RE: [Flashcoders] Adobe Web Site Response (or Lack Thereof)

2006-06-27 Thread Kevin Mulvihill
John, always a pleasure to hear from you. Reminds me of the ol' Direct-L

I'm out of town the next few weeks so won't have much of a chance for
further testing, but your suggested 'stuff for reproduction' is a good idea.
I'll approach it from that perspective next time. During this last download,
however, I did go out to PC Pitstop and checked download speed (while the
player was still coming across). It registered me at a little over 300 KB/s.
After the player came across, I was out at SourceForge to grab XAMPP, and
that was hauling across at 600-800 KB/s. Pretty sweet. (Can you tell I'm
updating the laptop?)

Anyway, I know I am not dreaming this. There is definitely a problem with
the Adobe servers...


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
> Of John Dowdell
> Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2006 4:54 PM
> To: Flashcoders mailing list
> Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] Adobe Web Site Response (or Lack Thereof)
> [Tip: Try hitting "New Message" in your emailer instead of 
> "Reply", because otherwise your new subject can get buried in 
> archives or threaded emailers.]
> I've seen enough individual reports of "adobe site slow" to 
> suspect there's a real cause, even though most of us don't 
> see such a thing.
> Good stuff for reproduction includes (a) browser 
> brand/version/platform;
> (b) page address and time elapsed; (c) traceroute/DNS of your 
> connection to know where the info is passing and which server 
> is delivering; (d) whether it persists across a system restart.
> Let me check around the office right now, too, to see if 
> we've got any leads on "slow player download"... if you're 
> seeing 4.8kbps then others are likely too, and we've got ot 
> identify the difference and fix it.
> > I read somewhere recently where the Adobe site has fully 
> completed its 
> > integration of the Macromedia site
> No, there was just a second major milestone of site 
> integration, as the Macromedia web team pulled together the 
> thousands of pages of both sites, many of which were 
> translated into multiple languages. Lots more work to do.
> _to_tal.cfm
> jd
> ___
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[Flashcoders] Adobe Web Site Response (or Lack Thereof)

2006-06-27 Thread Kevin Mulvihill
Hi folks,

I think I'm kinda patient. Less patient than some, but more so than others.

And I noticed that, right around the time the Adobe acquisition of
Macromedia really got rolling a few months ago, the web site response and
download speed of the Macromedia site declined significantly.

I wasn't too surprised... I mean, there's no better way to wean us off the
old site than by making it incredibly frustrating to go there, right? And I
have to say... downloading that 135 MB Flex 1 Beta sure did cause some

But, that was months ago. I read somewhere recently where the Adobe site has
fully completed its integration of the Macromedia site, so that leads me to
think that they're done. We should be back to good times again in the
download speeds department, right?

I'm sitting here now waiting for the Flash Player 8 update for Flash to
download. It's chugging along at 4.8 KB/s. I've already sucked up 3.5 MB of
the file - with quite a bit to go before I get the full 31.2 MB file. My
downloads window says I'll only have to wait one hour and 26 minutes more!

I confess to some continuing frustration here. I think I've been very
patient. Why does my dear Adobe continue to do this to me?

Here's a question for you, Adobe: how on this precious earth can you claim
to be a world-class software development company when you can't even deliver
downloads to your user base at more than 4.8 KB/s?

Adobe, you should be ashamed and embarrassed.


P.S. Now before you can say, "Don't hit us on a dial-up!" let me add that my
connection is rated at 4 MB/s with bursts to 12 MB/s. In real life usage,
I've seen 600-900 KB/s when the sourcing server can provide it. In short,
it's not my fault if the Adobe site is slow.

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RE: [Flashcoders] OT: Junior Developer Flash/Flex Salary?

2006-06-20 Thread Kevin Mulvihill
> $11/ hr accepting that is part of the reason why people think 
> they can pay developers peanuts

Here, here. 

Denver is a big city comparable to L.A., where I am. And in this city, bag
boys at grocery stores are making $11/hr. Even way back in '97 when I was in
my last corporate job, it was costing us $15/hr. just to have a temp come in
and put papers in a filing cabinet. Is that how you see yourself? As
unskilled labor???

Now if the idea is just that the guy wants to check you out and make sure
you can do the work, then I might give him a few DAYS at $11/hr. and then
revert to an honest pay scale if he wants to keep you... And this assumes
that you don't have any references or much in the way of code samples to

The real question then becomes 'how long is it going to take to get you up
to speed?' If the guy is thinking several months, then you would clearly be
foolish to accept that offer. If you don't respect yourself, no one else
will either... And your getting 'up to speed' could take a very long time



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RE: [Flashcoders] help

2006-06-20 Thread Kevin Mulvihill
I would echo Jason's comments. It's not really an impressive site: hard to
see, gratuitous music, UI needs some work, and even the 3D rotation is
jerky. I really hope you're just referring to this site because you plan to
do better.

BTW, I really hate the arrogance of programmers who presume to resize my
browser window to full screen without my permission. It's my browser and I'd
like to control it if you don't mind. If I can't see everything, I'll resize
the window if it needs to be done.


> >>I need help with creating a site somewhat like this 
> >>one
> index.htm
> >>
> >>I'm trying to figure out the coding involved in this site. Thanks!
> I need web site.  Please send source code.  LOL.
> (Richard, I think you'll need to be just a tad more specific 
> - there is a lot going on on that site - I will say, it's 
> really slow to load - UI needs some work - and the black 
> phone against the black background makes it almost invisible 
> - not that impressive in my opinion really.  Sure the 3-D 
> rotation is nice, but anybody can do that with some software.)

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RE: [Flashcoders] OT: User Group Meeting Notices Are Allowed onThisList

2006-04-17 Thread Kevin Mulvihill
Turns out Adobe won't allow public release of the URL. Sorry. 

Also, a clarification on remote access: easiest thing is to just send an
email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the subject "LAFU Breeze" to attend remotely.
He'll send you the info on day of event.


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
> Of JesterXL
> Sent: Monday, April 17, 2006 11:26 AM
> To: Flashcoders mailing list
> Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] OT: User Group Meeting Notices Are 
> Allowed onThisList
> You'd score a lot more points if you attached a Breeze URL so 
> those not located in such locales could remotely attend.

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[Flashcoders] April 19 Los Angeles Flash User Group Meeting (Also Available Remotely)

2006-04-17 Thread Kevin Mulvihill
Wednesday April 19th is the next meeting of LAFU. This particular meeting
features the Los Angeles Masters of Character Animation, who will reveal
their skills and techniques in-depth!

ALL MEMBERS OF FLASHCODERS! Since there will be a Breeze presentation of the
4/19 meeting, if you wish to participate in this awesome animation-fest
remotely, please check the URL below for info on the Breeze room, where you
can RSVP for Breeze on the event site. Alternatively, you can email
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the subject "LAFU Breeze." You will receive viewing
information on the day of the event. 

To conclude the night, we will have a special MOVIE SCREENING of "Flash Goes
to Hollywood," Silvia Pompei's 28-minute documentary about the Hollywood
Flash Character animation industry, including interviews with many of the
top industry insiders.

The meeting runs from 7:00 to 10:00 PM PST (GMT-8). If you can be there in
person, you will hear the documentary on a seven speaker 1000 watt system!

Details about the location, presenters, program and RSVP for remote access
are available from 

We look forward to seeing many of you there.

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[Flashcoders] OT: User Group Meeting Notices Are Allowed on This List

2006-04-17 Thread Kevin Mulvihill
Hi all,
I just wanted you all to know - before you get mad at me and flame me - that
I checked with the Figleaf powers-that-be and it turns out that user group
meeting announcements are indeed allowed on the Flashcoders mailing list.
Therefore, I plan to begin posting such announcements for the Flash user
groups and associated meetings I attend that may be of interest to some of
you. Please forgive me if you are not based in L.A. and/or consider these
types of posts as either spam or Flash Lounge material... I am working
within the guidelines of the list and others are posting similar content.
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RE: [Flashcoders] Help with Flash Environment / Processes

2006-03-31 Thread Kevin Mulvihill
> > 2. Is there a build tool I can use to setup a centralized, 
> automated build process?  Java has JAnt, .NET has NAnt, etc.  
> Is there one for Flash?  Per the e-mail below it looks like there is.
> yes, you can use ant, it works very well with mtasc as a compiler.
> look at these tools for more information:

Interesting stuff, no question, and I've thought about fully making the jump
into Eclipse for some time. But just wondering, are there any
tutorials/articles that comprehensively walk one through the process of
using all of these tools together on a project? I see that each tool has
varying quantities of help info available, but am just trying to reduce the
possible floundering about that might result from trying to integrate all of
the tools together...

Much thanks if anyone has a link or two...


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RE: [Flashcoders] Database modeling for AS projects

2006-03-21 Thread Kevin Mulvihill
This email is timely, Honeyghan. Thanks for sharing with the community.


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
> Of Honeyghan
> Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2006 6:13 PM
> To:
> Subject: [Flashcoders] Database modeling for AS projects
> I've been doing some research on various modeling tools which 
> would enable me to easily model databases for future flash 
> projects. Came across two very interesting solutions which 
> should be on your radar.
> My requirements are as follows:
> 1. Feature rich, stable application which allows reverse 
> engineering of existing database.
> 2. Compatibility with MySQL databases and Linux.
> 3. Ability to generate SQL statements directly from diagrams.
> 4. Exporting diagrams as an image and or printing is a must.
> 5. Uses open standards which allow me to utilize output in 
> other applications.
> 6. Allow easy navigation of the entire database scheme, which 
> includes finding and navigating to specified table.
> 7. Minimal cost.
> Solution 1:
> DBDesigner4 from
> (
> Fits in-line with all of the above and more. While I do wish 
> that there was an add-on to Eclipse. It's interface is stable 
> offers ease of use, by far a very powerful application which 
> will save me time during the planning phase of extensive 
> projects. DBDesigner4 is also available for the Windows 
> platform and is GNU Licensed.
> Solution 2:
> Azzurri Clay from Azzurri Ltd.
> (
> Another gem which is a native plug-in for Eclipse. Azzurri 
> Clay available in either Core or Pro version, Core being free 
> and Pro costing 35,000 YEN -- about $300 give or take. Sadly 
> to say the Pro version is apparently no longer available for 
> sale outside of Japan according to their english website.
> While the Core version isn't as feature rich as DBDesigner4, 
> it's worth mentioning if your needs are basic. One thing I 
> found limiting is that there is no export to image which is 
> important if working in a team environment.
> Clay Core supports additional databases besides MySQL such as 
> PostgreSQL, however, there is no SQL Sever support. As a 
> plug-in for Eclipse it's available on all Java enabled platforms.
> Stay well,
> Honeyghan
> ___
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RE: [Flashcoders] 27th March Sydney Developers study group

2006-03-21 Thread Kevin Mulvihill
Oh, I hate to write an email like this, but I just keep wishing that all the
emails from this user group would just go away... And they don't. There's
another one today. Bash on me if you want, but I just don't think this is
appropriate fodder for an internationally-based coding list. How many of the
thousands of coders on this list are in Sydney anyway? 3? 5? 10? For the
rest of us, these notices are just trash bin material and a complete waste
of bandwidth. I know it's only a small number of postings coming through
here each month, but what if EVERY user group started posting their meeting
notices here? How many user groups are there worldwide? Hundreds? THOUSANDS?
We would quickly be overrun. And it's simply not fair to let one post and
not another. Even Figleaf, who runs this list AND a number of user groups,
doesn't post their meeting notices here.

I don't mind a new group starting up sending one or two announcement posts
to the list - there are a lot of coders here and hopefully a new group can
get an initial influx of members in this way. But the Sydney group is nearly
a year old, so it seems to me that THIS LIST ought to be able to get back to
coding issues, of which there are plenty, sometime soon.

Again, I don't mean to offend anybody, and I really don't like writing
emails like this. I just think this kind of content belongs elsewhere. And
if it is somehow appropriate, just let me know and I'll shut up... Thanks
for listening.


> Subject: [Flashcoders] 27th March Sydney Developers study group
> On Monday 27th March is the next meeting of the study group 
> we will be studying the flash application framework ARP. 
> Please read the articles prior to the meeting (see 
> At the meeting, the 
> moderator will lead discussion and with questions about the 
> topic. The meeting is on at 6:30pm for 7pm start and finishes 
> around 8:30pm.
> Details about the group, venue and program are available from 
> Please note, whilst the meetings 
> and the use of the club are free, the club does require us to 
> purchase beverages and/or snacks in exchange.
> Please RSVP at

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RE: [Flashcoders] Flash and server side databases

2006-03-01 Thread Kevin Mulvihill
Hi Alberto,

Flash remoting is one option but costs money on the server. There are other
options that don't cost money too. Search the list archives - there's a lot
of info out there that folks probably won't want to regurgitate... (we've
gurgitated it more than once already)... :-)


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
> Of Alberto Florentin
> Sent: Wednesday, March 01, 2006 8:04 AM
> To: Flashcoders mailing list
> Subject: [Flashcoders] Flash and server side databases
> Hi all,
> I have been programming in Flash for quite a while, but 
> always in the basic sense of rather complex applications 
> which run on web pages or projectors.
> I have never done any communication with servers (apart from 
> loading xml files in flash which I upload via FTP)
> Would flash be a good tool for interactive applications that 
> communicate with rather large server-side databases?  What 
> other tools do I need to look into in order to start working 
> towards this direction?
> thanks a lot
> Alberto
> ___
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OT: RE: [Flashcoders] RIA patent granted

2006-03-01 Thread Kevin Mulvihill
:-) No Chad, I'm quite sure few, if any, are aware of this:

"The patent--issued on Valentine's Day--covers all rich-media technology
implementations, including Flash, Flex, Java, Ajax, and XAML, when the
rich-media application is accessed on any device over the Internet,
according to the patent holders...

A patent has been granted to a relatively unknown California Web-design firm
for an invention its creator says covers the design and creation of most
rich-media applications used over the Internet. The patent holder, Balthaser
Online Inc., says it could license nearly any rich-media Internet
application across a broad range of devices and networks. 

Potentially tens of thousands of businesses--not only software makers
employing its business processes but companies offering rich-media on their
Websites--could be subject to licensing fees when they use rich-media
technology over the Internet."

Guess Adobe AND Microsoft got caught with their pants down. But all is not
lost. Neil Balthaser, a former VP of strategy for Macromedia, plans to sell
the patent to someone...

See more on


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
> Of Chad Mefferd
> Sent: Wednesday, March 01, 2006 9:03 AM
> To: Flashcoders mailing list
> Subject: [Flashcoders] RIA patent granted
> H,
> articleID=180206472&cid=RSSfeed_IWK_News
> Is everyone aware of this?
> Chad
> ___
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RE: [Flashcoders] How do you code your Flash applications?

2006-02-02 Thread Kevin Mulvihill
Steven Sacks, I am just surprised to see you writing that kind of stuff.
Maybe you were trying to be funny, but I'm not seeing much humor in it with
all the bickering and name-calling going on this list these past few days.

Maybe it's just me, but I just don't like the tone here lately. Being
professional should extend beyond your coding skills.

My .02,

> > 1) If I can help it, I keep all my code in one place.  All in one 
> > frame, all the better.  All in one swf?  Better yet.
> That's one of the worst things I've ever heard.  Maybe you 
> should get on medication for your OCD.

Flashcoders mailing list

RE: [Flashcoders] ActionScript Cheatsheet Update (new URL)!

2006-01-27 Thread Kevin Mulvihill
I don't know why anyone would criticize something that obviously took some
time to put together and is being offered up for free to the community. If
it's not for you, just ignore. 

As for me, I tip my hat to thotskee for a job well done. Oh, and btw, my
cheat sheet hangs proudly on the wall right next to my computer. Thanks,


Flashcoders mailing list

RE: [Flashcoders] flash and ASP.NET (ryanm)

2005-12-13 Thread Kevin Mulvihill
Interesting approach, Ryan. So, the big advantage here is cost (free!) with
the big disadvantage being that we're limited to string data types on the
return. Thanks for sharing.


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of ryanm
> Sent: Monday, December 12, 2005 6:41 PM
> To: Flashcoders mailing list
> Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] flash and ASP.NET (ryanm)
> > Ryan, how would this work?
> >
> //  Actionscript
> var IncomingData:LoadVars = new LoadVars(); 
> IncomingData.onLoad = function(success:Boolean){
> if(success){
> // Do stuff when data is loaded
> }else{
> trace("Load Failed!");
> }
> };
> var OutgoingData:LoadVars = new LoadVars(); 
> OutgoingData.first_name = "Bob"; OutgoingData.address = "1234 
> Main"; OutgoingData.zipcode = "75240"; 
> OutgoingData.sendAndLoad("",Incom
> ingData,"POST");
> 'VB.NET Code Behind in the page load event
> first_name = Request("first_name")
> address = Request("address")
> zipcode = Request("zipcode")
> 'Do SQL query using posted data
> 'Munge data as necessary
> 'Write return data into a string called "output"
> response.write output
> That's about it.
> ryanm 
> ___
> Flashcoders mailing list

Flashcoders mailing list

RE: [Flashcoders] flash and ASP.NET (ryanm)

2005-12-12 Thread Kevin Mulvihill
Ryan, how would this work? 

> Don't use remoting, just post your data to aspx files and 
> let them write to the database.
> ryanm 

Flashcoders mailing list

RE: [Flashcoders] Flash Remoting with ASP.NET

2005-11-30 Thread Kevin Mulvihill
You need to set up correct directory permissions for the ASP.NET machine and
also establish the directory as a web application.

Go to the LiveDocs for Flash Remoting .NET at
elp/wwhimpl/js/html/wwhelp.htm and read the "Setting Up a Flash Remoting
ASP.NET Application" section.


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
> Of Judah Frangipane
> Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2005 1:37 PM
> To: Flashcoders mailing list
> Subject: [Flashcoders] Flash Remoting with ASP.NET
> I had a project setup running Flash Remoting with ASP.NET. We 
> are working with another company and they backed up and 
> cleaned the root directory of the site. I went into the 
> backup and restored my files and now I no longer receive any 
> sort of feedback from Flash Remoting calls. 
> Not a onResult or an onFault event are triggered. My aspx 
> pages work fine.
> Is there anyway to test Flash Remoting is working? Or does 
> this sound familiar to anyone?
> Judah Frangipane
> ___
> Flashcoders mailing list

Flashcoders mailing list

[Flashcoders] Need for the Flex Server

2005-10-19 Thread Kevin Mulvihill
> (The server is not required, but 
> adds value for data rich applications.)

This brings up an interesting point. Exactly when is the server beneficial
to have? Seems to me that if the point of Flex is to create "applications,"
which by their very nature tend to be rather data-centric products, then
wouldn't the server be required to do anything of substance? What, really,
does the server add to the mix? And what can Flex accomplish on its own
without the server?


Flashcoders mailing list