Re: [Felvtalk] chemmo for Pupa

2008-10-20 Thread dlgegg
Hello,  i don't know about cats, but i had perpherial t cell lymphoma and had 
the same chemotherapy you mentioned plus a couple of others.  none of them did 
anything but make my hemoglobin drop to 3.4.  at the end of 2 or 3 years of 
chemo, stopped treatments, did no good.  then a year later i went into 
remission all on my own.  now 5 years cancer free. i also did vitamins and 
minerals along with the chemo.  oncologist went along with me and even said 
would write prescription if had to go into hospital. if my experience can 
compare, if side effects get too bad, stop treatment.  not worth the suffering. 
 i would try Dr. Susan Maier, a holistic vet and go with vitamin and mineral 
therapy along with the chemo and then if you drop chemo, vitamins will have 
Pupa in better shape than without.there is another holistic vet someone 
told about.  they do phone consultations.  check with your state veterinarian 
association for local holistic vets.  others have mentioned l lysine, vitamin 
c.  other answers will come .  dorils
 hebert ferrarezzi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> Olá amigos,
> As already told, Pupa (8 years old) was tested FeLV+ in January/2008 and 
> diagnosed with lymploma (large cell type) at the submandibular lymphnode in 
> april. Since then, she has been treated with Staphylococcal Protein A and has 
> recovered very well from severe thrombocytopenia and  neutropenia.  The 
> lymphoma had an apparent short time of remission but returned in a persistent 
> constant slow growth. 
> A chemmo protocol using L-asparaginase+Prednisone was initiated and 
> interrupted after 3 weeks since no effect was noted. A recent 
> ultrasonographic image exam showed a large and encapsulated tumor. 
> Considering that Pupa upholds good red/white BCC, I decided to begin a more 
> aggressive chemmo protocol (COP: cyclophosphamide, vincristine, predinisone) 
> two weeks ago.  
> The response was surprisingly: five days after the first COP session, the 
> tumor reduced to an unstructured mass, and at the eighth day, when the second 
> vincristine injection was done, no sign of it could be founded by touch 
> inspection. The vets were astonished such a rapid remission and we are 
> praying so that thus remains for a long long time. The third chemmo session 
> is to be tomorrow, after checking the results of her new hematological exam.
> My question, I hope you could help me by previous experience or knowledge 
> about, is: 
> Should I have to shorten the protocol or at least reduce the drugs dosage (in 
> order to avoid the side effects that are beginning to appear)?
> Any information will be very welcome,
> Many thanksSincerely...
> Hebert 
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Re: [Felvtalk] New to group

2008-10-20 Thread Saehwa Kang
Oops, truncated message.
She tested 30% positive (small, faded dot) at 9 weeks.

Same at 11 weeks.

Then retested at 5.5 months old- positive again.

All 3 were the Elisa test. 

Then our vet recommended the PCR test, which he says can detect even minute 
amounts of the virus, and is more accurate than the IFA.

Test results came back-- she is negative! We believe this is a miracle, as we 
didn't hold out much hope she'd turn positive. 

So it does happen. My Dad has been feeding her EVO, and also probiotics. She is 
indoors only, up to date on her combo shot, dewormed, and really healthy 
otherwise. She had a poor appetite though for the most part. She is completely 
isolated from the other kittens we rescued, and my Dad is super vigilant about 
washing hands, keeping all areas and bedding, food, etc. separate...

-Original Message-
From: Saehwa Kang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sun, 19 Oct 2008 6:44 pm
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] New to group

I just joined the group and got some good news this past Friday. Lola,  
the 6 month old feral kitten we resued tested positive on the ELISA  
test at 9 weeks, 11 weeks,

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 19, 2008, at 10:17 AM, catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I've been mixing *except kittens* for nearly 15 years now.  I've  
> never had it transferred.  Your cats should not have a problem.   
> Good luck!
>  tonya
et> wrote:
>  Hello,
> I have to say this is a very enlightening forum. I have learned so  
> much
> from you all! I found a stray 2 months ago at work who was in  
> terrible condition,
> near death, starving, fleas, worms, etc. She had a 'tipped' ear and  
> I found out
> later she was an Indy Feral cat who was in the TNR program. Don't  
> know whether
> she was actually 'feral' though, but I doubt it because she has  
> become quite lovable.
> Had her tested at a low cost clinic and was +. The vet there said  
> her teeth didn't
> look so good and that was typical in feral cats.
> When I took her to my regular vet, he somehow neglected to even look  
> in her
> mouth and he said as a + she'd live a couple months to a year,  
> giving a very grim
> diagnosis. I tried not to prod at her too much at first since she  
> was in such a
> delicate condition, but about a week after the vet appt, I noticed  
> she was missing
> all of her tiny teeth on the top and all but one of the little ones  
> on the bottom. I was
> horrified and it was then realized that my vet hadn't even looked in  
> her mouth.
> After nursing her back to health, she has become very healthy except  
> for some
> sneezing spells every now and then. This does worry me because  
> sometimes
> mucus comes out. She had extreme uncontrollable diarrhea
> when I first got her, which after using fortiflora for a month  0A> helped a 
> lot, but did
> not cure it completely. For the last week I have been feeding her a  
> raw chicken
> diet (I have been feeding my other 3 cats this diet since February  
> with amazing results)
> and her diarrhea is completely gone.
> So she's been in my bathroom isolated from my other cats this entire  
> time, and she
> really does seem to be happy there but I hate to keep them  
> separated. I am getting
> ready to take her to the vet again to have her teeth checked out  
> because her breath
> is really terrible (seeing a different vet there though). I am  
> worried about stressing her
> out by taking her to the vet and I know they will recommend a  
> cleaning which will
> probably stress her even more, but having an unhealthy mouth would  
> be worse on
> her than the experience of a cleaning. Right?
> I have 3 other (negative) cats, 2 are adults and one is about 1 year  
> and 5 months
> (I guess you'd call her an adult, she did just have her 2nd dose of  
> the felv vax) These
> 2 vets say they would absolutely NOT mix.
> My question to all of you who mix is: Have any of your negatives  
> become + ?? Any advice
> would be greatly appreciated.
> Tracey
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Re: [Felvtalk] chemmo for Pupa

2008-10-20 Thread hebert ferrarezzi
Thank you Belinda, 
Thank you Michele,
These informations will be very usefull to guide my decisions. 
I will join to the feline-lymphoma group today.
Pupa is running well.
I'm glad to be here with you.
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Re: [Felvtalk] chemmo for Pupa

2008-10-20 Thread Belinda Sauro
Hi Herbert,
  Also I forgot to mention most kitties are on the initial protocol for 
anywhere from 6 months to a year, where they get chemo weekly or 
bi-weekly depending on the protocol being used, then they go to a 
maintenance protocol which is usually once every 3 week to once a month.


happiness is being owned by cats ...

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] chemmo for Pupa

2008-10-20 Thread Belinda Sauro
  Hi Herbert,
I belong to a feline lymphoma group and almost all of the kitties 
positive or negative that have stayed in remission the longest have 
stayed on chemo anywhere from 1 to 2 years, those being on it longer 
doing better.  What most vets usually do is follow certain protocols 
especially if the cat goes into remission.  You can find more info to 
print out for your vets here:

You may want to join the group it is very informative and supportive:


happiness is being owned by cats ...

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