Re: Whitey

2007-10-11 Thread catatonya
I would keep this cat.  And the chances that he will catch leukemia and it 
would cause him problems before all these other things do is slim to none.  
He's much better off with you.  To be extra safe, you might want to vaccinate 
and wait a few weeks before mixing.   But in his condition, and considering 
he's been outside,  I'm sure he would already have leukemia if he were going to 
get it.
  Good luck!

Pat Kachur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  As far as the "feeling guilty" is concerned--anyone who lets their 
cat get into that condition doesn't deserve to have an animal of any type.
- Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2007 11:31 AM
  Subject: Whitey

   View full size
   View full size
For those of you without the history, Whitey came to me about six months ago 
relatively permanently.  She showed up and just sort of stayed.  When she came, 
she was boney (You could feel its ribs) and her long white fur was literally in 
huge mats all over her body. After months of feeding and brushing, I got her 
fur cleaned up and she put on a few pounds.  Last night I went  to feed her and 
found her so disoriented she couldn't even stand up, so Jeff took her to the 
vet this morning, and this is where the story picks up...

Ok, guys.  Jeff just got back from the vet with Whitey.  Here's what we 
learned.   (Pictures Attached.)
  "She" is a "He"  LOL
  He is about 10-12 years old.
  He has not been neutered. :(
  He has a severe inner-ear infection.
  He has a grade 3 heart murmur
  He has advanced/severe gingivitis.  Needs several teeth pulled.
  FeLV/FIV NEGATIVE. (Thank God for something!)
  He also has hyperthyroidism.  They found a benign tumor on his thyroid.
  We're starting with oral antibiotics to get the ear infection cleaned up.  
They drew blood for a thyroid and kidney check, as well as a fecal sample.
Doc wants to get the ear infection cleared up before we start with thyroid 
medicine and such to make sure its not the infection causing all those other 
problems.He also wanted to wait on vaccines until we get everything else 
cleared up.  They cleaned his ears and clipped his nails today.  He's going 
back for vaccines/teeth pulling when we get the infection cleared up.

Now here's the dilemma.  First of all, I'm starting to feel bad about "taking" 
someone else's cat.  He just wandered to the house and sorta stayed, but he 
does go "home" from time to time for a few hours, but is always at teh house at 
night and in the morning for food.  I *think* I know who he belongs to, but I'm 
not certain.  The vet says he must stay indoors (at least for now) due to the 
severe infection and his imbalance, otherwise they said he couldn't run from 
cats/dogs or cars, he's very much at risk right now, so he's going in my Sun 
Room, which I suppose will become the "kitty suite."  What do you guys  think?  
I don't think I should feel bad for taking him, for the simple fact that if 
someone is so irresponsible a pet owner that they'd let him get in that shape, 
do they really care or deserve to own an animal?  I really do think its in HIS 
best interest that he stays with me, but again, he doesn't technically "belong" 
to me, so its a dilemma.  What do you guys

Another issue I'm having is his FeLV negative status.   With two positives in 
the house, what do I do?  For now he's going to be isolated in the sunroom 
where he's safe, but if I keep him long term, should I let him back outdoors? I 
just don't know what to do.  I really don't feel good about mixing him with the 
positives and exposing him to FeLV.  My other negative had already been exposed 
before I knew.  But this is a totally different situation.  I could keep him 
isolated til he's better, then let him back out, that's one option. Another 
option is mixing :(  I really can't see leaving him in the sunroom the rest of 
his life, that just wouldn't be fair.  I'd appreciate input/opinions, guys.


  Email and AIM finally together. You've gotta check out free AOL Mail!

Re: Jeremiah Please add to the CLS :(

2007-10-11 Thread Marylyn
I am so sorry.  And so grateful they had you and people like you caring for 
them and loving them.

 If you have men who will 
exclude any of God's creatures
 from the shelter of compassion 
and pity, you will have men who 
 will deal likewise with their 
fellow man.
  St. Francis
  - Original Message - 
  From: Sherry DeHaan 
  To: Felvtalk 
  Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2007 8:17 PM
  Subject: Jeremiah Please add to the CLS :(

  This has been a bad 2 weeks,we have lost 4 Crash Cats and 2 Sids.Jeremiah 
passed yesterday from his felv.He was a very handsome and silly boy.Such a sad 

  Don't let your dream ride pass you by. Make it a reality with Yahoo! Autos. 

Re: Brian Please add him to the CLS :(

2007-10-11 Thread catatonya
I'm sorry Sherry.

Sherry DeHaan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I am sad to say that we lost sweet Brian today.His otitis caused  severe 
neurological conditions.I just saw him last Thursday and he seemed to be doing 
so good.But he took a turn for the worse.I am so grateful that I got one more 
chance to give him love one more time.I will miss his beautiful soul.

  Check out the hottest 2008 models today at Yahoo! Autos. 

Jeremiah Please add to the CLS :(

2007-10-11 Thread Sherry DeHaan
This has been a bad 2 weeks,we have lost 4 Crash Cats and 2 Sids.Jeremiah 
passed yesterday from his felv.He was a very handsome and silly boy.Such a sad 

Don't let your dream ride pass you by.Make it a reality with Yahoo! Autos. 

Re: Day 3

2007-10-11 Thread Sally Davis
HI Michael

Actually as I look at Junior's bottle of baytril and his his dose is the
same. The tablets are 22.7 mg and he gets half. He has gotten diarrhea with
Baytril, so I would keep an eye out for that. Sounds like Whitey has a good
home with you. If your cat likes yogurt that will work to add back good
bacteria. Junior doesn't care for it.

I remember my cat , Ling Ling, disappeared many years ago after he had a
little skirmish with the wannabe dominant cat of the household. I let him
out as usual to do his business and he never came back. I like to think he
was pissed and someone gave him a good home. The other cat eventually became
my soul kitty he died a little over a year ago. I miss them all.

Bless you for caring for all creatures.


Re: Day 3

2007-10-11 Thread laurieskatz
Hi Michael,
my sentiments exactly (re caring for animals).
Take care and keep us posted on Mighty Whitey.or King Blanco!
  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2007 2:18 PM
  Subject: Day 3

  Ok, guys, here's the update for the day. First of all, I am even more 
convinced now, and I stand by my decision to not contact his previous "owners." 
I just can't imagine anything good coming out of it.  This boy is too special 
to have to go back to that mess, and I'm afraid if I did let him go or call 
them,they'd snatch him up and stick him in a cage or something, and I'm just 
not willing to risk that.  He would come to my house for days at a time anyway, 
and they never once looked for him, and they still haven't since he 
"disappeared" two days ago. Because I know for a fact he hasn't been home 
because he's been in my sunroom.  This is a unique situation in that I KNOW he 
didn't just "get away" from his owners and get in this shape.  I've seen him 
for the last two years in the neighborhood, and the last six months he's been 
coming to my house every morning and every night.  This was just blatant 
neglect.  My heart is too heavy to even think of letting him get back in that 
shape again.  I really do have such feelings for these guys.  Someone has to be 
a voice for them.  I used to feel bad about volunteering and putting so much 
energy into animals when there are so many horrible conditions and diseases 
afflicting our fellow human beings, but the last few days I've come to an 
important realization, and that is someone has to look out for our companions, 
too!  There are lots of people who work on human charities and advocate for 
research and development (and I don't think you'll ever see a huge difference 
in modern disease treatment/management until you see a fundamental shift in 
Washington and the drug companies and HMOs lose significant control over 
research and development, but I digress, that's another topic altogther.)  But 
animals, who will be their voice?  Someone needs to fight for them, and my 
extreme sensitivity makes me suitable for that.  I swear, I can't even bear the 
thought of killing a mouse.  I have no-kill traps.  This may sound corny, but I 
even avoid squishing bugs if I can.  I'll generally scoop them up and take them 
outside.  I just believe in the inherent sanctity of life...all life, 
regardless of its form, is precious, and should be preserved.

  As for King Blanco the Mighty Whitey (lol, I can't decide!  Jeff still says 
he is a "she" and "her" name is Whitey!) and his condition, he's continuing to 
do well.  

  He pooped last night.  I was so excited. :)

  His Baytril dose is half of a 22.7mg tablet daily for 14 days.  No diarrhea 
or other problems yet, but I'll keep an eye out for sure, and I'll look into 
the probiotics.  His eyes/pupils are fine, I'm keeping a close watch on him for 
the dilation concerns mentioned.  His balance seems to be getting a little 
better, but he still has a long way to go.  Jeff set up his "tent" in the 
sunroom last night, and put a heating pad in it.  He's quite cozy.  He's been 
on it all night and day.  I have the webcam set up where I can keep an eye on 
him from work.  I'm gonna include a link to it and post instructions at the 
bottom for anyone who's interested :)  We're expecting the lab results in 
tomorrow.  I'll be sure to let you all know as soon as I hear about them. Oh, 
and by the way, I misunderstood Jeff.  Dr. Dolen has not actually diagnosed 
Hyperthyroidism, he just said it was likely with the thyroid tumor. We should 
know about that by Friday.  We'll also know more about the heart murmur. The 
vet didn't do any vaccinations because he wanted to wait on the bloodwork 
(probably to check for heart disease, as someone here mentioned.)  Anyway, 
here's the webcam and instructions if anyone wants to "peek" at Whitey.  Look 
in the "tent" on the right side of the screen, that white dot inside is my boy 
:)  Like I said, it really is a "storage" room right now, so please look over 
and excuse the mess :(  I'm gonna work on getting it cleaned up this weekend I 

  Camera Internet address:

  Web Browser - You can View Video using Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher.  When 
you click View Video, an "ActiveX"component (OCX file) will need to be 
downloaded and installed on your PC. You will be prompted to install this OCX 
file if this file is not present in your system.  

  You'll see one of those yellow bars across the top of the window, right below 
the address bar (or tab bar if you're on internet Explorer 7 that says "Click 
here to Install ActiveX Control"  You'll need to click on it, and then when 
the other window pops up that asks about installing it, click on the Install 
  Note: The Wireless-B Internet Video Camera supports a maximum of 4 users 

Day 3

2007-10-11 Thread ofalegend
Ok, guys, here's the update for the day. First of all, I am even more convinced 
now, and I stand by my decision to not contact his previous "owners." I just 
can't imagine anything good coming out of it.? This boy is too special to have 
to go back to that mess, and I'm afraid if I did let him go or call them,they'd 
snatch him up and stick him in a cage or something, and I'm just not willing to 
risk that.? He would come to my house for days at a time anyway, and they never 
once looked for him, and they still haven't since he "disappeared" two days 
ago. Because I know for a fact he hasn't been home because he's been in my 
sunroom.? This is a unique situation in that I KNOW he didn't just "get away" 
from his owners and get in this shape.? I've seen him for the last two years in 
the neighborhood, and the last six months he's been coming to my house every 
morning and every night.? This was just blatant neglect.? My heart is too heavy 
to even think of letting him get back in that shape again.? I really do have 
such feelings for these guys.? Someone has to be a voice for them.? I used to 
feel bad about volunteering and putting so much energy into animals when there 
are so many horrible conditions and diseases afflicting our fellow human 
beings, but the last few days I've come to an important realization, and that 
is someone has to look out for our companions, too!? There are lots of people 
who work on human charities and advocate for research and development (and I 
don't think you'll ever see a huge difference in modern disease 
treatment/management until you see a fundamental shift in Washington and the 
drug companies and HMOs lose significant control over research and development, 
but I digress, that's another topic altogther.)? But animals, who will be their 
voice?? Someone needs to fight for them, and my extreme sensitivity makes me 
suitable for that.? I swear, I can't even bear the thought of killing a mouse.? 
I have no-kill traps.? This may sound corny, but I even avoid squishing bugs if 
I can.? I'll generally scoop them up and take them outside.? I just believe in 
the inherent sanctity of life...all life, regardless of its form, is precious, 
and should be preserved.

As for King?Blanco the?Mighty Whitey (lol, I can't decide!? Jeff still says he 
is a "she" and "her" name is Whitey!) and his condition, he's continuing to do 

He pooped last night.? I was so excited. :)

His Baytril dose is half of a 22.7mg tablet daily for 14 days.? No diarrhea or 
other problems yet, but I'll keep an eye out for sure, and I'll look into the 
probiotics.? His eyes/pupils are fine, I'm keeping a close watch on him for the 
dilation concerns mentioned.? His balance seems to be getting a little better, 
but he still has a long way to go.? Jeff set up his "tent" in the sunroom last 
night, and put a heating pad in it.? He's quite cozy.? He's been on it all 
night and day.? I have the webcam set up where I can keep an eye on him from 
work.? I'm gonna include a link to it and post instructions at the bottom for 
anyone who's interested :)? We're expecting the lab results in tomorrow.? I'll 
be sure to let you all know as soon as I hear about them. Oh, and by the way, I 
misunderstood Jeff.? Dr. Dolen has not actually diagnosed Hyperthyroidism, he 
just said it was likely with the thyroid tumor. We should know about that by 
Friday.? We'll also know more about the heart murmur. The vet didn't do any 
vaccinations because he wanted to wait on the bloodwork (probably to check for 
heart disease, as someone here mentioned.)? Anyway, here's the webcam and 
instructions if anyone wants to "peek" at Whitey.? Look in the "tent" on the 
right side of the screen, that white dot inside is my boy :)? Like I said, it 
really is a "storage" room right now, so please look over and excuse the mess 
:(? I'm gonna work on getting it cleaned up this weekend I hope.

Camera Internet address:




Web Browser - You can View Video using Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher.? When 
you click View Video, an "ActiveX"component (OCX file) will need to be 
downloaded and installed on your PC. You will be prompted to install this OCX 
file if this file is not present in your system.??

You'll see one of those yellow bars across the top of the window, right below 
the address bar (or tab bar if you're on?internet Explorer?7?that says "Click 
here to Install ActiveX Control"? You'll need to click on it, and then when 
the other window pops up that?asks about installing it, click on the Install 

Note: The Wireless-B Internet Video Camera supports a maximum of 4 users 
simultaneously.?I don't think that will ever be a problem, but if several of 
you get this email at once and it doesn't load, you'll know just try again in a 
few minutes.? I'm gonna close my connection to free it up til I get home. 

Thanks as always for listening to my rambling.? Oh, and for the rec

Re: Whitey's Update

2007-10-11 Thread laurieskatz
Sally, all I know is they thought Frankie's blindness might be from several 
rounds of 5 mg per day of Baytril. The vet said this was the low dose that has 
been recommended since cats were going blind on higher dosesthe vet we saw 
is an opthalmologist who did the research for Bayer. I am not being pushy. 
Maybe you can ask the question on petvetcafe ~ the yahoo group where vets 
  - Original Message - 
  From: Sally Davis 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2007 8:13 PM
  Subject: Re: Whitey's Update

  I just went to the warning page for Baytril and his dose is withing the safe 
range. It says not to exceed 5 mg per KG Junior weighs 6.35 kg so that would 
equate to a dose up to 31.75 mg. Thanks for the heads up. 


  On 10/10/07, laurieskatz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
Sally, this is a very high dose of Baytril.have you asked your vet 
about it?

  - Original Message - 
  From: Sally Davis 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2007 6:51 PM
  Subject: Re: Whitey's Update

  HI Michael

  I am way behind on emails, but I will respond to the Baytril question. 
Junior is currently on Baytril it kills all the good bacteria in the gut and 
gives him diarreah. So As soon as he gets on this I get him on probiotics. He 
has not had any diarrhea. His dosage is 22.7mg per day. I have read some about 
the dangers, but he is already mostly blind from an infection he had in the 
early stages of his FELV infection.  

  By the way everyone. Junior had his one year anniversary of on 10/6. He 
tested positive a year ago on that date. He is currently battling a URI.  

  I will go back and read Whitey's story.

  On 10/10/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
Ok, guys, here's an updated on "Whitey" (Ugh, I hate thatname, but Jeff 
won't let me change it now), 24 hours into the "intervention" ;) 

I've done a lot of thinking, and soul searching.  And I've decided I'm 
not gonna put him back outside, or make any effort to contact his "owners."  
I've decided they don't deserve animals, and I even seriously considered 
reporting them to the humane society, but figured I'd best just get him better 
and leave it alone as long as they don't make a fuss over it.  He still has a 
long road to recovery, but once we get him better, I'm either gonna keep him in 
the sunroom (and figure out a way to make an "outside" area for him, or 
hopefully find him a good home.  Jeff is trying to convince his mother to take 
him.  Its a very quiet house with no other animals, and I know he'd be taken 
good care of there, and Jeff would see him often.  We don't know if she'll say 
yes, but right now we're just focused on getting him healed.  I even offered to 
provide his food and litter to sweeten the deal :) 

Anyway, I spoke with the vet and Jeff yesterday when I got home and got 
a bit more details.  Apparently not only does he have hyperthyroidism, a benign 
tumor on his thyroid, severe gingivitis, teeth needing pulled, severe ear 
infection, and a grade 3 heart murmur, but he also has mouth ulcers. :(  The 
vet said he's surprised the fella can even eat.  But let me tell you, that boy 
eats :)  He's been eating Sheba and drinking catmilk as fast as I can give it 
to him, several times a day.  He's just acting completely at home in the 
sunroom!  He's not once yeowled or tried to get out.  He's found his "spot" out 
there, and he's been quite content!  I've been paying closer attention to the 
fella, and I do believe he's hard of hearing. I don't think he's completely 
deaf, but I do believe he has hearing problems.  For starters, Jeff was 
vacuuming the indoor/outdoor carpet out there, and he just laid there and 
slept.  You can open the door and call him in a low voice and he doesn't 
respond, but if you yell, he looks up.  He's also using the litterbox.  
Hallelujah!  lol  I was afraid he'd never figure it out after being outside so 
long.  Jeff set up a webcam out there so we can keep an eye on him while we're 
in the house :)  (I'll send you guys a link if Jeff ever figures out how to 
connect it to the internet and not just our personal wireless network.) I think 
cleaning out his ears as helped some with the imbalancing.  He's still wobbly, 
but seems much better than he was!  I swear, he just amazes me.  I can't 
imagine what a rough life this little guy must have had up to this point...and 
for him to be so calm, and loving, after living through such hell, it just says 
he's a very special boy. 

A couple of questions now

1. The vet put him on Baytril for the infection/mouth ulcers.  I know 
you guys are familiar with itwhat are the side effects, what do I need to 
look for?  Is that the broad spectrum antibiotic that kills the good intestinal 
bacteria as well?  do I n