Re: conditioner on processed fiber

2004-09-01 Thread D2Williams
>> Wondering if the conditioner for too dry processed or dyed wool is used before spinning or to the spun yarn? << I've used people conditioner on wool. Put a few capfuls in the washing machine, or a few dollops in the sink, swish it around, and then put the clean fiber in the water to soak for 5

Re: Wool Classing School report

2004-06-27 Thread D2Williams
Great report Barbara! Thanks so much for posting it. :) wrnk d2 To stop mail temporarily mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: set nomail To restore send: set mail

Re: was: spinning wheel plans - now lathe

2004-05-02 Thread D2Williams
>> Oh, are you a member of the "Red Hat Society"? << No. Not in a million years. It irritates me that some people have taken that idea, and put rigidity in it. I'm still looking for a red hat, though. Heaven forbid that I should dye the wool, and felt one up for myself. wrnk d2 To stop mail te

Re: was: spinning wheel plans - now lathe

2004-05-01 Thread D2Williams
>> > was thinking of getting a lathe to try woodworking. Kinda like spinning, if you ask me. You can't just get a spindle or a wheel << I've discovered beading. A new craft. A new language to learn. Gone are the days when dental floss did the trick, as a beading material. Now there are eleve

Re: Blog? I must have been asleep

2004-04-21 Thread D2Williams
A blog is a web journel, or log. Web blog got shortened to 'blog'. Or, as some people see it, it's just someone's web page, with a fancy name. :) wrnk d2 To stop mail temporarily mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: set nomail To restore send: set mail

Re: bast fiber?

2004-04-16 Thread D2Williams
>> If no one else comes forward with a good idea, might I suggest that you find a dry cleaner with an older spotter. << What a great idea! I was going to suggest using pennyroyal in some wash water. I think it was on this list, that someone talked about using pennyroyal to clean museum pieces that

Re: Ciba Kiton dyes are back!

2004-04-16 Thread D2Williams
>> The website says " Kiton Acid Dyes are traditionally fixed with Citric Acid Crystals". Are these more cost effective than acetic acid/vinegar? << Yes. 'Way more cost effective, and there's no vinegar smell either. wrnk d2 To stop mail temporarily mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: set

Re: Wool Classing School June21-25 Maryland/Delaware

2004-04-13 Thread D2Williams
>> {Preliminary details} Tues - Fri: June 22 - 25 Maryland/Delaware area in Conjunction with the MD/DE Wool Pool. $100 per person for class fee. << BWAH! I can afford the class, but not the air fare to get there! wrnk d2 (sniffle) To stop mail temporarily mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the m

Re: Losing twist during wind on

2004-04-11 Thread D2Williams
>> I just plied some old singles and purposely overplied them. << Judy, Take about a 6" length of the singles, and drop it in a glass or bowl of water. The singles length will wrap around itself. Count the plies, and you have the WPI you need for that particular singles. It's magic. :) wrnk d2

Re: EccoScour

2004-04-08 Thread D2Williams
>> When buying Eco Scour by the gallon, be careful what container you put it in. We used a milk jug. The stuff ate through that, then ate the paint off our dryer. And don't use a plastic measuring cup to measure it--yep, dissolved the inside of the cup in the less than 60 seconds it took to meas

RE: Re: Essential Oil Soak for Wool yarn

2004-04-05 Thread D2Williams
>> you can also use the cedar shavings (bagged for pets) << A) don't ever use cedar for pet bedding. Any pet. Even a dog. It has aromatic hydrocarbons in it, which are harmful, if they're inhaled for a prolonged period of time. B) I'm incredibly allergic to cedar. Can't have it in the house, or I

Re: Essential Oil Soak for Wool yarn

2004-04-04 Thread D2Williams
Merry, >> Only problem is that as the branches dry they will leave VM in the fleece, but that shouldn't be hard to remove. << I pick the flowers and buds, and leafy branches. Some of the ends of the flowers get stuck in the fiber. I had a friend who was looking at some of my fiber. I had to go i

Re: Essential Oil Soak for Wool yarn

2004-04-02 Thread D2Williams
Just put whatever you're going to use, in the last rinse water. I really don't recommend pennyroyal. It can be used as an abortificant. From personal experience, I can say that getting fiber out of washwater that had pennyroyal in it, squeezing the water out, and just in general handling the wet fi

Re: new wheel

2004-03-04 Thread D2Williams
>> One of the most beautiful and precise wheels that I have ever seen was made by Thomas Golding. << His wheels are a joy to spin on. But, they are very, very expensive. wrnk d2 To stop mail temporarily mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: set nomail To restore send:

Re: new wheel

2004-03-04 Thread D2Williams
>> I spin right hand forward, and have read that a mirror wheel (flyer on the right) is best for this style. << Really? All this time, and I've been spinning on wheels with the flyer on the _left_! Drat! Guess I should start looking for some new wheels, too. Wait 'till hubby hears this! wrnk d2

Re: belt dressing

2004-02-25 Thread D2Williams
>> Hmmm, not much call for surfboard wax here with our nice, white snow. However, we do have cross country ski wax... I'll give that a try. << That should work just as well as the surf board wax. :) wrnk d2 To stop mail temporarily mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: set nomail To res

Re: belt dressing

2004-02-23 Thread D2Williams
>> Is there something to put on the bobbin groove to increase the grip the driveband has on it? << Surfboard wax. I have a cake of it. If you want it, send me your USPS address off list, and I'll send it to you. I have the same trouble, with my Reeves. The surfboard wax takes care of the problem.

Re: Spinning in Waiting Rooms

2004-02-22 Thread D2Williams
>> He got this disbelieving, superior look on his face, and joined his buddies who had begun to walk away... and I overheard him say, VERY sarcastically, "Yeah, right... purple sheep!" << LOL! ROFL! Having just had to deal with an arrogant little piss ant of a orthopedic surgeon, regarding a botch

Re: Spinning/Weaving Boiok Back in Print

2004-02-19 Thread D2Williams
>> "SPINNEN UND WEBEN" from Almut Bohnsack is the most concise and complete work I've ever had regarding the history and development of weaving and spinning << Hmph. I bet Alden Amos secretly speaks German and really wrote the book. No, Sara! Don't hit me! I was only joking! :) wrnk d2 To stop

Re: donated stash

2004-02-01 Thread D2Williams
>> I don't post often but read mostly. But I wanted to mention that awhile back someone offered some sock end yarns, and she sent them to my daughter and me. << Now, if only I could find someone who will take the stash, to spin the yarn, and knit the hats, I'd be content. :) wrnk d2 To stop mail

Re: Jack Daniels spinning wheel

2004-02-01 Thread D2Williams
>> Has anyone heard of a Jack Daniels spinning wheel? It sounds like it might be a large bulky wheel. << Or one that spins designer yarn with more than a few bumps (hic!) in it. wrnk d2 To stop mail temporarily mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: set nomail To restore send: set mail

Illinois Fiber Retreat

2004-01-25 Thread D2Williams
Posted with Ron's permission. ILLINOIS FIBER RETREAT!!!* Please join us for the Second Annual Bloomie Fest!!! It is going to be held at the beautiful Chateau, in Bloomington, ILLINOIS! Date: March 12-14, 2004. Cost: $20 for each participant, pa

Re: donating my stash

2004-01-25 Thread D2Williams
Diane, >> although what I'd really like is the name of an organization that can make use of them: somebody who teaches underprivledged children skills, supporting refugee women in camps by teaching them hand labor, that sort of thing. << Me, too! Some of my stash is also unwashed fleeces. The res

Re: Showsheen

2004-01-21 Thread D2Williams
>> Well, what I use (and what Ron was referring to) was NOT ShowSheen. It's called ShowPrep, and it has no silicone in it. Why I get ever so cranky with lists ... << Here. Take two now, and then one as needed. Since no one mentioned the name of the product, it understandably turned into a free

Re: blind spinners

2003-12-01 Thread D2Williams
I think Paula Green mentions in one of her books, that she went to a school for the blind, and found a number of blind spinners. She wasn't surprised that the blind could spin. What did surprise her was that each bobbin varied in weight, by a very small number. There was an article in SO, years ag

Re: Thread cutter

2003-12-01 Thread D2Williams
>> A while ago there was a discussion about a thread/yarn cutter that is shaped like a medallion, and can be worn as a pendant if I recall correctly. The point was that it was safe to carry on airline flights. << Patternworks. Woodland Woolworks, The Woolery, and just about any decent yarn shop,

Re: Sorta OT San Diego Firestorm

2003-11-23 Thread D2Williams
>> Perhaps you can help me... I am stumbling up against a bit of a problem trying to identify those San Diego fiber folk who lost everything in the fires. Do members of this list know people who fit this sad description? I am trying to organize something to help replace tools, equipment, stash bu

Re: Lord of the Rings

2003-11-12 Thread D2Williams
>> I suppose the wrap for it was at least 20" wide. They asked 150# (British Pounds) << About $200 in US Dollars. Urk. Guess I'll continue to use my Homespun shawl. wrnk d2 To stop mail temporarily mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: set nomail To restore send: set mail

Re: Lord of the Rings

2003-11-10 Thread D2Williams
>> I was fascinated - until I saw the horrible price they asked. << How much? How much? wrnk d2 To stop mail temporarily mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: set nomail To restore send: set mail

Re: spinning chair

2003-11-08 Thread D2Williams
>> Second best is an arm-less dining room chair. << Oh yeah. Very important. At least to me--no arms. They're nice to rest on. For some reason, after spinning for awhile, my shoulders start to hurt. wrnk d2 To stop mail temporarily mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: set nomail To restor

Re: spinning chair

2003-11-08 Thread D2Williams
Ilona, >> So what is important about width, depth and heigth to get a good chair? What are your experiences with your spinning chairs? << I found an old dining room chair at a garage sale, that I use for spinning. It has a nice wide seat. It's low enough to the ground so that both my feet touch t

Re: light bulbs and the quality of light :)

2003-11-08 Thread D2Williams
>> Oh...great.. I wonder if they have corrected that goof or if I can get to the nearest Michaels before they do!!! (2.5 hour drive but for the savings...I would do it! << If they're out, ask for a rain check. :) wrnk d2 To stop mail temporarily mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: set

Re: light bulbs and the quality of light :)

2003-11-05 Thread D2Williams
>> They are GE "Reveal" bulbs, in case anyone knows on what basis they claim a pinkish coating makes them emit full spectrum light! << I use the GE Reveal bulbs, in the lights where I sit and read, do beading, and knitting. They're much better than the regular light bulbs, for my needs. Ott make

Re: German Angora vs Giant

2003-10-28 Thread D2Williams
>> I can state that pure 100% Germans should not molt. << It's not that they don't molt, they were never given a chance. The ingenious Germans used machinery to shave the bunnies, and harvest the fur. Germans were brought over to the U.S., and then bred here. They were crossed with the other an

Re: Angora socks

2003-10-23 Thread D2Williams
>> Plus Germans don't molt anyway, you have to shear them. (Don't know about Giants, got my Ger from my friend whose sis in law buys them in Germany for her. Her hubby is German.) << Germans are called 'Giant' in the U.S. I have one. I can tell you that they do molt. And they pick the worst ti

Re: Chenille

2003-09-11 Thread D2Williams
>> What is worming? << Chenille likes to slip out of its stitches. It doesn't do it all at once. It takes its sweet time. Worms sort of squirm their way around. Chenille squirms its way out of stitches. That's why, I've been told, it's called 'worming'. :) wrnk d2 To stop mail temporarily mailt

Re: Chenille

2003-09-11 Thread D2Williams
If you're using chenille from the cone, turn the cone upside down. That's supposed to stop the chenille from worming. I have no experience with this. I just had a very experienced machine knitter tell me that's how she used coned chenille. She never had a problem w/worming. wrnk d2 To stop mail te

Re: A yarn twister

2003-09-06 Thread D2Williams
>> Try the usual discount stores in the girlie hair department. << 'Girlie hair department'? Words fail me. They can be found at Wal-Mart, in the aisle that has hair dryers, etc. wrnk d2 To stop mail temporarily mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: set nomail To restore send: set mail

Re: moths

2003-09-03 Thread D2Williams
>> for a dated batch of info. OTOH, the moths don't know it is dated. It doesn't deal precisely with the freeze the eggs issue, but close. << Thanks, Ron. I'll check it out. I've frozen mothy and buggy wool for 72 hours, and haven't had any survivors.

Re: moths

2003-09-01 Thread D2Williams
>> Storing wool in a freezer is an excellent way to protect it from moth damage, but keep in mind this will *not* kill moths or larvae, << Is this information published anywhere? I've used the freezer method. I've never seen the moths or larvae revive, and fly about my house. wrnk d2 To stop mai

Re: Falklands

2003-06-29 Thread D2Williams
Nancy, Sure you can bring back a fleece! The Falklands are part of the UK. Falkland sheep don't have the usual diseases that you find in the UK. If you purchase from a breeder, the breeder's vet will probably provide you with the documentation you need to get the fleece through Customs. wrnk d2 T

Re: Niddy Noddy origins

2003-06-18 Thread D2Williams
>> teeny-weeny, itsy-bitsy, << 'She wore an itsty-bitsy, teeny weeny, yellow polka dot bikini,...' Sorry. The rats made me do it. :) wrnk d2 To stop mail temporarily mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: set nomail To restore send: set mail

Re: great wheels vs. flax wheels

2003-06-17 Thread D2Williams
>> <> No, there was never a knitting guild in England, although there were ones on the continent, France and Germany in particular. << I could have sworn I'd read the same thing, about there being knitting guilds in the UK. How would one find out if there was or wasn't? What reference sources ar

Re: great wheels vs. flax wheels

2003-06-14 Thread D2Williams
>> In the days of yore in Sweden new linen shirts were given to the low-level workers to wear to 'break them in'. << How would the master ensure that the worker wouldn't either rip or tear it, while wearing it; and/or get some kind of non-removable stain on it? wrnk d2 To stop mail temporarily ma

Re: We've moved--finally...some things about fiber, some not

2003-06-05 Thread D2Williams
>> Other than that, we're doing well and continuing spinning. << Er, who sent this? The message wasn't signed. wrnk d2 To stop mail temporarily mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: set nomail To restore send: set mail

Re: a new wheel has hit town

2003-03-25 Thread D2Williams
>> Gee, I didn't think anybody was being rude or condescending. Some people just commented that the wheel was very expensive. Fibernetters are a pretty laid back bunch for the most part. << I did. But I thought I was being overly sensitive, because I was the one that posted the original message th

Re: a new wheel has hit town

2003-03-24 Thread D2Williams
>> indeed. He isn't planning to sell many, one might infer. << He's backordered. I guess there are still some us who have discretionary funds. wrnk d2 To stop mail temporarily mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: set nomail To restore send: set mail

a new wheel has hit town

2003-03-23 Thread D2Williams
I don't know if I'll get yelled at for 'advertising' for posting this, but here goes---Tom Golding, the gentleman who makes those great spindles, has designed a couple of wheels. They're gorgeous! They can be seen at: Warning: they are expensive. NAYY at al

Re: looking for pattern

2003-02-26 Thread D2Williams
Lion Brand has a pattern for that starfish suit. Check out their web, or one of their catalogs. wrnk d2 To stop mail temporarily mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: set nomail To restore send: set mail

Re: Limp yarns - fault of wool or spinner?

2003-02-13 Thread D2Williams
>> Okay, flame me, << But, but, Sara! If you did get flamed, your chocolate would melt! Can't have that. Which reminds me, apropos of nothing, the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, is having an exhibition on: 'Chocolate, the Exhibition'. The L. A. Times says 'The world of chocolate,

Re: dehairing

2003-02-01 Thread D2Williams
Pat Peddicord, in Ojai, CA, also can do dehairing. I can find her info, if anyone needs it. wrnk d2 To stop mail temporarily mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: set nomail To restore send: set mail

Re: Angora Colors (rabbit)

2003-01-29 Thread D2Williams
>> The color agouti is totally different from tortoiseshell (tort). Agouti has three colors on each hair shaft. Tort looks more like a siamese cat in the placement of color. << Yes, I know. :) >>I think Dee Dee was pointing out that OTHER breeds of rabbit used the term agouti to describe what

Re: tort

2003-01-28 Thread D2Williams
>> I seem to remember 'tortie' as breeder slang for striped type cats. those stippled hairs that create the look. << Tortoise shell cats. Amazing how the same words are used to describe different colors, in different species. And sometimes the same words don't mean the same thing. :) wrnk d2 T

list mom

2003-01-28 Thread D2Williams
>> >Not fair! You know the list mom! Bias! Bias! Yes Ron does know the list Mom - very intimately as he IS the list Mom. << Yes, I know . That's why he took unfair advantage. Bias! Bias! :) wrnk d2 To stop mail temporarily mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: set nomail To restore send: s

rabbit tort

2003-01-28 Thread D2Williams
>> Tort in Angora rabbits is short for tortoiseshell, the name for the angora color in which some pheomelanin (red/tan) pigment replaces some eumelanin (black/brown pigment) along the shaft of each hair on the bunny. << Also called 'agouti' in some animal breeds. wrnk d2 To stop mail temporarily


2003-01-28 Thread D2Williams
>> Ron who has the list mom's permission to be off topic. << Not fair! You know the list mom! Bias! Bias! I just finished up a pair of mittens, using my own handspun. A wool/silk blend I got from eBay. Actually, the more I look at it, the more I think the 'silk' is really Tencel. No matter. I got

Joan Baez

2003-01-09 Thread D2Williams
>> Birthdays of Richard Nixon and Joan Baez - 29 << Yeah, Joan! Sweet Golden Throat! Oh, but maybe not now. Vocal cords get old, too. wrnk d2 To stop mail temporarily mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: set nomail To restore send: set mail

Re: Prehistoric textiles

2003-01-04 Thread D2Williams
>> First of all, it opened up my eyes - I honestly didn't realize that this would be the case in small libraries. << We don't live that far from 1000 Oaks, CA. A very snotty town, full of people who believe they are in Beverly Hills. Since it's in the same county as we are, we used to be able to b

Gottland fiber

2003-01-02 Thread D2Williams
Hi, Just thought I'd let people know that I purchased a gorgeous Gottland fleece from Treenway Silk. Or is it 'silks'? Nice people. NAYY Do a search on 'Treenway' and you'll probably find them. wrnk d2 To stop mail temporarily mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: set nomail To restore send

Holiday Greetings

2002-12-25 Thread D2Williams
>From out of their cage, with nary a clatter, come a number of ratties, each carrying a platter. Upon each platter, there does appear, along with cookies, mugs of frosty root beer. For those of you who would prefer something hot, there's steamy mugs of hot chocolate. As the tray's passed around, ra

Re: OT: turkeys and tin foil

2002-11-30 Thread D2Williams
>>Please, we have enough stupidity without that one. << Ha! Made you look! Made you look! Did you loose your sense of humor over Thanksgiving? wrnk d2 To stop mail temporarily mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: set nomail To restore send: set mail

OT: turkeys and tin foil

2002-11-30 Thread D2Williams
A new variation, on an old theme: wrnk d2 To stop mail temporarily mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: set nomail To restore send: set mail

Re: winter's here

2002-11-30 Thread D2Williams
>> It's an easy strip of garter stitch, made just long enough to reach around your head when slightly stretched, then the ends are sewn or grafted together. You could do it out of wool, too, though angora is ideal thanks to its soft, lightweight, non-bulky warmth. << I was under the impression th

looking for...

2002-11-29 Thread D2Williams
Hi! Looking for the Louet bobbins for the Louet hatbox wheel--the S 40. No, I haven't contact Louet yet. I thought I'd ask over here, first. Thanks! wrnk d2 To stop mail temporarily mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: set nomail To restore send: set mail

Re: help

2002-11-22 Thread D2Williams
>> Can you help me? (PS - I'm also blonde. Accomplished spinner, weaver,and many other things but not computer literate.) << And she has a wonderfully trained agility dog. Small. But mighty. wrnk d2 To stop mail temporarily mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: set nomail To restore send:

Re: Chicago spinning guilds

2002-11-22 Thread D2Williams
>> Why not use a video? The Spindles Around the World (title?) by Barbara Clorite Ventura is terrific. And I think Victorian Video has a drop spindle video as well as wheel videos. Check google for the website. << Videos cost money. This person is on a low budget. And, even if s/he can't get to a

more destashing

2002-11-17 Thread D2Williams
Hi all, Me again. One more wheel has to go. The wheels drew straws. The Mazurka is disappointed, but excited about perhaps going to a new home. It's been gently used, and is currently being used as a dust collector. The wheel comes with Scotch tension, two whorls, a Kate, and 3 bobbins. $275, doe

Re: Chicago spinning guilds

2002-11-17 Thread D2Williams
Wow! Thanks, so much! wrnk d2 To stop mail temporarily mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: set nomail To restore send: set mail

Re: blending question

2002-11-17 Thread D2Williams
Susan, I learned to put the bits of wool on the big drum, rather than try to feed them in. Using a wallpaper brush, to moosh the wool down on the big drum, also helps to keep the wool on the drum. Just my experience. :) wrnk d2 To stop mail temporarily mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: s

Chicago spinning guilds

2002-11-17 Thread D2Williams
Hi, I have someone who is trying to learn how to use a drop spindle, via long distance. She has books, but is still having a difficult time getting everything to work right. She's been working at this for about month, and is still not getting the hang of it. Does anyone know of a spinning guild i

Re: Funky Sock Yarn

2002-11-12 Thread D2Williams
>> I have to seam the ribbing... a flat bed doesn't do circular ribbing.. but that is no big deal to me, the stockinet stitch can be done circular. << I have an old knitking (I think) 820, w/a ribber. I wouldn't mind seaming the ribbing. In fact, I wouldn't mind being able to use the KM.

Personal AD:de-stashing

2002-11-12 Thread D2Williams
Hi, Our Fearless Leader said it's ok to post this: I'm destashing. How many wheels can one person use? Schacht DT w/5 whorls--slow (6:1 & 7.5:1), medium (9:1 & 11:1), fast (13:1 & 15:1) Super Hi Speed (18.5:1 & 22:1), Exceptionally High Speed (23.5:1 & 27.5:1) bobbins--4 regular, 1 High Speed B

Re: Funky Sock Yarn

2002-11-12 Thread D2Williams
>> I'm knitting my socks today, on my knitting machine. << A sock machine, Bond, or metal bed? wrnk d2 To stop mail temporarily mailto:fibernet-request@; with the message: set nomail To restore send: set mail

Re: Funky Sock Yarn

2002-11-11 Thread D2Williams
>> the yarn was listed as "printed", as if someone has a way of industrially doing the "handpainted yarn" thing with commercial yarn. << Yup . Once a run is done and sent out, that's it for that colorway. wrnk d2 To stop mail temporarily mailto:fibernet-request@; with the message:


2002-10-27 Thread D2Williams
I can't remember how to get myself off of nomail!!! I just know you all were talking about Rhinebeck and I was there, too! I missed it all! wrnk d2 To stop mail temporarily mailto:fibernet-request@; with the message: set nomail To restore send: set mail

Re: scales and felting, was fulling and felting

2002-09-27 Thread D2Williams
>> So... i have my doubts about the oft told scales opening up to lock the fibers together in felting theory... has anyone ever seen two fibers locked together... << Usually when felting wool, hot water is used, along with agitation. The theory being that hot water causes the scales to open, and

need copyright info page

2002-09-26 Thread D2Williams
Hi, I'm not trying to start a thread on copyright. Sometime ago, a spinner/lawyer wrote a very well informed interpretation, of current copyright law. I had the page bookmarked, but when my hard drive crashed, I lost all the info. Anyone remember who wrote it or where I could find it? Thanks!

Re: fulling/felting

2002-09-25 Thread D2Williams
Nancy, >> I really dont know who is right. << We all are! Did you notice that, of those of us that replied, we _all_ had a different understanding of what fulling/felting means? So many people. So many opinions. :) wrnk d2 To stop mail temporarily mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: set

Rhinebeck info?

2002-09-25 Thread D2Williams
All, We're going to be in New England, while Rhinebeck is going on. Can anyone point me to a web page, for Rhinebeck info? Thanks! wrnk d2 To stop mail temporarily mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: set nomail To restore send: set mail

Re: Felting/fulling

2002-09-24 Thread D2Williams
>> I deliberately fulled this cloth quite heavily, to see what it would be like. It shrank and felted very firmly, so that when I cut the cloth this past winter to make sewn mittens, I could sew the cut edges together without any reinforcement, and they didn't fray. << This sounds like felting,

Re: Felting/fulling

2002-09-24 Thread D2Williams
>> after and involves rubbing it (violently) on a washboard, stamping it or putting it through a machine of some sort, which turns it into a very heavy fabric. Or am I completely wrong? << You just have them reversed. :) Fulling is the art of abusing the material just enough, so that the fibers

Re: knittax ball winder

2002-09-18 Thread D2Williams
>> The Fricke ball winders are outstanding. They do need to be clamped to a table to use easily. << Gail, You must have small hands. I got a Fricke ball winder and loved it. At first. Then I started banging my hand up against the it, as it wound on the yarn. A friend of mine got one, and the sam

Re: the list

2002-09-18 Thread D2Williams
Figures. As soon as people are given a chance to express their opinion, no one's opinion is the same as another's. I don't think anyone complained about the way the list was handled in the past, right? So, if it's not broke, don't fix it. :) wrnk d2 To stop mail temporarily mailto:[EMAIL PROTEC

Re: Fine furniture quality

2002-09-06 Thread D2Williams
June, I have a Reeves 30" production wheel, a Jensen Tina II, a Magnus, a Schacht, and a Louet S 90. The ones I've been using the most? The Louet and the Reeves. IMO, the Tina is the loveliest looking one. She's made from cherry wood. I rarely use it, but it's just so pretty to look at, that I c

wax breeds

2002-08-28 Thread D2Williams
>> For heavy wax breeds like Merino, Rambouillet, Lincoln, << Lincoln??? A heavy wax breed? What are you breeding??? :) wrnk d2 To stop mail temporarily mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: set nomail To restore send: set mail

Re: garter stitch shawl

2002-08-27 Thread D2Williams
>> My garter stitch shawls are triangular and I start them at the point. It is actually half a dish cloth knit on size 13 needles! << Half a dish cloth? How big is the triangular shawl? wrnk d2 To stop mail temporarily mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: set nomail To restore send: set m

Re: the blind faith method

2002-08-27 Thread D2Williams
>> >I'm dyeing some Border Leiscter, using the blind faith method. Wish me >luck. I'll check back in tomorrow, after the stuff has set overnight, and >after I've washed it. ok, d2 what happened..i've been waiting on your reply? << I used some golden blonde/brown BL. I knew that the dye c

the blind faith method

2002-08-20 Thread D2Williams
I'm dyeing some Border Leiscter, using the blind faith method. Wish me luck. I'll check back in tomorrow, after the stuff has set overnight, and after I've washed it. wrnk d2 To stop mail temporarily mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: set nomail To restore send: set mail

Re: Scouring and dyeing a fleece

2002-08-20 Thread D2Williams
It's going to depend on your actual breedif it's from the finer end of the scale with wax you won't be able to use my method as you need to a lot of hot water and no resting in between. You have to do my method with a lot of "of course it will work!" and blind faith Heat

Re: a bit more on wheel cost

2002-08-14 Thread D2Williams
>> very amusing but that is one ugly wheel << Er, the person who sells those wheels is, I think, a member of this list. wrnk d2 To stop mail temporarily mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: set nomail To restore send: set mail

a bit more on wheel cost

2002-08-13 Thread D2Williams
Hi, I just found a listing on eBay, for a Jupiter wheel. Here's the URL: Please scroll down until you find the message from the wheel maker. Amusing and instructive. wrnk d2 To stop mail temporarily mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the

Re: low cost wheels

2002-08-13 Thread D2Williams
>> I joined the spin-to-knit-socks. Maybe you all will inspire me. << Oh, I hope so! Please introduce yourself to the group. Lots of newbies to both spinning and sock knitting, with a few very experienced people, who have gone out of their way to share their information and knowledge. Just for f

Re: low cost wheels

2002-08-12 Thread D2Williams
Sage, >> and I have one of those square looms, a variation on the triangle that's OK. What do you do with your yarn? << I have one of those looms, too! And a rectangle one, that I could probably make bookmarks with. If I wanted to spin thin enough. Or was willing to buy thin enough stuff. What

Re: computer game

2002-08-12 Thread D2Williams
>> > alive but the sheep can be electrocuted, burnt from cannons, have burning > oil droped on them, eaten by killer dogs, skewered by arrows - and all this in the first 5 levels. << I want this game. There used to be one called 'Save the Babies'. It was nothing more than line drawings of a fire

Re:low cost wheels

2002-08-12 Thread D2Williams
>> I try to explain that a wheel is not a good investment till you have at least a $100 a year yarn/thread habit. if you don't knit,crochect or weave ,spinning is a great waste of time and space . << Oh, I so disagree with this! :) I've been spinning since about 1986, and just learned to knit

equipment; Canada visit

2002-08-11 Thread D2Williams
>> If anyone has time, check the Canadian distributors for your favorite products and run their costs through a currency converter. << Been there. Done that. :) The postage fee for getting anything from Canada to California, wiped out any savings. But! Hubby and I are going to VT in Oct. We're

Re: I'm back

2002-08-11 Thread D2Williams
>> Graet restaurant city Vancouver - best I've ever been in - including NY and SF. << Nothing about fiber. Nothing about how Convergence went. Like the Army, it seems this List Mom travels on his stomach. Welcome back! We missed you! wrnk d2 To stop mail temporarily mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] w

Re: equipment

2002-08-11 Thread D2Williams
>> I still don't see why I should pay several hundred to over a thousand dollars more for a loom to be "nice" to somebody. << You don't. :) I've purchased merchandise from out of state businesses, rather than go to a CA vendor, simply because the $ saved was worth it. I've also spent a lot more


2002-08-11 Thread D2Williams
Alison, I don't think it's healthy for him to chew that belt. He can ingest those tiny pieces, and possibly get a blockage. If you think a drive band is expensive, wait 'till you get the vet bill to unblock a cat . Find something else for the cat to chew. There's lots of plastic toys at the 99 c

Re: equipment

2002-08-11 Thread D2Williams
>> And why do the Swedish bobbin winders retail for around $100 when they are less than $40 ordered from Sweden??? << Because the dealer didn't have to take the time to order them in quantity, pay the shipping to where ever the store is located, pay employees, pay utilities, pay taxes, etc. >> t

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