Re: FDA information regarding meat vs. meat meal/was interesting info on the felidae correction

2007-03-17 Thread gg
Hi Phaewryn,

Whoops, I should have checked the link!  Here is the updated link:

Kind regards,


FeLV/FIV cats and a bunch of other stuff:

  - Original Message - 
  From: gg 
  Sent: Saturday, March 17, 2007 10:18 PM
  Subject: FDA information regarding meat vs. meat meal/was interesting info on 
the felidae website..

  Hi Phaewryn,

  Do you know where you learned this? When I was investigating Pet Food labels 
(since 99), this is the information that I found in 2000 and haven't found any 
reliable source that disagrees.


  by David A. Dzanis, D.V.M., Ph.D., DACVN

  ..."For example, one pet food may list "meat" as its first ingredient, and 
"corn" as its second. The manufacturer doesn't hesitate to point out that its 
competitor lists "corn" first ("meat meal" is second), suggesting the 
competitor's product has less animal-source protein than its own. However, meat 
is very high in moisture (approximately 75 percent water). On the other hand, 
water and fat are removed from meat meal, so it is only 10 percent moisture 
(what's left is mostly protein and minerals). If we could compare both products 
on a dry matter basis (mathematically "remove" the water from both 
ingredients), one could see that the second product had more animal-source 
protein from meat meal than the first product had from meat, even though the 
ingredient list suggests otherwise."

  Kind regards,


  FeLV/FIV cats and a bunch of other stuff:

FDA information regarding meat vs. meat meal/was interesting info on the felidae website..

2007-03-17 Thread gg
Hi Phaewryn,

Do you know where you learned this? When I was investigating Pet Food labels 
(since 99), this is the information that I found in 2000 and haven't found any 
reliable source that disagrees.

by David A. Dzanis, D.V.M., Ph.D., DACVN

..."For example, one pet food may list "meat" as its first ingredient, and 
"corn" as its second. The manufacturer doesn't hesitate to point out that its 
competitor lists "corn" first ("meat meal" is second), suggesting the 
competitor's product has less animal-source protein than its own. However, meat 
is very high in moisture (approximately 75 percent water). On the other hand, 
water and fat are removed from meat meal, so it is only 10 percent moisture 
(what's left is mostly protein and minerals). If we could compare both products 
on a dry matter basis (mathematically "remove" the water from both 
ingredients), one could see that the second product had more animal-source 
protein from meat meal than the first product had from meat, even though the 
ingredient list suggests otherwise."

Kind regards,


FeLV/FIV cats and a bunch of other stuff:

Re: Update on Slinky

2007-03-17 Thread elizabeth trent

I'm so glad you've got some help with this and people who love you and

hugs and love right back.  Keep us posted.

On 3/17/07, Marissa Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi all.  First of all, thank you SO MUCH for all of your advice, help, and
support  It's done me worlds of good!!  I can't remember what all I've
already posted and what I haven't (esp. cuz I've told so many people all the
details that it's all getting a bit jumbled), so if some of this is repeat,
forgive me.

Slinky has never stopped eating entirely.  He's been eating his dry Innova
Evo like crazy...just wouldn't eat the raw I usually feed him.  He's also
been drinking quite a bit and using his litter box regularly (and no
diarrhea).  I got some sub-q fluids at the vet yesterday (they didn't really
think it would help but gave them to me anyway), but didn't end up using

When I went to bed last night his temp was 103.6, so I just syringe-fed
him some ice water, wiped him down with a cold washcloth, and opened the
window.  He ate several times during the night (I had his dish with the dry
food on my bed next to my pillow, so I heard him when he started eating, and
his water glass - only thing he'd drink out of - is next to my bed), drank,
and used the litter box.  He felt cool to the touch to me all night (when
he's had high fevers, he's usually been very hot) and this morning, so I
didn't even take his temp.

But, after reading all of your posts about transfusions, anemia, etc. I
noted that his gums were VERY pale, and I thought his breathing and heart
seemed a bit fast (though I'd never really paid attention before so wasn't
sure how abnormal they were), so I decided to take him in this morning.

Let me first say that I have the BEST "chosen family" in the entire
universe!!  I called my "sister" this morning because she said she was
getting together with the 2 "dads" (it's complicated but you get the idea)
and did I want to come.  I called to tell her I couldn't go and why and she
recommended I take Slink to a 24 hour animal hospital in DC (she took her
dog there and both of the dads took their cats and dogs there as well).  So
we headed out to see what they could do.

I had called the hospital and they said they could do a payment plan.  But
it turns out that what they have is a credit card you can apply for, but I
applied for one through my bank this morning and was denied.  The visit
alone was going to be $110, but I figured I could at least find out what my
options were.  When I walked in, I said that my cat had FeLV and was very
anemic, his gums were almost white..they came and took him back and started
checking him even before they had all my ID info (I figured this was a good
sign - they were serious about getting him taken care of!).

When we got there, his temp was 106!!!  That's the highest it's ever
been!  I gave them the results from the clinic on Wed (the ones I posted
earlier) and they ran a PCV.  They said his RBC was at 12 and Wed. it had
been at 14...but since they were different machines and different types of
tests they were hard to compare but figured the numbers were fairly
comparable - at least it wasn't plummeting.  They said about the only option
was a transfusion and broad-spectrum antibiotics...but for all of that we
were looking at probably about $1000 (the transfusion plus overnight stay,
tests, etc.).  They're a little higher than most because it's a 24 hour
hospital, but I figured the other places would end up being about the same
with all the tests, etc.

The doctor said she had had a cat that was FeLV+ who lived to be about 5
and then got really I knew that at least she was familiar with the
disease and was not going to write him off because of his label.  That made
me feel TONS better!!!  She continued to say that his long-term prognosis is
not great, but that it was worth trying the transfusion if I could spend the

I called my "sister" in hysterics not at all sure what to do.  She came
over immediately and said if I wanted to do it, she'd pay for it if
necessary.  She doesn't have THAT much more money than I do though, so I
wasn't crazy about that idea.  But while I was waiting for her to come, I
had called one of the "dads" who has 2 cats and recently spent $3500 on
surgery for one of them.  Despite the fact that he was running a million
errands to get ready for a big trip, he said he'd be there in 20 minutes.

When he got there, he looked at the estimates, talked to the doctor, and
said, "we can put it on my card."  I said, "I don't know when I can pay you
back" and he just said, "we'll figure that out someday."  In other words, I
can pay him back slowly and he's not going to stress about it.  I really
considered not doing the transfusion, but Slinky was very alert, was walking
around the exam room and looking around like, "Hey mom!  Let's go home and
PLAY!"  Everyone says that when they're done fighting, they'll tell you and
I knew he wasn't done.

Re: Slinky - latest update

2007-03-17 Thread elizabeth trent

Thank you so much for keeping us posted - so glad you have some good news.
All good thoughts and prayers to you and Slinky.

On 3/17/07, Marissa Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi again!  The hospital just called and said the transfusion is done and
he's doing well.  HALLELUJAH  It took 5 hours - a little longer than
usual cuz they went slowly, but it went well.  They said his gums are a
little pinker and his heart rate and breathing are strong.  His temp was a
little high (103 - which after 106 is NOTHING!), but they're running an IV
with ice water to bring it down.  They said he's been munching on his food a
bit (yay!) and he has water and they're giving him fluids.  He looks good
and is stable.  :)

I told them I might call if I wake up and they gave me the name of the
doctor who'll be with him tonight.  I told the tech to give him a kiss for
me and she said she'd be back in the morning and looks forward to seeing

Too early to know how much it's helped, but they'll run another CBC in the
morning and we'll go from there.  I plan to at least stop in on my way to
church...and may stay depending on how he's doing.  Maybe I could even take
him home after church if he's doing well.  :)

Re: my family.  Yes, they are AMAZING  My "real" dad (biological, the
one i lived with growing up) does think I"m crazy!  I haven't told him yet
that I did the transfusion but he kept saying that i should save the money
for my next cat!  GEESH!!!  But this "chosen dad" really gets it and really
wanted to help.  He's always been there when I've needed him most!

I'm just SO RELIEVED to know he's doing well!!!  I think I might actually
sleep tonight - for the first time in 3 nights!  He's a fighter and it looks
like he's gonna win this one!  I hope it will buy us much more time
together, and time to figure out some other strategies.

This hospital is incredible - they have 17 vets on staff not counting
specialists, techs, and the wellness team!  And they really seem on top of
the care and are very sensitive to the owners - kept preparing me for seeing
him in isolation with a gown on, etc. and made sure to call and update me.
So I'm thankful to have a great hospital, incredible family, and one AMAZING
furbaby!!!  Be encouraged: miracles DO happen!  Praise God!!  :)

Thanks again for all your support!  Hang in there everyone.

Hugs for all the fur kids!


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Slinky - latest update

2007-03-17 Thread Marissa Johnson
Hi again!  The hospital just called and said the transfusion is done and he's 
doing well.  HALLELUJAH  It took 5 hours - a little longer than usual cuz 
they went slowly, but it went well.  They said his gums are a little pinker and 
his heart rate and breathing are strong.  His temp was a little high (103 - 
which after 106 is NOTHING!), but they're running an IV with ice water to bring 
it down.  They said he's been munching on his food a bit (yay!) and he has 
water and they're giving him fluids.  He looks good and is stable.  :)
  I told them I might call if I wake up and they gave me the name of the doctor 
who'll be with him tonight.  I told the tech to give him a kiss for me and she 
said she'd be back in the morning and looks forward to seeing me.  
  Too early to know how much it's helped, but they'll run another CBC in the 
morning and we'll go from there.  I plan to at least stop in on my way to 
church...and may stay depending on how he's doing.  Maybe I could even take him 
home after church if he's doing well.  :)
  Re: my family.  Yes, they are AMAZING  My "real" dad (biological, the one 
i lived with growing up) does think I"m crazy!  I haven't told him yet that I 
did the transfusion but he kept saying that i should save the money for my next 
cat!  GEESH!!!  But this "chosen dad" really gets it and really wanted to help. 
 He's always been there when I've needed him most!  
  I'm just SO RELIEVED to know he's doing well!!!  I think I might actually 
sleep tonight - for the first time in 3 nights!  He's a fighter and it looks 
like he's gonna win this one!  I hope it will buy us much more time together, 
and time to figure out some other strategies.  
  This hospital is incredible - they have 17 vets on staff not counting 
specialists, techs, and the wellness team!  And they really seem on top of the 
care and are very sensitive to the owners - kept preparing me for seeing him in 
isolation with a gown on, etc. and made sure to call and update me.  So I'm 
thankful to have a great hospital, incredible family, and one AMAZING 
furbaby!!!  Be encouraged: miracles DO happen!  Praise God!!  :)
  Thanks again for all your support!  Hang in there everyone.
  Hugs for all the fur kids!

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with Yahoo! Mail for Mobile. Get started.

Re: Need to place Chief ASAP

2007-03-17 Thread Sheila208
My heart goes out to you. I know what it's like to have to protect and 
care for a geriatric cat and how hard it is to make the decision to part with 
any animal that you have loved and cared for. You have to do what you think is 
best and know that majority of the kind people in this group supports you.

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 Find out more about what's free from AOL at

Re: Update on Slinky

2007-03-17 Thread wendy

What a fantastic post!  I can't believe it!  So many
people are constrained by money.  Your dad must be an
angel to do this for you, because my dad would tell me
I was crazy!  lol.  So happy that Slinky has a
fighting chance.  And happy that you found a place to
care for him that you feel good about.  That is SO

Have a wonderful evening, and please keep us posted.

--- Marissa Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi all.  First of all, thank you SO MUCH for all of
> your advice, help, and support  It's done me
> worlds of good!!  I can't remember what all I've
> already posted and what I haven't (esp. cuz I've
> told so many people all the details that it's all
> getting a bit jumbled), so if some of this is
> repeat, forgive me.
>   Slinky has never stopped eating entirely.  He's
> been eating his dry Innova Evo like crazy...just
> wouldn't eat the raw I usually feed him.  He's also
> been drinking quite a bit and using his litter box
> regularly (and no diarrhea).  I got some sub-q
> fluids at the vet yesterday (they didn't really
> think it would help but gave them to me anyway), but
> didn't end up using them.  
>   When I went to bed last night his temp was 103.6,
> so I just syringe-fed him some ice water, wiped him
> down with a cold washcloth, and opened the window. 
> He ate several times during the night (I had his
> dish with the dry food on my bed next to my pillow,
> so I heard him when he started eating, and his water
> glass - only thing he'd drink out of - is next to my
> bed), drank, and used the litter box.  He felt cool
> to the touch to me all night (when he's had high
> fevers, he's usually been very hot) and this
> morning, so I didn't even take his temp.
>   But, after reading all of your posts about
> transfusions, anemia, etc. I noted that his gums
> were VERY pale, and I thought his breathing and
> heart seemed a bit fast (though I'd never really
> paid attention before so wasn't sure how abnormal
> they were), so I decided to take him in this
> morning. 
>   Let me first say that I have the BEST "chosen
> family" in the entire universe!!  I called my
> "sister" this morning because she said she was
> getting together with the 2 "dads" (it's complicated
> but you get the idea) and did I want to come.  I
> called to tell her I couldn't go and why and she
> recommended I take Slink to a 24 hour animal
> hospital in DC (she took her dog there and both of
> the dads took their cats and dogs there as well). 
> So we headed out to see what they could do.
>   I had called the hospital and they said they could
> do a payment plan.  But it turns out that what they
> have is a credit card you can apply for, but I
> applied for one through my bank this morning and was
> denied.  The visit alone was going to be $110, but I
> figured I could at least find out what my options
> were.  When I walked in, I said that my cat had FeLV
> and was very anemic, his gums were almost
> white..they came and took him back and started
> checking him even before they had all my ID info (I
> figured this was a good sign - they were serious
> about getting him taken care of!).  
>   When we got there, his temp was 106!!!  That's the
> highest it's ever been!  I gave them the results
> from the clinic on Wed (the ones I posted earlier)
> and they ran a PCV.  They said his RBC was at 12 and
> Wed. it had been at 14...but since they were
> different machines and different types of tests they
> were hard to compare but figured the numbers were
> fairly comparable - at least it wasn't plummeting. 
> They said about the only option was a transfusion
> and broad-spectrum antibiotics...but for all of that
> we were looking at probably about $1000 (the
> transfusion plus overnight stay, tests, etc.). 
> They're a little higher than most because it's a 24
> hour hospital, but I figured the other places would
> end up being about the same with all the tests, etc.
>   The doctor said she had had a cat that was FeLV+
> who lived to be about 5 and then got really
> I knew that at least she was familiar with
> the disease and was not going to write him off
> because of his label.  That made me feel TONS
> better!!!  She continued to say that his long-term
> prognosis is not great, but that it was worth trying
> the transfusion if I could spend the money.
>   I called my "sister" in hysterics not at all sure
> what to do.  She came over immediately and said if I
> wanted to do it, she'd pay for it if necessary.  She
> doesn't have THAT much more money than I do though,
> so I wasn't crazy about that idea.  But while I was
> waiting for her to come, I had called one of the
> "dads" who has 2 cats and recently spent $3500 on
> surgery for one of them.  Despite the fact that he
> was running a million errands to get ready for a big
> trip, he said he'd be there in 20 minutes.  
>   When he got there, he looked at the estimates,

RE: pics to share

2007-03-17 Thread Debbie
Maizee Grace sure was pretty. It’s wonderful that you have taken in FIV
positives. Most of our cats have been hand raised. Someone threw them in a
trash dumpster as babies. Four still had their eyes shut and the unbilical
cords on. I think ours look small compared to your group. We had a big cat
called Bagheera. He weighed 23+ pounds, but he went out one day and we think
a coyote may have got him. He lived with us for 2 years. I had found him at
the airport where I worked. 

We live in Ohio in the country. I have always loved cats. I think they have
it so rough a lot of times. Of course ours our treated pretty good. : ) 

I looked at all your pictures and really did enjoy them. All the cats are
beautiful, so fluffy. How do you keep the fur so nice?  We have 14
altogether. Three are long haired, but the rest are short. 




-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Sherry DeHaan
Sent: Saturday, March 17, 2007 11:09 PM
Subject: RE: pics to share


Debbie,the calico was my sweet Maizee Grace that I lost to felv Nov 2005.She
was my baby girl,I only had her in my life for  13 and a half months but she
taught me so much. she is the reason for me meeting new friends here and at
the 2 cat sanctuaries that I volunteer at.All my boys are from Sids cat
sanctuary. All of the are fiv+ except for Tristan the orange and white
boy.He originaly was tested positive for felv,but over a year and a half
later was retested neg for anything.Now he is with me. :) THanks to Maizee I
have these wonderful babies.

Debbie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Thanks for looking at the pics. The black and white is called Frodo. He is
way too fat I’m afraid. I just looked at yours and they are beautiful! I
love the calico. How many do you have?


I love looking at cat pics. Yours are fantastic shots. Look professional.




-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Sherry DeHaan
Sent: Saturday, March 17, 2007 10:23 PM
Subject: Re: pics to share


Hi Debbie,you have a very nice furry family.I love the fluffy black and
white baby.Here is a link to my fur kids.


Thanks for sharing,

Debbie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Just uploaded some pictures of our furry family. Let me know what you think.
The yellow Tabby is Elsa. She is the baby we had to bury recently. I miss




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Re: Need to place Chief ASAP

2007-03-17 Thread Gloria Lane
Just want to say I'm sorry that you've had a bad feeling about the  
responses you've gotten.  I haven't been following all the posts, but  
we've always had such a nice, supportive group, and wish it could be  
that for you.  I hope you can find a place for your sweet kitty.   
it's hard to judge someone else's life, you just never know what's  
going on, and the real difficulties that can be there when someone  
needs to relinquish a beloved kitty.

Hope you can hang in there.  Sending you lots of good vibes, hoping  
that a wonderful home appears.


On Mar 17, 2007, at 10:45 PM, Stephanie E Caldwell wrote:


I’ve offered anyone to email me privately to learn more about my  
situation. Instead you choose to belittle and question me on a  
public list.

I’m 24 years old and moving out on my own for the first time.

I work in a family business and am required to give 6 months  
notice. The family business won’t support me on my own…

So, I took a second 3rd shift job f/t that pays okay with benefits.

I also work off my board at the farm for the one remaining horse  
I’m keeping.

The cats don’t get along. It’s been 2 years and my geriatric cat is  
still terrified of him. They must be separated. No way, shape, or  
form can they live together. She’s FIV+ with heart problems, a  
growth on her spine, skin problems, and a herniated diaphragm. I’ve  
had her since the day she was born, and I owned her mother before  

And, the hours I work caring for 2 cats is going to be hard… very  
hard. If I can foster him for a year then I’ll be working one job  
when I take him back and it would be better for all of us involved.


-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:felvtalk- 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Susan Hoffman

Sent: Saturday, March 17, 2007 7:28 PM
Subject: Re: RE: Need to place Chief ASAP

I can't help but wonder if there's more going on than that...

Two cats are not that expensive to feed.  I feed a lot more.  Also,  
I'm gone 65-70 hours during the week with my job and commute yet  
people who adopt my foster cats (and who visit my personal cats)  
always comment on how well socialized they are.  And I have been  
very poor at different times during my life (on unemployment and  
food stamps in San Francisco in the 1980s) but I worked through  
it.  So I tend to think there is more going on than lack of money,  
needing a smaller cheaper apartment, and two cats to feed..

If you can find a better placement for the FeLV cat, great, but it  
is really hard to place a cat with F-anything (FeLV, FIV, etc.)  If  
you want to ensure a good forever home, then it can take months and  
months before the cat is placed.

By all means, pursue it.  But I don't  see rehoming one cat as a  
quick fix.

Can you get a better job, rather than working for hours?  Improve  
your software skills, polish your resume -- in short, work smarter,  
not harder?



I believe you might need to reread my messages.

He's being neutered at a vet I trust. I have NOT griped over the  
price or the procedure. I trust this vet, and he's good friends  
with my large animal vet. He's an excellent vet. I'm not changing  
vets to save a few dollars.

It's the day in day out cost of having 2 cats and the fact that I'm  
scheduled to work 80+ hours and he's a very people oriented cat. He  
needs a home where people are for a while...

> From: Susan Hoffman
> Date: 2007/03/16 Fri PM 10:09:23 EST
> To:
> Subject: RE: Need to place Chief ASAP
> You can't afford to overpay on anything, including a neuter, and  
it's really hard to find a placement, permanent or foster, for an  
unaltered male cat. It takes time after the neuter to get the  
testosterone out of a cat's system and anyone considering taking  
him in will be concerned with agression and spraying and other  
behaviors that are common in unnaltered male cats. You will have a  
much easier time placing him if he is already fixed.

> If the neuter is already paid for, by all means get him in and  
get it done as soon as possible. Or, if you can get the money back,  
check around for something cheaper. You don't mention where in NC  
you are. (My mom's in Hendersonville.) Let me know the town/city  
and I can check around to see what resources may be available.

> Stephanie E Caldwell wrote:
> st1\:*{behavior:url(#default#ieooui) }st2\:*{behavior:url 
(#default#ieooui) } Susan,

> I never said I can’t afford to neuter him. I said I WOULD neuter  
him if someone can take him.

> My other cat is very old and doesn’t like him. He gets along  
fine. It’s the FIV+ that’s the problem.

> I’m in North Carolina and he has a vet appt that is paid for to  
be fixed.

> I can’t afford to feed all of us and get a big enough apartment.
> Steph
> -Original Message-
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:felvtalk-

Re: Questions on Interferon

2007-03-17 Thread Gloria Lane
After my interferon is mixed, I put it in small containers and freeze  
it.  I've read that you can freeze it once.  Once unfrozen, I think  
it lasts 30 days, but I could be off on that - maybe it's 60 days,  
I'm sure somebody knows.

There are many different PRICES for interferon alpha - ranging from  
very high to low, depending on the vet.  I now get it for $15 for a  
large bottle (about 30 ml, I think?)

It serves as an immune system modulator, and works very well for me,  
in some circumstances.  I do daily low dose oral interferon with some  
FELV cats.  I don't do the on =off that some people do.

Best of luck,


On Mar 16, 2007, at 9:10 PM, C & J wrote:

The Vet had another look at Tomi today, a week after his  
transfusion, and gave me a 500ML bottle of Interferon Alfa-2B 30ui/ 
ml, that they had just received.

His blood count was 17, up from 16 on Monday, which isn't as much  
as the vet was hoping for, so Tomi's supposed to stay on Prednisone  
for another week at one pill a day (he's been getting 2 a day so  
far).  Now I shouldn't be giving him the Interferon until he is  
done taking Prednisone right?  The vet said I should probably wait,  
but wasn't positive as I don't think she's very familiar with  
Interferon treatment.

Another thing, I read something about freezing Interferon.  My  
bottle just says on it to keep refrigerated.  Will the Interferon  
last for months just being refrigerated?

Thanks for all the info being shared here, i've learned a lot in  
the past week.  The tip on baby food was a lifesaver, as he's being  
a very picky eater this last week, turning his nose up even at  
tuna.  The baby food he seems to like though.

Re: slinky update

2007-03-17 Thread wendy
great marissa!  now you have some time to fight this
damn anemia!  Go Slinky!


--- Marissa Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> slink is having transfusion now. not sure how he
> will
> react but we are trying. a wonderful friend is
> helping
> w the bill. sending from my phone so this is brief.
> will send more details later. i could not feel
> better
> about the hospital i an at. they are wonderful and
> the
> dr had a pos cat herself. please send positive
> thoughts and prayers for slink. thanks!

> Don't pick lemons.
> See all the new 2007 cars at Yahoo! Autos.


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RE: pics to share

2007-03-17 Thread Sherry DeHaan
Debbie,the calico was my sweet Maizee Grace that I lost to felv Nov 2005.She 
was my baby girl,I only had her in my life for  13 and a half months but she 
taught me so much. she is the reason for me meeting new friends here and at the 
2 cat sanctuaries that I volunteer at.All my boys are from Sids cat sanctuary. 
All of the are fiv+ except for Tristan the orange and white boy.He originaly 
was tested positive for felv,but over a year and a half later was retested neg 
for anything.Now he is with me. :) THanks to Maizee I have these wonderful 

Debbie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Thanks for looking at the pics. The black and white is called Frodo. He is 
way too fat I’m afraid. I just looked at yours and they are beautiful! I love 
the calico. How many do you have?
  I love looking at cat pics. Yours are fantastic shots. Look professional.
  -Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Sherry DeHaan
Sent: Saturday, March 17, 2007 10:23 PM
Subject: Re: pics to share
Hi Debbie,you have a very nice furry family.I love the fluffy black and 
white baby.Here is a link to my fur kids.

Thanks for sharing,

Debbie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  Just uploaded some pictures of our furry family. Let me know what you 
think. The yellow Tabby is Elsa. She is the baby we had to bury recently. I 
miss her.


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Version: 7.5.446 / Virus Database: 268.18.12/724 - Release Date: 3/16/2007 
12:12 PM


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RE: RE: Need to place Chief ASAP

2007-03-17 Thread Stephanie E Caldwell
I've offered anyone to email me privately to learn more about my
situation. Instead you choose to belittle and question me on a public
I'm 24 years old and moving out on my own for the first time. 
I work in a family business and am required to give 6 months notice. The
family business won't support me on my own.
So, I took a second 3rd shift job f/t that pays okay with benefits.
I also work off my board at the farm for the one remaining horse I'm
The cats don't get along. It's been 2 years and my geriatric cat is
still terrified of him. They must be separated. No way, shape, or form
can they live together. She's FIV+ with heart problems, a growth on her
spine, skin problems, and a herniated diaphragm. I've had her since the
day she was born, and I owned her mother before that.
And, the hours I work caring for 2 cats is going to be hard. very hard.
If I can foster him for a year then I'll be working one job when I take
him back and it would be better for all of us involved.
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Susan Hoffman
Sent: Saturday, March 17, 2007 7:28 PM
Subject: Re: RE: Need to place Chief ASAP
I can't help but wonder if there's more going on than that
Two cats are not that expensive to feed.  I feed a lot more.  Also, I'm
gone 65-70 hours during the week with my job and commute yet people who
adopt my foster cats (and who visit my personal cats) always comment on
how well socialized they are.  And I have been very poor at different
times during my life (on unemployment and food stamps in San Francisco
in the 1980s) but I worked through it.  So I tend to think there is more
going on than lack of money, needing a smaller cheaper apartment, and
two cats to feed..
If you can find a better placement for the FeLV cat, great, but it is
really hard to place a cat with F-anything (FeLV, FIV, etc.)  If you
want to ensure a good forever home, then it can take months and months
before the cat is placed.  
By all means, pursue it.  But I don't  see rehoming one cat as a quick
Can you get a better job, rather than working for hours?  Improve your
software skills, polish your resume -- in short, work smarter, not


I believe you might need to reread my messages.

He's being neutered at a vet I trust. I have NOT griped over the price
or the procedure. I trust this vet, and he's good friends with my large
animal vet. He's an excellent vet. I'm not changing vets to save a few

It's the day in day out cost of having 2 cats and the fact that I'm
scheduled to work 80+ hours and he's a very people oriented cat. He
needs a home where people are for a while...

> From: Susan Hoffman 
> Date: 2007/03/16 Fri PM 10:09:23 EST
> To:
> Subject: RE: Need to place Chief ASAP
> You can't afford to overpay on anything, including a neuter, and it's
really hard to find a placement, permanent or foster, for an unaltered
male cat. It takes time after the neuter to get the testosterone out of
a cat's system and anyone considering taking him in will be concerned
with agression and spraying and other behaviors that are common in
unnaltered male cats. You will have a much easier time placing him if he
is already fixed.
> If the neuter is already paid for, by all means get him in and get it
done as soon as possible. Or, if you can get the money back, check
around for something cheaper. You don't mention where in NC you are. (My
mom's in Hendersonville.) Let me know the town/city and I can check
around to see what resources may be available.
> Stephanie E Caldwell wrote:
> st1\:*{behavior:url(#default#ieooui)
}st2\:*{behavior:url(#default#ieooui) } Susan,
> I never said I can't afford to neuter him. I said I WOULD neuter him
if someone can take him.
> My other cat is very old and doesn't like him. He gets along fine.
It's the FIV+ that's the problem.
> I'm in North Carolina and he has a vet appt that is paid for to be
> I can't afford to feed all of us and get a big enough apartment.
> Steph
> -Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Susan Hoffman
> Sent: Friday, March 16, 2007 8:01 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Need to place Chief ASAP
> There's no such thing as placing an FeLV+ cat quicklyespecially an
unneutered male who thus far does not get along with other cats.
> Getting him neutered will go a long ways towards helping him get along
with other cats. And n ot having him neutered pretty much guarantees
> Where do you live? There must be low cost neutering available
somewhere nearby.
> I am in a position of needing to place my FELV+ quickly.
> I must move by May 1st, and he doesn't get along with my other FIV+
Geriatric cat. I wil

RE: pics to share

2007-03-17 Thread Debbie

Thanks for looking at the pics. The black and white is called Frodo. He is
way too fat I’m afraid. I just looked at yours and they are beautiful! I
love the calico. How many do you have?


I love looking at cat pics. Yours are fantastic shots. Look professional.




-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Sherry DeHaan
Sent: Saturday, March 17, 2007 10:23 PM
Subject: Re: pics to share


Hi Debbie,you have a very nice furry family.I love the fluffy black and
white baby.Here is a link to my fur kids.


Thanks for sharing,

Debbie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Just uploaded some pictures of our furry family. Let me know what you think.
The yellow Tabby is Elsa. She is the baby we had to bury recently. I miss




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Version: 7.5.446 / Virus Database: 268.18.12/724 - Release Date: 3/16/2007
12:12 PM




Finding fabulous fares is fun.
0a"Let Yahoo! FareChase search your favorite travel sites to find flight and
hotel bargains.

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Version: 7.5.446 / Virus Database: 268.18.12/724 - Release Date: 3/16/2007
12:12 PM

Re: pics to share

2007-03-17 Thread Sherry DeHaan
Hi Debbie,you have a very nice furry family.I love the fluffy black and white 
baby.Here is a link to my fur kids.
  Thanks for sharing,
Debbie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Just uploaded some pictures of our furry family. Let me know 
what you think. The yellow Tabby is Elsa. She is the baby we had to bury 
recently. I miss her.

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Version: 7.5.446 / Virus Database: 268.18.12/724 - Release Date: 3/16/2007 
12:12 PM

Finding fabulous fares is fun.
Let Yahoo! FareChase search your favorite travel sites to find flight and hotel 

Re: Update on Slinky

2007-03-17 Thread Barb Moermond
oh Marissa that's awesome!!  doesn't it just make your heart overflow to have 
such loving and generous people around you?  Sending GLOW to you , Slinky and 
the rest of your chosen family:)
Barb+Smoky the House Puma+El Bandito Malito

"My cat the clown:  paying no mind to whom he should impress.  Merely living 
his life, doing what pleases him, and making me smile." 
   - Anonymous

- Original Message 
From: Marissa Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, March 17, 2007 7:53:17 PM
Subject: Update on Slinky

Hi all.  First of all, thank you SO MUCH for all of your advice, help, and 
support  It's done me worlds of good!!  I can't remember what all I've 
already posted and what I haven't (esp. cuz I've told so many people all the 
details that it's all getting a bit jumbled), so if some of this is repeat, 
forgive me.
  Slinky has never stopped eating entirely.  He's been eating his dry Innova 
Evo like crazy...just wouldn't eat the raw I usually feed him.  He's also been 
drinking quite a bit and using his litter box regularly (and no diarrhea).  I 
got some sub-q fluids at the vet yesterday (they didn't really think it would 
help but gave them to me anyway), but didn't end up using them.  
  When I went to bed last night his temp was 103.6, so I just syringe-fed him 
some ice water, wiped him down with a cold washcloth, and opened the window.  
He ate several times during the
 night (I had his dish with the dry food on my bed next to my pillow, so I 
heard him when he started eating, and his water glass - only thing he'd drink 
out of - is next to my bed), drank, and used the litter box.  He felt cool to 
the touch to me all night (when he's had high fevers, he's usually been very 
hot) and this morning, so I didn't even take his temp.
  But, after reading all of your posts about transfusions, anemia, etc. I noted 
that his gums were VERY pale, and I thought his breathing and heart seemed a 
bit fast (though I'd never really paid attention before so wasn't sure how 
abnormal they were), so I decided to take him in this morning. 
  Let me first say that I have the BEST "chosen family" in the entire 
universe!!  I called my "sister" this morning because she said she was 
getting together with the 2 "dads" (it's complicated but you get the idea) and 
did I want to come.  I
 called to tell her I couldn't go and why and she recommended I take Slink to a 
24 hour animal hospital in DC (she took her dog there and both of the dads took 
their cats and dogs there as well).  So we headed out to see what they could do.
  I had called the hospital and they said they could do a payment plan.  But it 
turns out that what they have is a credit card you can apply for, but I applied 
for one through my bank this morning and was denied.  The visit alone was going 
to be $110, but I figured I could at least find out what my options were.  When 
I walked in, I said that my cat had FeLV and was very anemic, his gums were 
almost white..they came and took him back and started checking him even before 
they had all my ID info (I figured this was a good sign - they were serious 
about getting him taken care of!).  
  When we got there, his temp was 106!!!  That's the highest it's ever
 been!  I gave them the results from the clinic on Wed (the ones I posted 
earlier) and they ran a PCV.  They said his RBC was at 12 and Wed. it had been 
at 14...but since they were different machines and different types of tests 
they were hard to compare but figured the numbers were fairly comparable - at 
least it wasn't plummeting.  They said about the only option was a transfusion 
and broad-spectrum antibiotics...but for all of that we were looking at 
probably about $1000 (the transfusion plus overnight stay, tests, etc.).  
They're a little higher than most because it's a 24 hour hospital, but I 
figured the other places would end up being about the same with all the tests, 
  The doctor said she had had a cat that was FeLV+ who lived to be about 5 and 
then got really I knew that at least she was familiar with the 
disease and was not going to write him off because of his label.  That made me 
feel TONS
 better!!!  She continued to say that his long-term prognosis is not great, but 
that it was worth trying the transfusion if I could spend the money.
  I called my "sister" in hysterics not at all sure what to do.  She came over 
immediately and said if I wanted to do it, she'd pay for it if necessary.  She 
doesn't have THAT much more money than I do though, so I wasn't crazy about 
that idea.  But while I was waiting for her to come, I had called one of the 
"dads" who has 2 cats and recently spent $3500 on surgery for one of them.  
Despite the fact that he was running a million errands to get ready for a big 
trip, he said he'd be there in 20 minutes.  
  When he got there, he looked at the estimates,

pics to share

2007-03-17 Thread Debbie
Just uploaded some pictures of our furry family. Let me know what you think.
The yellow Tabby is Elsa. She is the baby we had to bury recently. I miss



No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition.
Version: 7.5.446 / Virus Database: 268.18.12/724 - Release Date: 3/16/2007
12:12 PM

Update on Slinky

2007-03-17 Thread Marissa Johnson
Hi all.  First of all, thank you SO MUCH for all of your advice, help, and 
support  It's done me worlds of good!!  I can't remember what all I've 
already posted and what I haven't (esp. cuz I've told so many people all the 
details that it's all getting a bit jumbled), so if some of this is repeat, 
forgive me.
  Slinky has never stopped eating entirely.  He's been eating his dry Innova 
Evo like crazy...just wouldn't eat the raw I usually feed him.  He's also been 
drinking quite a bit and using his litter box regularly (and no diarrhea).  I 
got some sub-q fluids at the vet yesterday (they didn't really think it would 
help but gave them to me anyway), but didn't end up using them.  
  When I went to bed last night his temp was 103.6, so I just syringe-fed him 
some ice water, wiped him down with a cold washcloth, and opened the window.  
He ate several times during the night (I had his dish with the dry food on my 
bed next to my pillow, so I heard him when he started eating, and his water 
glass - only thing he'd drink out of - is next to my bed), drank, and used the 
litter box.  He felt cool to the touch to me all night (when he's had high 
fevers, he's usually been very hot) and this morning, so I didn't even take his 
  But, after reading all of your posts about transfusions, anemia, etc. I noted 
that his gums were VERY pale, and I thought his breathing and heart seemed a 
bit fast (though I'd never really paid attention before so wasn't sure how 
abnormal they were), so I decided to take him in this morning. 
  Let me first say that I have the BEST "chosen family" in the entire 
universe!!  I called my "sister" this morning because she said she was 
getting together with the 2 "dads" (it's complicated but you get the idea) and 
did I want to come.  I called to tell her I couldn't go and why and she 
recommended I take Slink to a 24 hour animal hospital in DC (she took her dog 
there and both of the dads took their cats and dogs there as well).  So we 
headed out to see what they could do.
  I had called the hospital and they said they could do a payment plan.  But it 
turns out that what they have is a credit card you can apply for, but I applied 
for one through my bank this morning and was denied.  The visit alone was going 
to be $110, but I figured I could at least find out what my options were.  When 
I walked in, I said that my cat had FeLV and was very anemic, his gums were 
almost white..they came and took him back and started checking him even before 
they had all my ID info (I figured this was a good sign - they were serious 
about getting him taken care of!).  
  When we got there, his temp was 106!!!  That's the highest it's ever been!  I 
gave them the results from the clinic on Wed (the ones I posted earlier) and 
they ran a PCV.  They said his RBC was at 12 and Wed. it had been at 14...but 
since they were different machines and different types of tests they were hard 
to compare but figured the numbers were fairly comparable - at least it wasn't 
plummeting.  They said about the only option was a transfusion and 
broad-spectrum antibiotics...but for all of that we were looking at probably 
about $1000 (the transfusion plus overnight stay, tests, etc.).  They're a 
little higher than most because it's a 24 hour hospital, but I figured the 
other places would end up being about the same with all the tests, etc.
  The doctor said she had had a cat that was FeLV+ who lived to be about 5 and 
then got really I knew that at least she was familiar with the 
disease and was not going to write him off because of his label.  That made me 
feel TONS better!!!  She continued to say that his long-term prognosis is not 
great, but that it was worth trying the transfusion if I could spend the money.
  I called my "sister" in hysterics not at all sure what to do.  She came over 
immediately and said if I wanted to do it, she'd pay for it if necessary.  She 
doesn't have THAT much more money than I do though, so I wasn't crazy about 
that idea.  But while I was waiting for her to come, I had called one of the 
"dads" who has 2 cats and recently spent $3500 on surgery for one of them.  
Despite the fact that he was running a million errands to get ready for a big 
trip, he said he'd be there in 20 minutes.  
  When he got there, he looked at the estimates, talked to the doctor, and 
said, "we can put it on my card."  I said, "I don't know when I can pay you 
back" and he just said, "we'll figure that out someday."  In other words, I can 
pay him back slowly and he's not going to stress about it.  I really considered 
not doing the transfusion, but Slinky was very alert, was walking around the 
exam room and looking around like, "Hey mom!  Let's go home and PLAY!"  
Everyone says that when they're done fighting, they'll tell you and I knew he 
wasn't done.
  So we decided to go ahead with the transfusion and I came home.  I called 

Re: RE: Need to place Chief ASAP

2007-03-17 Thread Susan Hoffman
I can't help but wonder if there's more going on than that
  Two cats are not that expensive to feed.  I feed a lot more.  Also, I'm gone 
65-70 hours during the week with my job and commute yet people who adopt my 
foster cats (and who visit my personal cats) always comment on how well 
socialized they are.  And I have been very poor at different times during my 
life (on unemployment and food stamps in San Francisco in the 1980s) but I 
worked through it.  So I tend to think there is more going on than lack of 
money, needing a smaller cheaper apartment, and two cats to feed..
  If you can find a better placement for the FeLV cat, great, but it is really 
hard to place a cat with F-anything (FeLV, FIV, etc.)  If you want to ensure a 
good forever home, then it can take months and months before the cat is placed. 
  By all means, pursue it.  But I don't  see rehoming one cat as a quick fix.
  Can you get a better job, rather than working for hours?  Improve your 
software skills, polish your resume -- in short, work smarter, not harder?


I believe you might need to reread my messages.

He's being neutered at a vet I trust. I have NOT griped over the price or the 
procedure. I trust this vet, and he's good friends with my large animal vet. 
He's an excellent vet. I'm not changing vets to save a few dollars. 

It's the day in day out cost of having 2 cats and the fact that I'm scheduled 
to work 80+ hours and he's a very people oriented cat. He needs a home where 
people are for a while...

> From: Susan Hoffman 
> Date: 2007/03/16 Fri PM 10:09:23 EST
> To:
> Subject: RE: Need to place Chief ASAP
> You can't afford to overpay on anything, including a neuter, and it's really 
> hard to find a placement, permanent or foster, for an unaltered male cat. It 
> takes time after the neuter to get the testosterone out of a cat's system and 
> anyone considering taking him in will be concerned with agression and 
> spraying and other behaviors that are common in unnaltered male cats. You 
> will have a much easier time placing him if he is already fixed.
> If the neuter is already paid for, by all means get him in and get it done as 
> soon as possible. Or, if you can get the money back, check around for 
> something cheaper. You don't mention where in NC you are. (My mom's in 
> Hendersonville.) Let me know the town/city and I can check around to see what 
> resources may be available.
> Stephanie E Caldwell wrote:
> st1\:*{behavior:url(#default#ieooui) }st2\:*{behavior:url(#default#ieooui) } 
> Susan,
> I never said I can’t afford to neuter him. I said I WOULD neuter him if 
> someone can take him.
> My other cat is very old and doesn’t like him. He gets along fine. It’s the 
> FIV+ that’s the problem.
> I’m in North Carolina and he has a vet appt that is paid for to be fixed.
> I can’t afford to feed all of us and get a big enough apartment.
> Steph
> -Original Message-
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Susan Hoffman
> Sent: Friday, March 16, 2007 8:01 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Need to place Chief ASAP
> There's no such thing as placing an FeLV+ cat quicklyespecially an 
> unneutered male who thus far does not get along with other cats.
> Getting him neutered will go a long ways towards helping him get along with 
> other cats. And n ot having him neutered pretty much guarantees issues.
> Where do you live? There must be low cost neutering available somewhere 
> nearby.
> I am in a position of needing to place my FELV+ quickly.
> I must move by May 1st, and he doesn't get along with my other FIV+ Geriatric 
> cat. I will be moving into a small studio and working 2 jobs to keep my head 
> above water. I can not afford a second cat.
> He's scheduled to be neutered next month, I'll pay that if someone can take 
> him. Even it it's temporary for a year. If I must keep him I will, but it 
> means a bigger apartment so I can keep them seperated and it's not an expense 
> I can handle right now.
> If anyone would consider him please email me or call me @ 704-214-7818
> Thanks,
> Steph

Re: Re: Need to place Chief ASAP

2007-03-17 Thread biothanetack

I have some offers on the table that might signifigantly raise my financial 
status, but in many ways I must be realistic, too.

The horse costs almost $300 a month without his board. He's an atheletic horse 
who would make a wonderful competition horse. A competitive season runs around 
$10,000 on a budget with no training fees. He's a sweet, kind horsey who would 
be great with someone else. :)

> From: Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 2007/03/16 Fri PM 03:53:49 EST
> To:
> Subject: Re: Need to place Chief ASAP
> I don't know what your situation is specifically Steph, but don't 
> convince yourself that things can't turn around quickly.  Certainly, do 
> what you have to do, but please stop telling yourself and others that 
> it's going to take years to be financially stable.  What harm can it 
> cause to imagine that something that you do, or some circumstance that 
> you can't foresee will present itself sooner than you think?  I know 
> that it sounds trite to hear, "think positively", but something about 
> expecting miracles keeps us open to the possibility, and more 
> importantly, it can enable us to spot the opportunities we might miss if 
> our heads are hanging too low to see them when they present themselves. 
> Blessings,
> Nina
> Stephanie E Caldwell wrote:
> >
> > Thank you Nina.
> >
> >  
> >
> > I'll try posting him as a foster. Part of the scary thing for me is 
> > money is so tight that I can't afford to treat a major illness. I 
> > can't get sick and my animals can't get sick or hurt.
> >
> >  
> >
> > The horse won't be affordable for a few years, so sadly he's for sale.
> >
> >  
> >
> > Thanks guys... I appreciate it!
> >
> >  
> >

Re: RE: Need to place Chief ASAP

2007-03-17 Thread biothanetack

I believe you might need to reread my messages.

He's being neutered at a vet I trust. I have NOT griped over the price or the 
procedure. I trust this vet, and he's good friends with my large animal vet. 
He's an excellent vet. I'm not changing vets to save a few dollars. 

It's the day in day out cost of having 2 cats and the fact that I'm scheduled 
to work 80+ hours and he's a very people oriented cat. He needs a home where 
people are for a while...

> From: Susan Hoffman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 2007/03/16 Fri PM 10:09:23 EST
> To:
> Subject: RE: Need to place Chief ASAP
> You can't afford to overpay on anything, including a neuter, and it's really 
> hard to find a placement, permanent or foster, for an unaltered male cat.  It 
> takes time after the neuter to get the testosterone out of a cat's system and 
> anyone considering taking him in will be concerned with agression and 
> spraying and other behaviors that are common in unnaltered male cats.  You 
> will have a much easier time placing him if he is already fixed.
>   If the neuter is already paid for, by all means get him in and get it done 
> as soon as possible.  Or, if you can get the money back, check around for 
> something cheaper.  You don't mention where in NC you are.  (My mom's in 
> Hendersonville.)  Let me know the town/city and I can check around to see 
> what resources may be available.
> Stephanie E Caldwell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> st1\:*{behavior:url(#default#ieooui) 
> }st2\:*{behavior:url(#default#ieooui) }Susan,
>   I never said I can’t afford to neuter him. I said I WOULD neuter him if 
> someone can take him.
>   My other cat is very old and doesn’t like him. He gets along fine. It’s the 
> FIV+ that’s the problem.
>   I’m in North Carolina and he has a vet appt that is paid for to be fixed.
>   I can’t afford to feed all of us and get a big enough apartment.
>   Steph
>   -Original Message-
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Susan Hoffman
> Sent: Friday, March 16, 2007 8:01 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Need to place Chief ASAP
> There's no such thing as placing an FeLV+ cat quicklyespecially an 
> unneutered male who thus far does not get along with other cats.
> Getting him neutered will go a long ways towards helping him get along 
> with other cats.  And n ot having him neutered pretty much guarantees issues.
> Where do you live?  There must be low cost neutering available somewhere 
> nearby.
> I am in a position of needing to place my FELV+ quickly.
> I must move by May 1st, and he doesn't get along with my other FIV+ Geriatric 
> cat. I will be moving into a small studio and working 2 jobs to keep my head 
> above water. I can not afford a second cat.
> He's scheduled to be neutered next month, I'll pay that if someone can take 
> him. Even it it's temporary for a year. If I must keep him I will, but it 
> means a bigger apartment so I can keep them seperated and it's not an expense 
> I can handle right now.
> If anyone would consider him please email me or call me @ 704-214-7818
> Thanks,
> Steph

Re: OT: Use of Metacam with cats ** Could be very dangerous

2007-03-17 Thread Sally Davis

I know the vet is aware of the danger of this drug. That is why she wanted
me to read up on it. At this point I do not know what is causing Juniors
lymph nodes to be swollen. I guess I will find out in a few days. I know she
will call an oncologist if it proves to be Lymphoma. So we will have a
better understanding of what drug choices there are.

I need to serch more in the archives. Although I think I did this a while



On 3/17/07, TenHouseCats <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

repost of last year's metacam info

-- Forwarded message --
From: Belinda <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >
Date: Jul 25, 2006 10:28 AM
Subject: OT:  Use of Metacam with cats ** Could be very dangerous
To:, Feline Lymphoma Group 

*This was on the CRF list I'm on and I wanted to pass it on as an FYI:*

( posted some important safety information
regarding the use of Metacam in cats on July 17, 2006. Metacam is
associated with a high risk of kidney failure in cats:

"The narrow safety margin in cats is reflected in the FDA's Adverse Drug
Experience (ADE) reports for Metacam Oral, which summarize drug side
effects reported by veterinarians.  Of 842 reports for dogs, 19 cases of
kidney failure and no
deaths were reported. However in 320 cats, 105 cases of kidney failure, 48
deaths and 35 cases resulting in euthanasia have been reported. This clearly
indicates that Metacam poses a much greater risk in cats than in dogs."

The pdf file, "Metacam Risks in Cats," is available at:

Some additional anecdotal information is also available at:

Unfortunately, some veterinarians have been prescribing Metacam to be used
multiple times after dental procedures and for arthritis even though the
manufacturer has discouraged multiple use of the medicine. Only the
injectable kind is approved for use with cats, and only once. The oral
suspension was not approved for use with cats.

I don't think I'd feel comfortable using this ever, just wanted to pass it
on as it was being discussed recently


happiness is being owned by cats ...


Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting & web design] 

BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: any other catfood suggestions

2007-03-17 Thread Del H. Daniels

You are a wonderful person for giving of yourself (and beyond the financially  
comfortable) to save and care for these precious lives who have been thrown 
away.  This list is for information and moral support, not putting others down 
and judgments. Shame on anyone doing so.  Most of us want to do the best we can 
for as many as we can and there will always be so many more kitties suffering 
for the lack of someone like you.

Big hugs to you and pets to the blessed kitties who pass your way.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Gussies mom 
  Sent: Friday, March 16, 2007 4:28 PM
  Subject: Re: any other catfood suggestions

  This is ridiculous. I come to this list because I have a sick baby that I 
love very much. A cat that is not even "mine", though I wouldn't give him up 
for the world. I'm looking for help and support. Now I'm being told I feed my 
cats CRAP because I feed Science Diet because that is what the shelter gives 
me. Now I'm being told I should give up my cats to someone who can feed them 
better. My cats are all from the streets. They are problem cats that nobody 
else wanted. Who would you suggest take them? I do rescue. There are thousands 
of people trying to give up their animals. Should the shelter I work with, that 
took in 700 animals last year, not take in unwanted animals or pull them from 
death row because, after all, we will be feeding them Science Diet CRAP? Should 
we not have taken in the cats with the broken legs, the one that needed heart 
surgery, the one that was lit on fire, the ones who's teeth are bad and have to 
be pulled, the ones who were kept in chicken coops their whole lives, the ones 
who are so neglected they are afraid of human touch, the ones who were sent by 
their wonderful owners to live out their last days awaitng the gas chamber 
because they grew old or became to much work; because we would have to feed 
them Science Diet? 
  I guess we should have told them we couldn't spend all that money on medical 
care for them because we needed to feed them more expensive food. I'm sure they 
would have understood. Perhaps we should have left Stamp crying in the bushes 
at the Post Office. I'm sure someone in that run down neighborhood would have 
come along and given him a much better home with better food. I'm sure there 
were people just lined up!

  My cats are taken care of. They go to the vet when they are sick. They are 
loved. That's probably more than most cats in this world have.

  I buy my clothes at thrift shops - yes, you can find nice things there. I 
just sold an 11 year old car with 200,000 miles and bought a care with 91,000 
miles.  I struggle to pay $425 per month for health insurance with a 2,500 
deductible. I don't go out to eat a lot. I ususally eat yogurt for dinner. I 
struggle to fund a 401K every month so I will have money in my old age. . The 
last vacation I took (first in about 10 years) was driving a paid for rental 
car (someone had hit my car, so I got a free rental) to Florida to stay for 
free with a friend who lives by the beach. We all struggle to make choices. I 
believe in personal responsibility. If have to take care of myself. Yes, that 
comes first. Because if I cannot do that, then I surely cannot take care of 
another living thing. 


I'm of the very controversial opinion that no matter how many cats you 
have, there's no excuse to feed BAD food. If you can't afford to feed decent 
food, then you can't afford to have that many cats. Get less cats, not less 
expensive food. There isn't any excuse for anyone to ever feed a food that 
doesn't have meat as the first ingredient... if you can't afford to feed a 
meat-based diet, then you need to give up your cats to someone that can afford 
to take proper care of them. That being said... 

Healthwise is the "cheap" food I feed to my feral cats here. I would not 
consider anything cheaper than that (it does have corn, but it's pretty far 
down the ingredient list). My ferals are OBESE creatures, mind you - something 
you generally don't see, LOL! They live the life of luxury though, and lay 
around and sleep all day and night (except for food time). Here's the link to 
the website for Healthwise, and Natura (the company that makes it) is very good 
at getting it to most areas:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Special Needs Cat Resources

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Re: latest update on food recall

2007-03-17 Thread elizabeth trent

Thank you for this update


On 3/17/07, TenHouseCats <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

this fda press release has links to not only the menu brands involved, but
to the purina and science diet brands affected. my cats have just
ordered out for pizza.

Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

latest update on food recall

2007-03-17 Thread TenHouseCats

this fda press release has links to not only the menu brands involved, but
to the purina and science diet brands affected. my cats have just
ordered out for pizza.

Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

slinky update

2007-03-17 Thread Marissa Johnson
slink is having transfusion now. not sure how he will
react but we are trying. a wonderful friend is helping
w the bill. sending from my phone so this is brief.
will send more details later. i could not feel better
about the hospital i an at. they are wonderful and the
dr had a pos cat herself. please send positive
thoughts and prayers for slink. thanks!


Don't pick lemons.
See all the new 2007 cars at Yahoo! Autos. 

Re: Whitey is close to the BRIDGE

2007-03-17 Thread Kelly L

At 05:12 AM 3/17/2007, you wrote:

Tha nk you so very much

Strength and peace to you and your friends.

If you have men who 
will exclude any of God's creatures
from the shelter of 
compassion and pity, you will have men who
will deal likewise 
with their fellow man.

 St. Francis
- Original Message - From: "Kelly L" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, March 17, 2007 6:15 AM
Subject: Whitey is close to the BRIDGE

To my Friends, My sweet Little White Deaf kitty is at the emergency 
vets under Oxygen tonight. It is a long story but probably 
underlying heart disease..and he is not responding. The ventilator 
is an option, but the prognosis of ever getting him off it is is so 
slim and with so many underlying problems I would be doing it for 
me and not him, He has been though so very much this year,...Please 
wish me the strength to go down there and hold him in my arms and a 
gently passage,,,Then to the other vet asFRESNO my rescued dog's 
would has opened up and the pin should be pulled,

I hate these times.

No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition.
Version: 7.1.413 / Virus Database: 268.18.12/724 - Release Date: 3/16/2007

Re: Junior's tests

2007-03-17 Thread Sally Davis

I will search the archives. I sometimes forget about that resource. I google
all the time so go figure. In my googling a related drug came up s anti
tumorous properties, Piroxicam . She had also mentioned that drug as well.



On 3/17/07, TenHouseCats <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

i just reposted belinda's info and links on metacam in cats--it should
show up momentarily; if it doesn't, go back to last july and find the

On 3/17/07, Kelly L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 09:11 AM 3/17/2007, you wrote:
> I had some at home, but decided not to use it on the catsThe
> benefits did not seem to outweigh the risks, at least to me,
> Kelly
> >Sally,
> >
> >I have heard people here use the word Metacam before.
> >I would put the subject heading as 'Metacam?' or
> >something similar, and resend this email.  It will
> >catch the attention of those who have used Metacam.
> >
> >Let us know what the vet/lab says about Junior's
> >results.  Good luck.
> >:)
> >Wendy
> >
> >
> >
> >Looking for earth-friendly autos?
> >Browse Top Cars by "Green Rating" at Yahoo! Autos' Green Center.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >--
> >No virus found in this incoming message.
> >Checked by AVG Free Edition.
> >Version: 7.1.413 / Virus Database: 268.18.12/724 - Release Date:
> 3/16/2007

Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

FIV+/VELV+ cat needs rescue in Austin

2007-03-17 Thread Kelley Saveika

Hi All,

I got this from the local Austin Rescue list and called this lady and got
permission to cross post.  I called her and apparently she does not have
email access.  I didn't want to put her phone # on the Internet but she

The offer for free food, litter and vet care is only good in Austin, though
I expect she might agree to contribute financially to this little lady's
care in some way.


FIV+, Leuk+ Cat Needs Shelter and Companionship
in final months (I would sponsor food, litter, and vet care)

After many attempts, I finally caught (on March 14) a friendly semi feral
kitty who lived on and around my apartment complex in SE Austin, and sent
her in
to Riverside Veterinary Clinic for spaying, and checkup/shots.
after she was recovering from surgery the tests had shown that she is
for Fiv and Feline Leukemia. She shows evidence of some anemia related to
condition. The vet does not see a long future for her, but from my
she still has a desire and interest in life (she always was an enthusiastic
eater when she would come to my door, and seemed to appreciate a calm voice
gentle hand).

Since she is positive for both diseases, I cannot have her recover at my one
bedroom apartment, as (1) I have 3 cats and am not permitted to have more
(2) I
do not want to put my pets at risk
of contacting any disease, nor stress them from overcrowding.
I believe it would be cruel to release her back outside, only for her to
in a painful and lonely way.

I have limited options. My vet, who emphasised that he avoids euthanisation
except for dire cases, feels this may be the humane thing to do. The other
possibility is if someone in the Austin area (preferably southeast, but I
really take anywhere)
would be willing to provide a room or garage for the cat and some comforting
companionship, and I would be happy to provide the cat's food, litter, and
care at Riverside Veterinary Clinic until the animal turns the final corner
health, and then I would pay for her euthanisation.

She is a pretty, very petite, delicate, feminine long haired,
ruddy-brown girl. She is a bit cautious at sudden moves towards her, but
she makes friends (feeding helps)
she likes petting and and sweet talk.
If anyone is able and willing to help provide a loving quality of life, and
final peaceful transition for this cat who has had a rough struggle on the
streets, please call me at 512-851-2269 and leave a message. Unfortunately I
need to make a decision on this little girl's fate within a few days at the

-Jeanne Hospod

Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

Re: me - ever the sport - on the taste of pet-tinic (yes, I tried it).

2007-03-17 Thread wendy
For the adventurous types, try cyproheptadine liquid. 
It's torture in a, so bitter and just


--- gary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Clavamox tastes like bananas to me, probably not a
> favorite with cats.
> Gary
> - Original Message - 
> From: Kelley Saveika
> To:
> Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2007 1:15 PM
> Subject: Re: me - ever the sport - on the taste of
> pet-tinic (yes, I tried 
> it).
> I can't taste anything that is fish-flavored.  I
> just can't do it.
> I think Clavamox doesn't taste as bad as my cats
> seem to think it does.


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Re: One more thing about Slinky

2007-03-17 Thread wendy
You can mix the lysine with anything wet, like the
baby food.  Or just crush it up and mix with water and
syringe him.  I would not stop the lysine.  It's
important for his immune system.


--- Marissa Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> should mention also that with his raw food I mix in
> L-Lysine, Vitamin C, and Gentle Digest.  He won't
> eat his dry food if I add those things so he's not
> getting them right now.  But he has been getting
> them for several months.  FYI.  Thanks!
>   MJ
> -
> We won't tell. Get more on shows you hate to love
> (and love to hate): Yahoo! TV's Guilty Pleasures


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To Marissa: Re: Hello Again - Slinky Sick

2007-03-17 Thread wendy
Hey Marissa,

I just read this post.  I am so behind from being out
of town for a week, and am reading backwards!  

No apologies needed for living your life.  No one here
expects anyone to be around all the time, or even any
of the time.   We are here to help when someone needs

It's good to know that Slinky's UTI was diagnosed and
now he's on antibiotics.  I know now that he wasn't
given doxy from this post, so I still feel that it's
important to try that.  If the vet says that Doxy can
treat the UTI, ask if you can switch to that.  I'm
surprised the vet didn't mention it.  I think a lot of
vets just see FeLV+ and assume that there's no hope,
so their mind won't go to any other possibilities,
like hemobartanella.  I wish they weren't like that
but so many are.  

My Cricket got REALLY sick when he was two years old,
with a very high fever that went all the way to the
top of the thermometer.  The vet tested him for FeLV,
and said he was positive.  The vet stopped trying to
help him then, but I didn't know it.  I left him there
early in the morning and assumed they were doing their
jobs.  Even though I told the vet to give him
intraveneous fluids if they had to, they didn't and he
just kept getting sicker and they gave him no
sustenance; I had no idea this was going on for a day
and a half.  Something kept telling me to go get him,
that something wasn't right, so I left work in the
middle of the day and went to the vets.  That's when I
found out that they weren't taking proper care of him
and I got PISSED!  I demanded antibiotics and I took
Cricket home and every hour syringe fed him a little
water and some canned A/D, plus his meds.  I didn't
even know about subQ then.  Cricket pulled through,
but it's ONLY because I did NOT listen to that vet.  I
wrote a complaint against him to the State Veterinary
Board, but the way things are in Texas, they just
wrote me back saying they found that the vet hadn't
done anything wrong.  Bullshit (excuse my language). 
Giving fluids is the most BASIC of care.  Hello. 
Anyway, I learned from that experience to trust my
gut.  And if your gut is telling you to keep trying,
despite what the vets say, then keep trying.  Where
there's a will, there's a way.  Cricket lived for two
more years with NO issues at all.  All he had was a
simple infection, and the vet was willing to give up
because of that damn FeLV stamp on his forehead.

Don't be afraid to do the subQ fluids.  It really does
make kitties feel better.  If you touch Slinky's gums
and they are sticky instead of moist, then he needs
fluids.  You will be surprised at how much better he
will feel.  I wish I had known all of this when
Cricket was sick.

Also, try finger feeding him some meat baby food
(without any additives like garlic or onion; I can't
remember which one is bad, I think the garlic). 
Slinky might like that.  Deli food also.  Tuna. 
Whatever you can get him to eat right now; it's VERY
important that Slinky does not go without food or he
can develop feline lipidosis (fatty liver disease)
quickly.  The A/D is great too, but you will have to
get it from the vet.  It's VERY smooth, and goes
through a syringe quite nicely, although you might
have to add just a little water.

Please keep us posted on Slinky.  Prayers going out
for him.  If you need anything, just ask.  The list is
usually pretty quiet over the weekend, and should pick
up Monday.  I will try to keep checking my email to
see if have any more questions.



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Whitey close to the bridge

2007-03-17 Thread Lomaxturtle
Kelly my thoughts and prayers go out to and your dear animals. It is  
unbearable to watch them slipping away and so so hard to have to make the  
to help them pass. Whitey will now you are there and will be happy to  have you 
there knowing how much you love him. Sometimes the hardest things are  the 
kindest things. His spirit will carry on living with you in your heart  
Healing thoughts going out to your dog too.
Michelle, Buddy, Minstrel & Angel Bramble  xxx


Re: vaccinate FIV+ for FeLV?

2007-03-17 Thread Kelley Saveika

Here's some more vaccination info, from Best Friends.

On 3/16/07, Kelley Saveika <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

There is an interesting webinar on this subject at

On 3/15/07, TenHouseCats <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> distemper is a very nasty death, tho.. that's one i just won't mess
> with and while a lot of the deaths were kittens, there were a lot of
> adults who went too. but it's very different when you're not talking a
> multi-cat environment, or taking in rescues, or fosters..
> On 3/15/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >  I'm sure it varies vaccine to vaccine. Regardless... I wont vaccinate
> > except for one time (except rabies, where I have some legal consequences
> > involved if I don't). That being said, I quarantine any new cats that come
> > in, just in case. The thing is, some of the things we vaccinate for are not
> > typically fatal illnesses for healthy adult cats anyways, so it's kinda like
> > getting the flu shot if you're a human, yes, it will keep you from getting
> > sock, but unless you're old, ill, or weak in some way, it generally wont
> > kill you even if you DO get it. I don't get flu shots for myself either, for
> > the record... and when I went to college, I refused my hepatitis and
> > whatever else they give you at that age (some childhood vaccine booster),
> > and got a titer pulled on myself, and it proved sufficient immunity to allow
> > myself to be admitted.
> >
> > Phaewryn
> >
> >
> > Special Needs Cat Resources
> >
> --
> Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
> Maybe That'll Make The Difference
> MaryChristine
> AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
> ICQ: 289856892

Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

Re: Junior's tests

2007-03-17 Thread TenHouseCats

i just reposted belinda's info and links on metacam in cats--it should show
up momentarily; if it doesn't, go back to last july and find the

On 3/17/07, Kelly L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

At 09:11 AM 3/17/2007, you wrote:

I had some at home, but decided not to use it on the catsThe
benefits did not seem to outweigh the risks, at least to me,

>I have heard people here use the word Metacam before.
>I would put the subject heading as 'Metacam?' or
>something similar, and resend this email.  It will
>catch the attention of those who have used Metacam.
>Let us know what the vet/lab says about Junior's
>results.  Good luck.

>Looking for earth-friendly autos?
>Browse Top Cars by "Green Rating" at Yahoo! Autos' Green Center.
>No virus found in this incoming message.
>Checked by AVG Free Edition.
>Version: 7.1.413 / Virus Database: 268.18.12/724 - Release Date:

Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Fwd: OT: Use of Metacam with cats ** Could be very dangerous

2007-03-17 Thread TenHouseCats

repost of last year's metacam info

-- Forwarded message --
From: Belinda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Jul 25, 2006 10:28 AM
Subject: OT:  Use of Metacam with cats ** Could be very dangerous
To:, Feline Lymphoma Group <>

*This was on the CRF list I'm on and I wanted to pass it on as an FYI:*

( posted some important safety information
regarding the use of Metacam in cats on July 17, 2006. Metacam is associated
with a high risk of kidney failure in cats:

"The narrow safety margin in cats is reflected in the FDA's Adverse Drug
Experience (ADE) reports for Metacam Oral, which summarize drug side effects
reported by veterinarians.  Of 842 reports for dogs, 19 cases of kidney
failure and no
deaths were reported. However in 320 cats, 105 cases of kidney failure, 48
deaths and 35 cases resulting in euthanasia have been reported. This clearly
indicates that Metacam poses a much greater risk in cats than in dogs."

The pdf file, "Metacam Risks in Cats," is available at:

Some additional anecdotal information is also available at:

Unfortunately, some veterinarians have been prescribing Metacam to be used
multiple times after dental procedures and for arthritis even though the
manufacturer has discouraged multiple use of the medicine. Only the
injectable kind is approved for use with cats, and only once. The oral
suspension was not approved for use with cats.

I don't think I'd feel comfortable using this ever, just wanted to pass it
on as it was being discussed recently


happiness is being owned by cats ...


Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting & web design]

BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: To Phaewryn: Re: any other catfood suggestions

2007-03-17 Thread Kelley Saveika

I would like to know this too.  I pay $35 for a case of Felidae wet
food..the big cans...

On 3/17/07, wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


You said that you pay about $14 for a case of
Innova???  Is it Evo?  I pay more than double that!
Is this a case of the small 24 count cans, or the 12
count larger cans?  Is this online?

Thanks for the info.


> I'm going to go get my last cat food bill (I go
> twice a month)
> Ok, according to my math, I use 4-5 cases of wet
> California Natural or
> Innova a month at $13.93 each. I use 4 bags of
> healthwise for the ferals at
> $17.09 each, and I use one bag of either California
> Natural or Innova Senior
> dry a month (for the housecats between wet meals) at
> $21.00 - $35.00 a bag
> (senior is more expensive).
> That's a total of about $130 or so a month (but I do
> bad math, so I could be
> off a bit), and it feeds 7 housecats and about 5
> ferals. Mind you, I get a
> 10% discount from my vet's office for my food since
> I am a rescue, so I get
> these foods a bit cheaper than most people get them
> retail.
> Phaewryn
> Special Needs Cat Resources

Looking for earth-friendly autos?
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Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

To Phaewryn: Re: any other catfood suggestions

2007-03-17 Thread wendy

You said that you pay about $14 for a case of
Innova???  Is it Evo?  I pay more than double that! 
Is this a case of the small 24 count cans, or the 12
count larger cans?  Is this online?  

Thanks for the info.


> I'm going to go get my last cat food bill (I go
> twice a month)
> Ok, according to my math, I use 4-5 cases of wet
> California Natural or
> Innova a month at $13.93 each. I use 4 bags of
> healthwise for the ferals at
> $17.09 each, and I use one bag of either California
> Natural or Innova Senior
> dry a month (for the housecats between wet meals) at
> $21.00 - $35.00 a bag
> (senior is more expensive).
> That's a total of about $130 or so a month (but I do
> bad math, so I could be
> off a bit), and it feeds 7 housecats and about 5
> ferals. Mind you, I get a
> 10% discount from my vet's office for my food since
> I am a rescue, so I get
> these foods a bit cheaper than most people get them
> retail.
> Phaewryn
> Special Needs Cat Resources


Looking for earth-friendly autos? 
Browse Top Cars by "Green Rating" at Yahoo! Autos' Green Center.

Re: Junior's tests

2007-03-17 Thread Kelly L

At 09:11 AM 3/17/2007, you wrote:

I had some at home, but decided not to use it on the catsThe 
benefits did not seem to outweigh the risks, at least to me,



I have heard people here use the word Metacam before.
I would put the subject heading as 'Metacam?' or
something similar, and resend this email.  It will
catch the attention of those who have used Metacam.

Let us know what the vet/lab says about Junior's
results.  Good luck.

Looking for earth-friendly autos?
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Re: Junior's tests

2007-03-17 Thread wendy

I have heard people here use the word Metacam before. 
I would put the subject heading as 'Metacam?' or
something similar, and resend this email.  It will
catch the attention of those who have used Metacam.

Let us know what the vet/lab says about Junior's
results.  Good luck.


Looking for earth-friendly autos? 
Browse Top Cars by "Green Rating" at Yahoo! Autos' Green Center.

Re: Whitey is close to the BRIDGE

2007-03-17 Thread wendy

Prayers for strength going out to you and for a quick
and painless passage for Whitey.  I'm sorry he's not
responding to treatment.  It's so hard to let go... 
Bless you for loving him.


--- Kelly L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> To my Friends, My sweet Little White Deaf kitty is
> at the emergency 
> vets under Oxygen tonight. It is a long story but
> probably underlying 
> heart disease..and he is not responding. The
> ventilator is an option, 
> but the prognosis of ever getting him off it is is
> so slim and with 
> so many underlying problems I would be doing it for
> me and not him, 
> He has been though so very much this year,...Please
> wish me the 
> strength to go down there and hold him in my arms
> and a gently 
> passage,,,Then to the other vet asFRESNO my rescued
> dog's would has 
> opened up and the pin should be pulled,
> I hate these times.
> Kelly


8:00? 8:25? 8:40? Find a flick in no time 
with the Yahoo! Search movie showtime shortcut.

Re: Epogen? Winstrol?

2007-03-17 Thread wendy

I second your I HATE MONEY statement.  Or rather lack
of money!  lol

Here are a couple of links for financial help; I know
people who have gotten it before.  I can't help to
ask.  The second link is a list of links.  You can
also do a search on the internet for financial help
for pet owners and probably find more.
(says for handicapped animals, but I think most links
will help all animals)


--- Marissa Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi all.  A few people have recommended looking into
> Epogen and/or Winstrol for Slinky.
>   He's very anemic.  His numbers on Wed. were as
> follows:
>   WBC: 2.86 K/uL
>   LYM: 1.09 K/uL
>   MONO: 1.52 K/uL
>   NEU: .17 K/uL
>   EOS: 0.08 K/uL
>   BASO: 0 K/uL
>   HCT: 14.8% 
>   RBC: 2.91 M/uL
>   HGB: 7.7 g/dL
>   RETIC: 16.9 K/uL
>   %RETIC: 0.6%
>   MCV: 50.8 fL
>   RDW: 20.4 %
>   MCH: 26.49 pg
>   Platelets: 282 K/uL
>   spin down PCV 20%
>   Total Solids 7.0
>   Urinalysis: 
>   Dip stick abnormals: WBC +2, protein trace
>   pH: 7
>   Specific Gravity: 1.040
>   Sdeiment: WBC 0-3/HPF, Triple Phos. Crystals - few
>   I don't know what 90% of this means (only know HCT
> and RBC now because of you guys), but maybe some of
> you can make sense of some of the numbers.
>   I have about $200 to my name right now, so funds
> are VERY limited.  I just applied for a credit card
> in hopes I could charge his care, but was turned
> down.  I HATE MONEY!  
>   Could I do Epogen and/or Winstrol to buy some time
> until I can afford a transfusion (or find some help
> to pay for one)?  Would that be cheaper?  Are there
> any other options??
>   If anyone has experience with these meds or any
> other ideas, please share!!!
>   Thanks!!
>   MJ
> -
> TV dinner still cooling?
> Check out "Tonight's Picks" on Yahoo! TV.


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Re: Transfusion?

2007-03-17 Thread wendy
Great advice Belinda.  I guess if Slinky's diagnosis
isn't good, the Epogen wouldn't hurt anyway, right?  I
am so glad we have each other here.  No one knows it
all, and we all have so much to offer.  Good luck
Marissa at the vets.  I hope that Slinky is able to
pull through this.


--- Belinda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I guarantee you most vets are going to say a FeLV
> positive isn't 
> going to be helped by epogen, and Baileys anemia was
> considered to be 
> non regenerative and the epogen did help him, he was
> getting 
> prednisolone also and I think for him and what was
> causing his anemia 
> they were both needed.
> > If it's non-regenerative, meaning that he has no
> reticulocyte count at all, then that's not good.
> > However, if you think your vet knows what he is
> talking about, and doesn't think the transfusion or
> Epogen will help, then you might have to consider
> letting Slinky go.
> -- 
> Belinda
> happiness is being owned by cats ...
> Be-Mi-Kitties
> Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens
> FeLV Candlelight Service
> [affordable hosting & web design]
> BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]


Don't get soaked.  Take a quick peek at the forecast
with the Yahoo! Search weather shortcut.

To Marissa Re: Transfusion?

2007-03-17 Thread wendy
Duh!  I feel so stupid not suggesting the Doxy
treatment also.  I know you said that Slinky had been
on 2 rounds of antibiotics; which kinds were they? 
Hemobartanella is very hard to diagnose, so even with
a negative hemobart test, I would still definitely go
with the 2 week doxy treatment in case it is
hemobartanella if Slinky hasn't had that yet.  


--- Belinda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> What I would do is get the transfusion and start
> him on epogen, do 
> they know what is causing the anemia.  Bailey my
> positive was anemic and 
> it was due to the virus surpressing his immune
> system, my vet started 
> him on epogen and a fairly high dose of prenisolone
> (20mgs) before he 
> got horribly bad and it brought his HCT back up to
> 40%.
> His HCT was 20% when my vet suggested epogen and it
> got down as low as 
> 15% while we were waiting for the epogen to kick in.
>  When we started 
> the epogen his HCT was at 18%, it dropped to 15% but
> went up from 
> there.  It took about 6 weeks from the time we
> started the epogen for it 
> to get back up to forty and it went down the first
> week.  Epogen and or 
> Procrit (they are the same this but Procrit is
> cheaper by about $25 
> dollars in my area) can take as long as 3 weeks to
> kick in and sometimes 
> even longer so don't wait to much longer if you
> decide to give it a try.
> Vets will scare you by telling you that cats will
> eventually develope 
> antibodies to the epogen but that happens in reality
> about 10% of the 
> time and usually only after being on it for 3 months
> or longer.  Bailey 
> was on it 5 months before he passed of undiagnosed
> cancer.  We knew he 
> had cancer because of his symptoms but we couldn't
> find it, we did every 
> test imaginable and could pin point where or what
> kind.  By the time I 
> consented to exploratory surgery to find it Bailey
> was too weak to have it.
> My vet was treating a cat that was on it a year with
> no problem.  Here 
> is what I think about, without the epogen or
> continuous transfusions 
> Slinky will die ... period.
> Just out of curiousity was he tested for
> hemobartonella and has he been 
> treated with doxycycline for a minimum of 4 weeks. 
> Hemobartonella is 
> VERY hard to test for but most vets as a precaution
> will put anemic cats 
> on it while trying to figure out what is causing the
> anemia.
> Bailey had a bone marrow aspirate to find out what
> was causing his 
> anemia.  It did show myloid dysplastic pre-cancerous
> cells, and when he 
> still didn't perk up after his HCT was normal again
> and was having 
> muscle wasting thats when we knew there was most
> likely cancer 
> somewhere.  He fisrt got sick with anemia in
> December of 2005 and 
> succumbed to pancreatic cancer in May of 2006, he
> was 11 years old, he 
> was positive since 5 months of age when he found me
> and changed my 
> life.:)
> Lots of prayers coming to Slinky, I hope you can
> reverse his anemia and 
> pull him through this.
> What is his HCT??
> -- 
> Belinda
> happiness is being owned by cats ...
> Be-Mi-Kitties
> Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens
> FeLV Candlelight Service
> [affordable hosting & web design]
> BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]


We won't tell. Get more on shows you hate to love 
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To Beth: Re: any other catfood suggestions

2007-03-17 Thread wendy

Most everyone here understands what it's like to be
limited by our income.  Shoot, if I had unlimited
funds, I'd feed myself and my cats Filet Mignon every
night (sorry vegans)...I'd also buy a membership to
the only decent health club in town here (very
expensive; next to the country club).  Shoot, I'd even
hire a personal trainer and personal chef.  But since
I can't take the best possible care of myself, my
family, and my furbabies, I do what we can
financially.  Phaewryn was right when she said that we
all have our priorities, but one person's priorities
may be vastly different from anothers and all
priorities are tempered by our income, unfortunately. 
When my cat Cricket was dying from anemia, many people
here urged me to get him a transfusion.  I just
couldn't afford it, as we had already spent over $500,
and there was no guarantee.  If I had unlimited funds,
I would have done it, but I don't.  And I knew that
most if not all members knew I was doing what I could
and there was no mistake that I loved Cricket.  

We all know you love your furbabies and rescues.  No
one can question that.  It must be frustrating doing
rescue.  We have a neighbor who's had their cat Sammie
for a long time.  Sammie is VERY particular, and
doesn't let anyone but his 'dad' and me, the neighbor
who's kitty sat him from time to time, pet him.  He's
recently nipped their four year old son a couple of
times on his hand and left a little mark, nothing that
I personally would worry about, since it teaches the
child boundaries, yet they are going to find Sammie a
new home now.  Sammie would most likely not do well
with other cats, and he's grossly overweight which
also might make his less adoptable.  It makes me sick
that this is an option for them.  He's been with them
for a long time.  I care about my neighbors, but don't
agree with them giving up on Sammie.  I can't imagine
how you deal with surrenders regularly.  My opinion is
keep up with your wonderful rescue work, and don't
give in to less cats vs. better food.  I bet the cats
would second this.  Bless you for all you do for your
rescues.  They are lucky to have you.

Have a great Saturday,


Get your own web address.  
Have a HUGE year through Yahoo! Small Business.

Re: Whitey is close to the BRIDGE

2007-03-17 Thread TenHouseCats

GLOW to you and your furchildren, for strength and wisdom and healing, and
that everything happens exactly as it is supposed to, in the gentlest and
kindest way. it's in these times that i try to remember the fundamental
truth that loving one another is really all that matters

On 3/17/07, Kelly L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

To my Friends, My sweet Little White Deaf kitty is at the emergency
vets under Oxygen tonight. It is a long story but probably underlying
heart disease..and he is not responding. The ventilator is an option,
but the prognosis of ever getting him off it is is so slim and with
so many underlying problems I would be doing it for me and not him,
He has been though so very much this year,...Please wish me the
strength to go down there and hold him in my arms and a gently
passage,,,Then to the other vet asFRESNO my rescued dog's would has
opened up and the pin should be pulled,
I hate these times.

Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: interesting info on the felidae website..

2007-03-17 Thread wendy
This is interesting information Phaewryn.  I hate that
as consumers we are so undereducated about so many
things, and there's really no good way to find out
unless people are willing to be honest.  This is new
information for me and I'm not sure what to make of
it.  Do I believe the vendor, who's trying to sell
their food and possibly make other brands look bad? 
Or is this just another selling tactic?  I wish we had
a trustworthy contact who actually works in the pet
food industry.  Maybe we could send this to Cat Fancy
Magazine and see what they say in their editorial

Sorry if I'm rambling...I am just now having my



> saw this, and it's got me to wondering, as I thought
> "meal" was a way to get
> cheap by-products into foods, and not better than
> meat... opinions?
> What does the real difference mean to your pets and
> you?
> Meat
> [Chicken & Lamb are 70% water and only 15% protein]
> Pet food labels found in grocery and mass marketers
> like to use Chicken or
> Lamb to represent real meat. -(Containing 70%
> moisture). This leads you the
> consumer to believe that their product is meat
> based. Chicken or lamb meats
> are heavier than grains prior to cooking. The
> moisture contained in the
> meats (70%) is reduced by 2/3rds after the cooking
> process, leaving the
> total formula as a grain base food after processing.
> vs.
> Meal
> [Chicken Meal and Lamb Meal are dry and 50% to 65%
> protein] meat protein!
> Canidae Pet foods list Chicken Meal & Turkey meal as
> the first ingredients.
> Chicken, Turkey and Lamb meals are dry and are less
> than 10% moisture and
> contain 50% - 65% meat proteins. In processing the
> meat meals do not shrink
> below the grain weight, producing a true meat based
> formula for your
> carnivores.
> AAFCO label rules require that, the heaviest to the
> lightest ingredients be
> the order on the guaranteed analysis panel, (with or
> without water content).
> Phaewryn
> Special Needs Cat Resources


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RE: Whitey is close to the BRIDGE

2007-03-17 Thread Diane Rosenfeldt
Kelly, I'm so sorry you have to deal with all this at once.   May you have
the strength to do it all.

Diane R.

> To my Friends, My sweet Little White Deaf kitty is at the emergency vets 
> under Oxygen tonight. It is a long story but probably underlying heart 
> disease..and he is not responding. The ventilator is an option, but the 
> prognosis of ever getting him off it is is so slim and with so many 
> underlying problems I would be doing it for me and not him, He has been 
> though so very much this year,...Please wish me the strength to go down 
> there and hold him in my arms and a gently passage,,,Then to the other vet

> asFRESNO my rescued dog's would has opened up and the pin should be 
> pulled,
> I hate these times.
> Kelly
> -- 
> No virus found in this incoming message.
> Checked by AVG Free Edition.
> Version: 7.5.446 / Virus Database: 268.18.12/724 - Release Date: 3/16/2007

> 12:12 PM

Re: Whitey is close to the BRIDGE

2007-03-17 Thread C & J
I am sorry to hear that.  I know how you feel.  Try to stay strong during 
these hard times.

- Original Message - 
From: "Kelly L" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Saturday, March 17, 2007 5:15 AM
Subject: Whitey is close to the BRIDGE

To my Friends, My sweet Little White Deaf kitty is at the emergency vets 
under Oxygen tonight. It is a long story but probably underlying heart 
disease..and he is not responding. The ventilator is an option, but the 
prognosis of ever getting him off it is is so slim and with so many 
underlying problems I would be doing it for me and not him, He has been 
though so very much this year,...Please wish me the strength to go down 
there and hold him in my arms and a gently passage,,,Then to the other vet 
asFRESNO my rescued dog's would has opened up and the pin should be 

I hate these times.

No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition.
Version: 7.5.446 / Virus Database: 268.18.12/724 - Release Date: 3/16/2007 
12:12 PM


2007-03-17 Thread elizabeth trent

Oh Kelly - I am so sorry.  Love and strength to you and your babies.


On 3/17/07, Kelly L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

To my Friends, My sweet Little White Deaf kitty is at the emergency
vets under Oxygen tonight. It is a long story but probably underlying
heart disease..and he is not responding. The ventilator is an option,
but the prognosis of ever getting him off it is is so slim and with
so many underlying problems I would be doing it for me and not him,
He has been though so very much this year,...Please wish me the
strength to go down there and hold him in my arms and a gently
passage,,,Then to the other vet asFRESNO my rescued dog's would has
opened up and the pin should be pulled,
I hate these times.

Epogen? Winstrol?

2007-03-17 Thread Marissa Johnson
Hi all.  A few people have recommended looking into Epogen and/or Winstrol for 
  He's very anemic.  His numbers on Wed. were as follows:
  WBC: 2.86 K/uL
  LYM: 1.09 K/uL
  MONO: 1.52 K/uL
  NEU: .17 K/uL
  EOS: 0.08 K/uL
  BASO: 0 K/uL
  HCT: 14.8% 
  RBC: 2.91 M/uL
  HGB: 7.7 g/dL
  RETIC: 16.9 K/uL
  %RETIC: 0.6%
  MCV: 50.8 fL
  RDW: 20.4 %
  MCH: 26.49 pg
  Platelets: 282 K/uL
  spin down PCV 20%
  Total Solids 7.0
  Dip stick abnormals: WBC +2, protein trace
  pH: 7
  Specific Gravity: 1.040
  Sdeiment: WBC 0-3/HPF, Triple Phos. Crystals - few
  I don't know what 90% of this means (only know HCT and RBC now because of you 
guys), but maybe some of you can make sense of some of the numbers.
  I have about $200 to my name right now, so funds are VERY limited.  I just 
applied for a credit card in hopes I could charge his care, but was turned 
down.  I HATE MONEY!  
  Could I do Epogen and/or Winstrol to buy some time until I can afford a 
transfusion (or find some help to pay for one)?  Would that be cheaper?  Are 
there any other options??
  If anyone has experience with these meds or any other ideas, please share!!!

TV dinner still cooling?
Check out "Tonight's Picks" on Yahoo! TV.

Re: Whitey is close to the BRIDGE

2007-03-17 Thread Marylyn

Strength and peace to you and your friends.

If you have men who will 
exclude any of God's creatures
from the shelter of 
compassion and pity, you will have men who
will deal likewise with 
their fellow man.
- Original Message - 
From: "Kelly L" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Saturday, March 17, 2007 6:15 AM
Subject: Whitey is close to the BRIDGE

To my Friends, My sweet Little White Deaf kitty is at the emergency vets 
under Oxygen tonight. It is a long story but probably underlying heart 
disease..and he is not responding. The ventilator is an option, but the 
prognosis of ever getting him off it is is so slim and with so many 
underlying problems I would be doing it for me and not him, He has been 
though so very much this year,...Please wish me the strength to go down 
there and hold him in my arms and a gently passage,,,Then to the other vet 
asFRESNO my rescued dog's would has opened up and the pin should be 

I hate these times.

Whitey is close to the BRIDGE

2007-03-17 Thread Kelly L
To my Friends, My sweet Little White Deaf kitty is at the emergency 
vets under Oxygen tonight. It is a long story but probably underlying 
heart disease..and he is not responding. The ventilator is an option, 
but the prognosis of ever getting him off it is is so slim and with 
so many underlying problems I would be doing it for me and not him, 
He has been though so very much this year,...Please wish me the 
strength to go down there and hold him in my arms and a gently 
passage,,,Then to the other vet asFRESNO my rescued dog's would has 
opened up and the pin should be pulled,

I hate these times.

[no subject]

2007-03-17 Thread Kelly L
To my Friends, My sweet Little White Deaf kitty is at the emergency 
vets under Oxygen tonight. It is a long story but probably underlying 
heart disease..and he is not responding. The ventilator is an option, 
but the prognosis of ever getting him off it is is so slim and with 
so many underlying problems I would be doing it for me and not him, 
He has been though so very much this year,...Please wish me the 
strength to go down there and hold him in my arms and a gently 
passage,,,Then to the other vet asFRESNO my rescued dog's would has 
opened up and the pin should be pulled,

I hate these times.

Re: Transfusion?

2007-03-17 Thread Belinda
  I guarantee you most vets are going to say a FeLV positive isn't 
going to be helped by epogen, and Baileys anemia was considered to be 
non regenerative and the epogen did help him, he was getting 
prednisolone also and I think for him and what was causing his anemia 
they were both needed.

If it's non-regenerative, meaning that he has no reticulocyte count at all, 
then that's not good.
However, if you think your vet knows what he is talking about, and doesn't 
think the transfusion or Epogen will help, then you might have to consider 
letting Slinky go.


happiness is being owned by cats ...


Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting & web design]

BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

Re: more on the pet-food recall... iams and eukanuba?

2007-03-17 Thread Belinda

 Here is another address to look up the brands posted so far:

The Cat Foods in particular:


happiness is being owned by cats ...


Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting & web design]

BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]