Re: Brumley is gone

2008-03-01 Thread wendy
Hi Caroline,

I was sad to read of little Brumley's passing.  What a wonderful thing you did 
for him.  How loved he must have felt.  And even if he was one kitty, there can 
never be any regret for caring for him as you did, even though is time with you 
was too short.  Bless you for giving your all for this one lone kitty.


"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the 
world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~

- Original Message 
From: Caroline Kaufmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 6, 2008 12:05:40 PM
Subject: Brumley is gone

Hello all.  Sadly I have to report that my sweet foster kitten Brumley is gone. 
 I know that so many of you championed his cause and helped me with his very 
intensive care that started the minute I took him home from the "condo" at the 
store on Dec. 22.  I so wanted him to be a success story and in a way, he was.  
His story was about not giving up, even in the face of impossible odds and 
other vets writing him off as having FIP and then not wanting to continue 
forward with alleviating the pain his affected eye was causing him.  But my mom 
and I kept going and by the time we got to our 5th vet, we found someone who 
was willing to keep working on Brumley and in the meantime, alleviate the pain 
his eye was causing him- which he did and Brumley's quality of life increased 
and I thought he might make it.  He didn't stop eating and drinking until the 
18th of Jan. and that is also when he became ataxic.  But he never stopped 
interacting with his environment and
 doing the small little things that he wanted to do- like continue to walk 
around, even tho he fell sometimes- that never stopped him, hang out with the 
dog whom- he loved, sniff things, curl up on me and purr, bird watch, family 
wathc, and try to eat soil from the plant, etc.  He never stopped purring 
either until the very end.  
I was worried that with Brumley I wouldn't know when it was time.  And his vet 
even said to me about 5 different times that he would "drag his feet" on this 
one because he loved Brumley's grey and white coloring and the way Brum was 
such a trooper and would just not give up at all!  So I worried that if the vet 
drags his feet, and I drag my feet, will we keep a cat going who is suffering?  
But that didn't happen.  I don't believe Brum suffered much, if at all.  He was 
perky last night and purring away in a cat box he found the other night- after 
somehow making it all the way up the steps to the housecats room and climbing 
in it!  He had started to fight me a lot with syringe feeding (which I have 
done since Jan. 19th) and the subqu fluids- also since the 19th.  So I was 
concerned that the fighting- which he had never done before- was either a good 
or bad sign.  But he was fine last night- he got his two prednisones and it was 
my typical evening of
 treating, medicating, feeding, and babying The Brum.  But this morning, he was 
not standing up in his crate and looking around and meowing- which had become 
his usual morning routine.  He was laying flat and my mom thought he had 
already passed.  His little front paws were gripping the crate and I had to pry 
them off- he was obviously in respiratory distress- as this is my 3 time since 
Monkee died in my arms in July to see this, so I know the signs b/c I live in 
fear of them.  He was craning his neck like he was trying to breathe and his 
breathing was rapid.  So I threw on clothes and we rushed him out to the 
emergency clinic- the same one that also took my Possum on the 22 of Jan.  
Brumley's regular vet wasn't in until 9 today and he had surgeries scheduled, 
so we couldn't go there.  Which I think is good b/c when I saw his vet, I would 
have started balling instead of being composed and I just think it would have 
been a mess for both me and him b/c he
 really liked this cat.  
The emergency vet said it was grave.  Clinically, he was dehydrated (despite my 
2x day fluid treatments), his liver was failing, she suspected kidneys were 
next, she found granulomas throughout his body (other places besides the eye), 
his temp was down again to 94, and she strongly suspected brain damage.  She 
said he was definitely dying and whether it was dry FIP, Toxo (which she 
doubted), or she proposed a very severe fungal infection-- either way, none of 
it was reversible and everything that could be done for the cat had been done.  
It was definitely time.  Which I already knew when I decided to take him out 
there.  I was with him.  Brumley was so bad off that the ER vet couldn't get a 
vein, couldn't get the juglar and had already decided to euthanize with a shot 
to the heart.  He was even less alert than Possum was when we did this with 
him, so it was definitely the right time- he just cr

Re: Brumley is gone

2008-02-15 Thread catatonya
I'm so sorry Caroline. :(

Caroline Kaufmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  .hmmessage P  {  margin:0px;  padding:0px  }  body.hmmessage  {  
FONT-SIZE: 10pt;  FONT-FAMILY:Tahoma  }
  Hello all.  Sadly I have to report that my sweet foster kitten Brumley is 
gone.  I know that so many of you championed his cause and helped me with his 
very intensive care that started the minute I took him home from the "condo" at 
the store on Dec. 22.  I so wanted him to be a success story and in a way, he 
was.  His story was about not giving up, even in the face of impossible odds 
and other vets writing him off as having FIP and then not wanting to continue 
forward with alleviating the pain his affected eye was causing him.  But my mom 
and I kept going and by the time we got to our 5th vet, we found someone who 
was willing to keep working on Brumley and in the meantime, alleviate the pain 
his eye was causing him- which he did and Brumley's quality of life increased 
and I thought he might make it.  He didn't stop eating and drinking until the 
18th of Jan. and that is also when he became ataxic.  But he never stopped 
interacting with his environment and doing the small
 little things that he wanted to do- like continue to walk around, even tho he 
fell sometimes- that never stopped him, hang out with the dog whom- he loved, 
sniff things, curl up on me and purr, bird watch, family wathc, and try to eat 
soil from the plant, etc.  He never stopped purring either until the very end.  
I was worried that with Brumley I wouldn't know when it was time.  And his vet 
even said to me about 5 different times that he would "drag his feet" on this 
one because he loved Brumley's grey and white coloring and the way Brum was 
such a trooper and would just not give up at all!  So I worried that if the vet 
drags his feet, and I drag my feet, will we keep a cat going who is suffering?  
But that didn't happen.  I don't believe Brum suffered much, if at all.  He was 
perky last night and purring away in a cat box he found the other night- after 
somehow making it all the way up the steps to the housecats room and climbing 
in it!  He had started to fight me a lot with syringe feeding (which I have 
done since Jan. 19th) and the subqu fluids- also since the 19th.  So I was 
concerned that the fighting- which he had never done before- was either a good 
or bad sign.  But he was fine last night- he got his two prednisones and it was 
my typical evening of treating, medicating,
 feeding, and babying The Brum.  But this morning, he was not standing up in 
his crate and looking around and meowing- which had become his usual morning 
routine.  He was laying flat and my mom thought he had already passed.  His 
little front paws were gripping the crate and I had to pry them off- he was 
obviously in respiratory distress- as this is my 3 time since Monkee died in my 
arms in July to see this, so I know the signs b/c I live in fear of them.  He 
was craning his neck like he was trying to breathe and his breathing was rapid. 
 So I threw on clothes and we rushed him out to the emergency clinic- the same 
one that also took my Possum on the 22 of Jan.  Brumley's regular vet wasn't in 
until 9 today and he had surgeries scheduled, so we couldn't go there.  Which I 
think is good b/c when I saw his vet, I would have started balling instead of 
being composed and I just think it would have been a mess for both me and him 
b/c he really liked this cat.  
The emergency vet said it was grave.  Clinically, he was dehydrated (despite my 
2x day fluid treatments), his liver was failing, she suspected kidneys were 
next, she found granulomas throughout his body (other places besides the eye), 
his temp was down again to 94, and she strongly suspected brain damage.  She 
said he was definitely dying and whether it was dry FIP, Toxo (which she 
doubted), or she proposed a very severe fungal infection-- either way, none of 
it was reversible and everything that could be done for the cat had been done.  
It was definitely time.  Which I already knew when I decided to take him out 
there.  I was with him.  Brumley was so bad off that the ER vet couldn't get a 
vein, couldn't get the juglar and had already decided to euthanize with a shot 
to the heart.  He was even less alert than Possum was when we did this with 
him, so it was definitely the right time- he just crashed so fast and so hard 
in light of how he was last night.  Since the shot went
 to the heart, Brumley left this world very quickly.  The vet gave me a hug and 
told me I did a good job.  
Honestly, I am exhausted.  I have been doing very intensive care on Brumley and 
it has taken up all of my mornings and my entire evening.  I would get up, take 
care of Brum, go to work, come home, take care of Brum, go to bed, and it would 
start again the next day.  So mentally and physically, 

RE: Brumley is gone

2008-02-10 Thread Diane Rosenfeldt
Caroline, belated condolences on Brumley's passing.  He was a little
fighter, and you were his angel.  
Diane R.


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Caroline Kaufmann
Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2008 12:06 PM
Subject: Brumley is gone

Hello all.  Sadly I have to report that my sweet foster kitten Brumley is
gone.  I know that so many of you championed his cause and helped me with
his very intensive care that started the minute I took him home from the
"condo" at the store on Dec. 22.  I so wanted him to be a success story and
in a way, he was.  His story was about not giving up, even in the face of
impossible odds and other vets writing him off as having FIP and then not
wanting to continue forward with alleviating the pain his affected eye was
causing him.  But my mom and I kept going and by the time we got to our 5th
vet, we found someone who was willing to keep working on Brumley and in the
meantime, alleviate the pain his eye was causing him- which he did and
Brumley's quality of life increased and I thought he might make it.  He
didn't stop eating and drinking until the 18th of Jan. and that is also when
he became ataxic.  But he never stopped interacting with his environment and
doing the small little things that he wanted to do- like continue to walk
around, even tho he fell sometimes- that never stopped him, hang out with
the dog whom- he loved, sniff things, curl up on me and purr, bird watch,
family wathc, and try to eat soil from the plant, etc.  He never stopped
purring either until the very end.  
I was worried that with Brumley I wouldn't know when it was time.  And his
vet even said to me about 5 different times that he would "drag his feet" on
this one because he loved Brumley's grey and white coloring and the way Brum
was such a trooper and would just not give up at all!  So I worried that if
the vet drags his feet, and I drag my feet, will we keep a cat going who is
suffering?  But that didn't happen.  I don't believe Brum suffered much, if
at all.  He was perky last night and purring away in a cat box he found the
other night- after somehow making it all the way up the steps to the
housecats room and climbing in it!  He had started to fight me a lot with
syringe feeding (which I have done since Jan. 19th) and the subqu fluids-
also since the 19th.  So I was concerned that the fighting- which he had
never done before- was either a good or bad sign.  But he was fine last
night- he got his two prednisones and it was my typical evening of treating,
medicating, feeding, and babying The Brum.  But this morning, he was not
standing up in his crate and looking around and meowing- which had become
his usual morning routine.  He was laying flat and my mom thought he had
already passed.  His little front paws were gripping the crate and I had to
pry them off- he was obviously in respiratory distress- as this is my 3 time
since Monkee died in my arms in July to see this, so I know the signs b/c I
live in fear of them.  He was craning his neck like he was trying to breathe
and his breathing was rapid.  So I threw on clothes and we rushed him out to
the emergency clinic- the same one that also took my Possum on the 22 of
Jan.  Brumley's regular vet wasn't in until 9 today and he had surgeries
scheduled, so we couldn't go there.  Which I think is good b/c when I saw
his vet, I would have started balling instead of being composed and I just
think it would have been a mess for both me and him b/c he really liked this
The emergency vet said it was grave.  Clinically, he was dehydrated (despite
my 2x day fluid treatments), his liver was failing, she suspected kidneys
were next, she found granulomas throughout his body (other places besides
the eye), his temp was down again to 94, and she strongly suspected brain
damage.  She said he was definitely dying and whether it was dry FIP, Toxo
(which she doubted), or she proposed a very severe fungal infection-- either
way, none of it was reversible and everything that could be done for the cat
had been done.  It was definitely time.  Which I already knew when I decided
to take him out there.  I was with him.  Brumley was so bad off that the ER
vet couldn't get a vein, couldn't get the juglar and had already decided to
euthanize with a shot to the heart.  He was even less alert than Possum was
when we did this with him, so it was definitely the right time- he just
crashed so fast and so hard in light of how he was last night.  Since the
shot went to the heart, Brumley left this world very quickly.  The vet gave
me a hug and told me I did a good job.  
Honestly, I am exhausted.  I have been doing very intensive care on Brumley
and it has taken up all of my mornings and my entire evening.  I would get
up, take care of Brum, go to work, come home, take care of Brum, go to bed,
and it would start 

RE: Brumley is gone

2008-02-08 Thread MarieG
Caroline, I"m sorry to hear of your loss. I know it is hard to lose a wonderful 

"MacKenzie, Kerry N." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
0px; MARGIN: 0px; PADDING-TOP: 0px  }  BODY.hmmessage {   FONT-SIZE: 10pt; 
FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma  }  Oh Caroline, I am so, so sorry. Brumley was 
such a special, brave little fellow, such a trooper. And you were surely his 
guardian angel. You really did him proud. No one could have done more for 
Brumley than you did---no one. It's really amazing and wonderful that he was so 
content and loving of life right up till almost the last moment. He obviously 
knew how loved he was. What an inspiration his example is. And yours, too, 
Caroline--thanks for everything you did for your little sweetie foster kitten. 
Wish there were more in the world like you. much love and big hugs, Kerry

  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Caroline 
Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2008 12:06 PM
Subject: Brumley is gone


  Hello all.  Sadly I have to report that my sweet foster kitten Brumley is 
gone.  I know that so many of you championed his cause and helped me with his 
very intensive care that started the minute I took him home from the "condo" at 
the store on Dec. 22.  I so wanted him to be a success story and in a way, he 
was.  His story was about not giving up, even in the face of impossible odds 
and other vets writing him off as having FIP and then not wanting to continue 
forward with alleviating the pain his affected eye was causing him.  But my mom 
and I kept going and by the time we got to our 5th vet, we found someone who 
was willing to keep working on Brumley and in the meantime, alleviate the pain 
his eye was causing him- which he did and Brumley's quality of life increased 
and I thought he might make it.  He didn't stop eating and drinking until the 
18th of Jan. and that is also when he became ataxic.  But he never stopped 
interacting with his environment and doing the small
 little things that he wanted to do- like continue to walk around, even tho he 
fell sometimes- that never stopped him, hang out with the dog whom- he loved, 
sniff things, curl up on me and purr, bird watch, family wathc, and try to eat 
soil from the plant, etc.  He never stopped purring either until the very end.  
I was worried that with Brumley I wouldn't know when it was time.  And his vet 
even said to me about 5 different times that he would "drag his feet" on this 
one because he loved Brumley's grey and white coloring and the way Brum was 
such a trooper and would just not give up at all!  So I worried that if the vet 
drags his feet, and I drag my feet, will we keep a cat going who is suffering?  
But that didn't happen.  I don't believe Brum suffered much, if at all.  He was 
perky last night and purring away in a cat box he found the other night- after 
somehow making it all the way up the steps to the housecats room and climbing 
in it!  He had started to fight me a lot with syringe feeding (which I have 
done since Jan. 19th) and the subqu fluids- also since the 19th.  So I was 
concerned that the fighting- which he had never done before- was either a good 
or bad sign.  But he was fine last night- he got his two prednisones and it was 
my typical evening of treating, medicating,
 feeding, and babying The Brum.  But this morning, he was not standing up in 
his crate and looking around and meowing- which had become his usual morning 
routine.  He was laying flat and my mom thought he had already passed.  His 
little front paws were gripping the crate and I had to pry them off- he was 
obviously in respiratory distress- as this is my 3 time since Monkee died in my 
arms in July to see this, so I know the signs b/c I live in fear of them.  He 
was craning his neck like he was trying to breathe and his breathing was rapid. 
 So I threw on clothes and we rushed him out to the emergency clinic- the same 
one that also took my Possum on the 22 of Jan.  Brumley's regular vet wasn't in 
until 9 today and he had surgeries scheduled, so we couldn't go there.  Which I 
think is good b/c when I saw his vet, I would have started balling instead of 
being composed and I just think it would have been a mess for both me and him 
b/c he really liked this cat.  
The emergency vet said it was grave.  Clinically, he was dehydrated (despite my 
2x day fluid treatments), his liver was failing, she suspected kidneys were 
next, she found granulomas throughout his body (other places besides the eye), 
his temp was down again to 94, and she strongly suspected brain damage.  She 
said he was definitely dying and whether it was dry FIP, Toxo (which she 
doubted), or she proposed a very severe fungal infection

Re: Brumley is gone

2008-02-06 Thread Marylyn
I'm so sorry.  He died loved and cared for.  That may not be much  
comfort to you right now but it was to Brumley.

On Feb 6, 2008, at 4:21 PM, Sherry DeHaan wrote:

Caroline,I am so sorry about sweet little Brumley.He was so lucky to  
have you here for him.and it is good to hear that Monkee was there  
to greet him.Hugs to you!!


Caroline Kaufmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hello all.  Sadly I have to report that my sweet foster kitten  
Brumley is gone.  I know that so many of you championed his cause  
and helped me with his very intensive care that started the minute I  
took him home from the "condo" at the store on Dec. 22.  I so wanted  
him to be a success story and in a way, he was.  His story was about  
not giving up, even in the face of impossible odds and other vets  
writing him off as having FIP and then not wanting to continue  
forward with alleviating the pain his affected eye was causing him.   
But my mom and I kept going and by the time we got to our 5th vet,  
we found someone who was willing to keep working on Brumley and in  
the meantime, alleviate the pain his eye was causing him- which he  
did and Brumley's quality of life increased and I thought he might  
make it.  He didn't stop eating and drinking until the 18th of Jan.  
and that is also when he became ataxic.  But he never stopped  
interacting with his environment and doing the small little things  
that he wanted to do- like continue to walk around, even tho he fell  
sometimes- that never stopped him, hang out with the dog whom- he  
loved, sniff things, curl up on me and purr, bird watch, family  
wathc, and try to eat soil from the plant, etc.  He never stopped  
purring either until the very end.

I was worried that with Brumley I wouldn't know when it was time.   
And his vet even said to me about 5 different times that he would  
"drag his feet" on this one because he loved Brumley's grey and  
white coloring and the way Brum was such a trooper and would just  
not give up at all!  So I worried that if the vet drags his feet,  
and I drag my feet, will we keep a cat going who is suffering?  But  
that didn't happen.  I don't believe Brum suffered much, if at all.   
He was perky last night and purring away in a cat box he found the  
other night- after somehow making it all the way up the steps to the  
housecats room and climbing in it!  He had started to fight me a lot  
with syringe feeding (which I have done since Jan. 19th) and the  
subqu fluids- also since the 19th.  So I was concerned that the  
fighting- which he had never done before- was either a good or bad  
sign.  But he was fine last night- he got his two prednisones and it  
was my typical evening of treating, medicating, feeding, and babying  
The Brum.  But this morning, he was not standing up in his crate and  
looking around and meowing- which had become his usual morning  
routine.  He was laying flat and my mom thought he had already  
passed.  His little front paws were gripping the crate and I had to  
pry them off- he was obviously in respiratory distress- as this is  
my 3 time since Monkee died in my arms in July to see this, so I  
know the signs b/c I live in fear of them.  He was craning his neck  
like he was trying to breathe and his breathing was rapid.  So I  
threw on clothes and we rushed him out to the emergency clinic- the  
same one that also took my Possum on the 22 of Jan.  Brumley's  
regular vet wasn't in until 9 today and he had surgeries scheduled,  
so we couldn't go there.  Which I think is good b/c when I saw his  
vet, I would have started balling instead of being composed and I  
just think it would have been a mess for both me and him b/c he  
really liked this cat.

The emergency vet said it was grave.  Clinically, he was dehydrated  
(despite my 2x day fluid treatments), his liver was failing, she  
suspected kidneys were next, she found granulomas throughout his  
body (other places besides the eye), his temp was down again to 94,  
and she strongly suspected brain damage.  She said he was definitely  
dying and whether it was dry FIP, Toxo (which she doubted), or she  
proposed a very severe fungal infection-- either way, none of it was  
reversible and everything that could be done for the cat had been  
done.  It was definitely time.  Which I already knew when I decided  
to take him out there.  I was with him.  Brumley was so bad off that  
the ER vet couldn't get a vein, couldn't get the juglar and had  
already decided to euthanize with a shot to the heart.  He was even  
less alert than Possum was when we did this with him, so it was  
definitely the right time- he just crashed so fast and so hard in  
light of how he was last night.  Since the shot went to the heart,  
Brumley left this world very quickly.  The vet gave me a hug and  
told me I did a good job.

Honestly, I am exhausted.  I have been doing

Re: Brumley is gone

2008-02-06 Thread laurieskatz
Caroline, I am so sorry. I think losing one we've nursed intently is especially 
hard. I am sure you are exhausted. I find Monkee's visit a comfort and 
assurance that he was waiting for Brumley. I had a visit from Teddy around the 
time Keisha died. 
Be gentle with yourself and know that you gave the little guy a chance. Kudos 
for keeping on looking until you found a vet with compassion and willingess to 
try to help this little earth angel.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Caroline Kaufmann 
  Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2008 12:05 PM
  Subject: Brumley is gone

Hello all.  Sadly I have to report that my sweet foster kitten Brumley is 
gone.  I know that so many of you championed his cause and helped me with his 
very intensive care that started the minute I took him home from the "condo" at 
the store on Dec. 22.  I so wanted him to be a success story and in a way, he 
was.  His story was about not giving up, even in the face of impossible odds 
and other vets writing him off as having FIP and then not wanting to continue 
forward with alleviating the pain his affected eye was causing him.  But my mom 
and I kept going and by the time we got to our 5th vet, we found someone who 
was willing to keep working on Brumley and in the meantime, alleviate the pain 
his eye was causing him- which he did and Brumley's quality of life increased 
and I thought he might make it.  He didn't stop eating and drinking until the 
18th of Jan. and that is also when he became ataxic.  But he never stopped 
interacting with his environment and doing the small little things that he 
wanted to do- like continue to walk around, even tho he fell sometimes- that 
never stopped him, hang out with the dog whom- he loved, sniff things, curl up 
on me and purr, bird watch, family wathc, and try to eat soil from the plant, 
etc.  He never stopped purring either until the very end.  
I was worried that with Brumley I wouldn't know when it was time.  And his 
vet even said to me about 5 different times that he would "drag his feet" on 
this one because he loved Brumley's grey and white coloring and the way Brum 
was such a trooper and would just not give up at all!  So I worried that if the 
vet drags his feet, and I drag my feet, will we keep a cat going who is 
suffering?  But that didn't happen.  I don't believe Brum suffered much, if at 
all.  He was perky last night and purring away in a cat box he found the other 
night- after somehow making it all the way up the steps to the housecats room 
and climbing in it!  He had started to fight me a lot with syringe feeding 
(which I have done since Jan. 19th) and the subqu fluids- also since the 19th.  
So I was concerned that the fighting- which he had never done before- was 
either a good or bad sign.  But he was fine last night- he got his two 
prednisones and it was my typical evening of treating, medicating, feeding, and 
babying The Brum.  But this morning, he was not standing up in his crate and 
looking around and meowing- which had become his usual morning routine.  He was 
laying flat and my mom thought he had already passed.  His little front paws 
were gripping the crate and I had to pry them off- he was obviously in 
respiratory distress- as this is my 3 time since Monkee died in my arms in July 
to see this, so I know the signs b/c I live in fear of them.  He was craning 
his neck like he was trying to breathe and his breathing was rapid.  So I threw 
on clothes and we rushed him out to the emergency clinic- the same one that 
also took my Possum on the 22 of Jan.  Brumley's regular vet wasn't in until 9 
today and he had surgeries scheduled, so we couldn't go there.  Which I think 
is good b/c when I saw his vet, I would have started balling instead of being 
composed and I just think it would have been a mess for both me and him b/c he 
really liked this cat.  
The emergency vet said it was grave.  Clinically, he was dehydrated 
(despite my 2x day fluid treatments), his liver was failing, she suspected 
kidneys were next, she found granulomas throughout his body (other places 
besides the eye), his temp was down again to 94, and she strongly suspected 
brain damage.  She said he was definitely dying and whether it was dry FIP, 
Toxo (which she doubted), or she proposed a very severe fungal infection-- 
either way, none of it was reversible and everything that could be done for the 
cat had been done.  It was definitely time.  Which I already knew when I 
decided to take him out there.  I was with him.  Brumley was so bad off that 
the ER vet couldn't get a vein, couldn't get the juglar and had already decided 
to euthanize with a shot to the heart.  He was even less alert than Possum was 
when we did this with him, so it was definitely the right time- he just crashed 
so fast and so hard in light of how he was

Re: Brumley is gone

2008-02-06 Thread Sherry DeHaan
Caroline,I am so sorry about sweet little Brumley.He was so lucky to have you 
here for him.and it is good to hear that Monkee was there to greet him.Hugs to 

Caroline Kaufmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  .hmmessage P  {  margin:0px;  padding:0px  }  body.hmmessage  {  
FONT-SIZE: 10pt;  FONT-FAMILY:Tahoma  }
  Hello all.  Sadly I have to report that my sweet foster kitten Brumley is 
gone.  I know that so many of you championed his cause and helped me with his 
very intensive care that started the minute I took him home from the "condo" at 
the store on Dec. 22.  I so wanted him to be a success story and in a way, he 
was.  His story was about not giving up, even in the face of impossible odds 
and other vets writing him off as having FIP and then not wanting to continue 
forward with alleviating the pain his affected eye was causing him.  But my mom 
and I kept going and by the time we got to our 5th vet, we found someone who 
was willing to keep working on Brumley and in the meantime, alleviate the pain 
his eye was causing him- which he did and Brumley's quality of life increased 
and I thought he might make it.  He didn't stop eating and drinking until the 
18th of Jan. and that is also when he became ataxic.  But he never stopped 
interacting with his environment and doing the small
 little things that he wanted to do- like continue to walk around, even tho he 
fell sometimes- that never stopped him, hang out with the dog whom- he loved, 
sniff things, curl up on me and purr, bird watch, family wathc, and try to eat 
soil from the plant, etc.  He never stopped purring either until the very end.  
I was worried that with Brumley I wouldn't know when it was time.  And his vet 
even said to me about 5 different times that he would "drag his feet" on this 
one because he loved Brumley's grey and white coloring and the way Brum was 
such a trooper and would just not give up at all!  So I worried that if the vet 
drags his feet, and I drag my feet, will we keep a cat going who is suffering?  
But that didn't happen.  I don't believe Brum suffered much, if at all.  He was 
perky last night and purring away in a cat box he found the other night- after 
somehow making it all the way up the steps to the housecats room and climbing 
in it!  He had started to fight me a lot with syringe feeding (which I have 
done since Jan. 19th) and the subqu fluids- also since the 19th.  So I was 
concerned that the fighting- which he had never done before- was either a good 
or bad sign.  But he was fine last night- he got his two prednisones and it was 
my typical evening of treating, medicating,
 feeding, and babying The Brum.  But this morning, he was not standing up in 
his crate and looking around and meowing- which had become his usual morning 
routine.  He was laying flat and my mom thought he had already passed.  His 
little front paws were gripping the crate and I had to pry them off- he was 
obviously in respiratory distress- as this is my 3 time since Monkee died in my 
arms in July to see this, so I know the signs b/c I live in fear of them.  He 
was craning his neck like he was trying to breathe and his breathing was rapid. 
 So I threw on clothes and we rushed him out to the emergency clinic- the same 
one that also took my Possum on the 22 of Jan.  Brumley's regular vet wasn't in 
until 9 today and he had surgeries scheduled, so we couldn't go there.  Which I 
think is good b/c when I saw his vet, I would have started balling instead of 
being composed and I just think it would have been a mess for both me and him 
b/c he really liked this cat.  
The emergency vet said it was grave.  Clinically, he was dehydrated (despite my 
2x day fluid treatments), his liver was failing, she suspected kidneys were 
next, she found granulomas throughout his body (other places besides the eye), 
his temp was down again to 94, and she strongly suspected brain damage.  She 
said he was definitely dying and whether it was dry FIP, Toxo (which she 
doubted), or she proposed a very severe fungal infection-- either way, none of 
it was reversible and everything that could be done for the cat had been done.  
It was definitely time.  Which I already knew when I decided to take him out 
there.  I was with him.  Brumley was so bad off that the ER vet couldn't get a 
vein, couldn't get the juglar and had already decided to euthanize with a shot 
to the heart.  He was even less alert than Possum was when we did this with 
him, so it was definitely the right time- he just crashed so fast and so hard 
in light of how he was last night.  Since the shot went
 to the heart, Brumley left this world very quickly.  The vet gave me a hug and 
told me I did a good job.  
Honestly, I am exhausted.  I have been doing very intensive care on Brumley and 
it has taken up all of my mornings and my entire evening.  I would get up, take 

RE: Brumley is gone

2008-02-06 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Oh Caroline, I am so, so sorry. Brumley was such a special, brave little
fellow, such a trooper. And you were surely his guardian angel. You
really did him proud. No one could have done more for Brumley than you
did---no one. It's really amazing and wonderful that he was so content
and loving of life right up till almost the last moment. He obviously
knew how loved he was. What an inspiration his example is. And yours,
too, Caroline--thanks for everything you did for your little sweetie
foster kitten. Wish there were more in the world like you. much love and
big hugs, Kerry

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Caroline
Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2008 12:06 PM
Subject: Brumley is gone

Hello all.  Sadly I have to report that my sweet foster kitten
Brumley is gone.  I know that so many of you championed his cause and
helped me with his very intensive care that started the minute I took
him home from the "condo" at the store on Dec. 22.  I so wanted him to
be a success story and in a way, he was.  His story was about not giving
up, even in the face of impossible odds and other vets writing him off
as having FIP and then not wanting to continue forward with alleviating
the pain his affected eye was causing him.  But my mom and I kept going
and by the time we got to our 5th vet, we found someone who was willing
to keep working on Brumley and in the meantime, alleviate the pain his
eye was causing him- which he did and Brumley's quality of life
increased and I thought he might make it.  He didn't stop eating and
drinking until the 18th of Jan. and that is also when he became ataxic.
But he never stopped interacting with his environment and doing the
small little things that he wanted to do- like continue to walk around,
even tho he fell sometimes- that never stopped him, hang out with the
dog whom- he loved, sniff things, curl up on me and purr, bird watch,
family wathc, and try to eat soil from the plant, etc.  He never stopped
purring either until the very end.  
I was worried that with Brumley I wouldn't know when it was
time.  And his vet even said to me about 5 different times that he would
"drag his feet" on this one because he loved Brumley's grey and white
coloring and the way Brum was such a trooper and would just not give up
at all!  So I worried that if the vet drags his feet, and I drag my
feet, will we keep a cat going who is suffering?  But that didn't
happen.  I don't believe Brum suffered much, if at all.  He was perky
last night and purring away in a cat box he found the other night- after
somehow making it all the way up the steps to the housecats room and
climbing in it!  He had started to fight me a lot with syringe feeding
(which I have done since Jan. 19th) and the subqu fluids- also since the
19th.  So I was concerned that the fighting- which he had never done
before- was either a good or bad sign.  But he was fine last night- he
got his two prednisones and it was my typical evening of treating,
medicating, feeding, and babying The Brum.  But this morning, he was not
standing up in his crate and looking around and meowing- which had
become his usual morning routine.  He was laying flat and my mom thought
he had already passed.  His little front paws were gripping the crate
and I had to pry them off- he was obviously in respiratory distress- as
this is my 3 time since Monkee died in my arms in July to see this, so I
know the signs b/c I live in fear of them.  He was craning his neck like
he was trying to breathe and his breathing was rapid.  So I threw on
clothes and we rushed him out to the emergency clinic- the same one that
also took my Possum on the 22 of Jan.  Brumley's regular vet wasn't in
until 9 today and he had surgeries scheduled, so we couldn't go there.
Which I think is good b/c when I saw his vet, I would have started
balling instead of being composed and I just think it would have been a
mess for both me and him b/c he really liked this cat.  
The emergency vet said it was grave.  Clinically, he was
dehydrated (despite my 2x day fluid treatments), his liver was failing,
she suspected kidneys were next, she found granulomas throughout his
body (other places besides the eye), his temp was down again to 94, and
she strongly suspected brain damage.  She said he was definitely dying
and whether it was dry FIP, Toxo (which she doubted), or she proposed a
very severe fungal infection-- either way, none of it was reversible and
everything that could be done for the cat had been done.  It was
definitely time.  Which I already knew when I decided to take him out
there.  I was with him.  Brumley was so bad off that the ER vet couldn't
get a vein, couldn't get the juglar and had already decided to euthanize
with a shot to the heart.  He was even less alert than Possum was when

RE: Brumley is gone

2008-02-06 Thread Caroline Kaufmann

Thank you Lynne.  I want to make sure you understand though that Brumley was 
not an FELV cat.  Altho some of the vets that saw him thought he was presenting 
with FELV typical symptoms (the eye), he was tested twice- once at 2 lbs by the 
shelter- and once by me at 6 mths of age, so if he had initially been a false 
negative, it should have shown up at the 6 mths test when he was undeniably 
symptomatic with some kind of infection/possible virus.  If he had been Felv+, 
he would have been "viremic" at that point and shedding the virus and the test 
would have caught it.  
We suspect he had dry FIP- which if you are not familiar with it- sheesh- it's 
a whole other can of worms and practically impossible to diagnose- a very 
complicated and ugly disease.  I thought Felv was the worst thing I'd ever see, 
but I hadn't met FIP yet.  At this point, I'd pray for a kitten to be FELV 
positive in lieu of facing dry FIP again- if we had choices in these matters.  
But I just wanted to make sure that Brumley's death didn't make you despair, as 
he was not FELV+.  But I have been on this list almost a year and the people 
here helped me so much with my FELV cat Monkee that they are my first "go to" 
contacts when I have a foster doing something--anything- FELV or not- as I 
build my cat-care learning curve.  It's these people who led me to the FIP 
support group that has given me tons of support, advice and help with Brumley.  
But I wanted to let the people on this group know what happened because they 
learned of Brumley when I first took him in and came to this group for initial 

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: Brumley is goneDate: Wed, 6 Feb 
2008 15:05:23 -0500

Caroline, I am so very sorry for your loss.  What a wonderful guardian you have 
been for your Brumley.  This disease is new to me and my new Himalayan and I'm 
learning so much from this group already.  Again my heartfelt condolences.

- Original Message - 
From: Caroline Kaufmann 
Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2008 1:05 PM
Subject: Brumley is gone

Hello all.  Sadly I have to report that my sweet foster kitten Brumley is gone. 
 I know that so many of you championed his cause and helped me with his very 
intensive care that started the minute I took him home from the "condo" at the 
store on Dec. 22.  I so wanted him to be a success story and in a way, he was.  
His story was about not giving up, even in the face of impossible odds and 
other vets writing him off as having FIP and then not wanting to continue 
forward with alleviating the pain his affected eye was causing him.  But my mom 
and I kept going and by the time we got to our 5th vet, we found someone who 
was willing to keep working on Brumley and in the meantime, alleviate the pain 
his eye was causing him- which he did and Brumley's quality of life increased 
and I thought he might make it.  He didn't stop eating and drinking until the 
18th of Jan. and that is also when he became ataxic.  But he never stopped 
interacting with his environment and doing the small little things that he 
wanted to do- like continue to walk around, even tho he fell sometimes- that 
never stopped him, hang out with the dog whom- he loved, sniff things, curl up 
on me and purr, bird watch, family wathc, and try to eat soil from the plant, 
etc.  He never stopped purring either until the very end.   I was worried that 
with Brumley I wouldn't know when it was time.  And his vet even said to me 
about 5 different times that he would "drag his feet" on this one because he 
loved Brumley's grey and white coloring and the way Brum was such a trooper and 
would just not give up at all!  So I worried that if the vet drags his feet, 
and I drag my feet, will we keep a cat going who is suffering?  But that didn't 
happen.  I don't believe Brum suffered much, if at all.  He was perky last 
night and purring away in a cat box he found the other night- after somehow 
making it all the way up the steps to the housecats room and climbing in it!  
He had started to fight me a lot with syringe feeding (which I have done since 
Jan. 19th) and the subqu fluids- also since the 19th.  So I was concerned that 
the fighting- which he had never done before- was either a good or bad sign.  
But he was fine last night- he got his two prednisones and it was my typical 
evening of treating, medicating, feeding, and babying The Brum.  But this 
morning, he was not standing up in his crate and looking around and meowing- 
which had become his usual morning routine.  He was laying flat and my mom 
thought he had already passed.  His little front paws were gripping the crate 
and I had to pry them off- he was obviously in respiratory distress- as this is 
my 3 time since Monkee died in my arms in July to see this, so I know the signs 

Re: Brumley is gone

2008-02-06 Thread Lynne
Caroline, I am so very sorry for your loss.  What a wonderful guardian you have 
been for your Brumley.  This disease is new to me and my new Himalayan and I'm 
learning so much from this group already.  Again my heartfelt condolences.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Caroline Kaufmann 
  Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2008 1:05 PM
  Subject: Brumley is gone

Hello all.  Sadly I have to report that my sweet foster kitten Brumley is 
gone.  I know that so many of you championed his cause and helped me with his 
very intensive care that started the minute I took him home from the "condo" at 
the store on Dec. 22.  I so wanted him to be a success story and in a way, he 
was.  His story was about not giving up, even in the face of impossible odds 
and other vets writing him off as having FIP and then not wanting to continue 
forward with alleviating the pain his affected eye was causing him.  But my mom 
and I kept going and by the time we got to our 5th vet, we found someone who 
was willing to keep working on Brumley and in the meantime, alleviate the pain 
his eye was causing him- which he did and Brumley's quality of life increased 
and I thought he might make it.  He didn't stop eating and drinking until the 
18th of Jan. and that is also when he became ataxic.  But he never stopped 
interacting with his environment and doing the small little things that he 
wanted to do- like continue to walk around, even tho he fell sometimes- that 
never stopped him, hang out with the dog whom- he loved, sniff things, curl up 
on me and purr, bird watch, family wathc, and try to eat soil from the plant, 
etc.  He never stopped purring either until the very end.  
I was worried that with Brumley I wouldn't know when it was time.  And his 
vet even said to me about 5 different times that he would "drag his feet" on 
this one because he loved Brumley's grey and white coloring and the way Brum 
was such a trooper and would just not give up at all!  So I worried that if the 
vet drags his feet, and I drag my feet, will we keep a cat going who is 
suffering?  But that didn't happen.  I don't believe Brum suffered much, if at 
all.  He was perky last night and purring away in a cat box he found the other 
night- after somehow making it all the way up the steps to the housecats room 
and climbing in it!  He had started to fight me a lot with syringe feeding 
(which I have done since Jan. 19th) and the subqu fluids- also since the 19th.  
So I was concerned that the fighting- which he had never done before- was 
either a good or bad sign.  But he was fine last night- he got his two 
prednisones and it was my typical evening of treating, medicating, feeding, and 
babying The Brum.  But this morning, he was not standing up in his crate and 
looking around and meowing- which had become his usual morning routine.  He was 
laying flat and my mom thought he had already passed.  His little front paws 
were gripping the crate and I had to pry them off- he was obviously in 
respiratory distress- as this is my 3 time since Monkee died in my arms in July 
to see this, so I know the signs b/c I live in fear of them.  He was craning 
his neck like he was trying to breathe and his breathing was rapid.  So I threw 
on clothes and we rushed him out to the emergency clinic- the same one that 
also took my Possum on the 22 of Jan.  Brumley's regular vet wasn't in until 9 
today and he had surgeries scheduled, so we couldn't go there.  Which I think 
is good b/c when I saw his vet, I would have started balling instead of being 
composed and I just think it would have been a mess for both me and him b/c he 
really liked this cat.  
The emergency vet said it was grave.  Clinically, he was dehydrated 
(despite my 2x day fluid treatments), his liver was failing, she suspected 
kidneys were next, she found granulomas throughout his body (other places 
besides the eye), his temp was down again to 94, and she strongly suspected 
brain damage.  She said he was definitely dying and whether it was dry FIP, 
Toxo (which she doubted), or she proposed a very severe fungal infection-- 
either way, none of it was reversible and everything that could be done for the 
cat had been done.  It was definitely time.  Which I already knew when I 
decided to take him out there.  I was with him.  Brumley was so bad off that 
the ER vet couldn't get a vein, couldn't get the juglar and had already decided 
to euthanize with a shot to the heart.  He was even less alert than Possum was 
when we did this with him, so it was definitely the right time- he just crashed 
so fast and so hard in light of how he was last night.  Since the shot went to 
the heart, Brumley left this world very quickly.  The vet gave me a hug and 
told me I did a good job.  
Honestly, I am exhausted.  I have been doing very intensive c

Brumley is gone

2008-02-06 Thread Caroline Kaufmann

Hello all.  Sadly I have to report that my sweet foster kitten Brumley is gone. 
 I know that so many of you championed his cause and helped me with his very 
intensive care that started the minute I took him home from the "condo" at the 
store on Dec. 22.  I so wanted him to be a success story and in a way, he was.  
His story was about not giving up, even in the face of impossible odds and 
other vets writing him off as having FIP and then not wanting to continue 
forward with alleviating the pain his affected eye was causing him.  But my mom 
and I kept going and by the time we got to our 5th vet, we found someone who 
was willing to keep working on Brumley and in the meantime, alleviate the pain 
his eye was causing him- which he did and Brumley's quality of life increased 
and I thought he might make it.  He didn't stop eating and drinking until the 
18th of Jan. and that is also when he became ataxic.  But he never stopped 
interacting with his environment and doing the small little things that he 
wanted to do- like continue to walk around, even tho he fell sometimes- that 
never stopped him, hang out with the dog whom- he loved, sniff things, curl up 
on me and purr, bird watch, family wathc, and try to eat soil from the plant, 
etc.  He never stopped purring either until the very end.   I was worried that 
with Brumley I wouldn't know when it was time.  And his vet even said to me 
about 5 different times that he would "drag his feet" on this one because he 
loved Brumley's grey and white coloring and the way Brum was such a trooper and 
would just not give up at all!  So I worried that if the vet drags his feet, 
and I drag my feet, will we keep a cat going who is suffering?  But that didn't 
happen.  I don't believe Brum suffered much, if at all.  He was perky last 
night and purring away in a cat box he found the other night- after somehow 
making it all the way up the steps to the housecats room and climbing in it!  
He had started to fight me a lot with syringe feeding (which I have done since 
Jan. 19th) and the subqu fluids- also since the 19th.  So I was concerned that 
the fighting- which he had never done before- was either a good or bad sign.  
But he was fine last night- he got his two prednisones and it was my typical 
evening of treating, medicating, feeding, and babying The Brum.  But this 
morning, he was not standing up in his crate and looking around and meowing- 
which had become his usual morning routine.  He was laying flat and my mom 
thought he had already passed.  His little front paws were gripping the crate 
and I had to pry them off- he was obviously in respiratory distress- as this is 
my 3 time since Monkee died in my arms in July to see this, so I know the signs 
b/c I live in fear of them.  He was craning his neck like he was trying to 
breathe and his breathing was rapid.  So I threw on clothes and we rushed him 
out to the emergency clinic- the same one that also took my Possum on the 22 of 
Jan.  Brumley's regular vet wasn't in until 9 today and he had surgeries 
scheduled, so we couldn't go there.  Which I think is good b/c when I saw his 
vet, I would have started balling instead of being composed and I just think it 
would have been a mess for both me and him b/c he really liked this cat.   The 
emergency vet said it was grave.  Clinically, he was dehydrated (despite my 2x 
day fluid treatments), his liver was failing, she suspected kidneys were next, 
she found granulomas throughout his body (other places besides the eye), his 
temp was down again to 94, and she strongly suspected brain damage.  She said 
he was definitely dying and whether it was dry FIP, Toxo (which she doubted), 
or she proposed a very severe fungal infection-- either way, none of it was 
reversible and everything that could be done for the cat had been done.  It was 
definitely time.  Which I already knew when I decided to take him out there.  I 
was with him.  Brumley was so bad off that the ER vet couldn't get a vein, 
couldn't get the juglar and had already decided to euthanize with a shot to the 
heart.  He was even less alert than Possum was when we did this with him, so it 
was definitely the right time- he just crashed so fast and so hard in light of 
how he was last night.  Since the shot went to the heart, Brumley left this 
world very quickly.  The vet gave me a hug and told me I did a good job.   
Honestly, I am exhausted.  I have been doing very intensive care on Brumley and 
it has taken up all of my mornings and my entire evening.  I would get up, take 
care of Brum, go to work, come home, take care of Brum, go to bed, and it would 
start again the next day.  So mentally and physically, I am just worn out.  But 
I know that- especially being a foster cat- Brumley got more care and better 
care than he ever would have if I had not intervened.  In his short, sad little 
life, he never got frustra