Re: FELV kittens

2007-07-13 Thread glenda Goodman
Heather, I read your email...never tried to answer an
email on this site, so hope it works...Anyway, I feel
very sorry for you and the kitties. I am new to this
site too. After I found out I had a FeLV+ kitten about
a month ago, I discovered this site and have been
reading everything possible trying to understand these
diseases and find hope for the kitten I have.I have a
little girl, Bengal mix, intelligent,
so beautiful and so healthy, but FeLV+...
 My vet told me there is a chance when the FeLV comes
through the queen there is a chance the kittens could
beat the disease with good diet and environments, no
stress and could someday test negative. If there is
anyone out there that can give people in our situation
some hope our kittens can beat this disease please
share what you know that we do not...Thank you.
Meanwhile Heather, good-luck to you with finding
someone wonderful enough to help you with those
kitties...Glenda Larsen in Nebraska
--- Heather Wienker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello-
> I am new to this group, having  trapped an injured
> Mom kitty at my new job,
> who turned out to be FELV & FIV positive and a
> nursing Mom.  This was in
> April, I had 3 injured cats in my first two weeks of
> changing jobs, I work
> with ferals and it's been one of those's
> especially sad as I'm
> told someone trapped this Mom last year, she was not
> injured at the time,
> they got a kitten from her that was negative (so she
> may have been as well),
> and she went back out unspayed even though they
> (incorrectly) thought she
> was declawed.   This whole thing could have been
> avoided, and Mom is a very
> sad kitty who has obviously been hurt by this world.
>  She has an eye and ear
> injury and is very meek and depressed.
> Of her kittens, two initiallly tested + for both
> FELV & FIV, two only + for
> FIVsadly, they have now retested + for leukemia.
>  Three cleared the FIV,
> the fourth may have as well but the person who has
> him has not retested yet
> (I have no control over this unless I take the
> kitten from her permanently
> and have not been able to find a foster, I have no
> room whatsoever myself,
> it's been a somewhat unfriendly situation of impasse
> in dealing with the
> ladies at work as they've wanted me to place them
> asap and me only having a
> sanctuary option available a little further down the
> road).  The kittens are
> approx. 4 months old and very social.
> We haven't been able to find homes or foster homes
> and the ladies who
> currently have them had given me until June 30 to
> find homes or fosters or
> they would have them euthanized.  They haven't done
> so yet but one is taking
> hers to a different (very large, over 700 cats)
> sanctuary this Sunday, which
> I am troubled by as this kitten is extremely social
> and has lived indoors
> since 5 weeks of age, though of course I appreciate
> the help of a reputable
> sanctuary.
> I don't have much time on the one kitten, but will
> continue to search for
> homes for the other 3; two of them have been
> together all this time and are
> very bonded, those are the two who initially were
> only FIV+ but retested
> positive for leukemia.  I know this is confusing,
> but basically, 4 FELV+
> kittens need homes, two need a home together.   All
> have been tested twice
> but the 4th whom I do not have in my
>'s been a difficult
> situation without going into it further on dynamics.
>   I am heavily involved
> with multiple colonies and have exhausted all of my
> rescue
> friends/resources as far as fosters or homes go for
> the many kitties I am
> trying to help, including these guys who are
> difficult to place as FELV+.
> If anyone knows persons who might be interested in
> adopting one or two FELV+
> kittens from Tampa, Florida, please pass this along.
> Thank you all for loving FELV+ Kitties!
> -- 
> Heather

 for the edge of your seat? 
Check out tonight's top picks on Yahoo! TV.

Best Friends is dogmatic not dog friendly

2007-07-13 Thread Kelly L

I can no longer support Best Friends and their dogma...
I have had several problems about having differing opinions on their 
forum and any disagreements...very polite ones are pulled off by the 
today I posted my disappointment at best Friends not supporting the 
Spay and neuter bill, I was polite but it was my opinionI 
specifically asked at the end for Marion not to pull the post

Guess what she did pull it.
Kelly lane

From Best Friends

2007-07-13 Thread Kelly L

California’s controversial mandatory spay/neuter 
bill went down in flames this week – withdrawn 
just before it would have been voted down in the 
state senate. It will be back again next year, 
and Best Friends has some proposals as to how it should be re-framed.

That’s because, by the time it got close to being 
voted on, the bill had so many amendments and 
exemptions (including anyone who wanted to have a 
litter of puppies!) that it was no longer serving 
its purpose. More than that, if you’re going to 
have mandatory spay/neuter, then you also have to 
have low-cost easy-access spay/neuter for all the 
people who can’t otherwise get their pets fixed.

The bill is going to be reintroduced next year, 
and we’re offering to work closely with the 
authors to produce a bill that can really work 
and that can be a model for other states with similar good intentions.

the press release and news story here.

Re: OT re appetite stimulant

2007-07-13 Thread laurieskatz
I gave this to my cat Keisha 2 hours ago and she isn't eating, yet. She's 
been eating less than normal today. I think she has a temp (102.2 ~ vet tech 
said this is high and vet said it isn't..?) but vet wanted to try the 
appetite stimulant before trying antibiotics. I am going to have a long 
night until we see the vet at 10. She is my grannykitty ~ age unknown. Not 
feleuk positive.

- Original Message - 
From: "Belinda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Friday, July 13, 2007 2:52 PM
Subject: Re: stiff joints, deep sleep and anorexia ~ Isabella Qs

 Sorry Laurie, it is the appetite stimulent (Mirtazapine).  Fred is CRF 
that's why his appetite suffers sometimes, once we got his potassuim and 
phosphorus where it should be he is feeling MUCH better, no more vomiting 
or loss of appetite.  His HCT is going up and is normal again so the only 
thing that is a bother right now is his arthritis and he has muscle loss 
in his right back leg pretty bad.


happiness is being owned by cats ...


Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting & web design]

BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

Re: OT: .for Melissa re diarrhea

2007-07-13 Thread laurieskatz
Hi. Check out the yahoo IBD group. Great info there. 
It's possibly a food allergy. You might try the canned foods suggested at if making home made feels overwhelming.
Depending on size of stool and frequency, the vet should be able to determine 
if upper or lower intestine and treat accordingly. 
It sounds like your vet has a good plan.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Melissa Lind 
  Sent: Friday, July 13, 2007 12:08 PM
  Subject: RE: OT: sancturaries for special needs

  For her diarrhea, the old vet used Metrondiazole and Albon. No parasites were 
found.  The new vet tried new food (Science Diet ID) along with Clavomox. She 
also dewormed her again just in case. Ashley has gained 2 pounds in the last 
two weeks since the visit with the new vet, but her poops are the same. 
Possibly the dewormer helped.


  I just got off the phone with the vet, and she suggested that we put her back 
on her regular food that she's used to for 2 weeks. No meds. Then I'll have a 
stool sample sent to a lab for further testing (once all the meds are out of 
her system). Then we'll see what could be in her. If that doesn't work, the vet 
said we might have to do a scope. We'll see. Time will tell.


  I guess this is really not the time to try to find a home for her. I'm 
probably the best one to keep her since I know what's going on, what's been 
done, etc.


  Maybe I could just find a home for Nonie (healthy) to alleviate the stress.





  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Susan Hoffman
  Sent: Friday, July 13, 2007 12:03 PM
  Subject: Re: OT: sancturaries for special needs


  Also, what has been tried?

  Gloria Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

  I saw a nice list the other day, but can't remember where - will have to 
look.  Never heard of FORLs, what's that?   Have you tried any of the recipes 
in Dr. Pitcairn's book for her? 






  On Jul 13, 2007, at 8:40 AM, Melissa Lind wrote:

  Hi All,


  Just wondering if anyone knew of sanctuaries that will take special needs 
kitties. My poor Ashley (foster kitty) still has diarrhea, and they suspect she 
has feline odontoclastic resorptive lesions (FORLs). I want to find a good home 
for her, but right now I'm not able to find anyone around here who'll take on a 
special needs kitty. I just want her to get as much attention as she deserves.


  She's not FeLV (tested twice), and she seems healthy otherwise.


  I don't mind taking care of her, but we have 5 kitties in the house (2 that 
need homes), and now we're expecting (me, not any kitties). I'm not sure how 
we'll all fit into the house down the road. There's constant wrestling and 
fighting all night long (play fighting), and I just need to alleviate a little 
stress. I love our two foster babies, but I know we can't handle 5 forever 
(financially or emotionally) until we have a bigger home and more $!





homemade foods for cats

2007-07-13 Thread laurieskatz
See: and 
the cat nutrition site tells you everywhere to purchase ingredients. I did this 
during the food recall.

Home-Prepared Dog and Cat Diets by Donald Strombeck, DVM. Iowa State Press, 
1999. ISBN 0813821495 

Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs & Cats (includes both cooked and raw 
diets) by Richard H. Pitcairn, DVM


Re: Technical issues with FeLV/does anyone know themoderatorpersonally?

2007-07-13 Thread Susan Dubose
James is correct about Yahoo.

I have another email address w/ them, and I am finding replies to my emails 
in the "bulk" section, as well as many of my emails are beoing returned one 
& two days later "undeliverable".

This has happened to "good" email addresses, seems to mostly be affecting 
Road Runner accounts, but there have been some AOL & one ATT.

So, I am switching my client base to Road Runner, Yahoo has been very 

By the way, James, nice to meet you.

I hope you feel better soon

Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
  "As Cleopatra lay in state,
   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
   Ever guarding with sharpened claws."
 Trajan Tennent

- Original Message - 
From: "James G Wilson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2007 10:41 PM
Subject: RE: Technical issues with FeLV/does anyone know 

Hi Wendy and all,

Sorry to take so long to respond to this concern. As has
been posted, my health isn't that good. It's not bad, but it's
not good either. When there are problems between list
members, I tend to wait and let folks work it out for
themselves (unless it turns into a flame war, of course).
And, over the nearly ten years of running this list, I've only
had to ban five people for continuing to cause trouble. This
is a good list with good folk who are trying to care for their
FeLV+ cats. There maybe differences of opinion on
certain topics, but as long as everyone is respectful of
others' opinions, all is well.

Wendy, as to the problem with your Yahoo account, I'm
not sure what to say other than Yahoo has had a lot of
problems lately. They are testing various methods of
SPAM control, so we are an occasional casualty. Also, I
didn't receive your previous emails asking for assistance
because the felvtalk-owner account is deluged with SPAM
(several hundred per day now). If anyone needs me for
anything, please keep my personal email address handy:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Best wishes to everyone.

James G. Wilson - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: stiff joints, deep sleep and anorexia ~ Isabella Qs

2007-07-13 Thread Belinda
 Sorry Laurie, it is the appetite stimulent (Mirtazapine).  Fred is CRF 
that's why his appetite suffers sometimes, once we got his potassuim and 
phosphorus where it should be he is feeling MUCH better, no more 
vomiting or loss of appetite.  His HCT is going up and is normal again 
so the only thing that is a bother right now is his arthritis and he has 
muscle loss in his right back leg pretty bad.


happiness is being owned by cats ...


Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting & web design]

BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

Re: stiff joints, deep sleep and anorexia ~ Isabella Qs

2007-07-13 Thread laurieskatz

Thanks Belinda. Is that a pain killer or is that the appetite stimulant?
Sounds like the latter
Does the stiffness come and go? Does he cry out when touched?
- Original Message - 
From: "Belinda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Friday, July 13, 2007 12:33 PM
Subject: Re: stiff joints, deep sleep and anorexia ~ Isabella Qs

  Sounds like what Fred gets, Mirtazapine, it worked great for him.  He 
gained back all the weight he lost and has maintained it for over 2 
months now.  It is recommended to start at 1/8 to 1/4 of a pill every 3 
days, my vet wanted to start Fred at 1/4 but I decided to try the lower 
dose first and it was enough for Fred.  He is eating good without it 
now, I've only had to give it to him once in the last 3 weeks or so.  
his weight hovers around 9lbs 13oz and 10 pounds, he was 8lbs 4oz when 
he started taking it.


happiness is being owned by cats ...


Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting & web design]

BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

Re: Technical issues with FeLV/does anyone know the moderator personally?

2007-07-13 Thread Belinda

 Have written Jim about this today, am way behind on emails lately.

Belinda might could help you.

*/wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/* wrote:
Hi guys,
The post below is the only one out of 15 so far, according to the 
archives, that I've gotten out of this particular thread.  I have had 
two emails (July 2nd and again the 10th) sent to me asking me to 
re-enable my membership because it was disabled due to excessive 
bounces.  The first time I did it, I finally received all the bounced 
emails (literally a couple hundred from this list) over a week or so.  
I had to redo this again yesterday, but still have not received any of 
the previous bounced emails yet. 


happiness is being owned by cats ...


Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting & web design]

BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

Re: stiff joints, deep sleep and anorexia ~ Isabella Qs

2007-07-13 Thread Belinda
  Sounds like what Fred gets, Mirtazapine, it worked great for him.  He 
gained back all the weight he lost and has maintained it for over 2 
months now.  It is recommended to start at 1/8 to 1/4 of a pill every 3 
days, my vet wanted to start Fred at 1/4 but I decided to try the lower 
dose first and it was enough for Fred.  He is eating good without it 
now, I've only had to give it to him once in the last 3 weeks or so.  
his weight hovers around 9lbs 13oz and 10 pounds, he was 8lbs 4oz when 
he started taking it.


happiness is being owned by cats ...


Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting & web design]

BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

RE: OT: sancturaries for special needs

2007-07-13 Thread Melissa Lind
For her diarrhea, the old vet used Metrondiazole and Albon. No parasites
were found.  The new vet tried new food (Science Diet ID) along with
Clavomox. She also dewormed her again just in case. Ashley has gained 2
pounds in the last two weeks since the visit with the new vet, but her poops
are the same. Possibly the dewormer helped.


I just got off the phone with the vet, and she suggested that we put her
back on her regular food that she's used to for 2 weeks. No meds. Then I'll
have a stool sample sent to a lab for further testing (once all the meds are
out of her system). Then we'll see what could be in her. If that doesn't
work, the vet said we might have to do a scope. We'll see. Time will tell.


I guess this is really not the time to try to find a home for her. I'm
probably the best one to keep her since I know what's going on, what's been
done, etc.


Maybe I could just find a home for Nonie (healthy) to alleviate the stress.





[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Susan Hoffman
Sent: Friday, July 13, 2007 12:03 PM
Subject: Re: OT: sancturaries for special needs


Also, what has been tried?

Gloria Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

I saw a nice list the other day, but can't remember where - will have to
look.  Never heard of FORLs, what's that?   Have you tried any of the
recipes in Dr. Pitcairn's book for her? 






On Jul 13, 2007, at 8:40 AM, Melissa Lind wrote:

Hi All,


Just wondering if anyone knew of sanctuaries that will take special needs
kitties. My poor Ashley (foster kitty) still has diarrhea, and they suspect
she has feline odontoclastic resorptive lesions (FORLs). I want to find a
good home for her, but right now I'm not able to find anyone around here
who'll take on a special needs kitty. I just want her to get as much
attention as she deserves.


She's not FeLV (tested twice), and she seems healthy otherwise.


I don't mind taking care of her, but we have 5 kitties in the house (2 that
need homes), and now we're expecting (me, not any kitties). I'm not sure how
we'll all fit into the house down the road. There's constant wrestling and
fighting all night long (play fighting), and I just need to alleviate a
little stress. I love our two foster babies, but I know we can't handle 5
forever (financially or emotionally) until we have a bigger home and more $!





Re: OT: sancturaries for special needs

2007-07-13 Thread Susan Hoffman
Also, what has been tried?

Gloria Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  I saw a nice list the other day, but 
can't remember where - will have to look.  Never heard of FORLs, what's that?   
Have you tried any of the recipes in Dr. Pitcairn's book for her?  



On Jul 13, 2007, at 8:40 AM, Melissa Lind wrote:

  Hi All,
  Just wondering if anyone knew of sanctuaries that will take special needs 
kitties. My poor Ashley (foster kitty) still has diarrhea, and they suspect she 
has feline odontoclastic resorptive lesions (FORLs). I want to find a good home 
for her, but right now I’m not able to find anyone around here who’ll take on a 
special needs kitty. I just want her to get as much attention as she deserves.
  She’s not FeLV (tested twice), and she seems healthy otherwise.
  I don’t mind taking care of her, but we have 5 kitties in the house (2 that 
need homes), and now we’re expecting (me, not any kitties). I’m not sure how 
we’ll all fit into the house down the road. There’s constant wrestling and 
fighting all night long (play fighting), and I just need to alleviate a little 
stress. I love our two foster babies, but I know we can’t handle 5 forever 
(financially or emotionally) until we have a bigger home and more $!

RE: OT: sancturaries for special needs

2007-07-13 Thread Melissa Lind
Wow! Thanks Gloria. I'll look into this!

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Gloria B. Lane
Sent: Friday, July 13, 2007 11:35 AM
Subject: RE: OT: sancturaries for special needs

Go to and search for Pitcairn.  I've used his recipes on 
cats with diarrhea.  The one I recall had kidney beans, rice, real 
turkey, kep...  Worked very well.  Once kitty got stabilized, I 
experimented and I later switched to Nutro Lamb and Turkey (or a 
similar lamb and rice), and it worked also.


from Amazon -
"Dr. Pitcairn's New Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs and 
Cats (Paperback)
H. Pitcairn (Author), 
Hubble Pitcairn (Author) "Why don't you take care of this one?" my 
colleague asked me, with the look of someone about to unload an 
unwelcome problem..." 

Key Phrases: 
of Calcium (more...) "


At 09:02 AM 7/13/2007, you wrote:
>FORL is a disease that has caused her front teeth to fall out. At 
>least that's what the vet thinks she has; it can't be confirmed 
>without dental x-rays, but my vet's office doesn't have the right 
>equipment to take dental x-rays. Who is Dr. Pitcairn?
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Gloria Lane
>Sent: Friday, July 13, 2007 8:53 AM
>Subject: Re: OT: sancturaries for special needs
>I saw a nice list the other day, but can't remember where - will 
>have to look.  Never heard of FORLs, what's that?   Have you tried 
>any of the recipes in Dr. Pitcairn's book for her?
>On Jul 13, 2007, at 8:40 AM, Melissa Lind wrote:
>Hi All,
>Just wondering if anyone knew of sanctuaries that will take special 
>needs kitties. My poor Ashley (foster kitty) still has diarrhea, and 
>they suspect she has feline odontoclastic resorptive lesions 
>(FORLs). I want to find a good home for her, but right now I'm not 
>able to find anyone around here who'll take on a special needs 
>kitty. I just want her to get as much attention as she deserves.
>She's not FeLV (tested twice), and she seems healthy otherwise.
>I don't mind taking care of her, but we have 5 kitties in the house 
>(2 that need homes), and now we're expecting (me, not any kitties). 
>I'm not sure how we'll all fit into the house down the road. There's 
>constant wrestling and fighting all night long (play fighting), and 
>I just need to alleviate a little stress. I love our two foster 
>babies, but I know we can't handle 5 forever (financially or 
>emotionally) until we have a bigger home and more $!

RE: OT: sancturaries for special needs

2007-07-13 Thread Gloria B. Lane
Go to and search for Pitcairn.  I've used his recipes on 
cats with diarrhea.  The one I recall had kidney beans, rice, real 
turkey, kep...  Worked very well.  Once kitty got stabilized, I 
experimented and I later switched to Nutro Lamb and Turkey (or a 
similar lamb and rice), and it worked also.


from Amazon -
"Dr. Pitcairn's New Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs and 
Cats (Paperback)
H. Pitcairn (Author), 
Hubble Pitcairn (Author) "Why don't you take care of this one?" my 
colleague asked me, with the look of someone about to unload an 
unwelcome problem..." 

Key Phrases: 
of Calcium (more...) "


At 09:02 AM 7/13/2007, you wrote:
FORL is a disease that has caused her front teeth to fall out. At 
least that's what the vet thinks she has; it can't be confirmed 
without dental x-rays, but my vet's office doesn't have the right 
equipment to take dental x-rays. Who is Dr. Pitcairn?


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Gloria Lane

Sent: Friday, July 13, 2007 8:53 AM
Subject: Re: OT: sancturaries for special needs

I saw a nice list the other day, but can't remember where - will 
have to look.  Never heard of FORLs, what's that?   Have you tried 
any of the recipes in Dr. Pitcairn's book for her?


On Jul 13, 2007, at 8:40 AM, Melissa Lind wrote:

Hi All,

Just wondering if anyone knew of sanctuaries that will take special 
needs kitties. My poor Ashley (foster kitty) still has diarrhea, and 
they suspect she has feline odontoclastic resorptive lesions 
(FORLs). I want to find a good home for her, but right now I'm not 
able to find anyone around here who'll take on a special needs 
kitty. I just want her to get as much attention as she deserves.

She's not FeLV (tested twice), and she seems healthy otherwise.

I don't mind taking care of her, but we have 5 kitties in the house 
(2 that need homes), and now we're expecting (me, not any kitties). 
I'm not sure how we'll all fit into the house down the road. There's 
constant wrestling and fighting all night long (play fighting), and 
I just need to alleviate a little stress. I love our two foster 
babies, but I know we can't handle 5 forever (financially or 
emotionally) until we have a bigger home and more $!


RE: OT: sancturaries for special needs

2007-07-13 Thread Melissa Lind
FORL is a disease that has caused her front teeth to fall out. At least
that's what the vet thinks she has; it can't be confirmed without dental
x-rays, but my vet's office doesn't have the right equipment to take dental
x-rays. Who is Dr. Pitcairn?





[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Gloria Lane
Sent: Friday, July 13, 2007 8:53 AM
Subject: Re: OT: sancturaries for special needs


I saw a nice list the other day, but can't remember where - will have to
look.  Never heard of FORLs, what's that?   Have you tried any of the
recipes in Dr. Pitcairn's book for her?






On Jul 13, 2007, at 8:40 AM, Melissa Lind wrote:

Hi All,


Just wondering if anyone knew of sanctuaries that will take special needs
kitties. My poor Ashley (foster kitty) still has diarrhea, and they suspect
she has feline odontoclastic resorptive lesions (FORLs). I want to find a
good home for her, but right now I'm not able to find anyone around here
who'll take on a special needs kitty. I just want her to get as much
attention as she deserves.


She's not FeLV (tested twice), and she seems healthy otherwise.


I don't mind taking care of her, but we have 5 kitties in the house (2 that
need homes), and now we're expecting (me, not any kitties). I'm not sure how
we'll all fit into the house down the road. There's constant wrestling and
fighting all night long (play fighting), and I just need to alleviate a
little stress. I love our two foster babies, but I know we can't handle 5
forever (financially or emotionally) until we have a bigger home and more $!




RE: Technical issues with FeLV/does anyone know themoderatorpersonally?

2007-07-13 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
James, so good to hear from you; you're a real special guy. I will
always be so grateful to you for the fact that the list exists in the
first place, and was there for me when I needed it most. Sending many
good wishes for your health's improvement, 
kindest regards always,
Kerry M.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of James G Wilson
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2007 10:42 PM
Subject: RE: Technical issues with FeLV/does anyone know

Hi Wendy and all,  

Sorry to take so long to respond to this concern. As has 
been posted, my health isn't that good. It's not bad, but it's 
not good either. When there are problems between list 
members, I tend to wait and let folks work it out for 
themselves (unless it turns into a flame war, of course). 
And, over the nearly ten years of running this list, I've only 
had to ban five people for continuing to cause trouble. This 
is a good list with good folk who are trying to care for their 
FeLV+ cats. There maybe differences of opinion on 
certain topics, but as long as everyone is respectful of 
others' opinions, all is well. 

Wendy, as to the problem with your Yahoo account, I'm 
not sure what to say other than Yahoo has had a lot of 
problems lately. They are testing various methods of 
SPAM control, so we are an occasional casualty. Also, I 
didn't receive your previous emails asking for assistance 
because the felvtalk-owner account is deluged with SPAM 
(several hundred per day now). If anyone needs me for 
anything, please keep my personal email address handy: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Best wishes to everyone.

James G. Wilson - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IRS CIRCULAR 230 NOTICE. Any advice expressed above as to tax matters was 
neither written nor intended by the sender or Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP to 
be used and cannot be used by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding tax 
penalties that may be imposed under U.S. tax law. If any person uses or refers 
to any such tax advice in promoting, marketing or recommending a partnership or 
other entity, investment plan or arrangement to any taxpayer, then (i) the 
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RE: sancturaries for special needs

2007-07-13 Thread Wolf, Leah R.
Rude Ranch Animal Rescue, from which I adopted my felv+ cat Firefly, does
take in special needs cats (felv, fiv, severely injured, etc.).  They are in
Harwood, MD.
You can contact Kathy and Bob Rude at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Melissa Lind
Sent: Friday, July 13, 2007 9:40 AM
Subject: OT: sancturaries for special needs

Hi All,


Just wondering if anyone knew of sanctuaries that will take special needs
kitties. My poor Ashley (foster kitty) still has diarrhea, and they suspect
she has feline odontoclastic resorptive lesions (FORLs). I want to find a
good home for her, but right now I'm not able to find anyone around here
who'll take on a special needs kitty. I just want her to get as much
attention as she deserves. 


She's not FeLV (tested twice), and she seems healthy otherwise.


I don't mind taking care of her, but we have 5 kitties in the house (2 that
need homes), and now we're expecting (me, not any kitties). I'm not sure how
we'll all fit into the house down the road. There's constant wrestling and
fighting all night long (play fighting), and I just need to alleviate a
little stress. I love our two foster babies, but I know we can't handle 5
forever (financially or emotionally) until we have a bigger home and more $!



Re: OT: sancturaries for special needs

2007-07-13 Thread Gloria Lane
I saw a nice list the other day, but can't remember where - will have  
to look.  Never heard of FORLs, what's that?   Have you tried any of  
the recipes in Dr. Pitcairn's book for her?


On Jul 13, 2007, at 8:40 AM, Melissa Lind wrote:

Hi All,

Just wondering if anyone knew of sanctuaries that will take special  
needs kitties. My poor Ashley (foster kitty) still has diarrhea,  
and they suspect she has feline odontoclastic resorptive lesions  
(FORLs). I want to find a good home for her, but right now I’m not  
able to find anyone around here who’ll take on a special needs  
kitty. I just want her to get as much attention as she deserves.

She’s not FeLV (tested twice), and she seems healthy otherwise.

I don’t mind taking care of her, but we have 5 kitties in the house  
(2 that need homes), and now we’re expecting (me, not any kitties).  
I’m not sure how we’ll all fit into the house down the road.  
There’s constant wrestling and fighting all night long (play  
fighting), and I just need to alleviate a little stress. I love our  
two foster babies, but I know we can’t handle 5 forever  
(financially or emotionally) until we have a bigger home and more $!


Re: Technical issues with FeLV/does anyone know the moderatorpersonally?

2007-07-13 Thread TatorBunz
Hi James!
Nice to hear from you it's been awhile.
Glad your doing okay with your health.
I hope you continue to thrive well.
Always look forward hearing from you  anyway!
I have been on this group since 2001 I believe. 
I have seen a lot come and go but will stay on this group for  how ever long 
because you never know.
There are some good and loving people on this group. I know  there are some 
of us that lurk and read the postings. But we are still  here.
Information to this group is vital whether it is Felv or not. 
Majority has something to do with cat illnesses  anyway.
I can honestly say this is a great support group as  well.
I'm not bother by the off the subject questions or comments. At  times we 
need to ask or even vent some.
Those of you that remember I said in the past when the day  comes for the 
cure for Felv I will celebrate by eating cheesecake when we  meet.
(I can't stand cheesecake)
Will eat it for joy and for my Taz.
In a message dated 7/12/2007 8:44:09 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time,  

Hi Wendy  and all,  

Sorry to take so long to respond to this concern. As  has 
been posted, my health isn't that good. It's not bad, but it's 
not  good either. When there are problems between list 
members, I tend to wait  and let folks work it out for 
themselves (unless it turns into a flame  war, of course). 
And, over the nearly ten years of running this list, I've  only 
had to ban five people for continuing to cause trouble. This 
is a  good list with good folk who are trying to care for their 
FeLV+ cats.  There maybe differences of opinion on 
certain topics, but as long as  everyone is respectful of 
others' opinions, all is well. 

Wendy, as  to the problem with your Yahoo account, I'm 
not sure what to say other  than Yahoo has had a lot of 
problems lately. They are testing various  methods of 
SPAM control, so we are an occasional casualty. Also, I  
didn't receive your previous emails asking for assistance 
because the  felvtalk-owner account is deluged with SPAM 
(several hundred per day now).  If anyone needs me for 
anything, please keep my personal email address  handy: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Best wishes to everyone.

James G.  Wilson -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Terrie Mohr-Forker

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OT: sancturaries for special needs

2007-07-13 Thread Melissa Lind
Hi All,


Just wondering if anyone knew of sanctuaries that will take special needs
kitties. My poor Ashley (foster kitty) still has diarrhea, and they suspect
she has feline odontoclastic resorptive lesions (FORLs). I want to find a
good home for her, but right now I'm not able to find anyone around here
who'll take on a special needs kitty. I just want her to get as much
attention as she deserves. 


She's not FeLV (tested twice), and she seems healthy otherwise.


I don't mind taking care of her, but we have 5 kitties in the house (2 that
need homes), and now we're expecting (me, not any kitties). I'm not sure how
we'll all fit into the house down the road. There's constant wrestling and
fighting all night long (play fighting), and I just need to alleviate a
little stress. I love our two foster babies, but I know we can't handle 5
forever (financially or emotionally) until we have a bigger home and more $!

