[FairfieldLife] Re: Yes, Barry, there is no need to believe in God

2014-10-08 Thread blue_bungalow2


 ---  wrote:
 Not likely, but why pray? How is that going to change the situation as you 
perceive it? I do have a certain tolerance for Jim; unlike Barry, I do read 
some of his posts, though their usual brevity and emotional coarseness is a 
turn off. (Barry's emotional coarseness is also sometimes a turn off, but I do 
not perceive him to have a genuine attachment to it, so mostly it is just fun.) 
Compassion for Jim is not necessary, he is enlightened by his own account, 
therefore not in need of it. 


---  wrote :

 What he seems "in need of" is someone to obsess on. Namely me.

I wrote him off and deprived him of an audience when he feels like yelling at 
someone and telling them how low they are and how high he is. Rather than live 
with that, I guess what Xeno is saying is that Jim keeps writing posts about 
how much he hates Barry *anyway*.

If that's your idea of what enlightenment is, I wish you luck with it. To me, 
it makes it sound as if Jim is just another version of Steve and Ann and 
Willytex. Ignore any of them, and they obsess on you *more*, not less. 


---  wrote :

Sorry dimwit. It is not because you "ignore" me (which you, unfortunately 
don't, you mention me all the time) but because your ideas and never-ending 
harping about the same things cries out to be addressed and corrected. It is 
because I disagree with you so much of the time and want to counterpoint your 
mistaken notions and conscious obsession with attributing false motives and 
characteristics to virtually everyone here - including the people you endorse. 
Face it bawee, people have a right to address your comments or you, for that 
matter, any time they bloody well please and it doesn't mean they'r obsessed 
with you or emotionally crushed because you "ignore" them. See, I had to 
correct you right now because, as usual, you're making up shit.



Once, all that Bob Price pointed out is that, aquamarine is 
'cobalt blue' and Uncle Tantra lashed out at him, by calling 
him a roach.

How objective is that? He is as foul mouthed as anybody else 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Are Aliens too Distant for Contact?

2014-10-08 Thread blue_bungalow2


---  wrote :

 Yes, probably so, if the means of communication is through light or radio 
waves.  As such, the speed of communication is limited by the speed of light.  
But it is theoretically possible to contact ETs through telepathic means or 
lucid dreaming.

 Why?  Because consciousness pervades the entire universe.  So, communication 
through consciousness is faster than the speed of light.  IMO, the Srimad 
Bhagavatam has given us clues of this type of communication in the story 
relating to Urvasi, the heavenly apsara.  She supposedly can be found taking a 
bath in the region near the Pleiades, which is placed in beginning degrees of 

 From my experience, everyone--perhaps, more so for males--can see Urvasi 
through lucid dreaming when the Moon is transiting the 3rd quarter of Krittika 
nakshatra.  She appears as a beautiful female during a dream.


 Sorry to disappoint you, but the story of Urvasi is just a myth. 

 These kind of myths exist in all cultures in history. 
What makes you take these stories literally?

I know, Maharishi probably does. He is a goofball, and the 
original one, as far as the TM mov't is concerned.

Yes, western religions are literalist, but not the eastern ones, 

 with the exception of Hare Krishna mov't.





[FairfieldLife] Re: Some of the embarrassing things believers pray to their God FOR

2014-10-07 Thread blue_bungalow2

> > --- mailto:turquoiseb@... > wrote:

 > > If this survey is anywhere near accurate, it looks to me as if believers 
 > > (or American believers, anyway) are a bunch of hypocrites and slackers and 
 > > vengeful psychopaths >

> --- wrote :

 > Now this is funny - an American guy that believes in the Tibetan bardo, 
 > Buddhas and bodhisattvas, karma, reincarnation, Hindu siddhis (super-normal 
 > powers) - is a hypocrite, a slacker, and a vengeful psychopath - who once 
 > posted a message to the Yahoo group threatening to "nuke" a discussion 
 > "terrorist." Go figure.
 > "Hypocrisy is the claim or pretense of holding beliefs that one does not in 
 > actual fact hold. It is the practice of engaging in the same behavior or 
 > activity for which one criticizes another."
>   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypocrisy 
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypocrisy  

 As Steve pointed out, he does have some hallmarks of a 
'classical theist', but he also has some characteristics of 
'classical atheist'.  IMO a contradiction.

Basicaly, there are two types of theism, ie 'classical theism' 
and 'religious theism'.

Basicaly, there are two types of atheism, ie 'classical 
atheism' and 'scientific atheism'.

The 'classical atheism' is based on the following arguments,

Theoretical argument :- The arguments against the existence 
of gods, responding to common theistic arguments such as the 
argument from design or Pascal's Wager.

Epistemological argument :- Divinity is inseparable from the 
world itself, including a person's mind, and each person's 
consciousness is locked in the subject, this limitation in 
perspective prevents any objective inference from belief in 
a god to assertions of its existence.

Metaphysical argument :-  The implicit denial of God in all 
philosophies that, while they accept the existence of an 
absolute, conceive of the absolute as not possessing any of 
the attributes proper to God.

Logical argument :- The various conceptions of gods, such as 
the personal god of Christianity, are ascribed logically 
inconsistent qualities.

[FairfieldLife] Beetle Bailey - 113435

2014-10-07 Thread blue_bungalow2

Beetle Bailey - 113435



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[FairfieldLife] Re: Obama plan, and stuff...

2014-10-07 Thread blue_bungalow2

No referendum was held in that territory. So how 
"legal" the UN partition plan would be.

Secondly, the partition plan itself is haphazard.

---  wrote :

 Jerusalem has been the capital city of the Jewish People for the last 3,000
years.  Still, Jerusalem warmly opens its arms to a variety of cultures and
religions, and many Muslims and Christians call it home.
Keep reading to the end of this email for the story on the architectal plans 
for the Third Temple. 
Nations Up in Arms Over Additional Housing in Jerusalem Neighborhood
"I am going to make Jerusalem a cup that sends all the surrounding peoples 
reeling.  Judah will be besieged as well as Jerusalem."  (Zechariah 12:2)
Last week, the Jerusalem municipality announced the final approval for a 
building project that will add over 2,500 homes to Jerusalem's Givat Hamatos 
neighborhood.  Although the plan was announced last week, it was put into play 
about two years ago.
The United States, France and Germany criticized the move, seeing the growth of 
the neighborhood as endangering the two-state peace process, and calling for a 
reversal of the decision.
This sentiment, of course, aligns with a dramatic universal shift toward the 
insistence that Jerusalem be divided so that it becomes the capital of an Arab 
state and the capital of a Jewish state.
U.S. State Department spokesperson Jen Psaki said of the mixed Jewish-Arab 
neighborhood that its expansion would "poison the atmosphere not only with the 
Palestinians, but also with the very Arab governments with which Prime Minister 
Netanyahu said he wanted to build relations."
She also said that it called "into question Israel’s ultimate commitment to a 
peaceful negotiated settlement with the Palestinians.”
"We condemn the Israeli authorities decision to build 2,610 homes in Givat 
Hamatos," French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said in a statement.
"One cannot claim to support a solution and at the same time do things against 
without consequences being drawn, including at the European Union level," 
Fabius threatened.  (JPost)
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu rejected the condemnation, indicating 
that internationals had not learned the facts before responding.
"It’s worth learning the information properly before deciding to take a 
position like that," he said.  The last phase of a building project is "a 
statutory formality that does not require publicizing."
Although the Givat Hamatos expansion was widely publicized two years ago during 
the first phase, its recent approval was again widely publicized by incendiary 
anti-settlement group Peace Now—leading to the condemnations.
"If this decision is upheld, it would mark the creation of a new settlement in 
east Jerusalem for the first time in more than 15 years," Fabius erroneously 
stated, disregarding the reality of the already existing, mixed-ethnicity 
Netanyahu reminded world leaders that "Arabs in Jerusalem purchase homes freely 
in the west of the city and nobody says that’s forbidden.  I don’t intend to 
tell Jews that they can’t buy homes in east Jerusalem," he said.
Nevertheless, that is the very thing that the proposed two-state peace plan 
intends to accomplish—in addition to divvying up the rest of the Promised Land 
in a dangerous patchwork quilt of unworkable borders.
"The Obama plan would force Israel to give it all up, to divide Jerusalem, and 
return to indefensible borders.  This would be a grave error," writes author 
Joel Rosenberg.  "It would severely jeopardize Israeli national security.  It 
would do so in direct defiance of the Holy Scriptures.  And it would draw the 
judgment of the Lord Almighty against the United States and all other countries 
involved in the process."

As the world increasingly pressures Israel to return to the Israel-Jordan truce 
lines (aka the 1967 borders or Green Line) even though Jordan itself has 
renounced all claim to those lands, it becomes increasingly clear that key 
end-time prophecies concerning Israel and Jerusalem are being fulfilled.
The prophet Joel, as one example, warns that God is not on board with plans to 
divide His land:
"I will gather all nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat.  
There I will put them on trial for what they did to my inheritance, my people 
Israel, because they scattered my people among the nations and divided up my 
land."  (Joel 3:2)
However, Yeshua (Jesus) reassures us that Believers who live in these last days 
should not fear, but eagerly await His return.
"When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, 
because your redemption is drawing near."  (Luke 21:28)


[FairfieldLife] Re: Photo series shows how we see people in our minds vs. how they really are

2014-10-06 Thread blue_bungalow2


Steve, subjective experiences don't necessarily reflect 
objective reality.  Recent researches on brain shows that 
human memory itself is extremely unreliable.

Even dreams are subjective experiences, and they dont 
reflect reality.  Mind altering substances including 
alcohol, all give you experiences that are imaginary.

Subjective experiences has to be corroborated with objective 
reality and only the scientific methodlogy can do that.

---  wrote :

 Makes sense Sal, except you appear to be the guy who would doubt his actual 
experience of something if it didn't adhere to some tenant of your scientific 

 Unfortunately if often makes you look foolish, and dogmatic, not to mention 

---  wrote :


Yeah, "House" was full of great one-liners, most of them spoken by Hugh Laurie. 
His character was the ultimate rational man trying to get by in a world full of 
irrational people. 

What I love, trying to lay low and allow this tempest in a pisspot to work 
itself out without me, is that a few people here claiming to be all 
faux-outraged that Michael is insulting their religion (TM) are the *same* 
people who,  any other day, would be claiming that TM is *not* a religion and 
could never be construed to be.  :-)

 I know, and the abuse we rationalists get! If I gave a damn it might annoy me 
but I don't even notice, I think that to be annoyed at someone criticising your 
beliefs you have to be worried about their validity but relying on them for a 
sense of yourself. I think this is why British Muslims wanted the blasphemy law 
extended to Islam rather having it scrapped altogether like the rest of the 
country did - The reasonable majority anyway - If your beliefs are protected 
you don't have to worry about whether they are true.
 Then the Christians said that if Muslims can get what they want by whining and 
protesting, they were going to do it too. But something in the English national 
consciousness told them it wasn't really the done thing and they went back to 
village fetes and tea on the vicarage lawn which is all the religion the rest 
of us can cope with.
 Better to abandon beliefs and stick to the known and the unknown and all the 
various shades between the two. And know that all knowledge is patterns that 
either correspond to reality or they don't, so get ready to change them every 
now and again. Not much of a rallying call though...
Me, I'm still of the opinion that the moment *anyone, anywhere* allows 
something that someone has said about his or her beliefs to "get to them" and 
make them all angry and outraged, they LOSE, for two reasons. 

First, by reacting that strongly in the first place, they have *proved* 
themselves to be religious fanatics who are pretty seriously attached to the 
dogma and beliefs that have been taught to them. Second, by trying to silence 
those saying the things they don't like, they have *proved* themselves to be 
fundamentalist, oppressive religious fanatics, willing to harm others for the 
"sin" of (wait for it) not taking them seriously. Insanity. 

So IMO during this latest kerfuffle Jedi was just being an annoying Internet 
troll by trolling religious fanatic Jews. Dan, on the other hand, was trying to 
be a dictatorial bastard by trying to threaten Rick for not silencing him. Jedi 
was merely willing to diss religious fanatics. Dan was being *such* a 
dictatorial bastard that he was willing to try to get Yahoo to censure 
Fairfield Life or take it down because people on it were saying some things he 
didn't like. *That*, I am pretty sure, is what pushed Rick to act. In his own 
sick, twisted way, Dan was trying to do exactly the same thing that other 
asshole from the past was doing when he posted porn to FFL and then reported it 
to Yahoo, again in an attempt to get it taken down, and again for the same 
reason -- he didn't like what some people were saying about things he was 
attached to. 

Jedi was merely expressing his opinion, no matter how crudely or stupidly. Dan 
was trying to force other people to do what *he* wanted them to do. Given a 
choice, I'd rather live with foul-mouthed critics like Jedi than live with the 
insane people like Dan. But Rick made the "wisdom of Solomon" choice and got 
rid of BOTH of them. Win-win. Congratulations, Rick.

 Jedi was definitely in a funny mood recently, really uncompromising. Maybe he 
was just having a bad week, I'd never noticed such vehemence in him before.
 Losing Dan just means there's one less tedious git to scroll past, which might 
save Rick some money on my eventual RSI lawsuit ;-)
 Gregory House On Religion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJwhqhqBtbo

 Gregory House On Religion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJwhqhqBtbo

 View on www.youtube.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJwhqhqBtbo
 Preview by Yahoo

 Gregory House On Religi

[FairfieldLife] Re: Welcome back Pluto!

2014-10-06 Thread blue_bungalow2


I don't understand this. If pluto is just 3 pixels wide on 
Hubble, how much pixels distant stars would have?

They should have a new category called plutoids.

---  wrote :

 Even the photo from Hubble is not a straight photograph, it is a composite of 
many exposures over various times assembled by a computer program making a map 
of colour and brightness variations on the surface which was then mapped onto a 
sphere. The diameter of Pluto is so small seen from Earth that a single images 
shows basically no detail at all. Pluto does have a rotation period and the 
scientists managed to use that as an aid in reconstruction its surface 
features. Pluto is less than 3 pixels wide in the Hubble telescope. This is 
just enough information to tell there is some brightness variation on the 
surface.  So a direct picture of Pluto would be a grid just 3x3 pixels wide, 
nine potential points of difference. Pluto has five moons, Charon, Nix, Hydra, 
P4 and P5 as they are currently named. (You have to watch out for P5, it has 
very important astrological significance.)

---  wrote :

 Hah, I realised that photo was a mock up two seconds after posting the link. 
Next time I watch the video first!
 But it's good that we have the mystery of a new planet to look forward to, 
it's been a long time since there was a discovery we could wonder over. I 
remember how the world stopped in its tracks when the Voyager pictures of 
Jupiter were published. It's good when something draws our attention away into 
space like that, gives a much needed sense of perspective. 
 Maybe Pluto won't be so exciting but it will still be a glimpse into the 
universe we haven't had before. The last bit of science to get excited about 
was a hard task for everyone, the Higgs Boson was entirely conceptual to us 
average Joe's, the most amazing thing was the lengths they went to to find it 
at all!

---  wrote :

 New Horizons just crossed the orbit of Neptune. It then will go into 
hibernation for 99 days. The photo is a painting or a digital painting, an 
artist's rendition of what they think it will be like. Right now Neptune is 
imaged as just a few pixels, Pluto is just a single pixel. It's still 284 days 
away from closest approach. The colour of Pluto and some of its surface 
variations have been photographed by Hubble but the image is very blurry to say 
the most even with extensive computer processing. We have no idea yet what its 
surface features are like in any detail. Here is the Hubble image, currently 
the best we have until New Horizons passes Pluto about the middle of next year:



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 This Hubble image of Pluto is technically equivalent to photographing an air 
gun BB from a distance of 9.4km, or an American quarter dollar coin from 51km. 
New Horizons will have to get pretty close to Pluto before it can image it 
better than this Hubble image.

From: salyavin808 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Jyotish only uses the visible planets not the outer ones. 

 I guess they'd have to, not knowing about the others.

 It's tropical astrology that wants not only to use Pluto but asteroids as 

 That makes even less sense, nobody knows exactly what is out there so if you 
think a horoscope makes sense and then someone discovers something else you 
can't have been right in the first place.

  But I guess the ice people of Plutoria must want a vote on this. ;-) 

 It must be up to our solar system brothers. Looks like we'll be doing a flyby 
real soon.

 That cool photo was taken by NASA's New Horizons probe, which is well on it's 
way. Travelling at one million miles a day it still has 8 months before closest 
approach! I look forward to that muchly:

 NASA'-s New Horizons Spacecraft Near Pluto | Alternative 
 NASA'-s New Horizons Spacecraft Near Pluto | Alt... 
 One of the fastest spacecraft ever built, NASA´s New Horizons, is hurtling 
through the void at nearly one million miles per day. Launched in 2006, it has 
been in fl...

 View on beforeitsnews.com 
 Preview by Yahoo 


 On 10/02/2014 07:33 AM, salyavin808 wrote:
   Must be a frustrating time to be an astrologer, th

[FairfieldLife] Thanks feste37 and willytex

2014-10-05 Thread blue_bungalow2

Thanks feste and willytex. Rick reinstated me.

A distinction should be made between a religion and it's 
community. Criticising a religion is impersonal. Criticising
a community is personal. I joined FFL more that 10 years 
ago. I did learn a lot from this forum. 

It seems Barry and Jim are unhappy with my postings. Should 
I continue to interact with you folks?


---  wrote :

 I think that both Dan and jedi should be reinstated, since they were unjustly 
removed. But also, I think Dan should drop his ridiculous complaint to the ADL, 
which has no substance and is a waste of their time.
I suggest that if anyone wants the best commentary on this incident he or she 
should read the posts of Richard J. Williams, since every one of them is 
spot-on in its analysis.  

---  wrote :

 Dan obviously enjoyed his righteous indignation, but it gave him a blind spot 
you could fly a 747 through. His grammar and writing, in general, was 
atrocious, which always sends up a flag, for me, since I doubt very much he was 
that sloppy with his superiors, during his career. Same as people who, despite 
being punctual for work, cannot show up on time, socially. An arrogant 
attitude, masking as casualness. Pretty average fellow, overall, despite his 
need to have us think otherwise. All the best to him.

 ---  wrote:

 The Jedi already had received a warning from Rick, but before Jedi could post 
a response, Rick banned him. The moderator should at least give the guy a 
chance to post a rebuttal if he is being falsely accused. 
 Somehow Rick convicted Jedi as guilty of posting anti-Semitism when the Jedi 
was just posting an opinion of the Torah. Go figure.

The key word in the first sentence of Dan's message to Rick is "rampant" 
anti-Semtism. Rick already agreed that the message in this case was 
anti-Semitic. So, now the question is to what extent is FFL rampantly 
anti-Semitic, or is this just an isolated case?

 So, why would that be cause to ban the jedi_spock? Rick already posted a 
warning to the jedi_spock. It looks like the jedi_spock was punished twice. Go 
Rick failed as a fair and balanced moderator. And since Rick deleted the 
offending file it now looks like a coverup. It's like a secret trial and 
execution without a trial by a dictator who got everything wrong from the 



 ---  feste37  wrote:
 Booting off jedi for what appears merely to be expressing a view of Judaism 
seems absurd to me. It has often been said that the God of the Old Testament 
is, shall we say, a less than attractive character: jealous, vindictive, 
vengeful, cruel. That's not anti-Semitism. It's mere literary criticism. Yet on 
this board Little Mickey Jackson is allowed to spew forth his hate speech 
against MMY and the TMO every single day, full of crude insults and libelous 
accusations—and that's considered perfectly okay. There are some very curious 
double standards operating here. 



 ---  wrote:
 It looks like the forum has lost it's moral compass and without Judy to 
moderate, the group has fallen further into disrepute. To make matters worse, 
now the apparent victim has been banned too. Obviously there's some prejudice 
when a religious belief can't even be discussed.
 This all could have been settled with just a few words in a private email or 
 It looks like attention has been called to the rampant anti-Semitism and 
libelous accusations posted to the FFL forum - and now the cover-up with the 
deletion of the offending message. While the informants get to continue posting 
their negative propaganda and gender bias. 
That's one solution - stone the victim complaining; remove the offending 
message; and then ban the informant so he can't post a rebuttal. Go figure.


The semitic race includes Arabs, so if we blast Saudi Arabia are we being 
anti-semitics?  And someone said to bash Zionism is being anti-Jewish.  That's 
like saying all Christians are Republicans.  Zionists are a right wing 
political faction.
 As far as Dan goes I had him in my Dangeon anyway for being an abusive poster 
and only replied to comments he started indirectly about TV or movies.



 ---  wrote:

 Let's face it, Rick is being practical.  The Jews are very aggressive about 
any antisemitism and could get someone at Yahoo freaked enough to close FFL 
down.   It may not be right to surrender, but it does avoid the danger not yet 

If Yahoo closed FFL, the lost would be significant, but if Rick bans 
antisemitism, the lost to "the world's ability to have free speech" would be 
hardly noticed.  An easy call for Rick, methinks.

Now if the various communities around the world got as aggressively defensive, 
hoo boy, who could then say anything about anything?  Think of all the 
downtrodden folks who could equally claim the world has smacked them as badly 
as were the Jews.

I've never confronted my Jewish friends about this.might have to do so, cuz 