I guess reading Jenifer's post was the last straw for
me. I know some people would wonder why we are such
masochists.  I mean, who in their right mind takes on
an FeLV cat knowing all the risks?  I went in and
played with Ki..He is a yr. old now (I think) and he
is as healthy as any of me cats.  He is huge, 10 lbs
and the biggest tail I have seen in awhile!

We are moving in 3 wks, and we have made the
commitment to take him with us.  Everyone has had all
their shots, and i will release him in the house when
we get there.  I know this move will be very traumatic
for him.  He has been in a 12x12 bedroom since last
July.  I spend a lot of time with him watching TV and
playing with him.  He is frightened of anyone
else...well he is starting to give DH the benefit of
the doubt.

He is so playful and full of life that i couldn't bear
to lose him and I hope this trip doesn't make him
sick. I hope I am doing the right thing taking him,
but his options are limited.

Just needed to vent; I am a basket case anyway now.  I
have one cat that is diabetic, one with asthma, one
with CRF and my 3 FIV boys, one with an HCT of 20
(don't know what's wrong, but he isn't getting any
worse, and is eating well)  All the sickies will ride
with me.  Geez, I will be glad when this is all over.

Love makes you do interesting things.

Best to you all,
Dede and Ki

"When you are in the service of your fellow beings, you are only in the service 
of your God"
                   Mosiah 2:17

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