Re: Please add Muffin and Pookie to the CLS

2007-05-26 Thread catatonya
I'm so sorry Gloria.  :(

Gloria Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Please add Muffin and Pookie to the CLS. They were very sweet 
kitties who were relocated when their caretaker moved away, to 
another location. Muffin was a female medium long haired kitty, 
white with black, young, friendly. Pookie was an older kitten who 
really loved Muffin. They were relocated to a farm, and got under 
the hood of a car at the new location and were killed. Very sad for 
us who were trying to get them a better home and away from the Pit 
Bull dogs that had moved in.


Re: Trinket, Muffin and Pookie

2007-05-20 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey

Oh, thank you!  And, you are very, very welcome!

Tee 'n' the Wildlife

Taylor Scobie Humphrey

On May 20, 2007, at 7:08 PM, Gloria Lane wrote:

I want to say thanks to all - Wendy, Marylyn, Kerry, Dede, Taylor,  
Phaewryn, Elizabeth, Diane, Terri, and everyone.  This is a  
wonderful list and a great support group.
I'm glad I could help Trinket on her way to the Bridge; I deeply  
regret that I didn't keep Muffin and Pookie; but hindsight is  
better than foresight, I know that.

Thanks for your kind words.


Re: Trinket, Muffin and Pookie

2007-05-20 Thread Gloria Lane
I want to say thanks to all - Wendy, Marylyn, Kerry, Dede, Taylor,  
Phaewryn, Elizabeth, Diane, Terri, and everyone.  This is a wonderful  
list and a great support group.
I'm glad I could help Trinket on her way to the Bridge; I deeply  
regret that I didn't keep Muffin and Pookie; but hindsight is better  
than foresight, I know that.

Thanks for your kind words.


Re: Please add Muffin and Pookie to the CLS

2007-05-16 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
oh, what a terrible tragedy! Those poor poor babies!

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Re: Please add Muffin and Pookie to the CLS

2007-05-16 Thread elizabeth trent

Oh Gloria -- I am heartbroken with you.  I am so sorry.


On 5/16/07, Gloria Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Please add Muffin and Pookie to the CLS.  They were very sweet
kitties who were relocated when their caretaker moved away, to
another location. Muffin was a female medium long haired kitty,
white with black, young, friendly.  Pookie was an older kitten who
really loved Muffin.   They were relocated to a farm, and got under
the hood of a car at the new location and were killed.  Very sad for
us who were trying to get them a better home and away from the Pit
Bull dogs that had moved in.


RE: Trinket, Muffin, and Pookie

2007-05-16 Thread Rosenfeldt, Diane
Gloria, I've been behind on e-mail and just had to go back to find out
what had happened to Pookie and Muffin.  How terribly sad.  Gentle
Bridge vibes to them and to your sweet Trinket.  It's never easy, but
you've had too much sorrow all at once.
Diane R.


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Re: Trinket, Muffin, and Pookie

2007-05-16 Thread Nina
Oh Gloria, it's terrible that after doing all you could to find a better 
life for Pookie and Muffin that they had to pass that way.  Did they go 
together?  So sad.  How awful for their new caretakers too.  At least 
they are together.  I do so hope it's true that on some level they had a 
choice about the way things unfolded.  Maybe they'll remain together and 
they are "shopping" for new bodies and homes, maybe they were anxious to 
begin their lives anew, this time in someone's loving home where they 
will be protected and cherished.  Maybe my faith in something larger, 
some plan that we know nothing about is a fairy tale, but it does 
sometimes bring me comfort to imagine that the "bigger picture" is much 
more pleasant than the fragments we are privy to.

Thank you for all you did for Trinket too.  You are such a hero to these 
guys Gloria, and to me.  Much love and sympathy,



*/I'm sorry for your recent losses. As they knew you were trying to 
help them./*
*/Now they are free at the Rainbow Bridge with all the others that 
have gone there./*

*/Thank you and bless you!/*
*/By the way I love the names./*

*/Will consider them for my future rescues./*
*/Terrie Mohr-Forker

Donations accepted at:**/


See what's free at 

Trinket, Muffin, and Pookie

2007-05-16 Thread TatorBunz
I'm sorry for your recent losses. As they knew you were trying  to help them.
Now they are free at the Rainbow Bridge with all the others  that have gone 
Thank you and bless you!
By the way I love the names.
Will consider them for my future rescues.
Terrie Mohr-Forker

Donations accepted at:
_ ( 




_ ( 


_ ( 

** See what's free at

Re: Please add Muffin and Pookie to the CLS

2007-05-16 Thread Gloria Lane
Please add Muffin and Pookie to the CLS.  They were very sweet  
kitties who were relocated when their caretaker moved away, to  
another location. Muffin was a female medium long haired kitty,   
white with black, young, friendly.  Pookie was an older kitten who  
really loved Muffin.   They were relocated to a farm, and got under  
the hood of a car at the new location and were killed.  Very sad for  
us who were trying to get them a better home and away from the Pit  
Bull dogs that had moved in.



2006-04-08 Thread Kerry MacKenzie

THANK YOU Nina, Michelle (UK). Michelle (US), Bonnie, Hideyo, 
Marylyn, Sherry, Wendy, Tonya, Gloria, Cindy, Becca, Susan, MaryChristine, 
Terri, Barb, Kathy, Carla and Kat for all your kind messages in response to my 
message about Pookie. (If I inadvertently missed anyone, my 
I'm waiting a response from the animal hospital to my 2nd 
Their first letter was very, very apologetic, did seem 
genuine and full of remorse for the "misunderstanding" and when I get 
some time and if I get a second letter I'll email the correspondence to anyone 
who wants to see it. 
I wasn't happy about their explanation however--things just 
didn't add up--and have asked for specifics. I also asked for specifics on the 
actual steps they had taken to fulfil their "promise it will never happen 
I also had a fairly long conversation with the owner of PAWS 
Chicago yesterday when she called me. (She had already attempted to reach 
me Tuesday but I said it would be better if we spoke after she got the copy of 
my 2nd letter to the hospital.) 
We spoke about FeLV cats and I had an idea this morning for 
helping FeLV cats in Chicagoland. I'll be following up this email to you with 
another explanatory one over the weekend where I'll asking all you wonderful 
folks for a brief email on your positive, no pun intended, experiences with FeLV 
kitties. I am hoping that some good will come out of what happened with Pookie, 
and this may be it.
Till later, and many thanks again for all your support. You 
are all wonderful and your messages meant such a lot to me. I will be keeping 
them all.
love and hugs, Kerry

Re: Pookie has gone. Horribly mishandled by clinic

2006-04-06 Thread Kat
Dear Kerry,

I'm so shocked and saddened by your loss of Pookie.
I don't post all that much, but I do read and pray for
everyone on this list.  I can't imagine the anger combined
with the grief you must be experiencing...  Just know that
we are here for you to vent, cry, complain to - and that we
will be here to support you when you are recovered enough to
do something about what happened.

Kat (Mew Jersey)

Re: Pookie has gone. Horribly mishandled by clinic

2006-04-05 Thread Kathy Koutsis
Kerry,  I have not posted in a very long time but I wanted you to know that I do read the posts and keep up as much as I can.  I just had to post to tell you how sorry I am.  This is inexcusable on the part of the shelter.  Completely inexcusable and unforgiveable.  They had no right to do that to Pookie without telling you first.  I can't imagine how you must be feeling right now.  that is so sad and it angers me to no end.  I'm sorry that you did not have the option to be there for Pookie's final moments.  It's not your fault, you could not have done anything because you didn't know.    Is there any action that you can take against this clinic?Kerry MacKenzie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Belinda,  Can you please add my darling negative foster kitty Pookie to the CLS.  Pookie was euthanized on Monday March 27 (read on for the way this was mishandled by the clinic, which will haunt me for the rest of my life).  Pookie was 16 or 17 and had chronic renal failure. He had also been deaf all his life--he was white with blue eyes, and apparently white cats with blue eyes are often deaf. I took him to the animal hospital associated with the shelter on Monday morning as his breathing seemed labored and he didn't seem to want to eat (he ate from my fingers in the end) or drink. I fully expected to take him home again.  A terrible thing happened at the clinic. Even though I remained in the waiting area of the clinic and had even told the intake receptionist when she asked if it was a drop-off that I was not going
 anywhere, the vet euthanized Pookie without telling me. He apparently had tumors and fluid on the lungs. (Obviously I never saw the X-rays either.)  I don't have to explain to anyone on this list how that felt. That I wasn't there to hold and comfort him in his ultimate time of need--even though I was just feet away--will haunt me forever. I wrote a strong letter to the clinic owners the next day, copying the shelter CEO (PAWS), and wrote a second letter today in response to theirs, which raises more questions than it answers.   Pookie was a wonderful little guy, bearing his illness and his subQs with fortitude and dignity. He had had a hard life. His guardian, a domestic violence victim, had fled their home last summer with Pookie. She and Pookie lived in a car for some time; it was so hot that she was buying ice bags to keep them both cool. She found her way to a women's shelter, but
 as they wouldn't take pets, he was transferred to Paws. An observant volunteer noticed he was withdrawn and pushed the shelter director to get him fostered with me (apparently it wasn't straightforward--lot of bad feeling between the volunteer and the director). I am so glad that she did that. Pookie was a joy to have around. I was very concerend about my cats bullying him--he was skin and bone and must have weighed about 5 or 6 lb--but he soon ruled the roost in our house using brain, since he no longer had the benefit of brawn, and had even young thug Tiger whipped into shape within days.   The last night he soent here, Sunday, he slept, for the first time, curled around my head, with his little paws gripping my hair. He also had this cute little habit of licking my hands and arms. Although I had the privilege of sharing my home with Pookie for only 5 months (apart from a short break when he went back to his original guardian--it didn't
 work out) he was the most physically affectionate and loving of all my cats. I loved the little fellow dearly and miss him very much. For such a little fellow he truly has left a huge gap.  Kerry        - Original Message - From: "Belinda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  To: <>  Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2006 2:11 AM  Subject: Important  >  Hi All,>   Not sure if I've written to this group yet or not, the
 days are all > blurring together.  My hard drive on my computer died last week and I > lost all of my emails and a few other things.  I don't know who had > written to add a furchild to the list (I had forgotten my own password > and it took my 2 days to figure it out and be able to check my email again).> > I need anyone with a furchild that passed last week and this week to > resend it so I can add them to the service, please send dates and if > they were FeLV positive or not thanks.  That's 5 things in a row that > have gone wrong since the year started, though it was suppose to come in > 3's??!!> > I will try and check my email atleast once a day after I get home from > the hospital, if anything is urgent please mark it as such so I will > give it attention first.  Ok, time to feed Bailey and get to bed, will > get the service tomorrow after I get he
 furkids to add.  Take care all.> > -- >     Belinda>     Happiness is being owned by cats ...>     >     Be-M

Re: Pookie has gone. Horribly mishandled by clinic

2006-04-05 Thread Barb Moermond
Oh Kerry,  I can only imagine what you're going through.  I can only add to the general consensus that we are all pulling for your efforts with the follow-up to be effective.  <<<<<<>>>>>>>>Kerry MacKenzie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Belinda,  Can you please add my darling negative foster kitty Pookie to the CLS.  Pookie was euthanized on Monday March 27 (read on for the way this was mishandled by the clinic, which will haunt me for the rest of my life).  Pookie was 16 or 17 and had chronic renal failure. He had also been deaf all his life--he was white with
 blue eyes, and apparently white cats with blue eyes are often deaf. I took him to the animal hospital associated with the shelter on Monday morning as his breathing seemed labored and he didn't seem to want to eat (he ate from my fingers in the end) or drink. I fully expected to take him home again.  A terrible thing happened at the clinic. Even though I remained in the waiting area of the clinic and had even told the intake receptionist when she asked if it was a drop-off that I was not going anywhere, the vet euthanized Pookie without telling me. He apparently had tumors and fluid on the lungs. (Obviously I never saw the X-rays either.)  I don't have to explain to anyone on this list how that felt. That I wasn't there to hold and comfort him in his ultimate time of need--even though I was just feet away--will haunt me forever. I wrote a strong letter to the clinic
 owners the next day, copying the shelter CEO (PAWS), and wrote a second letter today in response to theirs, which raises more questions than it answers.   Pookie was a wonderful little guy, bearing his illness and his subQs with fortitude and dignity. He had had a hard life. His guardian, a domestic violence victim, had fled their home last summer with Pookie. She and Pookie lived in a car for some time; it was so hot that she was buying ice bags to keep them both cool. She found her way to a women's shelter, but as they wouldn't take pets, he was transferred to Paws. An observant volunteer noticed he was withdrawn and pushed the shelter director to get him fostered with me (apparently it wasn't straightforward--lot of bad feeling between the volunteer and the director). I am so glad that she did that. Pookie was a joy to have around. I was very concerend about my cats bullying him--he was skin and bone and must have weighed about 5
 or 6 lb--but he soon ruled the roost in our house using brain, since he no longer had the benefit of brawn, and had even young thug Tiger whipped into shape within days.   The last night he soent here, Sunday, he slept, for the first time, curled around my head, with his little paws gripping my hair. He also had this cute little habit of licking my hands and arms. Although I had the privilege of sharing my home with Pookie for only 5 months (apart from a short break when he went back to his original guardian--it didn't work out) he was the most physically affectionate and loving of all my cats. I loved the little fellow dearly and miss him very much. For such a little fellow he truly has left a huge gap.  Kerry        - Original Message - From:
 "Belinda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  To: <>  Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2006 2:11 AM  Subject: Important  >  Hi All,>   Not sure if I've written to this group yet or not, the days are all > blurring together.  My hard drive on my computer died last week and I > lost all of my emails and a few other things.  I don't know who had > written to add a furchild to the list (I had forgotten my own password > and it took my 2 days to figure it out and be able to check my email again).> > I need anyone with a furchild that passed
 last week and this week to > resend it so I can add them to the service, please send dates and if > they were FeLV positive or not thanks.  That's 5 things in a row that > have gone wrong since the year started, though it was suppose to come in > 3's??!!> > I will try and check my email atleast once a day after I get home from > the hospital, if anything is urgent please mark it as such so I will > give it attention first.  Ok, time to feed Bailey and get to bed, will > get the service tomorrow after I get he furkids to add.  Take care all.> > -- >     Belinda>     Happiness is being owned by cats ...>     >     Be-Mi-Kitties ... >>    
 >     Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens>>   >     FeLV Candle Light Service>>    >  (affordable hosting & web design)>> >     ---> >     BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)>> > Barb

Re: Pookie has gone. Horribly mishandled by clinic

2006-04-05 Thread Terri Brown

That's simply awful.  I hope that your efforts to be satisfied are 
Goodnight, sweet Pookie...
=^..^= Terri, Siggie the Tomato Vampire, Guinevere, Sammi, Travis, Dori and 
6 furangels: RuthieGirl, Samantha, Arielle, Gareth, Alec & Salome' 
Furkid Photos! 
Personal Page: 
check me out on MySpace at
Earth and Family Safe Products! 
Buy Avon Online!

  - Original Message - 
  From: Kerry MacKenzie 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2006 3:14 
  Subject: Pookie has gone. Horribly 
  mishandled by clinic
  Can you please add my darling negative foster kitty 
  Pookie to the CLS.
  Pookie was euthanized on Monday March 27 (read on for 
  the way this was mishandled by the clinic, which will haunt me for the rest of 
  my life).
  Pookie was 16 or 17 and had chronic renal failure. He 
  had also been deaf all his life--he was white with blue eyes, and apparently 
  white cats with blue eyes are often deaf. I took him to the animal hospital 
  associated with the shelter on Monday morning as his breathing seemed labored 
  and he didn't seem to want to eat (he ate from my fingers in the end) or 
  drink. I fully expected to take him home again.
  A terrible thing happened at the clinic. Even though 
  I remained in the waiting area of the clinic and had even told the intake 
  receptionist when she asked if it was a drop-off that I was not 
  going anywhere, the vet euthanized Pookie without telling me. He 
  apparently had tumors and fluid on the lungs. (Obviously I never 
  saw the X-rays either.)
  I don't have to explain to anyone on this list how that 
  felt. That I wasn't there to hold and comfort him in his ultimate time of 
  need--even though I was just feet away--will haunt me forever. I wrote a 
  strong letter to the clinic owners the next day, copying the shelter CEO 
  (PAWS), and wrote a second letter today in response to theirs, which raises 
  more questions than it answers. 
  Pookie was a wonderful little guy, bearing his illness 
  and his subQs with fortitude and dignity. He had had a hard life. His 
  guardian, a domestic violence victim, had fled their home last 
  summer with Pookie. She and Pookie lived in a car for some time; it was 
  so hot that she was buying ice bags to keep them both cool. She found her way 
  to a women's shelter, but as they wouldn't take pets, he was transferred to 
  Paws. An observant volunteer noticed he was withdrawn and pushed the shelter 
  director to get him fostered with me (apparently it wasn't 
  straightforward--lot of bad feeling between the volunteer and the director). I 
  am so glad that she did that. Pookie was a joy to have around. I was very 
  concerend about my cats bullying him--he was skin and bone and must have 
  weighed about 5 or 6 lb--but he soon ruled the roost in our house using brain, 
  since he no longer had the benefit of brawn, and had even young thug Tiger 
  whipped into shape within days. 
  The last night he soent here, Sunday, he slept, for the 
  first time, curled around my head, with his little paws gripping my 
  hair. He also had this cute little habit of licking my hands and arms. 
  Although I had the privilege of sharing my home with Pookie for only 5 months 
  (apart from a short break when he went back to his original guardian--it 
  didn't work out) he was the most physically affectionate and loving of all my 
  cats. I loved the little fellow dearly and miss him very much. For such a 
  little fellow he truly has left a huge gap.
  - Original Message - 
  From: "Belinda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  To: <>
  Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2006 2:11 AM
  Subject: Important
  Hi All,>   Not sure if I've written to this group yet or not, the 
  days are all > blurring together.  My hard drive on my computer 
  died last week and I > lost all of my emails and a few other 
  things.  I don't know who had > written to add a furchild to the 
  list (I had forgotten my own password > and it took my 2 days to figure 
  it out and be able to check my email again).> > I need anyone 
  with a furchild that passed last week and this week to > resend it so I 
  can add them to the service, please send dates and if > they were FeLV 
  positive or not thanks.  That's 5 things in a row that > have gone 
  wrong since the year started, though it was suppose to come in > 
  3's??!!> > I will try and check my email atleast once a day 
  after I get home from > the hospital, if anyt

RE: Pookie

2006-04-05 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto
I am so very sorry for your loss of Pookie - I am so afraid to find out
what happened to him by reading the emails so I haven't read your
original email.  But I am figuring out that he was euthanized by your
vet without your permission.  I am so devastated by what happened to
Pookie, Kerry.  I am crying for Pookie - I am so sorry that this
happened to Pookie - I am so pissed about this vet.

As for Pookie, please know that he knows that you loved and still love
and care about him so very much.. and his soul is right besides you - so
please know that and talk to him.  I know that I say this to everyone
who lost their babies, but it's very true - so please don't be too
lonely - he is watching you right besides you.

Love and big hugs to Pookie and you...


-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2006 11:34 AM
Subject: Re: Pookie

  He even did this while you were on the premises waiting!! I would seek
legal advice - he might do this to others!!! God bless you and your dear


- Original Message -
Date: Wednesday, April 5, 2006 9:46 am
Subject: Pookie

> I am so shocked to hear this Kerry.
> I would probably have agreed to euthanase in that situation by 
> choice to  
> help my kittie to stop suffering if they were not breathing 
> properly due to  
> tumors and lung fluid at age 16 but I can't imagine that choice 
> being taken away  
> from me. I would be the one helping them in their time of need and 
> certainly  
> there to help comfort them as they pass to the bridge. 
> It actually sickens me to think a vet considered he had the right 
> to  
> euthanase without discussing this with you and giving you the 
> option  of being with 
> Pookie at this crucial time. I would certainly complain about  the 
> vet as 
> Pookie was your baby even though he only had you 5 months he  
> obviously loved you 
> and trusted you. I hope you find justice and I'm sure Pookie  knew 
> you loved 
> him.
> Michelle, Buddy, Minstrel & Angel Bramble

Re: Pookie

2006-04-05 Thread BONNIE J KALMBACH
  He even did this while you were on the premises waiting!! I would seek
legal advice - he might do this to others!!! God bless you and your dear


- Original Message -
Date: Wednesday, April 5, 2006 9:46 am
Subject: Pookie

> I am so shocked to hear this Kerry.
> I would probably have agreed to euthanase in that situation by 
> choice to  
> help my kittie to stop suffering if they were not breathing 
> properly due to  
> tumors and lung fluid at age 16 but I can't imagine that choice 
> being taken away  
> from me. I would be the one helping them in their time of need and 
> certainly  
> there to help comfort them as they pass to the bridge. 
> It actually sickens me to think a vet considered he had the right 
> to  
> euthanase without discussing this with you and giving you the 
> option  of being with 
> Pookie at this crucial time. I would certainly complain about  the 
> vet as 
> Pookie was your baby even though he only had you 5 months he  
> obviously loved you 
> and trusted you. I hope you find justice and I'm sure Pookie  knew 
> you loved 
> him.
> Michelle, Buddy, Minstrel & Angel Bramble

Re: Pookie has gone. Horribly mishandled by clinic

2006-04-05 Thread TenHouseCats
oh, kerry, i am SO sorry--there's nothing that i can say that others
haven't; just know that Pookie understands that you loved him and made
his last months joyful and safe. THOSE are the memories he took with
him on his unexpected trip to the bridge; luckily, our cats know that
humans are fallible and he knows what was in your heart.


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Subject: Pookie has gone. Horribly mishandled by clinic

2006-04-05 Thread Carla Shoppe

I am truly sorry for your loss of Pookie. At least Pookie had a 
good last part of his life with love and understanding that he 
recieved from you. Working in rescue I know how hard it is to 
loose a foster and the mishandling at clinics is just horrible 
at times. 

I know that Pookie is watching over you and happy that he had 
found you at least at the time where he need the most love.

Hopefully the haunting will end in your mind, sometime no 
matter how hard we try to be perfect parents we can not help 
some events that are out of our control.

You did the best you can and should not have any guilt you gave 
him a better life in the short time he had with you.


Message: 2
Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2006 02:14:18 -0500
From: "Kerry MacKenzie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Pookie has gone. Horribly mishandled by clinic
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Can you please add my darling negative foster kitty Pookie to 
the CLS.
Pookie was euthanized on Monday March 27 (read on for the way 
this was mishandled by the clinic, which will haunt me for the 
rest of my life).
Pookie was 16 or 17 and had chronic renal failure. He had also 
been deaf all his life--he was white with blue eyes, and 
apparently white cats with blue eyes are often deaf. I took him 
to the animal hospital associated with the shelter on Monday 
morning as his breathing seemed labored and he didn't seem to 
want to eat (he ate from my fingers in the end) or drink. I 
fully expected to take him home again.
A terrible thing happened at the clinic. Even though I remained 
in the waiting area of the clinic and had even told the intake 
receptionist when she asked if it was a drop-off that I was not 
going anywhere, the vet euthanized Pookie without telling me. 
He apparently had tumors and fluid on the lungs. (Obviously I 
never saw the X-rays either.)
I don't have to explain to anyone on this list how that felt. 
That I wasn't there to hold and comfort him in his ultimate 
time of need--even though I was just feet away--will haunt me 
I wrote a strong letter to the clinic owners the next day, 
copying the shelter CEO (PAWS), and wrote a second letter today 
in response to theirs, which raises more questions than it 
Pookie was a wonderful little guy, bearing his illness and his 
subQs with fortitude and dignity. He had had a hard life. His 
guardian, a domestic violence victim, had fled their home last 
summer with Pookie. She and Pookie lived in a car for some 
time; it was so hot that she was buying ice bags to keep them 
both cool. She found her way to a women's shelter, but as they 
wouldn't take pets, he was transferred to Paws. An observant 
volunteer noticed he was withdrawn and pushed the shelter 
director to get him fostered with me (apparently it wasn't 
straightforward--lot of bad feeling between the volunteer and 
the director). I am so glad that she did that. Pookie was a joy 
to have around. I was very concerend about my cats bullying 
him--he was skin and bone and must have weighed about 5 or 6 
lb--but he soon ruled the roost in our house using brain, since 
he no longer had the benefit of brawn, and had even young thug 
Tiger whipped into shape within days. 
The last night he soent here, Sunday, he slept, for the first 
time, curled around my head, with his little paws gripping my 
hair. He also had this cute little habit of licking my hands 
and arms. Although I had the privilege of sharing my home with 
Pookie for only 5 months (apart from a short break when he went 
back to his original guardian--it didn't work out) he was the 
most physically affectionate and loving of all my cats. I loved 
the little fellow dearly and miss him very much. For such a 
little fellow he truly has left a huge gap.

Re: Pookie has gone. Horribly mishandled by clinic

2006-04-05 Thread Susan Loesch
Kerry, I'm so, so sorry.  What that vet did is horrible.   I am so glad you wrote the clinic owners.  I have come across bad vet care on occasion but never anything like that.  I know there isn't anything I can say to take your pain away but I hope at some point you will be able to think more often of the night he spent curled around your head than the way he died.  Reading that made me smile - tose little paws holding on to you.  Even tho you didn't have him long you had a special relationship that will last forever.Kerry MacKenzie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Belinda,  Can you please add my darling negative foster kitty Pookie to the CLS.  Pookie was euthanized on Monday March 27 (read on for the way this was mishandled by the clinic, which will haunt me for the rest of my life).  Pookie was 16 or 17 and had chronic renal failure. He had also been deaf all his life--he was white with blue eyes, and apparently white cats with blue eyes are often deaf. I took him to the animal hospital associated with the shelter on Monday morning as his breathing seemed labored and he didn't seem to want to eat (he ate from my fingers in the end) or drink. I fully expected to take him home again.  A terrible thing happened at the clinic. Even though I remained in the waiting area of the clinic and had even told the intake receptionist when she asked if it was a drop-off that I was not going anywhere, the vet euthanized Pookie without telling me. He apparently had tumors and fluid on the lungs. (Obviously I never
 saw the X-rays either.)  I don't have to explain to anyone on this list how that felt. That I wasn't there to hold and comfort him in his ultimate time of need--even though I was just feet away--will haunt me forever. I wrote a strong letter to the clinic owners the next day, copying the shelter CEO (PAWS), and wrote a second letter today in response to theirs, which raises more questions than it answers.   Pookie was a wonderful little guy, bearing his illness and his subQs with fortitude and dignity. He had had a hard life. His guardian, a domestic violence victim, had fled their home last summer with Pookie. She and Pookie lived in a car for some time; it was so hot that she was buying ice bags to keep them both cool. She found her way to a women's shelter, but as they wouldn't take pets, he was transferred to Paws. An observant volunteer noticed he was withdrawn and pushed the shelter
 director to get him fostered with me (apparently it wasn't straightforward--lot of bad feeling between the volunteer and the director). I am so glad that she did that. Pookie was a joy to have around. I was very concerend about my cats bullying him--he was skin and bone and must have weighed about 5 or 6 lb--but he soon ruled the roost in our house using brain, since he no longer had the benefit of brawn, and had even young thug Tiger whipped into shape within days.   The last night he soent here, Sunday, he slept, for the first time, curled around my head, with his little paws gripping my hair. He also had this cute little habit of licking my hands and arms. Although I had the privilege of sharing my home with Pookie for only 5 months (apart from a short break when he went back to his original guardian--it didn't work out) he was the most physically affectionate and loving of all my cats. I loved the little fellow dearly and miss
 him very much. For such a little fellow he truly has left a huge gap.  Kerry        - Original Message - From: "Belinda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  To: <>  Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2006 2:11 AM  Subject: Important  >  Hi All,>   Not sure if I've written to this group yet or not, the days are all > blurring together.  My hard drive on my computer died last week and I >
 lost all of my emails and a few other things.  I don't know who had > written to add a furchild to the list (I had forgotten my own password > and it took my 2 days to figure it out and be able to check my email again).> > I need anyone with a furchild that passed last week and this week to > resend it so I can add them to the service, please send dates and if > they were FeLV positive or not thanks.  That's 5 things in a row that > have gone wrong since the year started, though it was suppose to come in > 3's??!!> > I will try and check my email atleast once a day after I get home from > the hospital, if anything is urgent please mark it as such so I will > give it attention first.  Ok, time to feed Bailey and get to bed, will > get the service tomorrow after I get he furkids to add.  Take care all.> > -- >     Belinda>
     Happiness is being owned by cats ...>     >     Be-Mi-Kitties ... >>     >     Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens>     http://adop

Re: Pookie has gone. Horribly mishandled by clinic

2006-04-05 Thread Becca DuBose
Oh Kerry, I'm so sorry.  This is terrible beyond words...I can't even begin to imagine how you must feel.Becca  Kerry MacKenzie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Belinda,  Can you please add my darling negative foster kitty   Pookie to the CLS.  Pookie was euthanized on Monday March 27 (read on for the   way this was mishandled by the clinic, which will haunt me for the rest of my   life).  Pookie was 16 or 17 and had chronic renal failure. He had   also been deaf all his life--he was white with blue eyes, and apparently white   cats with
 blue eyes are often deaf. I took him to the animal hospital associated   with the shelter on Monday morning as his breathing seemed labored and he didn't   seem to want to eat (he ate from my fingers in the end) or drink. I fully   expected to take him home again.  A terrible thing happened at the clinic. Even though   I remained in the waiting area of the clinic and had even told the intake   receptionist when she asked if it was a drop-off that I was not going   anywhere, the vet euthanized Pookie without telling me. He   apparently had tumors and fluid on the lungs. (Obviously I never   saw the X-rays either.)  I don't have to explain to anyone on this list how that felt.   That I wasn't there to hold and comfort him in his ultimate time of need--even   though I was just feet away--will haunt me forever. I wrote a strong letter   to the clinic owners the next day,
 copying the shelter CEO (PAWS), and wrote a   second letter today in response to theirs, which raises more questions than it   answers.   Pookie was a wonderful little guy, bearing his illness   and his subQs with fortitude and dignity. He had had a hard life. His guardian,   a domestic violence victim, had fled their home last summer with Pookie.   She and Pookie lived in a car for some time; it was so hot that she was buying   ice bags to keep them both cool. She found her way to a women's shelter, but as   they wouldn't take pets, he was transferred to Paws. An observant volunteer   noticed he was withdrawn and pushed the shelter director to get him fostered   with me (apparently it wasn't straightforward--lot of bad feeling between the   volunteer and the director). I am so glad that she did that. Pookie was a joy to   have around. I was very concerend about my cats bullying him--he was skin and   bone and must have weighed
 about 5 or 6 lb--but he soon ruled the roost in our   house using brain, since he no longer had the benefit of brawn, and had even   young thug Tiger whipped into shape within days.   The last night he soent here, Sunday, he slept, for the first   time, curled around my head, with his little paws gripping my hair. He   also had this cute little habit of licking my hands and arms. Although I had the   privilege of sharing my home with Pookie for only 5 months (apart from a short   break when he went back to his original guardian--it didn't work out) he was the   most physically affectionate and loving of all my cats. I loved the little   fellow dearly and miss him very much. For such a little fellow he truly has   left a huge gap.  Kerry        - Original Message -  
   From: "Belinda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  To: <>  Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2006 2:11 AM  Subject: Important  >  Hi   All,>   Not sure if I've written to this group yet or not, the days   are all > blurring together.  My hard drive on my computer died last   week and I > lost all of my emails and a few other things.  I don't   know who had > written to add a furchild to the list (I had forgotten my   own password > and it took my 2 days to figure it out and be able to   check my email
 again).> > I need anyone with a furchild that   passed last week and this week to > resend it so I can add them to the   service, please send dates and if > they were FeLV positive or not   thanks.  That's 5 things in a row that > have gone wrong since the   year started, though it was suppose to come in > 3's??!!> >   I will try and check my email atleast once a day after I get home from >   the hospital, if anything is urgent please mark it as such so I will >   give it attention first.  Ok, time to feed Bailey and get to bed, will   > get the service tomorrow after I get he furkids to add.  Take care   all.> > -- >     Belinda>       Happiness is being owned by cats ...>       >     Be-Mi-Kitties ... >>       >     Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP   Cats/Kittens>>     >     FeLV Candle Light Service>>      >  (affordable   hosting & web design)>> >       ---> >     BMK Designs   (non-profit web sites)>> >   


2006-04-05 Thread Lomaxturtle

I am so shocked to hear this Kerry.
I would probably have agreed to euthanase in that situation by choice to 
help my kittie to stop suffering if they were not breathing properly due to 
tumors and lung fluid at age 16 but I can't imagine that choice being taken away 
from me. I would be the one helping them in their time of need and certainly 
there to help comfort them as they pass to the bridge. 
It actually sickens me to think a vet considered he had the right to 
euthanase without discussing this with you and giving you the option 
of being with Pookie at this crucial time. I would certainly complain about 
the vet as Pookie was your baby even though he only had you 5 months he 
obviously loved you and trusted you. I hope you find justice and I'm sure Pookie 
knew you loved him.
Michelle, Buddy, Minstrel & Angel Bramble

Re: Pookie has gone. Horribly mishandled by clinic

2006-04-05 Thread cindy reasoner
I am so sorry to hear about Pookie.  That is horrible
what happened.  You are in my prayers.


--- Kerry MacKenzie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Belinda,
> Can you please add my darling negative foster kitty
> Pookie to the CLS.
> Pookie was euthanized on Monday March 27 (read on
> for the way this was mishandled by the clinic, which
> will haunt me for the rest of my life).
> Pookie was 16 or 17 and had chronic renal failure.
> He had also been deaf all his life--he was white
> with blue eyes, and apparently white cats with blue
> eyes are often deaf. I took him to the animal
> hospital associated with the shelter on Monday
> morning as his breathing seemed labored and he
> didn't seem to want to eat (he ate from my fingers
> in the end) or drink. I fully expected to take him
> home again.
> A terrible thing happened at the clinic. Even though
> I remained in the waiting area of the clinic and had
> even told the intake receptionist when she asked if
> it was a drop-off that I was not going anywhere, the
> vet euthanized Pookie without telling me. He
> apparently had tumors and fluid on the lungs.
> (Obviously I never saw the X-rays either.)
> I don't have to explain to anyone on this list how
> that felt. That I wasn't there to hold and comfort
> him in his ultimate time of need--even though I was
> just feet away--will haunt me forever. 
> I wrote a strong letter to the clinic owners the
> next day, copying the shelter CEO (PAWS), and wrote
> a second letter today in response to theirs, which
> raises more questions than it answers. 
> Pookie was a wonderful little guy, bearing his
> illness and his subQs with fortitude and dignity. He
> had had a hard life. His guardian, a domestic
> violence victim, had fled their home last summer
> with Pookie. She and Pookie lived in a car for some
> time; it was so hot that she was buying ice bags to
> keep them both cool. She found her way to a women's
> shelter, but as they wouldn't take pets, he was
> transferred to Paws. An observant volunteer noticed
> he was withdrawn and pushed the shelter director to
> get him fostered with me (apparently it wasn't
> straightforward--lot of bad feeling between the
> volunteer and the director). I am so glad that she
> did that. Pookie was a joy to have around. I was
> very concerend about my cats bullying him--he was
> skin and bone and must have weighed about 5 or 6
> lb--but he soon ruled the roost in our house using
> brain, since he no longer had the benefit of brawn,
> and had even young thug Tiger whipped into shape
> within days. 
> The last night he soent here, Sunday, he slept, for
> the first time, curled around my head, with his
> little paws gripping my hair. He also had this cute
> little habit of licking my hands and arms. Although
> I had the privilege of sharing my home with Pookie
> for only 5 months (apart from a short break when he
> went back to his original guardian--it didn't work
> out) he was the most physically affectionate and
> loving of all my cats. I loved the little fellow
> dearly and miss him very much. For such a little
> fellow he truly has left a huge gap.
> Kerry
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Belinda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2006 2:11 AM
> Subject: Important
> >  Hi All,
> >   Not sure if I've written to this group yet or
> not, the days are all 
> > blurring together.  My hard drive on my computer
> died last week and I 
> > lost all of my emails and a few other things.  I
> don't know who had 
> > written to add a furchild to the list (I had
> forgotten my own password 
> > and it took my 2 days to figure it out and be able
> to check my email again).
> > 
> > I need anyone with a furchild that passed last
> week and this week to 
> > resend it so I can add them to the service, please
> send dates and if 
> > they were FeLV positive or not thanks.  That's 5
> things in a row that 
> > have gone wrong since the year started, though it
> was suppose to come in 
> > 3's??!!
> > 
> > I will try and check my email atleast once a day
> after I get home from 
> > the hospital, if anything is urgent please mark it
> as such so I will 
> > give it attention first.  Ok, time to feed Bailey
> and get to bed, will 
> > get the service tomorrow after I get he furkids to
> add.  Take care all.
> > 
> > -- 
> > Belinda
> > Happiness is being owned by cats ...
> > 
> > Be-Mi-Kitties ... 
> >
> > 
> > Post Adop

Re: Pookie has gone. Horribly mishandled by clinic

2006-04-05 Thread Gloria Lane
Kerry, that's  just horrible - I'm so sorry.  I've been subject to lousy vet care, but this is just terrible.  I just want you to know that you have my sympathy and am sending you lots of prayers and energy to heal and move through this terrible event.Prayers for Pookie too - my Mr. Black Kitty was the skinniest dude I'd seen, a wonderful FELV angel, and is there at the bridge to help your Pookie.GloriaOn Apr 5, 2006, at 2:14 AM, Kerry MacKenzie wrote:Belinda,Can you please add my darling negative foster kitty Pookie to the CLS.Pookie was euthanized on Monday March 27 (read on for the way this was mishandled by the clinic, which will haunt me for the rest of my life).Pookie was 16 or 17 and had chronic renal failure. He had also been deaf all his life--he was white with blue eyes, and apparently white cats with blue eyes are often deaf. I took him to the animal hospital associated with the shelter on Monday morning as his breathing seemed labored and he didn't seem to want to eat (he ate from my fingers in the end) or drink. I fully expected to take him home again.A terrible thing happened at the clinic. Even though I remained in the waiting area of the clinic and had even told the intake receptionist when she asked if it was a drop-off that I was not going anywhere, the vet euthanized Pookie without telling me. He apparently had tumors and fluid on the lungs. (Obviously I never saw the X-rays either.)I don't have to explain to anyone on this list how that felt. That I wasn't there to hold and comfort him in his ultimate time of need--even though I was just feet away--will haunt me forever. I wrote a strong letter to the clinic owners the next day, copying the shelter CEO (PAWS), and wrote a second letter today in response to theirs, which raises more questions than it answers.Pookie was a wonderful little guy, bearing his illness and his subQs with fortitude and dignity. He had had a hard life. His guardian, a domestic violence victim, had fled their home last summer with Pookie. She and Pookie lived in a car for some time; it was so hot that she was buying ice bags to keep them both cool. She found her way to a women's shelter, but as they wouldn't take pets, he was transferred to Paws. An observant volunteer noticed he was withdrawn and pushed the shelter director to get him fostered with me (apparently it wasn't straightforward--lot of bad feeling between the volunteer and the director). I am so glad that she did that. Pookie was a joy to have around. I was very concerend about my cats bullying him--he was skin and bone and must have weighed about 5 or 6 lb--but he soon ruled the roost in our house using brain, since he no longer had the benefit of brawn, and had even young thug Tiger whipped into shape within days.The last night he soent here, Sunday, he slept, for the first time, curled around my head, with his little paws gripping my hair. He also had this cute little habit of licking my hands and arms. Although I had the privilege of sharing my home with Pookie for only 5 months (apart from a short break when he went back to his original guardian--it didn't work out) he was the most physically affectionate and loving of all my cats. I loved the little fellow dearly and miss him very much. For such a little fellow he truly has left a huge gap.Kerry  - Original Message -From: "Belinda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: <>Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2006 2:11 AMSubject: Important>  Hi All,>   Not sure if I've written to this group yet or not, the days are all > blurring together.  My hard drive on my computer died last week and I > lost all of my emails and a few other things.  I don't know who had > written to add a furchild to the list (I had forgotten my own password > and it took my 2 days to figure it out and be able to check my email again).> > I need anyone with a furchild that passed last week and this week to > resend it so I can add them to the service, please send dates and if > they were FeLV positive or not thanks.  That's 5 things in a row that > have gone wrong since the year started, though it was suppose to come in > 3's??!!> > I will try and check my email atleast once a day after I get home from > the hospital, if anything is urgent please mark it as such so I will > give it attention first.  Ok, time to feed Bailey and get to bed, will > get the service tomorrow after I get he furkids to add.  Take care all.> > -- >     Belinda>     Happiness is being owned by cats ...>     >     Be-Mi-Kitties ... >>     >     Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens>>   >     FeLV Candle Light Service>>    >  (affordable hosting & web design)>> >     ---> >     BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)>> >

Re: Pookie has gone. Horribly mishandled by clinic

2006-04-05 Thread catatonya
Kerry,     I am so sorry for your loss and doubly sorry for how horribly it was handled.  I hope whoever this vet is that he gets an earful.  You might want to call your state veterinary board or state dept of agriculture (who in most states oversees veterinarians.)  I don't think that is even legal.   I have usually had to sign papers to have my cat euthanized.  I am so sorry.  Pookie knows you loved him though.  And I know he's grateful to have found a loving home with you after all he had been through.  I have been through experiences with euthanasia that haunted me as well.  You have to try to make peace with them, but I know it's hard.     take care,  tonyaKerry MacKenzie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Belinda,  Can you please add my darling negative foster kitty Pookie to the CLS.  Pookie was euthanized on Monday March 27 (read on for the way this was mishandled by the clinic, which will haunt me for the rest of my life).  Pookie was 16 or 17 and had chronic renal failure. He had also been deaf all his life--he was white with blue eyes, and apparently white cats with blue eyes are often deaf. I took him to the animal hospital associated with the shelter on Monday morning as his breathing seemed labored and he didn't seem to want to eat (he ate from my fingers in the end) or drink. I fully expected to take him home again.  A terrible thing happened at the clinic. Even though I remained in the waiting area of the clinic and had even told the
 intake receptionist when she asked if it was a drop-off that I was not going anywhere, the vet euthanized Pookie without telling me. He apparently had tumors and fluid on the lungs. (Obviously I never saw the X-rays either.)  I don't have to explain to anyone on this list how that felt. That I wasn't there to hold and comfort him in his ultimate time of need--even though I was just feet away--will haunt me forever. I wrote a strong letter to the clinic owners the next day, copying the shelter CEO (PAWS), and wrote a second letter today in response to theirs, which raises more questions than it answers.   Pookie was a wonderful little guy, bearing his illness and his subQs with fortitude and dignity. He had had a hard life. His guardian, a domestic violence victim, had fled their home last summer with Pookie. She and Pookie lived in a car for some time; it was so hot
 that she was buying ice bags to keep them both cool. She found her way to a women's shelter, but as they wouldn't take pets, he was transferred to Paws. An observant volunteer noticed he was withdrawn and pushed the shelter director to get him fostered with me (apparently it wasn't straightforward--lot of bad feeling between the volunteer and the director). I am so glad that she did that. Pookie was a joy to have around. I was very concerend about my cats bullying him--he was skin and bone and must have weighed about 5 or 6 lb--but he soon ruled the roost in our house using brain, since he no longer had the benefit of brawn, and had even young thug Tiger whipped into shape within days.   The last night he soent here, Sunday, he slept, for the first time, curled around my head, with his little paws gripping my hair. He also had this cute little habit of licking my hands and arms. Although I had the privilege of sharing my home with
 Pookie for only 5 months (apart from a short break when he went back to his original guardian--it didn't work out) he was the most physically affectionate and loving of all my cats. I loved the little fellow dearly and miss him very much. For such a little fellow he truly has left a huge gap.  Kerry      

Re: Pookie has gone. Horribly mishandled by clinic

2006-04-05 Thread wendy

I recently posted information on making a complaint
against a vet (the post was titled Texas vets, Suki,
and the vet abuse network).  Here is the link:

I don't know what the laws are in your state governing
veterinary protocol, but I would be surprised if in
all states veterinarians are not required to notify
owners BEFORE they euthanise, not to mention GET
PERMISSION!!!  I strongly urge you to file a complaint
with your state's veterinary board (I hope it's not
Texas).  This angers me so much.  Who does this vet
think they are to make that decision to exclude you
when the Pookie left this Earth?  My blood pressure
just seriously shot up.

I hope you are able to get some closure and justice
against this vet who made a bad and hurtful decision
in my opinion.  At the VERY LEAST, you are owed a
written apology.

I will keep you in my prayers.  Again, I am so sorry
this happened to Pookie and to you.


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Re: Pookie has gone. Horribly mishandled by clinic

2006-04-05 Thread Lernermichelle

oh mygod, Kerry, I am so sorry.  If you are up to it, I think you 
should write a letter to the board that regulates/oversees vets in your state as 

Re: Pookie has gone. Horribly mishandled by clinic

2006-04-05 Thread Sherry DeHaan
Kerry I am so sorry that you was not able to be there in his final moment.I would be so upset too.Just know that you loved him and gave him a save and loving home and he knew that.Bless you.  SherryMarylyn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  First I am so very sorry about this.  Know That Pookie loves you and is very grateful to you for all the love and care he gave you.       Second  When you have healed a little you need to send copies of everything, including a new letter to whatever boards govern vets in your county and state as well as the nation.  Unless complaints are filed this will continue.  You might consider contacting various
 media personalities that are "animal people" in your area.  There is no excuse for ever ending a life.  Here you have to sign releases.  Obviously that was not done.     Again, my heart aches for you.                      If you have men who will exclude any of God's
 creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who  will deal likewise with their fellow
 man.  St. Francis- Original Message -   From: Kerry MacKenzie   To:   Sent:
 Wednesday, April 05, 2006 2:14 AM  Subject: Pookie has gone. Horribly mishandled by clinicBelinda,  Can you please add my darling negative foster kitty Pookie to the CLS.  Pookie was euthanized on Monday March 27 (read on for the way this was mishandled by the clinic, which will haunt me for the rest of my life).  Pookie was 16 or 17 and had chronic renal failure. He had also been deaf all his life--he was white with blue eyes, and apparently white cats with blue eyes are often deaf. I took him to the animal hospital associated with the shelter on Monday morning as his breathing seemed labored and he didn't seem to want to eat (he ate from my fingers in the end) or drink. I fully expected to take him home again.  A terrible thing happened at the
 clinic. Even though I remained in the waiting area of the clinic and had even told the intake receptionist when she asked if it was a drop-off that I was not going anywhere, the vet euthanized Pookie without telling me. He apparently had tumors and fluid on the lungs. (Obviously I never saw the X-rays either.)  I don't have to explain to anyone on this list how that felt. That I wasn't there to hold and comfort him in his ultimate time of need--even though I was just feet away--will haunt me forever. I wrote a strong letter to the clinic owners the next day, copying the shelter CEO (PAWS), and wrote a second letter today in response to theirs, which raises more questions than it answers.   Pookie was a wonderful little guy, bearing his illness and his subQs with fortitude and dignity. He had had a hard life. His guardian, a domestic violence victim, had fled their
 home last summer with Pookie. She and Pookie lived in a car for some time; it was so hot that she was buying ice bags to keep them both cool. She found her way to a women's shelter, but as they wouldn't take pets, he was transferred to Paws. An observant volunteer noticed he was withdrawn and pushed the shelter director to get him fostered with me (apparently it wasn't straightforward--lot of bad feeling between the volunteer and the director). I am so glad that she did that. Pookie was a joy to have around. I was very concerend about my cats bullying him--he was skin and bone and must have weighed about 5 or 6 lb--but he soon ruled the roost in our house using brain, since he no longer had the benefit of brawn, and had even young thug Tiger whipped into shape within days.   The last night he soent here, Sunday, he slept, for the first time, curled around my head, with his little paws gripping my hair. He also had this cute
 little habit of licking my hands and arms. Although I had the privilege of sharing my home with Pookie for only 5 months (apart from a short break when he went back to his original guardian--it didn't work out) he was the most physically affectionate and loving of all my cats. I loved the little fellow dearly and miss him very much. For such a little fellow he truly has left a huge gap.  Kerry        - Original Message - From: "Belinda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  To: <>  Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2006 2:11 AM 
 Subject: Important  >  Hi All,>   Not sure if I've written to this group yet or not, the days are all > blurring together.  My hard drive on my computer died last week and I > lost all of my emails and a few other things.  I don't know who had > written to add a furchild to the list (I had forgotten my own password > and it took my 2 days to figure it out and be able to check my email again).> > I

Re: Pookie has gone. Horribly mishandled by clinic

2006-04-05 Thread Marylyn

First I am so very sorry about this.  Know 
That Pookie loves you and is very grateful to you for all the love and care he 
gave you.  
Second  When you have healed a little you need 
to send copies of everything, including a new letter to whatever boards govern 
vets in your county and state as well as the nation.  Unless complaints are 
filed this will continue.  You might consider contacting various media 
personalities that are "animal people" in your area.  There is no excuse 
for ever ending a life.  Here you have to sign releases.  Obviously 
that was not done.
Again, my heart aches for you. 
If you have men who will exclude any of God's 
from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who 
will deal likewise with their fellow 
St. Francis

  - Original Message - 
  Kerry MacKenzie 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2006 2:14 
  Subject: Pookie has gone. Horribly 
  mishandled by clinic
  Can you please add my darling negative foster kitty 
  Pookie to the CLS.
  Pookie was euthanized on Monday March 27 (read on for 
  the way this was mishandled by the clinic, which will haunt me for the rest of 
  my life).
  Pookie was 16 or 17 and had chronic renal failure. He 
  had also been deaf all his life--he was white with blue eyes, and apparently 
  white cats with blue eyes are often deaf. I took him to the animal hospital 
  associated with the shelter on Monday morning as his breathing seemed labored 
  and he didn't seem to want to eat (he ate from my fingers in the end) or 
  drink. I fully expected to take him home again.
  A terrible thing happened at the clinic. Even though 
  I remained in the waiting area of the clinic and had even told the intake 
  receptionist when she asked if it was a drop-off that I was not 
  going anywhere, the vet euthanized Pookie without telling me. He 
  apparently had tumors and fluid on the lungs. (Obviously I never 
  saw the X-rays either.)
  I don't have to explain to anyone on this list how that 
  felt. That I wasn't there to hold and comfort him in his ultimate time of 
  need--even though I was just feet away--will haunt me forever. I wrote a 
  strong letter to the clinic owners the next day, copying the shelter CEO 
  (PAWS), and wrote a second letter today in response to theirs, which raises 
  more questions than it answers. 
  Pookie was a wonderful little guy, bearing his illness 
  and his subQs with fortitude and dignity. He had had a hard life. His 
  guardian, a domestic violence victim, had fled their home last 
  summer with Pookie. She and Pookie lived in a car for some time; it was 
  so hot that she was buying ice bags to keep them both cool. She found her way 
  to a women's shelter, but as they wouldn't take pets, he was transferred to 
  Paws. An observant volunteer noticed he was withdrawn and pushed the shelter 
  director to get him fostered with me (apparently it wasn't 
  straightforward--lot of bad feeling between the volunteer and the director). I 
  am so glad that she did that. Pookie was a joy to have around. I was very 
  concerend about my cats bullying him--he was skin and bone and must have 
  weighed about 5 or 6 lb--but he soon ruled the roost in our house using brain, 
  since he no longer had the benefit of brawn, and had even young thug Tiger 
  whipped into shape within days. 
  The last night he soent here, Sunday, he slept, for the 
  first time, curled around my head, with his little paws gripping my 
  hair. He also had this cute little habit of licking my hands and arms. 
  Although I had the privilege of sharing my home with Pookie for only 5 months 
  (apart from a short break when he went back to his original guardian--it 
  didn't work out) he was the most physically affectionate and loving of all my 
  cats. I loved the little fellow dearly and miss him very much. For such a 
  little fellow he truly has left a huge gap.
  - Original Message - 
  From: "Belinda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  To: <>
  Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2006 2:11 AM
  Subject: Important
  Hi All,>   Not sure if I've written to this group yet or not, the 
  days are all > blurring together.  My hard drive on my computer 
  died last week and I > lost all of my emails and a few other 
  things.  I don't know who had > written to add a furchild to the 
  list (I had forgotten my own password > and it took my 2 days to figure 
  it out and be able to check my email again).> > I need anyone 
  with a furchild that passed last week and this week to >

Pookie has gone. Horribly mishandled by clinic

2006-04-05 Thread Kerry MacKenzie

Can you please add my darling negative foster kitty 
Pookie to the CLS.
Pookie was euthanized on Monday March 27 (read on for the 
way this was mishandled by the clinic, which will haunt me for the rest of my 
Pookie was 16 or 17 and had chronic renal failure. He had 
also been deaf all his life--he was white with blue eyes, and apparently white 
cats with blue eyes are often deaf. I took him to the animal hospital associated 
with the shelter on Monday morning as his breathing seemed labored and he didn't 
seem to want to eat (he ate from my fingers in the end) or drink. I fully 
expected to take him home again.
A terrible thing happened at the clinic. Even though 
I remained in the waiting area of the clinic and had even told the intake 
receptionist when she asked if it was a drop-off that I was not going 
anywhere, the vet euthanized Pookie without telling me. He 
apparently had tumors and fluid on the lungs. (Obviously I never 
saw the X-rays either.)
I don't have to explain to anyone on this list how that felt. 
That I wasn't there to hold and comfort him in his ultimate time of need--even 
though I was just feet away--will haunt me forever. I wrote a strong letter 
to the clinic owners the next day, copying the shelter CEO (PAWS), and wrote a 
second letter today in response to theirs, which raises more questions than it 
Pookie was a wonderful little guy, bearing his illness 
and his subQs with fortitude and dignity. He had had a hard life. His guardian, 
a domestic violence victim, had fled their home last summer with Pookie. 
She and Pookie lived in a car for some time; it was so hot that she was buying 
ice bags to keep them both cool. She found her way to a women's shelter, but as 
they wouldn't take pets, he was transferred to Paws. An observant volunteer 
noticed he was withdrawn and pushed the shelter director to get him fostered 
with me (apparently it wasn't straightforward--lot of bad feeling between the 
volunteer and the director). I am so glad that she did that. Pookie was a joy to 
have around. I was very concerend about my cats bullying him--he was skin and 
bone and must have weighed about 5 or 6 lb--but he soon ruled the roost in our 
house using brain, since he no longer had the benefit of brawn, and had even 
young thug Tiger whipped into shape within days. 
The last night he soent here, Sunday, he slept, for the first 
time, curled around my head, with his little paws gripping my hair. He 
also had this cute little habit of licking my hands and arms. Although I had the 
privilege of sharing my home with Pookie for only 5 months (apart from a short 
break when he went back to his original guardian--it didn't work out) he was the 
most physically affectionate and loving of all my cats. I loved the little 
fellow dearly and miss him very much. For such a little fellow he truly has 
left a huge gap.
- Original Message - 

From: "Belinda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2006 2:11 AM
Subject: Important
>  Hi 
All,>   Not sure if I've written to this group yet or not, the days 
are all > blurring together.  My hard drive on my computer died last 
week and I > lost all of my emails and a few other things.  I don't 
know who had > written to add a furchild to the list (I had forgotten my 
own password > and it took my 2 days to figure it out and be able to 
check my email again).> > I need anyone with a furchild that 
passed last week and this week to > resend it so I can add them to the 
service, please send dates and if > they were FeLV positive or not 
thanks.  That's 5 things in a row that > have gone wrong since the 
year started, though it was suppose to come in > 3's??!!> > 
I will try and check my email atleast once a day after I get home from > 
the hospital, if anything is urgent please mark it as such so I will > 
give it attention first.  Ok, time to feed Bailey and get to bed, will 
> get the service tomorrow after I get he furkids to add.  Take care 
all.> > -- >     Belinda> 
    Happiness is being owned by cats ...> 
    >     Be-Mi-Kitties ... >> 
    >     Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP 
>     FeLV Candle Light Service>> 
   >  (affordable 
hosting & web design)>> > 
    ---> >     BMK Designs 
(non-profit web sites)>> > 

Re: help needed--problem with subQ for Pookie

2005-10-31 Thread Kerry MacKenzie
Another question-- i have a spare unused couple of Ringer's bags that i
bought last year. I tried to fit one up just now (I can see the fluid level
on these) but there's no fluid coming out when I "unlock"  it---obviously
I'm doing something wrong. Any idea what I need to do to get this bag
working for me? I'm pretty new to this---now i wish I'd insisted the shelter
tech show me how to fit up a new bag from scratch. Thanks for any info!

- Original Message -
From: "Kerry MacKenzie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, October 31, 2005 11:48 PM
Subject: help needed--problem with subQ

> Hi all
> I've just started a new bag to give Pookie his fluids--and I can't tell on
> this bag where the discernible water level is! I actually let some go down
> the sink in an effort to find the level and that didn't work. I've never
> started a new bag before (I'm still fumbling my way around subQs) and I
> can't believe this is happening. Luckily Pookie seems ok, but i need to
> figure out fast what to do. Has anyone come across this--any idea how to
> fix?! Kerry

Re: Pookie

2005-10-30 Thread Kerry MacKenzie

Thanks for that Tonya. After reading yr email I decided to 
remove the dry food bowl in "his" room. (He didn't eat it much apparently before 
he came so he won't miss it and it would not be good if he decided he preferred 
it). I was a little worried that he wasn't very active last 24 hours but he 
seems fine today! He's a sweetheart---appears totally untroubled by the 
hostility around him, just stands his ground and stares back. And, he certainly 
seems to be drinking plenty. His subQs are going better (for me) too. It can't 
be much fun for him.
- Original Message - 

  Sent: Saturday, October 29, 2005 10:10 
  Subject: Re: Pookie
  You've been here a while and probably read this before.. but with my 
  crf cat I gave him tons of wet food.  The more you water you can get in 
  the better.  Also, mine loved to play in the water and would therefore 
  lick it off his paws and drink more that way.  I would sometimes leave a 
  sink dripping and he would sit in it and play with and drink the water.  
  One of those water fountains for cats helps with that too.  I know this 
  doesn't address weight gain specifically, but if Pookly likes wet food better 
  that will cause weight gain by eating more, plus be good for the 
  "MacKenzie, Kerry N." 
  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Julie, thank you so much for your reply---I've felt I'm working in 
the dark here as the medical records are so badly handwritten (and brief) 
and I have no idea how to decode his test result nos (apart from the dreaded 
HCT of course).
They instructed Wellness for him, which I'm pleased about and he def 
seems to like it.
tried to weigh him on my kitchen scales last night but non possible! I wdn't 
be surprised if he only weighed 4 lb. 
He's very good re the subQ--I make sure to warm the water 
SO want to help him--he is so bony and light (but otherwise seems fine--he's 
very curious, and, being deaf, is able to blithely ignore the growls of his 
keep him safe in my bedroom on his own while I'm at work---I don't trust one 
of my other rascals in particular 

Re: Pookie

2005-10-29 Thread catatonya
You've been here a while and probably read this before.. but with my crf cat I gave him tons of wet food.  The more you water you can get in the better.  Also, mine loved to play in the water and would therefore lick it off his paws and drink more that way.  I would sometimes leave a sink dripping and he would sit in it and play with and drink the water.  One of those water fountains for cats helps with that too.  I know this doesn't address weight gain specifically, but if Pookly likes wet food better that will cause weight gain by eating more, plus be good for the kidneys.
"MacKenzie, Kerry N." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Julie, thank you so much for your reply---I've felt I'm working in the dark here as the medical records are so badly handwritten (and brief) and I have no idea how to decode his test result nos (apart from the dreaded HCT of course).
They instructed Wellness for him, which I'm pleased about and he def seems to like it.
I tried to weigh him on my kitchen scales last night but non possible! I wdn't be surprised if he only weighed 4 lb. 
He's very good re the subQ--I make sure to warm the water first.
I SO want to help him--he is so bony and light (but otherwise seems fine--he's very curious, and, being deaf, is able to blithely ignore the growls of his new"buddies".
I keep him safe in my bedroom on his own while I'm at work---I don't trust one of my other rascals in particular 

RE: Pookie

2005-10-24 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Title: Message

Fabulous site---thank you so much 

-Original Message-From: 
On Behalf Of Julie JohnsonSent: Monday, October 24, 2005 9:29 
AMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Re: 
Dear Kerry,
The fact that Pookie tolerates the sub-q fluids is half the battle!  
It's wonderful that he does.  Isn't it remarkable how utterly oblivious the 
deafness makes them to the cranky hisses of the others?  Luna thinks the 
vacuum cleaner is a huge toy!
This is an excellent site for CRF:
I know time is at a premium for you right now and this site has great 
information that is well categorized.
Take care;  I'll bet Pookie is resting on the bed right now and I wish 
I was with him!  I think we need new labor laws which provide for morning 
and afternoon naps!
Love, Julie"MacKenzie, Kerry N." 

  Julie, thank you so much for your reply---I've felt I'm working in the 
  dark here as the medical records are so badly handwritten (and brief) and I 
  have no idea how to decode his test result nos (apart from the dreaded HCT of 
  instructed Wellness for him, which I'm pleased about and he def seems to like 
  tried to weigh him on my kitchen scales last night but non possible! I wdn't 
  be surprised if he only weighed 4 lb. 
  very good re the subQ--I make sure to warm the water 
  I SO 
  want to help him--he is so bony and light (but otherwise seems fine--he's very 
  curious, and, being deaf, is able to blithely ignore the growls of his 
  keep him safe in my bedroom on his own while I'm at work---I don't trust one 
  of my other rascals in particular fight.
  Thanks again Julie. Love and hugs to you and 
  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Julie 
  JohnsonSent: Monday, October 24, 2005 8:51 AMTo: 
  felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Re: 
  Dear Kerrie,
  I'm so happy Pookie has found a home with you!  TRY not to burn the 
  candle at both ends because you'll just get run down!
  In my experience, cats with kidney problems have difficulty gaining 
  weight.  They undergo a number of metabolic changes and often one of the 
  first outward signs of kidney problems is weight loss.  Is he on a 
  special diet (generally low-protein w/low phosphorous, or addition of 
  phosphorous binders)?  I think food often begins to taste differently to 
  them; I've had CRF kitties just lose the appetite for their formerly favorite 
  foods and want something else.  And, the other thing I've noticed is that 
  while almost all the information from vets is to limit protein, they seem to 
  crave it!  I choose to not use a special diet (unless them seem to like 
  it!) and let them eat what they want.  I believe eating is a pleasure for 
  them and adding a little time to a life that's made miserable by eating an 
  unappetizing diet is not worth it.
  I hope things calm down for you soon and I send the best wishes and big 
  hugs to you and Pookie!  What does he think of the sub-q fluids?
  Love, JulieKerry MacKenzie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

Apologies to all my dear friends for my absence in 
posting, which is likely to continue for another week (at least) due to 
temporary doubling of my workload to impossible level. Thankfully it's all 
in a good cause (Hurricane Katrina). 
Please know I'm thinking of you all and praying for 
all your sick kitties, and I send my condolences to you for all those dear 
souls that have crossed the bridge. 
The good news (albeit another reason I've been chasing my 
tail this week) is that I have a new (negative) foster kitty, 15-year-old 
Pookie. He's white with blue eyes. I have very little info on him 
("deaf, kidney problem") but am directed to give him subQs every other day, 
or daily if nec. He seems happy enough, but he is SO SO thin--his 
weight isn't on his chart, but I figure 5 lb (his sex doesn't even seem 
determinate--chart says 'F" -- shelter director says "male"). I desperately 
want to fatten him up. I've had no time to research yet, apart from reading 
Frazier re the subQ, but any info wd be welcome on what I can do to 
help this little guy put some weight on. 
Hope to be back in the swim very soon.
love to y'all. Kerryxx
 "I hold that, the more 
  helpless a creature, the more entitled it isto protection by man from the 
  cruelty of man. " "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress 
  can be judged by the way its animals are treated."Mohandas Gandhi 

Re: Pookie

2005-10-24 Thread Julie Johnson
Dear Kerry,
The fact that Pookie tolerates the sub-q fluids is half the battle!  It's wonderful that he does.  Isn't it remarkable how utterly oblivious the deafness makes them to the cranky hisses of the others?  Luna thinks the vacuum cleaner is a huge toy!
This is an excellent site for CRF:
I know time is at a premium for you right now and this site has great information that is well categorized.
Take care;  I'll bet Pookie is resting on the bed right now and I wish I was with him!  I think we need new labor laws which provide for morning and afternoon naps!
Love, Julie"MacKenzie, Kerry N." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Julie, thank you so much for your reply---I've felt I'm working in the dark here as the medical records are so badly handwritten (and brief) and I have no idea how to decode his test result nos (apart from the dreaded HCT of course).
They instructed Wellness for him, which I'm pleased about and he def seems to like it.
I tried to weigh him on my kitchen scales last night but non possible! I wdn't be surprised if he only weighed 4 lb. 
He's very good re the subQ--I make sure to warm the water first.
I SO want to help him--he is so bony and light (but otherwise seems fine--he's very curious, and, being deaf, is able to blithely ignore the growls of his new"buddies".
I keep him safe in my bedroom on his own while I'm at work---I don't trust one of my other rascals in particular fight.
Thanks again Julie. Love and hugs to you and yoursKerry

-Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Julie JohnsonSent: Monday, October 24, 2005 8:51 AMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Re: apologies..
Dear Kerrie,
I'm so happy Pookie has found a home with you!  TRY not to burn the candle at both ends because you'll just get run down!
In my experience, cats with kidney problems have difficulty gaining weight.  They undergo a number of metabolic changes and often one of the first outward signs of kidney problems is weight loss.  Is he on a special diet (generally low-protein w/low phosphorous, or addition of phosphorous binders)?  I think food often begins to taste differently to them; I've had CRF kitties just lose the appetite for their formerly favorite foods and want something else.  And, the other thing I've noticed is that while almost all the information from vets is to limit protein, they seem to crave it!  I choose to not use a special diet (unless them seem to like it!) and let them eat what they want.  I believe eating is a pleasure for them and adding a little time to a life that's made miserable by eating an unappetizing diet is not worth it.
I hope things calm down for you soon and I send the best wishes and big hugs to you and Pookie!  What does he think of the sub-q fluids?
Love, JulieKerry MacKenzie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Apologies to all my dear friends for my absence in posting, which is likely to continue for another week (at least) due to temporary doubling of my workload to impossible level. Thankfully it's all in a good cause (Hurricane Katrina). 
Please know I'm thinking of you all and praying for all your sick kitties, and I send my condolences to you for all those dear souls that have crossed the bridge. 
The good news (albeit another reason I've been chasing my tail this week) is that I have a new (negative) foster kitty, 15-year-old Pookie. He's white with blue eyes. I have very little info on him ("deaf, kidney problem") but am directed to give him subQs every other day, or daily if nec. He seems happy enough, but he is SO SO thin--his weight isn't on his chart, but I figure 5 lb (his sex doesn't even seem determinate--chart says 'F" -- shelter director says "male"). I desperately want to fatten him up. I've had no time to research yet, apart from reading Frazier re the subQ, but any info wd be welcome on what I can do to help this little guy put some weight on. 
Hope to be back in the swim very soon.
love to y'all. Kerryxx
 "I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it isto protection by man from the cruelty of man. " "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated."Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948)Paws Come WITH Claws!!!If you're thinking about de-clawing your cat, you need to re-think your decision to acquire a pet. 

Yahoo! FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click. =00

IRS CIRCULAR 230 NOTICE. Any advice expressed above as to tax matters was neither written nor intended by the sender or Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP to be used and cannot be used by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding tax penalties that may be imposed under U.S. tax law. If any person uses or refers to any


2005-10-24 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Title: Message

thank you so much for your reply---I've felt I'm working in the dark here as the 
medical records are so badly handwritten (and brief) and I have no idea how to 
decode his test result nos (apart from the dreaded HCT of 
instructed Wellness for him, which I'm pleased about and he def seems to like 
tried to weigh him on my kitchen scales last night but non possible! I wdn't be 
surprised if he only weighed 4 lb. 
very good re the subQ--I make sure to warm the water first.
want to help him--he is so bony and light (but otherwise seems fine--he's very 
curious, and, being deaf, is able to blithely ignore the growls of his 
I keep 
him safe in my bedroom on his own while I'm at work---I don't trust one of my 
other rascals in particular fight.
again Julie. Love and hugs to you and yoursKerry

-Original Message-From: 
On Behalf Of Julie JohnsonSent: Monday, October 24, 2005 8:51 
AMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Re: 
Dear Kerrie,
I'm so happy Pookie has found a home with you!  TRY not to burn the 
candle at both ends because you'll just get run down!
In my experience, cats with kidney problems have difficulty gaining 
weight.  They undergo a number of metabolic changes and often one of the 
first outward signs of kidney problems is weight loss.  Is he on a special 
diet (generally low-protein w/low phosphorous, or addition of phosphorous 
binders)?  I think food often begins to taste differently to them; I've had 
CRF kitties just lose the appetite for their formerly favorite foods and want 
something else.  And, the other thing I've noticed is that while almost all 
the information from vets is to limit protein, they seem to crave it!  I 
choose to not use a special diet (unless them seem to like it!) and let them eat 
what they want.  I believe eating is a pleasure for them and adding a 
little time to a life that's made miserable by eating an unappetizing diet is 
not worth it.
I hope things calm down for you soon and I send the best wishes and big 
hugs to you and Pookie!  What does he think of the sub-q fluids?
Love, JulieKerry MacKenzie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 


  Apologies to all my dear friends for my absence in posting, 
  which is likely to continue for another week (at least) due to temporary 
  doubling of my workload to impossible level. Thankfully it's all in a good 
  cause (Hurricane Katrina). 
  Please know I'm thinking of you all and praying for all 
  your sick kitties, and I send my condolences to you for all those dear souls 
  that have crossed the bridge. 
  The good news (albeit another reason I've been chasing my 
  tail this week) is that I have a new (negative) foster kitty, 15-year-old 
  Pookie. He's white with blue eyes. I have very little info on him ("deaf, 
  kidney problem") but am directed to give him subQs every other day, or daily 
  if nec. He seems happy enough, but he is SO SO thin--his weight isn't on 
  his chart, but I figure 5 lb (his sex doesn't even seem 
  determinate--chart says 'F" -- shelter director says "male"). I desperately 
  want to fatten him up. I've had no time to research yet, apart from reading 
  Frazier re the subQ, but any info wd be welcome on what I can do to help 
  this little guy put some weight on. 
  Hope to be back in the swim very soon.
  love to y'all. Kerryxx
   "I hold that, the more 
helpless a creature, the more entitled it isto protection by man from the 
cruelty of man. " "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can 
be judged by the way its animals are treated."Mohandas Gandhi 
(1869-1948)Paws Come WITH Claws!!!If you're thinking about 
de-clawing your cat, you need to re-think your decision to acquire a pet.

FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click. 
=00IRS CIRCULAR 230 NOTICE. Any advice expressed above as to tax matters was neither written nor intended by the sender or Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP to be used and cannot be used by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding tax penalties that may be imposed under U.S. tax law. If any person uses or refers to any such tax advice in promoting, marketing or recommending a partnership or other entity, investment plan or arrangement to any taxpayer, then (i) the advice was written to support the promotion or marketing (by a person other than Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP) of that transaction or matter, and (ii) such taxpayer should seek advice based on the taxpayers particular circumstances from an independent tax advisorThis email and any files transmitted with it are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the system manager. If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail.