Re: [flexcoders] Push verse Poll in Flash Player

2010-08-11 Thread Akshar Kaul
what kind of notifictions do you want. i guess you want to query your
backend every 30 or 60 seconds..

Akshar Kaul

On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 05:46, dorkie dork from dorktown <> wrote:

> Is there a way to get notifications on a regular interval for Flash
> applications? Any and all suggestions about push vs pull vs poll vs etc. We
> would be checking every 30 seconds to 60 seconds.
> JP

[flexcoders] how long trial flex on linux is? [1 Attachment]

2010-08-11 Thread cholid cholid
how long trial flex on linux is?
ps:see my attachment trial expire snapshoot


[flexcoders] Custom Layout

2010-08-11 Thread Dan Vega
I created a custom layout called StairsLayout

package {
 import mx.core.ILayoutElement;
import spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase;
import spark.layouts.supportClasses.LayoutBase;
 public class StairsLayout extends LayoutBase {
 public function StairsLayout() {
 override public function updateDisplayList(w:Number, h:Number):void {
 var layoutElement:ILayoutElement;
var count:uint = target.numElements;
 for(var i:int = 0; i < count; i++){
layoutElement = target.getElementAt(i);
 var _x:Number = 50 * i;
var _y : Number = 50 * i;

And I am using the layout on some images



Nothing is ever outputted to the screen...but when I step through the code
in debugger I can see each time a new x,y is calculated. What am I missing?

Re: [flexcoders] Why does Flex 4 hate modules?

2010-08-11 Thread Wally Kolcz
Right now the project is basically 2 mxml pages. I can send the project 
to you if you want, and have time, to take a look at it. Just let me 
know where to send it.Thanks!

On 8/11/2010 1:24 PM, Alex Harui wrote:

In Flex 4, styles became per-module.  That has the greatest chance of 
causing problems.  To figure out exactly how to solve your problem 
would require debugging into it.

If you are using a module project in FB, you may not be able to 
capture the link-report from the main app.  You will have to buld from 
the command line or use ANT.

If you can strip everything down to a really small test case, I might 
have time to look.

On 8/11/10 7:14 AM, "Wally Kolcz" > wrote:

I just added the link-report to the compiler and it generated a
large xml document. I only copied the parts that mentioned the
module. As far as I know, they share no common elements at all. I
can include the full report if it means I can finally get an
answer to this problem.

If it is a case that something create a negitive width or height,
should I add a minHeight and minWidth to everything as a standard
when creating elements and containers? What happened in Flex 4
that changed this since I never had this problem in Flex 3?

On 8/5/2010 12:51 PM, Alex Harui wrote:

Because I see _AdminPortal_FlexInit and
_AdminPortal_mx_core_FlexModuleFactory, I'm guessing this is
the link-report
for the _AdminPortal module, not the main app.

If you just add -link-report to the compiler options, both the
main app and
module will output the link-report to the same file, and since
compile after apps, the module's link-report overwrites the
apps. You have
to find a way to only tickle an app rebuild or do what I do
and just use ANT
or command line.

On 8/5/10 8:33 AM, "Wally Kolcz"  > > wrote:

> After looking at the report I see things like (which makes no
sense to me):
>  optimizedsize="15325">
> 1342721164"
> />
> 7333"
> />
>  size="7494" optimizedsize="6782">
> [flexcoders] Push verse Poll in Flash Player

Is there a way to get notifications on a regular interval for Flash
applications? Any and all suggestions about push vs pull vs poll vs etc. We
would be checking every 30 seconds to 60 seconds.


[flexcoders] Re: Flex charts to powerpoint

I need to post this on my blog, but the way I did it was with an AIR app, 
though a Flex app could do it too. It wasnt ideal, but worked.

Basically, I took my Flex chart and captured it as a bitmap, then transcoded 
that to base64.

MS PowerPoint 2007 supports the .mht file format which is basically XML.

I saved a PPT template in mht format. In the template, I set up where my chart 
images would go and sized it correctly. In the image name I inserted marker 
text I'd later replace with a token.

Save the file as MHT, and then open it and search for the images you added by 
the keywords you used. You will see the images are in base64. 

Replace the base64 text with a token, like "[_token_1_]".

Save that file as xml.

Then your Air app can read in that file, replace the tokens with the base64 
version of the chart images you have, and then resave the file to disk with a 
.ppt extension.  When Power Point opens the file, it will show it as a normal 
PPT, and the user can save it again as ppt if they like.

The hardest part is sizing the images properly and it sucks that I had to 
create templates first. With enough time, you can decipher the PPT decks start 
and end of slide and make your Flex app smarter about creating each slide.


--- In, "Lexter"  wrote:
> Hello guys !!!
> Good day, Is it possible to export flex charts into MS Powerpoint?

[flexcoders] Curved Text over Selected Image in Flex

Hello Everybody

I was looking for text curved(arc- upper semicircle ) similar to the
link below

If you select circle shape and the text gets curved along upper 
semicircle. I could not figure out the concepts to achieve the 
same.Below is my code implemented partially . Will need your suggestions
and idea for additional code.";
layout="absolute" backgroundColor="#FF" initialize="init();">


Looking for immediate reply. Thanks

Re: [flexcoders] AMFPHP Security?

Use a token system.  Accessing the entry page, preferably by the submission and 
validation of a username and password, have the server randomly generate a 
token and store it in php (or whatever your server side language is written in) 
session variables.  For any other data request of any kind, query the session 
token and validate it prior to accepting any data or executing any other code.  
This, of course, should be in addition to any sql injection correction you do 
on data received (side note).

Happy coding!


Sent from my iPad

[flexcoders] Flex and Zend acess https

I have a project using Flex as Front End, php as service and Zend Framework as 
gateway. I was able to run correctly on my local or non ssl environment. 
However, when it was deployed to a security environment using https, I kept on 
getting "channel disconnect" error. 

The project was developed following Zend Framework examples. Zend automatically 
created skeleton services on the client side. I tried to override chanelset in 
the generated services by Zend to point to https instead of http. It did not 

Can somebody please help? Thanks! 

Re: [flexcoders] AMFPHP Security?

Clark Stevenson wrote:
Hi all.

I am new to AMFPHP.  Lets say you have a class and a function:


For me, the way i see it, is that anyone using Charles can call this
method? Whats to stop anyone from calling it directly?


Can any one advise me on ways i could secure this method?

Hi Clark,

first of all, there is no secure method; you can just make it harder.

Consider this scenario:
the website uses a server session. When the game starts, or just prior to
sending highscore, the movie asks the server for some token (which will
be stored in the serverside session data)
Now the movie performs some calculations with the token and the value,
and sends result of calculation.
Server can verify that the client was indeed using the token matching its
session ID. The calculation is sort of a crypt thing, obviously


RE: [flexcoders] Vote For This Critiical RemoteObject bug

Kelly, valid point and I've already spent considerable time optimizing things 
to reduce the size and improve the response time of individual requests.  
Pagination is only one of the scenarios.  There are situations such as during 
application start up where routine requests can take longer than you think they 

Bottom line, however, it is the decision of the developer to have longer 
requests or not, and this should not be pre-determined for them by the 
framework - that's why you have the requestTimeout parameter in the first 
place. It works as expected on the Mac, just not on Windows.

From: [] On Behalf 
Of Kelly
Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 2010 1:55 PM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Vote For This Critiical RemoteObject bug

Why do you have RemoteObject calls that normally take longer then 30 seconds to 

Why not just make multiple requests?

I would question calls that average more then 300ms for small data and 3s for 
larger data.

Any data loads larger then that should be paged.

Any logic that takes longer then that should run in background and periodically 
poll for updates.

On 08/11/2010 08:03 AM, Battershall, Jeff wrote:

Somehow a critical bug has fallen through the cracks - essentially 
RemoteObjects in AIR/Windows timeout after 30 seconds no matter what value you 
have set in requestTimeout or URLRequestDefaults.idleTimeout:

There seems to be some question as to whether it is an SDK bug or an AIR bug, 
but regardless, it is affecting production systems and needs to be resolved 

I'm hoping we can get the issue escalated. Voting for it should help increase 
its visibility.

Jeff Battershall
Application Architect
Dow Jones Indexes
(609) 520-5637 (p)

(484) 477-9900 (c)

Re: [flexcoders] Why does Flex 4 hate modules?

In Flex 4, styles became per-module.  That has the greatest chance of causing 
problems.  To figure out exactly how to solve your problem would require 
debugging into it.

If you are using a module project in FB, you may not be able to capture the 
link-report from the main app.  You will have to buld from the command line or 
use ANT.

If you can strip everything down to a really small test case, I might have time 
to look.

On 8/11/10 7:14 AM, "Wally Kolcz"  wrote:

I just added the link-report to the compiler and it generated a large xml 
document. I only copied the parts that mentioned the module. As far as I know, 
they share no common elements at all. I can include the full report if it means 
I can finally get an answer to this problem.

If it is a case that something create a negitive width or height, should I add 
a minHeight and minWidth to everything as a standard when creating elements and 
containers? What happened in Flex 4 that changed this since I never had this 
problem in Flex 3?

On 8/5/2010 12:51 PM, Alex Harui wrote:

Because I see _AdminPortal_FlexInit and
_AdminPortal_mx_core_FlexModuleFactory, I'm guessing this is the link-report
for the _AdminPortal module, not the main app.

If you just add -link-report to the compiler options, both the main app and
module will output the link-report to the same file, and since modules
compile after apps, the module's link-report overwrites the apps. You have
to find a way to only tickle an app rebuild or do what I do and just use ANT
or command line.

On 8/5/10 8:33 AM, "Wally Kolcz"> > wrote:

> After looking at the report I see things like (which makes no sense to me):
>  optimizedsize="15325">
>  id="_AdminPortal_Styles__embed_css_Assets_swf_mx_containers_FormItem_Required_
> 1342721164"
> />
>  id="_AdminPortal_Styles__embed_css_Assets_swf_mx_skins_cursor_BusyCursor_89976
> 7333"
> />
>  size="7494" optimizedsize="6782">
> [flexcoders] Re: AMFPHP Security?

How about computing the hash based on the date and time when someone invokes 
the high score? Time can be +- 15 seconds to account for the amount of time to 
get to the server. The server computes the same hash when it receives the call 
and then compares. Someone could possibly grab the hash in Charles and plug it 
in to some code to call it but probably not in 15 seconds. By then the hash 
will be out of date.

Or, you could send a date/time string hash as well as the high score hash and 
make sure that is within your parameters.

Just thinking out load here...

--- In, Clark Stevenson  wrote:
> Thanks for your help guys.
> Oleg:
> I didnt really understand what you meant. The server cant know about your
> highscroe locally? IE: you score 13 points. You need to tell the server that
> you got 13 points. How could the server know otherwise that you got 13
> points?
> Valdhor:
> I think this is something we approached first. When the HTML page is
> generated, a hash is created which must be passed along with the username
> for anything to happen. Its just for my brain, whats to stop me using
> charles to see the hash, then calling "highscore(userID, hash,
> 39894809489048840984)". Its for this reason i dont understand hashs, they
> help but not really.
> https was also another option but i think that this application uses
> different networks
> Game.swf comes from
> UserInfo comes from,
> I believe this makes HTTPS impossible?
> Anyways thanks again.
> Cheers,
> Clark.
> On 11 August 2010 14:35, valdhor  wrote:
> >
> >
> > You could always use a secure connection via https. Also, you could send an
> > encrypted username and password. For example, every thirty minutes generate
> > a new password string. The server can use the same algorithm to generate a
> > string and then you could compare them.
> >
> >
> > --- In , Clark
> > Stevenson  wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi all.
> > >
> > > I am new to AMFPHP. Lets say you have a class and a function:
> > >
> > > SomeClass.saveHighScore(304958);
> > >
> > > For me, the way i see it, is that anyone using Charles can call this
> > > method? Whats to stop anyone from calling it directly?
> > >
> > > SomeClass.saveHighScore(20394948548438484).
> > >
> > >
> > > Can any one advise me on ways i could secure this method?
> > >
> > > Thanks.
> > >
> > > Clark.
> > >
> >
> >  
> >

Re: [flexcoders] Re: AMFPHP Security?

Exactly, what Gk said.
You can make it difficult to forge the data on client, but you cannot 100%
prevent it from being "cracked", so, better, keep the score on the server.

RE: [flexcoders] Re: AMFPHP Security?

If you want it to be fairly untouchable, have all your game logic on the
server. The only thing the swf does is gather input, and display state.


That way, nobody can spoof the game logic (which is pretty much your



Re: [flexcoders] Re: AMFPHP Security?

Thanks for your help guys.


I didnt really understand what you meant. The server cant know about your
highscroe locally? IE: you score 13 points. You need to tell the server that
you got 13 points. How could the server know otherwise that you got 13


I think this is something we approached first. When the HTML page is
generated, a hash is created which must be passed along with the username
for anything to happen. Its just for my brain, whats to stop me using
charles to see the hash, then calling "highscore(userID, hash,
39894809489048840984)". Its for this reason i dont understand hashs, they
help but not really.

https was also another option but i think that this application uses
different networks

Game.swf comes from
UserInfo comes from,

I believe this makes HTTPS impossible?

Anyways thanks again.



On 11 August 2010 14:35, valdhor  wrote:

> You could always use a secure connection via https. Also, you could send an
> encrypted username and password. For example, every thirty minutes generate
> a new password string. The server can use the same algorithm to generate a
> string and then you could compare them.
> --- In , Clark
> Stevenson  wrote:
> >
> > Hi all.
> >
> > I am new to AMFPHP. Lets say you have a class and a function:
> >
> > SomeClass.saveHighScore(304958);
> >
> > For me, the way i see it, is that anyone using Charles can call this
> > method? Whats to stop anyone from calling it directly?
> >
> > SomeClass.saveHighScore(20394948548438484).
> >
> >
> > Can any one advise me on ways i could secure this method?
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
> > Clark.
> >

[flexcoders] Vote For This Critiical RemoteObject bug

Somehow a critical bug has fallen through the cracks - essentially 
RemoteObjects in AIR/Windows timeout after 30 seconds no matter what value you 
have set in requestTimeout or URLRequestDefaults.idleTimeout:

There seems to be some question as to whether it is an SDK bug or an AIR bug, 
but regardless, it is affecting production systems and needs to be resolved 

I'm hoping we can get the issue escalated. Voting for it should help increase 
its visibility.

Jeff Battershall
Application Architect
Dow Jones Indexes
(609) 520-5637 (p)

(484) 477-9900 (c)

Re: [flexcoders] link button from a rss

hi Guys don't get confused...This was solved I have that click on the  
mx:Vbox part... awkward right?

Now it is working.

On Aug 10, 2010, at 4:51 PM, Gustavo Duenas wrote:

my whole code for the component."; width="497"  
height="194" horizontalScrollPolicy="off" click="navigateToURL(new  
	id="titulo" fontWeight="bold" color="#4B1D04"/>
	textAlign="left" enabled="true" fontSize="14" fontFamily="Arial"  

I did as you send me but it isn't working, any ideas.


[flexcoders] Data Management

If I create two tables and wish to display attributes from both and I join 
these tables together and display the results everything is fine.

If I then need to change some of this data by updating or deleting from one of 
the tables (as update and delete wont work for the joined tables) I get a 
conflict error...

"Local item has changes to properties that conflict with remote change."

instructing that my local joined table (that I read in from the database) is 
now diffrent from the current state of the table (on the server).

This Data Management is getting to be a pain, does anybody know how to get 
around this proble or simply turn it off.

I was hoping maybe their was a way to tell Zend to drop all refrences to the 
joined table so that their wouldn't be any more errors when the data is 

- Stephen

Re: [flexcoders] Why does Flex 4 hate modules?

I just added the link-report to the compiler and it generated a large 
xml document. I only copied the parts that mentioned the module. As far 
as I know, they share no common elements at all. I can include the full 
report if it means I can finally get an answer to this problem.

If it is a case that something create a negitive width or height, should 
I add a minHeight and minWidth to everything as a standard when creating 
elements and containers? What happened in Flex 4 that changed this since 
I never had this problem in Flex 3?

On 8/5/2010 12:51 PM, Alex Harui wrote:

Because I see _AdminPortal_FlexInit and
_AdminPortal_mx_core_FlexModuleFactory, I'm guessing this is the 

for the _AdminPortal module, not the main app.

If you just add -link-report to the compiler options, both the main 
app and

module will output the link-report to the same file, and since modules
compile after apps, the module's link-report overwrites the apps. You have
to find a way to only tickle an app rebuild or do what I do and just 
use ANT

or command line.

On 8/5/10 8:33 AM, "Wally Kolcz" > wrote:

> After looking at the report I see things like (which makes no sense 
to me):

>  optimizedsize="15325">
> > 
> 1342721164"
> />
> > 
> 7333"
> />
>  size="7494" optimizedsize="6782">
> [flexcoders] Re: AMFPHP Security?

You could always use a secure connection via https. Also, you could send an 
encrypted username and password. For example, every thirty minutes generate a 
new password string. The server can use the same algorithm to generate a string 
and then you could compare them.

--- In, Clark Stevenson  wrote:
> Hi all.
> I am new to AMFPHP.  Lets say you have a class and a function:
> SomeClass.saveHighScore(304958);
> For me, the way i see it, is that anyone using Charles can call this
> method? Whats to stop anyone from calling it directly?
> SomeClass.saveHighScore(20394948548438484).
> Can any one advise me on ways i could secure this method?
> Thanks.
> Clark.

[flexcoders] Re: Strange problem with Item Renderer in Flash Play 10

Hi Amy, I just returned from vacation and picked up the issue again. It appears 
to me that Text and TextArea components do not work as item renderers in Flash 
Player 10. So, I found a different way to display the multi-line text in the 
grid column by using a label function instead.

Thanks again for your help!

--- In, "Amy"  wrote:
> --- In, "Paul"  wrote:
> >
> > Hi Amy! Thank you very much for your reply. I recognize your name from 
> > InsideRia. 
> > 
> > I tried your suggestions, but the renderers are still blank. I tried making 
> > a very simple item renderer based on the Text component which just sets the 
> > Text.htmlText value to data.dataField. It is still blank even though I set 
> > a trace statement right after setting the value, and the values appear in 
> > the log.
> Are you tracing getExplicitOrMeasuredHeight() and getExplicitOrMeasuredWidth? 
>  I wouldn't think looking at the text itself would be that useful.  Instead 
> of using a renderer that is "based on" Text, have you considered just _using_ 
> Text and then using labelField to tell it what property to use?  
> I have no idea if the engineers are feeding the labelField text into the 
> Text's text or htmlText property in their implementation of 
> IDropInListItemRenderer, but it's worth a shot.
> HTH;
> Amy

[flexcoders] Re: Flex charts to powerpoint

I don't think you can export the charts directly. In my application, I allow 
users to save the chart image as a jpg file which they can insert into their 
powerpoint documents for creating presentations.

var image:ImageSnapshot = ImageSnapshot.captureImage( mychart, 0, new 
JPEGEncoder() );

var file:FileReference = new FileReference();, "chart.jpg");


--- In, "Lexter"  wrote:
> Hello guys !!!
> Good day, Is it possible to export flex charts into MS Powerpoint?

Re: [flexcoders] flex 4 TabBar skinning...

I only skinned a ButtonBar in FX4 i was using it as a language bar, I still 
the code somewhere if you think it would help...

From: grimmwerks 
Sent: Wed, August 11, 2010 6:37:53 AM
Subject: [flexcoders] flex 4 TabBar skinning...

Trying to find a few examples for skinning the Buttons in a Tab bar, but the 
ones I've found don't seem to do it...

Anyone have an idea?

Garry Schafer
gr...@grimmwerks. com
portfolio: www.grimmwerks. com/



Re: [flexcoders] Accessing repeating components through ActionScript

var event:Event = arguments[0] as Event;

* Sorry, incorrect opening and closing tags.

Re: [flexcoders] Accessing repeating components through ActionScript

@id must be a simple identifier, it's the same as variable name in AS3. What
you can do though is like this: add creationComplete handler to the
repeating components and collect them into vector / array / dictionary /
etc, whatever suites you better. Something like this:

var event:Event = arguments[0] as Event;

Re: [flexcoders] Re: After importing file using FileReference focus is lost
By the way, while you are on it... sometimes the window opened by
FileReference isn't modal, Flash will also not dispatch key release events
after the dialog box appears... I hadn't have the time to post these :)
(Make sure it wasn't posted before)

Re: [flexcoders] AMFPHP Security?

You shouldn't send sensitive data to begin with, you need to calculate it on
server and call saveHighScore() without parameters, so only server will know
what the score was. No matter what your client technology is, the client
cannot be trusted.

Re: [flexcoders] Alert messages in multi window AIR bug in framework?


I've run into this problem too. I've attempted the solution in the original
email. However when I tried it I also had to delete the import to core/ as it didn't seem to work.

I'm not sure what this import does as it seemed to work correctly without

Also if this is in Jira could someone provide me with a link to Jira so I
can vote for the bug.



On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 2:14 AM, Alex Harui  wrote:

> Yeah, I think there is already a bug on that.  Also, if you don’t need
> accessibility, you can turn it off.
> On 8/10/10 1:51 AM, "alexcapu"  wrote:
> To fix this, i have done a monkeypatch. Basically in the
> class i have changed the reference to the class 'SystemManager' to the class
> 'ISystemManager'. This fixes the problem as long as you use the Alert syntax
> above.