Re: Tomi's red blood cell count going down, any suggestions?

2007-04-02 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Two points isn't really a big deal during treatment (17 is low, but not
dangerously low), especially since you stopped the pred right before that
test. Most hemobart cases DO respond, sometimes it just takes a month or so
to see the number go up. Have patience and faith (and it wouldn't hurt to
keep your fingers crossed either).

Special Needs Cat Resources

Re: Sometimes, You get scared

2007-04-02 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I wish you and your gang lots of luck with the move Dede! Hopefully they will 
through the stress fine. You might consider some Rescue Remedy during and after 
move, to ease the stress of relocation on them all. You can get it at most 
food" type stores, it's in a little dropper bottle, you just add it to the water

Special Needs Cat Resources

Re: Dry food recall

2007-04-02 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Merrick canned I am feeding does not have wheat gluten in it.

Special Needs Cat Resources

Re: Too much bad news

2007-04-02 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Aww, he died curled up beside you. It must have been the best way to go, 
snuggled up
next to someone you love. I hope that's how I go when it's my time. My 
condolences go
out to you. I know it must have been such a shock to realize he was gone like 
Just think of how happy he probably was though, he just curled up and went to 

Special Needs Cat Resources

Re: Sometimes, You get scared

2007-04-02 Thread Kelly L

At 12:34 PM 4/2/2007, you wrote

I guess we are all a bit masochistic, we take in the ones with 
special needs, We love them and care for then, and vet them and mourn 
their passing, and say we never want to hurt so much again,that is 
until there is another little one in need, and we are there,
I guess no one understands how we can break in to tears thinking 
about our babies, or how we do not sleep worrying about the little 
kitten who ran off in a shopping center somewhere,

So we have each other who really understands,
As for moving, A few suggestions is to get a large crate or condo 
cage,,keep her in that for a few days or week before you go,, keep 
the carrier covered if you can with something light to make sure 
there is good ventilation, but dark enough to make her feel secure, 
When you get to your new place, put her back in her condo cage or 
crate as that is a secure place for her so it will be familiar,,,keep 
her in there until all the chaos settles so she doesn't try to 
escape,,and she should be just fine,


I guess reading Jenifer's post was the last straw for
me. I know some people would wonder why we are such
masochists.  I mean, who in their right mind takes on
an FeLV cat knowing all the risks?  I went in and
played with Ki..He is a yr. old now (I think) and he
is as healthy as any of me cats.  He is huge, 10 lbs
and the biggest tail I have seen in awhile!

We are moving in 3 wks, and we have made the
commitment to take him with us.  Everyone has had all
their shots, and i will release him in the house when
we get there.  I know this move will be very traumatic
for him.  He has been in a 12x12 bedroom since last
July.  I spend a lot of time with him watching TV and
playing with him.  He is frightened of anyone
else...well he is starting to give DH the benefit of
the doubt.

He is so playful and full of life that i couldn't bear
to lose him and I hope this trip doesn't make him
sick. I hope I am doing the right thing taking him,
but his options are limited.

Just needed to vent; I am a basket case anyway now.  I
have one cat that is diabetic, one with asthma, one
with CRF and my 3 FIV boys, one with an HCT of 20
(don't know what's wrong, but he isn't getting any
worse, and is eating well)  All the sickies will ride
with me.  Geez, I will be glad when this is all over.

Love makes you do interesting things.

Best to you all,
Dede and Ki

"When you are in the service of your fellow beings, you are only in 
the service of your God"

   Mosiah 2:17

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Re: Too much bad news

2007-04-02 Thread Kelly L

At 07:29 AM 4/2/2007, you wrote:

how very sad for you. You have my deepest sympathy, For midnight, he 
was cuddled up with the person he loved and just went for a long and 
peaceful sleep,


I hate to add to the bad news but I just want everyone to know that 
I lost Midnight over the weekend.  He had started throwing up a lot 
on Thursday.  He seemed a little slower than normal but he had no 
other symptoms.  I woke up Sunday morning about 4 am to find him 
curled up beside me but he was gone.  Thank you to everyone on this 
list.  You have all been so great and helpful.

Jennifer Madon

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Re: Too much bad news

2007-04-02 Thread Jennifer Madon
Nina, Once I started talking to Bill, I don't think I did post to the 
board.  I had no idea he was so famous! He is doing great.  He seems to 
be adjusting well.  He was kind of funny with the kids at first but he 
seem to be doing better.  My sons, 3 and 5, are doing ok.  Mason, 3, 
doesn't really get it.  Seldon,5, was real confused at first.  He was 
more mad than upset.  My daughter McKenna, 9, is still devastated.  She 
is sleeping with Midnights girlfriend ( a pink teddy bear) and his food 
bowl.  She has cried every night so far.  She has gotten distant from 
Norman.  I think it is because she knows he has FeLV and is afraid to 
get close.  That will pass in time I hope.  My husband was very shaken 
up.  I woke him up that morning with me crying.  He doesn't talk about 
it much because it makes him cry.  He said that after Norman, he doesn't 
want any more "sick" cats.  I can understand his feelings on this.  Me 
personally, I feel like Midnight would have died a long time ago, out on 
the streets if we hadn't taken him in.  Even if we only extended his 
life for a few months, they were good months.  I think Norman is going 
to be our special man.  He is going to get a lot of love.  I had no idea 
how important that it was for us to take him in.  I just wanted to be 
there for him, I had no idea he was going to be here for me.  The first 
night after we lost Midnight, Norman wouldn't sleep in the bed so I 
slept on the couch with him.  But tonight I am going to try again.  I 
feel blessed to have found Midnight and Norman and also to have found 
this group.  I will call Bill tomorrow.  I have been to upset to call 
him today and yesterday.  He did call and leave a message on my machine 
today while I was picking up the kids from school.  Maybe Norman will 
talk to him.  Wow, what a vocal cat! LOL

Thanks to you and to everyone for your kind words.

Nina wrote:
Oh Jennifer, I'm so sorry your Midnight has gone on.  You're right, 
there's so much sad news in our world lately.  Thank you for letting 
us know about Norman.  If you posted to the list about adopting him, I 
must have missed it.  I'm so glad to hear he is doing well.  You are 
very brave and good to open your heart to him.  I'm sure Midnight will 
be watching over you both.  It's so sad and sweet that he choose to 
leave this world cuddled up next to you in your bed.  You've mentioned 
your little boy, how is he doing with Midnight's death?  He's so 
little, does he understand what's happened?  How is your husband doing 
with Midnight's loss?  I remember you saying that he had to be 
encouraged to take Midnight in. Hugs and blessings to your family in 
your grief, prayers of good health and long life to Norman,


Jennifer Madon wrote:
I hate to add to the bad news but I just want everyone to know that I 
lost Midnight over the weekend.  He had started throwing up a lot on 
Thursday.  He seemed a little slower than normal but he had no other 
symptoms.  I woke up Sunday morning about 4 am to find him curled up 
beside me but he was gone.  Thank you to everyone on this list.  You 
have all been so great and helpful.

Jennifer Madon

Re: Tomi's red blood cell count going down, any suggestions?

2007-04-02 Thread Kelly L

At 04:43 PM 4/2/2007, you wrote:

In this case I would sure continue the prednisone. or ask about 
prednisolone,If his blood drops further than everything else is a 
mute point


Just by way of background info:

March 9, I took Tomi to the vet and found out he had Hemobartonella, 
Feline Leukemia, and a red blood count of 9.  The did a transfusion, 
bringing his count up to 13.  He started taking Doxycycline, and 
Prednisone, 2 pills per day.

One week later, his red blood cells were up to 17, and his 
Prednisone was dropped to 1 pill per day.

In another week, his red blood cells were 19, and the vet stopped 
giving him the Prednisone.

I've noticed since he stopped the Prednisone that he became a little 
less active, and when he went to the vet today, his red blood cells 
had dropped to 17.

The vet gave me another bottle of Prednisone, and I am supposed to 
continue giving him 1 per day.  Giving him this drug scares me, 
because I am afraid it will weaken his immune system too much.

I am also giving him Interferon (1cc per day), 1/4 tsp Mega C Plus, 
1 Transfer Factor capsule, and about 1/2 capsule of L-lysine.  I've 
been giving these for 1-2 weeks in baby food.

I asked the vet about Erythopotein, and she didn't think it would be 
of much help since she didn't think Tomi's bone marrow was healthy 
enough to respond to it.  I could probably insist that we try it 
though if it might help.  The vet thinks that the FeLV is 
responsible for destroying the blood cells in Tomi's bone marrow.

I was really hoping that once we got rid of the Hemobartonella, that 
Tomi's red blood count would get back to normal, but it looks like 
that may not be the case.

This is so hard to deal with on a daily basis, never knowing if he's 
going to get better, or if these are the last days I will get to 
spend with him.

Each kitty on this list that passes away brings tears to my eyes, 
and I can't help but wonder if my little boy might be next.

If anyone has a suggestion of what else I might be able to do to 
help him, I would be greaty appreciative.

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Re: Tomi's red blood cell count going down, any suggestions?

2007-04-02 Thread Kelley Saveika

I wish I could be of more help.  Joey is on the same regimen and his
rbc was below 3 last he went to the doctor.  It makes me think 17 is
really good:(.

On 4/2/07, C & J <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Just by way of background info:

March 9, I took Tomi to the vet and found out he had Hemobartonella, Feline
Leukemia, and a red blood count of 9.  The did a transfusion, bringing his
count up to 13.  He started taking Doxycycline, and Prednisone, 2 pills per

One week later, his red blood cells were up to 17, and his Prednisone was
dropped to 1 pill per day.

In another week, his red blood cells were 19, and the vet stopped giving him
the Prednisone.

I've noticed since he stopped the Prednisone that he became a little less
active, and when he went to the vet today, his red blood cells had dropped
to 17.

The vet gave me another bottle of Prednisone, and I am supposed to continue
giving him 1 per day.  Giving him this drug scares me, because I am afraid
it will weaken his immune system too much.

I am also giving him Interferon (1cc per day), 1/4 tsp Mega C Plus, 1
Transfer Factor capsule, and about 1/2 capsule of L-lysine.  I've been
giving these for 1-2 weeks in baby food.

I asked the vet about Erythopotein, and she didn't think it would be of much
help since she didn't think Tomi's bone marrow was healthy enough to respond
to it.  I could probably insist that we try it though if it might help.  The
vet thinks that the FeLV is responsible for destroying the blood cells in
Tomi's bone marrow.

I was really hoping that once we got rid of the Hemobartonella, that Tomi's
red blood count would get back to normal, but it looks like that may not be
the case.

This is so hard to deal with on a daily basis, never knowing if he's going
to get better, or if these are the last days I will get to spend with him.

Each kitty on this list that passes away brings tears to my eyes, and I
can't help but wonder if my little boy might be next.

If anyone has a suggestion of what else I might be able to do to help him, I
would be greaty appreciative.


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Please help Joey!

Re: Too much bad news

2007-04-02 Thread Sally Davis


I am so sorry tp hear of Midnight's passing. He loves you so much to be
secure to be next to you. One of my earlier soul kitties would have died by
my side except I could not bear to see him suffer. He did not leave my side
for the last days of his life. There was nothing the vet could do. This was
many years ago before there was much testing and vacinating for FeLV, but
that is what he had. He too was a solid black cat.



On 4/2/07, Jennifer Madon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I hate to add to the bad news but I just want everyone to know that I
lost Midnight over the weekend.  He had started throwing up a lot on
Thursday.  He seemed a little slower than normal but he had no other
symptoms.  I woke up Sunday morning about 4 am to find him curled up
beside me but he was gone.  Thank you to everyone on this list.  You
have all been so great and helpful.
Jennifer Madon

Re: Too much bad news

2007-04-02 Thread C & J
I'm so sorry that Midnight passed away.  At least he passed where he was 
warm and safe with you.

- Original Message - 
From: "Jennifer Madon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Monday, April 02, 2007 9:29 AM
Subject: Too much bad news

I hate to add to the bad news but I just want everyone to know that I lost 
Midnight over the weekend.  He had started throwing up a lot on Thursday. 
He seemed a little slower than normal but he had no other symptoms.  I woke 
up Sunday morning about 4 am to find him curled up beside me but he was 
gone.  Thank you to everyone on this list.  You have all been so great and 

Jennifer Madon

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8:49 PM

Tomi's red blood cell count going down, any suggestions?

2007-04-02 Thread C & J
Just by way of background info:

March 9, I took Tomi to the vet and found out he had Hemobartonella, Feline 
Leukemia, and a red blood count of 9.  The did a transfusion, bringing his 
count up to 13.  He started taking Doxycycline, and Prednisone, 2 pills per day.

One week later, his red blood cells were up to 17, and his Prednisone was 
dropped to 1 pill per day.

In another week, his red blood cells were 19, and the vet stopped giving him 
the Prednisone.  

I've noticed since he stopped the Prednisone that he became a little less 
active, and when he went to the vet today, his red blood cells had dropped to 

The vet gave me another bottle of Prednisone, and I am supposed to continue 
giving him 1 per day.  Giving him this drug scares me, because I am afraid it 
will weaken his immune system too much.

I am also giving him Interferon (1cc per day), 1/4 tsp Mega C Plus, 1 Transfer 
Factor capsule, and about 1/2 capsule of L-lysine.  I've been giving these for 
1-2 weeks in baby food.

I asked the vet about Erythopotein, and she didn't think it would be of much 
help since she didn't think Tomi's bone marrow was healthy enough to respond to 
it.  I could probably insist that we try it though if it might help.  The vet 
thinks that the FeLV is responsible for destroying the blood cells in Tomi's 
bone marrow.

I was really hoping that once we got rid of the Hemobartonella, that Tomi's red 
blood count would get back to normal, but it looks like that may not be the 

This is so hard to deal with on a daily basis, never knowing if he's going to 
get better, or if these are the last days I will get to spend with him.

Each kitty on this list that passes away brings tears to my eyes, and I can't 
help but wonder if my little boy might be next.

If anyone has a suggestion of what else I might be able to do to help him, I 
would be greaty appreciative.


Re: Too much bad news

2007-04-02 Thread catatonya
  I'm so sorry about your loss.

Jennifer Madon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  I hate to add to the bad news but I just want everyone to know that I 
lost Midnight over the weekend. He had started throwing up a lot on 
Thursday. He seemed a little slower than normal but he had no other 
symptoms. I woke up Sunday morning about 4 am to find him curled up 
beside me but he was gone. Thank you to everyone on this list. You 
have all been so great and helpful.
Jennifer Madon

Re: CLS Please add Thurston and Carmellia

2007-04-02 Thread Gussies mom
It is so very sad to lose 2 babies so close together. Our hearts are with you.

Tad Burnett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Two more of our FeLV+ kitties have gone on to the Rainbow Bridge 
Carmellia March 13,2007
Thurston March 30,2007

I am having a hard time to write this... Little Thurston was only 3 
months old
when he came to live with me and he only stayed for about 6 months
but during that time he had become my very special little buddy...
He was always with me to help with what ever I was doing... He came
here with his little sister who also passed on a few weeks earlier...
They were very close and I am sure that they now have found each other
at the Rainbow Bridge... I just can't believe he is gone and I keep feeling
he will come pouncing up to see what I am typing... I had so hoped that
he would be one of those very few + babies that stay here for a few years
but that just wasn't meant to be

Carmellia was a middle aged kitty who had been isolated from other kitties
and she was a bit over whelmed with all my other kitties... She stayed in
the isolation cage most of the 6 months time that she was here... Her
own choice... the door was open... She was friendly though and loved
attention in her cage... Just the last month she was starting to sneak out
and come to me if the others were sleeping... I can't help but wonder
if it was the stress of coming into my home that brought on her passing
but she did let me know that she knew she was loved before she left...

We will miss Thurston and Carmellia as we do all the other that have
been with us for their too short life times...

Tad and Marie

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Re: What to do with feral cat attacking my cats

2007-04-02 Thread elizabeth trent

The amount of poop the average possum can contain is roughly twice its
actual size and weight! you may soon discover if you catch one in a
trap.  (trust me on this...)


On 4/2/07, Gussies mom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

And maybe possums or other critters, too. Possums are so much fun to get
out of the traps!


Oh yeah, you will trap other cats sometimes. If you decide to do this
yourself, just
let them go and try again. It's really not hard, the traps are easy to
The hardest part is that it is time-consuming sometimes.

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Re: What to do with feral cat attacking my cats

2007-04-02 Thread Gussies mom
And maybe possums or other critters, too. Possums are so much fun to get out of 
the traps!

  Oh yeah, you will trap other cats sometimes. If you decide to do this 
yourself, just
let them go and try again. It's really not hard, the traps are easy to 
The hardest part is that it is time-consuming sometimes.

Special Needs Cat Resources

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Re: Margarita Please add to CLS

2007-04-02 Thread Gussies mom
Lucky baby to have people love her, even if it wasn't long. You know it meant 
the world to her. 
  I lost my 2 orange girls to FeLV at 1 1/2 years old. I still have one as the 
wallpaper on my computer. And I think it was Belinda who made a wonderful 
screensaver collage of them for me.

Sherry DeHaan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Well we lost another little orange girl.Margarita wasn't with us long,she 
loved people but not other cats.She loved sitting in our laps and purring like 
crazy.Jen said she had her with her through the night and cuddled with her.I 
guess her abdomen filled with fluids.

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Re: Feline blood for transfusion available

2007-04-02 Thread Gussies mom
So sorry to hear about your baby passing away.

Hideyo Yamamoto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi, my Felix passes away –due to severe anemia, he had 4 
transfusion during the past couple of weeks – I hae 2 more units of blood that 
I purchased form blood bank for my baby Felix available since Felix has gone to 
heaven – please let me know if anyone needs transfusion for your kitty  - it’s 
for feline A type..

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Re: To Nina: Re: What to do with feral cat attacking my cats

2007-04-02 Thread wendy

I laughed out loud at your metaphor of Starman
romancing Pistol and following her around...hehe. 
These kids probably think I'm a nutcase laughing at my
computer like I do.


--- Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Aww, so wonderful to hear about Nilla Belle, (pardon
> me Nilla for 
> calling you a "he" :-) ).  I love the success
> stories!
> Ya know Wendy, so many of these street tough thugs
> turn into the 
> sweetest couch potatoes once they are relieved of
> those bothersome pom 
> poms.  He may not be as nasty as he appears.  Do you
> remember my FIV 
> boy, Starman?  He bit me so hard at first that it
> would not only 
> puncture my skin, but left bruises around the bite
> site.  He is now the 
> fattest, happiest, most content lap cat you could
> imagine, (I'll send 
> you a picture off list).  His girlfriend is our tiny
> Pistol, she's all 
> of 7lbs soaking wet and Star is pushing 20lb.  She
> wanted nothing to do 
> with him and his burly ways when he came to live
> with us, but he wore 
> her down with his persistent and patient adoration
> and now they sleep 
> and play together.  He follows her around like some
> underpaid bodyguard, 
> it's so cute.  So, you never know what personality
> lurks under all that 
> testosterone, fear and self preservation. 
> Nina
> wendy wrote:
> > Thanks for asking about Nilla Belle.  She's
> > wonderful!!!  I can't believe I am even saying
> that,
> > but she is just the BEST dog.  She is so smart,
> and
> > loving, and walks like a trained showdog.  We're
> > blessed to have her.  Thanks for all the rescue
> info. 
> > This will help when approaching them for help.
> >
> > :)
> > Wendy

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RE: Sometimes, You get scared

2007-04-02 Thread Rosenfeldt, Diane
That's a really good idea -- find the smallest room you can, make sure
there are food, water and toys in there, and a worn-but-not-washed piece
of your clothing.  Put a carrier or other "lair" in the room for him to
retreat to.  Oh, and Feliway sprayed in the room and Rescue Remedy or
its clones in the water.  (And hey, take some yourself! ;-)) And make
sure you spend some calm time in the room with Ki.  When he seems
comfortable in that space, you can leave the door open a crack and let
him explore at his own speed.  Best of luck with the move.

Diane R.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of wendy
Sent: Monday, April 02, 2007 3:31 PM
Subject: Re: Sometimes, You get scared

Hey Dede,

I hate that you are stressed, but I would be too with
all that you have going on.  You should feel good
about taking Ki.  Taking him will probably be less
stressful on him than leaving him.  I can't believe
he's 10 lbs. and only a year old!  What a little
monster!  One suggestion: since he is used to being in
a 12x12 room, you might consider waiting to release
him until he's used to a smaller area of your new
place.  That way, he's not so overwhelmed by the large
space.  I'm praying for peace for you and your
furbabies, especially during their trip.  It will be
an adventure for all of you!!!  


"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can
change the world: Indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" 
~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~


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Re: Sometimes, You get scared

2007-04-02 Thread wendy
Hey Dede,

I hate that you are stressed, but I would be too with
all that you have going on.  You should feel good
about taking Ki.  Taking him will probably be less
stressful on him than leaving him.  I can't believe
he's 10 lbs. and only a year old!  What a little
monster!  One suggestion: since he is used to being in
a 12x12 room, you might consider waiting to release
him until he's used to a smaller area of your new
place.  That way, he's not so overwhelmed by the large
space.  I'm praying for peace for you and your
furbabies, especially during their trip.  It will be
an adventure for all of you!!!  


"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the 
world: Indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" 

  ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~


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Sometimes, You get scared

2007-04-02 Thread dede hicken

I guess reading Jenifer's post was the last straw for
me. I know some people would wonder why we are such
masochists.  I mean, who in their right mind takes on
an FeLV cat knowing all the risks?  I went in and
played with Ki..He is a yr. old now (I think) and he
is as healthy as any of me cats.  He is huge, 10 lbs
and the biggest tail I have seen in awhile!

We are moving in 3 wks, and we have made the
commitment to take him with us.  Everyone has had all
their shots, and i will release him in the house when
we get there.  I know this move will be very traumatic
for him.  He has been in a 12x12 bedroom since last
July.  I spend a lot of time with him watching TV and
playing with him.  He is frightened of anyone
else...well he is starting to give DH the benefit of
the doubt.

He is so playful and full of life that i couldn't bear
to lose him and I hope this trip doesn't make him
sick. I hope I am doing the right thing taking him,
but his options are limited.

Just needed to vent; I am a basket case anyway now.  I
have one cat that is diabetic, one with asthma, one
with CRF and my 3 FIV boys, one with an HCT of 20
(don't know what's wrong, but he isn't getting any
worse, and is eating well)  All the sickies will ride
with me.  Geez, I will be glad when this is all over.

Love makes you do interesting things.

Best to you all,
Dede and Ki

"When you are in the service of your fellow beings, you are only in the service 
of your God"
   Mosiah 2:17


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Re: To Nina: Re: What to do with feral cat attacking my cats

2007-04-02 Thread Nina
Aww, so wonderful to hear about Nilla Belle, (pardon me Nilla for 
calling you a "he" :-) ).  I love the success stories!

Ya know Wendy, so many of these street tough thugs turn into the 
sweetest couch potatoes once they are relieved of those bothersome pom 
poms.  He may not be as nasty as he appears.  Do you remember my FIV 
boy, Starman?  He bit me so hard at first that it would not only 
puncture my skin, but left bruises around the bite site.  He is now the 
fattest, happiest, most content lap cat you could imagine, (I'll send 
you a picture off list).  His girlfriend is our tiny Pistol, she's all 
of 7lbs soaking wet and Star is pushing 20lb.  She wanted nothing to do 
with him and his burly ways when he came to live with us, but he wore 
her down with his persistent and patient adoration and now they sleep 
and play together.  He follows her around like some underpaid bodyguard, 
it's so cute.  So, you never know what personality lurks under all that 
testosterone, fear and self preservation. 

wendy wrote:

Thanks for asking about Nilla Belle.  She's
wonderful!!!  I can't believe I am even saying that,
but she is just the BEST dog.  She is so smart, and
loving, and walks like a trained showdog.  We're
blessed to have her.  Thanks for all the rescue info. 
This will help when approaching them for help.


Re: Feline blood for transfusion available

2007-04-02 Thread catatonya
  I'm so sorry for your loss of Felix.

Hideyo Yamamoto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi, my Felix passes away –due to severe anemia, he had 4 
transfusion during the past couple of weeks – I hae 2 more units of blood that 
I purchased form blood bank for my baby Felix available since Felix has gone to 
heaven – please let me know if anyone needs transfusion for your kitty  - it’s 
for feline A type..

To Nina: Re: What to do with feral cat attacking my cats

2007-04-02 Thread wendy
Thanks for asking about Nilla Belle.  She's
wonderful!!!  I can't believe I am even saying that,
but she is just the BEST dog.  She is so smart, and
loving, and walks like a trained showdog.  We're
blessed to have her.  Thanks for all the rescue info. 
This will help when approaching them for help.


--- Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Wendy,
> Be sure when you talk to them to let them know you
> are willing to do the 
> work and follow up.  We're heading into heavy kitten
> season and every 
> rescue you call will be even more overwhelmed than
> usual.  Someone will 
> be much more likely to help you if they don't
> suspect you are one of 
> those callers that is looking to dump their
> responsibility on a rescue's 
> already heavy burden.  If you first thank them for
> all they do, then 
> tell them you are  looking for their expertise, the
> loan of equipment, 
> and the name of a vet in your area that will work
> with feral neuters 
> they will probably be happy to help you help them
> get one more 
> aggressive male on the street neutered.  Ask them if
> it might be 
> possible to go through their vet in order to get
> their group discount.  
> (They may even offer to pay for his neuter and shots
> if they have enough 
> money in the till).
> P.S.  Do you still have that Pit rescue you and your
> husband found on 
> the street?  How's he working out?
> Thanks Wendy for being someone that cares enough to
> help those in need,
> Nina
> wendy wrote:
> > Thanks everyone for all the good info.  I will be
> > calling one of the places this afternoon.  
> >
> > :)
> > Wendy

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world: Indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" 

  ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~


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Re: What to do with feral cat attacking my cats

2007-04-02 Thread Nina

Be sure when you talk to them to let them know you are willing to do the 
work and follow up.  We're heading into heavy kitten season and every 
rescue you call will be even more overwhelmed than usual.  Someone will 
be much more likely to help you if they don't suspect you are one of 
those callers that is looking to dump their responsibility on a rescue's 
already heavy burden.  If you first thank them for all they do, then 
tell them you are  looking for their expertise, the loan of equipment, 
and the name of a vet in your area that will work with feral neuters 
they will probably be happy to help you help them get one more 
aggressive male on the street neutered.  Ask them if it might be 
possible to go through their vet in order to get their group discount.  
(They may even offer to pay for his neuter and shots if they have enough 
money in the till).

P.S.  Do you still have that Pit rescue you and your husband found on 
the street?  How's he working out?

Thanks Wendy for being someone that cares enough to help those in need,

wendy wrote:

Thanks everyone for all the good info.  I will be
calling one of the places this afternoon.  


Re: What to do with feral cat attacking my cats

2007-04-02 Thread wendy
Thanks everyone for all the good info.  I will be
calling one of the places this afternoon.  


--- Kelley Saveika <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Wow, I did not know you could buy traps at
> Lowes/Home Depot.  I was
> asking the local feral people about traps a while
> back and they did
> not know that either, I don't think.  I will say
> that the local feral
> people do not like HavAHeart traps...they like
> TruCatch traps aka "the
> nice brown traps."
> On 4/2/07, catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Many ferals will 'go crazy' when trapped.  There's
> not a lot you (or someone
> > more experienced) can do about that except to
> cover the cage with a blanket.
> >
> > You can buy humane traps at Lowe's/Home Depot. 
> One trick I've learned is to
> > put the food on a paper plate and then set the
> trap down on TOP of that so
> > that the food dish is not actually in the trap
> with the cat.  (When you pick
> > up the trap the food's not in there spilling
> around.
> >
> > t
> >
> > That's easy to resolve, just don't let your cats
> out when you have the trap
> > down.
> > Most shelters and many vets have traps they will
> let people borrow (some
> > charge a
> > deposit). It's actually really easy. You do need
> to set up a drop off
> > appointment
> > with a vet before you trap, so you wont trap him
> and then have to "store"
> > him for
> > days waiting for an appointment. Most vets will
> give you a sliding "drop
> > off"
> > appointment if they work with ferals at all,
> because it's hard to know
> > exactly when
> > one will be trapped, so you can't really set a
> specific day/time
> > appointment.
> >
> > Phaewryn
> >
> >
> > Special Needs Cat Resources
> >
> >
> >
> >
> -- 
> Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.
> Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!
> Please help Joey!

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world: Indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" 

  ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~


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Re: What to do with feral cat attacking my cats

2007-04-02 Thread Nina
If you are going to buy a trap, instead of borrow one, I'd definitely 
step up for a trap that has the guillotine  back door.  It makes it sooo 
much easier to transfer ferals from trap to carrier, bait, release, 
etc.  I have a Tru-catch and I love it.  The way the door mechanism 
works is much quieter, (closes with rings that slide down on the side of 
the door), and makes it impossible for them to escape out before the 
door shuts all the way.  I also bought a med dog size trap to use with 
kittens and harder to catch guys, (I have to rig it with a pull stick 
and hide in bushes though because kittens/cats don't weigh enough to 
trip the plate).  I bought mine online: 

If you can get with a local feral group, they might have a drop trap to 
lend you.  It's another of those, 'got to be there while you're 
trapping' kind of traps, but it's the best way to get someone wily, and 
also the best way to get the one you're after.  If they don't already 
have a drop trap, they should build one.  Here's one site for plans:

We modified the wood version, but alley cat allies has a pvc version 
that I'm told works well too.


Kelley Saveika wrote:

Wow, I did not know you could buy traps at Lowes/Home Depot.  I was
asking the local feral people about traps a while back and they did
not know that either, I don't think.  I will say that the local feral
people do not like HavAHeart traps...they like TruCatch traps aka "the
nice brown traps."

Re: What to do with feral cat attacking my cats

2007-04-02 Thread Kelley Saveika

Wow, I did not know you could buy traps at Lowes/Home Depot.  I was
asking the local feral people about traps a while back and they did
not know that either, I don't think.  I will say that the local feral
people do not like HavAHeart traps...they like TruCatch traps aka "the
nice brown traps."

On 4/2/07, catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Many ferals will 'go crazy' when trapped.  There's not a lot you (or someone
more experienced) can do about that except to cover the cage with a blanket.

You can buy humane traps at Lowe's/Home Depot.  One trick I've learned is to
put the food on a paper plate and then set the trap down on TOP of that so
that the food dish is not actually in the trap with the cat.  (When you pick
up the trap the food's not in there spilling around.


That's easy to resolve, just don't let your cats out when you have the trap
Most shelters and many vets have traps they will let people borrow (some
charge a
deposit). It's actually really easy. You do need to set up a drop off
with a vet before you trap, so you wont trap him and then have to "store"
him for
days waiting for an appointment. Most vets will give you a sliding "drop
appointment if they work with ferals at all, because it's hard to know
exactly when
one will be trapped, so you can't really set a specific day/time

Special Needs Cat Resources

Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

Please help Joey!

Re: What to do with feral cat attacking my cats

2007-04-02 Thread catatonya
Many ferals will 'go crazy' when trapped.  There's not a lot you (or someone 
more experienced) can do about that except to cover the cage with a blanket.
  You can buy humane traps at Lowe's/Home Depot.  One trick I've learned is to 
put the food on a paper plate and then set the trap down on TOP of that so that 
the food dish is not actually in the trap with the cat.  (When you pick up the 
trap the food's not in there spilling around.

  That's easy to resolve, just don't let your cats out when you have the trap 
Most shelters and many vets have traps they will let people borrow (some charge 
deposit). It's actually really easy. You do need to set up a drop off 
with a vet before you trap, so you wont trap him and then have to "store" him 
days waiting for an appointment. Most vets will give you a sliding "drop off"
appointment if they work with ferals at all, because it's hard to know exactly 
one will be trapped, so you can't really set a specific day/time appointment.

Special Needs Cat Resources

Re: Too much bad news

2007-04-02 Thread elizabeth trent

Jennifer, I am so sorry.  He was very lucky to have you and to have had you
close by.  It hurts so much.  My heart is with you.


On 4/2/07, Jennifer Madon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I hate to add to the bad news but I just want everyone to know that I
lost Midnight over the weekend.  He had started throwing up a lot on
Thursday.  He seemed a little slower than normal but he had no other
symptoms.  I woke up Sunday morning about 4 am to find him curled up
beside me but he was gone.  Thank you to everyone on this list.  You
have all been so great and helpful.
Jennifer Madon

Re: Too much bad news

2007-04-02 Thread cindy reasoner
Jennifer,  I am sorry to hear that Midnight has passed
away.  You and your family are in my thoughts and

Cindy Reasoner

--- Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Oh Jennifer, I'm so sorry your Midnight has gone on.
>  You're right, 
> there's so much sad news in our world lately.  Thank
> you for letting us 
> know about Norman.  If you posted to the list about
> adopting him, I must 
> have missed it.  I'm so glad to hear he is doing
> well.  You are very 
> brave and good to open your heart to him.  I'm sure
> Midnight will be 
> watching over you both.  It's so sad and sweet that
> he choose to leave 
> this world cuddled up next to you in your bed. 
> You've mentioned your 
> little boy, how is he doing with Midnight's death? 
> He's so little, does 
> he understand what's happened?  How is your husband
> doing with 
> Midnight's loss?  I remember you saying that he had
> to be encouraged to 
> take Midnight in. 
> Hugs and blessings to your family in your grief,
> prayers of good health 
> and long life to Norman,
> Nina
> Jennifer Madon wrote:
> > I hate to add to the bad news but I just want
> everyone to know that I 
> > lost Midnight over the weekend.  He had started
> throwing up a lot on 
> > Thursday.  He seemed a little slower than normal
> but he had no other 
> > symptoms.  I woke up Sunday morning about 4 am to
> find him curled up 
> > beside me but he was gone.  Thank you to everyone
> on this list.  You 
> > have all been so great and helpful.
> > Jennifer Madon
> >
> >
> >


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Re: Margarita Please add to CLS

2007-04-02 Thread catatonya
I'm so sorry, Sherry.

Sherry DeHaan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Well we lost another little orange girl.Margarita wasn't with us long,she 
loved people but not other cats.She loved sitting in our laps and purring like 
crazy.Jen said she had her with her through the night and cuddled with her.I 
guess her abdomen filled with fluids.

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Re: Too much bad news

2007-04-02 Thread Nina
Oh Jennifer, I'm so sorry your Midnight has gone on.  You're right, 
there's so much sad news in our world lately.  Thank you for letting us 
know about Norman.  If you posted to the list about adopting him, I must 
have missed it.  I'm so glad to hear he is doing well.  You are very 
brave and good to open your heart to him.  I'm sure Midnight will be 
watching over you both.  It's so sad and sweet that he choose to leave 
this world cuddled up next to you in your bed.  You've mentioned your 
little boy, how is he doing with Midnight's death?  He's so little, does 
he understand what's happened?  How is your husband doing with 
Midnight's loss?  I remember you saying that he had to be encouraged to 
take Midnight in. 
Hugs and blessings to your family in your grief, prayers of good health 
and long life to Norman,


Jennifer Madon wrote:
I hate to add to the bad news but I just want everyone to know that I 
lost Midnight over the weekend.  He had started throwing up a lot on 
Thursday.  He seemed a little slower than normal but he had no other 
symptoms.  I woke up Sunday morning about 4 am to find him curled up 
beside me but he was gone.  Thank you to everyone on this list.  You 
have all been so great and helpful.

Jennifer Madon

Re: Dry food recall

2007-04-02 Thread Gussies mom
I have a finicky foster that will only eat Fancy Feast. She's been eating its 
for a month. If there were any problems I'm sure I would have noticed by now.

cindy reasoner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  I am feeding some of my cats Fancy Feast and Friskies
and the other 3 I am feeding 9lives. Now I don't know
what to do. It all has wheat gluten in it. I was
able to find some Fancy Feast (fish cans) that didn't
have wheat gluten in it. My cats are so finicky they
won't eat the same flavor twice in 1 day. Is there
any food out there that doesn't have this in it. I
feed the dogs Pedigree and read the lables on the cans
yesterday and there are some which don't contain wheat
gluten but I don't know what to do about the cats. I
am scared that by the end of this week Fancy Feast,
Friskies and 9 Lives will be recalled. I do have 1
cat that is on Hills S/D but I read the label and
there is no wheat gluten in it. This is an outrage. 
I am so mad that these companies purchase this from a
supplier that used China. I mean China doesn't care
about their animials so why should they care about our
pets! I wish there was someway to find out where they
buy their ingredients at so in the future if any came
from China I would know not to buy it. I did call
Hills Saturday morning and told them that I would
discontinue buying their product if they kept on
buying any ingredients from China. The lady told me
most of the calls they were getting were saying the
same thing. I am going to try to get through to
Purina and Del Monte to tell them the same thing. 
Maybe if enough people tell them this they won't do
this anymore in the future. I just can't believe that
your taking a chance with your furbabies life just by
feeding them.

Cindy Reasoner

--- Kerry Roach wrote:

> Hi guys,
> I am sort of behind times for the most part, but I
> haven't seen this listed anywhere..not any purina
> foods, dry or wet...I feed fancy feast to Inky and
> friskies to ferals..
> So that might be a good thing...Please let me know
> if I need to look at this some more..
> Hope all your kitties are well today. 
> Kerry, Inky and Angels Bandy, Buster, Lil Rascal
> and Snoopy
> -
> Be a PS3 game guru.
> Get your game face on with the latest PS3 news and
> previews at Yahoo! Games.

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Re: Too much bad news

2007-04-02 Thread Sherry DeHaan
Jennifer so sorry to hear you lost sweet Midnight.At least he felt your warmth 
in his final moments.Hugs to you.

Jennifer Madon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  I hate to add to the bad news but I just want everyone to know that I 
lost Midnight over the weekend. He had started throwing up a lot on 
Thursday. He seemed a little slower than normal but he had no other 
symptoms. I woke up Sunday morning about 4 am to find him curled up 
beside me but he was gone. Thank you to everyone on this list. You 
have all been so great and helpful.
Jennifer Madon

8:00? 8:25? 8:40?  Find a flick in no time
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Re: Feline blood for transfusion available

2007-04-02 Thread wendy

I am so sorry to hear about your precious Felix.  You
were so good to him.  


--- Hideyo Yamamoto

> Hi, my Felix passes away -due to severe anemia, he
> had 4 transfusion
> during the past couple of weeks - I hae 2 more units
> of blood that I
> purchased form blood bank for my baby Felix
> available since Felix has
> gone to heaven - please let me know if anyone needs
> transfusion for your
> kitty  - it's for feline A type..

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the 
world: Indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" 

  ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~


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Re: Too much bad news

2007-04-02 Thread Jennifer Madon
Norman is doing great.  He seemed a little confused this morning as to 
where Midnight is.  I am so glad he came when he did.  Norman is going 
to be a blessing in this house.  He came at just the right time.  I am 
sad though because Norman and Midnight were becoming friends very fast!


dede hicken wrote:

Jennifer, I am so sorry.  Is Norman doing OK?  I just
hate all this, and so many prople hurting.

Midnight must of loved you very much to curl up next
to you.  Most cats, it seems like to go off by

Ged bless,
--- Jennifer Madon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I hate to add to the bad news but I just want
everyone to know that I 
lost Midnight over the weekend.  He had started
throwing up a lot on 
Thursday.  He seemed a little slower than normal but
he had no other 
symptoms.  I woke up Sunday morning about 4 am to
find him curled up 
beside me but he was gone.  Thank you to everyone on
this list.  You 
have all been so great and helpful.

Jennifer Madon

"When you are in the service of your fellow beings, you are only in the service of 
your God"
   Mosiah 2:17


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Re: Too much bad news

2007-04-02 Thread dede hicken
Jennifer, I am so sorry.  Is Norman doing OK?  I just
hate all this, and so many prople hurting.

Midnight must of loved you very much to curl up next
to you.  Most cats, it seems like to go off by

Ged bless,
--- Jennifer Madon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I hate to add to the bad news but I just want
> everyone to know that I 
> lost Midnight over the weekend.  He had started
> throwing up a lot on 
> Thursday.  He seemed a little slower than normal but
> he had no other 
> symptoms.  I woke up Sunday morning about 4 am to
> find him curled up 
> beside me but he was gone.  Thank you to everyone on
> this list.  You 
> have all been so great and helpful.
> Jennifer Madon

"When you are in the service of your fellow beings, you are only in the service 
of your God"
   Mosiah 2:17


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Re: Too much bad news

2007-04-02 Thread wendy

I am so sorry!  How horrible for you to wake up and
find him like that.  He knew how much you loved him. 
Curling up like that right next to as he left this
world is a testament to that.  Prayers going out for
peace for you.


--- Jennifer Madon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I hate to add to the bad news but I just want
> everyone to know that I 
> lost Midnight over the weekend.  He had started
> throwing up a lot on 
> Thursday.  He seemed a little slower than normal but
> he had no other 
> symptoms.  I woke up Sunday morning about 4 am to
> find him curled up 
> beside me but he was gone.  Thank you to everyone on
> this list.  You 
> have all been so great and helpful.
> Jennifer Madon

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the 
world: Indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" 

  ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~


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Re: Too much bad news

2007-04-02 Thread Jenna
Jennifer- I'm so sorry. I hope you take some comfort that he passed away where 
he knew he was loved most. I know when I lost Satine, that was one thing that 
comforted me. 

Jennifer Madon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  I hate to add to the bad news but I just want everyone to know that I 
lost Midnight over the weekend. He had started throwing up a lot on 
Thursday. He seemed a little slower than normal but he had no other 
symptoms. I woke up Sunday morning about 4 am to find him curled up 
beside me but he was gone. Thank you to everyone on this list. You 
have all been so great and helpful.
Jennifer Madon

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Re: Dry food recall

2007-04-02 Thread Kelley Saveika

Diamond has some brands that have no wheat gluten.  Felidae has no
wheat gluten.  They don't make a lot of different flavors though:(

On 4/2/07, cindy reasoner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am feeding some of my cats Fancy Feast and Friskies
and the other 3 I am feeding 9lives.  Now I don't know
what to do.  It all has wheat gluten in it.  I was
able to find some Fancy Feast (fish cans) that didn't
have wheat gluten in it.  My cats are so finicky they
won't eat the same flavor twice in 1 day.  Is there
any food out there that doesn't have this in it.  I
feed the dogs Pedigree and read the lables on the cans
yesterday and there are some which don't contain wheat
gluten but I don't know what to do about the cats.  I
am scared that by the end of this week Fancy Feast,
Friskies and 9 Lives will be recalled.  I do have 1
cat that is on Hills S/D but I read the label and
there is no wheat gluten in it.  This is an outrage.
I am so mad that these companies purchase this from a
supplier that used China.  I mean China doesn't care
about their animials so why should they care about our
pets!  I wish there was someway to find out where they
buy their ingredients at so in the future if any came
from China I would know not to buy it.  I did call
Hills Saturday morning and told them that I would
discontinue buying their product if they kept on
buying any ingredients from China.  The lady told me
most of the calls they were getting were saying the
same thing.  I am going to try to get through to
Purina and Del Monte to tell them the same thing.
Maybe if enough people tell them this they won't do
this anymore in the future. I just can't believe that
your taking a chance with your furbabies life just by
feeding them.

Cindy Reasoner

--- Kerry Roach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi guys,
>   I am sort of behind times for the most part, but I
> haven't seen this listed anywhere..not any purina
> foods, dry or wet...I feed fancy feast to Inky and
> friskies to ferals..
>   So that might be a good thing...Please let me know
> if I need to look at this some more..
>   Hope all your kitties are well today.
>   Kerry, Inky and Angels Bandy, Buster, Lil Rascal
> and Snoopy
> -
> Be a PS3 game guru.
> Get your game face on with the latest PS3 news and
> previews at Yahoo! Games.

It's here! Your new message!
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Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

Please help Joey!

Re: Too much bad news

2007-04-02 Thread Gussies mom
So sorry to hear about midnoght. It sounds like he went quietly.

Jennifer Madon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  I hate to add to the bad news but I just want everyone to know that I 
lost Midnight over the weekend. He had started throwing up a lot on 
Thursday. He seemed a little slower than normal but he had no other 
symptoms. I woke up Sunday morning about 4 am to find him curled up 
beside me but he was gone. Thank you to everyone on this list. You 
have all been so great and helpful.
Jennifer Madon

8:00? 8:25? 8:40?  Find a flick in no time
 with theYahoo! Search movie showtime shortcut.

Re: Dry food recall

2007-04-02 Thread cindy reasoner
I am feeding some of my cats Fancy Feast and Friskies
and the other 3 I am feeding 9lives.  Now I don't know
what to do.  It all has wheat gluten in it.  I was
able to find some Fancy Feast (fish cans) that didn't
have wheat gluten in it.  My cats are so finicky they
won't eat the same flavor twice in 1 day.  Is there
any food out there that doesn't have this in it.  I
feed the dogs Pedigree and read the lables on the cans
yesterday and there are some which don't contain wheat
gluten but I don't know what to do about the cats.  I
am scared that by the end of this week Fancy Feast,
Friskies and 9 Lives will be recalled.  I do have 1
cat that is on Hills S/D but I read the label and
there is no wheat gluten in it.  This is an outrage. 
I am so mad that these companies purchase this from a
supplier that used China.  I mean China doesn't care
about their animials so why should they care about our
pets!  I wish there was someway to find out where they
buy their ingredients at so in the future if any came
from China I would know not to buy it.  I did call
Hills Saturday morning and told them that I would
discontinue buying their product if they kept on
buying any ingredients from China.  The lady told me
most of the calls they were getting were saying the
same thing.  I am going to try to get through to
Purina and Del Monte to tell them the same thing. 
Maybe if enough people tell them this they won't do
this anymore in the future. I just can't believe that
your taking a chance with your furbabies life just by
feeding them.

Cindy Reasoner

--- Kerry Roach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi guys,
>   I am sort of behind times for the most part, but I
> haven't seen this listed anywhere..not any purina
> foods, dry or wet...I feed fancy feast to Inky and
> friskies to ferals..
>   So that might be a good thing...Please let me know
> if I need to look at this some more..
>   Hope all your kitties are well today.  
>   Kerry, Inky and Angels Bandy, Buster, Lil Rascal
> and Snoopy
> -
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RE: Too much bad news

2007-04-02 Thread Rosenfeldt, Diane
I'm so sorry, Jennifer.  But it sounds like Midnight went in the best
possible way -- in his sleep and curled up next to his loved one.
Gentle Bridge vibes to him.

Diane R. 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jennifer Madon
Sent: Monday, April 02, 2007 9:30 AM
Subject: Too much bad news

I hate to add to the bad news but I just want everyone to know that I 
lost Midnight over the weekend.  He had started throwing up a lot on 
Thursday.  He seemed a little slower than normal but he had no other 
symptoms.  I woke up Sunday morning about 4 am to find him curled up 
beside me but he was gone.  Thank you to everyone on this list.  You 
have all been so great and helpful.
Jennifer Madon

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Re: CLS Please add Thurston and Carmellia

2007-04-02 Thread Marissa Johnson
Tad, so sorry for your losses...I can't imagine losing two!!!  Hang in there.
  GLOW to you.

wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm so sorry to hear about Thurston and Carmellia. 
Thurston sounds so precious. And it does sound like
Carmellia was letting you know she loved you before
she passed. I hate how this disease leaves us all


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Re: Margarita Please add to CLS

2007-04-02 Thread Marissa Johnson
Sherry, so sorry to hear this news!  Hang in there.
  Hugs and GLOW coming your way.

Sally Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi sherry
  So sorry to hear about Margarita.
  Hugs to you

  On 4/1/07, Sherry DeHaan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Well we lost another 
little orange girl.Margarita wasn't with us long,she loved people but not other 
cats.She loved sitting in our laps and purring like crazy.Jen said she had her 
with her through the night and cuddled with her.I guess her abdomen filled with 

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Re: Too much bad news

2007-04-02 Thread Marissa Johnson
Oh Jennifer.  I am so sorry to hear your sad news  I just lost my 
Slinky...and I've been crying myself to sleep lately.  It's so hard when we 
lose their precious little souls.  I am clinging to the belief that I will see 
him at the rainbow bridge one day.  And I'm glad to know he has a new friend to 
keep him company and someone he can show around.  
  Hang in there...this list is great and we're all here for ya.  

Jennifer Madon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  I hate to add to the bad news but I just want everyone to know that I 
lost Midnight over the weekend. He had started throwing up a lot on 
Thursday. He seemed a little slower than normal but he had no other 
symptoms. I woke up Sunday morning about 4 am to find him curled up 
beside me but he was gone. Thank you to everyone on this list. You 
have all been so great and helpful.
Jennifer Madon

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Re: Feline blood for transfusion available

2007-04-02 Thread Marissa Johnson
Hideyo, I am so sorry for your loss!!!  That anemia is a HORRIBLE enemy

Jenna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Hideyo- I am so sorry- you and your kitty are 
in my thoughts.

C & J <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  @page Section1 {size: 8.5in 11.0in; 
margin: 1.0in 1.25in 1.0in 1.25in; } P.MsoNormal {  FONT-SIZE: 12pt; MARGIN: 
0in 0in 0pt; FONT-FAMILY: "Times New Roman" } LI.MsoNormal {  FONT-SIZE: 12pt; 
MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; FONT-FAMILY: "Times New Roman" } DIV.MsoNormal {  
FONT-SIZE: 12pt; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; FONT-FAMILY: "Times New Roman" } A:link { 
 COLOR: blue; TEXT-DECORATION: underline } SPAN.MsoHyperlink {  COLOR: blue; 
TEXT-DECORATION: underline } A:visited {  COLOR: purple; TEXT-DECORATION: 
underline } SPAN.MsoHyperlinkFollowed {  COLOR: purple; TEXT-DECORATION: 
underline } SPAN.EmailStyle17 {  COLOR:   windowtext; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; 
mso-style-type: personal-compose } DIV.Section1 {  page: Section1 } I'm so 
sorry about Felix passing, that anemia is such a terrible thing.  I'm dealing 
with anemia with my Tomi as well.
- Original Message - 
  From: Hideyo Yamamoto 
  Sent: Monday, April 02, 2007 3:07 AM
  Subject: Feline blood for transfusion available

Hi, my Felix passes away –due to severe anemia, he had 4 transfusion during 
the past couple of weeks – I hae 2 more units of blood that I purchased form 
blood bank for my baby Felix available since Felix has gone to heaven – please 
let me know if anyone needs transfusion for your kitty  - it’s for feline A 


No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition.
Version: 7.5.446 / Virus Database: 268.18.24/742 - Release Date: 4/1/2007 8:49 

  Now that's room service! Choose from over 150,000 hotels 
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Too much bad news

2007-04-02 Thread Jennifer Madon
I hate to add to the bad news but I just want everyone to know that I 
lost Midnight over the weekend.  He had started throwing up a lot on 
Thursday.  He seemed a little slower than normal but he had no other 
symptoms.  I woke up Sunday morning about 4 am to find him curled up 
beside me but he was gone.  Thank you to everyone on this list.  You 
have all been so great and helpful.

Jennifer Madon

Re: Feline blood for transfusion available

2007-04-02 Thread Jenna
Hideyo- I am so sorry- you and your kitty are in my thoughts.

C & J <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: @page Section1 {size: 8.5in 11.0in; 
margin: 1.0in 1.25in 1.0in 1.25in; } P.MsoNormal {  FONT-SIZE: 12pt; MARGIN: 
0in 0in 0pt; FONT-FAMILY: "Times New Roman" } LI.MsoNormal {  FONT-SIZE: 12pt; 
MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; FONT-FAMILY: "Times New Roman" } DIV.MsoNormal {  
FONT-SIZE: 12pt; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; FONT-FAMILY: "Times New Roman" } A:link { 
 COLOR: blue; TEXT-DECORATION: underline } SPAN.MsoHyperlink {  COLOR: blue; 
TEXT-DECORATION: underline } A:visited {  COLOR: purple; TEXT-DECORATION: 
underline } SPAN.MsoHyperlinkFollowed {  COLOR: purple; TEXT-DECORATION: 
underline } SPAN.EmailStyle17 {  COLOR: windowtext; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; 
mso-style-type: personal-compose } DIV.Section1 {  page: Section1 }   I'm so 
sorry about Felix passing, that anemia is  such a terrible thing.  I'm dealing 
with anemia with my Tomi as  well.
- Original Message - 
   From:Hideyo Yamamoto 
   Sent: Monday, April 02, 2007 3:07  AM
   Subject: Feline blood for transfusionavailable

  Hi, my Felix passes away –due tosevere anemia, he had 4 transfusion 
during the past couple of weeks – I hae 2more units of blood that I 
purchased form blood bank for my baby Felixavailable since Felix has gone 
to heaven – please let me know if anyone needstransfusion for your kitty  - 
it’s for feline Atype..



No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG FreeEdition.
Version: 7.5.446 / Virus Database: 268.18.24/742 - Release Date:4/1/2007 
8:49 PM

Now that's room service! Choose from over 150,000 hotels 
in 45,000 destinations on Yahoo! Travel to find your fit.

Re: Feline blood for transfusion available

2007-04-02 Thread C & J
I'm so sorry about Felix passing, that anemia is such a terrible thing.  I'm 
dealing with anemia with my Tomi as well.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Hideyo Yamamoto 
  Sent: Monday, April 02, 2007 3:07 AM
  Subject: Feline blood for transfusion available

  Hi, my Felix passes away -due to severe anemia, he had 4 transfusion during 
the past couple of weeks - I hae 2 more units of blood that I purchased form 
blood bank for my baby Felix available since Felix has gone to heaven - please 
let me know if anyone needs transfusion for your kitty  - it's for feline A 


  No virus found in this incoming message.
  Checked by AVG Free Edition.
  Version: 7.5.446 / Virus Database: 268.18.24/742 - Release Date: 4/1/2007 
8:49 PM

Re: Feline blood for transfusion available

2007-04-02 Thread elizabeth trent

Hideyo, I am so very sorry you lost your Felix.  My heart hurts with you..


On 4/2/07, Hideyo Yamamoto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Hi, my Felix passes away –due to severe anemia, he had 4 transfusion
during the past couple of weeks – I hae 2 more units of blood that I
purchased form blood bank for my baby Felix available since Felix has gone
to heaven – please let me know if anyone needs transfusion for your kitty  -
it's for feline A type..

Re: Feline blood for transfusion available

2007-04-02 Thread Kelley Saveika

Oh no, I'm so sorry Hideyo.

On 4/2/07, Hideyo Yamamoto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi, my Felix passes away –due to severe anemia, he had 4 transfusion during
the past couple of weeks – I hae 2 more units of blood that I purchased form
blood bank for my baby Felix available since Felix has gone to heaven –
please let me know if anyone needs transfusion for your kitty  - it's for
feline A type..

Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

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Please help Joey!

Feline blood for transfusion available

2007-04-02 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto
Hi, my Felix passes away -due to severe anemia, he had 4 transfusion
during the past couple of weeks - I hae 2 more units of blood that I
purchased form blood bank for my baby Felix available since Felix has
gone to heaven - please let me know if anyone needs transfusion for your
kitty  - it's for feline A type..