[FairfieldLife] Re: Significance of the Global Country of World Peace

2009-02-05 Thread guyfawkes91

> All I am saying is that the TMO is reviving this past world empire in 
> the guise of the Global Country, 

There never was a world empire aeons ago. There's no archeological
evidence for it. It's a fairy tale.

>> which is not based on subjugation, 
>> but for the development of world consciousness. 

which is flat out contradicted by this statement

>>During the vedic times, any rajahs who doubted are considered enemies 
> of the emperor and are subjugated.

Interesting bit of cognitive dissonance going on there. The global
country is not based on subjugation and anyone who disagrees will be
subjugated. Mmmm, the mental contortions required to handled that
contradiction are beyond most people's abilities.

> MMY apparently thought that this method was the quickest way to get 
> his projects accomplished.  In other words, monarchy is the most 
> efficient government since the decisions are made by the king.  On 
> the other hand, democracy is the most complicated and most 
> inefficient way of government because the people's will would have to 
> be consulted through elections and referendums.

> The Global Country was and is the vision of MMY.  If it fails, then 
> that means it has run its course.  In other words, Nature will decide 
> the ultimate fate of the movement.
MMY was wrong. Like anyone else he's an expert in his sphere of
expertise, which is a deep knowledge of higher states of
consciousness. But when he steps outside that area he's as
knowledgeable as any ordinary Joe. He couldn't play the piano or
replace a cylinder head gasket. There's no reason to suppose that he
had any deep understanding of how human societies work in the real
world. Evidence of our own eyes provides plenty of reasons to think
that he had a very bad understanding of how human societies really work. 

Utopian ideals, such as the world government always fail when they
make contact with the real world. The real world is complicated and
throws up many unforeseen challenges. Modern liberal (using original 
meaning of the word liberal as pertaining to liberty) democracies are
better equipped to handle the diversities of the real world. They are
more "natural" in the sense that being liberal they allow a diversity
of opinions and being democracies they have a rough and ready way of
selecting good opinions and discarding bad ones. Once you've got those
two things together, variety and selection of the fittest, then
Darwinian mechanics takes over and societies rapidly evolve. "Nature"
then evolves societies which can better handle all the complications,
unforeseen mess ups, and hidden opportunities which can't be dealt
with or made use of in a rigid authoritarian system. 

Authoritarian systems can last only as long as the environment (in the
broadest sense, both physical and mental) they're in is fairly static
and the population they have dominion over can't move about. In an
elitist authoritarian system the lower ranks will try to improve their
lot either by moving somewhere else or by trying to climb up the
hierarchy. In the case of the TMO we're left with a few people sucking
up to the leadership, and a very large number of people who have
"emigrated". People don't try to break into countries with
authoritarian leaders, people aren't breaking down doors to enter the

> the other hand, democracy is the most complicated and most 
> inefficient way of government because the people's will would have to 
> be consulted through elections and referendums.
Wrong. Democracy is the least complicated system because it allow
leaders to delegate decisions to the people. In an authoritarian
society all decisions have to be taken by the leadership, which
requires an impossibly large and mostly parasitic bureaucracy.

There's a story about Nikita Kruschov (Russian President in the early
'60s) visiting New York and being shown round a supermarket. He asked,
"I must meet the person in charge of bread deliveries in New York he
is clearly a very brilliant person" which left his hosts stumped
because no one is in charge of bread deliveries to New York. The
detailed decisions about where to grow wheat, when to harvest and mill
it, how many loaves to bake, how many trucks are needed to move things
about are all distributed around thousands of people who communicate
and self-organize via price signals. In Russia it was all organized
centrally and because the bureaucrats didn't have as much information
as the people doing the growing, baking and eating, they mostly got it
wrong, so bread deliveries in Moscow were less efficient than in New

Authoritarian systems are always very complicated because they need a
vast state apparatus to deal with all the intricate decisions required
to make society work. Likewise in the TMO, all decision making
capacity is taken away from TM teachers and there has to be a
parasitic bureaucracy to make the decisions and mostly get it wrong.
As for example trying to get teaching centers set u

[FairfieldLife] Re: Significance of the Global Country of World Peace

2009-02-05 Thread cardemaister
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:

> The Agama(s), taken together, constitute an independent literature  
> that has no relation to the Vedä(s). The originals, in ancient  
> Dravidian, are lost today. Some elements of doctrine and vocabulary  
> have been inserted into subsequent versions to establish apparent  
> similarities with the Vedic religion. In any case, the differences  
> between the Vedä(s) and Agama(s) were recognized from then on, since  
> the ritual practices of the Agama(s) are in conflict with Vedic rites,  
> although, in the course of the centuries, a certain amalgamation has  
> been achieved."
> Alain Danielou, _While the Gods Play_

Might of course be true, but doesn't feel very scientific... :/

Somehow reminds me of the 19th century dilettante
Finnish linguists, who in the spirit of Fennomania
tried to prove that Finnish and Hebrew are related! : )


[FairfieldLife] Re: Significance Global Country of World Peace---"Cast System"

2009-02-05 Thread John
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Fairfield Lifer 
> On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 2:09 PM, John  wrote:
> >
> > The present caste system is an abomination of the varna system.  
> > caste system is a justification for discrimination.  On the other
> > hane, the varna system recognizes the natural talent of the 
people to
> > contribute work for the betterment and prosperity of society.
> Thanks for placing your comments in the middle of 4-5 other people's
> replies, so trying to figure out where to snip was a major chore.
> You just aren't getting Maharishi's contention that the workings of
> the Universe are just.  Maharishi has explained to us how a 
> full of people going down in a crash are meant to be on the plane 
> there are no accidents, there are no innocent victims.
> There's also no discrimination, if we look at the world that way.  
> between genders, people of different sexual orientations, tall, 
> fair skinned, dark skinned.  You're born into the right family.  
> all, Maharishi asserted that the Brahmin pundits have something
> special in their DNA which makes it possible for them alone to 
> the Vedas.  I heard enough rumors from TM teachers in the early days
> about blacks and their very limited participation in learning and
> staying with TM as an indication that they are the sons of Cain.  I
> heard this talk from much too many initiators to not believe that
> Maharishi had mentioned this sort of thing on a course.  What's
> interesting is that the initiators didn't think this belief odd at
> all.  It was all part of the cosmic plan as described by Maharishi.

Are you kidding me? (a la Jim Mora of beer commercial fame)  OK.  
It's a practical joke.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Significance of the Global Country of World Peace

2009-02-05 Thread guyfawkes91

> In using the vedic model of rulership, the rajas' mission is to 
> conquer the sectors that they are in charged of.  By their combined 
> successes, the world is handed to the world emperor for governance--
> in this case Nader Ram.  If there is a dissenting raja, he will be 
> replaced or forced out to continue the conquest of the world.
> In turn, the emperor is rule from his place of authrority and govern 
> the world in justice, peace and prosperity.  This governance includes 
> the recognition of the varna system to operate the world government.

Read that slowly back to yourself. Can you spot the obvious error, no?
Try again. Read s l o w l y . Look carefully at the word "conquer"
then look at the words "justice, peace and prosperity", notice the
cognitive dissonance going on there. No? Try again but more slowly
this time.

There has never been a time and never will be a time when conquest
leads to "justice, peace and prosperity", those things can't come from
conquest because conquest requires getting rid of justice, peace and

The idea of conquest, or that one group of people have a right to
dominion over another group, is what causes war. It's the military
thinking, the belief in world conquest that has come close to killing
the TM movement. 

If one of the rajas is having doubts then he is to be applauded.
Doubts are good, especially doubts about world conquest and demands
for unquestioning obedience. 

It's predictable that some of the rajas will start to get
disillusioned with the whole thing. They aren't all stupid and the
spell will start to wear off over time. If it's happening now then
it's very positive, it means the movement might survive in some form.
But if it hasn't happened by 10 years time then the movement will
disappear. No new people want to sign up to an organization where the
leaders dress up as kings and take all the money from the serfs. By
the time people realize the whole thing was a terrible mistake it will
be too late to train a new generation of teachers. 

The movement cannot make it through to the next generation while
people are dressing up as kings and plotting world conquest because
very very few people want to sign up to be serfs in a court of nutcases.


[FairfieldLife] 60,000,000 geniuses (Re: Greedy Bastards Whine Over Obama's Pay Cap)

2009-02-05 Thread enlightened_dawn11
the gita is an allegory for the integration of the absolute (blue 
skinned dude) into relative life (arjuna dude). 

to read it literally is as clueless as xtian fundamentalists who 
read the bible literally (the earth is 6,000 years old, etc.), only 
somewhat worse, since the gita provides a clear and accurate account 
of how to fully integrate atman with daily life. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> >
> > It has *nothing* to do with what works in real life,
> > and is as much a fantasy as the "scriptures" it's
> > based on. You'd do better hiring a person who is
> > willing to actually work an eight-hour day diligently
> > to staff your team than to hire some poofter who 
> > wants to take off to "do program" at 4:00 pm. You'd
> > also do better hiring the willing worker than you'd
> > do by hiring some blue-skinned elitist who can't 
> > even drive a chariot by himself, and needs someone
> > else to do it for him. And who *then* feels it's
> > his "rightful place" to tell that chariot driver
> > how to live his life and who it is OK to kill in
> > the name of righteousness and who it is not. :-)
> Wasting yet another of my last posts, I 
> thought I'd correct my mistake above. 
> Not being a slavish reader and re-reader
> of the Gita myself, when I get into rant
> mode I often get the issue of who was 
> driving the Holy Chariot Of God mixed up.
> My analogy above was false. It wasn't the
> blue-skinned person who can't even drive
> a chariot himself feeling himself "gifted"
> enough to lecture his chauffeur on how to
> live and who to kill. It was the blue-
> skinned chauffeur feeling so "gifted." 
> Mea culpa.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Significance of the Global Country of World Peace

2009-02-05 Thread geezerfreak
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> > Oh well, you're not the first to try to misdirect
> > here on FFL. It's sometimes helpful to not feel
> > alone when one is caught lying (I guess).
> I ran across a post of Vaj's from last June when
> I was looking for something else in the archives,
> and I thought it would be fun to revisit it,
> especially in light of Vaj's comment above to
> ed11.
> I'm curious to know, after reading the exchange
> below, how many think:
> (a) Vaj is abysmally ignorant of how quotation
> marks are used in the U.S.
> or:
> (b) Vaj knew perfectly well that my use of them
> in the post he's responding to was entirely correct,
> but he figured *readers* here would be so abysmally
> ignorant of how quotation marks are used in the U.S.
> that they'd believe his claim that I deliberately
> misrepresented the post I was quoting.
> There doesn't seem to be a third possibility. He's
> either grossly dishonest or grossly ignorant of
> basic writing skills.
> The post I was quoting, if anyone needs to check,
> is #166885. But Vaj quotes it accurately below in
> his attempt to show my alleged "misrepresentations."
> For the full context (what's below is only one part
> of the exchange), my original post is #180524; you 
> can find the posts before and after it in the thread
> listing below my post.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> >
> > On Jun 19, 2008, at 1:38 PM, authfriend wrote:
> > > In the third place, according to the poster,
> > > "Deepak said that upon hearing this, Tony was
> > > in shock and said to him 'I don't believe a
> > > word of this'."
> > 
> > Actually Judy is deliberately misrepresenting the
> > writer of post 166885 here. She is putting
> > William108's quotes in single quotes as if to
> > indicate it is not a direct quote. How more
> > dishonest can you get? The original poster clearly
> > placed the quotation in double quotes to indicate
> > a direct quote, not something paraphrased.
> > 
> > Nice try Judy.
> > 
> > If you're going to alternate double quotes and
> > single quotes it disgusts me that someone claiming
> > to be an editor would deliberately attempt to
> > misrepresent the quote in question by resorting to  
> > American/Canadian conventions in an attempt to
> > deceive.
> > 
> > Posted below is how the original poster actually
> > intended it to be, as a direct quote of what
> > Deepak Chopra said directly to him:
> > 
> > He said that when Maharishi first came to Holland
> > Deepak got Tony Nadar's attention and said "Let's
> > take a walk".
> > During that walk he told Tony about all the details
> > of Maharishi's near death illnesses and his time in
> > England. Deepak said that upon hearing this, Tony
> > was in shock and said to him "I don't believe a
> > word of this".
> > >
> > > We have no way of knowing if that's exactly
> > > what Chopra told the poster, nor even whether
> > > it's exactly what Tony told Chopra.
> > 
> > Then why did he use direct quotes rather than
> > single quotes to indicate paraphrasing?
> > 
> > That's an awful dishonest thing for an editor
> > to say!
you wanna know what "many think"? I think they realized a long time ago that 
it's ALL 
ABOUT JUDY from your point of view.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Significance of the Global Country of World Peace

2009-02-05 Thread emptybill

Great job. Having read Lakshmi-Tantra, your post is hilarious. However,
you did over-extend a bit on a couple of points.

Although Maharishi's sampradaya begins with Narayana this doesn't mean
that his lineage was Vaishnava. Adi-Shankara began his lineage of
guru-praises with Narayana because Narayana is the One at the very
"no-begining" of his lineage of direct transmission.

Maharishi followed this same line of direct transmission but that 
doesn't mean he was a Vaishnava.  SBS was part of the smarta
transmission of Adi-Shankara yet he practiced Shri Yantra. However that
didn't make him a Shakta.

Shri Yantra revolves around Anutarika yet Shri is tarika according to
Lakshmi Tantra. Shri Vidya is focussed on tarika yet anutarika threads
all forms of its practice. One sampradaya says "I'm the esoteric, and
the other is exoteric", yet the other sampradaya says the reverse.
Perhaps they should just fight and kill each to establish domination.
After all, this is what Shakti does - she dances this Lila for the
entertainment of her Lord.

So you claim bhoga comes from bhaga? All enjoyment come from a vagina? I
would rather say that all pleasure and pain (bhoga) comes from the

Which brings up another point: according to Samkhya-Yoga the procreatrix
(prakriti) dances for the spectator (drishta) and will continue until
she feels she is adequetely seen and appreciated. Only then will she
retire and return to rest.

According to the Vaishnava's there is only one purusha (male) and he is
Purshottoma (the ultimate male/person). He is Narayana and everything
else is the opposite of him and is thus female (yoni). That means we are
all yoni-s or recepticles waiting to be filled  by god's creative
effluence - known as logoi spermatikoi or seminal raisons in western

Conclusion 1: we are all pussies waiting to be filled by god.
Conclusion 2: yoga is ultimate union because females such as we are (the
yoni-s) can  never be satisfied by anything other than a god.
Conclusion 3: tantra is a form of ettiquette defining right view and
right conduct toward the goddess-shaktis who empower and manifest this
whole cosmos.


This would explain why I am bitch-slapped daily by the gunas of the
pracreatix to keep me in my place. This would also explain the
high-indifference of god to my suffering in this world -  or as his
eminence the purushottoma would say (as he kicks my ass into the next
kalpa) - ''whatever!?"

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Kirk"  wrote:

Basic mantra knowledge if tantra explains at outset difference of shakti
and  shiva mantras EEm as opposed to OM, which Lakshmi tantra goes into
great depths.

Typically Hrim is called Tarika mantra or mantra which carries across
the ocean of samsara. Shrim is Anutarika, and Om is taraka. This is all
really basic mantra knowledge at least from Hindu Sanatana Dharma and
its allied Vaishnava or conservative householder tantras.

But this Vaishnava tantra teaches to live in the world as a householder.
It is not so much for renunciants. Also it is a closed school, that is,
only really other Vaishnavas are savvy to it.

People who realize either Lakshmi or Lakshmi-Narasimha are very
practical worldly tantrics of Vaishnava and very lucky due to no
limitations placed on worldly enjoyments.  Bhoga comes from Bhaga.

Worldly maya possesses charm through shakti.  Upholding the feminine is
very Vaishnava and should be taught as an adjunct to TM.

The woman rather than the man worshipped or both together.  Or as so
often is happening one of a couple can use their bhaga. Bhaga anyway
takes on more universal implications when one considers the nature of
reality to be as equally chaotic as the conch while still presenting
some sort of universal constant which as shakti is the slickness of
reality when presented with the erect intuition.

Or something.

I don't know I made it all up. Obviously.

> - Original Message -
> From: "nablusoss1008" no_re...@yahoogroups.com
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2009 10:21 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Significance of the Global Country of
> Peace
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Kirk" kirk_bernhardt@ wrote:
> >>
> >> Yes it is Vaishnava of the Lakshmi school, and TM is based in the
> > Lakshmi Tantra, which so few TM initiators know. Which is odd.
> > Mahalakshmi is the Matron Deity of TM.
> >
> >
> > That's an interesting observation.
> > From where do you have this information, and how/why do you
> > the different Deitys in regard to Maharishis Movement ?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > 
> >
> > To subscribe, send a message to:
> > fairfieldlife-subscr...@yahoogroups.com
> >
> > Or go to:
> > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/
> > and click 'Join This Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links
> >
> >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Create Truth

2009-02-05 Thread arhatafreespeech

Create Truth
  animals are born with a program, only man is born without a program.. Man is
  born as a TABULA RASA, a clean slate; nothing is written on it.. You have to
  write everything that you want to write on it; it is going to be your
  Man is not only free -- I would like
  to say man is freedom. That is his essential core, that's his very soul. The
  moment you deny freedom to man you have denied him his most precious
  treasure, his very kingdom. Then he is a beggar and in a far more ugly
  situation than other animals, because at least they have a certain program.
  Then man is simply lost. 
  Once this is understood, that man is
  born AS freedom, then all the dimensions to grow open up. Then it is up to
  you what to become, what not to become. It is going to be your own creation.
  Then life becomes an adventure -- not an enfoldment but an adventure, an
  exploration, a discovery. The truth is not already given to you, you have to
  create it. In a way, each moment you are creating yourself. 
      Luke Chapter 4 Verse 



[FairfieldLife] Talk About Greed...

2009-02-05 Thread Bhairitu
Fox News host Gretchen Carlson declared Thursday morning that capping 
executive pay at $500,000, as President Barack Obama has proposed, could 
be the beginning of the end.

"What's the incentive" to perform? Carlson asked. "I worry about, shades 
of socialism, if you carry it further down the pike. That's what I think 
some people are concerned about."


Well gee, Gretchen, isn't $500K a pretty good incentive?  Why the hell 
do you think you need more?  Maybe Gretchen should see a psychiatrist or 
better yet a travel agent to book her a flight back to planet earth.

[FairfieldLife] Kooky Al Gore is at it again

2009-02-05 Thread shempmcgurk
Gore Out of Balance   
By Steven Milloy
FrontPageMagazine.com | Thursday, February 05, 2009 

Al Gore has a new argument for why carbon dioxide is the global 
warming boogeyman – and it's simply out of this world.

Testifying last week before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee 
with yet another one of his infamous slide shows, Al Gore observed 
that the carbon dioxide (CO2) in Venus' atmosphere supercharges the 
second-planet-from-the-sun's greenhouse effect resulting in surface 
temperatures of about 870 degrees Fahrenheit. Gore added that it's 
not Venus' proximity to the Sun that makes the planet much warmer 
than the Earth because Mercury, which is even closer to the Sun, is 
cooler than Venus. Based on this rationale, then, Gore warned that we 
need to stop emitting CO2 into our own atmosphere.

Incredibly, not a Senator on the Committee questioned -- much less 
burst into outright laughter at -- Gore's absurd point. In fact, each 
Senator who spoke at the hearing, including Republicans, offered 
little but fawning praise for Al Gore. It's hard to know whether the 
hearing's lovefest was simply an example of the Senate's exaggerated 
sense of collegiality, appalling ignorance and gullibility about 
environmental science, or fear of appearing to be less green than 

It is true that atmospheric CO2 warms both Venus and the Earth, but 
that's about where the CO2 commonality between the two planets ends. 
While the Venusian atmosphere is 97 percent CO2 (970,000 parts per 
million), the Earth's atmosphere is only 0.038 percent CO2 (380 parts 
per million). So the Venusian atmosphere's CO2 level is more than 
2,557 times greater than the Earth's. And since the CO2 in the 
Earth's atmosphere is increasing by only about 2 parts per million 
annually, our planet is hardly being Venus-ized. 

Gore's incorporation of Mercury in his argument is equally specious 
because Mercury doesn't really have any greenhouse gases in its 
atmosphere that would capture the radiation it gets from the Sun. As 
a result, the daily temperature on Mercury varies from about 840 
degrees Fahrenheit during the day to about -275 degrees Fahrenheit at 
night. Mercury's daily temperature swing actually belies Gore's 
unqualified demonization of greenhouse gases whose heat trapping 
characteristics tend to stabilize climate and prevent wild 
temperature fluctuations.

The significance of Gore's testimony is that the Venus scenario seems 
to be his new basis for claiming that CO2 drives the Earth's climate 
and, hence, his call that we must stop emitting CO2 into the 
atmosphere. At no time did he refer to his two An Inconvenient Truth-
era arguments concerning the relationship between CO2 and global 
temperature – that is, the Antarctic ice core record that goes back 
650,000 years and the 20th century temperature/CO2 record. There's 
good reason for his apparent abandonment of these arguments -- 
presented fairly, both actually debunk global warming alarmism. 
(Note: This YouTube video that I produced explains this point.)

Gore seemed to "wow" the Senate Committee with images and projections 
of environmental and even political upheaval allegedly already caused 
and to be caused in the future by climate change, such as melting 
glaciers and the 2007 fires in Greece that, Gore says, almost brought 
down the government. Gore repeatedly said that global warming 
threatens the "future of human civilization" and could bring it to 
a "screeching halt" in this century. Gore said that we are on a 
fossil fuel "rollercoaster" that is headed for a "crash." We are near 
a "tipping point," he said, beyond which human civilization isn't 
possible on this planet.

Such melodrama, of course, is necessary to conceal and distract from 
the fact that there is no scientific evidence indicating that manmade 
emissions of CO2 are having any detectable impact, much less any 
harm, on the Earth's climate or its population. 

During his testimony, Gore invoked the specter of James Hansen, 
NASA's global warming alarmist-in-chief, to bolster his climate 
claims. But like the ice core and 20th century temperature records, 
Hansen may soon have to be dropped from Gore's presentations.

Hansen's former NASA supervisor -- atmospheric scientist Dr. John S. 
Theon who recently announced that he is skeptical of global warming 
alarmism -- recently wrote to Senate Environment and Public Works 
Committee staffer Marc Morano that, "Hansen…violated NASA's official 
agency position on climate forecasting (i.e., we did not know enough 
to forecast climate change or mankind's effect on it)… [and] thus 
embarrassed NASA by coming out with his claims of global warming in 
1988 in his testimony before Congress," Theon wrote.

Commenting on another key deficiency in the manmade catastrophic 
global warming hypothesis, Theon also observed that "[climate] models 
do not realistically simulate the climate system… some scientists 
have manipulated the observed data to jus

Re: [FairfieldLife] Obama puts the heat on Republicans

2009-02-05 Thread Bhairitu
Fairfield Lifer wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 3:52 PM, Bhairitu  wrote:
>> Fairfield Lifer wrote:
>> Ah, but that may not still provide jobs for everyone.  Outside of
>> writing software maybe for these projects there is nothing there for
>> me.  If you want someone who gets bored after 5 minutes trying to shovel
>> asphalt then I'm your guy.  ;-)
>> Of course if they legalize marijuana then maybe all the heady types can
>> get stoned enough so it doesn't make any difference.
> Well, God bless you and the return of FFL's prodigal son a week or two
> ago as our laugh track.  I eagerly race to FFL each morning to read
> the dead pan (I think) posts that are funnier than any satire.  The
> Fireside Theater brought into the 21st century.
Just a follow-up on the fact that there will not be enough jobs as I 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Significance of the Global Country of World Peace

2009-02-05 Thread enlightened_dawn11
you know your overly intellectualized approach is garbage, just like 
your over intellectualized understanding of the Self. HA HA-- that 
was very funny, and something that shut you up good! 

i'll still be waiting for YOUR REBUTTAL TO AMMA. you are one of 
those who runs and hides when he realizes he is experientially 

get real, and quite building flimsy constructions of mental floss 
with your "pre-Vedic" buddies- lol. pre- Vedic! i still can't 
believe you are so lost!!

the reason you attack what i write is that it is just experience, 
incomprehensible experience which you cannot contain, explain or 
understand with your weak and small mind, dumbo.

experience is key, little Vaj, not building cages of absolute ideas.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> Thanks again Dawn for sharing 

you are welcome, tiny one- lol

Re: [FairfieldLife] Rainbow Galactivation Portal

2009-02-05 Thread Fairfield Lifer
On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 9:19 PM, yifuxero  wrote:
> Terry Tortuga's Rainbow Galactivation Portal
> http://www.juicyworlds.com/terrytortuga/

I will give the weblackey credit for one thing only.  Very good sound,
almost designed for my new Bose speakers.

But otherwise, what's this fetish with the Mayans?   Not getting
enough human sacrifices in your life these days?

[FairfieldLife] Pleebles

2009-02-05 Thread yifuxero

[FairfieldLife] Rainbow Galactivation Portal

2009-02-05 Thread yifuxero
Terry Tortuga's Rainbow Galactivation Portal


[FairfieldLife] Telektonon of Pacal Votan

2009-02-05 Thread yifuxero
The talking stone of prophecy:


[FairfieldLife] Re: Significance of the Global Country of World Peace

2009-02-05 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:

> Oh well, you're not the first to try to misdirect
> here on FFL. It's sometimes helpful to not feel
> alone when one is caught lying (I guess).

I ran across a post of Vaj's from last June when
I was looking for something else in the archives,
and I thought it would be fun to revisit it,
especially in light of Vaj's comment above to

I'm curious to know, after reading the exchange
below, how many think:

(a) Vaj is abysmally ignorant of how quotation
marks are used in the U.S.


(b) Vaj knew perfectly well that my use of them
in the post he's responding to was entirely correct,
but he figured *readers* here would be so abysmally
ignorant of how quotation marks are used in the U.S.
that they'd believe his claim that I deliberately
misrepresented the post I was quoting.

There doesn't seem to be a third possibility. He's
either grossly dishonest or grossly ignorant of
basic writing skills.

The post I was quoting, if anyone needs to check,
is #166885. But Vaj quotes it accurately below in
his attempt to show my alleged "misrepresentations."

For the full context (what's below is only one part
of the exchange), my original post is #180524; you 
can find the posts before and after it in the thread
listing below my post.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> On Jun 19, 2008, at 1:38 PM, authfriend wrote:

> > In the third place, according to the poster,
> > "Deepak said that upon hearing this, Tony was
> > in shock and said to him 'I don't believe a
> > word of this'."
> Actually Judy is deliberately misrepresenting the
> writer of post 166885 here. She is putting
> William108's quotes in single quotes as if to
> indicate it is not a direct quote. How more
> dishonest can you get? The original poster clearly
> placed the quotation in double quotes to indicate
> a direct quote, not something paraphrased.
> Nice try Judy.
> If you're going to alternate double quotes and
> single quotes it disgusts me that someone claiming
> to be an editor would deliberately attempt to
> misrepresent the quote in question by resorting to  
> American/Canadian conventions in an attempt to
> deceive.
> Posted below is how the original poster actually
> intended it to be, as a direct quote of what
> Deepak Chopra said directly to him:
> He said that when Maharishi first came to Holland
> Deepak got Tony Nadar's attention and said "Let's
> take a walk".
> During that walk he told Tony about all the details
> of Maharishi's near death illnesses and his time in
> England. Deepak said that upon hearing this, Tony
> was in shock and said to him "I don't believe a
> word of this".
> >
> > We have no way of knowing if that's exactly
> > what Chopra told the poster, nor even whether
> > it's exactly what Tony told Chopra.
> Then why did he use direct quotes rather than
> single quotes to indicate paraphrasing?
> That's an awful dishonest thing for an editor
> to say!

[FairfieldLife] Pacal Votan, 603 - 683 AD

2009-02-05 Thread yifuxero

Re: [FairfieldLife] Microsoft: Layoffs for Some, Visas for Others

2009-02-05 Thread Bhairitu
Fairfield Lifer wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 3:54 PM, Bhairitu  wrote:
>> Reminds me of the dot com boom where the dot coms didn't want to hire
>> anyone over 30.  Even for management.  They wanted to do it "their way"
>> and we see what happened.
> I'd like to see someone do so serious studies of the dot com days.
> Case in point: a house in Silicon Valley which housed half a dozen dot
> com billionaires (none over 23) who are now most likely trying to
> scrape by selling tee shirts at the San Francisco Marina.  The
> gathering was based on the belief that these billionaires were
> obviously the best and the brightest in the world.  They moved in
> together so that no time would be wasted in commuting or other outside
> activities.  These gifts to God could spend day and night
> brainstorming the next idea that was going to revolutionize the world
> yet again.  After 6 months together they came up with no new ideas,
> viable or not, and moved out.
There are some books and at least one movie on the subject.  I'll try to 
see if I can remember the movie but it was like a documentary but not a 
real company.  Living in the area I can say the kids were quite naive 
and idealistic.There were kids that were successful at some company 
and left it to strike out on their own.  They would get a VC and the VC 
would tell the "get some adult supervision."  But that didn't happen 
with the dot comes because these were people with just ideas and no 
background.  Nobody wanted to throw cold water on their idea because it 
might actually be a winner.  It was often the implementation that was 
faulty and that is where experience could have helped.

[FairfieldLife] Re:Q: viraama-pratyaya?

2009-02-05 Thread billy jim

 Normal   0  Feuerstein in The Yoga-Sutra of Patanjali, Sutra I.18: 
  The compound viraama-pratyaya means:
  viraama = ceasing or stopping (from vi + |ram ‘to stop’)
  pratyaya = an idea or notion (presented forth to consciousness)
  abhyaasa = practice
  puurva = former
  sa.mskaara = latent seed-impression, subliminal-activator, 
  s`e.sa = remainder, residuum
  anya = other
  Thus Patanjali, after discussing samadhi with prajna (samadhi with an object 
of cognition), describes the method of entering seedless samadhi (samadhi 
without any object of cognition):
  Trevor Leggett: 
  The other (samadhi) follows on practice of the idea of stopping and consists 
of samskaras alone.
the other (type of samadhi) has a residuum of subliminal-activators; (it 
follows) the former (cognitive-samadhi) upon the practice of the presented-idea 
of cessation.
  Thus a completed translation:
  Samadhi without an object of cognition follows upon practicing the idea of 
stopping and consists of only a residue of latent impressions. 
  When all the activities of individual consciousness (chitta-vritti) have 
stopped* and only latent-impressions remain, then in that state of 
resting-consciousness, samadhi is no longer filled with cognitions 
(a-sam-prajna-ta). The means to that state is the highest non-attraction 
(vairagya)**. No meditation can be a means to it, so the meditation is made 
upon the idea of stopping and ceasing (virama), which is the absence of 
anything. A seedless “samadhi-without-cognitions” is devoid of any object. Thus 
the mind, since it practices this samadhi-without-support, leads to a state 
wherein the mind itself appears non-existent. This is samadhi-without-a-seed 
and is trans-cognitive. 
  Patanjali’s words - follows upon practicing the idea of stopping – show the 
relation to the discipline of practice (upaya) but consists of only a residue 
of latent impressions explains its nature (svabhava). 
  Stopping (virama) means ceasing. The compound idea-of-stopping 
(virama-pratyaya) means: stopping and the idea of it; the form of this idea is 
simply “stopping”, so it is called the idea of stopping. It still has the form 
of an idea at the time it begins ceasing from everything, as while it is still 
coming to a stop and before it has finally ceased to be an idea at all. It is 
thus like a flaming fire that is little by little going down as its fuel is 
used up but which is still truly a flame until it finally extinguishes, leaving 
only ashes.
  Shankara, quoting Vyasa’s text – the mind, since it practices this 
samadhi-without-support, leads to a state wherein the mind itself appears 
non-existent, then remarks, “which must have been preceded by this practice”. 
Thus also quoting Patanjali, “and consists of only a residue of latent 
impressions”, with the stopping of all ideas, what remains is only the latent 
impressions (sanskaras) of them. 
  The meaning is that when the mind has withdrawn from ideas of objects, there 
remain sanskaras alone. Vyasa’s The means to that state is the highest 
non-attraction (viraga/vairagya) shows that the highest degree of 
non-attraction is the means to this samadhi.
  I’m sure you may see the relevance of this sutra to both our meditation and 
sanyama practice. Practice of the idea of “stopping and ceasing” (not the words 
but the idea) performed during sanyama leads, through sheer 
non-attraction/non-excitation, to seedless samadhi - no sutra. This seedless, 
nirbija-samadhi described by this sutra (I.18) furthermore points to the fading 
out of both objective and subjective references into a samadhi of latent 
impressions only – thus no mantra either. Since vairagya as not just a 
condition of non-excitation but also one of non-attraction, it means not 
favoring (iccha) the sutra/mantra (the ishta in ishta-devata) while one is 
established in an awareness that remains awake to the activities in 
consciousness. It means remaining at rest (nirodha or arrestment of activities) 
in awareness just “as it is” until it is overcome by sanskaras and no longer 
maintains itself as various thoughts arise and then seize attention.
  Not sure if this is relative to anything? Then just give it a try. Over time 
you’ll see it’s value as a certified Patanjali sanyama-sutra. And by the way, 
this is one of those subtle nuances in meditation instruction between SSRS and 
the later-day teachers of MMY’s meditation technique. It is also highlights one 
of the complaints brought up by a number of former teachers of MMY between his 
finalized method (from the early ‘70’s) and the method of instruction now given 
by contemporary teachers of the TMO. 
  Anyway, please feel free to review and critique as you see fit. I will be 
working 12 hour shifts the next four days and so will probably not be able to 
continue a discussion on this topic. Maybe I can reply on Tuesd

[FairfieldLife] Re: Population of Earth

2009-02-05 Thread Arhata Osho
At 6 pm pacific standard time there are 6,745,350,000 people.
Maybe 100-200,000 of that are AWAKE and even KNOW WHAT IT MEANS!

World Population Clock - WorldometersWorld population live statistics counter, 
world population clock, data sheets, ... alive roughly 6% of all people who 
have ever lived on planet Earth. ..




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Significance of the Global Country of World Peace

2009-02-05 Thread Vaj
Thanks again Dawn for sharing your spiritual naiveté and immaturity. I  
hope it speaks volumes to many just like you.

On Feb 5, 2009, at 7:06 PM, enlightened_dawn11 wrote:

> i know you place an inordinate value on spritually based scholarship
> (particularly by those you follow like a groupie), something which i
> find antithetical to a dynamic quest for ongoing liberation.

Of course, this is a gross misassumption on your part. It's just that  
I am a part of the pre-Vedic tradition. So I am experientially  
familiar with these pre-Vedic traditions. So are the people I'm  
quoting. And we're fine with that.

> to emphasize studying everything with the intellect, vs. just
> experiencing it, is a stale and lifeless exercise, and merely
> intellectualizes and removes vitality from lively, intellectually
> transcendent, incomprehensible knowledge.

LOL. If that's all this was really about, it wouldn't even be a  
question. It's funny you try this lame tack, because it's a typical TM  
kinda person approach, but again, naive and way off. Speaking from  
someone experientially familiar with the transmission, I really don't  
believe your claims. You've shared nothing to convince me, although it  
may impress a certain crowd.

Nice try though! Other TB's might fall for it. Even though I didn't  
fall for it, it may still be an impressive show for some.

> so while i understand your perspective,

Actually, based on your weird and disjointed comments, you don't seem  
to have a clue. But you do fake a good regurgitated SCI kinda spiel. I  
have heard it before Dawn. No surprises from anything you've said so  
far. Blah, blah, blah. Marshy said...I heard...

> my experience with listening
> to vedic chanting, for example is that the sounds produced are
> timeless and not bound by one era or another. they create a change
> in my awareness and a purification that is singularly powerful and
> directed.

That's great. Soma tripping seems like an interesting patriarchal trip  
you're somehow connected to. I like some of it. But as a lover of  
Earth, I just can't buy into a lot of the patriarchal trip like you  
do, apparently at a deep experiential level (if one is to believe your  
interesting claims).

> my experience is that any time such sounds are expressed and
> appreciated, they effect my consciousness to such a degree that it
> is wholly concievable to me that life could emerge, guided and
> influenced by the consciousness resulting from these Vedic
> vibrations alone. and therefore, emerge in any time, and within any
> space.

Patriarchal sacrificial chants may just be something that appeals to  
your level of consciousness. As they say "water seeks it's own level".

> so to speak of a timescale as related to these vedic sounds (pre-
> vedic, post vedic)is nonsensical to me. it speaks far more of
> intellectual abstraction, and something dry and dead, than the
> instant vibrance i enjoy while listening to the recitations of the
> Ved.

Once one enters the transmission of sound it makes more sense. I feel  
for your confusion, as you're so innocent in so freely sharing it.  
Thanks for that.

But actually you've drifted considerably from the original email with  
some specious new agey attempts Dawn. The fact is, you were simply  
wrong on what the Hindu tradition is! So despite some spacey comments,  
meant to sound impressive--and perhaps there are some who find them of  
interest--the fact that you so clearly missed the relative facts,  
doesn't speak to highly of your "enlightened" insight. In fact, it  
really brings into question just how "enlightened" your insight is! No  
so much.

Oh well, you're not the first to try to misdirect here on FFL. It's  
sometimes helpful to not feel alone when one is caught lying (I guess).

> the few vedic chants i have experienced have a richness and
> specificity to them that it is hardly a stretch to hear and feel the
> universe being created and/or altered while listening to them. i
> know i have been powerfully affected every time, to such an extent
> that the bodymind changes resulting from listening to these
> recitations is palpable.

That's great Dawn.

> so to assume that anything existing before these primal sounds
> vibrated into space and from these vibrations, emerged the universe,
> seems so misguided to me, no matter who asserts what, and what
> their "credentials" may be.

Well no, it's not misguided Dawn. Maybe you were a mushroom addict in  
a previous life, who knows? But since you really sound no different  
from any other new ager, I'd be reluctant to apply such an exalted  
claim to your, well, interesting claims. ;-)

> this is why i commented as i did, from firsthand experience, rather
> than relying on the hearsay of someone who said something once and
> then choosing to believe them.

Well, thanks. You're obviously quite evolved.

> there is a vast difference in these two modes of learning, little
> Vaj; one is direct and alive, the 

[FairfieldLife] Didn't Superman used to do this?

2009-02-05 Thread shempmcgurk
This one takes the cake.

The catastrophic man-made global warming alarmists are now saying that 
the ice that will melt from global warming will increase sea levels so 
much that it will throw the entire world off balance and shift the 
Earth's rotation!

I kid you not.

Obviously, these nutcases used to read Superman Comics as kids because 
that's what Superman would do whenever some dastardly deed had been 
done to the Earth; why, Superman would just go into outer space and 
readjust the planet:


Re: [FairfieldLife] Microsoft: Layoffs for Some, Visas for Others

2009-02-05 Thread Fairfield Lifer
On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 3:54 PM, Bhairitu  wrote:
> Reminds me of the dot com boom where the dot coms didn't want to hire
> anyone over 30.  Even for management.  They wanted to do it "their way"
> and we see what happened.

I'd like to see someone do so serious studies of the dot com days.

Case in point: a house in Silicon Valley which housed half a dozen dot
com billionaires (none over 23) who are now most likely trying to
scrape by selling tee shirts at the San Francisco Marina.  The
gathering was based on the belief that these billionaires were
obviously the best and the brightest in the world.  They moved in
together so that no time would be wasted in commuting or other outside
activities.  These gifts to God could spend day and night
brainstorming the next idea that was going to revolutionize the world
yet again.  After 6 months together they came up with no new ideas,
viable or not, and moved out.

[FairfieldLife] ABC News Accused of Media Manipulations

2009-02-05 Thread arhatafreespeech


From: The Media Research Center  Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2009 
5:28 AMSubject: Brent Bozell Issues a Challenge to ABC News
>From the Desk of:
David Martin, Executive Vice President

FEBRUARY 4, 2009  The grassroots initiative against ABC News and Disney is 
escalating. So much so that Brent Bozell has personally drawn a line in
 the sand by shooting an exclusive video expressly stating that he will not 
back down until this egregious violation of journalistic ethics is corrected! 
http://www.eyeblast .tv/public/ video.aspx? v=ydnzVrvknz
Watch Brent Bozell's special message demanding ABC News to resolve this 
outrageous violation of journalistic ethics. Then, send your emails today.Watch 
this explosive video that is directed to ABC News President David Westin. Click 
here to watch this exclusive video. Momentum is Building Rapidly

Since it was first reported that George Stephanopoulos was taking part in daily 
phone conversations with White House Chief-of-Staff Rahm Emanuel--helping 
formulate and shape the thoughts and messaging for the Obama
 Administration and then presenting himself as an objective reporter on the 
administration, the MRC has been sounding the alarm demanding he recuse himself 
from reporting on the Obama Administration!

Already more than 80,000 emails have been sent, and thousands of phone calls 
have tied up ABC/Disney switchboards with the heavy volume of angry calls.. 
Without question this is an egregious violation of journalistic ethics, and as 
citizens of this great nation we cannot allow this to continue unchallenged and 
unchecked. That's why accompanying his video challenge, Brent is including a 
powerful letter to ABC News' President David Westin—underscoring the importance 
of the issue and the need for immediate change! Click here to read Brent's 
letter.We believe this video, coupled with Brent's letter and your continued 
action may force the hand of David Westin to resolve this issue--what a victory 
that would be for the Action Team! 

Let's make sure they cannot ignore us and hope we will just go away. Now more 
than ever, we MUST continue to press on--calling and emailing until appropriate 
changes are made. Please click here to send your emails to Stephanopolous, his 
boss, David Westin, ABC News executives and ABC/Disney's Board of Directors
 right now.

Finally, this grassroots initiative is growing because friends like you are 
motivating others to get involved. After sending your emails and placing your 
calls, keep the momentum strong by alerting your friends. 

Urge them to take fast action with you by clicking here.

Thanks for remaining vigilant with us!

David Martin

P.S: Don't forget to view Brent's video and read his letter to ABC News' 
President David Westin. Click here for more






[FairfieldLife] Post Count

2009-02-05 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): Sat Jan 31 00:00:00 2009
End Date (UTC): Sat Feb 07 00:00:00 2009
798 messages as of (UTC) Fri Feb 06 00:06:05 2009

50 TurquoiseB 
48 Vaj 
46 authfriend 
38 Kirk 
36 enlightened_dawn11 
36 "BillyG." 
34 Sal Sunshine 
29 nablusoss1008 
29 Bhairitu 
29 Arhata Osho 
27 Rick Archer 
26 yifuxero 
26 curtisdeltablues 
23 raunchydog 
22 Duveyoung 
22 "do.rflex" 
19 Fairfield Lifer 
19 "grate.swan" 
18 sparaig 
16 Marek Reavis 
15 cardemaister 
14 John 
13 ruthsimplicity 
13 Richard M 
11 Robert 
10 boo_lives 
10 amritasyaputra 
 9 shempmcgurk 
 9 I am the eternal 
 8 bob_brigante 
 8 arhatafreespe...@yahoo.com
 7 guyfawkes91 
 7 Alex Stanley 
 5 wayback71 
 5 geezerfreak 
 5 Peter 
 4 off_world_beings 
 4 lurkernomore20002000 
 4 Joe Smith 
 3 ysoy10li 
 3 satvadude108 
 3 mainstream20016 
 3 FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 2 uns_tressor 
 2 sinajon1 
 2 shukra69 
 2 bettyblue109 
 2 benjaminccollins 
 2 Nelson 
 2 Larry 
 2 Hugo 
 2 Dick Mays 
 2 Allen Black 
 1 wvosteen 
 1 vivek v 
 1 pratap Mahapatra 
 1 menkemeyer 
 1 jyouells2000 
 1 film_man_pdx 
 1 dhamiltony2k5 
 1 destories 
 1 Kathy Poppers 
 1 =?iso-8859-1?Q?Ingvar_J=F6nsson?= 
 1 "Richard J. Williams" 
 1 "Hagen J. Holtz" 

Posters: 65
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Significance of the Global Country of World Peace

2009-02-05 Thread enlightened_dawn11
i know you place an inordinate value on spritually based scholarship 
(particularly by those you follow like a groupie), something which i 
find antithetical to a dynamic quest for ongoing liberation. 

to emphasize studying everything with the intellect, vs. just 
experiencing it, is a stale and lifeless exercise, and merely 
intellectualizes and removes vitality from lively, intellectually 
transcendent, incomprehensible knowledge.

so while i understand your perspective, my experience with listening 
to vedic chanting, for example is that the sounds produced are 
timeless and not bound by one era or another. they create a change 
in my awareness and a purification that is singularly powerful and 

my experience is that any time such sounds are expressed and 
appreciated, they effect my consciousness to such a degree that it 
is wholly concievable to me that life could emerge, guided and 
influenced by the consciousness resulting from these Vedic 
vibrations alone. and therefore, emerge in any time, and within any 

so to speak of a timescale as related to these vedic sounds (pre-
vedic, post vedic)is nonsensical to me. it speaks far more of 
intellectual abstraction, and something dry and dead, than the 
instant vibrance i enjoy while listening to the recitations of the 

the few vedic chants i have experienced have a richness and 
specificity to them that it is hardly a stretch to hear and feel the 
universe being created and/or altered while listening to them. i 
know i have been powerfully affected every time, to such an extent 
that the bodymind changes resulting from listening to these 
recitations is palpable.

so to assume that anything existing before these primal sounds 
vibrated into space and from these vibrations, emerged the universe, 
seems so misguided to me, no matter who asserts what, and what 
their "credentials" may be.

this is why i commented as i did, from firsthand experience, rather 
than relying on the hearsay of someone who said something once and 
then choosing to believe them. 

there is a vast difference in these two modes of learning, little 
Vaj; one is direct and alive, the other secondhand and stale. so i 
reject any notion that there is such a thing as a pre- vedic time; 
the Vedas in my experience by their simple vibration, create our 
universe and everything in it.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> Hi Dawn:
> On Feb 5, 2009, at 2:44 PM, enlightened_dawn11 wrote:
> > poor Vaj, always putting the cart before the horse...always 
> > Hinduism preceded the Ved - lol. does he walk backwards too?
> I normally wouldn't usually waste one of my last posts on such a 
> question but since it is a typical TM org person kinda question, 
> thought I'd answer it, esp. since your question also could be used 
> a possible "Dumb Things TMO folks say" FAQ. So thanks in advance, 
> your naivete.
Ha- Ha, spoken truly like a fish in the ocean, looking for water.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Obama puts the heat on Republicans

2009-02-05 Thread Fairfield Lifer
On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 3:52 PM, Bhairitu  wrote:
> Fairfield Lifer wrote:
> Ah, but that may not still provide jobs for everyone.  Outside of
> writing software maybe for these projects there is nothing there for
> me.  If you want someone who gets bored after 5 minutes trying to shovel
> asphalt then I'm your guy.  ;-)
> Of course if they legalize marijuana then maybe all the heady types can
> get stoned enough so it doesn't make any difference.

Well, God bless you and the return of FFL's prodigal son a week or two
ago as our laugh track.  I eagerly race to FFL each morning to read
the dead pan (I think) posts that are funnier than any satire.  The
Fireside Theater brought into the 21st century.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Vedic Pundits in India

2009-02-05 Thread shukra69

if you doing Chandi Yajna for enlightenment then you can do it yourself.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Kirk"  wrote:
> When they get tribes of vedic pandit girls then I will sponsor for 
Chandi yajnas.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Significance Global Country of World Peace---"Cast System"

2009-02-05 Thread Peter
Kirk, you just be a nigga lover, boy! You gotta stay away from dem mud peole. 
Stick to ya own, boy. Keep da races pure for the Fatherland!

On another note you just have to love this shit:

> I heard enough rumors from TM teachers in
> the early days
> > about blacks and their very limited participation in
> learning and
> > staying with TM as an indication that they are the
> sons of Cain.

Hey Tom, I'm a teacher from the early days, and you're right, we used to 
stay-up past ten every night at the centers making list of all the inferior 
races and faxing it to Seelisberg. 

--- On Thu, 2/5/09, Kirk  wrote:

> From: Kirk 
> Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Significance Global Country of World 
> Peace---"Cast System"
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Date: Thursday, February 5, 2009, 4:25 PM
> Here's some of the usual Tom Pall bigotry. I should have
> known it was you.
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Fairfield Lifer"
> To: 
> Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2009 3:00 PM
> Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Significance Global
> Country of World 
> Peace---"Cast System"
> , dark skinned.  You're born into the right family. 
> After
> > all, Maharishi asserted that the Brahmin pundits have
> something
> > special in their DNA which makes it possible for them
> alone to enliven
> > the Vedas.  I heard enough rumors from TM teachers in
> the early days
> > about blacks and their very limited participation in
> learning and
> > staying with TM as an indication that they are the
> sons of Cain.  I
> > heard this talk from much too many initiators to not
> believe that
> > Maharishi had mentioned this sort of thing on a
> course.  What's
> > interesting is that the initiators didn't think
> this belief odd at
> > all.  It was all part of the cosmic plan as described
> by Maharishi.
> >
> >
> > 
> >
> > To subscribe, send a message to:
> > fairfieldlife-subscr...@yahoogroups.com
> >
> > Or go to:
> > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/
> > and click 'Join This Group!'Yahoo! Groups
> Links
> >
> >
> >
> To subscribe, send a message to:
> fairfieldlife-subscr...@yahoogroups.com
> Or go to: 
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/
> and click 'Join This Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links


[FairfieldLife] Re: Significance of the Global Country of World Peace

2009-02-05 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "guyfawkes91"  

> > In turn, the emperor is rule from his place of
> > authrority and govern the world in justice, peace
> > and prosperity.  This governance includes the
> > recognition of the varna system to operate the
> > world government.
> Read that slowly back to yourself. Can you spot the
> obvious error, no? Try again. Read s l o w l y . Look
> carefully at the word "conquer" then look at the words
> "justice, peace and prosperity", notice the cognitive
> dissonance going on there. No? Try again but more slowly
> this time.
> There has never been a time and never will be a time
> when conquest leads to "justice, peace and prosperity",
> those things can't come from conquest because conquest
> requires getting rid of justice, peace and prosperity.

Some Native Americans might agree with you on that point.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Significance of the Global Country of World Peace

2009-02-05 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex"  wrote:

> On the other hand, the numbers of Maharishi's later
> years' crackpot projects that have undeniably failed,
> speak for themselves. If the 'raja' clown so-called
> government is as has been described, "designed to
> operate *in the sphere of consciousness*" - it's
> imaginary and has no practical, objectively
> -observable- significance at all.

Interesting that do.rflex pretends this is news to
him. I guess he never noticed that TM teachers who
have the TM-Sidhis have been referred to as "governors
of the Age of Enlightenment" for decades now.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Significance of the Global Country of World Peace

2009-02-05 Thread Vaj

Hi Dawn:

On Feb 5, 2009, at 2:44 PM, enlightened_dawn11 wrote:

poor Vaj, always putting the cart before the horse...always claiming
Hinduism preceded the Ved - lol. does he walk backwards too?

I normally wouldn't usually waste one of my last posts on such a naive  
question but since it is a typical TM org person kinda question, I  
thought I'd answer it, esp. since your question also could be used in  
a possible "Dumb Things TMO folks say" FAQ. So thanks in advance, for  
your naivete.

Without giving a lot of commentary on this quote, I'll simply add that  
this is from one of the European students of Swami Karpatri, a key  
student of Swami Brahmananda Saraswati and the person who, on refusing  
the position of Shankaracharya, instead offered the position to his  
teacher, Guru Dev.

For example, the text you know as the Vaishnavite "Bhagavad-gita" is  
actually a re-translation and re-interpretation of an earlier story  
told in pre-Vedic times (the text is known as the Parameshvara Agama,  
a pre-Vedic tantric and Dravidian text). Same with many texts:  
Ayurveda, "Sthapatya-Veda" ("Vastu"), etc. these were all later  
written versions of ancient pre-Vedic traditions which form the  
primary basis of Hinduism (Hindutva), although there is also later  
gnosis as well. Very little actually exist of "Vedic" civilization  
other than some traditional sacrificial chants. Vedic elements of  
animal sacrifice and human sacrifice were, for the most part, removed  
due to the influence of Jainism and Buddhism. TM mantras are an  
excellent example of pre-Vedic traditions wrongly applied by pseudo- 
Vedantins and materialists, but are certainly not "Vedic".


"Rediscovered Tradition


survived in oral tradition or in Dravidian texts, now lost, were  
recovered, reconstructed, transcribed, and translated into various  
popular languages, but particularly into Sanskrit, which had become  
the universal language of the culture. It was then that numerous  
historical, philosophical, and scientific works appeared, mingled with  
legends, popular beliefs, and myths. Some versions of the Purânä(s) in  
the Tamil language are older than the Sanskrit versions.

Using this restored material as a point of departure, Shaiva monks and  
some traditional scholars have been able to reconstruct part of what  
survived of the ancient pre-Aryan heritage, rediscovering the bases of  
a wisdom, a way of living, and a path of knowledge originating in a  
golden age of humanity that had been for a long time safeguarded in an  
occult tradition.

This return to ancient knowledge and wisdom, advocated by Lakulishä,  
is considered by followers of Shaivism to be the last effort to check  
the evolution of a humanity racing toward destruction. Therefore, it  
was from the beginning of our era onward that the fundamental texts of  
pre-Aryan philosophical and religious tradition were reconstituted and  
translated into a fairly crude Sanskrit, with the aim of establishing  
a set of sacred texts to set up officially against the Vedä(s), which  
had themselves been recently transcribed.

The most important of these texts are called the Agama(s) (traditions)  
and Tanträ(s) (rules and rites). To these must be added the Purânä(s)  
(ancient chronicles), which deal with mythology and history, and  
philosophical and technical works about cosmology (Samkhya), Yoga,  
linguistics (Vyakarana), astronomy (Jyotisha), medicine (Ayurveda),  
mathematics (Ganita), and so on-a vast literature, which, despite  
having been transcribed in a relatively recent era, nevertheless has  
sources in distant antiquity. Their rediscovery provoked a phenomenal  
revival of cultural, philosophical, religious, and artistic activity.

Almost all of what has come down to us of the religious and  
philosophical thought of India, including the texts and commentaries  
of the Vedä(s), Brahmä Süträ(s), and Upanishad(s), as well as those of  
Buddhism and Jainism, was only transcribed during the great age of  
liberalism and civilization which characterize the Shaiva revival.

The Hindu religion, as it is practiced today, is tantric in character,  
based almost exclusively on the Agama(s). Virtually nothing remains of  
the Vedic religion. The same applies to the Tibetan religion, itself  
also entirely tantric. Hindu philosophy is wrongly considered to be of  
Vedic origin. Through contrivances of exegesis, attempts were made to  
link concepts originating from an older and more developed culture to  
Vedic texts.

If we wish to understand Indian thought, we must return to its  
sources, that is, to the great civilization that preceded the arrival  
of the Aryans, which has continued to the present time and of which  
the Shaiva religion, the cosmological theory called Samkhyä, the  
practices of Yoga, as well as the bases of what we consider to be the  
Hindu philosophy, are 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Significance of the Global Country of World Peace

2009-02-05 Thread John
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "guyfawkes91"  
> > In using the vedic model of rulership, the rajas' mission is to 
> > conquer the sectors that they are in charged of.  By their 
> > successes, the world is handed to the world emperor for 
> > in this case Nader Ram.  If there is a dissenting raja, he will 
> > replaced or forced out to continue the conquest of the world.
> > 
> > In turn, the emperor is rule from his place of authrority and 
> > the world in justice, peace and prosperity.  This governance 
> > the recognition of the varna system to operate the world 
> Read that slowly back to yourself. Can you spot the obvious error, 
> Try again. Read s l o w l y . Look carefully at the word "conquer"
> then look at the words "justice, peace and prosperity", notice the
> cognitive dissonance going on there. No? Try again but more slowly
> this time.
> There has never been a time and never will be a time when conquest
> leads to "justice, peace and prosperity", those things can't come 
> conquest because conquest requires getting rid of justice, peace and
> prosperity.

At the time of Ramachandra, that was how world conquest was done.  It 
was the dharma of the emperor to reign over the world through his 
rajahs.  In turn, the rajahs are given tasks to govern their assigned 
kingdoms to make use of their natural ability to manage functions of 

All I am saying is that the TMO is reviving this past world empire in 
the guise of the Global Country, which is not based on subjugation, 
but for the development of world consciousness.

> The idea of conquest, or that one group of people have a right to
> dominion over another group, is what causes war. It's the military
> thinking, the belief in world conquest that has come close to 
> the TM movement. 

MMY apparently thought that this method was the quickest way to get 
his projects accomplished.  In other words, monarchy is the most 
efficient government since the decisions are made by the king.  On 
the other hand, democracy is the most complicated and most 
inefficient way of government because the people's will would have to 
be consulted through elections and referendums.

> If one of the rajas is having doubts then he is to be applauded.
> Doubts are good, especially doubts about world conquest and demands
> for unquestioning obedience.

During the vedic times, any rajahs who doubted are considered enemies 
of the emperor and are subjugated.  Similarly, in the Global Country 
those who doubt the mission theu've entrusted should get out of the 
movement voluntarily.

> It's predictable that some of the rajas will start to get
> disillusioned with the whole thing. They aren't all stupid and the
> spell will start to wear off over time. If it's happening now then
> it's very positive, it means the movement might survive in some 
> But if it hasn't happened by 10 years time then the movement will
> disappear. No new people want to sign up to an organization where 
> leaders dress up as kings and take all the money from the serfs. By
> the time people realize the whole thing was a terrible mistake it 
> be too late to train a new generation of teachers. 
> The movement cannot make it through to the next generation while
> people are dressing up as kings and plotting world conquest because
> very very few people want to sign up to be serfs in a court of 

The Global Country was and is the vision of MMY.  If it fails, then 
that means it has run its course.  In other words, Nature will decide 
the ultimate fate of the movement.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Significance of the Global Country of World Peace

2009-02-05 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John"  wrote:
> You may think the rajas are ...  But it is fair to think that 
> they have a bigger mission than that.  They are commissioned to 
> succeed in accordance with MMY's world plan.

Purity will succeed. The Rajas are Stars amongst the many designs 
Maharishi made for the Age of Enlightenment.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Significance of the Global Country of World Peace

2009-02-05 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11
> right. hey, the anti tm TBs just make shit up and misinterpret it to 
> argue about it. krazee talk.

Nope. I was trained to teach Transcendental Meditation by Maharishi in
1971 and consider that specific meditation technique and its
connection to Guru Dev to be a gift from God to humanity.

On the other hand, the numbers of Maharishi's later years' crackpot
projects that have undeniably failed, speak for themselves. If the
'raja' clown so-called government is as has been described, "designed
to operate *in the sphere of consciousness*" - it's imaginary and has
no practical, objectively -observable- significance at all. 

Those goofballs don't control any governments at all except in their
own minds. It's like believing they're the rulers of Disneyland's
Magic Kingdom. 

It's amazing to me that I even have to address this nutbaggery. 

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  
> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex"  wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John"  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex"  
> > wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John"  wrote:
> > 
> > > > > > In turn, the emperor is rule from his place of
> > > > > > authrority and govern the world in justice, peace
> > > > > > and prosperity.  This governance includes the
> > > > > > recognition of the varna system to operate the
> > > > > > world government.
> > > > > 
> > > > > That's all imaginary nonsense, John. Any human adult
> > > > > who buys into that unadulterated bullshit would
> > > > > believe in Santa Claus too.
> > > > > 
> > > > > To actually think that those 'raja' clowns have any
> > > > > control at all over world affairs requires being
> > > > > totally disconnected from objective reality.
> > > > 
> > > > You may think the rajas are clowns.  But it is fair to
> > > > think that they have a bigger mission than that.  They
> > > > are commissioned to succeed in accordance with MMY's
> > > > world plan.
> > > 
> > > The plan is an obvious absurdity, John - no different from
> > > Maharishi's numerous other crackpot plans that suckers like
> > > you bought into and watched fizzle into nothing.
> > 
> > Unless something has changed recently, the World
> > Government was designed to operate *in the sphere of
> > consciousness*.
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Significance of the Global Country of World Peace

2009-02-05 Thread guyfawkes91

> In using the vedic model of rulership, the rajas' mission is to 
> conquer the sectors that they are in charged of.  By their combined 
> successes, the world is handed to the world emperor for governance--
> in this case Nader Ram.  If there is a dissenting raja, he will be 
> replaced or forced out to continue the conquest of the world.
> In turn, the emperor is rule from his place of authrority and govern 
> the world in justice, peace and prosperity.  This governance includes 
> the recognition of the varna system to operate the world government.

Read that slowly back to yourself. Can you spot the obvious error, no?
Try again. Read s l o w l y . Look carefully at the word "conquer"
then look at the words "justice, peace and prosperity", notice the
cognitive dissonance going on there. No? Try again but more slowly
this time.

There has never been a time and never will be a time when conquest
leads to "justice, peace and prosperity", those things can't come from
conquest because conquest requires getting rid of justice, peace and

The idea of conquest, or that one group of people have a right to
dominion over another group, is what causes war. It's the military
thinking, the belief in world conquest that has come close to killing
the TM movement. 

If one of the rajas is having doubts then he is to be applauded.
Doubts are good, especially doubts about world conquest and demands
for unquestioning obedience. 

It's predictable that some of the rajas will start to get
disillusioned with the whole thing. They aren't all stupid and the
spell will start to wear off over time. If it's happening now then
it's very positive, it means the movement might survive in some form.
But if it hasn't happened by 10 years time then the movement will
disappear. No new people want to sign up to an organization where the
leaders dress up as kings and take all the money from the serfs. By
the time people realize the whole thing was a terrible mistake it will
be too late to train a new generation of teachers. 

The movement cannot make it through to the next generation while
people are dressing up as kings and plotting world conquest because
very very few people want to sign up to be serfs in a court of nutcases.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Significance of the Global Country of World Peace

2009-02-05 Thread enlightened_dawn11
right. hey, the anti tm TBs just make shit up and misinterpret it to 
argue about it. krazee talk.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John"  wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex"  
> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John"  wrote:
> > > > > In turn, the emperor is rule from his place of
> > > > > authrority and govern the world in justice, peace
> > > > > and prosperity.  This governance includes the
> > > > > recognition of the varna system to operate the
> > > > > world government.
> > > > 
> > > > That's all imaginary nonsense, John. Any human adult
> > > > who buys into that unadulterated bullshit would
> > > > believe in Santa Claus too.
> > > > 
> > > > To actually think that those 'raja' clowns have any
> > > > control at all over world affairs requires being
> > > > totally disconnected from objective reality.
> > > 
> > > You may think the rajas are clowns.  But it is fair to
> > > think that they have a bigger mission than that.  They
> > > are commissioned to succeed in accordance with MMY's
> > > world plan.
> > 
> > The plan is an obvious absurdity, John - no different from
> > Maharishi's numerous other crackpot plans that suckers like
> > you bought into and watched fizzle into nothing.
> Unless something has changed recently, the World
> Government was designed to operate *in the sphere of
> consciousness*.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obama puts the heat on Republicans

2009-02-05 Thread Duveyoung
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
>> Of course if they legalize marijuana then maybe all the heady types
can  get stoned enough so it doesn't make any difference.

Hey, didja read about the Feds raiding four Med.Pot dispensaries
recently?  The article I read said that it was just what Obama needs
to shit or get off the, ahem, pot.  He promised in his campaigning
that he would not enforce Fed pot laws if states allow its use.  Since
these raids happened AFTER Obama took office, those raids were on HIS
WATCH.  I'm betting he'll be pissed, and heads are going to roll as
soon as Obama appoints the new head honcho who'll spank whomever is
responsible for the raids: namely: a BushCo implant who must be removed.


> Fairfield Lifer wrote:
> > On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 1:56 PM, Bhairitu  wrote:
> >   
> >> do.rflex wrote:
> >> It's a hoot to watch the country inch by inch go more socialist.
 If it
> >> went that way too fast there would be repercussions.  But a
> >> friend a couple years back commented that he thought the country
> >> swing  socialist because of the extremist policies of the Bush
> >> administration.
> >>
> >> But now who wants to have a meaningless job just to have a job?  Does
> >> anyone want to have a job as filling in a ditch that was made by
> >> who just dug it because they "needed a job" and then those same
> >> will come back and dig the ditch again and the same people who
filled it
> >> up will come back just so they "can have a job."  Ridiculous! 
Why not
> >> just give people money (a stipend) instead?  Because the public is so
> >> BRAINWASHED into believing that WORK is somehow holy.  That is except
> >> the rich who let their money do their work for them.  Not only
that the
> >> public has been BRAINWASHED into believing that a program that just
> >> gives them money is WELFARE.  For the simple minded: "work good,
> >> bad."
> >> 
> >
> >
> > Take a look at the roads.  Take a look at the bridges, both for cars
> > and rail.  Will you once again talk about make work welfare next time
> > a bridge collapses or a major highway just comes apart?  There really
> > are things that need to be fixed in this country.  Thousands of
> > bridges.  Thousands of roads.  Damns.  Public buildings.  Perhaps
> > civil engineers should be less civil and more activist to get people
> > to look at what's going to be disaster after disaster.
> Ah, but that may not still provide jobs for everyone.  Outside of 
> writing software maybe for these projects there is nothing there for 
> me.  If you want someone who gets bored after 5 minutes trying to
> asphalt then I'm your guy.  ;-)
> Of course if they legalize marijuana then maybe all the heady types can 
> get stoned enough so it doesn't make any difference.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Microsoft: Layoffs for Some, Visas for Others

2009-02-05 Thread Bhairitu
Fairfield Lifer wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 2:18 PM, Bhairitu  wrote:
>> I remember when I was in India over 10 years ago one of our tour guides
>> had a Master's in computer science.  He was asking me about jobs so I
>> asked him if he had any experience programming Windows.  Of course not.
>> Back then they way they learned was to stand around a computer in a
>> group and watch an instructor show them how to do things.  They got very
>> little hands on experiences.  I told him he was up against westerners
>> who owned computers and maybe never took a class in computer science but
>> learned from books how to program, even Windows programming, and could
>> show me some programs they had written.  That's who I hired.  People
>> with REAL experience not theoretical knowledge.
> Problem is that too many companies like Cisco, MS and Oracle make a
> bundle off of theoretical certification.  So you pay your money, take
> the test and voila! you are a certified expert.  Oracle even offers
> Masters Certification.  One becomes a master by taking a whole bunch
> of Oracle Education courses.  All of these certifications are very
> impressive to management until things go south and suddenly the
> certified are clueless as to how to proceed.
Reminds me of the dot com boom where the dot coms didn't want to hire 
anyone over 30.  Even for management.  They wanted to do it "their way" 
and we see what happened.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Obama puts the heat on Republicans

2009-02-05 Thread Bhairitu
Fairfield Lifer wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 1:56 PM, Bhairitu  wrote:
>> do.rflex wrote:
>> It's a hoot to watch the country inch by inch go more socialist.  If it
>> went that way too fast there would be repercussions.  But a conservative
>> friend a couple years back commented that he thought the country would
>> swing  socialist because of the extremist policies of the Bush
>> administration.
>> But now who wants to have a meaningless job just to have a job?  Does
>> anyone want to have a job as filling in a ditch that was made by people
>> who just dug it because they "needed a job" and then those same people
>> will come back and dig the ditch again and the same people who filled it
>> up will come back just so they "can have a job."  Ridiculous!  Why not
>> just give people money (a stipend) instead?  Because the public is so
>> BRAINWASHED into believing that WORK is somehow holy.  That is except
>> the rich who let their money do their work for them.  Not only that the
>> public has been BRAINWASHED into believing that a program that just
>> gives them money is WELFARE.  For the simple minded: "work good, welfare
>> bad."
> Take a look at the roads.  Take a look at the bridges, both for cars
> and rail.  Will you once again talk about make work welfare next time
> a bridge collapses or a major highway just comes apart?  There really
> are things that need to be fixed in this country.  Thousands of
> bridges.  Thousands of roads.  Damns.  Public buildings.  Perhaps
> civil engineers should be less civil and more activist to get people
> to look at what's going to be disaster after disaster.
Ah, but that may not still provide jobs for everyone.  Outside of 
writing software maybe for these projects there is nothing there for 
me.  If you want someone who gets bored after 5 minutes trying to shovel 
asphalt then I'm your guy.  ;-)

Of course if they legalize marijuana then maybe all the heady types can 
get stoned enough so it doesn't make any difference.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Stairway to Heaven

2009-02-05 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Marek Reavis"  
> Wow! Great app, great find, thanks.

Forgot to include this: Ocarina costs $1.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Significance of the Global Country of World Peace

2009-02-05 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "boo_lives"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "guyfawkes91" 
> wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John"  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > To All:
> > > > 
> > > > The Global Country is part of MMY's plan to recreate the reign of 
> > > > Ramachandra who lived eons of years ago, even before the coming of 
> > > > Krishna.  At that time, the empire of Ramachandra was ideal in
> that the 
> > > > world was supposedly graced by the incarnations of the divine 
> > > > personality in the form of Ramachandra himself and his three other 
> > > > brothers.  Thus, the functioning of society promoted peace and 
> > > > prosperity for the people, mainly due to following the varna
> system, or 
> > > > the fourfold division of labor:  brahmin, kshatriya, vaisya, and
> sudra.
> > > > 
> > > > Similarly, MMY has appointed Nader Ram as the world leader and
> is to be 
> > > > supported by the various rajas who are in charge of the 108
> sectors of 
> > > > the world.
> > > >
> > > Why is this posted here, and why has it been posted now? 
> > > 
> > > Everyone outside the inner circle thinks it's total bullshit. They
> > > either say it openly or think it privately.
> > > 
> > > There can't be more than 100 people who think the raja thing is a
> > > bright idea. Could it be that the inner circle are getting worried
> > > that no one is taking them seriously and suddenly feel the need to
> > > keep banging on about how important they are?
> > >
> > 
> > Shurg Label me one of those semi-genius* types who thinks the raja 
> > thiing is brilliant.
> > 
> > 
> > Don't know my IQ, but taught myself Calculus when I was 15 by
> reading a book
> > and solved the summation of 1-100 in a semi-efficient way when I was 9.
> > 
> > I'm not a Wolfram and probably not a Hagelin, but I know plenty of
> 140+ IQ
> > types that believe far stranger things than TMO rhetoric. Take me
> ex-GF with the
> > 185 IQ for instance. Still believes her mom and friends managed to
> tow themselves
> > to a gas station by "mentally hitching their car to the one in front
> of them."
> > 
> > IQ has nothing to do with common sense.
> > 
> Yes and I'd say high IQ in the mathmatic sense is probably inversely
> related to emotional IQ and cults flourish by preying on people with
> emotional weaknesses longing to get filled.  The tmo inner circle is
> filled with males with high mental-logical-math-computer-abstract
> skills but emotional adolescents.  Good at head/airy stuff, out of
> touch with the body/emotional/earth stuff.  
> Here's the criteria I use now when looking at spiritual leaders and
> groups - how many in the inner circle have successfully raised a happy
> integrated child?  That's a great test of true spirituality.

Or good genes.


[FairfieldLife] Scoop Independent News: World Harmony Concert For Stress Free Schools

2009-02-05 Thread Rick Archer

World Harmony Concert For Stress Free Schools

Thursday, 5 February 2009, 11:21 am
Press Release: Stress Free Schools

Press Release

Paul McCartney Concert For Stress Free Schools

News of an upcoming special benefit concert in New York by Sir Paul
McCartney and other top musicians to support the Stress Free Schools
initiative worldwide has been welcomed by its representatives in New
Zealand. These days the former Beatle makes rare but memorable public

Dr Graeme Lodge, chairman of Stress Free Schools New Zealand, says that the
World Harmony Concert taking place on April 4 intends to raise sufficient
funds to allow one million school children to be instructed in the
Transcendental Meditation technique throughout America and other countries
including New Zealand.

Joining Sir Paul McCartney onstage at the six thousand seat Radio City Music
Hall will be musicians such as Donovan, Sheryl Crow, Eddie Vedder, Moby, .
all of whom are freely giving their services to the David Lynch Foundation
which was set up by Hollywood director David Lynch to fund TM in public
schools. See: www.davidlynchfoundation.org

Dr Lodge says those overseas schools which have already begun the programme,
which involves students and staff practising TM together for 15 minutes at
the start and end of each school day, have experienced enormous benefits for
the whole institution. This includes a substantial decrease in violence,
bullying, absenteeism, vandalism, sickness rates and psychological problems.
There is also a marked increase in overall academic, artistic and sporting
achievements. schools describe the overall atmosphere as being calmer and

(For video reports of these results please visit:
www.stressfreeschools.co.nz- click on 'overview videos'.)

Dr Lodge says that recent published research has shown marked improvements
in those children afflicted with ADHD who have been taught Transcendental
Meditation, and that helps young people avoid having to take controversial
drugs such as Ritalin in order to control disturbing behaviour. He says TM
has been shown by analysis of all known research to be twice as effective as
any other means of alleviating trait anxiety, a measure of chronic stress.

The Stress Free Schools initiative has attracted the interest of several
schools in New Zealand as a means to alleviate the chronic problems of
destructive behaviour and under-achievement that the authorities seem
powerless to resolve.

Dr Lodge says this programme offers much to the future of education in this
country, and the lifting of its profile by popular music legends will be a
good thing. The April 4 concert has been described as a 'generational event'
and it will also honour the life of TM founder, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who
passed away almost one year ago.



[FairfieldLife] Re: Significance of the Global Country of World Peace

2009-02-05 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine  wrote:
> On Feb 5, 2009, at 3:05 AM, sparaig wrote:
> > Shurg Label me one of those semi-genius* types who thinks the raja
> > thiing is brilliant.
> >
> >
> > Don't know my IQ, but taught myself Calculus when I was 15 by  
> > reading a book
> > and solved the summation of 1-100 in a semi-efficient way when I was  
> > 9.
> Maybe you should have tried spelling instead, spare.
> Sal

i cn spel ok jst cnt typ wrth a dam


[FairfieldLife] Re: Stairway to Heaven

2009-02-05 Thread Duveyoung
Very very cool.  Thanks Judy!

I think this is a new paradigm in the making -- pretty soon that
ocarina will be pumping out any instrument's voice.  I think that
blowing into the microphone is the inspired touch that pops the
invention out of the box -- it gives "analogue" back to the digital age.  

I predict that these iPhone players will soon yield superstars that
are not simply about finger dexterity but also breath controllers.

Er, I assume, -- anyone know if how hard or soft you blow into your
microphone matters, or does it only require some sort of microphone
input and anything'll do?


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> "Stairway to Heaven," played by the Smule Team
> iPhone Ocarina quintet plus guitar:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfrONZjakRY
> From the NY Times's "Circuits" email newsletter
> by David Pogue:
> It's one of the most magical programs I've ever seen for
> the iPhone, and probably for any computer. It's Ocarina,
> named after the ancient clay wind instrument.
> Once you install and open this program, your iPhone's screen
> displays four colored circles of different sizes. These are
> the "holes" that you cover with your fingers, as you would
> the holes on a flute. Then you blow into the microphone
> hole at the bottom of the iPhone, and presto: the haunting,
> expressive, beautiful sound of a wind instrument comes from
> the iPhone speaker.
> Different combinations of fingers on those four "holes"
> produce the different notes of the scale. (You can change
> the key in Preferences--no doubt a first on a cellphone.)
> Tilting the phone up or down controls the vibrato.
> Ocarina has become a mega-hit. YouTube videos show people
> playing their favorite songs on this thing with amazing
> skill. (The "Stairway to Heaven" arrangement, featuring
> four people playing their iPhones in harmony, is especially
> memorable.) The software company's Web site, Smule.com,
> even includes sheet-music pages that show you how to play
> well-known songs on Ocarina.
> Ocarina takes advantages of the iPhone's microphone,
> speaker, touch screen, graphics and tilt sensor.
> Incredibly, though, it also exploits the iPhone's Internet
> connection and GPS, as well.
> If you tap the little globe at the bottom of the screen, the
> screen changes. Now you see a map of the world--and you
> start hearing the Ocarina performance of one person, in one
> city (indicated by animated sound waves on the map), who's
> playing the thing *right now*. Sometimes it's the halting
> fumbles of a rank beginner; sometimes it's a lovely melody
> played by someone who's got the hang of it. You can hit a
> Next button to tune in to another stranger, and another,
> all around the world.
> It's a brain-frying experience to know that you're listening
> to someone else playing Ocarina, right now, in real time,
> somewhere else on the planet. (And then you realize that
> someone, somewhere might be listening to *you*!)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Significance of the Global Country of World Peace

2009-02-05 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex"  
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John"  wrote:

> > > > In turn, the emperor is rule from his place of
> > > > authrority and govern the world in justice, peace
> > > > and prosperity.  This governance includes the
> > > > recognition of the varna system to operate the
> > > > world government.
> > > 
> > > That's all imaginary nonsense, John. Any human adult
> > > who buys into that unadulterated bullshit would
> > > believe in Santa Claus too.
> > > 
> > > To actually think that those 'raja' clowns have any
> > > control at all over world affairs requires being
> > > totally disconnected from objective reality.
> > 
> > You may think the rajas are clowns.  But it is fair to
> > think that they have a bigger mission than that.  They
> > are commissioned to succeed in accordance with MMY's
> > world plan.
> The plan is an obvious absurdity, John - no different from
> Maharishi's numerous other crackpot plans that suckers like
> you bought into and watched fizzle into nothing.

Unless something has changed recently, the World
Government was designed to operate *in the sphere of

[FairfieldLife] Re: Stairway to Heaven

2009-02-05 Thread Marek Reavis
Wow! Great app, great find, thanks.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> "Stairway to Heaven," played by the Smule Team
> iPhone Ocarina quintet plus guitar:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfrONZjakRY
> From the NY Times's "Circuits" email newsletter
> by David Pogue:
> It's one of the most magical programs I've ever seen for
> the iPhone, and probably for any computer. It's Ocarina,
> named after the ancient clay wind instrument.
> Once you install and open this program, your iPhone's screen
> displays four colored circles of different sizes. These are
> the "holes" that you cover with your fingers, as you would
> the holes on a flute. Then you blow into the microphone
> hole at the bottom of the iPhone, and presto: the haunting,
> expressive, beautiful sound of a wind instrument comes from
> the iPhone speaker.
> Different combinations of fingers on those four "holes"
> produce the different notes of the scale. (You can change
> the key in Preferences--no doubt a first on a cellphone.)
> Tilting the phone up or down controls the vibrato.
> Ocarina has become a mega-hit. YouTube videos show people
> playing their favorite songs on this thing with amazing
> skill. (The "Stairway to Heaven" arrangement, featuring
> four people playing their iPhones in harmony, is especially
> memorable.) The software company's Web site, Smule.com,
> even includes sheet-music pages that show you how to play
> well-known songs on Ocarina.
> Ocarina takes advantages of the iPhone's microphone,
> speaker, touch screen, graphics and tilt sensor.
> Incredibly, though, it also exploits the iPhone's Internet
> connection and GPS, as well.
> If you tap the little globe at the bottom of the screen, the
> screen changes. Now you see a map of the world--and you
> start hearing the Ocarina performance of one person, in one
> city (indicated by animated sound waves on the map), who's
> playing the thing *right now*. Sometimes it's the halting
> fumbles of a rank beginner; sometimes it's a lovely melody
> played by someone who's got the hang of it. You can hit a
> Next button to tune in to another stranger, and another,
> all around the world.
> It's a brain-frying experience to know that you're listening
> to someone else playing Ocarina, right now, in real time,
> somewhere else on the planet. (And then you realize that
> someone, somewhere might be listening to *you*!)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Significance Global Country of World Peace---"Cast System"

2009-02-05 Thread enlightened_dawn11
it depends on the perspective you are viewing stuff from. i remember 
once going through some tough times (layoff, etc.), and no doubt it 
felt awful, and yet through the whole experience from a standpoint 
of eternal dharma, i knew i was getting/learning/experiencing just 
what the atman wanted to learn, or more accurately, bring out into 
the world. nonetheless, it still sucked as a personal experience, so 
i wasn't moodmaking about it, but there was this unmistakable sense 
that everything was working out just as it was meant to.

it isn't something that i would ever try to bring up unless you 
hadn't touched on it first, because it is so common to confuse 
personal experience with eternal dharma, and to see the latter as BS 

this vibratory world is a dense medium for learning-- really 
optimal, but it means that when stuff goes wrong, it hurts, no 
question. and yet, with direct experience of the atman, with its 
intelligence and experiential comprehension, there are no mistakes. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Fairfield Lifer 
> On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 2:09 PM, John  wrote:
> >
> > The present caste system is an abomination of the varna system.  
> > caste system is a justification for discrimination.  On the other
> > hane, the varna system recognizes the natural talent of the 
people to
> > contribute work for the betterment and prosperity of society.
> Thanks for placing your comments in the middle of 4-5 other 
> replies, so trying to figure out where to snip was a major chore.
> You just aren't getting Maharishi's contention that the workings of
> the Universe are just.  Maharishi has explained to us how a 
> full of people going down in a crash are meant to be on the plane 
> there are no accidents, there are no innocent victims.
> There's also no discrimination, if we look at the world that way.  
> between genders, people of different sexual orientations, tall, 
> fair skinned, dark skinned.  You're born into the right family.  
> all, Maharishi asserted that the Brahmin pundits have something
> special in their DNA which makes it possible for them alone to 
> the Vedas.  I heard enough rumors from TM teachers in the early 
> about blacks and their very limited participation in learning and
> staying with TM as an indication that they are the sons of Cain.  I
> heard this talk from much too many initiators to not believe that
> Maharishi had mentioned this sort of thing on a course.  What's
> interesting is that the initiators didn't think this belief odd at
> all.  It was all part of the cosmic plan as described by Maharishi.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Significance Global Country of World Peace---"Cast System"

2009-02-05 Thread Kirk
Here's some of the usual Tom Pall bigotry. I should have known it was you.

- Original Message - 
From: "Fairfield Lifer" 
Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2009 3:00 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Significance Global Country of World 
Peace---"Cast System"

, dark skinned.  You're born into the right family.  After
> all, Maharishi asserted that the Brahmin pundits have something
> special in their DNA which makes it possible for them alone to enliven
> the Vedas.  I heard enough rumors from TM teachers in the early days
> about blacks and their very limited participation in learning and
> staying with TM as an indication that they are the sons of Cain.  I
> heard this talk from much too many initiators to not believe that
> Maharishi had mentioned this sort of thing on a course.  What's
> interesting is that the initiators didn't think this belief odd at
> all.  It was all part of the cosmic plan as described by Maharishi.
> To subscribe, send a message to:
> fairfieldlife-subscr...@yahoogroups.com
> Or go to:
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/
> and click 'Join This Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links

[FairfieldLife] Stairway to Heaven

2009-02-05 Thread authfriend
"Stairway to Heaven," played by the Smule Team
iPhone Ocarina quintet plus guitar:


>From the NY Times's "Circuits" email newsletter
by David Pogue:

It's one of the most magical programs I've ever seen for
the iPhone, and probably for any computer. It's Ocarina,
named after the ancient clay wind instrument.

Once you install and open this program, your iPhone's screen
displays four colored circles of different sizes. These are
the "holes" that you cover with your fingers, as you would
the holes on a flute. Then you blow into the microphone
hole at the bottom of the iPhone, and presto: the haunting,
expressive, beautiful sound of a wind instrument comes from
the iPhone speaker.

Different combinations of fingers on those four "holes"
produce the different notes of the scale. (You can change
the key in Preferences--no doubt a first on a cellphone.)
Tilting the phone up or down controls the vibrato.

Ocarina has become a mega-hit. YouTube videos show people
playing their favorite songs on this thing with amazing
skill. (The "Stairway to Heaven" arrangement, featuring
four people playing their iPhones in harmony, is especially
memorable.) The software company's Web site, Smule.com,
even includes sheet-music pages that show you how to play
well-known songs on Ocarina.

Ocarina takes advantages of the iPhone's microphone,
speaker, touch screen, graphics and tilt sensor.
Incredibly, though, it also exploits the iPhone's Internet
connection and GPS, as well.

If you tap the little globe at the bottom of the screen, the
screen changes. Now you see a map of the world--and you
start hearing the Ocarina performance of one person, in one
city (indicated by animated sound waves on the map), who's
playing the thing *right now*. Sometimes it's the halting
fumbles of a rank beginner; sometimes it's a lovely melody
played by someone who's got the hang of it. You can hit a
Next button to tune in to another stranger, and another,
all around the world.

It's a brain-frying experience to know that you're listening
to someone else playing Ocarina, right now, in real time,
somewhere else on the planet. (And then you realize that
someone, somewhere might be listening to *you*!)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Significance of the Global Country of World Peace

2009-02-05 Thread Kirk
 You may think the rajas are clowns.  But it is fair to think that
> they have a bigger mission than that.  They are commissioned to
> succeed in accordance with MMY's world plan.

I think the big picture of Kalachakra trumps Maharishi's vision. It will 
be difficult to adhere to a system such as Maharishi's when it believes in 
such bogus superlatives as no south facing doors and such. Everybody knows 
that placement depends upon the prakriti of the family which lives there. In 
general the simplicity of the basic premises of the TMO are bogus.

Buddha knew a time would come about where the Western religions (Middle 
Eastern Dualists) would confront those of the East and then Hindus and 
Buddhists were asked to come together to create the 'Vajra caste' of 
Kalachakra. The world would then be made into Shamballah.  Or not, depending 
upon who won that battle.

Now what to do when the various groups all naming themselves Shamballah all 
come together and wage was on themselves? What will happen then. For keys to 
that let's sit back and watch Maharishi's organization self destruct shall 
we. So far, Maharishi After Descension  = MAD, we are at MAD Year One. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: One hellava list (30,000,000 Debmutants, the iGen)

2009-02-05 Thread Duveyoung
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
>> >   
> But are they rich anymore after Madoff?  ;-)

I suppose most of them lost significant percentages of their net worth
by putting all or too many of their eggs in Madoff's basket, cuz he
was an insanely great con-man, but, even if, say they lost half of
their fortunes on average, what do you get:  they're still stinking
rich on average.

Nice aside:  what nice nail hit on the head -- since he marauded his
"own kind," Madoff's scam proves that Jews do not have some sort of
money-radar that gives them special ability to invest wisely.  It
seems if you want thousands to walk your yellow brick road, all it
takes is, ahem, a Judas goat. Madoff had the right mother, so the
believers followed him thinking such thoughts as:  "He's a Jew -- 100%
mensch -- and so he'll take good care of my $20,000,000 nest egg."

Here's the real deal:  while the headlines scream about Madoff, the
press ignores that the profits of, say, Walmart are as if ill-gotten
from ponzi schemes also.  

How so?  

The investors (customers) of Walmart are told that they can spend
their money and get great deals while the truth is that buying a shirt
made by slaves makes the world more likely to use slaves, and that's
the true loss, ya see?  Madoff-like, Walmart delivers "paper profits"
-- cheap goods -- but meanwhile, Walmart is involving you in the
globalization of slavery which is a far higher price than you'd pay if
it was on the price tag of the shirt, eh?

Strange, eh?  Madoff took the shirts of his believers' backs, and
Walmart puts the shirts on -- same difference -- one entity amasses
money and power, the other is convinced that nothing is going wrong.


> Duveyoung wrote:
> > http://www.nypost.com/seven/02042009/news/madoff_victim_list.pdf
> >
> > Clicking on the link above will open a PDF file with
> >
> >
> > of all the folks that Madoff ripped off.
> >
> > Does ya see it?
> >
> > This is the kind of database that the iGen is going to have
available to
> > it.  This is a listing of THOUSANDS OF RICH FOLKS' ADDRESSES.
> >
> > Try to find such a list ten years ago.
> >
> > Way back when I was trying to raise venture capital for my, well,
> > ventures, I was successful in that hundreds of thousands of buckazoids
> > were gotten from the few folks I could find to invest.  But, with
a list
> > like the above, just by shotgunning the list with snail mail I could
> > have probably scored fatter wallets resonant with my ideas.
> >
> > Anyone running any kind of scam has this list now.
> >
> > Any kidnapper has this list now.
> >
> > Anyone running for political office has this list now.
> >
> > Anyone looking for a house to stand outside of in a mini-skirt has
> > list now.  (Ask any West Point cadet about the girls who show up for
> > their dances -- each one pushed there by parents who know that these
> > cadets will someday be rich.)
> >
> > Anyone who's got a NEW IDEA can hit this list with googlaficational
> > analysis and target those who might be resonant with the idea.  The
> > names are right there, and if those folks ever did anything on the
> > Internet with their own names, they're googlable.
> >
> > Anyone can touch this list -- the iGen geniuses will do so with
> > alacrity and depth.
> >
> > This is but one list.  There's a legion of other lists.  We're
having an
> > explosion of heretofore-impossible-to-get information coming online. 
> > It's the basis for a great fraud or a great clarity -- the Internet
> > supports all comers.
> >
> > Look for the old-school powers to finally get what happens after
> > Pandora's mistake. Watch them try to shut down access in every way
> > can devise.  I predict they'll fail, fail, and fail.  They cannot put
> > the genie back in the bottle.
> >
> > I repeat:  How ya gunna keep 'em down on the farm?
> >
> > Edg
> >
> >   
> But are they rich anymore after Madoff?  ;-)

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Quantum touch

2009-02-05 Thread yifuxero
-"Godless wonders":http://godlesswonder.blogspot.com/2005/03/archive-

-- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Fairfield Lifer 
> On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 2:44 PM, cardemaister 
> >
> > http://www.quantumtouch.com/index.php?
> I guess I just have a personality flaw.  I think I have to work for 
> living instead of coming up with a New Age buzzword therapy.  I 
> a lot of time on Slashdot.org and there's always an active threat
> about spam and if it can be stopped.  The conclusion is that it 
> because there is always someone stupid enough to lose thousands,
> perhaps hundreds of thousands of dollars in hopes of getting largess
> from Nigeria, and there's always someone looking to buy c...@ialis and
> v?agr@  There are always those who can't figure out that their bank
> isn't going to ask them to authenticate themselves in an email which
> doesn't even have the word "bank" spelled right.
> If only I could lose some conscience I could have a much easier time
> of making money.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Quantum touch

2009-02-05 Thread Fairfield Lifer
On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 2:44 PM, cardemaister  wrote:
> http://www.quantumtouch.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3

I guess I just have a personality flaw.  I think I have to work for a
living instead of coming up with a New Age buzzword therapy.  I spend
a lot of time on Slashdot.org and there's always an active threat
about spam and if it can be stopped.  The conclusion is that it can't
because there is always someone stupid enough to lose thousands,
perhaps hundreds of thousands of dollars in hopes of getting largess
from Nigeria, and there's always someone looking to buy c...@ialis and
v?...@.  There are always those who can't figure out that their bank
isn't going to ask them to authenticate themselves in an email which
doesn't even have the word "bank" spelled right.

If only I could lose some conscience I could have a much easier time
of making money.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Significance Global Country of World Peace---"Cast System"

2009-02-05 Thread Fairfield Lifer
On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 2:09 PM, John  wrote:

> The present caste system is an abomination of the varna system.  The
> caste system is a justification for discrimination.  On the other
> hane, the varna system recognizes the natural talent of the people to
> contribute work for the betterment and prosperity of society.

Thanks for placing your comments in the middle of 4-5 other people's
replies, so trying to figure out where to snip was a major chore.

You just aren't getting Maharishi's contention that the workings of
the Universe are just.  Maharishi has explained to us how a planeload
full of people going down in a crash are meant to be on the plane and
there are no accidents, there are no innocent victims.

There's also no discrimination, if we look at the world that way.  Not
between genders, people of different sexual orientations, tall, short,
fair skinned, dark skinned.  You're born into the right family.  After
all, Maharishi asserted that the Brahmin pundits have something
special in their DNA which makes it possible for them alone to enliven
the Vedas.  I heard enough rumors from TM teachers in the early days
about blacks and their very limited participation in learning and
staying with TM as an indication that they are the sons of Cain.  I
heard this talk from much too many initiators to not believe that
Maharishi had mentioned this sort of thing on a course.  What's
interesting is that the initiators didn't think this belief odd at
all.  It was all part of the cosmic plan as described by Maharishi.

[FairfieldLife] Quantum touch

2009-02-05 Thread cardemaister


Re: [FairfieldLife] Microsoft: Layoffs for Some, Visas for Others

2009-02-05 Thread Fairfield Lifer
On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 2:18 PM, Bhairitu  wrote:
> I remember when I was in India over 10 years ago one of our tour guides
> had a Master's in computer science.  He was asking me about jobs so I
> asked him if he had any experience programming Windows.  Of course not.
> Back then they way they learned was to stand around a computer in a
> group and watch an instructor show them how to do things.  They got very
> little hands on experiences.  I told him he was up against westerners
> who owned computers and maybe never took a class in computer science but
> learned from books how to program, even Windows programming, and could
> show me some programs they had written.  That's who I hired.  People
> with REAL experience not theoretical knowledge.

Problem is that too many companies like Cisco, MS and Oracle make a
bundle off of theoretical certification.  So you pay your money, take
the test and voila! you are a certified expert.  Oracle even offers
Masters Certification.  One becomes a master by taking a whole bunch
of Oracle Education courses.  All of these certifications are very
impressive to management until things go south and suddenly the
certified are clueless as to how to proceed.

Re: [FairfieldLife] One hellava list (30,000,000 Debmutants, the iGen)

2009-02-05 Thread Bhairitu
Duveyoung wrote:
> http://www.nypost.com/seven/02042009/news/madoff_victim_list.pdf
> Clicking on the link above will open a PDF file with
> of all the folks that Madoff ripped off.
> Does ya see it?
> This is the kind of database that the iGen is going to have available to
> it.  This is a listing of THOUSANDS OF RICH FOLKS' ADDRESSES.
> Try to find such a list ten years ago.
> Way back when I was trying to raise venture capital for my, well,
> ventures, I was successful in that hundreds of thousands of buckazoids
> were gotten from the few folks I could find to invest.  But, with a list
> like the above, just by shotgunning the list with snail mail I could
> have probably scored fatter wallets resonant with my ideas.
> Anyone running any kind of scam has this list now.
> Any kidnapper has this list now.
> Anyone running for political office has this list now.
> Anyone looking for a house to stand outside of in a mini-skirt has this
> list now.  (Ask any West Point cadet about the girls who show up for
> their dances -- each one pushed there by parents who know that these
> cadets will someday be rich.)
> Anyone who's got a NEW IDEA can hit this list with googlaficational
> analysis and target those who might be resonant with the idea.  The
> names are right there, and if those folks ever did anything on the
> Internet with their own names, they're googlable.
> Anyone can touch this list -- the iGen geniuses will do so with stunning
> alacrity and depth.
> This is but one list.  There's a legion of other lists.  We're having an
> explosion of heretofore-impossible-to-get information coming online. 
> It's the basis for a great fraud or a great clarity -- the Internet
> supports all comers.
> Look for the old-school powers to finally get what happens after
> Pandora's mistake. Watch them try to shut down access in every way they
> can devise.  I predict they'll fail, fail, and fail.  They cannot put
> the genie back in the bottle.
> I repeat:  How ya gunna keep 'em down on the farm?
> Edg
But are they rich anymore after Madoff?  ;-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Significance of the Global Country of World Peace

2009-02-05 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John"  wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "boo_lives"  
> > > wrote:
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "guyfawkes91" 
> > > > wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John"  wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > To All:
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > The Global Country is part of MMY's plan to recreate the 
> reign 
> > > of 
> > > > > > Ramachandra who lived eons of years ago, even before the 
> coming 
> > > of 
> > > > > > Krishna.  At that time, the empire of Ramachandra was ideal 
> in
> > > > that the 
> > > > > > world was supposedly graced by the incarnations of the 
> divine 
> > > > > > personality in the form of Ramachandra himself and his 
> three 
> > > other 
> > > > > > brothers.  Thus, the functioning of society promoted peace 
> and 
> > > > > > prosperity for the people, mainly due to following the varna
> > > > system, or 
> > > > > > the fourfold division of labor:  brahmin, kshatriya, 
> vaisya, and
> > > > sudra.
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > Similarly, MMY has appointed Nader Ram as the world leader 
> and 
> > > is
> > > > to be 
> > > > > > supported by the various rajas who are in charge of the 108
> > > > sectors of 
> > > > > > the world.
> > > > > >
> > > > > Why is this posted here, and why has it been posted now? 
> > > > > 
> > > > > Everyone outside the inner circle thinks it's total bullshit. 
> They
> > > > > either say it openly or think it privately.
> > > > > 
> > > > > There can't be more than 100 people who think the raja thing 
> is a
> > > > > bright idea. Could it be that the inner circle are getting 
> worried
> > > > > that no one is taking them seriously and suddenly feel the 
> need to
> > > > > keep banging on about how important they are?
> > > > >
> > > > It could be.  Interesting they make a big deal of the caste 
> system -
> > > > could be the serfs in the movt are making some noise about 
> wanting
> > > > more of something and they feel the need to remind them that 
> > > remaining
> > > > poor unquestioning serfs is vital to world peace.  I've also 
> heard
> > > > that at least 1 raja is getting fed up with the whole nonsense 
> and
> > > > maybe they're reminding the rajas that they're not just a 
> source of
> > > > funds but world rulers, really.
> > > 
> > > In using the vedic model of rulership, the rajas' mission is to 
> > > conquer the sectors that they are in charged of.  By their 
> combined 
> > > successes, the world is handed to the world emperor for 
> governance--
> > > in this case Nader Ram.  If there is a dissenting raja, he will 
> be 
> > > replaced or forced out to continue the conquest of the world.
> > > 
> > > In turn, the emperor is rule from his place of authrority and 
> govern 
> > > the world in justice, peace and prosperity.  This governance 
> includes 
> > > the recognition of the varna system to operate the world 
> government.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > That's all imaginary nonsense, John. Any human adult who buys into
> > that unadulterated bullshit would believe in Santa Claus too.
> > 
> > To actually think that those 'raja' clowns have any control at all
> > over world affairs requires being totally disconnected from 
> objective
> > reality.
> >
> You may think the rajas are clowns.  But it is fair to think that 
> they have a bigger mission than that.  They are commissioned to 
> succeed in accordance with MMY's world plan.

The plan is an obvious absurdity, John - no different from Maharishi's
numerous other crackpot plans that suckers like you bought into and
watched fizzle into nothing. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Significance Global Country of World Peace---"Cast System"

2009-02-05 Thread John
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "menkemeyer"  
> In regards to the "system" spoken of and which Maharishi 
> supported totaly, and is mentioned below, the King and the 
> the fourfold division of labor:  brahmin, kshatriya, vaisya, and 
> sudra.
> Now this system which has been outlawed in India for good 
> reason,  the foutfold system of labor, the cast system has been 
> cruely used by the upper casts to vertualy inslave millions and 
> millions of people. Having lived in India just catching a bit of 
> old India in the 70's and reciently the new India, i found the cast 
> system still in place ( though strides have been made ) having been 
> ingrained in the people by the Rajas and Kings, but much more to 
> point is it works out quite handly when you want if not slaves, 
> indentured servents. Sudras are only allowed the dirtest of jobs 
> told they are so polluted that even there presents will pollute the 
> area. This was clear to me when i saw the dogs of Delhi attacking 
> garbage men who clean the streets at night and nobody would come to 
> there aid. When I ask why nobody helped them when there were being 
> attacked, i was told they were untouchables as if i were an idiot. 
> that means they were not worthy of help. This attatude is why 
> Christianity is growing in India, the sudras belive they are in 
> unworthy for the large part and when someone tells them they are 
> also "the children of God" I can't blame them for changing casts, 
> becoming christians. Maharish was much against prostilizing as i 
> myself untill recently when the reality of the cast system with all 
> it's gross perversions became real. So this so called fourfold 
> division of labor is abhorent and He who supports it is ignorent of 
> the Nature of God, of the absolute which declares we are all One.
> Thats my two cents worth.
> Chris

The present caste system is an abomination of the varna system.  The 
caste system is a justification for discrimination.  On the other 
hane, the varna system recognizes the natural talent of the people to 
contribute work for the betterment and prosperity of society.

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Kirk"  
> wrote:
> >
> > Yes Vaj, it is Vaishnava of the Lakshmi school, and TM is based 
> the Lakshmi Tantra, which so few TM initiators know. Which is odd. 
> Mahalakshmi is the Matron Deity of TM. 
> >   - Original Message - 
> >   From: Vaj 
> >   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> >   Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2009 6:56 AM
> >   Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Significance of the Global 
> Country of World Peace
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >   On Feb 5, 2009, at 3:33 AM, guyfawkes91 wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John"  wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >   To All:
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >   The Global Country is part of MMY's plan to recreate the 
> reign of 
> > 
> >   Ramachandra who lived eons of years ago, even before the 
> coming of 
> > 
> >   Krishna.  At that time, the empire of Ramachandra was ideal 
> in that the 
> > 
> >   world was supposedly graced by the incarnations of the 
> > 
> >   personality in the form of Ramachandra himself and his 
> other 
> > 
> >   brothers.  Thus, the functioning of society promoted peace 
> and 
> > 
> >   prosperity for the people, mainly due to following the 
> system, or 
> > 
> >   the fourfold division of labor:  brahmin, kshatriya, 
> and sudra.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >   Similarly, MMY has appointed Nader Ram as the world leader 
> and is to be 
> > 
> >   supported by the various rajas who are in charge of the 108 
> sectors of 
> > 
> >   the world.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Why is this posted here, and why has it been posted now? 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Everyone outside the inner circle thinks it's total bullshit. 
> They
> > 
> > either say it openly or think it privately.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > There can't be more than 100 people who think the raja thing 
> a
> > 
> > bright idea. Could it be that the inner circle are getting 
> worried
> > 
> > that no one is taking them seriously and suddenly feel the 
> to
> > 
> > keep banging on about how important they are? 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >   It is interesting in a way, as it somewhat authoritatively 
> establishes the TM org as Vaishnavite, by their own admission. 
> isn't to say that this wasn't obvious before, but it's interesting 
> for them to begin to come out and admit the actual nature of the TM 
> cultus.
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Significance of the Global Country of World Peace

2009-02-05 Thread yifuxero
--Needs genuine Sidhis, otherwise the Emperor has no clothes.

- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine  
> On Feb 5, 2009, at 2:03 PM, do.rflex wrote:
> >>> In using the vedic model of rulership, the rajas' mission is to
> >>> conquer the sectors that they are in charged of.  By their 
> >>> successes, the world is handed to the world emperor for 
> >>> in this case Nader Ram.  If there is a dissenting raja, he will 
> >>> replaced or forced out to continue the conquest of the world.
> >>>
> >>> In turn, the emperor is rule from his place of authrority and 
> >>> the world in justice, peace and prosperity.  This governance  
> >>> includes
> >>> the recognition of the varna system to operate the world 
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> That's all imaginary nonsense, John. Any human adult who buys 
> >> that unadulterated bullshit would believe in Santa Claus too.
> >>
> >> To actually think that those 'raja' clowns have any control at 
> >> over world affairs requires being totally disconnected from 
> >> reality.
> I sure hope John  doesn't quit his day job.
> Sal

Re: [FairfieldLife] Obama puts the heat on Republicans

2009-02-05 Thread Fairfield Lifer
On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 1:56 PM, Bhairitu  wrote:
> do.rflex wrote:
> It's a hoot to watch the country inch by inch go more socialist.  If it
> went that way too fast there would be repercussions.  But a conservative
> friend a couple years back commented that he thought the country would
> swing  socialist because of the extremist policies of the Bush
> administration.
> But now who wants to have a meaningless job just to have a job?  Does
> anyone want to have a job as filling in a ditch that was made by people
> who just dug it because they "needed a job" and then those same people
> will come back and dig the ditch again and the same people who filled it
> up will come back just so they "can have a job."  Ridiculous!  Why not
> just give people money (a stipend) instead?  Because the public is so
> BRAINWASHED into believing that WORK is somehow holy.  That is except
> the rich who let their money do their work for them.  Not only that the
> public has been BRAINWASHED into believing that a program that just
> gives them money is WELFARE.  For the simple minded: "work good, welfare
> bad."

Take a look at the roads.  Take a look at the bridges, both for cars
and rail.  Will you once again talk about make work welfare next time
a bridge collapses or a major highway just comes apart?  There really
are things that need to be fixed in this country.  Thousands of
bridges.  Thousands of roads.  Damns.  Public buildings.  Perhaps
civil engineers should be less civil and more activist to get people
to look at what's going to be disaster after disaster.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Computer Upgrade? Question for the Geeks

2009-02-05 Thread Fairfield Lifer
On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 1:47 PM, Bhairitu  wrote:
> Rick Archer wrote:
> I use Acronis True Image on my XP Pro machine.  Everything else I use
> the free System Rescue CD which is a lean bootable version of Linux that
> can backup drives (it can also backup NTFS drives).  However the latter
> is still fairly geeky.  I just wrote the instructions on my CD to
> refresh my mind how it works.  I backup to a 500 GB Buffalo external drive.
> http://www.acronis.com/
> http://www.sysresccd.org/

I use Acronis True Image on my fleet of XP Pro machines.  I've used it
to re-image a PC with a failed hard drive more than once.  What I find
truly amazing about True Image is that it appears to create this
cryptic .tb image file.  Fact is, the .tb image file isn't cyptic at
all if you have True Image installed.  The .tb file type is easily
opened with True Image and pretty much looks like just another volume,
though of course because the Windoze registry is all over the place
you can't run any of the applications in it.  But if you want to go
back and find some old documents, well just open up the old .tb and
there they are.  Now if only you didn't have to subvert Windoze in so
many ways just to boot up over a USB device...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Significance of the Global Country of World Peace

2009-02-05 Thread John
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "boo_lives"  
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "guyfawkes91" 

> > > wrote:
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John"  wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > To All:
> > > > > 
> > > > > The Global Country is part of MMY's plan to recreate the 
> > of 
> > > > > Ramachandra who lived eons of years ago, even before the 
> > of 
> > > > > Krishna.  At that time, the empire of Ramachandra was ideal 
> > > that the 
> > > > > world was supposedly graced by the incarnations of the 
> > > > > personality in the form of Ramachandra himself and his 
> > other 
> > > > > brothers.  Thus, the functioning of society promoted peace 
> > > > > prosperity for the people, mainly due to following the varna
> > > system, or 
> > > > > the fourfold division of labor:  brahmin, kshatriya, 
vaisya, and
> > > sudra.
> > > > > 
> > > > > Similarly, MMY has appointed Nader Ram as the world leader 
> > is
> > > to be 
> > > > > supported by the various rajas who are in charge of the 108
> > > sectors of 
> > > > > the world.
> > > > >
> > > > Why is this posted here, and why has it been posted now? 
> > > > 
> > > > Everyone outside the inner circle thinks it's total bullshit. 
> > > > either say it openly or think it privately.
> > > > 
> > > > There can't be more than 100 people who think the raja thing 
is a
> > > > bright idea. Could it be that the inner circle are getting 
> > > > that no one is taking them seriously and suddenly feel the 
need to
> > > > keep banging on about how important they are?
> > > >
> > > It could be.  Interesting they make a big deal of the caste 
system -
> > > could be the serfs in the movt are making some noise about 
> > > more of something and they feel the need to remind them that 
> > remaining
> > > poor unquestioning serfs is vital to world peace.  I've also 
> > > that at least 1 raja is getting fed up with the whole nonsense 
> > > maybe they're reminding the rajas that they're not just a 
source of
> > > funds but world rulers, really.
> > 
> > In using the vedic model of rulership, the rajas' mission is to 
> > conquer the sectors that they are in charged of.  By their 
> > successes, the world is handed to the world emperor for 
> > in this case Nader Ram.  If there is a dissenting raja, he will 
> > replaced or forced out to continue the conquest of the world.
> > 
> > In turn, the emperor is rule from his place of authrority and 
> > the world in justice, peace and prosperity.  This governance 
> > the recognition of the varna system to operate the world 
> That's all imaginary nonsense, John. Any human adult who buys into
> that unadulterated bullshit would believe in Santa Claus too.
> To actually think that those 'raja' clowns have any control at all
> over world affairs requires being totally disconnected from 
> reality.

You may think the rajas are clowns.  But it is fair to think that 
they have a bigger mission than that.  They are commissioned to 
succeed in accordance with MMY's world plan.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Significance of the Global Country of World Peace

2009-02-05 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Feb 5, 2009, at 2:03 PM, do.rflex wrote:

In using the vedic model of rulership, the rajas' mission is to
conquer the sectors that they are in charged of.  By their combined
successes, the world is handed to the world emperor for governance--
in this case Nader Ram.  If there is a dissenting raja, he will be
replaced or forced out to continue the conquest of the world.

In turn, the emperor is rule from his place of authrority and govern
the world in justice, peace and prosperity.  This governance  

the recognition of the varna system to operate the world government.

That's all imaginary nonsense, John. Any human adult who buys into
that unadulterated bullshit would believe in Santa Claus too.

To actually think that those 'raja' clowns have any control at all
over world affairs requires being totally disconnected from objective

I sure hope John  doesn't quit his day job.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Microsoft: Layoffs for Some, Visas for Others

2009-02-05 Thread Bhairitu
They just want slave labor.  They need cheap labor to patch their 
Windows spaghetti code.  And believe me according to a friend who worked 
there and walked through a lot of that code trying to find bugs in it 
says it is spaghetti.  Forget about the programming management books 
Microsoft publishes.  They use none of that stuff.  They just published 
them because some of their people wrote them and my friend said even 
those people weren't capable of following the guidelines they wrote.

If Microsoft wants to save money then have a team move the Windows GUI 
on top of Linux.  Get rid of the broken and screwed up permissions 
system that Vista has and some wacko team at MS dreampt up instead of 
using the time tested one that's in Linux, UNIX and even OS X.

I can't believe there are even geeks excited about Windows 7.  Who needs 
it?  (Obviously the people who are stuck with Vista and can't stand it 
and hope 7 will save them).

Soon everybody will be broke in the US soon and MS will be able to hire 
competent "highly skilled" programmers at minimum wage.  If Microsoft 
still exists at that point.

I remember when I was in India over 10 years ago one of our tour guides 
had a Master's in computer science.  He was asking me about jobs so I 
asked him if he had any experience programming Windows.  Of course not.  
Back then they way they learned was to stand around a computer in a 
group and watch an instructor show them how to do things.  They got very 
little hands on experiences.  I told him he was up against westerners 
who owned computers and maybe never took a class in computer science but 
learned from books how to program, even Windows programming, and could 
show me some programs they had written.  That's who I hired.  People 
with REAL experience not theoretical knowledge.

Vaj wrote:
> http://www.businessweek.com/print/bwdaily/dnflash/content/feb2009/db2009021_893728.htm
> *TOP NEWS* February 1, 2009, 7:15PM EST
> *Microsoft: Layoffs for Some, Visas for Others*
> The software giant that has pushed for more H-1B visas faces tough questions 
> as 
> it lays off 5,000
> By Moira Herbst 
> Even as the economy hemorrhages jobs, many employers continue to advocate for 
> fewer restrictions on importing foreign workers to fill specialized jobs. 
> They 
> say that while there's growing slack in the job market, there are still 
> shortages of people to act as farm hands, nurses, and software engineers.
> Not surprisingly, foreign-worker programs are coming under fire in the face 
> of 
> the highest U.S. unemployment rate in 16 years—7.2% in December. One of the 
> critics' biggest targets is the software giant Microsoft (_MSFT_ 
> ).
> A longtime advocate for more skilled immigration, Microsoft continues to ask 
> Congress to lift caps on the H-1B visa program for highly skilled workers and 
> offer more green cards to foreign-born talent. As recently as Jan. 5, the 
> company posted a policy proposal on President Obama's _transition Web site_ 
> requesting that the government "remove caps that bar entry into the U.S. by 
> high-skilled immigrants." Several weeks later, on a Jan. 22 earnings 
> conference 
> call, the company _announced plans to eliminate 5,000 jobs_ 
> in research and development, information technology, marketing, sales, 
> finance, 
> legal, and human resources over the next 18 months, as well as thousands of 
> contract jobs.
> *TECH LAYOFFS UP 74% IN 2008*
> "We're certainly in the midst of a once-in-a-lifetime set of economic 
> conditions," said Microsoft Chief Executive Officer Steve Ballmer during the 
> call, after the company announced weaker-than-expected quarterly earnings. 
> "The 
> economy is resetting to a lower level of business and consumer spending."
> Of course, Microsoft isn't the only tech company cutting jobs. With demand 
> for 
> new technology declining sharply, the pace of job-cutting by firms in the 
> sector 
> rose 167% in the second half of 2008, according to Challenger, Gray & 
> Christmas, 
> a Chicago outsourcing firm. Employers in telecommunications, computers, and 
> electronics announced 186,955 job cuts in 2008, 74% more than during the 
> previous year.
> So far, 2009 has already seen tens of thousands of cuts at tech companies 
> including Texas Instruments (_TI_ 
> ),
> IBM (_IBM_ 
> ),
> Motorola (_MOT_ 

[FairfieldLife] One kid of the new iGen (Re: Greedy Bastards Whine )

2009-02-05 Thread Duveyoung


He's making money at nine years old.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung  wrote:
> I've been misunderstood a bit, and I'll take the blame -- I'm a writer
> in my own mind, so I have to cop to it in that a writer is someone who
> invests in the belief that words can enter folks' minds like nanobots
> and precisely target the dark areas of their brains.  Hee hee, eh?  Oh
> well, other conceits that are used to motivate one to get out of bed are
> equally silly.
> Below I take my own post and flesh it out -- like I should have in the
> first place.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung  wrote:
> >
> > Six billion people means sixty million geniuses.
> >
> There's six billion on Earth and one percent equals sixty million.  I
> later posted that it was 30 million if we only take 1/2 of 1% instead --
> those with and I.Q. of 140 and above.  In the USA, that would be .005 X
> 350,000,000 = 1,750,000 geniuses.  In Fairfield there'd be about 50
> geniuses, and, ballparkishly, there'd be about 35,000 geniuses per state
> -- of course, low population states wouldn't come anywhere near that
> total, but you know what I mean.  Think about that 35,000 per state
> number -- that's 35,000 folks in your state that have the brain power to
> be a Madoff, a BushCo or a serial killer who never gets caught, or,
> yeah, hopefully, an Obama who can see the electorate and figure a way to
> get their hearts and minds groovin' with him.
> > What most folks don't know about geniuses is HOW MUCH SMARTER they
> > are. You know how you feel when you meet a person of obvious low
> > I.Q.? There's 60,000,000 folks out there who would feel the same
> > about you -- only, you know, for a lot more reason. They're that far
> > beyond you.
> Some posts here seem to not get the above, and I know why.  When I
> taught Special Education, the kids I had were from 40 to 72 I.Q. -- 4th
> graders.  I've written here about these kiddies -- mentioning that they
> would argue with me about the correct spelling of a word.  The KNEW
> better than me, ya see?
> Just so, you or I can be found just assuming we know better than the
> geniuses we come across in daily life and discounting the depth of
> insight that they may have in areas of thought into which they've
> invested.  If you find a genius who's put attention into a topic that
> you -- with lesser skill -- have also invested in, you may think he's
> merely "a bit" clearer than you, but in truth, he'll know far far more
> than merely "how to spell one word about which you're mistaken."  And
> We dummies can wink and nod about the nerds and their disconnections and
> lack of common sense -- NOW -- but I'm talking about today's online
> generation.
> The Internet only got going about TEN YEARS AGO.  The generation I'm
> talking about is only TEN YEARS OLD RIGHT NOW.  These geniuses are
> getting to connect with kids in ANY COUNTRY and getting jiggy with an
> emergent WORLD CULTURE that we know not of.  We don't know what memes
> will survive this international blending of heretofore isolated
> cultures.  It's common knowledge that the Arabian kids sneak out at
> night and wear jeans in illegal dance clubs etc.  The iron grips of
> culture, religion, and political environment are losing their power to
> contain, restrain, and manipulate.  We all know that Fox News is for
> shit -- even in the BushCo years this propagandist tool could only have
> so much power in this Blog Age.   Propagandists are scrambling for
> traction with today's generation.
> See?  The old-school closely-held powers are weakening and disseminating
> into individual hands.  The genius in India who was born to a low caste
> family can still get access in some Internet Boutique and be able to
> self-educate in short order -- then try to keep that kid on the farm. 
> That kid will join the other ten year olds who are texting and blogging
> themselves into a new culture that has its own ways and means of
> arriving at memes that are invested by them.
> In programming circles we have the term "script kiddies."  These are
> kids who have found that they can just cut and paste bits of code from
> various other programmers and without even knowing what their really
> doing can cobble together some decent stuff.  How much more so the real
> ten year old geniuses who have the same samples of code from the minds
> of ALL the world's coders?  Look out -- if Microsoft and Google don't
> find them fast enough, they'll see that they can wing it on their own
> and "make the big-time" without having to bend a knee to the vision of
> another.  These kids'll be starting Internet businesses up the yin and
> out the yang -- and that's just for starters.  As they mature, say in
> another ten years, they'll get their educations in EVERYTHING from
> EVERYBODY -- not just 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Significance of the Global Country of World Peace

2009-02-05 Thread John
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> John wrote:
> > To All:
> >
> > The Global Country is part of MMY's plan to recreate the reign of 
> > Ramachandra who lived eons of years ago, even before the coming 
> > Krishna.  At that time, the empire of Ramachandra was ideal in 
that the 
> > world was supposedly graced by the incarnations of the divine 
> > personality in the form of Ramachandra himself and his three 
> > brothers.  Thus, the functioning of society promoted peace and 
> > prosperity for the people, mainly due to following the varna 
system, or 
> > the fourfold division of labor:  brahmin, kshatriya, vaisya, and 
> >
> > Similarly, MMY has appointed Nader Ram as the world leader and is 
to be 
> > supported by the various rajas who are in charge of the 108 
sectors of 
> > the world.
> Sounds like NWO bullshit.  Who the fuck needs kings?  Who the fuck 
> rajas?  Let's just flatten the hierarchy.  You should know by now 
> folks here don't take kindly to elistists who believe their shit 
> stink.

I'm not making this system up.  It was used eons ago and was 
succesful.  The current political and economic systems have not done 
as well, given the violence and poverty still existing in the world 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Significance of the Global Country of World Peace

2009-02-05 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "boo_lives"  
> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "guyfawkes91" 
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John"  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > To All:
> > > > 
> > > > The Global Country is part of MMY's plan to recreate the reign 
> of 
> > > > Ramachandra who lived eons of years ago, even before the coming 
> of 
> > > > Krishna.  At that time, the empire of Ramachandra was ideal in
> > that the 
> > > > world was supposedly graced by the incarnations of the divine 
> > > > personality in the form of Ramachandra himself and his three 
> other 
> > > > brothers.  Thus, the functioning of society promoted peace and 
> > > > prosperity for the people, mainly due to following the varna
> > system, or 
> > > > the fourfold division of labor:  brahmin, kshatriya, vaisya, and
> > sudra.
> > > > 
> > > > Similarly, MMY has appointed Nader Ram as the world leader and 
> is
> > to be 
> > > > supported by the various rajas who are in charge of the 108
> > sectors of 
> > > > the world.
> > > >
> > > Why is this posted here, and why has it been posted now? 
> > > 
> > > Everyone outside the inner circle thinks it's total bullshit. They
> > > either say it openly or think it privately.
> > > 
> > > There can't be more than 100 people who think the raja thing is a
> > > bright idea. Could it be that the inner circle are getting worried
> > > that no one is taking them seriously and suddenly feel the need to
> > > keep banging on about how important they are?
> > >
> > It could be.  Interesting they make a big deal of the caste system -
> > could be the serfs in the movt are making some noise about wanting
> > more of something and they feel the need to remind them that 
> remaining
> > poor unquestioning serfs is vital to world peace.  I've also heard
> > that at least 1 raja is getting fed up with the whole nonsense and
> > maybe they're reminding the rajas that they're not just a source of
> > funds but world rulers, really.
> In using the vedic model of rulership, the rajas' mission is to 
> conquer the sectors that they are in charged of.  By their combined 
> successes, the world is handed to the world emperor for governance--
> in this case Nader Ram.  If there is a dissenting raja, he will be 
> replaced or forced out to continue the conquest of the world.
> In turn, the emperor is rule from his place of authrority and govern 
> the world in justice, peace and prosperity.  This governance includes 
> the recognition of the varna system to operate the world government.

That's all imaginary nonsense, John. Any human adult who buys into
that unadulterated bullshit would believe in Santa Claus too.

To actually think that those 'raja' clowns have any control at all
over world affairs requires being totally disconnected from objective

[FairfieldLife] 60,000,000 geniuses (Re: Greedy Bastards Whine Over Obama's Pay Cap)

2009-02-05 Thread John
> > 
> > Ideally, these geniuses are best suited to do the intellectual 
> > for the country.  In the vedic division of labor, these people 
> > be classified as the brahmins.  If the social structure is not 
> > ideal, these people would be working at levels below their 
> > intellectual capacity, and thus are not given the opportunity to 
> > improve society.
> Time to waste one of my last posts of the week
> by crying "Bullshit!"

You cry "foul" too early without weighing the thought I was trying to 
convey.  Believe it or not, I agree with some of the things you're 
saying but not all.

> Raw intelligence means nothing. As was noted
> before in terms of one's wanger -- and in terms
> of life -- the real issue is "Use it or lose it."

I agree with this point.  An individual has the responsibility to 
achieve his or her true potential.  If not, that person is wasting 
his or her time.

> I would contend that only the last criterion really
> matters in terms of achievement in the real world.
> That and how much real "work time" they are willing
> to put into achieving their goals, as opposed to
> sitting around and wanting it to happen, or worse,
> paying for yagyas so it'll happen.

There is nothing wrong with work.  But it is not the end all of 
things.  This is the fallacy with many economic models like 
capitalism, socialism and communis.  In other words, humans have 
higher goals than mere work and drudgery.  But work is necessary to 
live a good life.

> Raw intelligence ain't worth diddley when it comes
> to actual achievement. I spent a short time at Steve
> Job's company Next. He went out of his way to staff
> it with "high intelligence" coders. We all know
> how well *that* experiment in "vedic division of
> labor" worked, right? You've got a Next computer in
> front of you right now, right?  :-)

Raw intelligence is needed to progress to the higher goal of 
contributing to society.  For example, not everyone has the aptitude 
and patience to be a physicist, which requires a gift for math and 
the sciences.

> Henry Kissinger was smart. Karl Rove is smart. So
> much for "vedic division of labor."

They are smart enough to fill government jobs, which is really a 
kshatriya type of work.  I don't believe their jobs can be classified 
as intellectual or brahminical.

> Compare and contrast to many of the country's most
> successful CEO's, who never finished high school,
> and who were definitely NOT Mensa members while
> they were still in school. 

CEO jobs are executive jobs, as in kshatriya class positions.  These 
are not intellectual or brahmin type positions.

> GET OVER this "raw intelligence" fetish. It means
> nothing. Only the willingness to actually *work*
> for what you want to achieve means anything. Give
> me ten of those people any day, as opposed to any
> 100 "high intelligence" dreamers you can name, and 
> I'll take on any project you can name and bring it 
> in in half the time and at half the budget that the
> "high IQ" team could. 

You misunderstand what I was trying to say as shown above.  You 
appear to have a pitta constitution which aggravates your capacity to 
understand others.

> Isn't it fascinating how long-term TMers who have
> grown complacent about having the quality and the
> actions of their very lives dictated to by their
> "betters" for decades are willing to glorify the
> system that allowed people like Bevan to do that
> to them? The "Vedic" system is elitism. Period. 

Most people are not living to be complacent.  Most people are looking 
for satisfaction and quality of life.  They're not looking for a 
dictator.  Otherwise, life would be slavery.

> It has *nothing* to do with what works in real life,
> and is as much a fantasy as the "scriptures" it's
> based on. You'd do better hiring a person who is
> willing to actually work an eight-hour day diligently
> to staff your team than to hire some poofter who 
> wants to take off to "do program" at 4:00 pm. You'd
> also do better hiring the willing worker than you'd
> do by hiring some blue-skinned elitist who can't 
> even drive a chariot by himself, and needs someone
> else to do it for him. And who *then* feels it's
> his "rightful place" to tell that chariot driver
> how to live his life and who it is OK to kill in
> the name of righteousness and who it is not. :-)

Your analogy is incorrect, which you accepted in the next post.

> > On the other hand, there are countries or societies today outside 
> > of the USA that are still mired in caste systems, ethnic 
> > preferences and corruption.  
> Like, uh, India.  :-)
> Why do you think so many Indian programmers come to
> because of their caste, dummies. I've worked along-
> side these people for decades, and that is the 
> *first* reason they always give for coming to 
> America, not the wages. In India *everyone* knows
> your caste the moment they hear your last name

Re: [FairfieldLife] Obama puts the heat on Republicans

2009-02-05 Thread Bhairitu
do.rflex wrote:
> President Obama abruptly changed tactics Wednesday in his bid to
> revive the economy, setting aside his bipartisan stance and pointedly
> blaming Republicans for demanding what he cast as discredited
> "piecemeal measures."...
> "Now, let me say this," Obama said. "In the past few days, I've heard
> criticisms of this plan that frankly echo the very same failed
> theories that helped lead us into this crisis in the first place --
> the notion that tax cuts alone will solve all our problems, that we
> can address this enormous crisis with half steps and piecemeal
> measures and tinkering around the edges, that we can ignore
> fundamental challenges, like the high cost of healthcare, and still
> expect our economy and our country to thrive.
> "I reject these theories," he continued. "And, by the way, so did the
> American people when they went to the polls in November and voted
> resoundingly for change."
> Obama also sought to sway public opinion in his favor through his
> newspaper column, reiterating many of the same points.
> "In recent days, there have been misguided criticisms of this plan
> that echo the failed theories that helped lead us into this crisis --
> the notion that tax cuts alone will solve all our problems," Obama wrote.
> That was a clear jab at Republicans, who have an alternative proposal
> to jump-start the economy that depends primarily on tax cuts...
> Obama's partisan turn entails a calculated risk. He cannot afford to
> see the stimulus bill fail. Without it, he warns, an already painful
> recession will worsen. With the stimulus in place, he says, the nation
> will create or save up to 4 million jobs.
> Briefing reporters on Wednesday, White House Press Secretary Robert
> Gibbs did not rebut suggestions that Obama was opting for a more
> combative tone.
> By failing to take dramatic action, "we'll find ourselves worse off
> than where we are now," Gibbs said. "We have to take those bold steps."...
> In virtually every public appearance, Obama tries to convey a sense of
> urgency.
> "A failure to act, and act now, will turn crisis into a catastrophe
> and guarantee a longer recession, a less robust recovery and a more
> uncertain future," he warned at another White House appearance.
> ~Full article, LA Times:  http://snipurl.com/bcgao
It's a hoot to watch the country inch by inch go more socialist.  If it 
went that way too fast there would be repercussions.  But a conservative 
friend a couple years back commented that he thought the country would 
swing  socialist because of the extremist policies of the Bush 

But now who wants to have a meaningless job just to have a job?  Does 
anyone want to have a job as filling in a ditch that was made by people 
who just dug it because they "needed a job" and then those same people 
will come back and dig the ditch again and the same people who filled it 
up will come back just so they "can have a job."  Ridiculous!  Why not 
just give people money (a stipend) instead?  Because the public is so 
BRAINWASHED into believing that WORK is somehow holy.  That is except 
the rich who let their money do their work for them.  Not only that the 
public has been BRAINWASHED into believing that a program that just 
gives them money is WELFARE.  For the simple minded: "work good, welfare 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Significance Global Country of World Peace---"Cast System"

2009-02-05 Thread enlightened_dawn11
the caste system is simply an ideal organization to uphold eternal 
dharma. it was never meant to be enforced and perverted as a means 
of enslavement and domination in the way that it is today.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "menkemeyer"  
> In regards to the "system" spoken of and which Maharishi 
> supported totaly, and is mentioned below, the King and the 
> the fourfold division of labor:  brahmin, kshatriya, vaisya, and 
> sudra.
> Now this system which has been outlawed in India for good 
> reason,  the foutfold system of labor, the cast system has been 
> cruely used by the upper casts to vertualy inslave millions and 
> millions of people. Having lived in India just catching a bit of 
> old India in the 70's and reciently the new India, i found the 
> system still in place ( though strides have been made ) having 
> ingrained in the people by the Rajas and Kings, but much more to 
> point is it works out quite handly when you want if not slaves, 
> indentured servents. Sudras are only allowed the dirtest of jobs 
> told they are so polluted that even there presents will pollute 
> area. This was clear to me when i saw the dogs of Delhi attacking 
> garbage men who clean the streets at night and nobody would come 
> there aid. When I ask why nobody helped them when there were being 
> attacked, i was told they were untouchables as if i were an idiot. 
> that means they were not worthy of help. This attatude is why 
> Christianity is growing in India, the sudras belive they are in 
> unworthy for the large part and when someone tells them they are 
> also "the children of God" I can't blame them for changing casts, 
> becoming christians. Maharish was much against prostilizing as i 
> myself untill recently when the reality of the cast system with 
> it's gross perversions became real. So this so called fourfold 
> division of labor is abhorent and He who supports it is ignorent 
> the Nature of God, of the absolute which declares we are all One.
> Thats my two cents worth.
> Chris
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Kirk"  
> wrote:
> >
> > Yes Vaj, it is Vaishnava of the Lakshmi school, and TM is based 
> the Lakshmi Tantra, which so few TM initiators know. Which is odd. 
> Mahalakshmi is the Matron Deity of TM. 
> >   - Original Message - 
> >   From: Vaj 
> >   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> >   Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2009 6:56 AM
> >   Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Significance of the Global 
> Country of World Peace
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >   On Feb 5, 2009, at 3:33 AM, guyfawkes91 wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John"  wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >   To All:
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >   The Global Country is part of MMY's plan to recreate the 
> reign of 
> > 
> >   Ramachandra who lived eons of years ago, even before the 
> coming of 
> > 
> >   Krishna.  At that time, the empire of Ramachandra was 
> in that the 
> > 
> >   world was supposedly graced by the incarnations of the 
> > 
> >   personality in the form of Ramachandra himself and his 
> other 
> > 
> >   brothers.  Thus, the functioning of society promoted peace 
> and 
> > 
> >   prosperity for the people, mainly due to following the 
> system, or 
> > 
> >   the fourfold division of labor:  brahmin, kshatriya, 
> and sudra.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >   Similarly, MMY has appointed Nader Ram as the world leader 
> and is to be 
> > 
> >   supported by the various rajas who are in charge of the 
> sectors of 
> > 
> >   the world.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Why is this posted here, and why has it been posted now? 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Everyone outside the inner circle thinks it's total 
> They
> > 
> > either say it openly or think it privately.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > There can't be more than 100 people who think the raja thing 
> a
> > 
> > bright idea. Could it be that the inner circle are getting 
> worried
> > 
> > that no one is taking them seriously and suddenly feel the 
> to
> > 
> > keep banging on about how important they are? 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >   It is interesting in a way, as it somewhat authoritatively 
> establishes the TM org as Vaishnavite, by their own admission. 
> isn't to say that this wasn't obvious before, but it's interesting 
> for them to begin to come out and admit the actual nature of the 
> cultus.
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Significance of the Global Country of World Peace

2009-02-05 Thread enlightened_dawn11
poor Vaj, always putting the cart before the horse...always claiming 
Hinduism preceded the Ved - lol. does he walk backwards too?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> On Feb 5, 2009, at 3:33 AM, guyfawkes91 wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John"  wrote:
> >>
> >> To All:
> >>
> >> The Global Country is part of MMY's plan to recreate the reign 
> >> Ramachandra who lived eons of years ago, even before the coming 
> >> Krishna.  At that time, the empire of Ramachandra was ideal in  
> >> that the
> >> world was supposedly graced by the incarnations of the divine
> >> personality in the form of Ramachandra himself and his three 
> >> brothers.  Thus, the functioning of society promoted peace and
> >> prosperity for the people, mainly due to following the varna  
> >> system, or
> >> the fourfold division of labor:  brahmin, kshatriya, vaisya, 
> >> sudra.
> >>
> >> Similarly, MMY has appointed Nader Ram as the world leader and 
> >> to be
> >> supported by the various rajas who are in charge of the 108  
> >> sectors of
> >> the world.
> >>
> > Why is this posted here, and why has it been posted now?
> >
> > Everyone outside the inner circle thinks it's total bullshit. 
> > either say it openly or think it privately.
> >
> > There can't be more than 100 people who think the raja thing is a
> > bright idea. Could it be that the inner circle are getting 
> > that no one is taking them seriously and suddenly feel the need 
> > keep banging on about how important they are?
> It is interesting in a way, as it somewhat authoritatively  
> establishes the TM org as Vaishnavite, by their own admission. 
> isn't to say that this wasn't obvious before, but it's 
> for them to begin to come out and admit the actual nature of the 
> cultus.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Computer Upgrade? Question for the Geeks

2009-02-05 Thread Bhairitu
Rick Archer wrote:
> Progress report: I purchased and ran
> http://www.liutilities.com/products/speedupmypc/ and it sped things up
> considerably, both boot up and general operation. I'm thinking of getting
> http://tinyurl.com/bt9cg7 for backup instead of Norton Ghost, with which
> I've been rather dissatisfied. Anyone have any experience with
> ShadowProtect, or opinions on alternatives?
I use Acronis True Image on my XP Pro machine.  Everything else I use 
the free System Rescue CD which is a lean bootable version of Linux that 
can backup drives (it can also backup NTFS drives).  However the latter 
is still fairly geeky.  I just wrote the instructions on my CD to 
refresh my mind how it works.  I backup to a 500 GB Buffalo external drive.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Significance of the Global Country of World Peace

2009-02-05 Thread Bhairitu
John wrote:
> To All:
> The Global Country is part of MMY's plan to recreate the reign of 
> Ramachandra who lived eons of years ago, even before the coming of 
> Krishna.  At that time, the empire of Ramachandra was ideal in that the 
> world was supposedly graced by the incarnations of the divine 
> personality in the form of Ramachandra himself and his three other 
> brothers.  Thus, the functioning of society promoted peace and 
> prosperity for the people, mainly due to following the varna system, or 
> the fourfold division of labor:  brahmin, kshatriya, vaisya, and sudra.
> Similarly, MMY has appointed Nader Ram as the world leader and is to be 
> supported by the various rajas who are in charge of the 108 sectors of 
> the world.
Sounds like NWO bullshit.  Who the fuck needs kings?  Who the fuck needs 
rajas?  Let's just flatten the hierarchy.  You should know by now that 
folks here don't take kindly to elistists who believe their shit don't 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Picky Eaters Sex

2009-02-05 Thread Kirk
Sure, as a chef I can tell you about being picky, and also eating as a fixation 
including oral sex being a fixation and in that case eating being quite a 
luxury to find someone who is in all ways a worthy object for such lust but if 
you're just as happy munching carpet as running your tongue down a slipnslide 
then you have no problems or obstacles to success young thing as anyone will be 
glad to let you know. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Significance Global Country of World Peace---"Cast System"

2009-02-05 Thread menkemeyer
In regards to the "system" spoken of and which Maharishi 
supported totaly, and is mentioned below, the King and the 

the fourfold division of labor:  brahmin, kshatriya, vaisya, and 

Now this system which has been outlawed in India for good 
reason,  the foutfold system of labor, the cast system has been 
cruely used by the upper casts to vertualy inslave millions and 
millions of people. Having lived in India just catching a bit of the 
old India in the 70's and reciently the new India, i found the cast 
system still in place ( though strides have been made ) having been 
ingrained in the people by the Rajas and Kings, but much more to the 
point is it works out quite handly when you want if not slaves, then 
indentured servents. Sudras are only allowed the dirtest of jobs and 
told they are so polluted that even there presents will pollute the 
area. This was clear to me when i saw the dogs of Delhi attacking the 
garbage men who clean the streets at night and nobody would come to 
there aid. When I ask why nobody helped them when there were being 
attacked, i was told they were untouchables as if i were an idiot. 
that means they were not worthy of help. This attatude is why 
Christianity is growing in India, the sudras belive they are in fact 
unworthy for the large part and when someone tells them they are 
also "the children of God" I can't blame them for changing casts, to 
becoming christians. Maharish was much against prostilizing as i was 
myself untill recently when the reality of the cast system with all 
it's gross perversions became real. So this so called fourfold 
division of labor is abhorent and He who supports it is ignorent of 
the Nature of God, of the absolute which declares we are all One.
Thats my two cents worth.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Kirk"  
> Yes Vaj, it is Vaishnava of the Lakshmi school, and TM is based in 
the Lakshmi Tantra, which so few TM initiators know. Which is odd. 
Mahalakshmi is the Matron Deity of TM. 
>   - Original Message - 
>   From: Vaj 
>   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
>   Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2009 6:56 AM
>   Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Significance of the Global 
Country of World Peace
>   On Feb 5, 2009, at 3:33 AM, guyfawkes91 wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John"  wrote:
>   To All:
>   The Global Country is part of MMY's plan to recreate the 
reign of 
>   Ramachandra who lived eons of years ago, even before the 
coming of 
>   Krishna.  At that time, the empire of Ramachandra was ideal 
in that the 
>   world was supposedly graced by the incarnations of the divine 
>   personality in the form of Ramachandra himself and his three 
>   brothers.  Thus, the functioning of society promoted peace 
>   prosperity for the people, mainly due to following the varna 
system, or 
>   the fourfold division of labor:  brahmin, kshatriya, vaisya, 
and sudra.
>   Similarly, MMY has appointed Nader Ram as the world leader 
and is to be 
>   supported by the various rajas who are in charge of the 108 
sectors of 
>   the world.
> Why is this posted here, and why has it been posted now? 
> Everyone outside the inner circle thinks it's total bullshit. 
> either say it openly or think it privately.
> There can't be more than 100 people who think the raja thing is 
> bright idea. Could it be that the inner circle are getting 
> that no one is taking them seriously and suddenly feel the need 
> keep banging on about how important they are? 
>   It is interesting in a way, as it somewhat authoritatively 
establishes the TM org as Vaishnavite, by their own admission. Which 
isn't to say that this wasn't obvious before, but it's interesting 
for them to begin to come out and admit the actual nature of the TM 

Re: [FairfieldLife] 60,000,000 geniuses (Re: Greedy Bastards Whine Over Obama's Pay Cap)

2009-02-05 Thread Kirk
> Actually we've been there already.  Remember in the 1970's how many
> Phd's were driving trucks?

-Actually I'm not that age yet. But I'll take your word for it. It 
hasn't changed.  I owe 135,000 bucks for my undergrad and a year of law 
school, and I make ten bucks an hour unless I am chef and then it's about 
fifteen and then I am working 60 plus hours a week, and then I am expected 
to create their menus which they then keep forever while my creativity is 
forgotten, my menu lives on, and sadly, someday I will be competing at some 
restaurant against my own ideas and people will tell me I do them wrong. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: New file uploaded to FairfieldLife

2009-02-05 Thread Fairfield Lifer
On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 1:13 PM, Rick Archer  wrote:
> From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
> On Behalf Of shempmcgurk
> Just a bunch of naked pictures of famous movie stars. (Earnest Borgnine,
> Kathy Bates, etc.)
> No, it's an up-to-date bibliography of TM research sent out by David OJ
> today.

And the difference is?

[FairfieldLife] snopes.com

2009-02-05 Thread Arhata Osho
Snopes is one opinion and one must consider verification

Here is the attachment 
Snopes.com is a Scam 
For the past few years 
  www.snopes.com has positioned itself, or others have labeled it, as the 
  'tell all final word' on any comment, claim and email. But for several 
  years people tried to find out who exactly was behind snopes.com. Only 
  recently did Wikipedia get to the bottom of it - kinda makes you wonder 
  what they were hiding.. Well, finally we know. It is run by a husband and 
  wife team - that's right, no big office of investigators and researchers, 
  no team of lawyers. It's just a mom-and-pop operation that began as a 

David and Barbara Mikkelson in the San Fernando Valley of 
  California started the Website about 13 years ago - and they have no 
  formal background or experience in investigative research. After a few 
  years it gained popularity believing it to be unbiased and neutral, but 
  over the past couple of years people started asking questions who was 
  behind it and did they have a selfish motivation? The reason for the 
  questions - or skepticims - is a result of snopes.com claiming to 
the bottom line facts to certain questions or issue when in fact 
  they have been proven wrong. Also, there were criticisms the Mikkelsons 
  were not really investigating and getting to the 'true' bottom of various 
  issues. I can personally vouch for that complaint. 

A few months 
  ago, when my State Farm agent Bud Gregg in Mandeville hoisted a political 
  sign referencing Barack Obama and made a big splash across the internet, 
  'supposedly' the Mikkelson's claim to have researched this issue before 
  posting their findings on snopes..com. In their statement they claimed 
  corporate office of State Farm pressured Gregg into taking down the sign, 
  when in fact nothing of the sort 'ever' took place.

I personally 
  contacted David Mikkelson (and he replied back to me) thinking he would 
  want to get to the bottom of this and I gave him Bud Gregg's contact 
  numbers - and Bud was going to give him phone numbers to the big exec's 
  State Farm in Illinois who would have been willing to speak with him 
  it. He never called Bud. In fact, I learned from Bud Gregg no one from 
  snopes.com ever contacted anyone with State Farm. Yet, snopes.com issued 
  statement as the 'final factual word' on the issue as if they did all 
  their homework and got to the bottom of things - not!

Then it has been learned the Mikkelson's 
  are jewish - very Democratic (party) and extremely liberal. As we all now 
  know from this presidential election, liberals have a purpose agenda to 
  discredit anything that appears to be conservative. There has been much 
  criticism lately over the internet with people pointing out the 
  Mikkelson's liberalism revealing itself in their website findings.. Gee, 
  what a shock?
(My note: I have seen the tendency for conservatives to discredit 
  anything that appears liberal.   If anything, our nation is 
  stronger because of the clash of ideas whether liberal or conservative 
  the betterment of society.  I believe that if this nation became 
  either conservative or liberal, society would stagnate.  Decades ago, 
  Dems who tended to be more liberal and Repubs who tended towards 
  conservatism could discuss issues without getting personal and go to the 
  closest pub afterwards as friends.  Now I can't conceive of that 
  happening as it has gotten too personal.  We now have a situation in 
  congress where if Repubs or Dems get the upper hand, the vast majority in 
  Congress, the majority party does not even have to pay attention to the 
  desires of the minority party towards anything.  That is dangerous 
  and I blame the GWB congress for starting this trend.  

So, I say this now to everyone who goes 
  to www..snopes. com to get what they think to be the bottom line 
  facts...'proceed with caution.' Take what it says at face value and 
  nothing more. Use it only to lead you to their references where you can 
  link to and read the sources for yourself. Plus, you can always google a 
  subject and do the research yourself. It now seems apparent that's all 
  Mikkelson's do. After all, I can personally vouch from my own experience 
  for their 'not'
fully looking into things.
FROM: rreme...@gmail. 






RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: New file uploaded to FairfieldLife

2009-02-05 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of shempmcgurk
Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2009 12:44 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: New file uploaded to FairfieldLife


>Could you please tell us what this file is all about before we go to 
>the trouble of downloading it?

Just a bunch of naked pictures of famous movie stars. (Earnest Borgnine,
Kathy Bates, etc.)

No, it's an up-to-date bibliography of TM research sent out by David OJ

Re: [FairfieldLife] Vedic Pundits in India

2009-02-05 Thread Kirk
When they get tribes of vedic pandit girls then I will sponsor for Chandi 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Significance of the Global Country of World Peace

2009-02-05 Thread Kirk
Basic mantra knowledge if tantra explains at outset difference of shakti and 
shiva mantras EEm as opposed to OM, which Lakshmi tantra goes into great 
depths. Typically Hrim is called Tarika mantra or mantra whih carries across 
ocean of samsara. Shrim is Anutarika, and Om is taraka. This is all really 
basic mantra knowledge at least from Hindu Sanatana Dharma and its allied 
Vaishnava or conservative householder tantras. But this Vaishnava tantra 
teaches to live in the world as a householder. It is not so much for 
renunciants. Also it is a closed school, that is, only really other 
Vaishnavas are savvy to it. people who realize either Lakshmi or Lakshmi 
Narasimha are very practical worldly tantrics of Vaishnava and very lucky 
due to no limitations placed on worldly enjoyments.  Bhoga comes from Bhaga. 
Worldly maya possesses charm through shakti.  Upholding the feminine is very 
Vaishnava and should be taught as an adjunct to TM.  The woman rather than 
the man worshipped or both together.  Or as so often is happening one of a 
couple can use their bhaga. Bhaga anyway takes on more universal 
implications when one considers the nature of reality to be as equally 
chaotic as the conch while still presenting some sort of universal constant 
which as shakti is the slickness of reality when presented with the erect 
intuition. Or something. I don't know I made it all up. Obviously.

- Original Message - 
From: "nablusoss1008" 
Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2009 10:21 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Significance of the Global Country of World 

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Kirk"  wrote:
>> Yes it is Vaishnava of the Lakshmi school, and TM is based in the
> Lakshmi Tantra, which so few TM initiators know. Which is odd.
> Mahalakshmi is the Matron Deity of TM.
> That's an interesting observation.
> From where do you have this information, and how/why do you distinguish
> the different Deitys in regard to Maharishis Movement ?
> To subscribe, send a message to:
> fairfieldlife-subscr...@yahoogroups.com
> Or go to:
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/
> and click 'Join This Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links

[FairfieldLife] Re: Significance of the Global Country of World Peace

2009-02-05 Thread John
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "boo_lives"  
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "guyfawkes91" 
> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John"  wrote:
> > >
> > > To All:
> > > 
> > > The Global Country is part of MMY's plan to recreate the reign 
> > > Ramachandra who lived eons of years ago, even before the coming 
> > > Krishna.  At that time, the empire of Ramachandra was ideal in
> that the 
> > > world was supposedly graced by the incarnations of the divine 
> > > personality in the form of Ramachandra himself and his three 
> > > brothers.  Thus, the functioning of society promoted peace and 
> > > prosperity for the people, mainly due to following the varna
> system, or 
> > > the fourfold division of labor:  brahmin, kshatriya, vaisya, and
> sudra.
> > > 
> > > Similarly, MMY has appointed Nader Ram as the world leader and 
> to be 
> > > supported by the various rajas who are in charge of the 108
> sectors of 
> > > the world.
> > >
> > Why is this posted here, and why has it been posted now? 
> > 
> > Everyone outside the inner circle thinks it's total bullshit. They
> > either say it openly or think it privately.
> > 
> > There can't be more than 100 people who think the raja thing is a
> > bright idea. Could it be that the inner circle are getting worried
> > that no one is taking them seriously and suddenly feel the need to
> > keep banging on about how important they are?
> >
> It could be.  Interesting they make a big deal of the caste system -
> could be the serfs in the movt are making some noise about wanting
> more of something and they feel the need to remind them that 
> poor unquestioning serfs is vital to world peace.  I've also heard
> that at least 1 raja is getting fed up with the whole nonsense and
> maybe they're reminding the rajas that they're not just a source of
> funds but world rulers, really.

In using the vedic model of rulership, the rajas' mission is to 
conquer the sectors that they are in charged of.  By their combined 
successes, the world is handed to the world emperor for governance--
in this case Nader Ram.  If there is a dissenting raja, he will be 
replaced or forced out to continue the conquest of the world.

In turn, the emperor is rule from his place of authrority and govern 
the world in justice, peace and prosperity.  This governance includes 
the recognition of the varna system to operate the world government.


[FairfieldLife] Re: New file uploaded to FairfieldLife

2009-02-05 Thread shempmcgurk
Could you please tell us what this file is all about before we go to 
the trouble of downloading it?


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Hello,
> This email message is a notification to let you know that
> a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the FairfieldLife 
> group.
>   File: /TM Research/Bibl TM Res Pub Chalmers - corrected 5-
>   Uploaded by : rick_archer  
>   Description : Bibliography of TM research 
> You can access this file at the URL:
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/files/TM%
> To learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit:
> Regards,
> rick_archer 

[FairfieldLife] Picky Eaters Sex

2009-02-05 Thread arhatafreespeech
Picky Eaters Sex

Seems common to hear complaints about availability of 
good partners for relationships. Little attention is paid as to whether the 
complainer is one of those that is shunned!  Consciousness and uninhibited 
communication are two things to always consider for a great relationship.. When 
living in Dallas and New York I considered and, started a gourmet restaurant 
guide based on extensive experience in 100’s of restaurants.

Part of the analysis was obviously getting people’s opinions about meal ratings 
on complete menu’s.  This involved surveying people’s openness to a variety of 
cuisines from American, Italian, Chinese, Indian, Mexican, Thai, etc. In 
compliment to this, I was curious about if there was any correlation between 
openness to all kinds of food and all forms of open communication, including 
sex and love.

 Seemingly, the more ‘rigid eaters’ (who usually denied the classification) had 
far more barriers to loving, open communication.  Also the ‘picky eater’ was 
more defensive than the ‘happy to try anything eater’!  Complainers about food 
or relationships are usually nice people however, are much the same in 
relationships - guarded and ‘picky’.  

Best to avoid these ‘picky eaters’ for conscious coupling. Bad habits are 
another important avoider of relationship ‘glitches’ that put out the fires of 
love and harmony. Those who look for relationships as an opportunity to explore 
the journey of evolving love beyond the ‘everyday practical’ humdrum, need to 
use all the discernment of qualities both within and, in selections. 

Extreme makeovers are more easily done before a relationship and, to oneself if 
necessary.  Changing another is not a good pick of the menu. Seek the inner 
ingredients for both inner and outer enjoyment. 

                    Yesss Self Love Center

                    Est. 1991


    310 880-2020

    Port Townsend, Washington USA

    Copyright February 5, 2009


[FairfieldLife] One hellava list (30,000,000 Debmutants, the iGen)

2009-02-05 Thread Duveyoung

Clicking on the link above will open a PDF file with


of all the folks that Madoff ripped off.

Does ya see it?

This is the kind of database that the iGen is going to have available to
it.  This is a listing of THOUSANDS OF RICH FOLKS' ADDRESSES.

Try to find such a list ten years ago.

Way back when I was trying to raise venture capital for my, well,
ventures, I was successful in that hundreds of thousands of buckazoids
were gotten from the few folks I could find to invest.  But, with a list
like the above, just by shotgunning the list with snail mail I could
have probably scored fatter wallets resonant with my ideas.

Anyone running any kind of scam has this list now.

Any kidnapper has this list now.

Anyone running for political office has this list now.

Anyone looking for a house to stand outside of in a mini-skirt has this
list now.  (Ask any West Point cadet about the girls who show up for
their dances -- each one pushed there by parents who know that these
cadets will someday be rich.)

Anyone who's got a NEW IDEA can hit this list with googlaficational
analysis and target those who might be resonant with the idea.  The
names are right there, and if those folks ever did anything on the
Internet with their own names, they're googlable.

Anyone can touch this list -- the iGen geniuses will do so with stunning
alacrity and depth.

This is but one list.  There's a legion of other lists.  We're having an
explosion of heretofore-impossible-to-get information coming online. 
It's the basis for a great fraud or a great clarity -- the Internet
supports all comers.

Look for the old-school powers to finally get what happens after
Pandora's mistake. Watch them try to shut down access in every way they
can devise.  I predict they'll fail, fail, and fail.  They cannot put
the genie back in the bottle.

I repeat:  How ya gunna keep 'em down on the farm?


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung  wrote:
> I've been misunderstood a bit, and I'll take the blame -- I'm a writer
> in my own mind, so I have to cop to it in that a writer is someone who
> invests in the belief that words can enter folks' minds like nanobots
> and precisely target the dark areas of their brains.  Hee hee, eh?  Oh
> well, other conceits that are used to motivate one to get out of bed
> equally silly.
> Below I take my own post and flesh it out -- like I should have in the
> first place.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_reply@ wrote:
> >
> > Six billion people means sixty million geniuses.
> >
> There's six billion on Earth and one percent equals sixty million.  I
> later posted that it was 30 million if we only take 1/2 of 1% instead
> those with and I.Q. of 140 and above.  In the USA, that would be .005
> 350,000,000 = 1,750,000 geniuses.  In Fairfield there'd be about 50
> geniuses, and, ballparkishly, there'd be about 35,000 geniuses per
> -- of course, low population states wouldn't come anywhere near that
> total, but you know what I mean.  Think about that 35,000 per state
> number -- that's 35,000 folks in your state that have the brain power
> be a Madoff, a BushCo or a serial killer who never gets caught, or,
> yeah, hopefully, an Obama who can see the electorate and figure a way
> get their hearts and minds groovin' with him.
> > What most folks don't know about geniuses is HOW MUCH SMARTER they
> > are. You know how you feel when you meet a person of obvious low
> > I.Q.? There's 60,000,000 folks out there who would feel the same
> > about you -- only, you know, for a lot more reason. They're that far
> > beyond you.
> Some posts here seem to not get the above, and I know why.  When I
> taught Special Education, the kids I had were from 40 to 72 I.Q. --
> graders.  I've written here about these kiddies -- mentioning that
> would argue with me about the correct spelling of a word.  The KNEW
> better than me, ya see?
> Just so, you or I can be found just assuming we know better than the
> geniuses we come across in daily life and discounting the depth of
> insight that they may have in areas of thought into which they've
> invested.  If you find a genius who's put attention into a topic that
> you -- with lesser skill -- have also invested in, you may think he's
> merely "a bit" clearer than you, but in truth, he'll know far far more
> than merely "how to spell one word about which you're mistaken."  And
> We dummies can wink and nod about the nerds and their disconnections
> lack of common sense -- NOW -- but I'm talking about today's online
> generation.
> The Internet only got going about TEN YEARS AGO.  The generation I'm
> talking about is only TEN YEARS OLD RIGHT NOW.  These geniuses are
> getting to connect with kids in ANY COUNTRY and getting jiggy with an
> emergent WORLD CULTURE that we know not of

Re: [FairfieldLife] 60,000,000 geniuses (Re: Greedy Bastards Whine Over Obama's Pay Cap)

2009-02-05 Thread Fairfield Lifer
On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 11:36 AM, Bhairitu  wrote:
> Sal Sunshine wrote:
>> when I first moved here, it was a local joke...
>> if you want something done, and done well, don't
>> hire a meditator, hire a townsperson.  The meditators
>> mostly had a reputation for being lazy spoiled brats.
> Or spaced out?  ;-)

Spaced out is an option.  It is what the chief of police of Fairfield
told a friend except he didn't use those exact words.  OTOH why can't
it just be lazy spoiled brats?  Maharishi was offering magical
thinking.  Endless support of nature.  Just get married ASAP so you
have 200% of life and start your business, one modeled after the TMO
structure because that's the only one you know about.  The thing about
wanting a business is that most people don't understand that this has
to be a dharmic thing, just suited to you because at the onset and for
years after you'll be working 7 days a week, work until you drop,
getting your business built up and keeping it afloat.

It was fascinating to hear the guys in the dressing rooms in DC
talking to each other about how they were going to fit into the
computer biz in DC.  That appeared to the quickest way to a decent
income.   Imagine being a fireman because you've wanted to be one all
your life and the guy riding to the fire next to you just told you he
joined the squad because the pay's good.  Oh oh.

Re: [FairfieldLife] 60,000,000 geniuses (Re: Greedy Bastards Whine Over Obama's Pay Cap)

2009-02-05 Thread Bhairitu
Kirk wrote:
>> With the U.S. job market in the crapper, and the college tuition
>> through the roof, the next time you call a plumber to fix your
>> crapper, don't be surprised if he has a genius I.Q. and your roofer
>> goes to mensa meetings. Actually, there is a lot to know about farming
>> and farmers often get education through farm extension programs and
>> National Young Farmer Educational Association.
> --It has already been like that, as said by the old cliche, "Tomorrow's 
> cab drivers are yesterday's liberal arts students. " 
Actually we've been there already.  Remember in the 1970's how many 
Phd's were driving trucks?

Re: [FairfieldLife] 60,000,000 geniuses (Re: Greedy Bastards Whine Over Obama's Pay Cap)

2009-02-05 Thread Bhairitu
Sal Sunshine wrote:
> On Feb 5, 2009, at 3:43 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:
>> It has *nothing* to do with what works in real life,
>> and is as much a fantasy as the "scriptures" it's
>> based on. You'd do better hiring a person who is
>> willing to actually work an eight-hour day diligently
>> to staff your team than to hire some poofter who
>> wants to take off to "do program" at 4:00 pm. You'd
>> also do better hiring the willing worker than you'd
>> do by hiring some blue-skinned elitist who can't
>> even drive a chariot by himself, and needs someone
>> else to do it for him. And who *then* feels it's
>> his "rightful place" to tell that chariot driver
>> how to live his life and who it is OK to kill in
>> the name of righteousness and who it is not. :-)
> Barry, when I first moved here, it was a local joke...
> if you want something done, and done well, don't
> hire a meditator, hire a townsperson.  The meditators
> mostly had a reputation for being lazy spoiled brats.

Or spaced out?  ;-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] 60,000,000 geniuses (Re: Greedy Bastards Whine Over Obama's Pay Cap)

2009-02-05 Thread Bhairitu
raunchydog wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Nelson" 
> wrote:
>>   It is maybe some sort of snob thinking that overlooks the importance
>> of the simple people going about their work.
>>   The guy collecting rubbish at the curb, the worker checking on
>> systems at the sewage treatment plant, the guy driving spikes on the
>> railroad, the truck driver, the building trades people, all of this
>> doesn't require a top level IQ but they are no less important.
>>   A lot of people look down on farmers who work long hours in
>> sometimes very miserable conditions but, as one bumper sticker I saw
>> pointed out-- NO farms, No food.   N.
> With the U.S. job market in the crapper, and the college tuition
> through the roof, the next time you call a plumber to fix your
> crapper, don't be surprised if he has a genius I.Q. and your roofer
> goes to mensa meetings. Actually, there is a lot to know about farming
> and farmers often get education through farm extension programs and
> National Young Farmer Educational Association.
Growing up in farm country myself most of my classmates were sons and 
daughters of the local ranchers.  Those that wanted to stay in the 
"family business" went away to an agricultural university and when they 
when they took over the ranch turned it into an "agribusiness" which is 
something rather different from the old model of a farm.

Re: [FairfieldLife] 60,000,000 geniuses (Re: Greedy Bastards Whine Over Obama's Pay Cap)

2009-02-05 Thread Bhairitu
John wrote:
> Ideally, these geniuses are best suited to do the intellectual work 
> for the country.  In the vedic division of labor, these people can be 
> classified as the brahmins.  If the social structure is not ideal, 
> these people would be working at levels below their intellectual 
> capacity, and thus are not given the opportunity to improve society.
To an extent, yes.  Often if you put someone who is intellectually 
inclined in a manual labor position they become bored.  They wind up 
doing a worse job than those of lesser intellect.  AND they can rub the 
workers of lower intellect they are working with the wrong way simply by 
opening their mouth.   And that can lead to hostility.

As someone who has hired people for positions you learn in this day in 
age that "anyone can do anything for work" is a fallacy.  Not only that 
but disastrous.  You can't put a square peg in a round hole and 
vice-versa.  But I see that low level form of "folk thinking" still 
prevails.  So yes we DO need better organization of our employment 
systems so people don't run around trying to do things they aren't 
suited for.  However the bottom line is probably we don't have jobs for 
everybody anymore so we have to rethink this "job" thing.  Maybe paying 
people not to work is the solution?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Antisemitism in NYP?

2009-02-05 Thread cardemaister
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister  wrote:
>  devilinthedetails wrote:
> Bernie will walk...or die of one of those CIA induced heart
> attacks...this Jewish P*g and his cohorts have the goods on too many
> people in powerThe SEC needs to be disbanded..as they are a
> disgrace, as has been proven by recent testimoney


[FairfieldLife] Antisemitism in NYP?

2009-02-05 Thread cardemaister

 devilinthedetails wrote:

Bernie will walk...or die of one of those CIA induced heart
attacks...this Jewish P*g and his cohorts have the goods on too many
people in powerThe SEC needs to be disbanded..as they are a
disgrace, as has been proven by recent testimoney

[FairfieldLife] Re: Oren Lavie - Ner Morning Elegance -- (oops), *Her* Morning Elegance

2009-02-05 Thread Marek Reavis
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Marek Reavis"  
> A totally delightful video (3min37sec).
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_HXUhShhmY
> or,
> http://snipurl.com/bctim

[FairfieldLife] New file uploaded to FairfieldLife

2009-02-05 Thread FairfieldLife


This email message is a notification to let you know that
a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the FairfieldLife 

  File: /TM Research/Bibl TM Res Pub Chalmers - corrected 5-2-9 
  Uploaded by : rick_archer  
  Description : Bibliography of TM research 

You can access this file at the URL:

To learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit:



[FairfieldLife] Re: Obama puts the heat on Republicans

2009-02-05 Thread raunchydog
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex"  wrote:
> >
> However, she's wrong on this point:
> "It could be inspiring; it's certainly necessary. 
> If Obama fights on big themes of rights and 
> responsibilities and how we get through this 
> crisis together, he wins. If he lets the debate 
> remain on the level of 'Why is there 
> contraception funding in the bill? How is 
> furniture for the Department of Homeland 
> Security stimulative? We've just got to 
> reinflate the housing bubble!' he loses, and we 
> lose. It shouldn't be this hard."
> http://www.salon.com/opinion/feature/2009/02/04/obama/
> In fact, he (and Democrats in general) should be
> relentlessly elucidating these big themes *and*
> addressing the nitwit Republican objections, because
> people need to understand *why* the latter are sheer
> nitwittery. It needs to be pointed out how funding
> for contraception and new furniture and even new
> grass on the Mall *are* stimulative, and why
> reinflating the housing bubble is just asking for
> another and worse crash when it inevitably bursts
> again.
> Obama's "bipartisan stance" was always a crock, an
> "inspirational" campaign lie to get himself elected
> by folks who respond to emotional appeals rather
> than the cold, hard facts that true leadership
> must deal in.
> It's good that he finally seems to have recognized
> that inspiration isn't going to do the trick all
> by itself. The question is whether he has the 
> stones to become a genuine partisan leader before
> it's too late. He's already wasted far too much
> time.

Stones, exactly! When the Republicans were in power they didn't kiss
Democratic Party ass to get what they wanted so Obama doesn't need to
offer any olive branches. Timid measures and give and take with
Republicans when you don't need their vote, spell failure. He has to
be bold and allocate less stimulus pie for tax cuts and more for
infrastructure. He's not going to get a second chance to spend another
trillion dollars. 

Nothing ever tricked down from Ronnie, party-pooper Newt pushed for
one party rule and failed, Grover drowned in his own bathtub and W
pulled the plug on the Constitution. Why on earth would Obama want to
"reach out" to these jackasses. The only thing I can figure is that
he's pandering for 2010 Republican votes. 

Obama's Republican pick for Secretary of Commerce, Gregg Judd, voted
to kill commerce before he agreed to lead it. Sounds like a Bush  "Put
a fox in the hen house" tactic to undermine government or push a
hidden agenda. Judd is on record saying he would oppose the stimulus
package and his idea of improving the economy is to create "a
commission of center-right insiders operating in secret and
circumventing Congress" in order to destroy Social Security and
Medicare.  http://tinyurl.com/b2yo9l What's up with that?

Obama's wrote, "I serve as a blank screen, on which people of vastly
different political stripes project their own views." This has always
given me the willies about him. It's an opening for a cop-out, a weak
kneed weasel out of responsibility and avoiding a stand on principle.
It gives me the feeling that he is an opportunist and possibly a
closet Republican without any appreciation for the historical values
of the Democratic Party in the tradition of FDR:

"...Say what you want about the Democratic party but, at its finest,
it has been about creating a harbor to protect our nation's citizens.

Good men and women of the Democratic party fought the toughest battles
against both giants of industry and hard-right conservatives to give
Americans the safety nets of Social Security and Medicare...

Water power without profit? Yes, that had to be fought for. Schools
for all children? Yes, that too had to be fought for...

Unemployment compensation? Yes that too had to be fought for. Public
health programs? That too. Federal aid for dams and irrigation (which
has made possible the great farming lands of the west)? Yes, those too
had to be fought for.

And then there is social security. The "third rail" of politics, as it
is sometimes called...

Obama touts his "bipartisan" approach to politics as if it makes him
fly with the angels, above the blood sport that is really politics.
There's something naive about his approach. He played his "bipartisan"
hand so overtly that the House Republicans were only too eager to show
him how that works in their town, with nary a "bipartisan" vote from
their side of the aisle..." 

read more: http://tinyurl.com/aqzd4d

[FairfieldLife] Oren Lavie - Ner Morning Elegance

2009-02-05 Thread Marek Reavis
A totally delightful video (3min37sec).




[FairfieldLife] Vedic Pundits in India

2009-02-05 Thread nablusoss1008
  [home]  [progress] 

  [letterhead]  20 January 2009
Dear Friends,

As we enter the new year, I offer my deep appreciation — and that of
all the Maharishi Vedic Pandits in India — to everyone in the global
family of meditators and sidhas who are naturally helping to bring about
a better world. As a key part of accomplishing that goal, we are moving
ahead to quickly have a permanent group of 8,000 Vedic Pandits at the
Brahmasthan of India, and we feel your kind attention and support bring
us closer to the goal.

I have just finished an inspiring visit to the Brahmasthan to evaluate
the progress there at the Global Capital of Raam Raj, where we presently
have about 1,200 Maharishi Vedic Pandits. I experienced again the
powerful sweetness and peace that radiates from such a large gathering
of devoted experts in Maharishi's Vedic Technologies.

Maharishi Vedic Pandits performing a yagya.

It was a great delight to see each of the Vedic Pandits and check for
myself – and on your behalf – how they are doing. We visited
each of their bedrooms, dining rooms, Vedic performance halls and
meditation rooms. We went through all the grounds and met with those
charged with ensuring the physical beauty of the Brahmasthan, including
planting fruit trees. We met with the dear Acharyas (head Pandits),
cooks, maintenance staff, and all other department heads. All are united
and working carefully to create this heavenly capital of peace.
My overwhelming impression was that this dedicated and sublime
collective effort to fulfill Maharishiji's most cherished goal deserves
the highest level of support on every level - and that we have to do
everything in our power for the completion of this project including the
creation of an endowment for the perpetual proper care of the Vedic
Pandits of India. Maharishi's beautiful direction is even more
resonant for me after this visit:

"Yogic Flying and Yagyas are the only thing that will effectively
uphold world consciousness on an eternal level of invincibility. I want
to engage from now on as large numbers of Vedic Pandits as possible but
I have to be careful that once I engage them, the funds will be there to
continue to support them. The only wise thing to do now, is to establish
homes of Vedic knowledge because the Vedic vibrations of the
performances of the Vedic Pandits have been established to motivate life
according to Natural Law for the whole world and to usher in a new
golden destiny of the human race."

There is no more important project in the world than this. And with the
support of visionary people such as yourself, I am sure it will happen.

Construction Progress Report

We reviewed the 38 started but unfinished buildings, each for 48
Pandits, in the main Karaundi campus. As a result of recent donations,
construction work is restarting right away for these. This work will
result in additional housing for about 1,800 Pandits.

op.jpg]   There are currently about 1,200 Maharishi Vedic Pandits living
at the Brahmasthan, and construction is restarting on buildings to
accommodate another 1,800.

Already there are three large properties that have been given to the
Brahmananda Saraswati Trust — the organization which Maharishi
specifically set up and named in honor of his teacher for the perpetual
support of the Pandits. These properties, when sold and the proceeds
invested, will ensure a significant part of the Endowment Fund for the
Maharishi Vedic Pandits. But in these economic times, it might not be
possible to sell these lands as quickly as needed, so we must rely on
the contributions from our generous supporters to finish building for
8,000 and to have the funds for the ongoing support of these Pandits. We
can make this happen. Please visit vedicpandits.org
  regularly to check for updates, and
inspire your friends to visit the site as well. We also warmly encourage
you to share your appreciation for the Vedic Pandits and this project
with others and to invite them to know all that is being done. And we
sincerely hope that you will be able to help realize this project by
making a donation towards the much-needed financial support of
Maharishi's dear Vedic Pandits in the coming year.

Thank you again for your support and good wishes. I look forward to
reporting more news to you again soon.

On behalf of Dr. Girish Chandra Varma ji and my family, I send very best
wishes for a new year of peace, prosperity and perfect health – for
you and the whole world.

Jai Guru Dev

Raja Harris, Arlene and RajRajeshwari Lauren Kaplan


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