[FairfieldLife] RE: Religion that doesn't take itself deadly seriously

2014-01-11 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Just ignore him. He's a poseur.

 Hee, hee. You managed to come up with a name for it, I'm still searching...

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Re "What kind of upbringing you have anyway?":


 I learned never to be a hypocrite. (Jesus taught the same thing, remember?) 
 I have no time for people who take a "don't do as I did, do as I say" attitude.


[FairfieldLife] RE: Religion that doesn't take itself deadly seriously

2014-01-11 Thread authfriend
Just ignore him. He's a poseur.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Re "What kind of upbringing you have anyway?":


 I learned never to be a hypocrite. (Jesus taught the same thing, remember?) 
 I have no time for people who take a "don't do as I did, do as I say" attitude.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: All About the Fighting Ascetics of India

2014-01-11 Thread Richard Williams
Let's put it this way: nobody here knows anything about the
Shankaracharyas. The only member of this list that knows anything about the
Shankaracharyas is Vaj, and he's no longer posting anything. All you need
to know is that Swami Vasudevananda Saraswati is the successor to SBS at
Jyotirmath and he is supported by the VHP. The other guy, the Swami
Svarpanand, went over to another saint and Svarupanand is close to the
Congress Party and Priyanka Gandhi. Go figure.

On Sat, Jan 11, 2014 at 6:49 PM,  wrote:

> Dear Empty and FFL Moderators, Empty; your thunderbird quip here is an
> incredibly unkind slight of a fellow poster here likely in violence to the
> Yahoo-groups guidelines about unkindness on Yahoo-groups. Who could
> possibly want to reply to it?
> However, evidently there is some enmeshment with Hindoo-ism and the
> Shankaracharyas. First off of course Guru Dev was one of them. And, the
> pandits north of town here seem mighty Hindoo. But recently MahaRaja Nader
> Raam [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tony_Nader ] did appeal to the
> judiciary of the Shankaracharya to assert his own primacy over a recentcoup 
> d'état attempt
> by TM Mother Divine along with an Indian contingent. Our Shankaracharya
> evidently adjudicated the case to some kind of peace placing MahaRaja Nader
> Raam in primacy.
> We had a very nice birthday party last night for Nader Raam our MahaRaja
> and guru. He has been traveling holding satsanga and teaching with
> meditators. He brings the field effect of Love, Unification and
> Revitalization where ever he goes visiting with people. The effect of his
> presence is great spiritually and nourishing.
> Jai Brahmananda Saraswati,
> -Buck in the Dome
> emptybill... wrote:
> Apparently Thunderbird doesn't allow you to understand common
> English. So I'll repeat my question ...
> "What is the position of the TMO towards the authority of the
> Shankaracharyas since the TMO is technically not a Hindoo organization?"
> Does anyone on the list know the views of the Shankaracharyas? What about
> all the Western quasi-Hindus going to temples and doing Hindu stuff?
> The pandit and at the temple here accepted my status and performed pujas,
> rudra-abhishekas, agni-hotras and death rites for my wife as if I was a
> Hindu. However, I don’t know if the Shankaracharyas are equally accepting.

[FairfieldLife] RE: "The glow"-- 1959 (Maharishi)

2014-01-11 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Om Yes, notice the glow... 

 > thanks for posting!
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
"shempmcgurk"  wrote:
 > Wow.
 > Where did you find this stuff?
 Oh, those of us who do live in the FF meditating community and have pursued 
spiritual practice, we also FW these kinds of interesting experiential notes to 
each other in a friendly way amongst ourselves. This 1959 talk about finer 
experiences came around this week.
 I thot it extremely well said and most timely given some of the declarations 
by some here in other FFL threads this week.
 Yeah was outrageous, these recent deniers of subtle experience here on FFL. 
Shear blasphemy. A sin against a birthright of their own nature; denying subtle 
experience by an angry authority only of their own non-experience. Simply 
in-credible ignorance rooted in some morass of their own ineffective practice 
in life. 
 Yes, the quote is a good pointer for those looking.
-in FF
 > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 > Buck wrote:
 > >
 > > 'The Glow'
 > > 
 > > (from an audio recording of a lecture in 1959)
 > > 
 > > "The extension of the universe"
 > > 
 > > MAHARISHI: ...We see before us great extension of the universe, so many 
 > > worlds here and there. We begin to wonder whether man like us or beings or 
 > > life exists in those parts or not. The almighty creator wouldn't create 
 > > anything without meaning.
 > > 
 > > So, what is spreading in this unlimited universe is different innumerable 
 > > strata of creation we could describe it in short: gross strata of 
 > > creation, subtle strata of creation.
 > > 
 > > Gross strata of creation means where earth element is predominant. Subtler 
 > > strata of creation (is) where water element is predominant. And in the 
 > > creation where earth element is predominant there would be millions of 
 > > worlds pertaining to millions of strata where earth element would be 
 > > predominant.
 > > 
 > > Predominance of earth element means from 50% to 100% earth element. And 
 > > other 50% other four elements. So predominance of earth element means 
 > > innumerable strata ranging from 99% and then coming on to 50%. There will 
 > > be innumerable worlds where the earth element will be predominant. 
 > > Likewise there would be innumerable innumerable worlds representing 
 > > different strata's of creation where water element is predominant. 
 > > Innumerable worlds like that representing different strata's of creation 
 > > where fire element
 > > would be predominant. Like that where air element would be predominant and 
 > > like that where akasha tattva would be predominant. This is the whole 
 > > extension of the universe, unlimited, unthinkably big, extended to – we 
 > > could say - infinity.
 > > 
 > > The creation where the akasha tattva is in predominance is in this field 
 > > the subtlest field of creation. And because all this field is the field of 
 > > glow, all the creation that there is, the body and all that is there - the 
 > > body of the people who live here, the beings residing here, their bodies 
 > > are celestial bodies, made of all light, that glow which you experience in
 > > your meditation.
 > > 
 > > The whole creation is of that glow. The houses that are there, they are 
 > > built out of that glow material as we on earth having earthly bodies make 
 > > use of the earth to build our houses; they make use of that celestial 
 > > matter of which their bodies are made - glow, made of all light.
 > > 
 > > Nearest to imagine would be houses built out of glass bricks and the man 
 > > made of that glass - all celestial.
 > > This is the field of celestial body, celestial life. This is the field of 
 > > Gods. All the innumerable Gods, the stories that we hear, come from this 
 > > field.
 > > 
 > > Somewhere in the creation there exists a world of celestial life and that 
 > > is that field where akasha tattva where aksha tattva is in predominance.
 > > 
 > > When we say that there are worlds of different intensity of life, gross 
 > > and subtle, then even our experience of meditation shows that there is 
 > > within us that field of glow which we are counting here to be the world of 
 > > celestial life.
 > > 
 > > That you have experienced within yourself, when the Mantra goes off and 
 > > you get to the most subtle state of vibration, that field of glow, and 
 > > that within yourself, which is the field of celestial life.
 > > 
 > > In its pure state it might be existing in some part of the universe, but 
 > > again in its pure state it exists within us as particular subtle strata of 
 > > our own existence. And therefore by getting in tune with that more and 
 > > more we get directly tuned to that field of Gods in different strata of 
 > > the universe.
 > > 
 > > You have heard the saying that all that there is in the universe is within 

[FairfieldLife] RE: Religion that doesn't take itself deadly seriously

2014-01-11 Thread s3raphita
Re "What kind of upbringing you have anyway?":


 I learned never to be a hypocrite. (Jesus taught the same thing, remember?) 
 I have no time for people who take a "don't do as I did, do as I say" attitude.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Religion that doesn't take itself deadly seriously

2014-01-11 Thread dhamiltony2k5

 T M I.

 Too Damned Much Information.

 If you don't have nothing nice to say don't say it at all.

 What kind of upbringing you have anyway?

 Do not let the details git in the way of a good story. .
 -Will Rogers or Samuel Clemens

 Besides, you are in the wrong subject thread with this thing on Tolstoy.

 Moderators, could you not do something about this confused person?
 Thank you moderators in advance,

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Tolstoy could well be the greatest writer in world literature. Bearing in mind 
I've only read him in English translation, his novels and stories are 
perfection. But - and it's a very big but indeed - he suffered from old-man 
syndrome. When he was a young nobleman the serfs on his estates brought their 
young daughters to him to be enjoyed by Tolstoy as a part of his privileges. 
When he went on to become a student and young man-about-town he frequented 
prostitutes and had many mistresses. 
 The trouble is that when he hit late middle age (and declining potency) he had 
a change of "heart" and decided that sex was the root of all evil and railed 
against the permissive society he lived in (and Russian society in his day was 
very decadent indeed). 
 He then penned a lot of puritanical stories and Christian propaganda taking 
aim at the pleasures of the flesh. I really hate that. Leave the young to enjoy 
their pleasures and make their own mistakes say I.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Religion that doesn't take itself deadly seriously

2014-01-11 Thread s3raphita
Tolstoy could well be the greatest writer in world literature. Bearing in mind 
I've only read him in English translation, his novels and stories are 
perfection. But - and it's a very big but indeed - he suffered from old-man 
syndrome. When he was a young nobleman the serfs on his estates brought their 
young daughters to him to be enjoyed by Tolstoy as a part of his privileges. 
When he went on to become a student and young man-about-town he frequented 
prostitutes and had many mistresses. 
 The trouble is that when he hit late middle age (and declining potency) he had 
a change of "heart" and decided that sex was the root of all evil and railed 
against the permissive society he lived in (and Russian society in his day was 
very decadent indeed). 
 He then penned a lot of puritanical stories and Christian propaganda taking 
aim at the pleasures of the flesh. I really hate that. Leave the young to enjoy 
their pleasures and make their own mistakes say I.

[FairfieldLife] RE: All About the Fighting Ascetics of India

2014-01-11 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Dear Empty and FFL Moderators, Empty; your thunderbird quip here is an 
incredibly unkind slight of a fellow poster here likely in violence to the 
Yahoo-groups guidelines about unkindness on Yahoo-groups. Who could possibly 
want to reply to it?  

 However, evidently there is some enmeshment with Hindoo-ism and the 
Shankaracharyas. First off of course Guru Dev was one of them. And, the pandits 
north of town here seem mighty Hindoo. But recently MahaRaja Nader Raam 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tony_Nader ] did appeal to the judiciary of the 
Shankaracharya to assert his own primacy over a recent coup d'état attempt by 
TM Mother Divine along with an Indian contingent. Our Shankaracharya evidently 
adjudicated the case to some kind of peace placing MahaRaja Nader Raam in 
 We had a very nice birthday party last night for Nader Raam our MahaRaja and 
guru. He has been traveling holding satsanga and teaching with meditators. He 
brings the field effect of Love, Unification and Revitalization where ever he 
goes visiting with people. The effect of his presence is great spiritually and 
 Jai Brahmananda Saraswati,
 -Buck in the Dome

 emptybill... wrote:
 Apparently Thunderbird doesn't allow you to understand common
 English. So I'll repeat my question ...

 "What is the position of the TMO towards the authority of the Shankaracharyas 
since the TMO is technically not a Hindoo organization?"

 Does anyone on the list know the views of the Shankaracharyas? What about all 
the Western quasi-Hindus going to temples and doing Hindu stuff?
 The pandit and at the temple here accepted my status and performed pujas, 
rudra-abhishekas, agni-hotras and death rites for my wife as if I was a Hindu. 
However, I don’t know if the Shankaracharyas are equally accepting. 

[FairfieldLife] RE: "If Another Country Was Doing This To Our Kids, We’d Be At War"

2014-01-11 Thread s3raphita
Re "I see hedonism, debauchery and greed enough without paying to do so for two 
hours in a movie theater.":

 That's my attitude also - I'll be giving it a miss.
 Talking of movies, years ago I saw They Shoot Horses Don't They?, starring 
Jane Fonda, which took the marathon dances of the 1920s in the US as a symbol 
of ruthless capitalism. It's one of the most depressing films I've ever seen 
and I loathed it at the time. It was on the box tonight and the scary thing is 
that it now seems much more like a prophecy/parable of the ghastly situation 
we're in today in which the young have no job security; zero-hours contracts 
have become common (in UK law a "zero-hours contract" does not oblige the 
employer to provide work for the employee but the employee agrees to be 
available for work as and when required); there is a housing bubble putting 
house ownership out of reach of the young; add in massive state debt which must 
devolve onto the younger generation; top that with high youth unemployment and 
cut-throat competition for jobs; sprinkle in welfare cuts specifically targeted 
at the young (the under-25s) and it makes for a depressing reality.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Transcendental Unified Field Tolstoy

2014-01-11 Thread dhamiltony2k5
The transcendentalist was silent, obviously pondering something.
 “Help comes only from the Unified Field,” he said, “but such measure of aid as 
it is in the power of our movement to give you, it will give you, sir. You go 
to this lecture and give them this” (he took out of his notebook and wrote a 
few words on a large sheet of paper folded in to four). “One piece of advice 
let me give you. Devote your time first to meditation, solitude and 
self-examination, and do not return to your old manner of life. Therewith I 
wish you a good journey, sir, and all success . . .” The stranger was a 
transcending meditation teacher as Pierre found later and had been one of the 
most well known transcendentalist of that time. For a long time after the 
transcendentalist had left Pierre walked about the room. He reviewed his 
vicious past, and with an ecstatic sense of beginning anew, pictured to himself 
a blissful, irreproachably virtuous future, which seemed to him easy of 
attainment. It seemed to him that he had been vicious simply because he had 
accidentally forgotten how good it was to be virtuous. 


 Unified Field Tolstoy:
 Tolstoy's War and Peace, Book V: 1806 - 07




 Transcendental Tolstoy.
 Dear Feste, 
 It gets better or worst. Forgive me if I sin as doing more in this paraphrase:

 >Feste37> wrote:

 >Oh, Buck, "Paraphrasing" the Bible is OK, but doing the same to Tolstoy is 


 "are you a Meditator?"


 In the War and Peace script,
 Unified Field Masonry:
 Tolstoy's War and Peace, Book V: 1806 - 07


 Pierre the non-meditator asking: 
"Allow me to ask," he said, "are you a Meditator?" Bazdeev the old meditator 
answering: "Yes, I belong to the
movement of the transcendental meditators," said the stranger, looking deeper
and deeper into the non-meditator's eyes. "And in their name and my own I hold
out a brotherly hand to you." "I am afraid," said the non-meditator, smiling,
and wavering between the confidence the personality of the transcendental
meditator inspired in him and his own habit of ridiculing the meditator
beliefs--"I am afraid I am very far from understanding--how am I to put it?--I
am afraid my way of looking at the world is so opposed to yours that we shall
not understand one another."

 “Yes, well we know the outlook,and the view of life you
 mention”, said the transcendentalist, “and which you think  is the result of 
your own mental efforts,  is the one held by the majority of people,  and is 
the invariable fruit of pride, indolence,  and ignorance. Forgive me but if I 
had not known it  I should not have addressed this here. Your view of life is a 
regrettable delusion and a melancholy error.” 

 Yes, and the Transcendental Masons.  Dear RJ Das, that is a very good 
observation you make here. 
 This being winter and a storm upon us now these are my favorite days to Be 
holed-up inside watching Tolstoy's War and Peace. The recently BBC remastered 
DVD has a lot more scenes edited in that make an even better telling of 
Tolstoy's War and Peace. A favorite part is the conversation while at a stage 
stop of the spiritual iconoclast seeker as Pierre talking with the old 
transcendentalist there that is given in voice as a Mason. That mysticism is 
quite a lot like old Quakerism and TM transcendentalism also. 
 -Buck in the Dome 

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 > Just to offer a contrast, "Buck," my father was raised in a 
 > Quaker household, too. But he lived his entire life without 
 > ever saying a word about it to any of his kids. It wasn't 
 > that it didn't mean anything to him. Quite the contrary. It 
 > meant enough to him that he kept it to himself and never 
 > talked about what he thought or what he believed to anyone 
 > else. What they believed was their business, and what he 
 > believed was his business. Now *that* is doing Quakerism 
 > justice. 
 Anyone is a "quaker" if they call themselves a quaker. But, if you don't call 
yourself a quaker then you're probably not a Quaker. Being a Quaker isn't about 
keeping secrets from your family. There are no hidden or closet Quakers - there 
is no esoteric meaning to being a Quaker. 

 So, it sounds like your father might have been a Mason - I don't know. There 
are a lot of secrets with the Masons. One of the rules of Mason is to never 
talk about being a Mason. They admit to being Masons, but they never talk about 
the Masonry. They keep all the masonic secrets to themselves. Go figure.

 Local Masonry in San Antonio



 On Sat, Jan 4, 2014 at 7:36 AM, TurquoiseB mailto:turquoiseb@...> wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
> No brag just fact. 

I'm pointing out that the "fact" you're so proud of is something th

[FairfieldLife] RE: Transcendental Unified Field Tolstoy

2014-01-11 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Unified Field Tolstoy:
 Tolstoy's War and Peace, Book V: 1806 - 07




 Transcendental Tolstoy.
 Dear Feste, 
 It gets better or worst. Forgive me if I sin as doing more in this paraphrase:

 >Feste37> wrote:

 >Oh, Buck, "Paraphrasing" the Bible is OK, but doing the same to Tolstoy is 


 "are you a Meditator?"


 In the War and Peace script,
 Unified Field Masonry:
 Tolstoy's War and Peace, Book V: 1806 - 07


 Pierre the non-meditator asking: 
"Allow me to ask," he said, "are you a Meditator?" Bazdeev the old meditator 
answering: "Yes, I belong to the
movement of the transcendental meditators," said the stranger, looking deeper
and deeper into the non-meditator's eyes. "And in their name and my own I hold
out a brotherly hand to you." "I am afraid," said the non-meditator, smiling,
and wavering between the confidence the personality of the transcendental
meditator inspired in him and his own habit of ridiculing the meditator
beliefs--"I am afraid I am very far from understanding--how am I to put it?--I
am afraid my way of looking at the world is so opposed to yours that we shall
not understand one another."

 “Yes, well we know the outlook,and the view of life you
 mention”, said the transcendentalist, “and which you think  is the result of 
your own mental efforts,  is the one held by the majority of people,  and is 
the invariable fruit of pride, indolence,  and ignorance. Forgive me but if I 
had not known it  I should not have addressed this here. Your view of life is a 
regrettable delusion and a melancholy error.” 

 Yes, and the Transcendental Masons.  Dear RJ Das, that is a very good 
observation you make here. 
 This being winter and a storm upon us now these are my favorite days to Be 
holed-up inside watching Tolstoy's War and Peace. The recently BBC remastered 
DVD has a lot more scenes edited in that make an even better telling of 
Tolstoy's War and Peace. A favorite part is the conversation while at a stage 
stop of the spiritual iconoclast seeker as Pierre talking with the old 
transcendentalist there that is given in voice as a Mason. That mysticism is 
quite a lot like old Quakerism and TM transcendentalism also. 
 -Buck in the Dome 

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 > Just to offer a contrast, "Buck," my father was raised in a 
 > Quaker household, too. But he lived his entire life without 
 > ever saying a word about it to any of his kids. It wasn't 
 > that it didn't mean anything to him. Quite the contrary. It 
 > meant enough to him that he kept it to himself and never 
 > talked about what he thought or what he believed to anyone 
 > else. What they believed was their business, and what he 
 > believed was his business. Now *that* is doing Quakerism 
 > justice. 
 Anyone is a "quaker" if they call themselves a quaker. But, if you don't call 
yourself a quaker then you're probably not a Quaker. Being a Quaker isn't about 
keeping secrets from your family. There are no hidden or closet Quakers - there 
is no esoteric meaning to being a Quaker. 

 So, it sounds like your father might have been a Mason - I don't know. There 
are a lot of secrets with the Masons. One of the rules of Mason is to never 
talk about being a Mason. They admit to being Masons, but they never talk about 
the Masonry. They keep all the masonic secrets to themselves. Go figure.

 Local Masonry in San Antonio



 On Sat, Jan 4, 2014 at 7:36 AM, TurquoiseB mailto:turquoiseb@...> wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
> No brag just fact. 

I'm pointing out that the "fact" you're so proud of is something that most 
people worth knowing got over a long time ago -- being "deadly serious" about 
something as silly as religion. 
Just to offer a contrast, "Buck," my father was raised in a Quaker household, 
too. But he lived his entire life without ever saying a word about it to any of 
his kids. It wasn't that it didn't mean anything to him. Quite the contrary. It 
meant enough to him that he kept it to himself and never talked about what he 
thought or what he believed to anyone else. What they believed was their 
business, and what he believed was his business. Now *that* is doing Quakerism 
Trying to sound more holy or more evolved or more *anything* because of some 
shit you do that you call religion? That's just posturing and ego-masturbation 
and embarrassing. Being "deadly serious" about it? Even more embarrassing. 
> ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
> turquoiseb@ wrote: 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
> wrote: 
> > 
> > Turqb, my people are old Quaker and I too am Quaker and by experience I 
> > t

[FairfieldLife] Post Count Sun 12-Jan-14 00:15:02 UTC

2014-01-11 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 01/11/14 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 01/18/14 00:00:00
38 messages as of (UTC) 01/11/14 23:35:43

  8 dhamiltony2k5
  7 Richard J. Williams 
  4 emptybill
  3 awoelflebater
  3 TurquoiseB 
  3 Michael Jackson 
  3 Bhairitu 
  2 cardemaister
  1 nablusoss1008 
  1 authfriend
  1 Richard Williams 
  1 Mike Dixon 
  1 Duveyoung 
Posters: 13
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: All About the Fighting Ascetics of India

2014-01-11 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 1/11/2014 7:52 AM, dhamiltony...@yahoo.com wrote:

 > ...send a team of TM meditators, a deputation who hold current
 > Dome Badges to represent Maharishi and Brahmananda Saraswati in
 > the Shankaracharya Peace- proceedings.

The Bharata Dharma Mahamandala, Kashi Vidvat Parishad, and the Akhila 
Bharatiya Dharmasangha were all present at the installation of Guru 
Dev's successor, Shree Swami Shantanand Saraswati. According to The 
Times of India, Shantanand was installed with all due pomp and ceremony. 
Apparently, Shantanand meditated for over an hour in a public reception. 
Subsequently, Shantanand was present at a number of TMO activities, the 
least not being the Saints Course at Ram Nagar, the ground-breaking of 
Shankaracharya Nagar at Rishikesh, and at the Maharishi Guru Poornima at 
Noida held in 1990.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Cause of benefits

2014-01-11 Thread emptybill
I traced back one or two TM mantras in the same way that a past-life trace is 
performed. It went a long way back to some guy in a forest (who was not sitting 
around in padmâsana looking like Shiva). However, the mantra emerged in 
radiant, exalted perception - sort of a cross between an shining revelation 
uttered forth and the feeling "this is how it truly is and always has been" 
type of cognizance. 


[FairfieldLife] RE: All About the Fighting Ascetics of India

2014-01-11 Thread emptybill
Apparently Thunderbird doesn't allow you to understand common
 English. So I'll repeat my question ...

 "What is the position of the TMO towards the authority of the Shankaracharyas 
since the TMO is technically not a Hindoo organization?"

 Does anyone on the list know the views of the Shankaracharyas? What about all 
the Western quasi-Hindus going to temples and doing Hindu stuff?
 The pandit and at the temple here accepted my status and performed pujas, 
rudra-abhishekas, agni-hotras and death rites for my wife as if I was a Hindu. 
However, I don’t know if the Shankaracharyas are equally accepting. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: All About the Fighting Ascetics of India

2014-01-11 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 1/11/2014 8:31 AM, dhamiltony...@yahoo.com wrote:

 > does Nandkishore have any traction in the vacuum
 > of Girish Varma being jailed?
According to my sources. Nandikishore fully supports the VHP and the 
Swami Vasudevanand Saraswati.

In an interview with Robert Kropinsky the Swami Swaroopanand has stated 
that Guru Dev left a will which clearly specified the names of those 
individuals who were to assume the title and responsibilities of 
Shankaracharya after the passing of SBS. The will specified that Swami 
Shantanand was to succeed to the seat of the Shankaracharya of the North.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Cause of benefits

2014-01-11 Thread Bhairitu
Mantras are really "cause and effect". They probably weren't "cognized" 
at all but developed over time from trial and error.  The practice of 
meditation cultures the nervous system to support inner silence ("pure 
consciousness"). Many of the mantras given have immediate effects to 
calm some of the doshas in ayurveda.  Those would get credited as "TM 
benefits" even though anyone could use those those mantras for that.  My 
contention is that Maharishi taught teachers to use beej mantras because 
as most tantrics will tell you those don't require anything special to 
be given out.

On 01/10/2014 02:14 PM, jpgillam wrote:

A question occurred to me recently that I had never considered in all 
my years of being a student and teacher of TM: How can we tell whether 
TM's benefits result from an experience of pure consciousness or from 
some vibrational quality of the mantra?

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: All About the Fighting Ascetics of India

2014-01-11 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 1/11/2014 1:13 PM, emptyb...@yahoo.com wrote:

 > The Shankaracharyas are Hindu authorities - sort of
 > like four (4) pontiffs among the smarta-s. What is
 > the position of the TMO towards the authority of the
 > Shankaracharyas since the TMO is technically not a
 > Hindoo organization?
All the Shankaracharya peeths are controlled by either the VHP or the 
Congress Party in India.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: All About the Fighting Ascetics of India

2014-01-11 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 1/11/2014 10:45 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:

 > I use the old version of yahoo, rather than the
 > newer version and I no longer visit the FFL yahoo
 > group page - all the posts come to me via the
 > yahoo mail, and the old version automatically
 > includes the message I am replying to.
See if you can read this: get out of Yahoo Mail, it's an antique.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: All About the Fighting Ascetics of India

2014-01-11 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 1/11/2014 9:27 AM, authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:

 > He did, actually. Click on "Show Message History" and
 > you'll see what he was responding to.
Apparently MJ didn't get my memo about including quotes with his 
replies. Let's review the internet protocol:

1. Use right angle brackets to indicate quoted text.
2. Avoid using text wrapping, use breaks instead.
3. Snip the portion of the message that is not relevant to your reply.

 > You, on the other hand, didn't click on the three
 > dots when you wrote your post, so all of what Michael
 > had quoted in his post is gone from this one.
You, on the other hand, apparently didn't get my memo that I'm using 
Mozilla Thunderbird as a news reader. So, all the messages I send and 
receive are all lined up sequentially for easy reading. For God's sake, 
stop including the entire message history with every post. Learn to snip 

See if you can read this: get out of Yahoo NEO.

[FairfieldLife] RE: All About the Fighting Ascetics of India

2014-01-11 Thread emptybill
The Shankaracharyas are Hindu authorities - sort of like four (4) pontiffs 
among the smarta-s. What is the position of the TMO towards the authority of 
the Shankaracharyas since the TMO is technically not a Hindoo organization?



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Nandkishore, does he give satsanga?  Girish Varma seems to have an ashram for 
himself, that presumably our TM money built?  Is Nandkishore teaching 


 Om, does Nandkishore have any traction in the vacuum of Girish Varma being 
 “Nandkishore Brahmachari, the yogi's closest assistant”
 Is it time to bring back an old war-horse?

 So, does our TM Shankaracharya  of Jyotirmaṭha: Vāsudevānanda Sarasvatī have a 
controlling hand or thumb over any of the Estate of our Maharishiji in India? 
And, the character of this guy? Does he give darshan or just sit in the chair? 
Is he scholarly and can give Satsanga? Can teach and advise technique? A Sat 
Guru kind of saint? What is he really like? Is he actually spiritual or was he 
just put in the job by Maharishi? I hear from travelers the guy is a grump. Who 
runs TM in India if Girish Varma either stays in jail or is put on 
administrative leave from TM? Does this  Vāsudevānanda Sarasvatī  guy's 
Shankaracharya organization get it to run or put someone in charge of the bank 
accounts and properties? With integrity? Will the Times of India report on 
this? Transcendental Meditators everywhere want to know these things?

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, merudanda wrote:
> Girish Chandra Varma, has been shifted to jail hospital Phopal, India because 
> of diabetic (he is a diabetic and takes insulin) and high blood pressure (his 
> car will be examined for rape evidence). 




Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Iron Sky

2014-01-11 Thread Bhairitu
It was indeed a fun sci-fi spoof movie.  I've got two episodes of Syfy's 
new series "Helix" to watch tonight via Amazon Instant.  This is Ron 
Moore's ("Battlestar Gallactica") latest effort.  The first 15 minutes 
looked promising.  Hulu may have it a month from now.

On 01/11/2014 07:23 AM, Duveyoung wrote:

One of the best damned flicks in a long time.  Can't believe how much 
movie they got in the can for that little budget.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: All About the Fighting Ascetics of India

2014-01-11 Thread Michael Jackson
I use the old version of yahoo, rather than the newer version and I no longer 
visit the FFL yahoo group page - all the posts come to me via the yahoo mail, 
and the old version automatically includes the message I am replying to.

On Sat, 1/11/14, authfri...@yahoo.com  wrote:

 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: All About the Fighting Ascetics of India
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Saturday, January 11, 2014, 3:27 PM
   He did,
 actually. Click on "Show Message History" and
 you'll see what he was responding to.
 You, on the other hand, didn't
 click on the three dots when you wrote your post, so all of
 what Michael had quoted in his post is gone from this
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 On 1/11/2014 6:11
 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:
   > So bring it up with
 Bevan and see how receptive
  > his is on the idea.
  It looks like MJ didn't get the
 memo about including the quotes in his 
 reply. Go figure.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Waging Radical Transcendentalism, A Call to Group Meditations

2014-01-11 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Creating an Ideal Society:
 The phenomenon of a powerful influence of harmony spreading through a whole 
community or nation when a small fraction of the population practices the 
Transcendental Meditation technique is known as the Maharishi Effect [ME]. The 
influence of orderliness generated from the state of infinite correlation 
experienced during the Transcendental Meditation technique is so powerful that 
even one per cent of the people in society practising the Transcendental 
Meditation technique is sufficient to neutralize negative tendencies and give 
an evolutionary direction to community life as a whole. With the growth of 
individual consciousness, family consciousness, community consciousness, 
national consciousness, and world consciousness are enriched. More than one and 
a half million people currently practising the Transcendental Meditation 
technique are constantly intensifying the Maharishi Effect and contributing to 
the Age of Enlightenment. The dawn is rising to the day. 
 12 January 1977

 Brave meditators, you have done all we asked you to do, and more than could be 
reasonably expected; but your own global country of World Peace is at stake, 
your partners, families, your homes and all that you hold dear. You have worn 
yourselves out with fatigues and hardships of waging world peace, but we know 
not how to spare you. If you will consent to stay in the Domes only one month 
longer, you will render that service to the cause of liberty of all and to your 
global country of world peace which you probably never can do under any other 
 -Buck in the Dome


 Transcendental Meditation:
 Crime rate decreased in cities after one percent of their populations had 
begun practicing the Transcendental Meditation technique. -Editors


 Paper 98
 Improved Quality of Life Through The Transcendental Meditation Program:
 Decreased Crime Rate

 Paper 98
 In 1960 Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, founder of the Transcendental Meditation 
program, predicted that a transition in society toward a more orderly and 
harmonious functioning would occur when a small fraction -on the order of one 
percent- of a population practiced the Transcendental Meditation technique (6), 
and in December 1974 we found that crime rate did decrease in four midwestern 
U.S. Cities in which one percent of the population was practicing the TM 

 Scientific Research on the Transcendental Meditation Program
 Collected Papers,
 Volume I,
 pp 727

 In the East China Sea, in very practical terms I should really quite like to 
see a well formed coalition made of the United Nations Peace-keepers 
immediately handling the logistics of a landing of teams of AFSC Quakers as 
experienced mediators of conflict and meditators from the Global Country of 
World Peace in field effect as a joint peace-making task-force.   In coalition 
of peace-keeping make a landing now on some island rock between them countries 
all for a residence of coherence mediation meditation.  It is high time to 
attack the incoherence there directly with a much more aggressive mediation of 
transcending meditation. 

 Revolution now! It is high time we claim our revolutionary heritage back from 
the Movement's suits. As meditators we need to take our cause with peace 
directly to the barricades again; the need be here in this world today that we 
deploy now and lay siege with meditation even to the Great Walls of China in 
that troubled incoherent part of the world. It is time for great spiritual and 
scientific revolutionary action of mediation meditation everywhere. If they 
won't let us in to Red China to meditate a mediation with peace there then, 
occupy their Great Wall. Garrison their block houses with meditation. !Occupy 

 Police in China's restive Xinjiang region have shot dead eight people during a 
violent clash on Monday 

 The East China Sea is an ideal location to wage peace from now. It is time to 
occupy the whole region with peace. Surround the place with meditation. We need 
mediators, meditators, and peace-keepers there now. Quakers as mediators, 
mediators from the Global Country of World Peace, and the United Nations 
Peace-keepers for logistics. What are the TM Rajas doing about peace there?

 Japan's Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe's visit to the Yasukuni shrine has angered 
many in China and South Korea 

 From quite early on Maharishi Mahesh Yogi employed the radical direct action 
of groups meditating deployed in field effect as like the Meissner Effect of 

[FairfieldLife] The Dawn of the Age of Enlightenment

2014-01-11 Thread dhamiltony2k5
As early as,
 “In 1960 Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, founder of the Transcendental Meditation 
program, predicted that a transition in society toward a more orderly and 
harmonious functioning would occur when a small fraction -on the order of one 
percent- of a population practiced the Transcendental Meditation technique (6), 
and in December 1974 we found that crime rate did decrease in four midwestern 
U.S. Cities in which one percent of the population was practicing the TM 
 In 1974 these predictions were validated by scientific studies showing that in 
cities where one percent of the population learned the transcendental 
Meditation technique there was a sudden decrease in crime rates.

[FairfieldLife] Re: All About the Fighting Ascetics of India

2014-01-11 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Nandkishore, does he give satsanga?  Girish Varma seems to have an ashram for 
himself, that presumably our TM money built?  Is Nandkishore teaching 


 Om, does Nandkishore have any traction in the vacuum of Girish Varma being 
 “Nandkishore Brahmachari, the yogi's closest assistant”
 Is it time to bring back an old war-horse?

 So, does our TM Shankaracharya  of Jyotirmaṭha: Vāsudevānanda Sarasvatī have a 
controlling hand or thumb over any of the Estate of our Maharishiji in India? 
And, the character of this guy? Does he give darshan or just sit in the chair? 
Is he scholarly and can give Satsanga? Can teach and advise technique? A Sat 
Guru kind of saint? What is he really like? Is he actually spiritual or was he 
just put in the job by Maharishi? I hear from travelers the guy is a grump. Who 
runs TM in India if Girish Varma either stays in jail or is put on 
administrative leave from TM? Does this  Vāsudevānanda Sarasvatī  guy's 
Shankaracharya organization get it to run or put someone in charge of the bank 
accounts and properties? With integrity? Will the Times of India report on 
this? Transcendental Meditators everywhere want to know these things?

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, merudanda wrote:
> Girish Chandra Varma, has been shifted to jail hospital Phopal, India because 
> of diabetic (he is a diabetic and takes insulin) and high blood pressure (his 
> car will be examined for rape evidence). 



Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: All About the Fighting Ascetics of India

2014-01-11 Thread authfriend
He did, actually. Click on "Show Message History" and you'll see what he was 
responding to.

 You, on the other hand, didn't click on the three dots when you wrote your 
post, so all of what Michael had quoted in his post is gone from this one.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 On 1/11/2014 6:11 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:
 > So bring it up with Bevan and see how receptive
 > his is on the idea.
 It looks like MJ didn't get the memo about including the quotes in his 
 reply. Go figure.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Iron Sky

2014-01-11 Thread Duveyoung
One of the best damned flicks in a long time.  Can't believe how much movie 
they got in the can for that little budget.  

[FairfieldLife] Re: Iron Sky

2014-01-11 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  bhairitu wrote:
> ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister@ wrote:
>  >
>  > Anyone seen Iron Sky?
>  >
> > Must be a "bad" movie, because I like it so much...
>  Well, here is what one critic had to say:
>  "Nazis on the moon! What could be more brilliantly bonkers than the
lunatic premise of satirical sci-fi action comedy Iron Sky? Sadly,
Finnish director Timo Vuorensola fails to make the most of his conceit."

It was worse than that. Much worse.

[FairfieldLife] For What It's Worth...

2014-01-11 Thread awoelflebater

[FairfieldLife] RE: Iron Sky

2014-01-11 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Anyone seen Iron Sky?

Must be a "bad" movie, because I like it so much...

 Well, here is what one critic had to say:

 "Nazis on the moon! What could be more brilliantly bonkers than the lunatic 
premise of satirical sci-fi action comedy Iron Sky? Sadly, Finnish director 
Timo Vuorensola fails to make the most of his conceit."


[FairfieldLife] Re: All About the Fighting Ascetics of India

2014-01-11 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Om, does Nandkishore have any traction in the vacuum of Girish Varma being 
 “Nandkishore Brahmachari, the yogi's closest assistant”
 Is it time to bring back an old war-horse?

 So, does our TM Shankaracharya  of Jyotirmaṭha: Vāsudevānanda Sarasvatī have a 
controlling hand or thumb over any of the Estate of our Maharishiji in India? 
And, the character of this guy? Does he give darshan or just sit in the chair? 
Is he scholarly and can give Satsanga? Can teach and advise technique? A Sat 
Guru kind of saint? What is he really like? Is he actually spiritual or was he 
just put in the job by Maharishi? I hear from travelers the guy is a grump. Who 
runs TM in India if Girish Varma either stays in jail or is put on 
administrative leave from TM? Does this  Vāsudevānanda Sarasvatī  guy's 
Shankaracharya organization get it to run or put someone in charge of the bank 
accounts and properties? With integrity? Will the Times of India report on 
this? Transcendental Meditators everywhere want to know these things?

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, merudanda wrote:
> Girish Chandra Varma, has been shifted to jail hospital Phopal, India because 
> of diabetic (he is a diabetic and takes insulin) and high blood pressure (his 
> car will be examined for rape evidence). 



[FairfieldLife] RE: Religion that doesn't take itself deadly seriously

2014-01-11 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Quaker Meeting for Worship, 17th Century.  Entering into this form of worship.
 “… the first that enters into the place of your meeting, be not careless, nor 
wander up and down either in body or mind, but innocently sit down in some 
place and turn in thy mind to the Light, and wait upon God simply, as if none 
were present but the Lord, and here thou art strong.  When the next that come 
in, let them in simplicity and heart sit down and turn to the same Light, and 
wait in the Spirit, and so all the rest coming in fear of the Lord sit down in 
pure stillness and silence of all flesh, and wait in the Light.  A few that are 
thus gathered by the arm of the Lord into the unity of the Spirit, this is a 
sweet and precious meeting in which all are met with the Lord…. Those who are 
brought to a pure, still waiting on God in the Spirit are come nearer to God 
than words are… though not a word be spoken to the hearing of the ear.  In such 
a meeting where the presence and power of God is felt, there will be an 
unwillingness to part asunder, being ready to say in yourselves, it is good to 
be here, and this is the end of all words and writings, to bring people to the 
eternal living word.”  -1660
 -Alexander Parker, Letters of Early Friends, ed. A.R. Barclay (London; Darton 
and Harvey, 1841), pp. 365-66.  Alexander Parker was a close companion of 
George Fox.

 20th Century Quakers coming to Fairfield, Iowa in a form of spiritual 
direct-action peace-activism as re-enforcement joining with the large group 
meditations facilitated by the Transcendental Meditation(TM) movement in 
Fairfield held a natural affinity to Quakers.

  To come as re-enforcement to the enterprise of what was identified then as 
the spiritual Meissner Effect (ME) of group consciousness had a recognized 
legitimacy to spiritual Quakerism. That corporate group spirituality is a 
Quaker practice particularly attracted a number of old Quakers in to the TM 
movement early on. Initially upon coming to Fairfield, Iowa to re-enforce the 
aggregate numbers in meditation the old-style Quakers joined in alongside the 
TM meditations; as when in Rome do as the Romans do. This history in context 
now becomes an additional chapter in The Quakers of Iowa. See: 
 The Quakers of Iowa
A history of the Quaker settlement of Iowa including the nature of the under 
ground rail road in 19th Century Iowa.  Written by Louis T. Jones, 1914

 For sometime, the transcending meditation group practices of Quakers as the 
Society of Friends was a dominant spiritual practice in the settlement and 
cultivation of America and as so often has happened with Knowledge in sequence 
of time the now ancient silent transcendental Quaker practice fell crashing 
upon shoals of spiritually ignorant ideologies and the primitive Quakerism 
itself almost entirely foundered out of sight as a spiritual movement of the 
Meissner Effect [ME] of consciousness development in group meditations. The 
parallels of these two spiritual movements (TM and the old Society of Friends) 
as groups are remarkable to see and witness from inside and out.
 -Buck, an old Quaker and conservative meditator in the Dome 
 No brag just fact.   

 Turqb, my people are old Quaker and I too am Quaker and by experience I take 
that very seriously and even deadly seriously, which is why I am in Fairfield, 
Iowa as an attender of the large group meditations in the Golden Domes of the 
Fairfield meditating community. George Fox and early Quakers long ago cognized 
the spiritual value of the group affect of transcending meditations. Since the 
1650's that has been the corporate practice of Quakers.
 -Buck in the Dome
 What would George Fox Say?


 The Fairfield, Iowa group meditation then became the largest group to Be with 
as the group of transcending meditators like Quakers gathered in Iowa from the 
late 1970's.  Quite a number of old-style Quakers like me joined on with the 
large group meditation in Fairfield, Iowa from the beginning then as recognized 
Quaker support in direct-action in the value of our form of Friends spiritual 
practice that the TM'ers had adapted to their own ends. What the Quakers have 
known all along Maharishi then had recognized as the Meissner Effect of 
consciousness in the corporate silent practice of inner transcending meditation 
like the Quaker meeting has long provided.   

 A nice thing about the Quaker group practice as the Friends Meeting itself is 
that it is stripped of religious forms, of alters, brahmasthans, steeples, no 
stages, no ostentatious hats or robes such like some clergy and TM-Rajas and 
other climbers would wear above others. The nice thing about Quaker Meeting as 
a place is that it is witho

[FairfieldLife] Re: Information Technology Systems

2014-01-11 Thread Richard Williams
Data Center - Target

[image: Inline image 1]

NSA Utah data center - take note of how many cars you can see parked here -
3-4. Go figure.

So, the target (no pun intended) was Target Stores. The hack is nearly
three times larger than first reported. This sounds tome like a middle-man
job to me. Target doesn't maintain their own data (pronounced day-ta)
center - most large companies depend on cloud services like Rackspace to
collect and store their data.

So, the data at the point-of-sale goes to the data center which could be
located anywhere. No large corporation that I know of stores their own
data. It looks like somebody got into the data center and planted a
collection program at the root level of the blade server. In order to do
that you'd probably have to gain physical entry to the data center. This
would be a lot easier to do if you worked either for the data center on
premises or could get access for a few hours or even days. It probably
takes twelve people in three shifts to run a large data center at the
physical location.

I'd say this caper would involve at least three people on the ground inside
the data center: one have the key; one to carry the laptop and cable; and
one that knows the password. I'd say that all three were caught on video
cameras, unless the insider hacker knew how to disable the security system.
It took Edward Snowden less than a few months to download tons of data once
he was inside or connected to the data center at Langley, VA.

If you read the mainstream media you'd think someone broke into a target
store down on Main or at a local mall and stole some credit card numbers.
It's much bigger than that - all your data is stored somewhere, at some
data center somewhere. Hackers are probably looking at everyone's Obamacare
data as I hit the send button on my computer. You've got to assume that all
your individual cloud data is available to someone right now. If you don't
want to share your data with anyone your only recourse is for you to get
off the cloud. Now, how are you going to do that? Post your answer here -

"The revelations about Target's data breach continue to get worse, with the
retailer now estimating that at least 70 million customers have been
impacted, almost twice as many as the 40 million it had earlier disclosed.
And it may turn out even more people were affected."

Read the full story:

'Target says data breach bigger than previously thought'

Workd cited:

Data Centers - The Cloud:

On Thu, Jan 2, 2014 at 1:51 PM, Richard Williams wrote:

> Internet Alley
> [image: Inline image 1]
> "In recent years, the influx of technology companies into Northern
> Virginia has brought many new office buildings and hotels to the landscape.
> The rapid growth of Tysons Corner (in comparison to other locations near
> the Capital Beltway) has been the topic of numerous studies. This is a
> visionary look at Tysons Corner as the driving force of the nation's
> technological economy."
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tysons_Corner,_Virginia
> "Much of the world's Internet management and governance takes place in a
> corridor extending west from Washington, DC, through northern Virginia
> toward Washington Dulles International Airport. Much of the United States'
> military planning and analysis takes place here as well. At the center of
> that corridor is Tysons Corner--an unincorporated suburban crossroads once
> dominated by dairy farms and gravel pits.
> Today, the government contractors and high- tech firms--companies like
> DynCorp, CACI, Verisign, and SAIC--that now populate this corridor have
> created an "Internet Alley" off the Washington Beltway. In From Tysons
> Corner to Internet Alley, Paul Ceruzzi examines this compact area of
> intense commercial development and describes its transformation into one of
> the most dynamic and prosperous regions in the country. Ceruzzi explains
> how a concentration of military contractors carrying out weapons analysis,
> systems engineering, operations research, and telecommunications combined
> with suburban growth patterns to drive the region's development.
> The dot-com bubble's burst was offset here, he points out, by the
> government's growing national security-related need for information
> technology. Ceruzzi looks in detail at the nature of the work carried out
> by these government contractors and how it can be considered truly
> innovative in terms of both technology and management. Today in Tysons
> Corner, clusters of sleek new office buildings housing high-technology
> companies stand out against the suburban landscape, and the upscale Tysons
> Galleria Mall is neighbor to a government-owned radio tower marked by a
> sign warning visitors not to

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: All About the Fighting Ascetics of India

2014-01-11 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Yep, you know, send a team of TM meditators, a deputation who hold current Dome 
Badges to represent Maharishi and Brahmananda Saraswati in the Shankaracharya 
Peace- proceedings.   

 Really, Maharishi's meditators should be at the next Shankaracharya 
peace-conference between all these upstarts and contenders to bring some 
bonafide spiritual coherence to things there. The whole thing is a joke if we 
are not included.
 -Buck of the Dome  
 > if the will wasn't contested, where the hell do you
 > think the other contenders came from?
 The SBS will wasn't contested in a court of law. Swami Vasudevananda 
 Saraswati is currently the *sole representative Guru Dev's lineage*, 
 according to Sundaresan. In the case of the Shakaracharya it is the 
 usual custom to follow the disciplic succession: "...once Swami 
 Brahmananda Saraswati was accepted as the Jyotirmath Sankaracharya, and 
 there were no serious disputes about it at the time, further activities 
 of these other institutions with respect to succession issues could be 
 construed as unnecessary interference."
 Work cited:
 Jyotirmath Sankaracharya Lineage in the 20th Century
 by Vidyasankar Sundaresan
 http://indology.info/papers/sundaresan/ http://indology.info/papers/sundaresan/
 PASSED ON: Senior, retired, Shankaracharya of Jyotir Peeth, Swami 
 Saraswati Ji Maharaj, age ninety, on December 7, 1997, in Allahabad, India.
 Senior leaders of the VHP participated in final rites. Swami became
 Shankaracharya in 1953 after the death of his guru, Brahmanand Saraswati.
 Swami Vasudevanand Saraswati is his successor...
 Hinduism Today March 1998

[FairfieldLife] RE: Religion that doesn't take itself deadly seriously

2014-01-11 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Meeting for Worship, 17th Century.  Entering into this form of worship.
 “… the first that enters into the place of your meeting, be not careless, nor 
wander up and down either in body or mind, but innocently sit down in some 
place and turn in thy mind to the Light, and wait upon God [The Unified Field] 
simply, as if none were present but the Lord, and here thou art strong.  When 
the next that come in, let them in simplicity and heart sit down and turn to 
the same Light, and wait in the Spirit, and so all the rest coming in fear of 
the Lord sit down in pure stillness and silence of all flesh, and wait in the 
Light.  A few that are thus gathered by the arm of the Lord into the unity of 
the Spirit, this is a sweet and precious meeting in which all are met with the 
Lord…. Those who are brought to a pure, still waiting on God in the Spirit are 
come nearer to God than words are… though not a word be spoken to the hearing 
of the ear.  In such a meeting where the presence and power of God is felt, 
there will be an unwillingness to part asunder, being ready to say in 
yourselves, it is good to be here, and this is the end of all words and 
writings, to bring people to the eternal living word.”  -1660
 -Alexander Parker, Letters of Early Friends, ed. A.R. Barclay (London; Darton 
and Harvey, 1841), pp. 365-66.  Alexander Parker was a close companion of 
George Fox.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Why Do Smart People Do Dumb Things?

2014-01-11 Thread Mike Dixon
But of course, he's a republican, the one some say, could defeat Hillary. I 
doubt the same media has devoted that much time to any and or all Obama 
scandals put together..

On Friday, January 10, 2014 7:58 AM, Richard Williams  
The Obama IRS scandal makes Christie's bridge caper look like a mere jaywalking 
incident. Apparently the IRS targeted conservative groups in order to help 
Obama win the last election. And, it looks like Chris Christie can't even 
manage a bridge. Go figure. 

"At least some residents cheered him as he arrived, even after his motorcade 
briefly created yet another traffic jam."

'Chris Christie Extends Apology in Bridge Scandal' 
New York Times:

"The Big Three networks, in a frenzy over New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie's 
traffic headache dubbed “Bridgegate,” have devoted a whopping 34 minutes and 28 
seconds of coverage to the affair in just the last 24 hours." 

'TV gives ‘Bridgegate’ 17 times more coverage in 1 day than IRS scandal in 6 

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: All About the Fighting Ascetics of India

2014-01-11 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 1/11/2014 6:11 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:

 > So bring it up with Bevan and see how receptive
 > his is on the idea.
It looks like MJ didn't get the memo about including the quotes in his 
reply. Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: All About the Fighting Ascetics of India

2014-01-11 Thread Michael Jackson
So bring it up with Bevan and see how receptive his is on the idea.

On Sat, 1/11/14, dhamiltony...@yahoo.com  wrote:

 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: All About the Fighting Ascetics of India
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Saturday, January 11, 2014, 11:43 AM
 Maharishi's meditators should be at the next
 peace-conference between all these upstarts and contenders
 to bring
 some bonafide spiritual coherence to things there.  The
 whole thing
 is a joke if we are not
 of the Dome 
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 On 1/10/2014 6:22
 PM, Michael Jackson wrote:
   > if the will
 wasn't contested, where the hell do you
  > think the other contenders came from?
  The SBS will wasn't contested in a
 court of law. Swami Vasudevananda 
 Saraswati is currently the *sole representative Guru
 Dev's lineage*, 
 according to Sundaresan. In the case of the Shakaracharya it
 is the 
 usual custom to follow the disciplic succession: 
 "...once Swami 
 Brahmananda Saraswati was accepted as the Jyotirmath
 Sankaracharya, and 
 there were no serious disputes about it at the time, further
 of these other institutions with respect to succession
 issues could be 
 construed as unnecessary interference."
 Work cited:
 Jyotirmath Sankaracharya Lineage in the 20th Century
 by Vidyasankar Sundaresan
 PASSED ON: Senior, retired, Shankaracharya of Jyotir Peeth,
 Saraswati Ji Maharaj, age ninety, on December 7, 1997, in
 Allahabad, India.
 Senior leaders of the VHP participated in final rites. Swami
 Shankaracharya in 1953 after the death of his guru,
 Brahmanand Saraswati.
 Swami Vasudevanand Saraswati is his successor...
 Hinduism Today March 1998

[FairfieldLife] Re: All About the Fighting Ascetics of India

2014-01-11 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:
> Really, Maharishi's meditators should be at the next Shankaracharya
peace-conference between all these upstarts and contenders to bring some
bonafide spiritual coherence to things there.

You mean like the bonafide spiritual coherence demonstrated by long-term
"Maharishi meditators" on FFL, and that you bitch about nonstop at MUM
and in Fairfield?

Yup, that should do the trick.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: All About the Fighting Ascetics of India

2014-01-11 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Really, Maharishi's meditators should be at the next Shankaracharya 
peace-conference between all these upstarts and contenders to bring some 
bonafide spiritual coherence to things there. The whole thing is a joke if we 
are not included.
 -Buck of the Dome  

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 On 1/10/2014 6:22 PM, Michael Jackson wrote:
 > if the will wasn't contested, where the hell do you
 > think the other contenders came from?
 The SBS will wasn't contested in a court of law. Swami Vasudevananda 
 Saraswati is currently the *sole representative Guru Dev's lineage*, 
 according to Sundaresan. In the case of the Shakaracharya it is the 
 usual custom to follow the disciplic succession: "...once Swami 
 Brahmananda Saraswati was accepted as the Jyotirmath Sankaracharya, and 
 there were no serious disputes about it at the time, further activities 
 of these other institutions with respect to succession issues could be 
 construed as unnecessary interference."
 Work cited:
 Jyotirmath Sankaracharya Lineage in the 20th Century
 by Vidyasankar Sundaresan
 http://indology.info/papers/sundaresan/ http://indology.info/papers/sundaresan/
 PASSED ON: Senior, retired, Shankaracharya of Jyotir Peeth, Swami 
 Saraswati Ji Maharaj, age ninety, on December 7, 1997, in Allahabad, India.
 Senior leaders of the VHP participated in final rites. Swami became
 Shankaracharya in 1953 after the death of his guru, Brahmanand Saraswati.
 Swami Vasudevanand Saraswati is his successor...
 Hinduism Today March 1998

[FairfieldLife] Buddhist protest

2014-01-11 Thread TurquoiseB


[FairfieldLife] How David Lynch and His Hollywood Friends Are Bringing Back Transcendental Meditation

2014-01-11 Thread nablusoss1008


[FairfieldLife] RE: Iron Sky

2014-01-11 Thread cardemaister
"Despite having only a budget of 7.5 million Euros, Iron Sky has the look and 
feel of a film made with thirty times that. As with Star Wreck, Timo Vuorensola 
and his producing partner Samuli Torssonen demonstrate that their forte is high 
quality visual effects. The ones produced here rival the work being produced by 
Industrial Light and Magic, Weta Workshop and other leaders in the field. The 
scenes as we see a flotilla of swastika-emblazoned zeppelins going into Earth 
orbit dragging meteors behind them and then opening up to launch hundreds of 
flying saucers from their insides have a dazzling detail and clarity that makes 
you gasp. The battle scenes between Nazi UFOs, fighter jets, Earth ships and 
the launching of the massively armoured Gotterdammerung are spectacular. The 
scenes where the Gotterdammerung fires its missiles and blows an edge of the 
Moon up in a massive detonation or the final shot pulling back from the Moon 
around the Earth to follow the tiny trails of nuclear missiles crossing the 
curve of the Earth are stunning shots. Equally good is the production design, 
most of the sets being conducted virtually and digitally inserted behind the 
actors where the crew take their leaf from Sky Captain and the World of 
 (2004) and create an exquisite retro-world based on 1930s era technology.

[FairfieldLife] Iron Sky

2014-01-11 Thread cardemaister
Anyone seen Iron Sky?

Must be a "bad" movie, because I like it so much...
