Re: Sweet Sebastian

2005-08-03 Thread Kerry MacKenzie

I'm sorry to hear about Sebastian's continuing leg problems, 
Jennifer. Earlier this evening I filed the email below for my own future 
reference, from fellow listmember Laurie, sent on July 18, and I thought you 
might be interested in it with a view to the next step with 
I'm sending lots of healing vibes for Sebastian--from 
everything you've described he's such a brave little cat and sure deserves a 
Wishing you and Sebastian all the best
I have 
written numerous messages to the board about my cat, BJ. Well, we adopted 
another cat, a female orange tabby named Mitzi. Both are feline leukemia 
positive and both are doing great. For those who might not know our story, here 
it is. My brother and I adopted a black and white domestic shorthair we call BJ. 
At the time, he was perfectly healthy. Then, three weeks later he had polyps in 
his left ear and had surgery to remove them. His middle ear was removed and his 
left ear closed. He has had no residual effect and his hearing is 
about two months later, he began having strange, unexplained fevers and was 
lethargic and not eating well. The diagnosis was feline leukemia. The prognosis 
given by our vet at the time, a traditional vet, was grim to say the least. She 
said the best thing to do was to have BJ euthanized. We immediately started 
looking for a vet who could 
help.Our last 
appointment with that vet was on a Friday. We took BJ home that night and had a 
consultation with an alternative vet the next Monday morning.  She 
practices holistic and homeopathic as well as tradition veterinary medicine. 
Some of her methods are not recognized by the American Veterinary Medical 
Association. Some traditional veterinarians would bristle at her ideas about 
good dog and cat nutrition. 
today, under our new vet's care, BJ is, for all intense and purposes, healthy. 
He shows no outward sign of illness, even though he still tests positive for 
feline leukemia. For anyone looking for good veterinary care for an FeLV+ cat or 
kitten, the best suggestion I can give is to contact the AHVMA, the Holistic 
Veterinary Medical Association using this link It may help you find a vet 
in your area who can treat your cat's or kitten's condition. 
I wish I 
could tell you how much it means to my brother and me to have a vet who has made 
the choice to treat feline leukemia, not just kill the host. She has the 
knowledge expertise to do what a traditional vet could not do. When we were 
given BJ's diagnosis a year ago, it was like getting hit by a truck. When we 
were told there was nothing to do but put him to sleep, it was like getting hit 
by a truck again. We knew very little about the illness then. However, we knew 
that if there was any chance that our precious BJ could live a good life with 
this disease, then that's what he would do.  We have never looked back and 
are thankful every single day that we made the choice to get BJ treated. 
Our vet also 
successfully treats our little one, Mitzi. She is now almost nine months old and 
is a curious, rambunctious, lively cat. Our non-traditional vet has made a world 
of difference for our entire family.Laurie B. Oliver

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2005 5:41 
  Subject: Sweet Sebastian
  I was finally able to get Sebastian in to see an internist and a 
  nuerologist.  The vet believes that the weakness in his back legs could 
  be a mass on his spinal cord or lesions all along his spine.  They would 
  have to do more tests to be sure.  Even after the tests there is no 
  real treatment for either, so I decided not to put him through all of 
  that.  He can barely walk anymore.  I can not bare to see him this 
  way.  Has anyone had any similar problems with there Felv+ kitties?  
  Is there anything I can do?  Maybe an alternative vet?  
  Also does anyone know the shelf life of 

Re: Sweet Sebastian

2005-08-03 Thread Nina

I'm sorry Sebastian's visit to the vet wasn't more optimistic.  It does 
sound like you made the right decision about not doing further tests.  
My German Shepherd suffers from Degenerative Myelopathy, (degenerative 
spinal disease).  I too was told that there wasn't anything I could do 
to help him.  Does what they think Sebastian is suffering from have a 
name?  I did a search for DM for my Zevon on the web and came up with a 
couple of sites that talk about diet, medication, massage and exercise, 
(to keep the muscles in his back legs from atrophying).  The things I'm 
doing, (Flax seed oil, Lyprinol, Glucosamine/Chondroitin, MSM in his food,
massage and exercise), have definitely helped Zevon.  When I brought him 
to the ER, he could barely stand, they treated him overnight with, (I'm 
sorry, I never did get it completely straight), some sort of mega 
steroid treatment and his function was a bit improved in about a week.  
Since then he has improved somewhat in mobility and has not had any 
further loss of function.  Might Sebastian be helped with anti 
inflammatory therapy?

Interferon A lasts for at least 6 months in the fridge after it's 

I'm praying you find the answers you need to help Sebastian,


I was finally able to get Sebastian in to see an internist and a 
nuerologist.  The vet believes that the weakness in his back legs 
could be a mass on his spinal cord or lesions all along his spine.  
They would have to do more tests to be sure.  Even after the tests 
there is no real treatment for either, so I decided not to put him 
through all of that.  He can barely walk anymore.  I can not bare to 
see him this way.  Has anyone had any similar problems with there 
Felv+ kitties?  Is there anything I can do?  Maybe an alternative vet? 

Also does anyone know the shelf life of Interferon?

Re: Sweet Sebastian

2005-08-03 Thread maimaipg

I haven't had that problem with a cat but I have had 2 
dogs who have had problems helped by an alternative vet who practices 
acupuncture.  I can't tell you that she extended their lives but I know the 
quality was much better and I felt considerably better.  Right now she is 
working with Dixie Louise.  It is worth a shot.  
- Original Message - 

  Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2005 6:41 
  Subject: Sweet Sebastian
  I was finally able to get Sebastian in to see an internist and a 
  nuerologist.  The vet believes that the weakness in his back legs could 
  be a mass on his spinal cord or lesions all along his spine.  They would 
  have to do more tests to be sure.  Even after the tests there is no 
  real treatment for either, so I decided not to put him through all of 
  that.  He can barely walk anymore.  I can not bare to see him this 
  way.  Has anyone had any similar problems with there Felv+ kitties?  
  Is there anything I can do?  Maybe an alternative vet?  
  Also does anyone know the shelf life of 

Sweet Sebastian

2005-08-03 Thread JENNIFER RATLIFF

I was finally able to get Sebastian in to see an internist and a nuerologist.  The vet believes that the weakness in his back legs could be a mass on his spinal cord or lesions all along his spine.  They would have to do more tests to be sure.  Even after the tests there is no real treatment for either, so I decided not to put him through all of that.  He can barely walk anymore.  I can not bare to see him this way.  Has anyone had any similar problems with there Felv+ kitties?  Is there anything I can do?  Maybe an alternative vet?  
Also does anyone know the shelf life of Interferon?