[Fis] continue to discuss

2015-08-30 Thread
in the attachment. thanks. 

15-04-20 reply17 -summary4.docx
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Fis mailing list

[Fis] Chuan's reply16 - THE FRONTIERS OF INTELLIGENCE SCIENCE: echo of poem - summary3

2015-04-11 Thread
Dear Stanley, Krassimir, Rizzo, and All FISer Leaguers,
Let me echo with Stan’s poems as the reply to all, and specially the 
greeting to Krassimir’ health and tanks for Rizzo’ foreign mail though I have 
not understand.  

Blue from Emptiness
Chuan --  Here are some small poems for your collecton.
Thank you Stan!

Yes, collection
You mirrors me back as an ancient lady
- Diligent for Survival
Collecting fruit, seed, root, tender leaves…

Nearly never changed - 
Though thousands and thousands years has past
Always the same - 
The female character of Collection 

Time to now 
Aware what I am picking is poetry 
And from scientists specially

in my basket 
thanks your addition of a bunch of small poems 

recognized myself as an now age lady
- interesting with landscape of theories
- precious with blooming formula 

- enjoy intention from jungle of Occam's Razors, 
it is gentle than cactus flower
   brave than hero in frontline

So different and so same!
just the new edge of semantic domain 

reason and result

Collection, woman’s forever work
she do not want to waste any fruit of sweat and mind
collection woman’s inner habit
she regard pure intelligent same as blooding

Thy last stem in the brunch
“The spiritual value of entropy”,
As for the entropy value of spiritual? 
smart than Rilke 
how far this lines are?

What a kind of blue from emptiness? 
- “Not coming back again as rain!”

How blue within the emptiness is?
Lighter than Vincent’s flower-de-luce 
Deeper than the sky after raining

Best wishes,
April 8-11, 2015

Fis mailing list

[Fis] Chuan's reply15 - THE FRONTIERS OF INTELLIGENCE SCIENCE: summary2

2015-04-07 Thread
Dear Joseph, Pedro, Prof. Zhong, and dear All FISer Leaguers,

Just as in the summer of 1956, in Dartmouth College, many 
interdisciplinary scholars met and has a tow-months long discussion and 
contributed the concept/direction as Artificial Intelligence. This spring of 
2015, in Internet world wide, we FIS leaguers’ minds met/worked in Internet, we 
focused the concept /term of Intelligence Science. And tried preliminarily to 
made sure Intelligence science’s mission,range, the relation of IS and IS, FIS 
and FIS, relation with AI and other fields. Such mails with deep thought and 
wide horizon are “Foundational” and ”Frontier” both. 
1.  In the finish of our discussion allow me put the “kickoff file” (dear 
Pedro’s analogy. I enjoy it.) in the attachment prepared with Pedro and Joseph 
before the beginning of our session. Forgive me that I have not enough strength 
to sort the questions this time yet. Perhaps very soon after out discussion 
finish I should integrate them with the new questions emerged in our session.  
2.  Allow me announce again here to form a “National Scientist’s Poetry 
group”. It is the time try to initiate it with now more academic leagues in our 
discussion session. Let me put the mail of July 12, 2014 that can make sure my 

Dear scientist-poets and poet-scientists,
After I wrote a mail to Joseph to report the news Prof. Mihir 
Chacraborty visited my university. Then I forwarded it to Denis Mire, I want to 
call him “where are you?”, I think of perhaps this can forward to 
Gerhard,Besiau,…etc. So now touch many fiends and leagues!
I think of perhaps we should form an “πpoem association”. Because we 
are in different countries though we all in one poetical field, it should be an 
“InternationalπPoem Association”.  
Do you think this is a good idea? I wish hear your echoes.
Our Intelligence Science Laboratory (I work in Chengdu University of 
Technology) should be 3 years. I think of to edit something to congratulate. 
One is a small poem collection of scientist. Science is research and research 
is poetical. Could you allowed and perhaps can share me more new poems?
Not serious publish kind. Just collect to please to encourage and 
accompany ourselves. We are too heavy to enjoy poetical feeling. It is a bunch 
of flowers instead of a cold book. 
Making a good cup of tea, water is needed and should be enough. Now our 
science study condition is too much tea and too few water. So that the tea soup 
is bitter, not faint scent. 
Yes, Prof. Mihir invited me and another poet to join the International Poetical 
Conference January 2015 in Calcutta, India. If I join it, I should take our 
information of poem from Science to the conference. 
It is still an inspiration. Something is possible.
Best wishes and good summer,
 Zhao chuan

July 12, 2014
I sent it to many friends as scientist-poets and poet-scientists. That day and 
till now, there was only an echo from Joseph. He welcomed it and suggested then 
that we can have such a poetry group first. Near a year pasted, nether a ”πpoem 
association” nor a Scientist’ Poetry Group/society, no matter what style or 
name, the wish is the same. I love science and poem both, and I have seen so 
many excellent poems from scientists, they are so important poets and poems to 
our civilization. Yes, important, for normal poets as humanist can’t understand 
science straightly, can’t bear the press of scientist. Such scientist and their 
poems form new literature and new science the same. We should not ignore such 
precious resource of hearts, of intelligence, of their meaning they bringing as 
information. They are powerful and efficient. 
3.  Here a star, there a star, By the way let me point another stars for 
you and please add/invite them to our FIS liker. They are: Mihir Chacraborty 
, Denis Mire , Liu Yu 
, and "Beziau" j...@ufc.br. I think with their join our 
IFS Forum should have more energy and enough dimensions. About them more 
details later. 

Then we should finish our FIS discussion session (Frontiers of 
Intelligence Science) in FIS (Foudation of Information Science). Dear Pedro, 
Let this discussion finish naturally perhaps it should last one or two weeks. 
Then we can begin new session, above most FISers should work to prepare for the 
Vienna conference. As a Chair of this “the Frontiers of Intelligence Science” 
discussion session I am so glory and happy. Thanks for our FIS Chair and 
respected Joseph, thanks for your reliance; Thanks for Prof. Zhong, we share 
the main direction/goal of Intelligence Science with our international leaguers 
together; thanks for so many FISers exchanged excited ideas in this discussion, 
yes, I feel our discussion as beautiful like aurora, we shining each other; 
Thanks for a

[Fis] Chuan's reply14 - THE FRONTIERS OF INTELLIGENCE SCIENCE: for the new month, new step

2015-04-02 Thread

Dear Joseph, Pedro, Prof. Zhong and dear All Leaguers, 


 From the day when our FIS chair Prof. Pedro put the author preface of 
the new book “THE FRONTIERS OF INTELLIGENCE SCIENCE”, and asked me chair this 
discussion session as the same name, a month past. It is interesting that 
Frontier of Intelligence Science are FIS the same! In this month we have 
exchanged 54 mails, add this one I am writing. I think this is a great step of 
FIS & FIS. Our discussion is precious. We went into the heart of questions; we 
are talk about same inner question from different disciplinary, from different 
place worldwide. 

 Here a star, and there a star, we discover each other, enjoy or 
criticize each other. Our share of night to bear together, and Afterwards - Day!

 Dance of FIS and FIS are beautiful like the dance of polar lights. We 
wonderers on the sea, dear Staley, now I feel Internet is not heaven or hill, 
it is the homeland of our mind live in. 

 As a summary of our FIS’s FIS discussion session, I should first 
translate two phases from my reading of Chinese versions, then list some items 
we can go on discussion this month. 

1. How weight the burden/goal of IS should be? Jacques Derrida (1930 – 
2004) , as an philosophy and aesthetician he felt it deep and described like 
such a fact: “There is a kind of hard thought has not be emphasized yet, on 
account of ” Because of a large number of contemplation can’t be felt, we must 
shoulder the whole weight of the questions we put out. Such questions, I try to 
call them as history. With such help, we can then connect difference with 

2. Hans-Geory Gadamer (1900-2002) pointed:”Now China can’t exist in the 
world without mathematic, physics and chemistry these sciences initiate in 
Greece. But this bearing capacity of this root is withering today. Science 
should to look for nourishment from other sources, especial from far East. ” 
yes, dear Rafael, far east and far west, they are important for each other. 
They should be pabulum and support each other. Great hundred-year-old 
philosopher showed us the deep relation between far east and west pabulum. This 
is wisdom. Dear Dai the relation of intelligence and wisdom are complex, 
Gadamer’s view is an example of high intelligence and wisdom (Joseph: they also 
can be considered as a form of intelligence.). Though it is Common Sense (the 
concept Smith mentioned). 

3. Dear leaguers in fact while we prepare this session, in February, 
just Chinese Spring Festival, with Pedro and Joseph, we even prepared 11 
questions. I will check and sort them, and add the questions emerged in this 
month together and put out in our go on discussion. 

4. Dear Joseph’s mails are precious and important. Yes, Structure, our 
sword of thought. “As tragic events repeatedly show, their origin is often not 
the lack of information in the simple sense, but the lack of structures (or 
structurations) in people capable of implementing it. These structures or 
capacities are also information in the complex sense, of course, but they also 
can be considered as a form of intelligence. I believe more attention should be 
paid explicitly to such structures to enable people to recognize and use them 
against the inevitable forces opposing that (keeping to a schedule, not 
'frightening' people, etc.) Calling responsible behavior intelligent might 
facilitate the exercise of it.”. I even translate to Chinese to help me 
solidify and grasp the meanings. Yes, inevitable force opposing that 
should/always be very strong. And such resistance is the character of such 
approach to such structures. No pain no gain. As Buddha’s words mentioned: “it 
is impossible to escape suffering, unless one reaches.”. How wonderful the 
structure/fruit is and how difficult the process is. We should prepare to face 
to practice. Our discussion session is lucky we have such precious guide form 
him, Pedro, prof. Zhong and so on, the wisdom men.


More later. 

Thanks for all FISers! 

Let go to the new age, and the new month of our Frontiers of Intelligence 
Science session. 


 Best regard and best wishes,


April 2-3, 2015___
Fis mailing list

[Fis] Chuan's reply13 - THE FRONTIERS OF INTELLIGENCE SCIENCE - the scale of IS study

2015-04-01 Thread
Dear Roulette Wm. Smith, Joshua, and dear Leaguers, 

 First dear Roulette please allow me reply short to your longest so 
sincere mail first! Now it is the end of April Fools’ Day. 

 I am moved and regard with the saying “big picture”. Yes, it is long 
travel within Intelligence fields. A Gypsy style (as Pedro’s describe)? Thanks 
for you so detailed share & reason. There should be very rich intelligent 
sights in your adventure that we should learn. 

1. “At the outset, I wholeheartedly support Chuan's infectious 
enthusiasm for intelligence sciences. I have been a member on this list since 
2011 and only now am motivated to comment on a topic of mutual interest.” This 
encourage me and intelligence science the same. we should believe that is 
right. We should forming positive feedback to explore the essence of 
intelligence. That is a hard heave work. We should focus our intelligence 
worldwide as you emphasized to burden it. I should finish an article names “Big 
and big enough” later to go on talk about the scale of intelligence study. Let 
us try to weight such a kind of burden first. 

2. As for “overly simplistic” you critical twice I want to say: I am 
delighted that you measured things with Prof. Zhong’s algorithm as “from (a) to 
(m)”. But in reality we should add a (zero)- what is the goal now? and to 
describe the goal. Yes, just as Einstein said: while you put out the question 
and it is solved half. In fact we are now in (zero). It is not a easy thing to 
put out a goal, especially our age. 

3. I should talk about A-B two poles of Intelligence and their 


Best regards and wishes, 


Now the Fools’ Day it over___
Fis mailing list

[Fis] Chuan's reply12 - THE FRONTIERS OF INTELLIGENCE SCIENCE - more and enough dimentions

2015-03-29 Thread
Dear Joseph, Pedro and the leaguers, 

 Just as Pedro emphasized, the evolutionary dimension or say biography 
dimension of intelligence discussion, I have many want to say with this point. 

1. I think of Eric R Kandel( 1929~). In his own academic story, he 
described: while he first went to Prof. Grundfest’s laboratory in 1955. He said 
he want to know where the Id, ego and superego in Freud’s theorem are in brain. 
Instead of laughing at him, the teacher told him the strategy of brain study as 
every time one cell. Finally Kandel’s research was prized by Nobel Prize, 
though he can not straightly answer his first will yet.

2. Brain Science has many achievements. But we have not absorbed these 
achievements enough. Once I am amazing and deep inspired while I learned one 
discover of Kandel: within the memory process there are protein formed! That is 
great- the bridge of matter and mind! 

3. Another amazing and enjoy was while I study Joseph’s thesis he send 
to me: oh, it is so nice and interesting that this scholar study “forget”! 
Pedro mentioned: Otherwise we leave “empty”. That is good idea – I welcome it 
very much for “empty” is the superiority in orient. Beside the two fields are 
mentioned we can gain some in methodology: Memory – forget; exist – empty, add 
Rafael’s intelligence – stupidity, all are symmetry dimensions measures to 
approach Intelligence/Information, symmetry is a kind of manner, symmetry study 
is an engine of thought. All such effort are strutting the space of 
Intelligence study space till it is big enough.  


There are another such issues later.


Best regards,  


March 29, 2015___
Fis mailing list

[Fis] Chuan's reply11 - THE FRONTIERS OF INTELLIGENCE SCIENCE - unless reaches

2015-03-27 Thread
Dear Roulette Wm. Smith , dear Joseph, Rafael, Pedro, and ALL,


 After this week’s work I can have enough time to write one mail now. 

 Dear Roulette, thanks for you mail with blessing and so many 
suggestions:common sense & aberrant common sense; critical thinking and 
intelligence(s) in worldwide cultures and languages,  Subjunctive, biological 
issues, Kantian notions of the a priori and a posteriori, Lem's perspectives, 
and Ethnomethodologies. Yes, the pearls, the cut surfaces of diamond! I enjoy 
you said “critical thinking and intelligence(s) in worldwide cultures and 
languages”. Parallel with “Subjunctive”your mentioned, we are study Symmetry 
phenomena in Chinese that abstract a common issue as Symmetry of Language. 
Rafael’s comment: Dr. Sukriti Ghosal: The Language of 'Gitanjali': the 
Paradoxical Matrix (in: The Criterion, 2012) 
http://www.the-criterion.com/V3/n2/Sukriti.pdf” that is fine. And let me 
connected it with our Symmetry of language study and gain more inspirations. 
Yes, worldwide culture, now it is echoes in Indian. As another example to such 
paradox here is a lines from Buddha: 


it is impossible to reach

but it is impossible to escape suffering

 unless one reaches

--- from Buddha   Mihir Chakraborty for Peom-Island Morning Chant2014


 I am an adviser of a poetry association of students in our university, 
I organized a Poem-islandMorning Chant three years ago, and yesterday I open it 
of 2015, spring team. This is the words of encourage from an India Prof. Mihir 
Chakraborty sent for such an events. We consisted  90days last spring team. 
Read Chinese ancient style poem, modern poems and English poems. Really has a 
Poem-Island in our campus. 

 Buddha’s paradox words are so powerful and really wisdom. Yes, 
Symmetry phenomena in Chinese and Gitanjali’s paradox Matrix are similar 
parallel manners of thinking and language. This is the point I should special 
explain soon. Thanks for Rafael’s comment, just put together is precious, we 
should let some link together. Know you see: so many information/consciousness 
streams are interweaving – forming worldwide new culture. 

 More later.   


best wishes, good weekend, 


March 27, 2015___
Fis mailing list

[Fis] Chuan's reply10 - THE FRONTIERS OF INTELLIGENCE SCIENCE-- poetry/mathematics/new science

2015-03-24 Thread
in the attachment, thanks!

15-03-24 reply10 - mathe-poetry.docx
Description: MS-Word 2007 document
Fis mailing list

[Fis] Chuan's reply9 - THE FRONTIERS OF INTELLIGENCE SCIENCE-- poetry, frontier, wavefront

2015-03-22 Thread
Dear Rafael, Dear Joseph, Pedro,Joshua and ALL, 

 Thanks for Emily just as she cared “Here a star, and there a star” let 
our discussion arrive poetry. And while an intelligence/information discussion 
arrives poetry that it is tuning. A person shakes spear then he becomes the 
Shakespeare and points to literature. Poem is our spear in intelligence study. 

In my new book “the Frontiers of Intelligence Science”, the Chapter 4 
is “The Contribute of Intelligence Science to methodology”, I sum up seven 
aspects. Two of them are “Praise Attitude and its Way“ and “Grasp of 

1. As for the “Praise Attitude and its Way“for example Tagore’s 
poetry anthology GITANGALI which owned the Nobel Prize in literature, I 
abstract the nice inner habit as “Gitangali ”; I have sent a calligraphy of a 
couplets while I joined the first International  Conference of Universal Logic 
as a gift and a praise; and the Song of the Computer is the same. So I point 
out “Gitanjali” is a Praise way of Research. In fact it is a way with energy, 
first rough computing, mainly deciding, and so on. It is power way, a way we 
ignore and belittle it as “culture”. We gain its result and forget even name 
it. Yes, Gitanjali! 

2.   Grasp of Wavefront poetry is a kind of wavefront. Poetry is 
intelligence and is method of IS study the same.We should add it in to science 
methodology. Just as the sense of Joseph  “Full value can then be given to the 
term 'Frontiers'.”. yes, wavefront – frontier – poetry – topology – walking one 
makes the road – waking upon the sea - 

Of course amazing image...

 First these two points, more later.


Best regards and wishes,


March 22, 2015___
Fis mailing list

[Fis] Chuan's reply8 - THE FRONTIERS OF INTELLIGENCE SCIENCE-- Poetic Intelligence & its Tangent

2015-03-20 Thread
Dear Pedro, you are right, the IFS dose not like attachment. The mail of 3-20 
is returned. Let me use a smaller jpg file and try again.  



15-03-20 reply9 - intelligence of__ poetry and its tangent.docx
Description: MS-Word 2007 document
Fis mailing list

[Fis] Chuan's reply8 - THE FRONTIERS OF INTELLIGENCE SCIENCE-- an old poem as an echo

2015-03-19 Thread
Dear Stanley N Salthe and All,

 I am back to my duty from ten days hard work. Reliving from tired let 
me come back to the breakpoint – Stanley’s poem echo to Emily – and my draft 
reply as a new poem the same. I will finish and put out next mail – reply as 
another poem is “The Song of the Computer” and another poem on Internet. These 
two have send in our FIS years ago. And now “here a stay, and there a star”, 
now “ struggling to affect each other from our slowly burning bodies”, let us 
put these stars here again as a bunch of flower first.

 Let this as my echo. We can image a Science fiction: long long after, 
there is a country, there  set such an law : if you have not replied an poet’s 
poem at once, if delay five days, you are evil. So let me use an old poem echo 
your poem as soon as I finished my heavy work.  

 Thanks for you poem. That is nice!

 More reply and the new later.  

 Best wishes,



发件人: "Stanley N Salthe" 
发送时间: 2015-03-14 03:41:00
收件人: "赵川" 
主题: Re: [Fis] Chuan's reply7 - THE FRONTIERS OF INTELLIGENCE SCIENCE-- a poem & 
the π-festival

Chuan, fis'rs 

Here is a poem I wrote a couple of years ago:

internet fellowship 

is like --

being in heaven?


 disembodied spirits

  struggling to affect

 each other.

patterns of ‘on and off’ in the waves and wires

like cells in an organism

 we’re disembodied spirits launched from our slowly burning bodies,

   the fuel for our cognitions,

like charcoal for a flame

maybe this is (what) heaven (is like)

   launched upon the embers of hell.


On Fri, Mar 13, 2015 at 11:18 AM, 赵川  wrote:

Dear FISers, 

 These days I am doing a heavy and important work that I can not finish 
my respond mail. Though there are many ideas emerge in my mind. 

 Let me put a poem of Emily DIKINSON in our dear discussion.   




Our share of nights to hear –

Our share of morning –

Our blank in bliss to fill 

Our blank in scorning – 


Here a star, and there a star,

Some lose their way!

Here a mist, and there a mist,

Afterwards – Day!



 For I thought of the image of “here is a star, and there is a star” 
and looked for this poem to share here. Let us shine and share.

 Dear Joseph, I agree with the Stanislaw Lem’s opinion. 

 Yes, she is right: afterwards – Day!

 Tomorrow is π-festival – March 14 - 3.14. I celebrated aπ-festival 
this afternoon. That is wonderful. And it is the birthday of Einstein the same. 



March 13, 2015

Fis mailing list

12-11-26计算机之歌& duet-Translation.doc
Description: MS-Word document
Fis mailing list

[Fis] Chuan's reply7 - THE FRONTIERS OF INTELLIGENCE SCIENCE-- a poem & the π-festival

2015-03-13 Thread
Dear FISers, 

 These days I am doing a heavy and important work that I can not finish 
my respond mail. Though there are many ideas emerge in my mind. 

 Let me put a poem of Emily DIKINSON in our dear discussion.   




Our share of nights to hear –

Our share of morning –

Our blank in bliss to fill 

Our blank in scorning – 


Here a star, and there a star,

Some lose their way!

Here a mist, and there a mist,

Afterwards – Day!



 For I thought of the image of “here is a star, and there is a star” 
and looked for this poem to share here. Let us shine and share.

 Dear Joseph, I agree with the Stanislaw Lem’s opinion. 

 Yes, she is right: afterwards – Day!

 Tomorrow is π-festival – March 14 - 3.14. I celebrated aπ-festival 
this afternoon. That is wonderful. And it is the birthday of Einstein the same. 



March 13, 2015___
Fis mailing list

[Fis] Chuan's reply6-Chuan's reply3 - THE FRONTIERS OF INTELLIGENCE SCIENCE--Zhao Chuan

2015-03-10 Thread
in the attackment, thanks!

15-03-11 reply6·refer to EPR see IS&IS.docx
Description: MS-Word 2007 document
Fis mailing list


2015-03-07 Thread
Dear Prof.Zhong, Joseph, Krassimir , Jerry, Steven, Pedro and All, 
Thanks Prof. Zhong for you voice and thesis! 
Dear Joseph I am moved with the phrase in the mail you reply Krassimir: 
“co-exist with 'ours'”. And feel it is really Hopi Native Americans is 
wonderful and worthy. The “co-exist” let me think of one of my surprise as an 
English learner: con-science means conscience. It becomes a humane word! We 
even can make a riddle: “science + … + science = ?”  perhaps you speak English 
should laugh at me, that is fun, but in fact as a student I remembered this 
word just by this way.  Yes, and multi-disciplinary, interdisciplinary. A 
serious question is: why we can do interdisciplinary thing? Why it is possible? 
How does it runs? I thought it and try give an answer- as Prof. Zhong say, a 
view to this – I try put out an “equal seriousness Principle”, it is in the new 
book the same. What are the same? what are compared? What are measured? While 
we transfer, we interdisciplinary? I feel it is “seriousness”. Go on ask: what 
is “seriousness”? then we arrive the factor of human itself. Then we arrive 
intelligence science. For example why we can say “Vincent van Gogh as a painter 
is same great as Beethoven as a musician”? For they arrive same serious with 
their own fields. 
I have so many replies with these mails. Thanks! More soon. 
Best regard,
March 7, 2015 

Fis mailing list

[Fis] Chuan's reply3 - THE FRONTIERS OF INTELLIGENCE SCIENCE--Zhao Chuan--- to Jerry Chandler 1

2015-03-06 Thread

Dear Jerry LR Chandler, and All,

Your mail is the first one replay to this discussion: “the Frontiers of 
Intelligence Science”.   Thanks for your mail within 7 questions. That let this 
session really well run. Let me answer some of your questions:

1.The structure of the book. It is in Chinese, I only translate the 
title of chapter: 


The Frontiers of Intelligence Science
——Something is Possible

Chapter 1  From Artificial Intelligence to Intelligence Science 

Chapter 2   International Intelligence Science Study and Cooperation  

Chapter 3   the Panorama of Intelligence and the Integrity of A-B Two Poles 
of Intelligence 

Chapter4The Contribute of Intelligence Science to methodology 

Chapter 5   Natural Language Understanding as the Frontier of Intelligence 

Chapter 6   Phase Theory 

Chapter 7   New Golden Age of Civilization


2.Yes, still very few people know Intelligence Science even in China, 
though it is put out in Oct., 2003 by CAAI. Above all it has grown more than 
ten years, it has formed frontiers, at least I have done theoretical study till 

Now is should seriously introduce the sponsor of this important direction. They 
are Prof. Zhong Yi Xin, Prof. He Hua Can, and Prof. Shi zhong zhi (Krassimir 
mentioned)etc. In a conference of CAAI 2003, the chair Prof. Zhong asked us 
from different sessions to a big meeting room to talk about the birth of 
Intelligence Science. He encouraged everyone to say out his/her feeling and 
opinion. I was delighted with such a new science and was encouraged to say that 
I am so earnest welcome such a new science and image its mission, I felt the 
new science is a holy approach, perhaps the real science is coming, as a young 
scholar I spoke ten minutes. Next I wrote an article title as “the Mission of 
Intelligence Science” next year. So thanks to the leader of CAAI leaded such an 
important change. We need strategist in science develop just as in war. Prof. 
Zhong is such a strategist. With their strong lead, we do many explorations. I 
think I am good soldier of SI. The growth rate is logically and with many 
reasons. So I said in my preface of the book: “From Artificial Intelligence 
(AI) to Intelligence Science (IS) is a strategic transformation, a major 
contribution to science.” yes, sometime contribution is actual fruit, sometime 
is a seed or a possibility; sometime is speed, sometime is direction, is an 
angular acceleration; some time is individual, sometime is collective. Prof. 
Zhong just in our FIS, and Pedro has special invited him stage this discussion 
the same. I think only he can tell us this/his history best! We should go on 
share the academic story together, though it is short but meaningful. It is 
interesting while this discussion we are in the same story now. 

   As a compare and evidence, let me cite a mail from Prof. L. A. Zadeh to 
BISC Group (Berkeley Initiative in Soft Computing):  


Lotfi A. Zadeh 

2012年11月10日 10:24:24

Dear members of the BISC Group: 

   Ruzena Bajcsy brought to my attention a very interesting interview with Noam 
Chomsky focused on "What went wrong with AI." It is always a treat to hear or 
read what Chomsky has to say.


Regards to all,

   With my small group we used two months to learn this interview and think 
the present science, especial computer science and technology, development 
condition that we were surer with our direction and ways. This linker still 
useful and I have put it in our FIS once and written in my new book this time. 
If you read this interview with Chomsky viewing AI, you should know that 
Chinese CAII has avoided such questions early and gave a right direction and 
action. Honorific Prof. Zadeh of 91-years old that year, using one finger to 
hit keyboard (he once mentioned in a mail to BISC group), he has organized a 
discuss “Information Revolution”. He and some BISCers worried about such 
revolution. It is just the same as our coming Vienna conference 2015—The 
Information Society at the Crossroads. 

   That is nice and peace, intelligence science has born and is growing. 

   It is a long mail now, more next mail. 

Best wishes, 

Zhao Chuan 

March 6, 2015

发件人: "Pedro C. Marijuan" 
发送时间: 2015-03-04 19:22:54
收件人: 'fis' 

Message from Jerry Chandler

 Original Message  
Date: Tue, 3 Mar 2015 21:19:16 -0600
From: Jerry LR Chandler 

Dear Zhao Chuan: 

In this brief introduction, you present your readers with a number of views.

Perhaps you could expand your statement so that we can grasp some of the 
structures behind you writings.

I have ha