2004-01-06 Thread kologamba
You may be surprised to receive this letter from me, since you
don'tknow me personally; I am  KOLO  GAMBA   the first son of
MOYO   GAMBA  who was recently murdered in a land dispute in
I am writing this letter to request your assistance and
confidentiality to handle a transfer of fund into a Foreign
account and I decided to write you,my late father was among
the few black Zimbabwean rich farmers murdered in cold blood
by the agents of the ruling Government of President Robert
Mugabe, for his alleged support and sympathy for the
Zimbabwean opposition party controlled by the white minority,
Before my fathers death, he has taken to Johannesburg and
deposited the sum of Twelve Million United State Dollars
($12million)with a Security and Finance Company as if he
foreseen the looming danger in Zimbabwe.
This money was allocated for the purchase of new Machinery and
chemical products for Agro allied farm and for the
establishment of new farms in Lesotho and Swaziland. These
land problems arose when President Robert Mugabe introduced a
new land act that wholly affected the rich
white farmers, and the blacks vehemently condemned the "mods
operandi" adopted by the government. This resulted to rampant Killings
mob action by the war veterans and some political
thugs,precisely more than three thousands(3,000)people have so
far been killed.Heads of government from the west, especially
Britain and United States have voiced their condemnation of
Mugabe's plans. Subsequently, South Africa Development
Community (S.A.D.C) has continuously supported Mugabe's new
land act, it is against this background that my entire family
who are currently residing in South Africa have decided to
transfer my father's money into a foreign account. As the
eldest son of my father, I am saddled with the responsibility
of seeking a genuine foreign account where this money could be
transferred without the knowledge of my government who are
tactically freezing our family's wealth and South Africa
government seem to be playing along with them. I am faced with
the dilemma of investing this money in South Africa for the
fear of encountering the same experience in the future,since
both countries have the same political history.
More so, The South Africa Foreign Exchange policy does not
allow such investment, Hence I am seeking for political asylum
in The Netherlands.As a business person whom I entrusted my
future and that of my family into his hands, I must let you
know that this transaction is 100% risk free and the nature of
your business does not necessarily matter. For your
assistance,we are offering you 15% of the sum 80% for me and
my family, while 5% will be mapped out for any expenses that
we may incurred during this transaction.We wish to invest our
money on commercial properties based on your advice.Finally, I
will demand for assurance that you will not sit on the money
when it gets to the account you are going to provide in your
country.If this proposal is accepted by you, please confirm by
you sending me an email.
Thank you and God bless you.
Awaiting your urgent respond.
Best Regards,

FFI mailing list


2003-12-16 Thread taylor_jr



Based on the information gathered from the Ministry of Trade and Industry i intend to 
solicit your assistance on this transaction with you on the assumption that you will 
not disappoint me and my farmily.

We have Twenty Five Million, Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars 
(US$25,500,000.00) which our father made over time from over inflated contracts in my 
country (when he was the president of liberia ).

We are seeking your assistance and permission to remit this amount into your account 
or any other nominated account you can provide for us. Your commission will be 20% of 
the total sum, 10% for expenses and the remaining 70% is for me and my farmily.

Could you please notify me of your acceptance to carry out this transaction urgently 
by e-mail or by telephone on the receipt of this message. Kindly, acknowledge the 
receipt of this letter by sending to me by email a copy of this letter with your 
private Tel. And Fax number. I shall in turn inform you of the modalities for a formal 
application to secure the necessary approvals for the immediate release of this fund 
into your account.

Thanks for your co-operation.

Yours faithfully,

Barrister Lutherking Taylor,



FFI mailing list


2003-12-12 Thread grey_smith
Mr.Grey Smith
Madrid Spain

Dear Sir,

This letter may come as a surprise because we have not met but was borne
out of my sincere desire to establish a business/mutual relationship 
with you. I got your contact through the international trade and 
commerce chamber here in Madrid.

My name is Mr. Grey Smith, the son of Mr Johnson Smith (the
former assitance financial director of the sierra- Leone national mining
corporation) who was killed and mutilated by the military junta led by 
Major, Paul Koroma after over-throwing the elected government of 
President Tijan Kabba. Though, I do not know to what extent you are 
familiar with events and disturbances in Sierra-Leone but it has a 
consistent features in the CNN, BBC news bulletins. The pressure of war 
drove the rest of our family out of Sierra-Leone into exile in Spain 
where we have been living under political asylum for 4 years.

Sadly, my mother died of cancer 6 months ago and was buried in Madrid.
Prior to her death, she handed me over a certificate meant for a secret
deposit, which my father made in a security company in Madrid - Spain. 
The deposit which is worth $30,000.000 (Fifteen Million U.S. Dollars) 
was money paid to the mining corporation under him by its overseas 
customers in the heat of the conflict. He made the deposit in his name 
with the hope of converting it to his personal use at the end of the war
 but was killed when the conflict intensified as a result of his 
opposition to the rebel forces. I have contacted the Security Company to
 confirm the deposit and establish ownership.

Due to the death of my mother and the continued hostility in Sierra-Leone,
 I have decided to solicit for the assistance of an honest and 
trustworthy person or company that will assist in the business re-investment
 of the money. I cannot do it alone due to my present social status and 
total ignorance of the business world. You will be given a negotiable 
percentage of the money at the end of the transaction.

If you are honest, trustworthy and interested in the above proposal,
contact me immediately through the numbers indicated above for more 
details. You must maintain absolute confidentiality to ensure success. 
Please, indicate your personal Tel./Fax nos. when replying . For 
security reasons, you can contact me either by phone or through my 
secured email address as indicated above.

Best Regards,
Mr. Grey Smith.

FFI mailing list


2003-11-10 Thread Tony Joseph
Dear sir,

I represent the members of contract award committe of Nigerian National Petroleum 
Corporation (NNPC).

We are in charge of award of various contracts for the Government. We also inspect and 
vet concluded contracts and recommend companies for payments of already concluded 
contracts in Nigeria.

We have the sum of $25M USD that has already been transfered out of the country with 
the assistance of a foreign lawyer by a diplomatic means.
This funds was deposited with one of the European Banks in Holland in an escrow 
account ready for remittance as soon as proper applications for transfers are made in 
your name.

I'm asking for your assistance as a foreigner to act as a beneficiary of the funds for 
our investments purposes in any good areas of your choice, especially real estate and 
importation. The funds was acquired from gratification from various contractors we 
have assisted in getting contracts and from over-invoicing.

You will be entittled to 20% of the total funds for your assistance in getting the 
funds transferred out and assisting us with good investments in your country.

If you are interested, contact me immediately via this e-mail to let you know how to 
proceed with the necessary paperwork and applications to facilitate the remittance of 
these funds within two weeks time limit.

Regards and God bless

Tony Joseph

FFI mailing list


2003-11-04 Thread Fanfan Antoine
Dear Sir,

My name is Kelvin Taylor one of the son of the former Liberian President. A war just 
ended in my country Liberia, I escaped to Moroko with my younger sister and from there 
we were monitoring events from there as it continues.

Am just 21years old, my sister is 18years old and I need someone of God fearing that 
can assist me in investing the sum of US$12.5M I escaped with. I got this money 
through my mother after she was killed during the war, this is part of the (US$27M) 
that my Father kept with my mother but after she was dead I quickly and managed to 
escape with the money by the help of my lawyer since our family have come to make some 

We are both in Moroko where we are being haboured by an old woman, from there we found 
our way out to seek an asyllum in one of the European countries where we have both 
been granted but my lawyer is aware of everything and he is in charge of the Funds.

Please, dont mention names and I will be looking forward to your reply as you wish to 
help us out of this situationand. If you signify your intenssion to assist, I will not 
hesitate to give you my lawyer`s information.


Kelvin Taylor

FFI mailing list


2003-10-15 Thread Lawrence Kunde
PHONE: 0031-627-105-921

Dear Sir,
I am interested in your partnership in business dealing. This business
proposal I wish to intimate you with is of mutual benefit and it's success
is entirely based on mutual trust, cooperation and a high level of
confidentiality as regard this transaction. I am representing the board of
the contract award and monitoring committe of the Zambian Ministry of Mining

and Resources. I am seeking your assistance to enable me transfer the sum of

US$30,500,000.00 (Thirty Million, Five Hundred Thousand United States
Dollars) into your private/company account. The fund came about as a result
of a contract awarded and executed for and on behalf of my Ministry. The
contract was supposed to be awarded to two foreign contractors to the tune
of US$180,000,000.00 (One hundred and Eighty Million United States Dollars).

But in the course of negotiation, the contract was awarded to a Bulgarian
contractor at the cost of US$149,500,000.00 (One hundred and Forty-nine
Million, Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars) to my benefit unknown
to the contractor. This contract has been satisfactorily executed and
inspected as the Bulgarian firm is presently securing payment from my
Ministry, where our Board is in-charge of all foreign contract payment
approval. As a civil servant still in active government service, I am
forbidden by law to operate an account outside the shores of Zambia. Hence
this message to you seeking your assistance so as to enable me present your
private/company account details as a beneficiary of contractual claims
alongside that of the Bulgarian contractor, to enable me transfer the
difference of US$30,500,000.00 (Thirty Million, Five Hundred Thousand United

States Dollars) into your provided account. On actualisation, the fund will
be disbursed as stated below.  20% of the fund will be for you as
beneficiary 80% of the fund will be for Us. All logistics are in place
and all modalities worked out for a smooth actualisation of the transaction
within the next few working days of commencement. For further details as to
the work ability of this transaction, please reach me as soon as possible
for further clarification. Please, call me on receipt of this mail on
0031-627-105-921.or you can also reach me with this email address below:
Thank you and God bless as I await your urgent response.
Yours Sincerely,
Mr.Lawrence Kunde  ___
FFI mailing list

Urgent business assistance

2003-08-22 Thread Ola Abiola

Tout d’abord, je voudrais solliciter votre ultime
confidence pour cette
proposition. C’est par la vertu de la nature de la
transaction qu’il
est nécessaire d’être confidentiel et plus discret.
J’ai obtenu votre
adresse dans l’annuaire de votre pays . Je
suis Mr. Ola ABIOLA, le fils du chef BASHORUN MKO
ABIOLA qui était mort
en détention politique le 7 juillet 1998.

Mon père avait contesté l’élection présidentielle au
Nigeria du 12 juin
1993 qu’il avait gagné mais annulée. Il était empêché
du fauteuil
présidentiel par l’ancienne association du nord dans
le pays connue
populairement comme<>. Cette assoc
iation regroupe les anciens chefs d’Etats militaire et
la dernière
junte militaire Général SANI ABACHA qui est mort le 8
juin 1998. Ils ont
juré de ne pas abdiquer le fauteuil présidentiel à un
revendiquant que le fauteuil est pour les natifs du
nord. Pour se débarrasser de mon père, ils
raisonnaient que mon père
avait dépensé de l’argent pour gagner le mandat du
public, d’où
l’annulation de l’élection . La situation s’est
empyrée la veille du 12 juin,
Ier anniversaire(11 juin 1994) lorsque mon
père s’est déclaré président de la République Fédérale
du Nigeria. Pour
cette raison, la junte déclare que mon père est
recherché. Il fut arrêt
» et il n’était pas ni jugé ni libéré jusqu’à sa mort.

En outre, ma mère ALHADJA KUDIRAT ABIOLA qui luttait
pour la libération
de mon père fut assassiné par des inconnus armés le 4
juin 1996. Il
faut noter qu’avant la mort de ma mère, elle avait
déposée une somme de
35.300.000 US$(trente cinq million trois c
ent mille) de dollars Américains auprès d’une
compagnie de sécurité et
ceci appartenait à mon père. Mon père était un
polygame et depuis sa
mort il y a des problèmes à cause du partage de sa
richesse et mes
frères(de mère différente) faisaient tout pour
s’asseoir sur les biens de mon père, d’où ma décision
de transférer ce
fonds à un étranger qui m’aidera pour son
investissement dans une
affaire lucrative à mon profit et à celui de mon petit
frère, comme de même
père et de même mère et qui arrangera au
ssi ma résidence dans son pays.

Notez bien que ma famille n’est pas au courant de
cette transaction,
c’est uniquement vous et la compagnie de sécurité et
assurez-vous que
cette transaction ne sera jamais sue par ma grande
famille et les gens du
Nigeria. J’ai décidé d’exécuter cette aff
aire ici à Lomé-Togo d’où ma résidence temporaire,
pour des raisons de

Soyez informé que toutes les modalités nécessaire pour
le transfert de
ce fonds ont été parfaites et la transaction est à
100% de hors risque.
D’ailleurs, les militaires sont rentrés dans les
casernes et le Nigeria
a maintenant un gouvernement démocratiq
ue. Vous êtes libres de m’informer dans votre réponse
à cette lettre
votre commission en pourcentage sur le montant total
pour votre
assistance. Notez tout de même que les 5% de la somme
totale reste pour les
dépenses pouvant être contractées pour le pro
cessus de la transaction. Contactez- moi et je vous
donnerez l’image
complète de ce projet.

Dans l’attente de votre réponse rapide, veuillez
agréer l’__expression
de mes sentiments les plus sincers.


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