Re: felv+ cat with adenocarcinoma

2007-10-07 Thread kris
Thank you so much Belinda!!  I have only briefly looked this up, but I saw that 
it also has anti-nausea properties and that would also be a plus.  I'll 
definitely be talking to the doctor about it tomorrow.   Kris

Re: felv+ cat with adenocarcinoma

2007-10-07 Thread Belinda

Fred my CRF guy was on an appetite stimulant called Mirtazapine, it 
worked very well for him the other you mentioned didn't do anything for 
him either and the mirtazapine is nice because you only have to give it 
every 3 days.  Fred started eating within 20 minutes of getting it and 
in a month gained back all the weight he lost plus some, he's been off 
it for months now and has been maintaining his weight.

The starting dose is 1/8 to 1/4 of a tablet every 3 days, my vet 
prescribed 1.4 every 3 days but I started Fred on the lower dose and it 
was enough, I figured I could always go to the higher dose if the lower 
didn't work.

Mirtazapine is fairly new in it's use with cats but a few of the CRF 
cats that don't respond to the other are doing well on this.


happiness is being owned by cats ...


Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting & web design]

BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

Re: felv+ cat with adenocarcinoma

2007-10-06 Thread kris
Thanks for the link - I will definitely check it out.  I am also hooked up with 
another pet cancer support group, but they, too, have little experience with 
the cancer.  There is all kinds of info about lymphoma, but nothing on 
adenocarcinoma.  The vets even said there is so little data out there that they 
cannot even give me an idea what the chances of remission are.  Anyway, sorry 
to hear about your kitties :(  I do remember you talking about Bailey before 
when I was on the list last year.

I do know that it is a slow-moving cancer, but have not been able to get what 
stage or phase it's in.  I have a whole load of questions for the oncologist 
this coming Friday.  My biggest problem right now is that I can't get her 
appetite up.  We tried cyproheptadine, which did help, but not even close to 
what prednisone has done in the past.  I'm going to talk to the doc tomorrow 
about pred.  Any other suggestions?

Thanks for the help!

Re: felv+ cat with adenocarcinoma

2007-10-05 Thread Belinda
  This is the type of cancer my vet said Bailey my positive had.  It 
was in his pancreas.  We unfortunately didn't find it until after he had 
passed so I have no experience with treating it.  There is a feline 
lymphoma list that is very informed and supportive of cats with cancer, 
if you'd like to check it out you can do that here:

I joined back when my Buddie (negative) got cancer back in 2003, I lost 
her a year later.

With Bailey we were sure he had cancer somewhere but all the tests we 
did couldn't pinpoint where or what kind so we couldn't treat what we 
couldn't find.

Some of the most important things to find out are is it small cell 
(slower growing but takes longer to respond to treatment) or large cell 
(much more aggressive and faster spreading and requires more aggressive 

What stage is the cancer in?


happiness is being owned by cats ...


Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting & web design]

BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

Re: felv+ cat with adenocarcinoma

2007-10-04 Thread Marylyn
I have no experience with this type of cancer but have had with some others. 
Please consider seeing a holistic vet to supplement your regular vet.  They 
are amazing (ok, mine are) when it comes to quality of life issues.

If you have men who will 
exclude any of God's creatures
from the shelter of 
compassion and pity, you will have men who
will deal likewise with 
their fellow man.
- Original Message - 
From: "kris " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2007 8:29 PM
Subject: felv+ cat with adenocarcinoma

I just realized I accidentally sent a copy of this message through my other 
address, so if this is a duplicate, I apologize, but I'm not sure the other 
one will go through since the address I use for this group.  Anyway, I was 
wondering if anyone has any experience with adenocarcinoma?  My cat Spaz 
has it in her colon, and they have removed part of it but were unable to 
get all the cancer, and it has also spread into the mesentary.  I am 
meeting with an oncologist in a week to discuss chemo.  Any help/advice 
would be much appreciated.

Also, there was someone on this list who I promised a copy of my audiobook 
about Spaz to when I got it done.  This was last year, and I have somehow 
lost track of who it was.  I finally finished it this spring, and if you 
are still out there and would still like a copy, I will send it (finally)!