiastic

[FairfieldLife] Re: Religion that doesn#39;t take itself deadly seriously

2014-01-13 Thread authfriend
Well, this is a bit odd. The only person on FFL who has recommended uniforms for TMers is Buck, and he's most definitely a member of the organization. Did Barry miswrite? One thing I think you'll find if you look into it is that those on this forum recommending uniforms for monks, nuns, and

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Religion that doesn#39;t take itself deadly seriously

2014-01-13 Thread authfriend
Do the bibs always go with long hair down to the ankles, or just in the case of this one woman? Ann, bibs is farmer shortcut language for shapeless pale peach colored or coloured bib overalls and yes, they go down to the ankles. I think they wear them for warmth. Go figure! Buck, what

[FairfieldLife] Re: Religion that doesn#39;t take itself deadly seriously

2014-01-13 Thread authfriend
Translation: Barry's afraid Share will mess up again if she responds to questions posed to her. Share, don't let Barry tell you what to post and what not to post. Still, that's often enough. Some people you instantly recognize as friends, and others...uh...not so much. Speaking of the

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Religion that doesn#39;t take itself deadly seriously

2014-01-13 Thread authfriend
My admonition made perfect sense. You responded to Ann and me before Barry instructed you to ignore us. If you intend to ignore that instruction and continue to make your own decisions about what to respond to, that's good, I approve. Judy, your admonition doesn't make any sense. I've

[FairfieldLife] Re: Religion that doesn#39;t take itself deadly seriously

2014-01-13 Thread authfriend
BTW, when's the last time anyone saw Barry have as extended and wide-ranging a discussion with someone on FFL as I've been having with Bob Price? Ignore them, and it'll become more obvious that they don't have anything to say *except* ragging on someone else.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Religion that doesn#39;t take itself deadly seriously

2014-01-13 Thread s3raphita
Re In public spaces, some degree of conservative uni-dress-code will enable women to break glass ceilings.: Is this dress code to be enforced by the authorities then? Sounds like Maoist China to me.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Religion that doesn#39;t take itself deadly seriously

2014-01-13 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Aside from the discussion of uni-sex dress-code, Asymmetric dress-code certainly are used to help generate group cohesion and employed too as fealty tests in hazing to winnow group memberships. The TM movement wore suits and ties or schoolmarm when most everybody else was in bell-bottom jean

[FairfieldLife] Re: Religion that doesn#39;t take itself deadly seriously

2014-01-13 Thread awoelflebater
---In, authfriend@... wrote: Well, this is a bit odd. The only person on FFL who has recommended uniforms for TMers is Buck, and he's most definitely a member of the organization. Did Barry miswrite? It's just another hair-brained Barry theory based on a

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Religion that doesn#39;t take itself deadly seriously

2014-01-13 Thread awoelflebater
---In, sharelong60@... wrote: Judy, I've only seen one woman in FF with hair down to her ankles but lots of women in the Dome with hair down to their waist, etc. I like that older women feel free enough to let their grey or greying hair grow long. I

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Religion that doesn#39;t take itself deadly seriously

2014-01-13 Thread awoelflebater
---In, sharelong60@... wrote: Judy, your admonition doesn't make any sense. I've already replied to both you and Ann! Yes and thank you. I really didn't have a clue what bibs were other than what babies wear and the image of someone in an ankle length bib

[FairfieldLife] Re: Religion that doesn#39;t take itself deadly seriously

2014-01-13 Thread awoelflebater
---In, authfriend@... wrote: BTW, when's the last time anyone saw Barry have as extended and wide-ranging a discussion with someone on FFL as I've been having with Bob Price? First, Barry is not capable of having a discussion like the one you and Bob are

[FairfieldLife] Re: Religion that doesn#39;t take itself deadly seriously

2014-01-13 Thread awoelflebater
---In, turquoiseb@... wrote: --- In, Jason wrote: --- s3raphita wrote: The line I am a great believer in the uni-sex dress-code was copied over (by Yahoo not me!) from a post by Jason. I don't advocate any dress

[FairfieldLife] Re: Religion that doesn#39;t take itself deadly seriously

2014-01-12 Thread punditster
Now that's better! ---In, jedi_spock@... wrote: Something like this might be better? --- Jason wrote: An asymmetric dress-code is bad because it is one-sided and has nothing to do with egalitarian sexuality. It promotes prejudice and bias on

[FairfieldLife] RE: Religion that doesn#39;t take itself deadly seriously

2014-01-12 Thread s3raphita
Re Tolstoy gave the right advice.: Possibly. But, as I said, it's the hypocrisy of Tolstoy that grates with me. The English conservative journalist Malcolm Muggeridge (a true British eccentric but a first-rate broadcaster) was a big fan of Tolstoy. One time in the 1960s he gave a talk

[FairfieldLife] RE: Religion that doesn#39;t take itself deadly seriously

2014-01-11 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Meeting for Worship, 17th Century. Entering into this form of worship. “… the first that enters into the place of your meeting, be not careless, nor wander up and down either in body or mind, but innocently sit down in some place and turn in thy mind to the Light, and wait upon God [The

[FairfieldLife] RE: Religion that doesn#39;t take itself deadly seriously

2014-01-11 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Quaker Meeting for Worship, 17th Century. Entering into this form of worship. “… the first that enters into the place of your meeting, be not careless, nor wander up and down either in body or mind, but innocently sit down in some place and turn in thy mind to the Light, and wait upon God

[FairfieldLife] RE: Religion that doesn#39;t take itself deadly seriously

2014-01-11 Thread s3raphita
Tolstoy could well be the greatest writer in world literature. Bearing in mind I've only read him in English translation, his novels and stories are perfection. But - and it's a very big but indeed - he suffered from old-man syndrome. When he was a young nobleman the serfs on his estates

[FairfieldLife] RE: Religion that doesn#39;t take itself deadly seriously

2014-01-11 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Jeesus, T M I. Too Damned Much Information. If you don't have nothing nice to say don't say it at all. What kind of upbringing you have anyway? Do not let the details git in the way of a good story. . -Will Rogers or Samuel Clemens Besides, you are in the wrong subject

[FairfieldLife] RE: Religion that doesn#39;t take itself deadly seriously

2014-01-11 Thread s3raphita
Re What kind of upbringing you have anyway?: I learned never to be a hypocrite. (Jesus taught the same thing, remember?) I have no time for people who take a don't do as I did, do as I say attitude.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Religion that doesn#39;t take itself deadly seriously

2014-01-11 Thread authfriend
Just ignore him. He's a poseur. ---In, s3raphita@... wrote: Re What kind of upbringing you have anyway?: I learned never to be a hypocrite. (Jesus taught the same thing, remember?) I have no time for people who take a don't do as I did, do as I say

[FairfieldLife] RE: Religion that doesn#39;t take itself deadly seriously

2014-01-11 Thread awoelflebater
---In, authfriend@... wrote: Just ignore him. He's a poseur. Hee, hee. You managed to come up with a name for it, I'm still searching... ---In, s3raphita@... wrote: Re What kind of upbringing you have anyway?: I

[FairfieldLife] RE: Religion that doesn#39;t take itself deadly seriously

2014-01-07 Thread dhamiltony2k5
20th Century Quakers coming to Fairfield, Iowa in a form of spiritual direct-action peace-activism as re-enforcement joining with the large group meditations facilitated by Transcendental Meditation(TM) in Fairfield held a natural affinity to Quakers. To come as re-enforcement to the enterprise

[FairfieldLife] Re: Religion that doesn#39;t take itself deadly seriously

2014-01-04 Thread dhamiltony2k5
No brag just fact. -Buck ---In, turquoiseb@... wrote: --- In, wrote: Turqb, my people are old Quaker and I too am Quaker and by experience I take that very seriously and even deadly seriously, which is why I am in Fairfield,

[FairfieldLife] RE: Religion that doesn#39;t take itself deadly seriously

2014-01-04 Thread dhamiltony2k5
For sometime, the transcending meditation group practices of Quakers as the Society of Friends was a dominant spiritual practice in the settlement and cultivation of America and as so often has happened with Knowledge in sequence of time the now ancient silent transcendental Quaker practice

[FairfieldLife] RE: Religion that doesn#39;t take itself deadly seriously

2014-01-04 Thread awoelflebater
---In, turquoiseb@... wrote: --- In, wrote: No brag just fact. I'm pointing out that the fact you're so proud of is something that most people worth knowing got over a long time ago -- being deadly serious about something

[FairfieldLife] Re: Religion that doesn#39;t take itself deadly seriously

2014-01-04 Thread authfriend
Gee, sometimes it's really tough to figure out where Barry stands. For example, yesterday: Chatting is what equals do. Truth telling is what people who claim to be UNEQUAL, and SUPERIOR, and the knowers of truth do to the people they look down on. Today: I'm pointing out that the

[FairfieldLife] RE: Religion that doesn#39;t take itself deadly seriously

2014-01-04 Thread awoelflebater
Corrections below: ---In, awoelflebater@... wrote: ---In, turquoiseb@... wrote: --- In, wrote: No brag just fact. I'm pointing out that the fact you're so proud of is something that most

[FairfieldLife] RE: Religion that doesn#39;t take itself deadly seriously

2014-01-04 Thread doctordumbass
Brilliant and insightful, Ann, *and* funny as hell! Yes, spiritual ennui and laziness is no one's business, except the owner's. As a homey little pillow I have in the den, says, Just deal with it. :-)

[FairfieldLife] RE: Religion that doesn#39;t take itself deadly seriously

2014-01-03 Thread dhamiltony2k5
A nice thing about the Quaker group practice as the Friends Meeting itself is that it is stripped of religious forms, of alters, brahmasthans, steeples, no stages, no ostentatious hats or robes such like some clergy and TM-Rajas and other climbers would wear above others. The nice thing about

[FairfieldLife] RE: Religion that doesn#39;t take itself deadly seriously

2014-01-03 Thread dhamiltony2k5
The Fairfield, Iowa group meditation then became the largest group to Be with as the group of transcending meditators like Quakers gathered in Iowa from the late 1970's. Quite a number of old-style Quakers like me joined on with the large group meditation in Fairfield, Iowa from the beginning

[FairfieldLife] RE: Religion that doesn#39;t take itself deadly seriously

2014-01-03 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Turqb, my people are old Quaker and I too am Quaker and by experience I take that very seriously and even deadly seriously, which is why I am in Fairfield, Iowa as an attender of the large group meditations in the Golden Domes of the Fairfield meditating community. George Fox and early Quakers