Re: Ceasar is no longer in pain (please add him to the CLS)

2006-07-11 Thread catatonya
:(      I'm so sorry for poor ceasar.. but I do think he came to you because he knew you loved him and would help him.  Maybe he didn't want to be an indoor cat and chose to stay feral until he was ill and knew you would help him.     tNina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Hello my beloved group,I just got the call from the vet. Ceasar had deep puncture wounds that were abscessed all over his body, the deepest around his neck and the most infected on his rear leg, no wonder my brave little man was limping. He had a high fever and the worst news of all, he was felv+. They hadn't yet investigated why his nose was bleeding, or why there was blood in his saliva. The vet, who is always reluctant to recommend euthanasia, said
 if she were Ceasar she wouldn't want to wake up from the kind of pain he must have been living with. I still hesitated, I still thought maybe there was a way. I asked if there could be any doubt about his status, the answer was an unequivocal no. Before we left for the vet, he allowed me to stroke him through the grate of the trap. His skin was covered with small lesions, with that gritty feel that comes from flea infestation. Poor little lamb! He was angry, but he didn't try to scratch me, or even hiss. I spoke softly to him and told him how much he was loved and that he was finally home. I had so prayed that I would be bringing him back to comfort and security this afternoon. I had to finally decide to let him go. I'm so sick about not being able to trap him when I first met him, maybe he would be healthy today. I feel like I failed him, my only consolation is that he's no longer suffering, he's no longer confined, and
 he's no longer producing felv kittens. He lived the hard life of a cat on the street and I helped him as best I could. Thank you all for caring about a special little feral boy and understanding how he has left an imprint on my heart.Bless you my sweet, brave, clever friend. I will love you always.Nina

Ceasar and Simon helping from Heaven

2006-07-11 Thread Nina
Thank you Belinda and everyone continuing to send messages of hope and 
thoughts of condolence about Ceasar.  They've really helped in my 
healing process.  As always, I don't know what I'd do without this group! 

I also think that I've gained another kitty guide and helper on the 
other side.  Actually Ceasar isn't the first one to return to the 
colony, (and me), in this way.  Simon was a sweet Siamese kitty, one of 
the first that I TNR in this group.  He was much more "friendly" than 
the rest of them, he'd never let anyone touch him, but he'd lounge 
around all day on his special chair on the deck in Virgina's back yard 
and if you didn't know any better, you'd have assumed he was someone's 
pampered house cat enjoying a sunbath.  He was so kind and handsome!  
I'll never forget the way he allowed the last kittens born to the colony 
to climb all over him and swat at his tail.  When Simon's health began 
to fail, (I now suspect kidney failure), I began to give the colony 
canned food everyday, in the hopes of keeping him better hydrated, (I 
don't know if you caught the story of Ceasar bringing me presents of 
baby birds to say thank you).  Ironically, it was Ceasar that chased 
Simon from his sanctuary.  Eventually Simon stop greeting me when I'd 
call him to eat, leaving me to grieve his absence and wonder what had 
become of him.  Many months later, he finally came home.  He staggered 
toward me, emaciated and breathing those awful deep shallow breaths that 
usually signal the end.  I was devastated by his appearance.  He allowed 
me to capture him easily, but he was so distressed at being in 
captivity.  I called my house-call vet to come and help him cross, but 
the vet couldn't come for days and I couldn't stand the thought of 
Simon's last hours being filled with fear.  I brought him to Virginia's 
garage and let him out of the carrier, (I still had access to her garage 
in those days).  I made sure he was alone in there, gave him a bed and 
made him a ramp to help him climb onto his favorite places.  He had 
spent many a rainy night in that garage and I knew he'd feel safe 
there.  I spent the next few days visiting him often, telling him how 
there were so many friends anxiously awaiting his arrival in Heaven, how 
soon there would be no more pain, no more hunger, no more fear.  I 
begged him to let go and felt so torn about whether I'd done the right 
thing in allowing him to suffer like this.  I've rarely seen an animal 
continue to cling to life the way Simon did, talk about heartbreaking!  
Finally I decided to crush some Valium in his food, (can you believe he 
was still eating??).  It wasn't enough to end his life, but I think it 
helped him relax enough to make the transition.  When I returned to 
check on him, he had passed.  He's buried in Virgina's yard, still 
watching over me and all the ferals in my care.  It was Simon that I 
called on to help his former tormentor, Ceasar, in his hour of need.  I 
know he was there for us, I'm sure he had something to do with the ease 
in catching Ceasar.  Beth just asked how it is we can continue to do 
what we do, Simon and Ceasar and all the cats like them are the reason I 
can still summon the courage to keep going.

Much love to all,

Belinda wrote:

   I'm so sorry to hear that Ceasar didn't make it, I was really 
hoping he would pull through.  It is so special and that he trusted 
and loved you enough to come to you in his hour of need.  He knew you 
would help him in whichever way was needed and put his faith in you 
for that.  Even though the decision you had to make for him tore your 
heart apart, it was what was best for him, it would have been horrible 
for him to die a slow, painful, lonely death if you weren't so special 
that he felt he could come to you.  You made a huge difference in his 
life, so much so that when it really mattered he knew you were there 
and loved him enough to help him.  I'm so sorry for your loss, but 
glad that Ceasar is well, whole and knew that he was dearly loved.  He 
will be your special feral guide and help you to continue the 
wonderful work you do for the forgotten ones.

Re: Ceasar is no longer in pain (please add him to the CLS)

2006-07-11 Thread Belinda

   I'm so sorry to hear that Ceasar didn't make it, I was really hoping 
he would pull through.  It is so special and that he trusted and loved 
you enough to come to you in his hour of need.  He knew you would help 
him in whichever way was needed and put his faith in you for that.  Even 
though the decision you had to make for him tore your heart apart, it 
was what was best for him, it would have been horrible for him to die a 
slow, painful, lonely death if you weren't so special that he felt he 
could come to you.  You made a huge difference in his life, so much so 
that when it really mattered he knew you were there and loved him enough 
to help him.  I'm so sorry for your loss, but glad that Ceasar is well, 
whole and knew that he was dearly loved.  He will be your special feral 
guide and help you to continue the wonderful work you do for the 
forgotten ones.


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Re: OT - Need prayers for Ceasar please

2006-07-10 Thread catatonya
I'm sorry, Nina.     tNina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  You guys all know I caretake a couple of small colonies of ferals. You may have heard me talk about Caesar, "the one that got away". He's a big tabby Tom that I tried to trap for a very long time and nothing I came up with worked. He disappeared about a year ago and I figured he was either killed or found a new territory. Well, he showed up a couple of days ago looking really bad. He's emaciated, has open sores all over his body, hair loss from who knows what, and limping on his right rear leg. Yesterday he was in an area that, had I been prepared, I could have gotten a net over him. The feral group I belong to convinced me not to try to net him, since he's an adult intact Tom, even though he's sick. I was very
 lucky to find someone to borrow a drop trap from and the good news is, I got him tonight. The bad news is, he's even sadder looking up close. He was bleeding from the nose and his drool contained blood too. The vet's office where I take ferals to agreed to see him if I bring him in first thing tomorrow. I'm sick with worry over how bad he looks. I'm afraid she's going to tell me to pts. Please pray that whatever is going on with Ceaser, it's something he can recover from. Thanks everyone, I know how much power this group has, and as always, I appreciate your support,Nina

Re: Ceasar is no longer in pain (please add him to the CLS)

2006-07-10 Thread Samiluke

Dear Nina,
I am so sorry about your loss of sweet little Caesar.  All ferals hold 
a very special place in my heart & I know that he held a very special place 
in yours.  He definitely seemed to know that you were his special person 
& he knew that you would take care of him in the most unselfish of 
ways.  He left this world knowing that he is loved.  Take care.

Re: Ceasar is no longer in pain (please add him to the CLS)

2006-07-10 Thread Terri Brown

Poor baby.  No wonder.  What a kindness you did for him.  
Big hugs to you for all you do.
Goodnight, sweet Ceasar...
=^..^= Terri, Siggie the Tomato Vampire, Guinevere, Sammi, Travis, Dori and 
6 furangels: RuthieGirl, Samantha, Arielle, Gareth, Alec & Salome' 
Cool Catholic Stuff!  Click Here -->
Furkid Photos! 
Personal Page: 
check me out on MySpace at

  - Original Message - 
  From: Nina 
  To: ; Paul 
  Sent: Friday, July 07, 2006 3:29 PM
  Subject: Ceasar is no longer in pain 
  (please add him to the CLS)
  Hello my beloved group,I just got the call from the 
  vet.  Ceasar had deep puncture wounds that were abscessed all over 
  his body, the deepest around his neck and the most infected on his rear 
  leg, no wonder my brave little man was limping.  He had a high fever 
  and the worst news of all, he was felv+.  They hadn't yet 
  investigated why his nose was bleeding, or why there was blood in his 
  saliva.  The vet, who is always reluctant to recommend euthanasia, 
  said if she were Ceasar she wouldn't want to wake up from the kind of pain 
  he must have been living with.  I still hesitated, I still thought 
  maybe there was a way.  I asked if there could be any doubt about his 
  status, the answer was an unequivocal no.  Before we left for the 
  vet, he allowed me to stroke him through the grate of the trap.  His 
  skin was covered with small lesions, with that gritty feel that comes from 
  flea infestation.  Poor little lamb!  He was angry, but he 
  didn't try to scratch me, or even hiss.  I spoke softly to him and 
  told him how much he was loved and that he was finally home.  I had 
  so prayed that I would be bringing him back to comfort and security this 
  afternoon.  I had to finally decide to let him go.   I'm so 
  sick about not being able to trap him when I first met him, maybe he would 
  be healthy today.  I feel like I failed him, my only consolation is 
  that he's no longer suffering, he's no longer confined, and he's no longer 
  producing felv kittens.  He lived the hard life of a cat on the 
  street and I helped him as best I could.  Thank you all for caring 
  about a special little feral boy and understanding how he has left an 
  imprint on my heart.Bless you my sweet, brave, clever friend.  I 
  will love you always.Nina

Re: Ceasar is no longer in pain (please add him to the CLS)

2006-07-08 Thread TatorBunz

    I'm so sorry to hear about your boy! 
Do not blame have done so much for him and he knows it otherwise he wouldn't came back to you. He was asking for your help.
You both are in my thoughts and prayers!
He is free now and running with the other healthy kitties at the bridge.
 Terrie Mohr-ForkerTAZZY'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTSSIAMESE & COLLIE RESCUEOwner/DriverCheck sites for available Siameses for adoption! Here to Join WASHINGTON SIAMESE RESCUE Yahoo Group! a Homeless Pet!'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTS

Re: Ceasar is no longer in pain ( please add him to the CLS)

2006-07-08 Thread Kerry Roach
Nina,  I am so sorry to hear about lil Ceasar...I know he came home to you for help..They seem to always do that, and I do know how you feel..  Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this time!  Take care of yourself,  Kerry and Bandy 
		Yahoo! Music Unlimited - Access over 1 million songs.
Try it free. 

Re: OT - Need prayers for Ceasar please

2006-07-08 Thread Marylyn
When I have a situation like you had with your wonderful Ceasar I constantly 
check my own feelings with some friends who are very attuned to animals--to 
the point of being a pest at times.  I am never sure that I am not putting 
my own values/wishes on the animal.  I get such a wonderful strong cat who 
was very wish when he chose his helper.  I grieve for you but know, as you 
do, that Ceasar will always be close by...maybe in the shadows, but close. 
I suspect he may return one day as a little less feral cat.I am 
so glad there are people who can care about these wonderful animals.  There 
are so many who consider them mean and awful.  Bless you.

If you have men who will 
exclude any of God's creatures
from the shelter of 
compassion and pity, you will have men who
will deal likewise with 
their fellow man.
- Original Message - 
From: "Nina" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Friday, July 07, 2006 8:04 AM
Subject: Re: OT - Need prayers for Ceasar please

You should realize that there is no worry about what my decision will be 
if Ceasar chooses to give up his life on the street!  It's not me that 
needs convincing, the other cats in my household might though.  Be assured 
that I will do everything in my power to help Ceasar in any way I can and 
in whatever way he'll let me.  I had been asking him to trust me enough to 
let me help him and the fact that he showed up last night and I was able 
to catch him so quickly tells me he "heard" me.  At this point it's not 
Ceasar that I'm as concerned about good communication with as much as the 
vet.  She's the one that needs to understand how important it is to save 
him, if at all possible.  Please keep praying that Ceasar's greater good 
be served.

Thank you for your concern about Ceaser, it's truly appreciated,

Marylyn wrote:

First listen to Ceaser, not your vet, re his fate.  He came back to you 
for help.  What kind of help is a real question but for help.  Ebony 
Thomas Katt was totally torn up when he chose me to take care of 
him--blood and pus ran down my legs from his wounds.  He lived with me, 
first as a feral, then as an outdoor cat, then an outdoor-indoor then 
about 13 years as an indoor cat sleeping on my bed and ruling my life.  I 
have had other ferals in bad shape come for help.  Maybe it is time 
Ceaser became an indoor cat--or at least a cat who owned a person. 
Please listen to him.

If you have men who will 
exclude any of God's creatures
from the shelter of 
compassion and pity, you will have men who
will deal likewise with 
their fellow man.

- Original Message - From: "Nina" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2006 10:41 PM
Subject: OT - Need prayers for Ceasar please

You guys all know I caretake a couple of small colonies of ferals.  You 
may have heard me talk about Caesar, "the one that got away".  He's a 
big tabby Tom that I tried to trap for a very long time and nothing I 
came up with worked.  He disappeared about a year ago and I figured he 
was either killed or found a new territory.  Well, he showed up a couple 
of days ago looking really bad.  He's emaciated, has open sores all over 
his body, hair loss from who knows what, and limping on his right rear 
leg. Yesterday he was in an area that, had I been prepared, I could have 
gotten a net over him.  The feral group I belong to convinced me not to 
try to net him, since he's an adult intact Tom, even though he's sick. 
I was very lucky to find someone to borrow a drop trap from and the good 
news is, I got him tonight.  The bad news is, he's even sadder looking 
up close.  He was bleeding from the nose and his drool contained blood 
too. The vet's office where I take ferals to agreed to see him if I 
bring him in first thing tomorrow.  I'm sick with worry over how bad he 
looks.  I'm afraid she's going to tell me to pts.  Please pray that 
whatever is going on with Ceaser, it's something he can recover from. 
Thanks everyone, I know how much power this group has, and as always, I 
appreciate your support,


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Ceasar is no longer in pain (please add him to the CLS)

2006-07-07 Thread Nina
Thank you all so much for your kind thoughts and words.  Knowing there 
were so many that mourned Ceasar along with me helped so much.  I've 
been so blessed in being able to help many of my fur friends recover 
from what seemed like insurmountable odds that having to make the final 
decision over the phone, without looking in his eyes to know for sure, 
was so very difficult.  It was even harder because of my strong feeling 
that felv should not be considered a death sentence.  Unfortunately, in 
the case of a truly feral fellow like Ceasar, it became the deciding 
factor.  Last night when I captured him, I assured him that when he 
recovered, it would be his choice to stay under my protection, or return 
to the wild.  Because of the felv, that choice no longer existed.  This 
was just crushing to me.  I often tell myself that the fate of my wild 
friends is even less in my control than those that are able to accept my 
interventions. Being forewarned never seems to ease the pain of reality, 
or ease the despair of loss.

Thank you for caring,

Re: Ceasar is no longer in pain (please add him to the CLS)

2006-07-07 Thread Lernermichelle

God, Nina, I am so incredibly sorry.

RE: Ceasar is no longer in pain (please add him to the CLS) Doljan, Joan

2006-07-07 Thread Lance
This is very sad news. I read your post this morning and said a  
prayer right then. I hoped that he would end up being okay after his  
obviously rough times. I'm sorry that things have turned out  
otherwise. Thank you for taking care of him, and giving him his  
freedom and peace in a gentle way. God bless you.


Re: Ceasar is no longer in pain (please add him to the CLS)

2006-07-07 Thread Sherry DeHaan
Nina you did the best that you could for the sweet guy.My thoughts are with you,and he is now in peace with no pain.Take care  SherryNina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Hello my beloved group,I just got the call from the vet. Ceasar had deep puncture wounds that were abscessed all over his body, the deepest around his neck and the most infected on his rear leg, no wonder my brave little man was limping. He had a high fever and the worst news of all, he was felv+. They hadn't yet investigated why his nose was bleeding, or why there was blood in his saliva. The vet, who is always reluctant to recommend euthanasia, said if she were Ceasar she wouldn't want to wake up from the kind of pain he must have been living with. I still hesitated, I still thought maybe there was a way. I asked if there
 could be any doubt about his status, the answer was an unequivocal no. Before we left for the vet, he allowed me to stroke him through the grate of the trap. His skin was covered with small lesions, with that gritty feel that comes from flea infestation. Poor little lamb! He was angry, but he didn't try to scratch me, or even hiss. I spoke softly to him and told him how much he was loved and that he was finally home. I had so prayed that I would be bringing him back to comfort and security this afternoon. I had to finally decide to let him go. I'm so sick about not being able to trap him when I first met him, maybe he would be healthy today. I feel like I failed him, my only consolation is that he's no longer suffering, he's no longer confined, and he's no longer producing felv kittens. He lived the hard life of a cat on the street and I helped him as best I could. Thank you all for caring about a special little feral
 boy and understanding how he has left an imprint on my heart.Bless you my sweet, brave, clever friend. I will love you always.Nina 
		Do you Yahoo!? Next-gen email? Have it all with the  all-new Yahoo! Mail Beta.

Re: Ceasar is no longer in pain (please add him to the CLS)

2006-07-07 Thread etrent

Oh Nina  I am so sorry.   
-Original Message-From: Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To:; Paul Hendel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Fri, 7 Jul 2006 12:29:50 -0700Subject: Ceasar is no longer in pain (please add him to the CLS)

Hello my beloved group, I just got the call from the vet. Ceasar had deep puncture wounds that were abscessed all over his body, the deepest around his neck and the most infected on his rear leg, no wonder my brave little man was limping. He had a high fever and the worst news of all, he was felv+. They hadn't yet investigated why his nose was bleeding, or why there was blood in his saliva. The vet, who is always reluctant to recommend euthanasia, said if she were Ceasar she wouldn't want to wake up from the kind of pain he must have been living with. I still hesitated, I still thought maybe there was a way. I asked if there could be any doubt about his status, the answer was an unequivocal no. Before we left for the vet, he allowed me to stroke him through the grate of the trap. His skin was covered with small lesions, with that gritty feel that comes from flea infestation. Poor little lamb! He was angry, but he didn't try to scratch me, or even hiss. I spoke softly to him and told him how much he was loved and that he was finally home. I had so prayed that I would be bringing him back to comfort and security this afternoon. I had to finally decide to let him go. I'm so sick about not being able to trap him when I first met him, maybe he would be healthy today. I feel like I failed him, my only consolation is that he's no longer suffering, he's no longer confined, and he's no longer producing felv kittens. He lived the hard life of a cat on the street and I helped him as best I could. Thank you all for caring about a special little feral boy and understanding how he has left an imprint on my heart. Bless you my sweet, brave, clever friend. I will love you always. Nina  

Check out today. Breaking news, video search, pictures, email and IM. All on demand. Always Free.

RE: Ceasar is no longer in pain (please add him to the CLS)

2006-07-07 Thread Chris
I'm so sorry about Caesar.  But you know, he knew you were there when he
needed you most of all.  You saved him from such a terrible death and this
alone is something you should feel good about.  He knew that you'd always
have a little piece of your heart saved just for him and he knew to claim it
when he needed it.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Nina
Sent: Friday, July 07, 2006 3:30 PM
To:; Paul Hendel
Subject: Ceasar is no longer in pain (please add him to the CLS)

Hello my beloved group,
I just got the call from the vet.  Ceasar had deep puncture wounds that 
were abscessed all over his body, the deepest around his neck and the 
most infected on his rear leg, no wonder my brave little man was 
limping.  He had a high fever and the worst news of all, he was felv+.  
They hadn't yet investigated why his nose was bleeding, or why there was 
blood in his saliva.  The vet, who is always reluctant to recommend 
euthanasia, said if she were Ceasar she wouldn't want to wake up from 
the kind of pain he must have been living with.  I still hesitated, I 
still thought maybe there was a way.  I asked if there could be any 
doubt about his status, the answer was an unequivocal no.  Before we 
left for the vet, he allowed me to stroke him through the grate of the 
trap.  His skin was covered with small lesions, with that gritty feel 
that comes from flea infestation.  Poor little lamb!  He was angry, but 
he didn't try to scratch me, or even hiss.  I spoke softly to him and 
told him how much he was loved and that he was finally home.  I had so 
prayed that I would be bringing him back to comfort and security this 
afternoon.  I had to finally decide to let him go.   I'm so sick about 
not being able to trap him when I first met him, maybe he would be 
healthy today.  I feel like I failed him, my only consolation is that 
he's no longer suffering, he's no longer confined, and he's no longer 
producing felv kittens.  He lived the hard life of a cat on the street 
and I helped him as best I could.  Thank you all for caring about a 
special little feral boy and understanding how he has left an imprint on 
my heart.
Bless you my sweet, brave, clever friend.  I will love you always.

Re: Ceasar is no longer in pain (please add him to the CLS)

2006-07-07 Thread jenmeyer
Oh, Nina!  I'm so sorry...Please don't blame yourself, it sounds like 
Ceasar knew what he was doing and just who to go to for the relief he 
so desperately needed.  He obviously trusted you...what a blessing 
that he knew he could come to you!  Please take care of 
yourself...Ceasar is no longer in pain and well on his way to his next 
big adventure!


"But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be 
unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world; 
You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed..." --Antoine 
de Saint-Exupéry

"If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will know 
each other.  If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and 
what you do not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys." --
Chief Dan George

"The flame that burns twice as bright burns half as long..." --Blade 

- Original Message -
Date: Friday, July 7, 2006 2:31 pm
Subject: Ceasar is no longer in pain (please add him to the CLS)
To:, Paul Hendel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hello my beloved group,
> I just got the call from the vet.  Ceasar had deep puncture wounds 
> that 
> were abscessed all over his body, the deepest around his neck and 
> the 
> most infected on his rear leg, no wonder my brave little man was 
> limping.  He had a high fever and the worst news of all, he was 
> felv+.  
> They hadn't yet investigated why his nose was bleeding, or why 
> there was 
> blood in his saliva.  The vet, who is always reluctant to 
> recommend 
> euthanasia, said if she were Ceasar she wouldn't want to wake up 
> from 
> the kind of pain he must have been living with.  I still 
> hesitated, I 
> still thought maybe there was a way.  I asked if there could be 
> any 
> doubt about his status, the answer was an unequivocal no.  Before 
> we 
> left for the vet, he allowed me to stroke him through the grate of 
> the 
> trap.  His skin was covered with small lesions, with that gritty 
> feel 
> that comes from flea infestation.  Poor little lamb!  He was 
> angry, but 
> he didn't try to scratch me, or even hiss.  I spoke softly to him 
> and 
> told him how much he was loved and that he was finally home.  I 
> had so 
> prayed that I would be bringing him back to comfort and security 
> this 
> afternoon.  I had to finally decide to let him go.   I'm so sick 
> about 
> not being able to trap him when I first met him, maybe he would be 
> healthy today.  I feel like I failed him, my only consolation is 
> that 
> he's no longer suffering, he's no longer confined, and he's no 
> longer 
> producing felv kittens.  He lived the hard life of a cat on the 
> street 
> and I helped him as best I could.  Thank you all for caring about 
> a 
> special little feral boy and understanding how he has left an 
> imprint on 
> my heart.
> Bless you my sweet, brave, clever friend.  I will love you always.
> Nina

RE: Ceasar is no longer in pain (please add him to the CLS)

2006-07-07 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto

Nina,, I am so sad….and don’t
know what to say… I am in shock…life is just not fair sometimes…I
will come up with more meaningful thing to say… I just need a bit time to
digest this information…and I am just so mad that he had to go..


Behalf Of Barb Moermond
Sent: Friday, July 07, 2006 1:52
Subject: Re: Ceasar is no longer
in pain (please add him to the CLS)


GLOW to light his path and ease your heart - thank you for helping him.


Hello my beloved group,
I just got the call from the vet. Ceasar had deep puncture wounds that 
were abscessed all over his body, the deepest around his neck and the 
most infected on his rear leg, no wonder my brave little man was 
limping. He had a high fever and the worst news of all, he was felv+. 
They hadn't yet investigated why his nose was bleeding, or why there was 
blood in his saliva. The vet, who is always reluctant to recommend 
euthanasia, said if she were Ceasar she wouldn't want to wake up from 
the kind of pain he must have been living with. I still hesitated, I 
still thought maybe there was a way. I asked if there could be any 
doubt about his status, the answer was an unequivocal no. Before we 
left for the vet, he allowed me to stroke him through the grate of the 
trap. His skin was covered with small lesions, with that gritty feel 
that comes from flea infestation. Poor little lamb! He was angry, but 
he didn't try to scratch me, or even hiss. I spoke softly to him and 
told him how much he was loved and that he was finally home. I had so 
prayed that I would be bringing him back to comfort and security this 
afternoon. I had to finally decide to let him go. I'm so sick about 
not being able to trap him when I first met him, maybe he would be 
healthy today. I feel like I failed him, my only consolation is that 
he's no longer suffering, he's no longer confined, and he's no longer 
producing felv kittens. He lived the hard life of a cat on the street 
and I helped him as best I could. Thank you all for caring about a 
special little feral boy and understanding how he has left an imprint on 
my heart.
Bless you my sweet, brave, clever friend. I will love you always.

Barb+Smoky the House Puma+El Bandito Malito

"My cat the clown: paying no mind to whom he should impress. Merely living
his life, doing what pleases him, and making me smile." 
- Anonymous


Sneak preview the all-new It's not radically different. Just radically better. 

Re: Ceasar is no longer in pain (please add him to the CLS)

2006-07-07 Thread Roxane Baldwin
Nina, I'm so sorry for your loss.  I'm so happy this street boy had a friend he could depend on to do the right thing, I am also crying with you.  Thank you for loving the street kids.     May God Bless you greatly     RoxaneNina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Hello my beloved group,I just got the call from the vet. Ceasar had deep puncture wounds that were abscessed all over his body, the deepest around his neck and the most infected on his rear leg, no wonder my brave little man was limping. He had a high fever and the worst news of all, he was felv+. They hadn't yet investigated why his nose was bleeding, or why there was blood in his saliva. The vet, who is always reluctant to recommend euthanasia, said if she were Ceasar she wouldn't want to
 wake up from the kind of pain he must have been living with. I still hesitated, I still thought maybe there was a way. I asked if there could be any doubt about his status, the answer was an unequivocal no. Before we left for the vet, he allowed me to stroke him through the grate of the trap. His skin was covered with small lesions, with that gritty feel that comes from flea infestation. Poor little lamb! He was angry, but he didn't try to scratch me, or even hiss. I spoke softly to him and told him how much he was loved and that he was finally home. I had so prayed that I would be bringing him back to comfort and security this afternoon. I had to finally decide to let him go. I'm so sick about not being able to trap him when I first met him, maybe he would be healthy today. I feel like I failed him, my only consolation is that he's no longer suffering, he's no longer confined, and he's no longer producing felv
 kittens. He lived the hard life of a cat on the street and I helped him as best I could. Thank you all for caring about a special little feral boy and understanding how he has left an imprint on my heart.Bless you my sweet, brave, clever friend. I will love you always.Nina 
		Do you Yahoo!? Everyone is raving about the  all-new Yahoo! Mail Beta.

Re: Ceasar is no longer in pain (please add him to the CLS)

2006-07-07 Thread Kat
Dear Nina,

I'm crying with you - I was so hoping he would recover.
He knows you loved him, and he knows you only wanted the best for him.
Please don't think of it as a failure on your part - you succeeded in
more ways than you realize. That is why he came back to you - because he
knew you would help him.  He knew it was his time, and that he lived as
long as he chose to. Even the animals have SOME free choice, and he chose
you to help him make his transition, gently, peacefully, and lovingly.

I will light a candle for him tonight.  Please know that you are in my
thoughts and prayers.

Sleep soft, dear Ceasar.

Kat (Mew Jersey)

On Fri, 7 Jul 2006, Nina wrote:

> Date: Fri, 07 Jul 2006 12:29:50 -0700
> From: Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To:
> To:, Paul Hendel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Ceasar is no longer in pain (please add him to the CLS)
> Hello my beloved group,
> I just got the call from the vet.  Ceasar had deep puncture wounds that
> were abscessed all over his body, the deepest around his neck and the
> most infected on his rear leg, no wonder my brave little man was
> limping.  He had a high fever and the worst news of all, he was felv+.
> They hadn't yet investigated why his nose was bleeding, or why there was
> blood in his saliva.  The vet, who is always reluctant to recommend
> euthanasia, said if she were Ceasar she wouldn't want to wake up from
> the kind of pain he must have been living with.  I still hesitated, I
> still thought maybe there was a way.  I asked if there could be any
> doubt about his status, the answer was an unequivocal no.  Before we
> left for the vet, he allowed me to stroke him through the grate of the
> trap.  His skin was covered with small lesions, with that gritty feel
> that comes from flea infestation.  Poor little lamb!  He was angry, but
> he didn't try to scratch me, or even hiss.  I spoke softly to him and
> told him how much he was loved and that he was finally home.  I had so
> prayed that I would be bringing him back to comfort and security this
> afternoon.  I had to finally decide to let him go.   I'm so sick about
> not being able to trap him when I first met him, maybe he would be
> healthy today.  I feel like I failed him, my only consolation is that
> he's no longer suffering, he's no longer confined, and he's no longer
> producing felv kittens.  He lived the hard life of a cat on the street
> and I helped him as best I could.  Thank you all for caring about a
> special little feral boy and understanding how he has left an imprint on
> my heart.
> Bless you my sweet, brave, clever friend.  I will love you always.
> Nina

Re: Ceasar is no longer in pain (please add him to the CLS)

2006-07-07 Thread Gina WN
Thank you for all you did for Nina and for loving him.     Gina     Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Hello my beloved group,I just got the call from the vet. Ceasar had deep puncture wounds that were abscessed all over his body, the deepest around his neck and the most infected on his rear leg, no wonder my brave little man was limping. He had a high fever and the worst news of all, he was felv+. They hadn't yet investigated why his nose was bleeding, or why there was blood in his saliva. The vet, who is always reluctant to recommend euthanasia, said if she were Ceasar she wouldn't want to wake up from the kind of pain he must have been living with. I still hesitated, I still thought maybe there was a way. I asked if there could be any
 doubt about his status, the answer was an unequivocal no. Before we left for the vet, he allowed me to stroke him through the grate of the trap. His skin was covered with small lesions, with that gritty feel that comes from flea infestation. Poor little lamb! He was angry, but he didn't try to scratch me, or even hiss. I spoke softly to him and told him how much he was loved and that he was finally home. I had so prayed that I would be bringing him back to comfort and security this afternoon. I had to finally decide to let him go. I'm so sick about not being able to trap him when I first met him, maybe he would be healthy today. I feel like I failed him, my only consolation is that he's no longer suffering, he's no longer confined, and he's no longer producing felv kittens. He lived the hard life of a cat on the street and I helped him as best I could. Thank you all for caring about a special little feral boy and
 understanding how he has left an imprint on my heart.Bless you my sweet, brave, clever friend. I will love you always.NinaNo heaven wil not ever Heaven be Unless my cats are there to welcome me.--epitaph in a pet cemetery        Tiggertales ~ a site about our beloved felines       
		Do you Yahoo!? 
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Re: Ceasar is no longer in pain (please add him to the CLS)

2006-07-07 Thread Barb Moermond
GLOW to light his path and ease your heart - thank you for helping him.Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Hello my beloved group,I just got the call from the vet. Ceasar had deep puncture wounds that were abscessed all over his body, the deepest around his neck and the most infected on his rear leg, no wonder my brave little man was limping. He had a high fever and the worst news of all, he was felv+. They hadn't yet investigated why his nose was bleeding, or why there was blood in his saliva. The vet, who is always reluctant to recommend euthanasia, said if she were Ceasar she wouldn't want to wake up from the kind of pain he must have been living with. I still hesitated, I still thought maybe there was a way. I asked if there could be any doubt about his status, the answer was an unequivocal no. Before we
 left for the vet, he allowed me to stroke him through the grate of the trap. His skin was covered with small lesions, with that gritty feel that comes from flea infestation. Poor little lamb! He was angry, but he didn't try to scratch me, or even hiss. I spoke softly to him and told him how much he was loved and that he was finally home. I had so prayed that I would be bringing him back to comfort and security this afternoon. I had to finally decide to let him go. I'm so sick about not being able to trap him when I first met him, maybe he would be healthy today. I feel like I failed him, my only consolation is that he's no longer suffering, he's no longer confined, and he's no longer producing felv kittens. He lived the hard life of a cat on the street and I helped him as best I could. Thank you all for caring about a special little feral boy and understanding how he has left an imprint on my heart.Bless you my
 sweet, brave, clever friend. I will love you always.NinaBarb+Smoky the House Puma+El Bandito Malito"My cat the clown:  paying no mind to whom he should impress.  Merely living his life, doing what pleases him, and making me smile."- Anonymous 
		Sneak preview the  all-new It's not radically different. Just radically better. 

RE: Ceasar is no longer in pain (please add him to the CLS)

2006-07-07 Thread Doljan, Joan
I am so sorry about Ceasar. I think the whole group was hoping for a
different outcome. I believe you did the gentlest, bravest thing you
could do to help him and released him from his pain.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Nina
Sent: Friday, July 07, 2006 3:30 PM
To:; Paul Hendel
Subject: Ceasar is no longer in pain (please add him to the CLS)

Hello my beloved group,
I just got the call from the vet.  Ceasar had deep puncture wounds that 
were abscessed all over his body, the deepest around his neck and the 
most infected on his rear leg, no wonder my brave little man was 
limping.  He had a high fever and the worst news of all, he was felv+.  
They hadn't yet investigated why his nose was bleeding, or why there was

blood in his saliva.  The vet, who is always reluctant to recommend 
euthanasia, said if she were Ceasar she wouldn't want to wake up from 
the kind of pain he must have been living with.  I still hesitated, I 
still thought maybe there was a way.  I asked if there could be any 
doubt about his status, the answer was an unequivocal no.  Before we 
left for the vet, he allowed me to stroke him through the grate of the 
trap.  His skin was covered with small lesions, with that gritty feel 
that comes from flea infestation.  Poor little lamb!  He was angry, but 
he didn't try to scratch me, or even hiss.  I spoke softly to him and 
told him how much he was loved and that he was finally home.  I had so 
prayed that I would be bringing him back to comfort and security this 
afternoon.  I had to finally decide to let him go.   I'm so sick about 
not being able to trap him when I first met him, maybe he would be 
healthy today.  I feel like I failed him, my only consolation is that 
he's no longer suffering, he's no longer confined, and he's no longer 
producing felv kittens.  He lived the hard life of a cat on the street 
and I helped him as best I could.  Thank you all for caring about a 
special little feral boy and understanding how he has left an imprint on

my heart.
Bless you my sweet, brave, clever friend.  I will love you always. Nina

Re: Ceasar is no longer in pain (please add him to the CLS)

2006-07-07 Thread moonvine
I'm so sorry for your loss, Nina.

- Original Message -
Date: Friday, July 7, 2006 2:30 pm
Subject: Ceasar is no longer in pain (please add him to the CLS)
To:, Paul Hendel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hello my beloved group,
> I just got the call from the vet.  Ceasar had deep puncture wounds 
> that 
> were abscessed all over his body, the deepest around his neck and 
> the 
> most infected on his rear leg, no wonder my brave little man was 
> limping.  He had a high fever and the worst news of all, he was 
> felv+.  
> They hadn't yet investigated why his nose was bleeding, or why 
> there was 
> blood in his saliva.  The vet, who is always reluctant to 
> recommend 
> euthanasia, said if she were Ceasar she wouldn't want to wake up 
> from 
> the kind of pain he must have been living with.  I still 
> hesitated, I 
> still thought maybe there was a way.  I asked if there could be 
> any 
> doubt about his status, the answer was an unequivocal no.  Before 
> we 
> left for the vet, he allowed me to stroke him through the grate of 
> the 
> trap.  His skin was covered with small lesions, with that gritty 
> feel 
> that comes from flea infestation.  Poor little lamb!  He was 
> angry, but 
> he didn't try to scratch me, or even hiss.  I spoke softly to him 
> and 
> told him how much he was loved and that he was finally home.  I 
> had so 
> prayed that I would be bringing him back to comfort and security 
> this 
> afternoon.  I had to finally decide to let him go.   I'm so sick 
> about 
> not being able to trap him when I first met him, maybe he would be 
> healthy today.  I feel like I failed him, my only consolation is 
> that 
> he's no longer suffering, he's no longer confined, and he's no 
> longer 
> producing felv kittens.  He lived the hard life of a cat on the 
> street 
> and I helped him as best I could.  Thank you all for caring about 
> a 
> special little feral boy and understanding how he has left an 
> imprint on 
> my heart.
> Bless you my sweet, brave, clever friend.  I will love you always.
> Nina

Ceasar is no longer in pain (please add him to the CLS)

2006-07-07 Thread Nina

Hello my beloved group,
I just got the call from the vet.  Ceasar had deep puncture wounds that 
were abscessed all over his body, the deepest around his neck and the 
most infected on his rear leg, no wonder my brave little man was 
limping.  He had a high fever and the worst news of all, he was felv+.  
They hadn't yet investigated why his nose was bleeding, or why there was 
blood in his saliva.  The vet, who is always reluctant to recommend 
euthanasia, said if she were Ceasar she wouldn't want to wake up from 
the kind of pain he must have been living with.  I still hesitated, I 
still thought maybe there was a way.  I asked if there could be any 
doubt about his status, the answer was an unequivocal no.  Before we 
left for the vet, he allowed me to stroke him through the grate of the 
trap.  His skin was covered with small lesions, with that gritty feel 
that comes from flea infestation.  Poor little lamb!  He was angry, but 
he didn't try to scratch me, or even hiss.  I spoke softly to him and 
told him how much he was loved and that he was finally home.  I had so 
prayed that I would be bringing him back to comfort and security this 
afternoon.  I had to finally decide to let him go.   I'm so sick about 
not being able to trap him when I first met him, maybe he would be 
healthy today.  I feel like I failed him, my only consolation is that 
he's no longer suffering, he's no longer confined, and he's no longer 
producing felv kittens.  He lived the hard life of a cat on the street 
and I helped him as best I could.  Thank you all for caring about a 
special little feral boy and understanding how he has left an imprint on 
my heart.

Bless you my sweet, brave, clever friend.  I will love you always.

Re: OT - Need prayers for Ceasar please

2006-07-07 Thread TatorBunz

    Ceasar is in my thoughts and prayers. I'm glad he came back to you...I agree that he is trying to seek help from you.
I hope the Vet visit goes well for him.
Please do let us know what happens!
 Terrie Mohr-ForkerTAZZY'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTSSIAMESE & COLLIE RESCUEOwner/DriverCheck sites for available Siameses for adoption! Here to Join WASHINGTON SIAMESE RESCUE Yahoo Group! a Homeless Pet!'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTS

Re: OT - Need prayers for Ceasar please

2006-07-07 Thread Roxane Baldwin
Nina,     My prayers are out there for you & Caesar.  As someone who cares for the street kids, I feel your pain.     Best wishes and MANY prayers     Roxane  Horton, IANina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  You guys all know I caretake a couple of small colonies of ferals. You may have heard me talk about Caesar, "the one that got away". He's a big tabby Tom that I tried to trap for a very long time and nothing I came up with worked. He disappeared about a year ago and I figured he was either killed or found a new territory. Well, he showed up a couple of days ago looking really bad. He's emaciated, has open sores all over his body, hair loss from who knows what, and limping on his right rear leg. Yesterday he
 was in an area that, had I been prepared, I could have gotten a net over him. The feral group I belong to convinced me not to try to net him, since he's an adult intact Tom, even though he's sick. I was very lucky to find someone to borrow a drop trap from and the good news is, I got him tonight. The bad news is, he's even sadder looking up close. He was bleeding from the nose and his drool contained blood too. The vet's office where I take ferals to agreed to see him if I bring him in first thing tomorrow. I'm sick with worry over how bad he looks. I'm afraid she's going to tell me to pts. Please pray that whatever is going on with Ceaser, it's something he can recover from. Thanks everyone, I know how much power this group has, and as always, I appreciate your support,NinaRoxane,Horton, Iowa 
		How low will we go? Check out Yahoo! Messenger’s low  PC-to-Phone call rates.

Re: OT - Need prayers for Ceasar please

2006-07-07 Thread Nina

Thank you Belinda.

Belinda wrote:

  Prayers and healing positive energy that whatever is going on can be 

Re: OT - Meed prayers for Ceasar please

2006-07-07 Thread Nina

Thanks Kerry,
That's what I was hoping.  He could be so skinny from being too busy to 
eat.  It is kitten season, and he's still intact.  It may be that people 
are "dumping" cats near you, or it may be that the word is out in cat 
circles that you are a human that will help.  Either way, I know you are 
one of the good humans that can't turn their back on someone in need.  
I'm pleased to hear that Bandy is doing a little better this morning.  I 
sure do pray that the rw will stop plaguing him and that he continues to 
recover from his other ailments.  Strength and courage to you,


Kerry Roach wrote:

I hope you can get the needed help for Ceasar and that it is something 
treatable.. Do you think he was just in some fight or some type of 
accident?  I know how it is with the ferals as I, too, feed a bunch.  
I think people know that and drop them off close by so they will get 
Our prayers are with you and Ceasar. 
Kerry and Bandy

Talk is cheap. Use Yahoo! Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls. Great 
rates starting at 1¢/min. 

Re: OT - Need prayers for Ceasar please

2006-07-07 Thread Nina

Thank you Joan.

Joan Doljan wrote:

Hands and paws crossed here for Ceasar.

Re: OT - Need prayers for Ceasar please

2006-07-07 Thread Nina

Thank you Sherry.

Sherry DeHaan wrote:

Nina,prayers to you and poor Caesar

Re: OT - Need prayers for Ceasar please

2006-07-07 Thread Nina

You should realize that there is no worry about what my decision will be 
if Ceasar chooses to give up his life on the street!  It's not me that 
needs convincing, the other cats in my household might though.  Be 
assured that I will do everything in my power to help Ceasar in any way 
I can and in whatever way he'll let me.  I had been asking him to trust 
me enough to let me help him and the fact that he showed up last night 
and I was able to catch him so quickly tells me he "heard" me.  At this 
point it's not Ceasar that I'm as concerned about good communication 
with as much as the vet.  She's the one that needs to understand how 
important it is to save him, if at all possible.  Please keep praying 
that Ceasar's greater good be served.

Thank you for your concern about Ceaser, it's truly appreciated,

Marylyn wrote:

First listen to Ceaser, not your vet, re his fate.  He came back to 
you for help.  What kind of help is a real question but for help.  
Ebony Thomas Katt was totally torn up when he chose me to take care of 
him--blood and pus ran down my legs from his wounds.  He lived with 
me, first as a feral, then as an outdoor cat, then an outdoor-indoor 
then about 13 years as an indoor cat sleeping on my bed and ruling my 
life.  I have had other ferals in bad shape come for help.  Maybe it 
is time Ceaser became an indoor cat--or at least a cat who owned a 
person.  Please listen to him.

If you have men who 
will exclude any of God's creatures
from the shelter of 
compassion and pity, you will have men who
will deal likewise 
with their fellow man.

- Original Message - From: "Nina" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2006 10:41 PM
Subject: OT - Need prayers for Ceasar please

You guys all know I caretake a couple of small colonies of ferals.  
You may have heard me talk about Caesar, "the one that got away".  
He's a big tabby Tom that I tried to trap for a very long time and 
nothing I came up with worked.  He disappeared about a year ago and I 
figured he was either killed or found a new territory.  Well, he 
showed up a couple of days ago looking really bad.  He's emaciated, 
has open sores all over his body, hair loss from who knows what, and 
limping on his right rear leg. Yesterday he was in an area that, had 
I been prepared, I could have gotten a net over him.  The feral group 
I belong to convinced me not to try to net him, since he's an adult 
intact Tom, even though he's sick.  I was very lucky to find someone 
to borrow a drop trap from and the good news is, I got him tonight.  
The bad news is, he's even sadder looking up close.  He was bleeding 
from the nose and his drool contained blood too. The vet's office 
where I take ferals to agreed to see him if I bring him in first 
thing tomorrow.  I'm sick with worry over how bad he looks.  I'm 
afraid she's going to tell me to pts.  Please pray that whatever is 
going on with Ceaser, it's something he can recover from. Thanks 
everyone, I know how much power this group has, and as always, I 
appreciate your support,


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Re: OT - Need prayers for Ceasar please

2006-07-07 Thread Belinda

  Prayers and healing positive energy that whatever is going on can be 


happiness is being owned by cats ...


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Re: OT - Meed prayers for Ceasar please

2006-07-07 Thread Kerry Roach
Nina,  I hope you can get the needed help for Ceasar and that it is something treatable.. Do you think he was just in some fight or some type of accident?  I know how it is with the ferals as I, too, feed a bunch.  I think people know that and drop them off close by so they will get fed...  Our prayers are with you and Ceasar.    Kerry and Bandy 
		Talk is cheap. Use Yahoo! Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls.  Great rates starting at 1¢/min.

Re: OT - Need prayers for Ceasar please

2006-07-07 Thread Joan Doljan
Hands and paws crossed here for Ceasar. Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  You guys all know I caretake a couple of small colonies of ferals. You may have heard me talk about Caesar, "the one that got away". He's a big tabby Tom that I tried to trap for a very long time and nothing I came up with worked. He disappeared about a year ago and I figured he was either killed or found a new territory. Well, he showed up a couple of days ago looking really bad. He's emaciated, has open sores all over his body, hair loss from who knows what, and limping on his right rear leg. Yesterday he was in an area that, had I been prepared, I could have gotten a net over him. The feral group I belong to convinced me not to try to net him, since he's an adult intact Tom, even though he's sick. I was very lucky to find someone
 to borrow a drop trap from and the good news is, I got him tonight. The bad news is, he's even sadder looking up close. He was bleeding from the nose and his drool contained blood too. The vet's office where I take ferals to agreed to see him if I bring him in first thing tomorrow. I'm sick with worry over how bad he looks. I'm afraid she's going to tell me to pts. Please pray that whatever is going on with Ceaser, it's something he can recover from. Thanks everyone, I know how much power this group has, and as always, I appreciate your support,Nina

RE: OT - Need prayers for Ceasar please

2006-07-07 Thread Sherry DeHaan
Nina,prayers to you and poor CaesarSherryChris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  How great of you to have such concern over a cat that too many people wouldhave ignored. No matter what the outcome tomorrow, he will not die a slowpainful death and even if the result tomorrow is grim, you will have sparedhim that and shown him the love he needs now more than ever. Caesar isindeed very fortunate...Chris[EMAIL PROTECTED]-Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED][mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of NinaSent: Thursday, July 06, 2006 11:42 PMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: OT - Need prayers for Ceasar pleaseYou guys all know I caretake a couple of small colonies of ferals. You may have heard me talk about Caesar, "the one that got
 away". He's a big tabby Tom that I tried to trap for a very long time and nothing I came up with worked. He disappeared about a year ago and I figured he was either killed or found a new territory. Well, he showed up a couple of days ago looking really bad. He's emaciated, has open sores all over his body, hair loss from who knows what, and limping on his right rear leg. Yesterday he was in an area that, had I been prepared, I could have gotten a net over him. The feral group I belong to convinced me not to try to net him, since he's an adult intact Tom, even though he's sick. I was very lucky to find someone to borrow a drop trap from and the good news is, I got him tonight. The bad news is, he's even sadder looking up close. He was bleeding from the nose and his drool contained blood too. The vet's office where I take ferals to agreed to see him if I bring him in first thing tomorrow. I'm sick with worry over how bad
 he looks. I'm afraid she's going to tell me to pts. Please pray that whatever is going on with Ceaser, it's something he can recover from. Thanks everyone, I know how much power this group has, and as always, I appreciate your support,Nina 
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Re: OT - Need prayers for Ceasar please

2006-07-07 Thread Marylyn

Now is a very good time to get back in contact with 
the AC.  Ceasar needs to talk to you and is not sure you can listen.  
A vet who is used to dealing with ferals can handle them re medication.  I 
have had a couple (one very sick and another because she seriously bite me) have 
to stay a couple of weeks at the vets.  They don't like it but they can 
handle it.  Especially if you cover the cage, put feliway all around and 
Rescue Remedy in the water and on the cat (as possible).  It also helps 
"tame them down."  Ferals are the most wonderful cats..continue to 
send this little boy all the love in your heart.  He loves you in true 
feral fashion. 
If you have men who will exclude any of God's 
from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who 
will deal likewise with their fellow 
St. Francis

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Friday, July 07, 2006 1:14 AM
  Subject: Re: OT - Need prayers for Ceasar 
  Elizabeth, Chris and Wendy,Thanks so much for the 
  encouragement and prayers.  I've always felt like the ferals in my care 
  are just as much a part of my family as the animals in my house.  We all 
  have a connection and they trust me as far as their circumstances will allow 
  them to.  I talked to an AC once and asked her who had left me two little 
  dead birds as a present in between the feeding dishes.  I was upset about 
  the birds, but I knew it was a gift of gratitude and love.  It started a 
  couple of days after I began feeding canned food along with dry, (one of the 
  ferals was aging and I was trying to help keep him hydrated).  The first 
  day I saw the little dead bird I grimaced and hoped it wouldn't happen 
  again.  The next day there was a baby mocking bird, one of my favorite 
  types of birds, and I thanked whichever cat it was and asked that they please 
  not do it again, I like birds better when they're alive.  I never got 
  another baby bird present.  Anyway, when I asked the AC which of the cats 
  had left me the presents, she told me it was the skinny intact male.  My 
  Ceasar!  Nina[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

Prayers going up for you and Caesar, Nina.  
Last year I caught the most pitiful Tom and took him to the vet.  
He looked terrible.  He had large abscesses on both sides of his face, 
terrible sores, his ears were shredded.  What fur he did have was 
matted beyond belief and he had no fur on his tail.  He was quite beat 
up and his head and face disfigured from his battles.  He was skin 
and bones.  I didn't think he was going to make it but he 
did!   His ear will never look quite right but now he has a 
beautiful coat and a sweet disposition.  I named him Merlin.  
A family in the neighborhood adopted him but any time he gets out he 
comes to my front porch.  I am hoping so much that Caesar will make 
it too.  Please let us know how it goes tomorrow.
In a message dated 7/6/2006 8:42:55 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  guys all know I caretake a couple of small colonies of ferals.  You 
  may have heard me talk about Caesar, "the one that got away".  
  He's a big tabby Tom that I tried to trap for a very long time and 
  nothing I came up with worked.  He disappeared about a year ago 
  and I figured he was either killed or found a new territory.  
  Well, he showed up a couple of days ago looking really bad.  He's 
  emaciated, has open sores all over his body, hair loss from who knows 
  what, and limping on his right rear leg.  Yesterday he was in an 
  area that, had I been prepared, I could have gotten a net over 
  him.  The feral group I belong to convinced me not to try to net 
  him, since he's an adult intact Tom, even though he's sick.  I 
  was very lucky to find someone to borrow a drop trap from and the good 
  news is, I got him tonight.  The bad news is, he's even sadder 
  looking up close.  He was bleeding from the nose and his drool 
  contained blood too.  The vet's office where I take ferals to 
  agreed to see him if I bring him in first thing tomorrow.  I'm 
  sick with worry over how bad he looks.  I'm afraid she's going to 
  tell me to pts.  Please pray that whatever is going on with 
  Ceaser, it's something he can recover from. Thanks everyone, I know 
  how much power this group has, and as always, I appreciate your 

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Re: OT - Need prayers for Ceasar please

2006-07-07 Thread Marylyn
First listen to Ceaser, not your vet, re his fate.  He came back to you for 
help.  What kind of help is a real question but for help.  Ebony Thomas Katt 
was totally torn up when he chose me to take care of him--blood and pus ran 
down my legs from his wounds.  He lived with me, first as a feral, then as 
an outdoor cat, then an outdoor-indoor then about 13 years as an indoor cat 
sleeping on my bed and ruling my life.  I have had other ferals in bad shape 
come for help.  Maybe it is time Ceaser became an indoor cat--or at least a 
cat who owned a person.  Please listen to him.

If you have men who will 
exclude any of God's creatures
from the shelter of 
compassion and pity, you will have men who
will deal likewise with 
their fellow man.
- Original Message - 
From: "Nina" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2006 10:41 PM
Subject: OT - Need prayers for Ceasar please

You guys all know I caretake a couple of small colonies of ferals.  You 
may have heard me talk about Caesar, "the one that got away".  He's a big 
tabby Tom that I tried to trap for a very long time and nothing I came up 
with worked.  He disappeared about a year ago and I figured he was either 
killed or found a new territory.  Well, he showed up a couple of days ago 
looking really bad.  He's emaciated, has open sores all over his body, 
hair loss from who knows what, and limping on his right rear leg. 
Yesterday he was in an area that, had I been prepared, I could have gotten 
a net over him.  The feral group I belong to convinced me not to try to 
net him, since he's an adult intact Tom, even though he's sick.  I was 
very lucky to find someone to borrow a drop trap from and the good news 
is, I got him tonight.  The bad news is, he's even sadder looking up 
close.  He was bleeding from the nose and his drool contained blood too. 
The vet's office where I take ferals to agreed to see him if I bring him 
in first thing tomorrow.  I'm sick with worry over how bad he looks.  I'm 
afraid she's going to tell me to pts.  Please pray that whatever is going 
on with Ceaser, it's something he can recover from. Thanks everyone, I 
know how much power this group has, and as always, I appreciate your 


No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition.
Version: 7.1.394 / Virus Database: 268.9.9/382 - Release Date: 7/4/2006

Re: OT - Need prayers for Ceasar please

2006-07-06 Thread Nina

Elizabeth, Chris and Wendy,
Thanks so much for the encouragement and prayers.  I've always felt
like the ferals in my care are just as much a part of my family as the
animals in my house.  We all have a connection and they trust me as far
as their circumstances will allow them to.  I talked to an AC once and
asked her who had left me two little dead birds as a present in between
the feeding dishes.  I was upset about the birds, but I knew it was a
gift of gratitude and love.  It started a couple of days after I began
feeding canned food along with dry, (one of the ferals was aging and I
was trying to help keep him hydrated).  The first day I saw the little
dead bird I grimaced and hoped it wouldn't happen again.  The next day
there was a baby mocking bird, one of my favorite types of birds, and I
thanked whichever cat it was and asked that they please not do it
again, I like birds better when they're alive.  I never got another
baby bird present.  Anyway, when I asked the AC which of the cats had
left me the presents, she told me it was the skinny intact male.  My


  Prayers going up for you and Caesar, Nina.  
  Last year I caught the most pitiful Tom and took him to the
vet.  He looked terrible.  He had large abscesses on both sides of his
face, terrible sores, his ears were shredded.  What fur he did have was
matted beyond belief and he had no fur on his tail.  He was quite beat
up and his head and face disfigured from his battles.  He was skin and
bones.  I didn't think he was going to make it but he did!   His ear
will never look quite right but now he has a beautiful coat and a sweet
disposition.  I named him Merlin.  A family in the neighborhood adopted
him but any time he gets out he comes to my front porch.  I am hoping
so much that Caesar will make it too.  Please let us know how it goes
  In a message dated 7/6/2006 8:42:55 P.M. Pacific Standard Time,
  You guys all know I caretake a couple of small colonies of
ferals.  You 
may have heard me talk about Caesar, "the one that got away".  He's a 
big tabby Tom that I tried to trap for a very long time and nothing I 
came up with worked.  He disappeared about a year ago and I figured he 
was either killed or found a new territory.  Well, he showed up a
of days ago looking really bad.  He's emaciated, has open sores all
his body, hair loss from who knows what, and limping on his right rear 
leg.  Yesterday he was in an area that, had I been prepared, I could 
have gotten a net over him.  The feral group I belong to convinced me 
not to try to net him, since he's an adult intact Tom, even though he's

sick.  I was very lucky to find someone to borrow a drop trap from and 
the good news is, I got him tonight.  The bad news is, he's even sadder

looking up close.  He was bleeding from the nose and his drool
blood too.  The vet's office where I take ferals to agreed to see him
I bring him in first thing tomorrow.  I'm sick with worry over how bad 
he looks.  I'm afraid she's going to tell me to pts.  Please pray that 
whatever is going on with Ceaser, it's something he can recover from. 
Thanks everyone, I know how much power this group has, and as always, I

appreciate your support,

Re: OT - Need prayers for Ceasar please

2006-07-06 Thread wendy

Prayers going out for Ceasar.  I hope this is
something that some meds and a little TLC can fix. 
Will he allow you to medicate him do you think, since
he's so weak?


--- Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> You guys all know I caretake a couple of small
> colonies of ferals.  You 
> may have heard me talk about Caesar, "the one that
> got away".  He's a 
> big tabby Tom that I tried to trap for a very long
> time and nothing I 
> came up with worked.  He disappeared about a year
> ago and I figured he 
> was either killed or found a new territory.  Well,
> he showed up a couple 
> of days ago looking really bad.  He's emaciated, has
> open sores all over 
> his body, hair loss from who knows what, and limping
> on his right rear 
> leg.  Yesterday he was in an area that, had I been
> prepared, I could 
> have gotten a net over him.  The feral group I
> belong to convinced me 
> not to try to net him, since he's an adult intact
> Tom, even though he's 
> sick.  I was very lucky to find someone to borrow a
> drop trap from and 
> the good news is, I got him tonight.  The bad news
> is, he's even sadder 
> looking up close.  He was bleeding from the nose and
> his drool contained 
> blood too.  The vet's office where I take ferals to
> agreed to see him if 
> I bring him in first thing tomorrow.  I'm sick with
> worry over how bad 
> he looks.  I'm afraid she's going to tell me to pts.
>  Please pray that 
> whatever is going on with Ceaser, it's something he
> can recover from. 
> Thanks everyone, I know how much power this group
> has, and as always, I 
> appreciate your support,
> Nina

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Re: OT - Need prayers for Ceasar please

2006-07-06 Thread ETrent

Prayers going up for you and Caesar, Nina.  
Last year I caught the most pitiful Tom and took him to the vet.  He 
looked terrible.  He had large abscesses on both sides of his face, 
terrible sores, his ears were shredded.  What fur he did have was matted 
beyond belief and he had no fur on his tail.  He was quite beat up and his 
head and face disfigured from his battles.  He was skin and 
bones.  I didn't think he was going to make it but he 
did!   His ear will never look quite right but now he has a 
beautiful coat and a sweet disposition.  I named him Merlin.  
A family in the neighborhood adopted him but any time he gets out he comes 
to my front porch.  I am hoping so much that Caesar will make 
it too.  Please let us know how it goes tomorrow.
In a message dated 7/6/2006 8:42:55 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, 
You guys 
  all know I caretake a couple of small colonies of ferals.  You may 
  have heard me talk about Caesar, "the one that got away".  He's a big 
  tabby Tom that I tried to trap for a very long time and nothing I came up 
  with worked.  He disappeared about a year ago and I figured he was 
  either killed or found a new territory.  Well, he showed up a couple 
  of days ago looking really bad.  He's emaciated, has open sores all 
  over his body, hair loss from who knows what, and limping on his right 
  rear leg.  Yesterday he was in an area that, had I been prepared, I 
  could have gotten a net over him.  The feral group I belong to 
  convinced me not to try to net him, since he's an adult intact Tom, even 
  though he's sick.  I was very lucky to find someone to borrow a drop 
  trap from and the good news is, I got him tonight.  The bad news is, 
  he's even sadder looking up close.  He was bleeding from the nose and 
  his drool contained blood too.  The vet's office where I take ferals 
  to agreed to see him if I bring him in first thing tomorrow.  I'm 
  sick with worry over how bad he looks.  I'm afraid she's going to 
  tell me to pts.  Please pray that whatever is going on with Ceaser, 
  it's something he can recover from. Thanks everyone, I know how much power 
  this group has, and as always, I appreciate your 


Re: OT - Need prayers for Ceasar please

2006-07-06 Thread Julia Hagstrom

Hi, y'all :)

I dreamed about Samantha, 2 mornings ago; I had asked her to let me 
know she was ok, and she did.  I dreamed I was petting her, and playing 
with her, and she was her normal self.  :)  I guess our furr-babies 
have their way of wanting us to be ok, after they pass.  It was a good 
dream, and I was very happy that she sent it to me.  :)  I'm going to 
see another kitty who needs a new home, tomorrow; her owner is moving 
to an apartment, and they don't allow pets.  I want to meet her, first, 
see if she likes me.  I told her owner she could visit her kitty 
anytime she wants.  :)


On Thursday, July 6, 2006, at 11:01  PM, Chris wrote:

How great of you to have such concern over a cat that too many people 
have ignored.  No matter what the outcome tomorrow, he will not die a 
painful death and even if the result tomorrow is grim, you will have 

him that and shown him the love he needs now more than ever.  Caesar is
indeed very fortunate...


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Nina
Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2006 11:42 PM
Subject: OT - Need prayers for Ceasar please

You guys all know I caretake a couple of small colonies of ferals.  You
may have heard me talk about Caesar, "the one that got away".  He's a
big tabby Tom that I tried to trap for a very long time and nothing I
came up with worked.  He disappeared about a year ago and I figured he
was either killed or found a new territory.  Well, he showed up a 
of days ago looking really bad.  He's emaciated, has open sores all 

his body, hair loss from who knows what, and limping on his right rear
leg.  Yesterday he was in an area that, had I been prepared, I could
have gotten a net over him.  The feral group I belong to convinced me
not to try to net him, since he's an adult intact Tom, even though he's
sick.  I was very lucky to find someone to borrow a drop trap from and
the good news is, I got him tonight.  The bad news is, he's even sadder
looking up close.  He was bleeding from the nose and his drool 
blood too.  The vet's office where I take ferals to agreed to see him 

I bring him in first thing tomorrow.  I'm sick with worry over how bad
he looks.  I'm afraid she's going to tell me to pts.  Please pray that
whatever is going on with Ceaser, it's something he can recover from.
Thanks everyone, I know how much power this group has, and as always, I
appreciate your support,

RE: OT - Need prayers for Ceasar please

2006-07-06 Thread Chris
How great of you to have such concern over a cat that too many people would
have ignored.  No matter what the outcome tomorrow, he will not die a slow
painful death and even if the result tomorrow is grim, you will have spared
him that and shown him the love he needs now more than ever.  Caesar is
indeed very fortunate...


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Nina
Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2006 11:42 PM
Subject: OT - Need prayers for Ceasar please

You guys all know I caretake a couple of small colonies of ferals.  You 
may have heard me talk about Caesar, "the one that got away".  He's a 
big tabby Tom that I tried to trap for a very long time and nothing I 
came up with worked.  He disappeared about a year ago and I figured he 
was either killed or found a new territory.  Well, he showed up a couple 
of days ago looking really bad.  He's emaciated, has open sores all over 
his body, hair loss from who knows what, and limping on his right rear 
leg.  Yesterday he was in an area that, had I been prepared, I could 
have gotten a net over him.  The feral group I belong to convinced me 
not to try to net him, since he's an adult intact Tom, even though he's 
sick.  I was very lucky to find someone to borrow a drop trap from and 
the good news is, I got him tonight.  The bad news is, he's even sadder 
looking up close.  He was bleeding from the nose and his drool contained 
blood too.  The vet's office where I take ferals to agreed to see him if 
I bring him in first thing tomorrow.  I'm sick with worry over how bad 
he looks.  I'm afraid she's going to tell me to pts.  Please pray that 
whatever is going on with Ceaser, it's something he can recover from. 
Thanks everyone, I know how much power this group has, and as always, I 
appreciate your support,

OT - Need prayers for Ceasar please

2006-07-06 Thread Nina
You guys all know I caretake a couple of small colonies of ferals.  You 
may have heard me talk about Caesar, "the one that got away".  He's a 
big tabby Tom that I tried to trap for a very long time and nothing I 
came up with worked.  He disappeared about a year ago and I figured he 
was either killed or found a new territory.  Well, he showed up a couple 
of days ago looking really bad.  He's emaciated, has open sores all over 
his body, hair loss from who knows what, and limping on his right rear 
leg.  Yesterday he was in an area that, had I been prepared, I could 
have gotten a net over him.  The feral group I belong to convinced me 
not to try to net him, since he's an adult intact Tom, even though he's 
sick.  I was very lucky to find someone to borrow a drop trap from and 
the good news is, I got him tonight.  The bad news is, he's even sadder 
looking up close.  He was bleeding from the nose and his drool contained 
blood too.  The vet's office where I take ferals to agreed to see him if 
I bring him in first thing tomorrow.  I'm sick with worry over how bad 
he looks.  I'm afraid she's going to tell me to pts.  Please pray that 
whatever is going on with Ceaser, it's something he can recover from. 
Thanks everyone, I know how much power this group has, and as always, I 
appreciate your support,


RE: Ceasar

2005-09-19 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto

Hi, Jennifer and Sebastian, here’s
the link – they make carts for both dogs and cats – I actually have
seen cats with two wheel cart – and they do adjust pretty well -but I
am hoping that he still has a deep sense in hind legs that he will recover with


PS. Thank you for your prayer for Ceaser –
he and I need it!!



Sent: Monday, September 19, 2005
4:12 PM
Subject: Ceasar


I am
praying that all goes well Hideyo.  Keep me updated.


I would
love the link for the carts.  Sebastian does have feeling in his back
legs.  I will definately try acupuncture.  Thanks, Jennifer and



2005-09-19 Thread JENNIFER RATLIFF

I am praying that all goes well Hideyo.  Keep me updated.
I would love the link for the carts.  Sebastian does have feeling in his back legs.  I will definately try acupuncture.  Thanks, Jennifer and Sebastian