[FairfieldLife] RE: Bad omen for the Pope

2014-01-29 Thread jr_esq

 Actually, that's what Pope Francis is trying to do.  He's cleaning out the 
Church from money-hungry bureaucrats, particularly those in the Vatican bank.  
He might also kick out those pedophile priests who are still hiding out in the 

 But eventually the Church will accept women as priests in the future, although 
it won't be during this current pope's watch IMO.

 Homosexuals can still be accepted as priests.  But they can't lead an active 
gay life.

 The Church may also allow priests to marry as an option.  If so, the costs of 
having a priest will increase to support his or her family.

 Gay marriage and polygamy will still not be allowed.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 The current Pope seems like a nice fellow, but as with the previous Popes, 
there are no actual changes in the official theological dogmas. .
 The Pope recently released two Peace Doves into the air, but they were quickly 
attacked - one by a seagull and one by a crow.  This is definitely a bad omen 
for the Pope.
 Nobody - even the Pope - can escape the Sword of Kali, currently working 
through the ongoing Uranus square Pluto transit, exact in April of 2014.  This 
influence acts to cull out any deep-seated hypocritical behavior.  In Obama's 
case, his hypocrisy is easily apparent, and the frustrating source of his 
problems.  The Pope, on the other hand, has more deep seated problems beneath 
his nice-guy sheepish behavior: namely, the excessively dogmatized Roman 
Catholic Church.   The evil inherent in that Institution will be culled out by 
Kali.  Nobody is immune to Her.  

[FairfieldLife] RE: Greatest mystery?

2014-01-29 Thread steve.sundur
I'm not sure I see enough of a difference there for smoking to be a deterrent.  
Plus, smoking may enable people to keep the weight off.  That's enough of a 
vanity factor for many - both men and woman.

 What surprises me, is how many have taken to e-cigarettes.  I see many long 
term smokers, including an employee who have given up burning tobacco, for 
heating it.

 On the other hand, I'm inclinded to think one of the greatest commercials of 
all time was "Call for Phillip Morris"

 Below was the closest I could find.


[FairfieldLife] RE: Videos about Narcissists and Psychopaths

2014-01-29 Thread s3raphita
 Jesus! That creep Berg. I came across The Children of God in the early 
seventies here in London. I recall the young woman in charge, who I suspect 
might have been one of his daughters, was typical cult-leader material. 
Complete self-confidence and not looking for anyone to contradict her. The 
disciples she'd collected around her were all lost souls.
 Interesting that the full-blown narcissist in the video regrets not having 
feelings. You'd have thought you had to "feel" unhappy or remorseful to regret 
not having feelings. Contradictory?

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: The Historic Meissner-like Effect [ME] of Peace:

2014-01-29 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 MJ, it's okay. You always can get your meditation checked. That might help 
clear things up for you. For, whether pure or impure, whether purity or 
impurity is reining everywhere, who so ever opens themselves to the expanded 
vision of unbounded awareness gains inner and outer purity. It is an extremely 
compassionate proposition. 
 If only everything was that simple, Buck. 
 mjackson74@...> wrote: and the vast majority of what Hagelin had to say was 
pseudo-scientific mumbo jumbo that has no practical value for anyone. 

 On Wed, 1/29/14,  wrote:
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: The Historic Meissner-like Effect [ME] of Peace:
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Wednesday, January 29, 2014, 10:08 PM
 Dear Anartaxius, Yes, we are talking history here and
 what a crock you trot out here.  Science moves
 on and you are out of date with this old saw of an
 argument.  It was only valid in context of time.
  But time has moved on.  That guy is dead and long
 gone. Anartaxius, did you happen to catch the interview
 Hagelin gave with Rick Archer. That had a very good
 summary update
 of where science currently is with consciousness. 
 See Buddha at the Gas Pump, http://batgap.com/ http://batgap.com/
 Rudolf Pagels, Ph.D. (1939-1988) Physicist. Was.
 for brevity]
 . . end
 . .
 Meissner-like Effect of consciousness coherence,
 1978,,Discovery of the
 Maharishi Effect” -square root of one percent of the
 practicing the TM and TM-Sidhi program together in one place
 coherence in collective consciousness promoting positive and
 progressive trends in society. Maharishi tests this formula
 sending Governors of the Age of Enlightenment to the most
 spots on earth to calm the violence and turbulence. Again
 research validates the success of this
 12 January 1977
 Creating an Ideal
 . .people currently
 practicing the Transcendental Meditation technique are
 intensifying the Maharishi Effect and contributing to the
 Age of
 Enlightenment. The dawn is rising to the
 The influence of
 orderliness generated from the state of infinite correlation
 experienced during the Transcendental Meditation technique
 is so
 powerful that even one per cent of the people in society
 the Transcendental Meditation technique is sufficient to
 negative tendencies and give an evolutionary direction to
 life as a whole.
 The phenomenon of a
 powerful influence of harmony spreading through a whole
 community or
 nation when a small fraction of the population practices the
 Transcendental Meditation technique is known as the
 Maharishi Effect
 the [Maharishi]
 Meissner-like Effect of Increasing Coherence in
 “Sudden sharp changes from relatively
 disordered to much more ordered states may be considered
 transitions' as described in the physical sciences. For
 water changes from a less orderly arrangement of molecules
 in the
 liquid state to a highly ordered crystalline structure when
 temperature is lowered to 0 degree C. Physicists are now
 to explore the possible applications of phase transition
 models to
 sudden sweeping changes in individual and social systems . .
 Transitions to more orderly configurations are frequently
 mediated by
 the influence of a few individuals from within a population.
 effects are observed in developing systems of many sorts. 
 instance, in the embryo prior to the formation of any
 organs, a small
 cluster of cells is known as 'The Primary
 Organizer'. These few
 cells determine the developmental fates of the multitude of
 undifferentiated and unordered cells comprising the rest of
 Candace Borland, Ph.D., and Garland
 Landrith III, M.A., 'Improved Quality of City Life
 Through the
 Trancendental Meditation Program: Decreased Crime Rate'
 in Scientific
 Research on the Transcendental Meditation Program: 
 Collected Papers,
 Vol. I, eds. David W. Orme-Johnson, Ph.D., and John T.
 Ph.D., West Germany, MERU Press, 1976
 more and more cities rose to one percent of the population
 Transcendental Meditation, scientific research found that
 not only
 did crime decrease, but accidents, sickness, and other
 trends also decreased, and positivity increased. Research
 named this phenomenon the 'Maharishi Effect' in
 honor of Maharishi.
 early as,
 1960 Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, founder of the Transcendental
 program, predicted that a transition in society toward a
 more orderly
 and harmonious functioning would occur when a small fraction
 -on the

[FairfieldLife] RE: Bad omen for the Pope

2014-01-29 Thread s3raphita
Re "This influence acts to cull out any deep-seated hypocritical behaviour. ":

 Sounds like Kali has her work cut out. The modern world is built on a 
foundation of lies.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: The Historic Meissner-like Effect [ME] of Peace:

2014-01-29 Thread dhamiltony2k5
John Hagelin was not there to dumb-it-down for you but came in given free 
chance to tell it, the thoughtful way that Rick Archer provides to spiritual 
adepts within Rick's interview format. It was really good in fact. I listened 
to the podcast while meditating and it made perfect sense in all reality. More 
meditation experience would proly help you a whole lot more to understand it.  
Work some at your (consciousness-based) education more and then you'd 
appreciate what all he said more fully. 
 State Education Ranking Shows, South Carolina Last
ALEC publishes 16th Edition of its Report Card on American Education 
 yifuxero@...> wrote: 
 I agree with MJ.  His usage of excessive scientific jargon did little if 
anything to enhance his position (touted by MMY but previously by others - 
refer to "Quantum mysticism" in Wiki) that there is a cause and effect 
connection between the Unified Field and quantum mechanics or physics as a 
whole. There's simply no scientific evidence for thisas yet.  If one wants 
to become a "believer" in the truthiness of the connection on the basis of 
intuition, fine.
 I would rate Hagelin a.
 D- for the lecture on the same basis as mentioned by MJ:  i.e. although 
interesting, his presentation provided no practical value for people (me at 
least) in terms of techniques; and his outdated quantum mysticism approach has 
been proven to be a failure in one of its objectives: spreading TM.
 This, his involvement in "What the Bleep" gets a D-
 His involvement in "The Secret" (the New-Agey notion that thoughts create our 
world); while (I believe) is "true" in a karmic sense, the shortcoming is the 
amount of energy required and the length of time needed to make desirable 
changes; as well as the sustaining effect and costs required.  Example: the ME 
may have generated some favorable changes in the environment temporarily, but 
the numbers of participants (back in the 90's)  fell off, below the required 
numbers to generate the Effect.  There are many other factors, of course.  
Thus, Hagelin gets a D- in "The Secret" and the ME.


 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 MJ, it's okay. You always can get your meditation checked. That might help 
clear things up for you. For, whether pure or impure, whether purity or 
impurity is reining everywhere, who so ever opens themselves to the expanded 
vision of unbounded awareness gains inner and outer purity. It is an extremely 
compassionate proposition. -Buck 
 mjackson74@...> wrote: and the vast majority of what Hagelin had to say was 
pseudo-scientific mumbo jumbo that has no practical value for anyone. 

 On Wed, 1/29/14,  wrote:
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: The Historic Meissner-like Effect [ME] of Peace:
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Wednesday, January 29, 2014, 10:08 PM
 Dear Anartaxius, Yes, we are talking history here and
 what a crock you trot out here.  Science moves
 on and you are out of date with this old saw of an
 argument.  It was only valid in context of time.
  But time has moved on.  That guy is dead and long
 gone. Anartaxius, did you happen to catch the interview
 Hagelin gave with Rick Archer. That had a very good
 summary update
 of where science currently is with consciousness. 
 See Buddha at the Gas Pump, http://batgap.com/ http://batgap.com/
 Rudolf Pagels, Ph.D. (1939-1988) Physicist. Was.
 for brevity]
 . . end
 . .
 Meissner-like Effect of consciousness coherence,
 1978,,Discovery of the
 Maharishi Effect” -square root of one percent of the
 practicing the TM and TM-Sidhi program together in one place
 coherence in collective consciousness promoting positive and
 progressive trends in society. Maharishi tests this formula
 sending Governors of the Age of Enlightenment to the most
 spots on earth to calm the violence and turbulence. Again
 research validates the success of this
 12 January 1977
 Creating an Ideal
 . .people currently
 practicing the Transcendental Meditation technique are
 intensifying the Maharishi Effect and contributing to the
 Age of
 Enlightenment. The dawn is rising to the
 The influence of
 orderliness generated from the state of infinite correlation
 experienced during the Transcendental Meditation technique
 is so
 powerful that even one per cent of the people in society
 the Transcendental Meditation technique is sufficient to
 negative tendencies and give an evolutionary direction to
 life as a whole.
 The phenomenon of a
 powerful influence of harmony spreading through a whole
 community or
 nation when a small fraction of the population practices the
 Transcendental Meditation technique i

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Pakriti: Where Do the gods Exist?

2014-01-29 Thread yifuxero
Creme also had high praises for Sathya Sai Baba...so go figure.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Nablusoss, I find them one and the same thing. That is my experience with TM 
as I sit meditating using everything that Maharishi gave me and then come out. 
All of TM as you get good at it is a transmission meditation broadcasting the 
Unified Field in the human system. OMG, the clear radio broadcasting Unified 
 But my feeling now is that The Miaytreya, the World-Teacher, has passed over 
Patel to John Hagelin and Tony Nader. In fact, I certainly feel the appearance 
of Miaytreya World Leader is present in the lives of John Hagelin and Tony 
Nader. This makes entire sense watching the arc of their both coming in to 
Being. I find the prophecy is fulfilled and present. Tell Benjamin Creme now. 
Obviously the modern incarnation of the spiritual world leader in the human 
form are John Hagelin and Tony Nader as scientists, a Doctor, a Physicist, 
Spiritual teachers and householders manifest now here in the world leading a 
powerful spiritual regeneration movement that is science as is all of TM in the 
modern world. It makes entire sense. Forget Patel, it is Hagelin and Nader as 
the Miaytreya. !Jai John Hagelin! !Jai Tony Nader! In the truth and justice of 
science Miaytreya World-Teachers. Jai Guru Dev, -Buck in the Dome 
 sharelong60@...> wrote: Nablusoss, I bet even the pictures of these two 
masters are powerful.


 nablusoss1008 > wrote  
 Thanks Buck. In reality Transcendental Meditation as taught by His Holiness 
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and Transmission meditation as taught by Mr. Benjamin 
Crème and his Master are two different approaches. Transmission meditation is
 " a group service activity which 'steps down' the great spiritual energies 
that continually stream into our planet. During transmission, the Masters of 
Wisdom direct these energies from the spiritual planes through the energy 
centers (chakras) of the group members in a highly scientific manner."

 Whereas Transcendental Meditation is a personal form of meditation where the 
individual connects with the universal self. In Transmission meditation it 
seems like the other way around, an approach in co-operation with the Masters 
of Wisdom as a service for mankind.
 I've never tried it myself but I don't see why they could not work parallel in 
the life of a student. And as you probably know, Mr. Benjamin Crème speaks very 
highly of Maharishi and the TM-technique.
 Mr. Crème also pointed out that Guru Dev is one of the highest Initiates that 
have ever lived on this planet with a point of evolution of 6,0, second only by 
Maitreya Himself.



Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Pakriti: Where Do the gods Exist?

2014-01-29 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Nablusoss, I find them one and the same thing. That is my experience with TM as 
I sit meditating using everything that Maharishi gave me and then come out. All 
of TM as you get good at it is a transmission meditation broadcasting the 
Unified Field in the human system. OMG, the clear radio broadcasting Unified 
 But my feeling now is that The Miaytreya, the World-Teacher, has passed over 
Patel to John Hagelin and Tony Nader. In fact, I certainly feel the appearance 
of Miaytreya World Leader is present in the lives of John Hagelin and Tony 
Nader. This makes entire sense watching the arc of their both coming in to 
Being. I find the prophecy is fulfilled and present. Tell Benjamin Creme now. 
Obviously the modern incarnation of the spiritual world leader in the human 
form are John Hagelin and Tony Nader as scientists, a Doctor, a Physicist, 
Spiritual teachers and householders manifest now here in the world leading a 
powerful spiritual regeneration movement that is science as is all of TM in the 
modern world. It makes entire sense. Forget Patel, it is Hagelin and Nader as 
the Miaytreya. !Jai John Hagelin! !Jai Tony Nader! In the truth and justice of 
science Miaytreya World-Teachers. Jai Guru Dev, -Buck in the Dome 
 sharelong60@...> wrote: 
 Nablusoss, I bet even the pictures of these two masters are powerful.


 nablusoss1008 > wrote  
 Thanks Buck. In reality Transcendental Meditation as taught by His Holiness 
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and Transmission meditation as taught by Mr. Benjamin 
Crème and his Master are two different approaches. Transmission meditation is
 " a group service activity which 'steps down' the great spiritual energies 
that continually stream into our planet. During transmission, the Masters of 
Wisdom direct these energies from the spiritual planes through the energy 
centers (chakras) of the group members in a highly scientific manner."

 Whereas Transcendental Meditation is a personal form of meditation where the 
individual connects with the universal self. In Transmission meditation it 
seems like the other way around, an approach in co-operation with the Masters 
of Wisdom as a service for mankind.
 I've never tried it myself but I don't see why they could not work parallel in 
the life of a student. And as you probably know, Mr. Benjamin Crème speaks very 
highly of Maharishi and the TM-technique.
 Mr. Crème also pointed out that Guru Dev is one of the highest Initiates that 
have ever lived on this planet with a point of evolution of 6,0, second only by 
Maitreya Himself.



Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: The Historic Meissner-like Effect [ME] of Peace:

2014-01-29 Thread yifuxero
I agree with MJ.  His usage of excessive scientific jargon did little if 
anything to enhance his position (touted by MMY but previously by others - 
refer to "Quantum mysticism" in Wiki) that there is a cause and effect 
connection between the Unified Field and quantum mechanics or physics as a 
whole. There's simply no scientific evidence for thisas yet.  If one wants 
to become a "believer" in the truthiness of the connection on the basis of 
intuition, fine.
 I would rate Hagelin a.
 D- for the lecture on the same basis as mentioned by MJ:  i.e. although 
interesting, his presentation provided no practical value for people (me at 
least) in terms of techniques; and his outdated quantum mysticism approach has 
been proven to be a failure in one of its objectives: spreading TM.
 This, his involvement in "What the Bleep" gets a D-
 His involvement in "The Secret" (the New-Agey notion that thoughts create our 
world); while (I believe) is "true" in a karmic sense, the shortcoming is the 
amount of energy required and the length of time needed to make desirable 
changes; as well as the sustaining effect and costs required.  Example: the ME 
may have generated some favorable changes in the environment temporarily, but 
the numbers of participants (back in the 90's)  fell off, below the required 
numbers to generate the Effect.  There are many other factors, of course.  
Thus, Hagelin gets a D- in "The Secret" and the ME.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 MJ, it's okay. You always can get your meditation checked. That might help 
clear things up for you. For, whether pure or impure, whether purity or 
impurity is reining everywhere, who so ever opens themselves to the expanded 
vision of unbounded awareness gains inner and outer purity. It is an extremely 
compassionate proposition. -Buck 
 mjackson74@...> wrote: and the vast majority of what Hagelin had to say was 
pseudo-scientific mumbo jumbo that has no practical value for anyone. 

 On Wed, 1/29/14,  wrote:
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: The Historic Meissner-like Effect [ME] of Peace:
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Wednesday, January 29, 2014, 10:08 PM
 Dear Anartaxius, Yes, we are talking history here and
 what a crock you trot out here.  Science moves
 on and you are out of date with this old saw of an
 argument.  It was only valid in context of time.
  But time has moved on.  That guy is dead and long
 gone. Anartaxius, did you happen to catch the interview
 Hagelin gave with Rick Archer. That had a very good
 summary update
 of where science currently is with consciousness. 
 See Buddha at the Gas Pump, http://batgap.com/ http://batgap.com/
 Rudolf Pagels, Ph.D. (1939-1988) Physicist. Was.
 for brevity]
 . . end
 . .
 Meissner-like Effect of consciousness coherence,
 1978,,Discovery of the
 Maharishi Effect” -square root of one percent of the
 practicing the TM and TM-Sidhi program together in one place
 coherence in collective consciousness promoting positive and
 progressive trends in society. Maharishi tests this formula
 sending Governors of the Age of Enlightenment to the most
 spots on earth to calm the violence and turbulence. Again
 research validates the success of this
 12 January 1977
 Creating an Ideal
 . .people currently
 practicing the Transcendental Meditation technique are
 intensifying the Maharishi Effect and contributing to the
 Age of
 Enlightenment. The dawn is rising to the
 The influence of
 orderliness generated from the state of infinite correlation
 experienced during the Transcendental Meditation technique
 is so
 powerful that even one per cent of the people in society
 the Transcendental Meditation technique is sufficient to
 negative tendencies and give an evolutionary direction to
 life as a whole.
 The phenomenon of a
 powerful influence of harmony spreading through a whole
 community or
 nation when a small fraction of the population practices the
 Transcendental Meditation technique is known as the
 Maharishi Effect
 the [Maharishi]
 Meissner-like Effect of Increasing Coherence in
 “Sudden sharp changes from relatively
 disordered to much more ordered states may be considered
 transitions' as described in the physical sciences. For
 water changes from a less orderly arrangement of molecules
 in the
 liquid state to a highly ordered crystalline structure when
 temperature is lowered to 0 degree C. Physicists are now
 to explore the possible applications of phase transition
 models to
 sudden sweeping changes in individual and social systems . .
 Transitions to

[FairfieldLife] Bad omen for the Pope

2014-01-29 Thread yifuxero
The current Pope seems like a nice fellow, but as with the previous Popes, 
there are no actual changes in the official theological dogmas. 
 The Pope recently released two Peace Doves into the air, but they were quickly 
attacked - one by a seagull and one by a crow.  This is definitely a bad omen 
for the Pope.
 Nobody - even the Pope - can escape the Sword of Kali, currently working 
through the ongoing Uranus square Pluto transit, exact in April of 2014.  This 
influence acts to cull out any deep-seated hypocritical behavior.  In Obama's 
case, his hypocrisy is easily apparent, and the frustrating source of his 
problems.  The Pope, on the other hand, has more deep seated problems beneath 
his nice-guy sheepish behavior: namely, the excessively dogmatized Roman 
Catholic Church.   The evil inherent in that Institution will be culled out by 
Kali.  Nobody is immune to Her.  

[FairfieldLife] NSA's worst nightmare: TOR

2014-01-29 Thread yifuxero
Article in Bloomberg Businessweek about TOR, apparently used by Edward Snowden 
to hide his information: 


 Bonus: what's the difference between St. Padre Pio, MMY, and Rama?
 When inadvertently opening the door to Padre Pio's room, the fellow monks 
would see him radiating a brilliant Light and levitating.

 When walking into MMY's room, people could have seen him fornicating.

 But when walking into Rama's room, they might see him fornicating and then 
 Hee Hee!...So go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: The Historic Meissner-like Effect [ME] of Peace:

2014-01-29 Thread dhamiltony2k5
MJ, it's okay. You always can get your meditation checked. That might help 
clear things up for you. For, whether pure or impure, whether purity or 
impurity is reining everywhere, who so ever opens themselves to the expanded 
vision of unbounded awareness gains inner and outer purity. It is an extremely 
compassionate proposition. -Buck 
 mjackson74@...> wrote: and the vast majority of what Hagelin had to say was 
pseudo-scientific mumbo jumbo that has no practical value for anyone. 
 On Wed, 1/29/14,  wrote:
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: The Historic Meissner-like Effect [ME] of Peace:
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Wednesday, January 29, 2014, 10:08 PM
 Dear Anartaxius, Yes, we are talking history here and
 what a crock you trot out here.  Science moves
 on and you are out of date with this old saw of an
 argument.  It was only valid in context of time.
  But time has moved on.  That guy is dead and long
 gone. Anartaxius, did you happen to catch the interview
 Hagelin gave with Rick Archer. That had a very good
 summary update
 of where science currently is with consciousness. 
 See Buddha at the Gas Pump, http://batgap.com/ http://batgap.com/
 Rudolf Pagels, Ph.D. (1939-1988) Physicist. Was.
 for brevity]
 . . end
 . .
 Meissner-like Effect of consciousness coherence,
 1978,,Discovery of the
 Maharishi Effect” -square root of one percent of the
 practicing the TM and TM-Sidhi program together in one place
 coherence in collective consciousness promoting positive and
 progressive trends in society. Maharishi tests this formula
 sending Governors of the Age of Enlightenment to the most
 spots on earth to calm the violence and turbulence. Again
 research validates the success of this
 12 January 1977
 Creating an Ideal
 . .people currently
 practicing the Transcendental Meditation technique are
 intensifying the Maharishi Effect and contributing to the
 Age of
 Enlightenment. The dawn is rising to the
 The influence of
 orderliness generated from the state of infinite correlation
 experienced during the Transcendental Meditation technique
 is so
 powerful that even one per cent of the people in society
 the Transcendental Meditation technique is sufficient to
 negative tendencies and give an evolutionary direction to
 life as a whole.
 The phenomenon of a
 powerful influence of harmony spreading through a whole
 community or
 nation when a small fraction of the population practices the
 Transcendental Meditation technique is known as the
 Maharishi Effect
 the [Maharishi]
 Meissner-like Effect of Increasing Coherence in
 “Sudden sharp changes from relatively
 disordered to much more ordered states may be considered
 transitions' as described in the physical sciences. For
 water changes from a less orderly arrangement of molecules
 in the
 liquid state to a highly ordered crystalline structure when
 temperature is lowered to 0 degree C. Physicists are now
 to explore the possible applications of phase transition
 models to
 sudden sweeping changes in individual and social systems . .
 Transitions to more orderly configurations are frequently
 mediated by
 the influence of a few individuals from within a population.
 effects are observed in developing systems of many sorts. 
 instance, in the embryo prior to the formation of any
 organs, a small
 cluster of cells is known as 'The Primary
 Organizer'. These few
 cells determine the developmental fates of the multitude of
 undifferentiated and unordered cells comprising the rest of
 Candace Borland, Ph.D., and Garland
 Landrith III, M.A., 'Improved Quality of City Life
 Through the
 Trancendental Meditation Program: Decreased Crime Rate'
 in Scientific
 Research on the Transcendental Meditation Program: 
 Collected Papers,
 Vol. I, eds. David W. Orme-Johnson, Ph.D., and John T.
 Ph.D., West Germany, MERU Press, 1976
 more and more cities rose to one percent of the population
 Transcendental Meditation, scientific research found that
 not only
 did crime decrease, but accidents, sickness, and other
 trends also decreased, and positivity increased. Research
 named this phenomenon the 'Maharishi Effect' in
 honor of Maharishi.
 early as,
 1960 Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, founder of the Transcendental
 program, predicted that a transition in society toward a
 more orderly
 and harmonious functioning would occur when a small fraction
 -on the
 order of one percent- of a population practiced the
 Meditation technique (6), and in 

[FairfieldLife] Videos about Narcissists and Psychopaths

2014-01-29 Thread Bhairitu
Recent interview with Sam Vakim who believes the west has become 
malignant with narcissism:


[FairfieldLife] Post Count Thu 30-Jan-14 00:15:04 UTC

2014-01-29 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 01/25/14 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 02/01/14 00:00:00
442 messages as of (UTC) 01/29/14 22:52:41

 42 Richard Williams 
 41 TurquoiseB 
 38 Share Long 
 36 doctordumbass
 32 Michael Jackson 
 28 dhamiltony2k5
 25 jr_esq
 23 steve.sundur
 23 s3raphita
 22 Bhairitu 
 20 authfriend
 20 Richard J. Williams 
 16 nablusoss1008 
 13 awoelflebater
  9 salyavin808 
  9 cardemaister
  9 anartaxius
  6 Mike Dixon 
  5 merudanda 
  5 emptybill
  5 Jason 
  4 Rick Archer 
  2 j_alexander_stanley
  2 TVIV 
  1 yifuxero
  1 ultrarishi 
  1 srijau
  1 WLeed3
  1 Richard williams 
  1 Joe 
  1 Dick Mays 
Posters: 31
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Now Playing

2014-01-29 Thread Richard Williams
[image: Inline image 1]


*A Meeting by the River* - Ry Cooder and V.M. Bhatt, Sukhvinder Singh
Namdhari - tabla

"A Meeting by the River is an album by Ry Cooder and Vishwa Mohan Bhatt,
released in April 1993 through the record label Water Lily Acoustics.
Recorded in September 1992, the improvised collaborative album features
Cooder on slide guitar and Bhatt on the Mohan veena, a stringed instrument
created by Bhatt. The album peaked at number four on Billboard's Top World
Music Albums chart and earned Cooder and Bhatt Grammy Awards for Best World
Music Album at the 36th Grammy Awards (1994)."


On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 9:23 AM, Richard Williams wrote:

> [image: Inline image 1]
> Ry Cooder - Paris, Texas
> http://youtu.be/X6ymVaq3Fqk
> Note: Ry Cooder did the soundtrack for the film, rated as one of the
> greatest soundtracks of all time. Go figure.
> "Paris, Texas is a 1984 drama film directed by Wim Wenders and starring
> Harry Dean Stanton, Dean Stockwell, Nastassja Kinski, and Hunter Carson."
> http://en.wikipedia.org/Paris,_Texas_film

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: The Historic Meissner-like Effect [ME] of Peace:

2014-01-29 Thread Michael Jackson
and the vast majority of what Hagelin had to say was pseudo-scientific mumbo 
jumbo that has no practical value for anyone.

On Wed, 1/29/14, dhamiltony...@yahoo.com  wrote:

 Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: The Historic Meissner-like Effect [ME] of Peace:
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Wednesday, January 29, 2014, 10:08 PM
Dear Anartaxius, Yes, we are talking history here and
 what a crock you trot out here.  Science moves
on and you are out of date with this old saw of an
 argument.  It was only valid in context of time.
  But time has moved on.  That guy is dead and long
gone.  Anartaxius, did you happen to catch the interview
Hagelin gave with Rick Archer.  That had a very good
 summary update
of where science currently is with consciousness. 

See Buddha at the Gas Pump,  http://batgap.com/
 Rudolf Pagels, Ph.D. (1939-1988) Physicist. Was.
 for brevity]
 . . end
 . .
 Meissner-like Effect of consciousness coherence,
 1978,,Discovery of the
 Maharishi Effect” -square root of one percent of the
 practicing the TM and TM-Sidhi program together in one place
 coherence in collective consciousness promoting positive and
 progressive trends in society.  Maharishi tests this formula
 sending Governors of the Age of Enlightenment to the most
 spots on earth to calm the violence and turbulence.  Again
 research validates the success of this
 12 January 1977
 Creating an Ideal
 . .people currently
 practicing the Transcendental Meditation technique are
 intensifying the Maharishi Effect and contributing to the
 Age of
 Enlightenment.  The dawn is rising to the
 The influence of
 orderliness generated from the state of infinite correlation
 experienced during the Transcendental Meditation technique
 is so
 powerful that even one per cent of the people in society
 the Transcendental Meditation technique is sufficient to
 negative tendencies and give an evolutionary direction to
 life as a whole.
 The phenomenon of a
 powerful influence of harmony spreading through a whole
 community or
 nation when a small fraction of the population practices the
 Transcendental Meditation technique is known as the
 Maharishi Effect
 the [Maharishi]
 Meissner-like Effect of Increasing Coherence in
 “Sudden sharp changes from relatively
 disordered to much more ordered states may be considered
 transitions' as described in the physical sciences.  For
 water changes from a less orderly arrangement of molecules
 in the
 liquid state to a highly ordered crystalline structure when
 temperature is lowered to 0 degree C.  Physicists are now
 to explore the possible applications of phase transition
 models to
 sudden sweeping changes in individual and social systems . .
 Transitions to more orderly configurations are frequently
 mediated by
 the influence of a few individuals from within a population.
 effects are observed in developing systems of many sorts. 
 instance, in the embryo prior to the formation of any
 organs, a small
 cluster of cells is known as 'The Primary
 Organizer'.  These few
 cells determine the developmental fates of the multitude of
 undifferentiated and unordered cells comprising the rest of
 Candace Borland, Ph.D., and Garland
 Landrith III, M.A., 'Improved Quality of City Life
 Through the
 Trancendental Meditation Program: Decreased Crime Rate'
 in Scientific
 Research on the Transcendental Meditation Program: 
 Collected Papers,
 Vol. I, eds. David W. Orme-Johnson, Ph.D., and John T.
 Ph.D., West Germany, MERU Press, 1976
 more and more cities rose to one percent of the population
 Transcendental Meditation, scientific research found that
 not only
 did crime decrease, but accidents, sickness, and other
 trends also decreased, and positivity increased.  Research
 named this phenomenon the 'Maharishi Effect' in
 honor of Maharishi.
 early as,
 1960 Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, founder of the Transcendental
 program, predicted that a transition in society toward a
 more orderly
 and harmonious functioning would occur when a small fraction
 -on the
 order of one percent- of a population practiced the
 Meditation technique (6), and in December 1974 we found that
 rate did decrease in four midwestern U.S. Cities in which
 one percent
 of the population was practicing the TM
 Candace Borland, Ph.D., and Garland
 Landrith III, M.A., 'Improved Quality of City Life
 Through the
 Trancendental Meditation Program: Decreased Crime Rat

[FairfieldLife] RE: Greatest mystery?

2014-01-29 Thread s3raphita
Re "It suggests, especially to young girls, that if they smoke, they will be 

 That isn't a myth though! Smoking tobacco really does suppress appetite. In 
fact, I wonder how many models *don't* smoke. The increase in obesity levels 
can at least in part be blamed on the success of anti-smoking campaigns.

[FairfieldLife] RE: The Historic Meissner-like Effect [ME] of Peace:

2014-01-29 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Dear Anartaxius, Yes, we are talking history here and what a crock you trot out 
here.  Science moves on and you are out of date with this old saw of an 
argument.  It was only valid in context of time.  But time has moved on.  That 
guy is dead and long gone. Anartaxius, did you happen to catch the interview 
John Hagelin gave with Rick Archer. That had a very good summary update of 
where science currently is with consciousness. See Buddha at the Gas Pump, 
http://batgap.com/ http://batgap.com/ 
 Anartaxius writes:

 Heinz Rudolf Pagels, Ph.D. (1939-1988) Physicist. Was.  . 

 [snip for brevity]

 . . end . .



 The Meissner-like Effect of consciousness coherence, continued:
 Discovery of the “Extended Maharishi Effect” -square root of one percent of 
the population practicing the TM and TM-Sidhi program together in one place 
produces coherence in collective consciousness promoting positive and 
progressive trends in society. Maharishi tests this formula by sending 
Governors of the Age of Enlightenment to the most troubled spots on earth to 
calm the violence and turbulence. Again scientific research validates the 
success of this program. 

 12 January 1977

 Creating an Ideal Society:
 . .people currently practicing the Transcendental Meditation technique are 
constantly intensifying the Maharishi Effect and contributing to the Age of 
Enlightenment. The dawn is rising to the day.

 The influence of orderliness generated from the state of infinite correlation 
experienced during the Transcendental Meditation technique is so powerful that 
even one per cent of the people in society practicing the Transcendental 
Meditation technique is sufficient to neutralize negative tendencies and give 
an evolutionary direction to community life as a whole.


 The phenomenon of a powerful influence of harmony spreading through a whole 
community or nation when a small fraction of the population practices the 
Transcendental Meditation technique is known as the Maharishi Effect [ME].

 Considering the [Maharishi] Meissner-like Effect of Increasing Coherence in 

 “Sudden sharp changes from relatively disordered to much more ordered states 
may be considered 'phase transitions' as described in the physical sciences. 
For instance, water changes from a less orderly arrangement of molecules in the 
liquid state to a highly ordered crystalline structure when the temperature is 
lowered to 0 degree C. Physicists are now beginning to explore the possible 
applications of phase transition models to sudden sweeping changes in 
individual and social systems . . Transitions to more orderly configurations 
are frequently mediated by the influence of a few individuals from within a 
population. Such effects are observed in developing systems of many sorts. For 
instance, in the embryo prior to the formation of any organs, a small cluster 
of cells is known as 'The Primary Organizer'. These few cells determine the 
developmental fates of the multitude of undifferentiated and unordered cells 
comprising the rest of the embryo.”

 Candace Borland, Ph.D., and Garland Landrith III, M.A., 'Improved Quality of 
City Life Through the Trancendental Meditation Program: Decreased Crime Rate' 
in Scientific Research on the Transcendental Meditation Program: Collected 
Papers, Vol. I, eds. David W. Orme-Johnson, Ph.D., and John T. Farrow, Ph.D., 
West Germany, MERU Press, 1976


 As more and more cities rose to one percent of the population practicing 
Transcendental Meditation, scientific research found that not only did crime 
decrease, but accidents, sickness, and other negative trends also decreased, 
and positivity increased. Research scientists named this phenomenon the 
'Maharishi Effect' in honor of Maharishi.

 As early as,

 “In 1960 Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, founder of the Transcendental Meditation 
program, predicted that a transition in society toward a more orderly and 
harmonious functioning would occur when a small fraction -on the order of one 
percent- of a population practiced the Transcendental Meditation technique (6), 
and in December 1974 we found that crime rate did decrease in four midwestern 
U.S. Cities in which one percent of the population was practicing the TM 

 Candace Borland, Ph.D., and Garland Landrith III, M.A., 'Improved Quality of 
City Life Through the Trancendental Meditation Program: Decreased Crime Rate' 
in Scientific Research on the Transcendental Meditation Program: Collected 
Papers, Vol. I, eds. David W. Orme-Johnson, Ph.D., and John T. Farrow, Ph.D., 
West Germany, MERU Press, 1976


 12 January 1972 Maharishi inaugurated the World Plan to “eliminate the age-old 
problems of mankind in this generation.”  

 Right from the beginning of his movement, Maharishi predicted that even a 
small number of the world's population practicing his Transcendental Meditation 
technique could neutralize the stress being bui

[FairfieldLife] RE: Are You Sure You Exist?

2014-01-29 Thread salyavin808

 It works! that should make life a bit easier. Cheers!

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 P.S.: Even if you top-post and click the three dots to make sure what you're 
responding to is quoted, the quotes may still be hidden under the "Show message 
history" notation. Sometimes they are, sometimes they're visible without having 
to click the notation; I haven't figured out what makes the difference.


 << You can also see what you're responding to in the message box above the 
Reply box, which may be sufficient if you're top-posting in response. But you 
should still click the three dots in the Reply box to make sure what you're 
responding to is quoted--if you don't, it won't be. >>

 I'm trying to stick with top-posting because otherwise the whole post, 
including what I've written, is hidden underneath the "Show message history" 
notation, and folks may not bother to click the notation to reveal the post, 
even just to see what it's about.

 The way things are set up is just insanely stupid for a forum in which 
conversational exchanges are actually going on--or trying to go on.

 << Salyavin, a tip that Feste discovered: Type your message, and when you're 
through, before you send it, click on the three dots in the lower left-hand 
corner of the Reply window. Then what you're responding to will show up when 
you make your post.

 I find it easier to click on the "reply to this message" in the box first and 
see the previous post which you can then respond to including interspersing 
comments with the last person's post. I don't usually type anything until I am 
sure I can see what I am responding to.  >>

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Hi Share, that was directed at Willytex, I should have quoted from his post. 
This stupid system is no fun to use, no wonder Yahoo shares are dropping!

[FairfieldLife] Re: A bubble pebble Chart - Philosophy

2014-01-29 Thread Jason



> Another philosophy chart.


[FairfieldLife] A bubble pebble Chart - Philosophy

2014-01-29 Thread Jason

Another philosophy chart.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Pictures in mail-archive??

2014-01-29 Thread Jason

I don't think pics show up in the off-site mail-archive.



> Is it possible to make pictures appear in mail-archive?


> a6dBQMP64o/s512/Rough_Chart.gif


Re: [FairfieldLife] Greatest mystery?

2014-01-29 Thread Share Long
Carde, here's a clue pertaining to that particular mystery: Virginia Slims. 
It's subliminal. It suggests, especially to young girls, that if they smoke, 
they will be slim.

On Wednesday, January 29, 2014 12:47 PM, "cardemais...@yahoo.com" 

#1 Wrinkled Like Skin that's Been in the Hot Tub Too Long 
Wrinkles, wrinkles wrinkles. Women spend thousands to lose them with 
botox or a face lift, yet so many people smoke cigarettes that are 
guaranteed to make them look like they have multiple trenches in their 
face. The female mind is the greatest mystery known to mankind. 

[FairfieldLife] Greatest mystery?

2014-01-29 Thread cardemaister

 #1 Wrinkled Like Skin that's Been in the Hot Tub Too Long Wrinkles, wrinkles 
wrinkles. Women spend thousands to lose them with botox or a face lift, yet so 
many people smoke cigarettes that are guaranteed to make them look like they 
have multiple trenches in their face. The female mind is the greatest mystery 
known to mankind. 

[FairfieldLife] RE: Are You Sure You Exist?

2014-01-29 Thread authfriend
P.S.: Even if you top-post and click the three dots to make sure what you're 
responding to is quoted, the quotes may still be hidden under the "Show message 
history" notation. Sometimes they are, sometimes they're visible without having 
to click the notation; I haven't figured out what makes the difference.


 << You can also see what you're responding to in the message box above the 
Reply box, which may be sufficient if you're top-posting in response. But you 
should still click the three dots in the Reply box to make sure what you're 
responding to is quoted--if you don't, it won't be. >>

 I'm trying to stick with top-posting because otherwise the whole post, 
including what I've written, is hidden underneath the "Show message history" 
notation, and folks may not bother to click the notation to reveal the post, 
even just to see what it's about.

 The way things are set up is just insanely stupid for a forum in which 
conversational exchanges are actually going on--or trying to go on.

 << Salyavin, a tip that Feste discovered: Type your message, and when you're 
through, before you send it, click on the three dots in the lower left-hand 
corner of the Reply window. Then what you're responding to will show up when 
you make your post.

 I find it easier to click on the "reply to this message" in the box first and 
see the previous post which you can then respond to including interspersing 
comments with the last person's post. I don't usually type anything until I am 
sure I can see what I am responding to.  >>

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Hi Share, that was directed at Willytex, I should have quoted from his post. 
This stupid system is no fun to use, no wonder Yahoo shares are dropping!

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Old Nun to be Sentenced for Sabotage

2014-01-29 Thread Mike Dixon
But she would be *rehabilitated* only if she wanted to be rehabilitated. What 
if she thought, all along, that she did the right thing in the first place? I'd 
have to admit that living with MD in rounding could be absolute *hell* or at 
least long suffering. What if she had to sing those M honey songs all day? 
Might as well wear a *hair shirt*.

On Tuesday, January 28, 2014 5:12 PM, "dhamiltony...@yahoo.com" 
I should have her sentenced to
community service meditating at a TM Mother Divine facility.  That
would be science-based rehabilitation and certainly effective in the
service of peace.  Would serve her right.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Are You Sure You Exist?

2014-01-29 Thread authfriend
You can also see what you're responding to in the message box above the Reply 
box, which may be sufficient if you're top-posting in response. But you should 
still click the three dots in the Reply box to make sure what you're responding 
to is quoted--if you don't, it won't be.

 I'm trying to stick with top-posting because otherwise the whole post, 
including what I've written, is hidden underneath the "Show message history" 
notation, and folks may not bother to click the notation to reveal the post, 
even just to see what it's about.

 The way things are set up is just insanely stupid for a forum in which 
conversational exchanges are actually going on--or trying to go on.

 << Salyavin, a tip that Feste discovered: Type your message, and when you're 
through, before you send it, click on the three dots in the lower left-hand 
corner of the Reply window. Then what you're responding to will show up when 
you make your post.

 I find it easier to click on the "reply to this message" in the box first and 
see the previous post which you can then respond to including interspersing 
comments with the last person's post. I don't usually type anything until I am 
sure I can see what I am responding to.  >>

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Hi Share, that was directed at Willytex, I should have quoted from his post. 
This stupid system is no fun to use, no wonder Yahoo shares are dropping!

[FairfieldLife] RE: The Historic Meissner-like Effect [ME] of Peace:

2014-01-29 Thread anartaxius
Heinz Rudolf Pagels, Ph.D. (1939-1988) Physicist. Was executive director and 
CEO of New York Academy of Sciences; President of the International League for 
Human Rights"


 "My summary opinion, as a theoretical physicist specializing in the area of 
quantum field theory, is that the views expressed in the literature issued by 
the Maharishi International University, and appearing in the "World Government 
News" and other publications associated with the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi that 
purport to find a connection between the recent ideas of theoretical 
physics--unified field theory, the vacuum state and collective phenomena--and 
states of consciousness attained by transcendental meditation are false and 
profoundly misleading. No qualified physicist that I know would claim to find 
such a connection without knowingly committing fraud."

 "Individuals not trained professionally in modern physics could easily come to 
believe, on the basis of the presentations in the Maharishi literature, that a 
large number of qualified scientists agree with the purported connection 
between modern physics and meditation methods. Nothing could be further from 
the truth." "What was especially interesting to me, in reviewing this 
literature, is the claim put forth by the Maharishi and his followers, that 
transcendental meditation and 'The Science of Creative Intelligence' qualify as 
a science. Although the word 'science' is much abused, it continues to imply an 
adherent to logic, the clear presentation of assumptions and deductions, and 
the experimental method. Most importantly, any science necessarily contains a 
recipe for its own falsification. None of these central features of the Western 
concept of science are present in 'The Science of Creative Intelligence.' This 
is not science."

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Discovery of the “Extended Maharishi Effect” -square root of one percent of 
the population practicing the TM and TM-Sidhi program together in one place 
produces coherence in collective consciousness promoting positive and 
progressive trends in society. Maharishi tests this formula by sending 
Governors of the Age of Enlightenment to the most troubled spots on earth to 
calm the violence and turbulence. Again scientific research validates the 
success of this program. 

 12 January 1977

 Creating an Ideal Society:
 . .people currently practicing the Transcendental Meditation technique are 
constantly intensifying the Maharishi Effect and contributing to the Age of 
Enlightenment. The dawn is rising to the day.

 The influence of orderliness generated from the state of infinite correlation 
experienced during the Transcendental Meditation technique is so powerful that 
even one per cent of the people in society practicing the Transcendental 
Meditation technique is sufficient to neutralize negative tendencies and give 
an evolutionary direction to community life as a whole.


 The phenomenon of a powerful influence of harmony spreading through a whole 
community or nation when a small fraction of the population practices the 
Transcendental Meditation technique is known as the Maharishi Effect [ME].

 Considering the [Maharishi] Meissner-like Effect of Increasing Coherence in 

 “Sudden sharp changes from relatively disordered to much more ordered states 
may be considered 'phase transitions' as described in the physical sciences. 
For instance, water changes from a less orderly arrangement of molecules in the 
liquid state to a highly ordered crystalline structure when the temperature is 
lowered to 0 degree C. Physicists are now beginning to explore the possible 
applications of phase transition models to sudden sweeping changes in 
individual and social systems . . Transitions to more orderly configurations 
are frequently mediated by the influence of a few individuals from within a 
population. Such effects are observed in developing systems of many sorts. For 
instance, in the embryo prior to the formation of any organs, a small cluster 
of cells is known as 'The Primary Organizer'. These few cells determine the 
developmental fates of the multitude of undifferentiated and unordered cells 
comprising the rest of the embryo.”

 Candace Borland, Ph.D., and Garland Landrith III, M.A., 'Improved Quality of 
City Life Through the Trancendental Meditation Program: Decreased Crime Rate' 
in Scientific Research on the Transcendental Meditation Program: Collected 
Papers, Vol. I, eds. David W. Orme-Johnson, Ph.D., and John T. Farrow, Ph.D., 
West Germany, MERU Press, 1976


 As more and more cities rose to one percent of the population practicing 
Transcendental Meditation, scientific research found that not only did crime 
decrease, but accidents, sickness, and other negative trends also decreased, 
and positivity increased. Research scientists named this phenomenon the 
'Maharishi Effect' in honor of Maharishi.

 As early as,

 “In 1

[FairfieldLife] RE: Where Do the gods Exist?

2014-01-29 Thread s3raphita
On the subject of rating spiritual masters, are FFLifers familiar with Sarlo's 
Guru Rating Service? Sarlo himself was a disciple of Osho so gives him top 
rating but apart from that self-indulgence I find his subjective judgements on 
various teachers, gurus and rishis to be reliable. The site is in an irritating 
pink and blue colour scheme, and takes a while to learn how to navigate but now 
rates 1,750 people. Links are provided pro and anti the teachers and there's a 
feedback option. Take a peek and see how your favourites score . . .


[FairfieldLife] RE: Now Playing

2014-01-29 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Nablusoss, I long time ago I saw Wings of Desire. I could see it was a deep 
film, but it was a stretch for me to actually like it.
 On Wednesday, January 29, 2014 9:39 AM, nablusoss1008 
   And a brilliant film, as all done by Wim Wenders, the last as I remember is 
"Pina" which is a masterpiece AND easy to fathom even for lovers of B-films on 
this forum :-)

 This looks marvelous. Also nice music. 



[FairfieldLife] RE: Now Playing

2014-01-29 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Nablusoss, I long time ago I saw Wings of Desire. I could see it was a deep 
film, but it was a stretch for me to actually like it.

 I remember being crazy about the film. Greatly atmospheric. Here is an old 
German trailer for it. Evocative.
 On Wednesday, January 29, 2014 9:39 AM, nablusoss1008 
   And a brilliant film, as all done by Wim Wenders, the last as I remember is 
"Pina" which is a masterpiece AND easy to fathom even for lovers of B-films on 
this forum :-)



[FairfieldLife] RE: Are You Sure You Exist?

2014-01-29 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Salyavin, a tip that Feste discovered: Type your message, and when you're 
through, before you send it, click on the three dots in the lower left-hand 
corner of the Reply window. Then what you're responding to will show up when 
you make your post.

 I find it easier to click on the "reply to this message" in the box first and 
see the previous post which you can then respond to including interspersing 
comments with the last person's post. I don't usually type anything until I am 
sure I can see what I am responding to. 

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Hi Share, that was directed at Willytex, I should have quoted from his post. 
This stupid system is no fun to use, no wonder Yahoo shares are dropping!

[FairfieldLife] ‘Dr. Om’ or ‘Dr. Doom’? Roubini gets meditative in Davos

2014-01-29 Thread nablusoss1008


Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Are You Sure You Exist?

2014-01-29 Thread authfriend
Salyavin, a tip that Feste discovered: Type your message, and when you're 
through, before you send it, click on the three dots in the lower left-hand 
corner of the Reply window. Then what you're responding to will show up when 
you make your post.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Hi Share, that was directed at Willytex, I should have quoted from his post. 
This stupid system is no fun to use, no wonder Yahoo shares are dropping!

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Are You Sure You Exist?

2014-01-29 Thread Share Long
Salyavin, that's ok and I agree Neo is a mess. It's just wonderful to have you 
back posting again.

On Wednesday, January 29, 2014 9:59 AM, salyavin808  
Hi Share, that was directed at Willytex, I should have quoted from his post. 
This stupid system is no fun to use, no wonder Yahoo shares are dropping!

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Are You Sure You Exist?

2014-01-29 Thread salyavin808
Hi Share, that was directed at Willytex, I should have quoted from his post. 
This stupid system is no fun to use, no wonder Yahoo shares are dropping!

[FairfieldLife] RE: Where Do the gods Exist?

2014-01-29 Thread s3raphita
Re "Well I thought "everybody" knew he was killed by the long-time effects of 
the injection the FBI/CIA gave him when he was 24 hrs in prison before he left 
the USA. That's what Osho himself claimed.":


 Osho thought he was a victim of thallium poisoning by the FBI. As thallium 
causes hair loss and Osho had a full head of hair when he died that was 
obviously not the case. His symptoms match those caused by N2O abuse. And the 
authorities didn't need to kill him - they got much more mileage by having him 
slowly transported across country in handcuffs being filmed by the TV networks. 
Osho's bedroom was also bugged (without his knowledge) by his own deputy Sheela 
- the police confiscated those recordings (do they still have them?) so could 
have released juicy audio clips any time they wanted to embarrass him further.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Pakriti: Where Do the gods Exist?

2014-01-29 Thread Share Long
Nablusoss, I bet even the pictures of these two masters are powerful.

On Wednesday, January 29, 2014 9:34 AM, nablusoss1008 
Thanks Buck. In reality Transcendental Meditation as taught by His Holiness 
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and Transmission meditation as taught by Mr. Benjamin 
Crème and his Master are two different approaches. Transmission meditation is 
" a group service activity which 'steps   down' the great spiritual 
energies that continually   stream into our planet. During transmission, 
the   Masters of Wisdom direct these energies from the   spiritual 
planes through the energy centers (chakras)   of the group members in a 
highly scientific manner."

Whereas Transcendental Meditation is a personal form of meditation where the 
individual connects with the universal self. In Transmission meditation it 
seems like the other way around, an approach in co-operation with the Masters 
of Wisdom as a service for mankind.
I've never tried it myself but I don't see why they could not work parallel in 
the life of a student. And as you probably know, Mr. Benjamin Crème speaks very 
highly of Maharishi and the TM-technique. 
Mr. Crème also pointed out that Guru Dev is one of the highest Initiates that 
have ever lived on this planet with a point of evolution of 6,0, second only by 
Maitreya Himself.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Are You Sure You Exist?

2014-01-29 Thread Share Long
Salyavin, I'm simply exploring this experience. Yes, our senses demonstrate the 
straightness of stick. We can touch it. We can lift it out of the water. We can 
understand how water and light work to create the optical illusion. But we 
still won't see the stick in the water as straight. For some reason, this 
boggles my mind. Which is a fun thing for me!

On Wednesday, January 29, 2014 9:39 AM, salyavin808  
But it's the senses that reveal that the stick isn't bent, you just have to 
know a bit more about what you are looking at.

Please demonstrate that there is a transcendental field hidden from view. It 
sounds like a belief to me as no matter how hard we look it isn't like a bent 
stick is it? It appears ineffable, nothing depends on it and nothing is 
explained or improved by it. Which is another way of saying it isn't real I 

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Pakriti: Where Do the gods Exist?

2014-01-29 Thread Michael Jackson
Well Goddamn!  Now we know why Buck likes Benjy Creme - his meditation is as 
scientific as TM!!! Synchronicity! 

On Wed, 1/29/14, nablusoss1008  wrote:

 Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: Pakriti: Where Do the gods Exist?
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Wednesday, January 29, 2014, 3:34 PM
   Thanks Buck. In reality Transcendental
 Meditation as taught by His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
 and Transmission meditation as taught by Mr. Benjamin Crème
 and his Master are two different approaches. Transmission
 meditation is " a group service activity which
 'steps   down' the great spiritual energies that
 continually   stream into our planet. During
 transmission, the   Masters of Wisdom direct these
 energies from the   spiritual planes through the energy
 centers (chakras)   of the group members in a highly
 Whereas Transcendental Meditation is a personal form
 of meditation where the individual connects with the
 universal self. In Transmission meditation it seems like the
 other way around, an approach in co-operation with the
 Masters of Wisdom as a service for mankind.I've
 never tried it myself but I don't see why they could not
 work parallel in the life of a student. And as you probably
 know, Mr. Benjamin Crème speaks very highly of Maharishi
 and the TM-technique. Mr. Crème also pointed
 out that Guru Dev is one of the highest Initiates that have
 ever lived on this planet with a point of evolution of 6,0,
 second only by Maitreya Himself.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Now Playing

2014-01-29 Thread Share Long
Nablusoss, I long time ago I saw Wings of Desire. I could see it was a deep 
film, but it was a stretch for me to actually like it.

On Wednesday, January 29, 2014 9:39 AM, nablusoss1008 
And a brilliant film, as all done by Wim Wenders, the last as I remember is 
"Pina" which is a masterpiece AND easy to fathom even for lovers of B-films on 
this forum :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Are You Sure You Exist?

2014-01-29 Thread salyavin808
But it's the senses that reveal that the stick isn't bent, you just have to 
know a bit more about what you are looking at.

 Please demonstrate that there is a transcendental field hidden from view. It 
sounds like a belief to me as no matter how hard we look it isn't like a bent 
stick is it? It appears ineffable, nothing depends on it and nothing is 
explained or improved by it. Which is another way of saying it isn't real I 

[FairfieldLife] RE: Now Playing

2014-01-29 Thread nablusoss1008
And a brilliant film, as all done by Wim Wenders, the last as I remember is 
"Pina" which is a masterpiece AND easy to fathom even for lovers of B-films on 
this forum :-)

[FairfieldLife] RE: Pakriti: Where Do the gods Exist?

2014-01-29 Thread nablusoss1008
Thanks Buck. In reality Transcendental Meditation as taught by His Holiness 
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and Transmission meditation as taught by Mr. Benjamin 
Crème and his Master are two different approaches. Transmission meditation is 
 " a group service activity which 'steps down' the great spiritual energies 
that continually stream into our planet. During transmission, the Masters of 
Wisdom direct these energies from the spiritual planes through the energy 
centers (chakras) of the group members in a highly scientific manner."

 Whereas Transcendental Meditation is a personal form of meditation where the 
individual connects with the universal self. In Transmission meditation it 
seems like the other way around, an approach in co-operation with the Masters 
of Wisdom as a service for mankind.
 I've never tried it myself but I don't see why they could not work parallel in 
the life of a student. And as you probably know, Mr. Benjamin Crème speaks very 
highly of Maharishi and the TM-technique. 
 Mr. Crème also pointed out that Guru Dev is one of the highest Initiates that 
have ever lived on this planet with a point of evolution of 6,0, second only by 
Maitreya Himself.

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Ideal Home Theater

2014-01-29 Thread Share Long
Really nice, Richard. When are you and Rita gonna invite FFL over for movie 
night? (-:

On Tuesday, January 28, 2014 6:45 PM, Richard Williams  
We went back to Haverty's Online and designed this love seat for our home 
theater room. Rita wants to have tables at each end of the love seat to put our 
drinks and snacks on.

The seat cushions feature 1.8–density foam made of a revolutionary soy–based 
material designed to mold to your body. An independent spring seating system 
isolates the movement on each seat, so you can relax without disruption. 

The arms are feather–filled and the banded bases are finished with self–welting 
to reveal tapered legs with a walnut finish. Kiln–dried hardwood with laminate 
supports give the frames a sturdy build. 


On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 11:29 AM, Share Long  wrote:

>Richard, imho this chair needs cup holding and snack holding indentations on 
>the arms...or little ledges where trays can be hooked a la the drive in places 
>of my youth (-:
>On Tuesday, January 28, 2014 10:53 AM, Richard Williams  
>Thanks, Share, now that we've got the fundamentals down, we can get to the 
>details. I went to Haverty's Online and designed this chair for the viewing 
>room - that pretty much says it all. Maybe I should design a love seat for me 
>and Rita. Now that's better!
>On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 9:18 AM, Share Long  wrote:
>>Richard, imho a home theater should be snack friendly. I realize that the 
>>Romans loved to lounge and munch, but I personally find upright seating 
>>better for eating popcorn, Raisinets, etc. And definitely better for imbibing 
>>Mug Root Beer (caffeine free), Aquafina, etc.
>>On Tuesday, January 28, 2014 9:07 AM, Richard Williams  
>>The ideal home theater room will have a TV set and a DVD player and a comfy 
>>chair to relax in. 
>>First, some definitions:
>>"Home cinema, also commonly called home theater or home theater, refers to 
>>home entertainment systems that seek to reproduce a movie theater experience 
>>and mood, with the help of video and audio equipment in or outside a private 
>>Home Cinema:
>>'15 Cool Home Theater Design Ideas'

[FairfieldLife] Now Playing

2014-01-29 Thread Richard Williams
[image: Inline image 1]

Ry Cooder - Paris, Texas

Note: Ry Cooder did the soundtrack for the film, rated as one of the
greatest soundtracks of all time. Go figure.

"Paris, Texas is a 1984 drama film directed by Wim Wenders and starring
Harry Dean Stanton, Dean Stockwell, Nastassja Kinski, and Hunter Carson."


Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Are You Sure You Exist?

2014-01-29 Thread Share Long
Richard, I think the stick appearing bent in the water is a great example. We 
can know a lot about sticks and water and light refraction and still, we won't 
see the stick as straight! Even if we dip our hand into the water and touch the 
straight stick, we still won't see it straight! Can all these experiences and 
knowledge be unified?

On Wednesday, January 29, 2014 8:59 AM, Richard J. Williams 
On 1/27/2014 8:01 PM, s3raph...@yahoo.com wrote:

This is elementary. I know I exist. That is only thing of which I am 
*absolutely* certain.
Most people when asked this question, would reply using a naive
realist position that because we are conscious and can perceive
things and events with the senses so, we conclude that there must be
an existence. This answer is based on observation - perception is
reality. If we are a realist we see things and experience things
just the way they are. 

People don't usually get the notion that there is a transcendental
field that is hidden from view - they just accept things  as they
are and as they seem - with common sense a realist just understands
that gravity sucks and all human excrement flows downstream. Most
people just use common sense in order to explain existence.

According to my Professor, A.J. Bahm, there are six statements that
summarize the realist view:

1. Objects which are known exist independently of their being known.

2. Objects have qualities or properties, which are parts of the

3. Objects are not affected merely by being known.

4. Objects seem as they are and are as they seem.

5. Objects are known directly.

6. Objects are public.

The problem with the naive realist position is that the senses don't
reveal everything that can be known - things and events are not
always exactly as they seem. For example, a straight stick when
immersed half way into water may appear to be bent. Things and
events appear to be real, but if appearances derived through one
sensory channel appear contradictory, it is natural to appeal to
other senses for corroboration. When they contradict, which sense
shall we accept as reliable? 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Ideal Home Office

2014-01-29 Thread Share Long
Hey, Richard, don't forget rebounders! Also known as mini trampolines. Good for 
the bones, good for the immune system.

On Wednesday, January 29, 2014 8:37 AM, Richard Williams  
13. The ideal home office will have a stationary bicycle, and/or a treadmill, 
an elliptical or other exercise device, and maybe some 5-10 pound one-handed 

14. The ideal home office would have a good pair of noise-cancelling head 

On Sun, Jan 5, 2014 at 9:25 AM, Richard Williams  wrote:

>Example of an ideal home office, above; below a description of a poor home 
>There's a nerd guy I know that lives down the street who does almost all of 
>his homework sitting on a twin bed with his dog - the bed is a mattress on the 
>floor, no frame. He has an old army sleeping bag which also doubles as a 
>pillow when not in use for sleeping or on really hot days. 
>This guy has a large box fan sitting on the floor, usually set to high. The 
>guy has an old laptop computer with a 14 inch display, but no internet; a 21 
>inch cathode ray TV set with rabbit ears sitting on a TV tray. There is a game 
>box with two controllers and several game discs on the floor next to a 
>cardboard box. There's an Emerson microwave on the counter next to a small 
>sink in the corner of the room. 
>His place is located out back behind the main house next to the alley. Two 
>large dogs roam the back yard which is mostly dirt and rocks with a few 
>sprouts of Johnson grass. There is no water hose but there is a spigot at the 
>side of the main hose. He parks his car on the street at the curb in front of 
>the house. There is a sidewalk made of square flat concrete slabs that he got 
>at Home Depot garden center. His door has a combination padlock on the outside 
>of the door with a chain for security. Inside the door has a sliding bolt 
>assembly he bought at Ace Hardware.
>This nerd guy has an old Lazy Boy recliner for his chair that he found at the 
>curb from a house down the street that he found during free curb-side trash 
>pick up. His main light is a cord hanging from the center of the ceiling with 
>an aluminum shield on it that he got at the Family Dollar. He has a radiant 
>electric heater on the floor near the foot of the bed. There is a window in 
>the back of the room covered with aluminum foil and it opens, but has no 
>This nerd has a styro-foam cooler for keeping beer cooled, which doubles as a 
>table for an ash tray, which is large coffee can filled with sand. There is a 
>bathroom in this guys home office, but it contains no tissue of any kind and 
>no soap.  Go figure.
>Suggestions for an Ideal Home Office:
>A ideal home office should be designed for getting things done. The ideal home 
>home office will have a desk; a chair; a table light; and some writing paper 
>and a box of pencils. The ideal home office would be a separate room with a 
>door and window to allow natural light to enter the room. In addition to the 
>above an ideal office will have its own bathroom for easy convenience. 
>The ideal home office will have a long counter (with drawers or cabinets or 
>both); a sink (double or single, ceramic or aluminum); a refrigerator (double 
>or single door with a freezer) and a stove (gas or electric) to food cook on. 
>The ideal office will have a coffee pot (drip, automatic; and a glass water 
>kettle for boiling water. The ideal home office will have a coffee bean 
>The desk should be stable, constructed of wood or metal, and at a suitable 
>position for maximum utility. The chair should be comfortable and supporting. 
>The table light should provide ample lighting for doing work. The ideal home 
>office would be located in a place free of unwanted distractions. 
>In addition, the ideal home office would be equipped with a telephone (land 
>line or cell); a computer (desktop or laptop) preferably with two or more 
>large flat-screen monitors and a sound system; a file cabinet (metal or wood); 
>a printer (inkjet or laser); and a fax machine (or computer fax software) and 
>a flat-bed scanner. The bathroom should include a roll of tissue; a box of 
>tissues; and soap (bar or bottle).  
>In the ideal home office will have a computer connected to the internet (high 
>speed local network or wireless) and will be equipped with personal 
>productivity tools such as a web browser, a text editor, a calculating program 
>and imaging software 
>Additional recommendations:
>1. The room should be large with plenty of room for working on projects. The 
>floor should be constructed of hardwood, highly polished, with a large 
>oriental carpet in the center of the room with a pillow for sitting on to 
>meditate and get inspiration.
>2. The room should be equipped with a hot and cold central HVAC system, such 
>as a Trane, if needed. The ideal home office would be designed with a 
>fireplace (wood or gas).
>3. The r

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Are You Sure You Exist?

2014-01-29 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 1/27/2014 12:58 PM, TurquoiseB wrote:
*/My Descartesian answer: I post obvious trollbait, and some people 
are so stupid and so attached as to get their hot buttons pushed by it 
and feel that they "have" to reply.  :-) :-) :-) /*

You just "had" to reply with a Descartesian answer because you are so 
stupid and so attached to troll bait that you posted a reply because 
your button got pushed: "I think, therefore I am." - Rene Descartes

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Are You Sure You Exist?

2014-01-29 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 1/27/2014 8:01 PM, s3raph...@yahoo.com wrote:
This is elementary. I know I exist. That is only thing of which I am 
*absolutely* certain.

Most people when asked this question, would reply using a naive realist 
position that because we are conscious and can perceive things and 
events with the senses so, we conclude that there must be an existence. 
This answer is based on observation - perception is reality. If we are a 
realist we see things and experience things just the way they are.

People don't usually get the notion that there is a transcendental field 
that is hidden from view - they just accept things  as they are and as 
they seem - with common sense a realist just understands that gravity 
sucks and all human excrement flows downstream. Most people just use 
common sense in order to explain existence.

According to my Professor, A.J. Bahm, there are six statements that 
summarize the realist view:

1. Objects which are known exist independently of their being known.

2. Objects have qualities or properties, which are parts of the objects.

3. Objects are not affected merely by being known.

4. Objects seem as they are and are as they seem.

5. Objects are known directly.

6. Objects are public.

The problem with the naive realist position is that the senses don't 
reveal everything that can be known - things and events are not always 
exactly as they seem. For example, a straight stick when immersed half 
way into water may appear to be bent. Things and events appear to be 
real, but if appearances derived through one sensory channel appear 
contradictory, it is natural to appeal to other senses for 
corroboration. When they contradict, which sense shall we accept as 

[FairfieldLife] Re: NSR and BM of the M-Ch?

2014-01-29 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wrote:
> God bless you Judy. God bless you. 

 It is good of her to define things for us. People interpret things the way 
they see them, and if that disagrees with her interpretation, it's a LIE. 
Therefore, she gets -- nay *has* -- to "correct" them. 

Also, if people don't find her interpretation interesting enough to argue with 
her incessantly about it, they're "less intelligent" than they used to be. 

'Seems to me she's got that first one wrong, in that I don't remember her 
having been appointed as official "corrector" of ANYTHING, much less other 
people's interpretations of Robin or anything else said here. As for the second 
"definition," 'seems to me that people figuring out that arguing with her is a 
waste of their time indicates that they've grown *more* intelligent, not less. 

And all of this to hide the fact that she's got nothing creative or original to 
contribute. She's just a tyrannical schoolmarm, "correcting other people's 
papers" and hoping one of them will dispute her "corrections," so that she can 
try to lure them into an argument about it.

Judy Stein...always an authfriend, never an author.

 Here is a beautiful example of Barry embodying the exact opposite of those 
fallen race horses - he provided nothing positive, nothing healing, nothing 
revelatory and could not, apparently, be the potential catalyst for any human 
being to feel love, acceptance, understanding or healing. Thanks for the demo, 
Barry. We can count on you to show us what we don't want to become as a human 
being. My prescription - go and work with street people, wounded people, 
wounded animals. Immerse yourself in the pain and agony that has resulted for 
others as a consequence of warmongers, violent people like yourself and then 
sit back and think about it.

 > ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend@ wrote: 
> How's that, Little Stevie? People tell lies, and I correct them, and I'm the 
> mischief maker? I'm not sure you quite thought that one through. And of 
> course, as you know, what Richard quotes isn't at all the sort of "trap" you 
> were talking about. So it just all falls apart into an incoherent mess, as 
> most of your sallies do these days. 
> It's really too bad. You used to be so much brighter a few years back. 
> > Yes, good example Richard. Of course now Judy will coming rushing in, out 
> > of breath, to "set the record straight". What a little mischief maker she 
> > is! 
> ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, punditster@ wrote: 
> On 1/27/2014 7:34 PM, authfriend@ mailto:authfriend@ wrote: 
> > No, Little Stevie, you never observed any "little traps." > 
> This message itself is a little "trap" - a trap to get your attention, Steve. 
> Robin is the most famous trappist on the forum (followed closely by Curtis 
> and Barry). My question is, was this the Hindu Robin, the Islamic Robin, or 
> the Catholic Robin writing all these messages? Go figure. 
> Prime example of a message trap: 
> "The rudeness, the arrogance, the insulting manner of my approach was to 
> deliver perhaps enough of a shock to make her utter something other than her 
> daily New Age affirmations." - Masked Zebra

[FairfieldLife] RE: NSR and BM of the M-Ch?

2014-01-29 Thread awoelflebater


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Thank you.  It really opened my eyes to the potential that a horse can have in 
helping to heal lives that have been broken. 

 And what a moment that must be when the horse lowers its head and signifies 
acceptance.  I can see where they could have a profound effect on someone.

 And it was a nice thing to see individuals in the racing thoroughbred world, 
whom you might picture more as stuffy 1%ers, using their resources to support 
such a worthwhile program.

 Thanks for sharing.

 Thanks for taking the time to watch. I have thought about what it is about 
animal therapy that works for people. You have the old folks having visits from 
dogs, you have prisoners working with horses as well. You also have many 
associations for disabled riders who can come and sit on a horse and be led 
around that are very successful.

 I think in the case of the veterans with PTSD it involves a feeling of being 
in some position of control and yet also vulnerable to being rejected (no join 
up) or even becoming too afraid of the physical perils (bitten or kicked or 
knocked down). I feel these damaged men are already fearful, unsure, deeply 
wounded and just the fact that they would enter into a program like this takes 
courage and a sort of faith that their participation won't make things somehow 
worse. So, when they begin working with these animals who are so big and who 
were great athletes themselves and are no longer wanted or needed (are virtual 
dog meat) they can relate - a sort of fallen hero similarity. The fact that the 
horse eventually chooses (not forced or coerced in any way) to come to them, to 
accept them and to do them no harm is beyond moving for these vets. The men and 
women understand that these animals don't need to do any of that and the 
element of unconditional acceptance and fondness (maybe not love) touches these 
people at the deepest level where all of their pain resides. For me, these 
horses become a sort of personal, loving God - the embodiment of a kind of 
compassionate power. I am a true believer that God works through animals very 
powerfully. This documentary allowed a little of that to show through by 
allowing us to see how deeply effected, and how positively effected, many of 
the men and women were. If this isn't spiritual, if this isn't, in fact, God 
then it is a close second.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Country Chuckles

2014-01-29 Thread Richard Williams
"Don't be irreplaceable. If you can't be replaced, you can't be promoted."-
Will Rogers

On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 7:28 PM, Richard Williams wrote:

> "It's always darkest before dawn. So if you're going to steal your
> neighbor's newspaper, that's the time to do it." - Will Rogers
> On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 5:37 PM, Richard Williams wrote:
>> In case you are worried about what is going to become of the younger
>> generation, it is going to grow up and start worrying about the younger
>> generation.
>> On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 8:13 AM, Richard Williams 
>> wrote:
>>> "Always remember you're unique. Just like everyone else."- Will Rogers
>>> On Wed, Jan 8, 2014 at 9:27 AM, Richard J. Williams <
>>> pundits...@gmail.com> wrote:
 On 1/7/2014 6:01 PM, Richard Williams wrote:

 "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a broken fan belt and a
 leaky tire." - Will Rogers


[FairfieldLife] Re: The Ideal Home Office

2014-01-29 Thread Richard Williams
13. The ideal home office will have a stationary bicycle, and/or a
treadmill, an elliptical or other exercise device, and maybe some 5-10
pound one-handed barbells.

[image: Inline image 1]

14. The ideal home office would have a good pair of noise-cancelling head

On Sun, Jan 5, 2014 at 9:25 AM, Richard Williams wrote:

[image: Inline image 1]
> Example of an ideal home office, above; below a description of a poor home
> office:
> There's a nerd guy I know that lives down the street who does almost all
> of his homework sitting on a twin bed with his dog - the bed is a mattress
> on the floor, no frame. He has an old army sleeping bag which also doubles
> as a pillow when not in use for sleeping or on really hot days.
> This guy has a large box fan sitting on the floor, usually set to high.
> The guy has an old laptop computer with a 14 inch display, but no internet;
> a 21 inch cathode ray TV set with rabbit ears sitting on a TV tray. There
> is a game box with two controllers and several game discs on the floor next
> to a cardboard box. There's an Emerson microwave on the counter next to a
> small sink in the corner of the room.
> His place is located out back behind the main house next to the alley. Two
> large dogs roam the back yard which is mostly dirt and rocks with a few
> sprouts of Johnson grass. There is no water hose but there is a spigot at
> the side of the main hose. He parks his car on the street at the curb in
> front of the house. There is a sidewalk made of square flat concrete slabs
> that he got at Home Depot garden center. His door has a combination padlock
> on the outside of the door with a chain for security. Inside the door has a
> sliding bolt assembly he bought at Ace Hardware.
> This nerd guy has an old Lazy Boy recliner for his chair that he found at
> the curb from a house down the street that he found during free curb-side
> trash pick up. His main light is a cord hanging from the center of the
> ceiling with an aluminum shield on it that he got at the Family Dollar. He
> has a radiant electric heater on the floor near the foot of the bed. There
> is a window in the back of the room covered with aluminum foil and it
> opens, but has no screen.
> This nerd has a styro-foam cooler for keeping beer cooled, which doubles
> as a table for an ash tray, which is large coffee can filled with sand.
> There is a bathroom in this guys home office, but it contains no tissue of
> any kind and no soap.  Go figure.
> Suggestions for an Ideal Home Office:
> A ideal home office should be designed for getting things done. The ideal
> home home office will have a desk; a chair; a table light; and some writing
> paper and a box of pencils. The ideal home office would be a separate room
> with a door and window to allow natural light to enter the room. In
> addition to the above an ideal office will have its own bathroom for easy
> convenience.
> The ideal home office will have a long counter (with drawers or cabinets
> or both); a sink (double or single, ceramic or aluminum); a refrigerator
> (double or single door with a freezer) and a stove (gas or electric) to
> food cook on. The ideal office will have a coffee pot (drip, automatic; and
> a glass water kettle for boiling water. The ideal home office will have a
> coffee bean grinder.
> The desk should be stable, constructed of wood or metal, and at a suitable
> position for maximum utility. The chair should be comfortable and
> supporting. The table light should provide ample lighting for doing work.
> The ideal home office would be located in a place free of unwanted
> distractions.
> In addition, the ideal home office would be equipped with a telephone
> (land line or cell); a computer (desktop or laptop) preferably with two or
> more large flat-screen monitors and a sound system; a file cabinet (metal
> or wood); a printer (inkjet or laser); and a fax machine (or computer fax
> software) and a flat-bed scanner. The bathroom should include a roll of
> tissue; a box of tissues; and soap (bar or bottle).
> In the ideal home office will have a computer connected to the internet
> (high speed local network or wireless) and will be equipped with personal
> productivity tools such as a web browser, a text editor, a calculating
> program and imaging software
> Additional recommendations:
> 1. The room should be large with plenty of room for working on projects.
> The floor should be constructed of hardwood, highly polished, with a large
> oriental carpet in the center of the room with a pillow for sitting on to
> meditate and get inspiration.
> 2. The room should be equipped with a hot and cold central HVAC system,
> such as a Trane, if needed. The ideal home office would be designed with a
> fireplace (wood or gas).
> 3. The room should be secure, with a dead bolt lock on the door. The ideal
> home office would be equipped with security cameras and motion sensors
> connected to a security agency such Br

Re: [FairfieldLife] Pakriti: Where Do the gods Exist?

2014-01-29 Thread Michael Jackson

Now I know why Nabby is so focused on crop circles - cuz Benjy says its so! 
That fact escaped me until now.

Benjamin Creme also believes that crop
circles are the work of UFOs and are linked to the Second Coming
of The Christ, and cites as "proof" that crop circles started
appearing around 1975, just as Creme started publicly teaching his woo about 
Maitreya, and
many of them appear around London, where Maitreya allegedly now lives. 

On Wednesday, January 29, 2014 9:14 AM, Michael Jackson  
Buck I hope your kind message is given tongue in cheek because if it isn't you 
are going around the bend. Creme is even by New Age standards on the margins of 
the New Age movement. No one with a lick of sense takes this guy seriously, 
mainly people who want someone to come "save" them are the ones who think his 
schtick is worth anything.

I will make my own prediction here about Benjy - he will continue to claim the 
world wide salvation promised by himself at the hands of Maitreya is juuust 
around the corner - he will die and no master will show up. Probably some one 
who follows him closely will try to take his place, claiming "Oh Lord Maitreya 
wanted Benjy to come home, so now I"M gone be the prophet - come follow me and 
Oh by the way, I need some big donations since I have to be a prophet full 

Here is a little article from a couple years ago about how accurate Benjy is:

The Bay Citizen
Meeting the Man Who Made Him the (Mistaken) Messiah
Published: August 19, 2010

Scott James is a columnist for The Bay Citizen. 

Raj Patel
The Bay Citizen

A nonprofit, nonpartisan news organization providing local coverage of the San 
Francisco Bay Area for The New York Times. To join the conversation about this 
article, go to baycitizen.org.

Raj Patel has met his maker, so to speak.

Mr. Patel, a San Francisco author and economist, woke up one day earlier this 
year to discover that he had unwillingly been declared the messiah by followers 
of the New Age group Share International, founded by Benjamin Creme, a London 
mystic. It was a revelation that made Mr. Patel the focus of unwanted attention 
by thousands of worshipers and thrust him into a surreal international news 
media frenzy.

Last week Mr. Creme visited the Bay Area, and the two men met for the first 
time, over cookies in a private home in Berkeley, a possible finale in the 
timely tale of a mortal mistaken for a god.

After the meeting, both men have decided to call the events of the past several 
months “a case of mistaken identity.” They seemed impressed with each other, 
with Mr. Creme saying he found Mr. Patel quite intelligent and charming.

Mr. Patel had a different impression of Mr. Creme: “Bonkers.”

In January, devotees of Mr. Creme’s decades-old prophesies concluded — based on 
a series of clues and unverified information on the Internet — that Mr. Patel 
was the earthly manifestation of Maitreya, The World Teacher.

Mr. Creme, who said he received telepathic messages from the immortal Maitreya 
to share with followers, did not endorse the claim. But he did not forcefully 
deny it either. The story first appeared in this column, then London tabloids 
devoured the tale mercilessly, and Stephen Colbert, the comedian, devoted an 
entire segment of his “Colbert Report” on Comedy Central to ridiculing the 

Although Mr. Creme has finally released Mr. Patel from his divine burden, it 
doesn’t mean that he has given up on the idea of a messiah for these troubling 
times. In fact, his meeting with Mr. Patel was just part of an extended visit 
to the Bay Area to recruit new believers.

A crowd of more than 600 gathered at San Francisco’s Palace of Fine Arts on a 
recent Sunday afternoon to hear Mr. Creme. Looking his 87 years, he was gently 
assisted to center stage and then sat stoically as an audio recording played 
his voice, in a slow Boris Karloff cadence, purportedly channeling the words of 
Maitreya. “My plan is to show you that the way out of your problems is to 
listen again to the true voice of god within your hearts, to share,” he said.

When the recording ended, Mr. Creme spoke about the various crises in the 
world, including the growing imbalance between rich and poor that he ascribed 
to “an outmoded way of living” — a message that seemed to resonate with the 
mostly white crowd, some of whom had arrived in Mercedeses and BMWs.

Mr. Creme went on to explain that invisible “brothers” from other inhabited 
planets in our solar system had been on Earth to help mankind escape its 
problems and usher in a new age.

J. Gordon Melton, a religious scholar who has studied Share International and 
Mr. Creme since the 1970s, described the group as “small and harmless.”

The group’s messianic message — that a compassionate savior will come and teach 
the world better ways — “in hard economic times and war has an appeal,” Mr. 
Melton said. But, he added, non-Christian messiahs tend to face fi

[FairfieldLife] Re: NSR and BM of the M-Ch?

2014-01-29 Thread authfriend
You used to be so much brighter too, Barry. You haven't been able to follow a 
simple conversation for some time now, so when you try to "pile on," your 
comments are incoherent, as here.

 Among the many things you got wrong this time: The definition in question was 
Little Stevie's, not mine.

Oh, say, how's your Cathar novel coming?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wrote:
> God bless you Judy. God bless you. 

 It is good of her to define things for us. People interpret things the way 
they see them, and if that disagrees with her interpretation, it's a LIE. 
Therefore, she gets -- nay *has* -- to "correct" them. 

Also, if people don't find her interpretation interesting enough to argue with 
her incessantly about it, they're "less intelligent" than they used to be. 

'Seems to me she's got that first one wrong, in that I don't remember her 
having been appointed as official "corrector" of ANYTHING, much less other 
people's interpretations of Robin or anything else said here. As for the second 
"definition," 'seems to me that people figuring out that arguing with her is a 
waste of their time indicates that they've grown *more* intelligent, not less. 

And all of this to hide the fact that she's got nothing creative or original to 
contribute. She's just a tyrannical schoolmarm, "correcting other people's 
papers" and hoping one of them will dispute her "corrections," so that she can 
try to lure them into an argument about it.

Judy Stein...always an authfriend, never an author.

 > ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend@ wrote: 
> How's that, Little Stevie? People tell lies, and I correct them, and I'm the 
> mischief maker? I'm not sure you quite thought that one through. And of 
> course, as you know, what Richard quotes isn't at all the sort of "trap" you 
> were talking about. So it just all falls apart into an incoherent mess, as 
> most of your sallies do these days. 
> It's really too bad. You used to be so much brighter a few years back. 
> > Yes, good example Richard. Of course now Judy will coming rushing in, out 
> > of breath, to "set the record straight". What a little mischief maker she 
> > is! 
> ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, punditster@ wrote: 
> On 1/27/2014 7:34 PM, authfriend@ mailto:authfriend@ wrote: 
> > No, Little Stevie, you never observed any "little traps." > 
> This message itself is a little "trap" - a trap to get your attention, Steve. 
> Robin is the most famous trappist on the forum (followed closely by Curtis 
> and Barry). My question is, was this the Hindu Robin, the Islamic Robin, or 
> the Catholic Robin writing all these messages? Go figure. 
> Prime example of a message trap: 
> "The rudeness, the arrogance, the insulting manner of my approach was to 
> deliver perhaps enough of a shock to make her utter something other than her 
> daily New Age affirmations." - Masked Zebra

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Ideal Home Theater

2014-01-29 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 1/28/2014 12:59 PM, j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com wrote:
> Funny you should mention that, because just a few days ago, I moved my 
> exercise bike from the living room, where it sat unused in front of 
> the 50" Sony, to my office. Since I mostly watch stuff on my office 
> PC, I figured I'd be more likely to use the bike in there. The bike 
> noise kinda drowns out the speakers, so I listen through 
> noise-cancelling headphones, which works really really well.
This is a great idea, Alex - maybe we should add this feature to the 
"ideal" home office. We have a Schwinn Airdyne that we could put in 
there with a little shuffling of desks and furniture.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Pakriti: Where Do the gods Exist?

2014-01-29 Thread Michael Jackson
Buck I hope your kind message is given tongue in cheek because if it isn't you 
are going around the bend. Creme is even by New Age standards on the margins of 
the New Age movement. No one with a lick of sense takes this guy seriously, 
mainly people who want someone to come "save" them are the ones who think his 
schtick is worth anything.

I will make my own prediction here about Benjy - he will continue to claim the 
world wide salvation promised by himself at the hands of Maitreya is juuust 
around the corner - he will die and no master will show up. Probably some one 
who follows him closely will try to take his place, claiming "Oh Lord Maitreya 
wanted Benjy to come home, so now I"M gone be the prophet - come follow me and 
Oh by the way, I need some big donations since I have to be a prophet full 

Here is a little article from a couple years ago about how accurate Benjy is:

The Bay Citizen
Meeting the Man Who Made Him the (Mistaken) Messiah
Published: August 19, 2010

Scott James is a columnist for The Bay Citizen. 

Raj Patel
The Bay Citizen

A nonprofit, nonpartisan news organization providing local coverage of the San 
Francisco Bay Area for The New York Times. To join the conversation about this 
article, go to baycitizen.org.

Raj Patel has met his maker, so to speak.

Mr. Patel, a San Francisco author and economist, woke up one day earlier this 
year to discover that he had unwillingly been declared the messiah by followers 
of the New Age group Share International, founded by Benjamin Creme, a London 
mystic. It was a revelation that made Mr. Patel the focus of unwanted attention 
by thousands of worshipers and thrust him into a surreal international news 
media frenzy.

Last week Mr. Creme visited the Bay Area, and the two men met for the first 
time, over cookies in a private home in Berkeley, a possible finale in the 
timely tale of a mortal mistaken for a god.

After the meeting, both men have decided to call the events of the past several 
months “a case of mistaken identity.” They seemed impressed with each other, 
with Mr. Creme saying he found Mr. Patel quite intelligent and charming.

Mr. Patel had a different impression of Mr. Creme: “Bonkers.”

In January, devotees of Mr. Creme’s decades-old prophesies concluded — based on 
a series of clues and unverified information on the Internet — that Mr. Patel 
was the earthly manifestation of Maitreya, The World Teacher.

Mr. Creme, who said he received telepathic messages from the immortal Maitreya 
to share with followers, did not endorse the claim. But he did not forcefully 
deny it either. The story first appeared in this column, then London tabloids 
devoured the tale mercilessly, and Stephen Colbert, the comedian, devoted an 
entire segment of his “Colbert Report” on Comedy Central to ridiculing the 

Although Mr. Creme has finally released Mr. Patel from his divine burden, it 
doesn’t mean that he has given up on the idea of a messiah for these troubling 
times. In fact, his meeting with Mr. Patel was just part of an extended visit 
to the Bay Area to recruit new believers.

A crowd of more than 600 gathered at San Francisco’s Palace of Fine Arts on a 
recent Sunday afternoon to hear Mr. Creme. Looking his 87 years, he was gently 
assisted to center stage and then sat stoically as an audio recording played 
his voice, in a slow Boris Karloff cadence, purportedly channeling the words of 
Maitreya. “My plan is to show you that the way out of your problems is to 
listen again to the true voice of god within your hearts, to share,” he said.

When the recording ended, Mr. Creme spoke about the various crises in the 
world, including the growing imbalance between rich and poor that he ascribed 
to “an outmoded way of living” — a message that seemed to resonate with the 
mostly white crowd, some of whom had arrived in Mercedeses and BMWs.

Mr. Creme went on to explain that invisible “brothers” from other inhabited 
planets in our solar system had been on Earth to help mankind escape its 
problems and usher in a new age.

J. Gordon Melton, a religious scholar who has studied Share International and 
Mr. Creme since the 1970s, described the group as “small and harmless.”

The group’s messianic message — that a compassionate savior will come and teach 
the world better ways — “in hard economic times and war has an appeal,” Mr. 
Melton said. But, he added, non-Christian messiahs tend to face fierce 
opposition in the United States.

That became clear at Mr. Creme’s appearance when a man in the audience 
disrupted the event by pointing and shouting, “Don’t believe these lies! This 
man is the devil!”

Mr. Creme said later that he had faced such acrimony in the past, although it 
was rare. He said he had brought his message to San Francisco more than 30 
times and generally felt welcomed.

During his Bay Area visit, Mr. Creme was asked about the news of the day, a 
federal court ruling in favor of same-se

[FairfieldLife] Monsanto's Latest

2014-01-29 Thread Michael Jackson
Monsanto is going to own the entire world no matter what.


[FairfieldLife] Pakriti: Where Do the gods Exist?

2014-01-29 Thread dhamiltony2k5
In the human form; 
 Another TM meditation. “Transmission Meditation” evidently in alliance with 
our TM movement. I now better understand your enthusiasm for Benjamin Creme and 
the Share-International movement. I have always felt a recognition that 
Benjamin Creme came up out of the mysticism and high spiritual virtue of the 
Society of Friends. Your long ardent support for this Share- movement makes a 
lot of sense to me now. Of course people in ignorance get so distracted by the 
appearance of material small details that they willingly dissonance but this is 
all not much different from our own TM movement in bringing light. 
 For where two or more are gathered in the light will be a, Transmission 
Meditation [TM] in the Meissner-like Field Effect of pure consciousness of the 
Unified Field as Ved  in the human physiology. Welcome in spiritual alliance, 
 More than just friends in meditation I feel like we are brothers in this work 
too.  I am glad to know you better, 
 -Buck in the Dome 
 Nablusoss writes:

 Dear Buck,


 You'll find more on the Reappearance of Christ and the Masters of Wisdom (of 
which Guru Dev is a senior member) here:
 http://www.share-international.org/ http://www.share-international.org/

[FairfieldLife] Re: This is the fellow who contested the will of Guru Dev

2014-01-29 Thread Jason

I don't think anybody in the west supported this 
Shankaracharya of Dwarka, Swaroopanand Saraswati.

He seems to be greedy for all the four seats.! He is close 
to the secular Congress party.


---  nablusoss1008  wrote:
>  Long championed by the Maharishi-denouncers in the West to be entitled to 
> not only 1 but 2 Shankaracharya seats ! 
>  As the Americans say: Go figure ! :-)
> http://ibnlive.in.com/news/senior-priest-slaps-journalist-on-being-asked-about-narendra-modi/447283-37-64.html
> http://ibnlive.in.com/news/senior-priest-slaps-journalist-on-being-asked-about-narendra-modi/447283-37-64.html

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: More on the Missing Pundits

2014-01-29 Thread nablusoss1008
Apparently some Pundits have been "informed" by ill-wishers that they can make 
2000$ a month doing simple jobs. Desperate for cash they have been running away 
even after check-in at the airports.
 Can't you just see MJ shouting offers for work at his moonshine business in 
the Appalachian Mountains outside the fence at his old university ?

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Where Do the gods Exist?

2014-01-29 Thread nablusoss1008

 Dear Buck,
 It will not be the Maiytreya who is the spiritual head of the Masters of 
Wisdom, now in a physical body and preparing the world for His reappearance.  
Whoever it may be, treat it with respect or get rid of it. 

 You'll find more on the Reappearance of Christ and the Masters of Wisdom (of 
which Guru Dev is a senior member) here:
 http://www.share-international.org/ http://www.share-international.org/

[FairfieldLife] Re: NSR and BM of the M-Ch?

2014-01-29 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:
>  God bless you Judy. God bless you.

It is good of her to define things for us. People interpret things the
way they see them, and if that disagrees with her interpretation, it's a
LIE. Therefore, she gets -- nay *has* -- to "correct" them.

Also, if people don't find her interpretation interesting enough to
argue with her incessantly about it, they're "less intelligent" than
they used to be.

'Seems to me she's got that first one wrong, in that I don't remember
her having been appointed as official "corrector" of ANYTHING, much less
other people's interpretations of Robin or anything else said here. As
for the second "definition," 'seems to me that people figuring out that
arguing with her is a waste of their time indicates that they've grown
*more* intelligent, not less.

And all of this to hide the fact that she's got nothing creative or
original to contribute. She's just a tyrannical schoolmarm, "correcting
other people's papers" and hoping one of them will dispute her
"corrections," so that she can try to lure them into an argument about

Judy Stein...always an authfriend, never an author.

> ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend@ wrote:
>  How's that, Little Stevie? People tell lies, and I correct them, and
I'm the mischief maker? I'm not sure you quite thought that one through.
And of course, as you know, what Richard quotes isn't at all the sort of
"trap" you were talking about. So it just all falls apart into an
incoherent mess, as most of your sallies do these days.
>  It's really too bad. You used to be so much brighter a few years
>  > Yes, good example Richard.  Of course now Judy will coming rushing
in, out of breath, to "set the record straight".  What a little mischief
maker she is!
>  ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, punditster@ wrote:
>  On 1/27/2014 7:34 PM, authfriend@ mailto:authfriend@ wrote:
>  > No, Little Stevie, you never observed any "little traps." >
>  This message itself is a little "trap" - a trap to get your
attention, Steve. Robin is the most famous trappist on the forum
(followed closely by Curtis and Barry). My question is, was this the
Hindu Robin, the Islamic Robin, or the Catholic Robin writing all these
messages? Go figure.
>  Prime example of a message trap:
>  "The rudeness, the arrogance, the insulting manner of my approach was
to deliver perhaps enough of a shock to make her utter something other
than her daily New Age affirmations." - Masked Zebra