Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The 'hard' price of TM - was "strange TB situation.

2006-01-03 Thread MDixon6569

In a message dated 1/3/06 4:17:17 P.M. Central Standard Time, 
  there people sitting here proclaiming what theywould be willing to give up 
  to get the next morselof "knowledge"? If so, I've missed it.What 
  I've been seeing is people talking about whatthey think it would be worth 
  giving up to learn TM--, but what good does  that do? It only 
  > becomes a contest of who can prove their devotion more.--and 
  that doesn't seem to have anything to do 

Judy, I just took it a step further. Not only do I object to 
the price of TM but I object to the prices in general of everything the TMO 
sets. I find everything way over priced. And if you go to another source for 
better prices, like on PK or Jyotish all the sudden you are off the program or 
at least frowned upon and then your devotion to M is brought into question. At 
the same time I think some people will openly defend anything M does or 
says simply to give the impression that they are more devoted, thus holier- 
than- thou and should not be questioned.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The 'hard' price of TM - was "strange TB situation.

2006-01-03 Thread MDixon6569

In a message dated 1/3/06 4:26:55 P.M. Central Standard Time, 
For many 
  people who learn TM, transcending per se is notthe big deal but the 
  *results* of transcending in one'sdaily life--and sometimes it takes 
  awhile before positivechanges become 

Ideally we don't meditate for the sake of experiences. However 
I only mentioned transcending because it does give somebody the idea, if that 
much is true, a transcendental field, then the rest of what they are saying in 
lectures could be true as well and make giving it some time to see results in 
activity worth wild.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The 'hard' price of TM - was "strange TB situation.

2006-01-03 Thread MDixon6569

In a message dated 1/3/06 5:35:32 P.M. Central Standard Time, 
  here is what I suggest you do: Don't bother to do 

That's exactly what I intend to 

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The 'hard' price of TM - was "strange TB situation.

2006-01-03 Thread MDixon6569

In a message dated 1/3/06 4:07:28 P.M. Central Standard Time, 
That is 
  why you, who have transcended, should be telling people that "it is only 
  $3.70 a day for 2 years", and that "where there is a will there is a 

You can tell those who have never transcended it's worth 
whatever it costs or more and to go get a loan or whatever it takes. But why 
should somebody listen? I'm not the one paying for the 

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The 'hard' price of TM - was "strange TB situation.

2006-01-03 Thread MDixon6569

In a message dated 1/3/06 4:04:54 P.M. Central Standard Time, 
  people can find half of it if they really want to. They could raise half 
  and take out a small loan from a friend for the other half, then just pay 
  it back at $4 a day for two years. It would be so easy for most people in 
  the US to do it with a bit of creativity and a strong desire. 

What is there to give them a "strong" desire to put themselves 
in debt or deeper debt than they already are? Everybody knows the term "junk 
science" and the slogan "there's a fool born every minute". They ask themselves 
"why aren't hundreds of millions of people doing TM if it's so great?" and" Why 
have so many people learned it and quit?" I don't doubt most anybody in the US 
can afford to learn TM at it's current rate, *if * they really wanted 

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The 'hard' price of TM - was "strange TB situation.

2006-01-03 Thread MDixon6569

In a message dated 1/3/06 4:00:51 P.M. Central Standard Time, 
  because with the money each Westener that pays to learn, you can probably 
  teach 1,000 people in India or somewhere. You are just US-Centric minded. 
  If you convice only one person in the US to learn TM, and that it is only 
  3.70 a day for 2 years, you have helped a hundreds, maybe thousands, to 
  learn in the world as a whole, thus generating global consciousness 

Well why not charge 25,000.00 dollars so 10,000 Indians can be 
taught for every American that learns? The question is are people in other parts 
of the world learning at such a pace that Americans need to be priced out of 
learning TM?Maybe Maharishi needs to pay people in India to get initiated, now 
talk about perceived value!

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The 'hard' price of TM - was "strange TB situation.

2006-01-03 Thread MDixon6569

In a message dated 1/3/06 2:23:01 P.M. Central Standard Time, 
A real 
  snake chasing its tail phenomenon, eh? I don't think price is the issue. 
  People will pay for what they value. So how do we increase the perceived 
  value of TM? Who knows? Quite a fun mystery! Probably something that 
  cannot be seen linearly in its possible growing success, only charted by 
  its failures. So it remains an open question whether or not TM will 

No, it's real easy. If you have never transcended, how can you 
place any value on it? Let people satisfy their curiosity. If you have to charge 
them any thing, make it so it doesn't hurt to pay the fee to learn. Once the 
person has had the Transcendental experience and found benefits in practicing TM 
he will know what it means to him. Why do does anybody need to establish a high 
monetary value on TM? Transcending either means something to you or it doesn't. 
And the only way it can ever mean anything to a person is if they have done it 
and for some it may require a few times.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The 'hard' price of TM - was "strange TB situation.

2006-01-03 Thread MDixon6569

In a message dated 1/3/06 11:48:19 A.M. Central Standard Time, 
As a 
  benificiery of this knowledge, you are now proclaiming to the people of 
  the  world that they should not give up their cafe-lattes for Vedic 
  knowledge?  This incredibly selfish, since you have already had the 
  benefit of the  knowledge. You have forgotton how incredibly helpful 
  it can be to people in times of extreme stress. Many people in the world 
  have nothing to absorb the stress which pushes down upon them everyday. As 
  a beneficiary of a practice that  you can practice any day, any 
  where, even in a prison, and find relief, if you have any conscience at 
  all you should be telling as many people as you  can, that TM only 
  costs $3.40 a day for 2 years.OffWorld

I'm not proclaiming any thing to anybody. I'm also not 
preaching to the choir about why the uninitiated should give up anything. I'm 
simply speaking the reality that  the uninitiated see TM and the TMO from. 
Anybody can sit here and proclaim what TM means to them and what they would be 
willing to give up to get the next morsel of "knowledge", but what good does 
that do? It only becomes a contest of who can prove their devotion more. It 
surely doesn't increase initiations and raise the quality of global 
consciousness. I suppose one could also walk to work for a year or two or give 
up breakfast or some other meal, give up hair cuts or deodorants. But why would 
somebody do such a thing to satisfy his curiosity about something he knows 
nothing about? At the price the TMO charges people, TM will die with it's 
current practitioners. What a shame!

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The 'hard' price of TM - was "strange TB situation.

2006-01-03 Thread MDixon6569

In a message dated 1/3/06 11:24:33 A.M. Central Standard Time, 
  average Joe and Jane on the street are NOT scientists and could care less 
  about documented scientific research. TM is not the only meditation 
  technique out there that relieves stress. Honest. And your average 
  customer looking for a little relief can find it via a book or class as 
  mentioned previously.

Bingo! Most people "shop" for the best prices. Everybody is 
used to people making the claim that brand x is as good or better than the high 
priced "spread". When Maharishi came to the US he learned about marketing fast 
but never learned how to beat the competition.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The 'hard' price of TM - was "strange TB situation.

2006-01-03 Thread MDixon6569

In a message dated 1/3/06 10:47:32 A.M. Central Standard Time, 
  course, Pure COnsciousness means nothing no matter how many times you have 
  tastedit. Pure Consciousness means nothing if you're fully 
  enlightened.Sheesh. PC isn't anything you can write home 

But once a person has had an experience of Pure 
Consciousness, he has had something he can hang his hat on. He then has grounds 
to believe there just might be something to all the rest of what he has been 
told. From my own personal experience , had I not had a few experiences of TC in 
the beginning days and a few more in the coming months I would have quit and not 
looked back as most people do.

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