[FairfieldLife] Re: Who is the author of our actions?

2017-10-10 Thread emily.ma...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
It is true that one can only surmise about what one doesn't have direct 
experience of.  I am not questioning the TM technique, transcending, or CC as a 
state of being.  I was questioning whether innate qualities in a human being 
(gunas) can be dispelled.   

 I was primarily curious as to your definitive statement that attaining CC 
frees one from one's karma...in *this* lifetime.  That isn't something I 
believe we can know and so I wanted to better understand why you wrote this.  
You haven't yet addressed it, however, and I'm fine with leaving the 
conversation where it lies.  

 P.S.  I have known one person who believes that they have addressed all their 
karma in this lifetime and will not have to suffer through another incarnation. 
 I remain skeptical of all such claims.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :



 The simplest way for me to describe the technique is that all TMers can 
experience transcendental consciousness or bliss consciousness, although the 
experience is only temporary.  Other meditators call it "samadhi",  which is 
the generic term to describe this level of consciousness.  TM studies have 
quantified this state in terms of brain wave data.  The meditator can have 
replicable and repeated experience of this TC which is described by MMY in his 
commentarty to the Gita and the "Science of Being and the Art of Living."

 It's not difficult to imagine what cosmic consciousness would be like--which 
is permanent bliss consciousness during the waking, dreaming and deep sleep 
states   The facts that you copied in Wikipedia are correct.  But they lack the 
first hand experience of "transcending" during the TM practice.  As you get 
familiar with transcending you can read MMY's commentary to the Gita to compare 
your experience with what MMY was describing.

 The only way for you to understand MMY's commentarty is to experience the 
process of transcending which will eventually give you the knowledge of what 
cosmic consciousness or the higher states of consciousness would be like.

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 John, you write with a lot of clarity and responded to the "bondage" 
associated with being influenced by Gunas, as interpreted through MMY.  
Wikipedia says the following about Guna 

 "Chapters 3, 7, 13, 14, 17 and 18 of Bhagavad Gita 
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bhagavad_Gita discuss Guna.[27] 
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gu%E1%B9%87a#cite_note-ckc-27 Verse 17.2 refers 
to the three Guna – sattvic, rajasic and tamasic – as innate nature (psychology 
or personality of an individual).[28] 
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gu%E1%B9%87a#cite_note-gideon-29 Sattvic guna is 
one driven by what is pure, truth, compassionate, without craving, doing the 
right because it is right, positive and good. Tamasic guna is one driven by 
what is impure, dark, destructive, aimed to hurt another, contemptuous, 
negative and vicious. Rajasic guna is one that is ego-driven, out of personal 
passion, active, ostentatious, seeking the approval of others.[27] 
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gu%E1%B9%87a#cite_note-gideon-29 "

 I am questioning this sentence: 

 "MMY was saying that the TM practice can lead one to cosmic consciousness and 
enlightenment.  Thus, one is freed from the bondage of actions and Karma in 
this lifetime."

 Specifically, I am questioning your statement that attaining cosmic 
consciousness and enlightenment (as defined by MMY) will free a person from the 
bondage of actions and Karma in this lifetime. 

 Perhaps you mean that TM helps to *smooth out* the influence or intensity of 
the "gunas," as qualities in a personality.  These gunas, *innate* as they are 
to human personality are never fully eliminated or "dispelled" are they?  There 
was ample evidence here during the first couple of years I was here, that in 
fact, TM meditation or not, these Gunas representing feelings and actions 
(e.g., compassion, contempt) were alive and well in all the posters.   

 I also question the idea that attaining "enlightenment" by way of a TM 
practice will free one from one's karma (I assume you mean negative) *in this 
lifetime.*  That is a very bold statement.  How do you know this?  Is it 
something we can know, as human beings?  

 Perhaps it is more that TM meditation serves as a tool to resolve and put to 
rest perceived negative karma in this lifetime, perhaps as a result of new 
actions reflecting the qualities of a Sattvic guna .

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :



 The Gita states that humans are in bondage due to the gunas and karma.  MMY 
mentions in his commentary that we are all affected by the gunas since these 
are related to the basic elements such as earth, water, fire, air and ether.  
Since we are composed of these elements, we are therefore a

[FairfieldLife] Re: Who is the author of our actions?

2017-10-10 Thread jr_...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]



 The simplest way for me to describe the technique is that all TMers can 
experience transcendental consciousness or bliss consciousness, although the 
experience is only temporary.  Other meditators call it "samadhi",  which is 
the generic term to describe this level of consciousness.  TM studies have 
quantified this state in terms of brain wave data.  The meditator can have 
replicable and repeated experience of this TC which is described by MMY in his 
commentarty to the Gita and the "Science of Being and the Art of Living."

 It's not difficult to imagine what cosmic consciousness would be like--which 
is permanent bliss consciousness during the waking, dreaming and deep sleep 
states   The facts that you copied in Wikipedia are correct.  But they lack the 
first hand experience of "transcending" during the TM practice.  As you get 
familiar with transcending you can read MMY's commentary to the Gita to compare 
your experience with what MMY was describing.

 The only way for you to understand MMY's commentarty is to experience the 
process of transcending which will eventually give you the knowledge of what 
cosmic consciousness or the higher states of consciousness would be like.

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 John, you write with a lot of clarity and responded to the "bondage" 
associated with being influenced by Gunas, as interpreted through MMY.  
Wikipedia says the following about Guna 

 "Chapters 3, 7, 13, 14, 17 and 18 of Bhagavad Gita 
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bhagavad_Gita discuss Guna.[27] 
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gu%E1%B9%87a#cite_note-ckc-27 Verse 17.2 refers 
to the three Guna – sattvic, rajasic and tamasic – as innate nature (psychology 
or personality of an individual).[28] 
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gu%E1%B9%87a#cite_note-gideon-29 Sattvic guna is 
one driven by what is pure, truth, compassionate, without craving, doing the 
right because it is right, positive and good. Tamasic guna is one driven by 
what is impure, dark, destructive, aimed to hurt another, contemptuous, 
negative and vicious. Rajasic guna is one that is ego-driven, out of personal 
passion, active, ostentatious, seeking the approval of others.[27] 
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gu%E1%B9%87a#cite_note-gideon-29 "

 I am questioning this sentence: 

 "MMY was saying that the TM practice can lead one to cosmic consciousness and 
enlightenment.  Thus, one is freed from the bondage of actions and Karma in 
this lifetime."

 Specifically, I am questioning your statement that attaining cosmic 
consciousness and enlightenment (as defined by MMY) will free a person from the 
bondage of actions and Karma in this lifetime. 

 Perhaps you mean that TM helps to *smooth out* the influence or intensity of 
the "gunas," as qualities in a personality.  These gunas, *innate* as they are 
to human personality are never fully eliminated or "dispelled" are they?  There 
was ample evidence here during the first couple of years I was here, that in 
fact, TM meditation or not, these Gunas representing feelings and actions 
(e.g., compassion, contempt) were alive and well in all the posters.   

 I also question the idea that attaining "enlightenment" by way of a TM 
practice will free one from one's karma (I assume you mean negative) *in this 
lifetime.*  That is a very bold statement.  How do you know this?  Is it 
something we can know, as human beings?  

 Perhaps it is more that TM meditation serves as a tool to resolve and put to 
rest perceived negative karma in this lifetime, perhaps as a result of new 
actions reflecting the qualities of a Sattvic guna .

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :



 The Gita states that humans are in bondage due to the gunas and karma.  MMY 
mentions in his commentary that we are all affected by the gunas since these 
are related to the basic elements such as earth, water, fire, air and ether.  
Since we are composed of these elements, we are therefore affected by the 
gunas-- and so are the other living beings that inhabit the earth.  The TM 
tradition interprets the method to avoid the influence of the "gunas" by merely 
being without them as stated in Chapter 2 of the Gita.

 This is the reason why TMers meditate to dispel these gunas.  Hence, over time 
the meditator can learn to maintain transcendental consciousness or "bliss 
consciousness" during the waking portion of our life.  Over time, the bliss 
consciousness can be maintained during the sleeping and dreaming stage of life. 
 When bliss consciousness if permanently maintained during the various stages 
of life, the TM tradition states that the person has reached "cosmic 
consciousness", the level in which the person attains "heaven here on earth".

 These are all mentioned in MMY's commentary to the Gita.  He also wro

[FairfieldLife] Re: YS: duHkha & viveka, part 1: definitions

2017-10-10 Thread yifux...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Thx for mentioning that!
 Unfortunately, given Enlightenment, say such a person is stung by 10 box jelly 
fish.  Would the person be in agony or not.  If one replies that the Self 
doesn't suffer, true; but the relative suffers, and I doubt seriously that any 
amount of "Bliss" would be sufficient to overpower the pain.
 Also, Enlightened people grow old and die like everybody else.  Some develop 
 MMY also said that physical death is an offense to the Divine Mother.

 Jai Guru Sakyamuni Buddha.


[FairfieldLife] Post Count Wed 11-Oct-17 00:15:48 UTC

2017-10-10 Thread FFL PostCount ffl.postco...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 10/07/17 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 10/14/17 00:00:00
50 messages as of (UTC) 10/11/17 00:13:59

 11 hepa7
  9 srijau
  7 emily.mae50
  6 jr_esq
  4 yifuxero
  3 Dick Mays dickmays
  2 William Leed WLeed3
  1 william smith rajawilliamsmith
  1 feste37 
  1 eunnerstall
  1 email4you mikemail4you
  1 dhamiltony2k5
  1 Sal Sunshine salsunshineiniowa
  1 Mike Dixon mdixon.6569
  1 Libby Unnerstall eunnerstall
Posters: 15
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Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
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[FairfieldLife] Re: YS: duHkha & viveka, part 1: definitions

2017-10-10 Thread srijau
Maharishi in the SCI course said the relative is a "solid mass of death" but 
also he says while that is true you don't dwell on that, actually dwelling on 
that can cut you off or hinder your enlightenment  through the Ananda aspect of 
the absolute . Thats why his teaching can be truly called the Madhu Vidya. 
http://mmy.klemke.de/M311.pdf http://mmy.klemke.de/M311.pdf

[FairfieldLife] Re: Who is the author of our actions?

2017-10-10 Thread yifux...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Thx, still doesn't account for the probable fact that Enlightened people can 
perform Adharmic acts on a Tamasic level such as taking advantage of women and 
extracting money from followers.
 Are you suggesting that the relative "person" is not responsible for these 
 These considerations can easily slip into Neo-Advaita, which would generate a 
false list of non-sequiturs as follows. [my comments in brackets]

 1. The Self is free of karma; i.e. the true Identity as pure Consciousness, as 
stated in the Upanishads.
 2. When one realizes the Self in Unity, since the Self is free of karma, one 
is free of karma, especially the bad karma of the past and the tendency to 
generate new bad karma.
 [false. This is a Neo-Advaitic misconception in that it separates "a person" 
into dual aspects of the Self and the relative, then discards the relative 
part.  False because "a person" is both relative and Absolute together as one, 
not the Self separate from the relative. If the latter were true, then we could 
say that after E., karma is simply irrelevant and doesn't affect "us".]
 3. [another false assumption is that the Gunas automatically shift from 
possibly Tamasic to Sattvic immediately when one becomes E.  This is MMY's 
error. There's no law that says this is true. If somebody is dishonest before 
E, they must might be dishonest after E
 To conclude, MMY falsely asserts that people after E. are 1. incapable iof 
maning "mistaking" and are incapable of what might be considered evil acts such 
as taking advantage of women and extracting money from the Organization.
 MMY never addressed these obvious facts which undermine his claims as to 
freedom from karma.

[FairfieldLife] Re: YS: duHkha & viveka, part 5

2017-10-10 Thread srijau

[FairfieldLife] Re: YS: duHkha & viveka, part 5

2017-10-10 Thread srijau
I honestly dont think so, it is the time involved to do the TM Siddhis. 
Actually I would say that Maharishi indicates that TM leads you to CC but with 
the Night Technique and the TM SIddhis you are glorifying the relative and 
experiencing it in terms of the absolute and its absolute aspect predominates 
in all the experience with time and the whole of experience actually becomes a 
continuum of bliss, inner and outer

[FairfieldLife] Re: Who is the author of our actions?

2017-10-10 Thread emily.ma...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
John, you write with a lot of clarity and responded to the "bondage" associated 
with being influenced by Gunas, as interpreted through MMY.  Wikipedia says the 
following about Guna 

 "Chapters 3, 7, 13, 14, 17 and 18 of Bhagavad Gita 
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bhagavad_Gita discuss Guna.[27] 
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gu%E1%B9%87a#cite_note-ckc-27 Verse 17.2 refers 
to the three Guna – sattvic, rajasic and tamasic – as innate nature (psychology 
or personality of an individual).[28] 
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gu%E1%B9%87a#cite_note-gideon-29 Sattvic guna is 
one driven by what is pure, truth, compassionate, without craving, doing the 
right because it is right, positive and good. Tamasic guna is one driven by 
what is impure, dark, destructive, aimed to hurt another, contemptuous, 
negative and vicious. Rajasic guna is one that is ego-driven, out of personal 
passion, active, ostentatious, seeking the approval of others.[27] 
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gu%E1%B9%87a#cite_note-gideon-29 "

 I am questioning this sentence: 

 "MMY was saying that the TM practice can lead one to cosmic consciousness and 
enlightenment.  Thus, one is freed from the bondage of actions and Karma in 
this lifetime."

 Specifically, I am questioning your statement that attaining cosmic 
consciousness and enlightenment (as defined by MMY) will free a person from the 
bondage of actions and Karma in this lifetime. 

 Perhaps you mean that TM helps to *smooth out* the influence or intensity of 
the "gunas," as qualities in a personality.  These gunas, *innate* as they are 
to human personality are never fully eliminated or "dispelled" are they?  There 
was ample evidence here during the first couple of years I was here, that in 
fact, TM meditation or not, these Gunas representing feelings and actions 
(e.g., compassion, contempt) were alive and well in all the posters.   

 I also question the idea that attaining "enlightenment" by way of a TM 
practice will free one from one's karma (I assume you mean negative) *in this 
lifetime.*  That is a very bold statement.  How do you know this?  Is it 
something we can know, as human beings?  

 Perhaps it is more that TM meditation serves as a tool to resolve and put to 
rest perceived negative karma in this lifetime, perhaps as a result of new 
actions reflecting the qualities of a Sattvic guna .

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :



 The Gita states that humans are in bondage due to the gunas and karma.  MMY 
mentions in his commentary that we are all affected by the gunas since these 
are related to the basic elements such as earth, water, fire, air and ether.  
Since we are composed of these elements, we are therefore affected by the 
gunas-- and so are the other living beings that inhabit the earth.  The TM 
tradition interprets the method to avoid the influence of the "gunas" by merely 
being without them as stated in Chapter 2 of the Gita.

 This is the reason why TMers meditate to dispel these gunas.  Hence, over time 
the meditator can learn to maintain transcendental consciousness or "bliss 
consciousness" during the waking portion of our life.  Over time, the bliss 
consciousness can be maintained during the sleeping and dreaming stage of life. 
 When bliss consciousness if permanently maintained during the various stages 
of life, the TM tradition states that the person has reached "cosmic 
consciousness", the level in which the person attains "heaven here on earth".

 These are all mentioned in MMY's commentary to the Gita.  He also wrote about 
these in his "Science of Being and Art of Living".  In my opinion, this is the 
gift that Guru Dev and MMY have brought to the world.  Any more questions?

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Just fyi, I wasn't questioning the first sentence here.  I was questioning the 
second sentence and how you know this.  
 "MMY was saying that the TM practice can lead one to cosmic consciousness and 
enlightenment.  Thus, one is freed from the bondage of actions and Karma in 
this lifetime. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :




 I've read MMY's commentary to the B Gita several times over the years.   And 
I've always found something insightful about TM and its relationship to the 
Gita.  His commentary gives a first hand account of how to understand the the 
meditation experience as to what is transcendental conscious and when one has 
reached cosmic consciousness or God consciousness..  These terms are specific 
and are unique to the TM method.  But the other meditation techniques probably 
have the same levels of consciousness but are labelled with different names. 


 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Thx Jr_esq for your comment below:

 "MMY was saying that the TM practice can lead o

[FairfieldLife] Re: Who is the author of our actions?

2017-10-10 Thread jr_...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]



 The Gita states that humans are in bondage due to the gunas and karma.  MMY 
mentions in his commentary that we are all affected by the gunas since these 
are related to the basic elements such as earth, water, fire, air and ether.  
Since we are composed of these elements, we are therefore affected by the 
gunas-- and so are the other living beings that inhabit the earth.  The TM 
tradition interprets the method to avoid the influence of the "gunas" by merely 
being without them as stated in Chapter 2 of the Gita.

 This is the reason why TMers meditate to dispel these gunas.  Hence, over time 
the meditator can learn to maintain transcendental consciousness or "bliss 
consciousness" during the waking portion of our life.  Over time, the bliss 
consciousness can be maintained during the sleeping and dreaming stage of life. 
 When bliss consciousness if permanently maintained during the various stages 
of life, the TM tradition states that the person has reached "cosmic 
consciousness", the level in which the person attains "heaven here on earth".

 These are all mentioned in MMY's commentary to the Gita.  He also wrote about 
these in his "Science of Being and Art of Living".  In my opinion, this is the 
gift that Guru Dev and MMY have brought to the world.  Any more questions?

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Just fyi, I wasn't questioning the first sentence here.  I was questioning the 
second sentence and how you know this.  
 "MMY was saying that the TM practice can lead one to cosmic consciousness and 
enlightenment.  Thus, one is freed from the bondage of actions and Karma in 
this lifetime. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :




 I've read MMY's commentary to the B Gita several times over the years.   And 
I've always found something insightful about TM and its relationship to the 
Gita.  His commentary gives a first hand account of how to understand the the 
meditation experience as to what is transcendental conscious and when one has 
reached cosmic consciousness or God consciousness..  These terms are specific 
and are unique to the TM method.  But the other meditation techniques probably 
have the same levels of consciousness but are labelled with different names. 


 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Thx Jr_esq for your comment below:

 "MMY was saying that the TM practice can lead one to cosmic consciousness and 
enlightenment.  Thus, one is freed from the bondage of actions and Karma in 
this lifetime.  As such, it is possible to be detached or maintain Self 
consciousness permanently while engaging in actions while living here on earth. 
MMY coined the phrase, "heaven on earth."

 Right, that's MMY's opinion, but there are differences in some other 
 Also, the notion that Enlightened people are free from the bondage of karma, 
this may not be true.  The Self is already free from karma no matter what 
state, but we are talking about the relative body and subtle body.
 How about the cases of notorious Enlightened (probably) Gurus who  abuse women 
and are obviously greedy?  Are they free?  I dount it!

 Some example of different opinions in other Traditions:
 1. In the Sant Mat Tradition, people are not free of karma until they are able 
to travel out of the body at will, including at the time of death.

 2. In the Kriya Yoga Tradition,, freedom from the clutches of karma requires 
to signs of development::
 First, Enlightenment, and Second, being able to travel out of the  body at the 
time of death, (willfully and at the time of one's choosing)).  This grants the 
candidate entry into the Higher astral plane, Hiranyaloka, which is occupied by 
many types of Beings, but also those Enlightened people who have not fully 
worked out their karma.  But again, this is only for the advanced Enlightened 
people who can travel out of their bodies willfully at the time of death.  
Then, after staying in Hiranyaloka for a time and being instructed by Advanced 
Teachers such as Sri Yukteswar, only then are they able to access the Causal 
 All of this is discussed in the article "The Resurrection of Sri Yukteswar", 
(enter that into Google).  It's a Chapter in Yogananda's Autobiography of a 


[FairfieldLife] Napa County Fires

2017-10-10 Thread emily.ma...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


[FairfieldLife] Re: Who is the author of our actions?

2017-10-10 Thread emily.ma...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Just fyi, I wasn't questioning the first sentence here.  I was questioning the 
second sentence and how you know this.  
 "MMY was saying that the TM practice can lead one to cosmic consciousness and 
enlightenment.  Thus, one is freed from the bondage of actions and Karma in 
this lifetime. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :




 I've read MMY's commentary to the B Gita several times over the years.   And 
I've always found something insightful about TM and its relationship to the 
Gita.  His commentary gives a first hand account of how to understand the the 
meditation experience as to what is transcendental conscious and when one has 
reached cosmic consciousness or God consciousness..  These terms are specific 
and are unique to the TM method.  But the other meditation techniques probably 
have the same levels of consciousness but are labelled with different names. 


 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Thx Jr_esq for your comment below:

 "MMY was saying that the TM practice can lead one to cosmic consciousness and 
enlightenment.  Thus, one is freed from the bondage of actions and Karma in 
this lifetime.  As such, it is possible to be detached or maintain Self 
consciousness permanently while engaging in actions while living here on earth. 
MMY coined the phrase, "heaven on earth."

 Right, that's MMY's opinion, but there are differences in some other 
 Also, the notion that Enlightened people are free from the bondage of karma, 
this may not be true.  The Self is already free from karma no matter what 
state, but we are talking about the relative body and subtle body.
 How about the cases of notorious Enlightened (probably) Gurus who  abuse women 
and are obviously greedy?  Are they free?  I dount it!

 Some example of different opinions in other Traditions:
 1. In the Sant Mat Tradition, people are not free of karma until they are able 
to travel out of the body at will, including at the time of death.

 2. In the Kriya Yoga Tradition,, freedom from the clutches of karma requires 
to signs of development::
 First, Enlightenment, and Second, being able to travel out of the  body at the 
time of death, (willfully and at the time of one's choosing)).  This grants the 
candidate entry into the Higher astral plane, Hiranyaloka, which is occupied by 
many types of Beings, but also those Enlightened people who have not fully 
worked out their karma.  But again, this is only for the advanced Enlightened 
people who can travel out of their bodies willfully at the time of death.  
Then, after staying in Hiranyaloka for a time and being instructed by Advanced 
Teachers such as Sri Yukteswar, only then are they able to access the Causal 
 All of this is discussed in the article "The Resurrection of Sri Yukteswar", 
(enter that into Google).  It's a Chapter in Yogananda's Autobiography of a 


[FairfieldLife] Re: YS: duHkha & viveka, part 5

2017-10-10 Thread he...@hotmail.com [FairfieldLife]

 Is it so, that anyone in at least CC is a vivekin??

 Be it as it may, II 15 might be one of the most "Buddhist" suutras in YS:

 परिणामतापसंस्कारदुःखैर्गुणवृत्तिविरोधाच्च दुःखमेव सर्वं विवेकिनः॥१५॥ 


pariṇāma tāpa saṁskāra duḥkhaiḥ guṇa-vr̥tti-virodhācca duḥkham-eva sarvaṁ 
vivekinaḥ ॥15॥ 
 [HA]: The Discriminating Persons Apprehend (By Analysis And Anticipation) All 
Worldly Objects As Sorrowful Because They Cause Suffering In Consequence, In 
Their Afflictive Experiences And In Their Latencies And Also Because Of The 
Contrary Nature Of The Gunas (Which Produces Changes All The Time).
 [IT]: To the people who have developed discrimination all is misery on account 
of the pains resulting from change, anxiety and tendencies, as also on account 
of the conflicts between the functioning of the Gunas and the Vrttis (of the 
 [VH]: [BM]: All life is suffering for a man of discrimination, because of the 
sufferings inherant in change and its corrupting subliminal impression, and 
because of the way qualities of material nature turn against themselves.
 [SS]: To one of discrimination, everything is painful indeed, due to its 
consequences: the anxiety and fear over losing what is gained; the resulting 
impressions left in the mind to create renewed cravings; and the constant 
conflict among the three gunas, which control the mind.
 [SP]: But the man of spiritual discrimination regards al these experiences as 
painful. For even the enjoyment o present pleasure is painful, since we already 
fear it loss. Past pleasure is painful because renewed craving! arise from the 
impressions it has left upon the mind And how can any happiness be lasting if 
it depends only upon our moods? For these moods are constantly changing, as one 
or another of the ever-warring gunas seizes control of the mind.
 [SV]: To the discriminating, all is, as it were, painful on account of 
everything bringing pain, either in the consequences, or in apprehension, or in 
attitude caused by impressions, also on account of the counter action of 
 The last four words:
 duHkham eva sarvaM vivekinaH. Taimni's translation:
 To the people who have developed discrimination all is misery...

 The original word-for-word would be:
 ...misery [is] verily all to a vivekin.
 That due to Sanskrit word order being way freer(?) than that of, say, English.
 Could that (viveka associated with [relative?] misery) be one explanation why 
apparently so many TM-siddhas discontinue the practice?






[FairfieldLife] Re: YS: duHkha & viveka, part 4

2017-10-10 Thread he...@hotmail.com [FairfieldLife]

 Well, viveka seems to be an essential aspect(?) of kaivalya ("enlightenment"; 
lit. isolation?), apparently
 the goal (or stuff) of yoga-suutra.

 The pinnacle(?) of samaadhi, dharma-megha-samaadhi is defined by Patañjali 
like this (IV 29):

 प्रसंख्यानेऽप्यकुसीदस्य सर्वथा विवेकख्यातेर्धर्ममेघः समाधिः॥२९॥ 


prasaṁkhyāne-‘py-akusīdasya sarvathā vivekakhyāteḥ dharma-meghas-samādhiḥ ॥29॥ 
 [HA]: When One Becomes Disintereested Even In Omniscience One Attains 
Perpetual Discriminative Enlightenment From Which Ensues The Concentration 
Known As Dharmamegha (Virtue-Pouring Cloud).
 [IT]: In the case of one, who is able to maintain a constant state of Vairagya 
even towards the most exalted state of enlightenment and to exercise the 
highest kind of discrimination, follows Dharma-Megha-Samadhi.
 [VH]: [BM]: [SS]: He who, due to his perfect discrimination, is totally 
disinterested even in the highest rewards remains in the constant 
discriminative discernment, which is called dharmamegha (cloud of dharma) 
samadhi. [Note: The meaning of dharma includes virtue, justice, law, duty, 
morality, religion, religious merit, and steadfast decree.]
 [SP]: [28] He who remains undistracted even when he is in possession of all 
the psychic powers, achieves, as the result of perfect discrimination, that 
samadhi which is called the “cloud of virtue”.
 [SV]: [VN 4.28] Even when arriving at the right discriminating knowledge of 
the senses, he who gives up the fruits, unto him comes as the result of perfect 
discrimination, the Samadhi called the cloud of virtue.
 The word viveka-khyaati is "interesting"; literally it seems to mean 
"knowledge of viveka":
 khyAtif. `" declaration "' , opinion , view , idea , assertion BhP. xi , 16 , 
24 Sarvad. xv , 201 ; perception , knowledge Yogas. 
 Hmmm...sarvathaa seems to, in this context,  mean something like exceedingly, 
 sarvathA ind. in everyway , in evńevery respect , by all means (often joined 
with %{sarvatra} and %{sarvadA} ; also with %{api} ; with na , in no case "' , 
`" not at all "') Mn. &c. &c. ; in whatever way , however MBh. R. RPra1t. ; 
altogether , entirely , in the highest degree , exceedingly MBh. Ka1v. Hit. ; 
at all times MW.

Someone "having" viveka is called a vivekin.

So, dharma-megha-samaadhi seems to be based on "sarvathaa viveka-khyaati" 
(-khyaater is ablative/genitive singular from khaati); perhaps we could 
translate it very freely as "someone totally vivekin"?