Re: [flexcoders] IP adress for Language

2010-01-22 Thread Kevin Benz
Locale is the only thing that really works. IP/Country is fine if you have to 
model different business processes depending on the location (VAT tax vs Sales 
Tax). Export restrictions, etc etc.

Remember, just because you know they might be in France, doesn't mean they 
don't prefer English. Over half the computers in Quebec are set to French in a 
predominately English speaking country. Locale is a user determined setting and 
using it allows you to accomodate their preferences.

On Jan 20, 2010, at 7:58 AM, Christophe wrote:

> Hello, 
> I have a bilingual Flex application. French and English.
> How to automatically set the French or English version in function of the IP 
> adress localisation of the client PC ?
> Thank you,
> Christophe, 

Kevin F. Benz (425) 785-7100
"We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we 
created them" - Albert Einstein

Re: [flexcoders] Caringorm vs PureMVC

2010-01-08 Thread Kevin Benz
I prefer PureMVC as if you have any multi-platform development (say Flex and PHP, Flex and Java), there are PureMVC implementations for each platform. You can leverage PureMVC knowledge across platform teams, (hopefully) get better code, implement more cohesive standards, manage risk etc, etc etc. If developers cross teams, they are better prepared.KOn Jan 7, 2010, at 4:00 PM, Patricia Han wrote:


Hi Everyone,I need to pick up a framework to use, either Caringorm or PureMVC. Any suggestion on this?Thanks for any advice.Patricia Han


Kevin F. - (425) 785-7100 -
fn;charset=utf-8:Kevin Benz
nickname;charset=utf-8:Rusty Zoomer
title;charset=utf-8:President & CEO
org;charset=utf-8:InterKnack Corporation;
note;charset=utf-8:Skype-In: (425) 296-6961\nLinkedIn:
adr;charset=utf-8;type=work:;;13400 NE 20th Street\, Suite 49;Bellevue;WA;98005-2026;United States of America
label;charset=utf-8;type=work:13400 NE 20th Street\, Suite 49\nBellevue\, WA 98005-2026\nUnited States of America
adr;charset=utf-8;type=home;type=pref:;;14802 SE 66th St;Bellevue;WA;98006;United States of America
label;charset=utf-8;type=home;type=pref:14802 SE 66th St\nBellevue\, WA 98006\nUnited States of America
tel;charset=utf-8;type=home:(425) 747-2450
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tel;charset=utf-8;type=work;type=fax:(425) 401-1840
tel;charset=utf-8;type=cell:(425) 785-7100
X-ms-imaddress;charset=utf-8;type=home; (MSN)

RE: {Disarmed} RE: [flexcoders] Credit card processing in Flex

2009-03-04 Thread Kevin Benz
If the browser hosting your Flex component is connected in a HTTPS
session, then yes. I'm not aware of being able to start HTTPS
communication from a HTTP session. I believe that the SSL key (session
in place) needs to be in-place before you do your submit so posting
blindly to a HTTPS URL is not necessarily secure.

Of course, the ugly solution, a popup HTML window doing HTTPS directly.

You can also encrypt yourself in Actionscript with as3crypto (Google
code) although this might violate PCI/SET standards.

In Air, you can start an HTTPS session of its own.



From: [] On
Behalf Of Scott
Sent: Wednesday, March 04, 2009 8:24 AM
Subject: RE: {Disarmed} RE: [flexcoders] Credit card processing in Flex


I plan on having the server process the credit card order.  However, I
still have to pass the credit card information securely to my server.
The other response refers to sentourl so I'll look into that.  Is there
any other methods to send information securely to my server?



From: [] On
Behalf Of Kevin Benz
Sent: Wednesday, March 04, 2009 10:00 AM
Subject: {Disarmed} RE: [flexcoders] Credit card processing in Flex


I would look at the documentation as they present the most
generic methods for HTTP based authentication. 


If you are talking about a client-side processing solution, it can be
accomplished but a bad idea. SWF's can be easily reverse engineered
exposing API keys, hash entries, merchant account identities and
credentials to external access. Traditional non-API Wallet approaches
(standard PayPal, Amazon FPS, Google Wallet) cannot exist in a client
only solution as they require a post-back URL with which to transact. 


The only secure solution has a server acting as a gateway to the payment
service with the documents providing many resources. Other
payment aggregators offer likewise documentation such as Cybersource,
Paypal (both Wallet and API).  A server hides the specifics (code and
metadata) from the peering eyes of those interesting in subverting your
payment service.




From: [] On
Behalf Of Scott
Sent: Wednesday, March 04, 2009 7:09 AM
Subject: [flexcoders] Credit card processing in Flex


Anyone have a website or information that references how to process
credit cards through flex?


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RE: [flexcoders] Credit card processing in Flex

2009-03-04 Thread Kevin Benz
I would look at the documentation as they present the most
generic methods for HTTP based authentication. 


If you are talking about a client-side processing solution, it can be
accomplished but a bad idea. SWF's can be easily reverse engineered
exposing API keys, hash entries, merchant account identities and
credentials to external access. Traditional non-API Wallet approaches
(standard PayPal, Amazon FPS, Google Wallet) cannot exist in a client
only solution as they require a post-back URL with which to transact. 


The only secure solution has a server acting as a gateway to the payment
service with the documents providing many resources. Other
payment aggregators offer likewise documentation such as Cybersource,
Paypal (both Wallet and API).  A server hides the specifics (code and
metadata) from the peering eyes of those interesting in subverting your
payment service.




From: [] On
Behalf Of Scott
Sent: Wednesday, March 04, 2009 7:09 AM
Subject: [flexcoders] Credit card processing in Flex


Anyone have a website or information that references how to process
credit cards through flex?


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RE: [flexcoders] try, catch, finally ...

2009-03-04 Thread Kevin Benz
Try-Catch blocks are an absolute necessity as without them, you are
putting the operation of your software into the hands of user input
errors, http errors, unintended consequences as well as the myriad of
things that exist outside the "Happy Path". As functions/methods only
give you one return object, it is common practice to throw custom
errors/exceptions as they are a great mechanism for handling dynamic


To answer your second question about a try-catch without statements in
the catch block. If this method is nested inside of another try-catch
block, then an exception here will be swallowed and not be caught in the
calling objects try-catch.




From: [] On
Behalf Of SJF
Sent: Tuesday, March 03, 2009 6:54 PM
To: flexcoders
Subject: [flexcoders] try, catch, finally ...


Technically, it's good practice/professional to use try-catch-finally
blocks in your actionscript logic. This ensures a robust, easily
debugg-able application.

However, can anyone comment if they actually use try-catch-finally or
whether anyone is for or against it's use.

I ask because I've received an application (which streams vidoe) that
was blowing out numerous users CPUs to 100%. Upon further investigation,
it appears that a netstream event is firing 20 times a second, and
within the listener (listener function that is) for the event, there is
a try-catch-finally block. I removed the try-catch-finally and CPU usage
halved on my machine.

Anyone care to comment for or against try-catch-finally and it's use.



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RE: [flexcoders] flexlib and subversion

2009-03-03 Thread Kevin Benz
The metadata for SVN will conflict trying to cover two repositories in
the same source directories. 


There are a couple of ways to overcome this.


The first (and probably least risky) would be to use build automation
with Ant and have your Ant scripts copy over your source to a shadow
directory and have that directory be the local home for one of your
repositories. The risks are getting that automation to see new package
paths. I suppose rsync could help as well but I like the one tool
approach for build.


The second and pretty nasty is to swap out the metadata.. This is a bad


From: [] On
Behalf Of arieljake
Sent: Monday, March 02, 2009 8:31 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] flexlib and subversion


i'm new to subversion, so i need some help understanding how to do this:

I want to attach my local source to the flexlib repository on google
code so i can detect changes to the library, but also...

I want to attach my local source of flexlib to my own projects
repository so that other developers can use the modified flexlib i have.

how do i accomplish this?

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RE: [flexcoders] Multiple developer environment setup with subversion and all offsite

2009-02-28 Thread Kevin Benz
Where to start..


First and foremost, the changes you are contemplating are an absolute
necessity for a growing organization as well as, in the end, deliver
manageable projects in the long term. 


Common development environment configurations:

1.   Speeds the ability of new developers to come up to speed as you
have the opportunity to document your configuration.

2.   Eases the ability to return to an archived project and be

3.   Facilitates uniform build scripts (for scripted builds which
are really nice). The larger your projects, the more you will want more
and more automation.

4.   Facilitates collaboration.


Subversion: Your developers don't have to have every line of code in
every project. In our Subversion repository we have probably 75
different projects (Flex, Java, .NET)  across our development teams and
product groups. Each developer checks out whatever project they are
working on at the time. For example, a typical Flex project for our
group is built from 3-4 subversion projects.  This sounds like a lot of
work, but when you get to building shared libraries, you will easily see
where this approach has benefits. 


Your biggest issue to deal with in advance is to develop the
rules/discipline necessary to make the team work together. There is
nothing worse than a developer that infrequently checks-in as the risk
of collision and re-work is magnified as the time between check-ins
increases. You have to approach SCM as a collaboration mechanism and set
policies accordingly. This means that you must develop standards that
deal with the process of software development unlike anything you have
done before.


Common Rules: 

* Designate a person to perform Build Master/SCM Owner tasks
(tags, branches, merges)

* Frequent Check-ins

* Prior to a check-in, a developer MUST update to the current
revision and perform flexuint/acid tests verifying that the inbound
changes don't break the build.

* A developer who has checked in code breaking the build must
fix the build immediately (before going home)


Depending on Internet Connections: Although it's hard to accomplish and
keep up, I like having local web servers and app servers. If that is too
problematic, most developers use a single service over and over meaning
for a majority of the time, they could consume a local XML document.
Figure the services aren't going to be "done" at the same point the Flex
side is ready to consume them anyway.




From: [] On
Behalf Of Link Mckinney
Sent: Saturday, February 28, 2009 1:51 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] Multiple developer environment setup with
subversion and all offsite


We are currently looking to start using subversion for our flex
application and other web applications and would like to get some
feedback on how you would set our environment up.
We all work from home, and we have a dedicated production/development
server. It is currently only me who is developing all the web and flex
applications, but my boss has told me we are getting way too busy now
for just one developer.  I have a local development environment that I
develop and test locally, then when I am finished with my tasks given
and want my boss to finally look and test my work, I upload it to the
test server. When the test is completed, we then promote to the
production server.

My problem lies at, 

1). if we go to multiple developers, then they would also have to set up
their local environment like mine and keep our code in their

2). If we created the remote developer server then you are really
depending on your internet connection. if that goes then you cannot
develop. But on the flip side, all of our code would rest on our
development server and not in their environment.

 We currently use Flex Builder 3 and Dreamweaver.

if we choose option 1 then this would be the developers requirements

Flex Builder 3 with Tasktop connector for bugzilla and subversive for
ColdFusion 8.1 developer edition
MYSQL 5.1 with schema that we provide
Apache 2.2 if developer is on mulitple projects with us.

I would like to get some input on how you would solve this problem.

Thanks Link

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RE: [flexcoders] Calling C++ app or service from flex on Mac

2009-02-24 Thread Kevin Benz
I have been moving forward with binding C++ objects into AppWeb which
allows you to bind native DLL's (C or C++) into a pretty lightweight
HTTP Server and calling it with an HTTP client. AppWeb is pretty neat as
it has a rudimentary scripting language.




From: [] On
Behalf Of Priya Shah
Sent: Sunday, February 22, 2009 7:50 AM
Subject: [flexcoders] Calling C++ app or service from flex on Mac


Hi everyone,

I am in dire need of being able to call a C++ app or service on Mac from
flex. I am willing to go the AIR way for this though that's not optimal.
I have spent some time trying to figure out the Netscape plugin
architecture which is supported on safari but it's sub-optimal for me to
go that route.

I already have a C++ dll that I have invoked with flex on the Windows
side using an Active/X plugin successfully. Now I need to compile the
dll into some format on Mac and then communicate back and forth with

I have seen some open source bridge projects that enclose flash player
in an MFC object but that doesn't help me on mac.

Is it as simple as doing some Netstream class from flex to connect to
either an app or a service (if there are services on Mac like there are
on Windows) and just do a localhost communication back and forth? If so,
what are the limitations of such approaches? Any sample apps out there?


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RE: [flexcoders] Flex server language

2009-02-19 Thread Kevin Benz
My thoughts.. 

Learning Java makes you a better Flex developer. 

Learning Java should make you a better OOP developer (which makes you a
better Flex developer).


From: [] On
Behalf Of bsyyu
Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2009 4:32 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] Flex server language


currently, I am using PHP as server language. In fact I would like to
learn other server language in combination using Flex. Any suggestion
such as .NET, coldfusion or JSP.

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RE: [flexcoders] Prob with CopyTo in AIR[getting File or directory does not exist Error]

2009-02-17 Thread Kevin Benz
You need to use the HTTP objects to download the file and save it as a
local file. "File" which creates a reference to the file is incompatible
with the stream based HTTP. As I remember, File can only reference the
app:// and file:// local protocols. 


From: [] On
Behalf Of ursprakash6
Sent: Monday, February 16, 2009 11:55 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] Prob with CopyTo in AIR[getting File or directory
does not exist Error]


Hi All

I'm very new to Adobe AIR,in My sample application i'm trying to copy
one image in website to local file system,i got "File or directory does
not exist" error

 i have tried the below lines of code

var vfile:File=new
var dfile:File=File.applicationStorageDirectory.resolvePath("tempdata/"
+ video_url);
vfile.copyTo(dfile, true);

here i'm copying to ApplicationstorageDirestory,this would be any local

But i'm gtting "File or directory does not exist" error fot the above

Can any one tell me whats wrong with the above code 

Thanks in Advance


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RE: {Disarmed} [flexcoders] "AIR update framework" only works to update AIR file

2009-02-16 Thread Kevin Benz
Mike Chambers blog should be a starting point.




From: [] On
Behalf Of handitan
Sent: Monday, February 16, 2009 8:04 AM
Subject: Re: {Disarmed} [flexcoders] "AIR update framework" only works
to update AIR file



Thank you for your great input.
So basically for my need, I need to have a customized update system 
since I am dealing not just AIR file but other files as well.

> There are a number of references about determining whether it's the
> first-run or not so adaptation of those techniques is probably worth
> looking at.

Could you please let me know where I can get these references?

--- In <>
, "Kevin Benz"  wrote:
> You need to be aware of the two paths to update Air applications. 
The UI
> approach, one where you configure the UI of the update process 
through a
> XML file and an API approach where you take programmatic control of 
> update. Ultimately the goal of the UpdaterUI was to update the Air 
> alone (and then start it)so if you need to move files around, update
> SQLite or something like that, you are going to have to do what you 
> in Actionscript. The update framework in no-way has the 
capabilities of
> commercial installers. Can't call external processes, directly move
> files around, etc
> Since the updater mechanisms are running in the old code, not the 
> Air file, it can't know what needs to updated, meaning you are going 
> end up writing code in your app's normal bootstrap process that
> determines that an update has occurred and makes the necessary 
> There are a number of references about determining whether it's the
> first-run or not so adaptation of those techniques is probably worth
> looking at.
> In our apps, we have the current client version in the SQLite 
> If the running client does not match that version number, we call
> whatever update process we need and on completion update SQLite to 
> current running client version id.
> From: <>
[ <>
> Behalf Of handitan
> Sent: Friday, February 13, 2009 1:02 PM
> To: <> 
> Subject: {Disarmed} [flexcoders] "AIR update framework" only works 
> update AIR file?
> Hi all,
> I have been reading articles about using "AIR update framework."
> To my understanding this only works to update AIR file??
> I hope I am wrong...
> Since my AIR app is using Flex-only swcs and is loading Flex-only 
> modules.
> Anybody can shed a light on this? 
> -- 
> This message has been scanned for viruses and 
> dangerous content by MailScanner <> , 
and is
> believed to be clean.

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Re: [flexcoders] AIR Application is not Appearing

2009-02-14 Thread Kevin Benz
Please be aware of a very simple issue that I don't believe is well
documented... When you go through an upgrade of an existing project from
SDK 3.1 to 3.2 where Air is involved, the compiler links the appropriate
Air objects based on what is contained in the app.xml file (YOUR
APPLICATION NAME-app.xml) in the project home directory. You will find
either (the compiler usually crabs about this if you rely on objects not
in the chosen library though)";> or";>

Make sure this is set correctly for your target environment.



From: [] On
Behalf Of Douglas Knudsen
Sent: Saturday, February 14, 2009 7:17 AM
Subject:  Re: [flexcoders] AIR Application is not Appearing


I've seen this occur if there is some sort of startup error. ( No
global exception handler, eh? ). For example, if your Air app is
looking for a config file using static inatialiser on startup and
can't find it, it could just hang there. Check the flashlog for


On 2/13/09, Alex Harui> >
> Did they try uninstalling and re-installing?
> Alex Harui
> Flex SDK Developer
> Adobe Systems Inc.
> Blog:
> From: 
] On
> Behalf Of Ashish Verma
> Sent: Friday, February 13, 2009 7:03 AM
> To:  
> Subject: [flexcoders] AIR Application is not Appearing
> Hello All,
> I created an AIR Application which was previously based on AIR 1.0 and
I am
> some more features in that application and compiling with the update
of Flex
> 3 and targeting it for AIR 1.5. After making air file I am putting it
> sever to access by users. But when any user trying to run it after
> it's not displaying any window only showing task-bar button and doing
> noting. When I use the task-bar context to move command I can see the
> rectangle on the desktop. I also checked for the installation folder
of the
> application in C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings but
> was no any folder for it.
> Please help me out.
> Best,
> Ashish

Sent from my mobile device

Douglas Knudsen
this is my signature, like it?

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RE: {Disarmed} [flexcoders] "AIR update framework" only works to update AIR file?

2009-02-13 Thread Kevin Benz
You need to be aware of the two paths to update Air applications. The UI
approach, one where you configure the UI of the update process through a
XML file and an API approach where you take programmatic control of the
update. Ultimately the goal of the UpdaterUI was to update the Air file
alone (and then start it)so if you need to move files around, update
SQLite or something like that, you are going to have to do what you need
in Actionscript. The update framework  in no-way has the capabilities of
commercial installers. Can't call external processes, directly move
files around, etc


Since the updater mechanisms are running in the old code, not the new
Air file, it can't know what needs to updated, meaning you are going to
end up writing code in your app's normal bootstrap process that
determines that an update has occurred and makes the necessary changes.
There are a number of references about determining whether it's the
first-run or not so adaptation of those techniques is probably worth
looking at.


In our apps, we have the current client version in the SQLite database.
If the running client does not match that version number, we call
whatever update process we need and on completion update SQLite to the
current running client version id.



From: [] On
Behalf Of handitan
Sent: Friday, February 13, 2009 1:02 PM
Subject: {Disarmed} [flexcoders] "AIR update framework" only works to
update AIR file?


Hi all,

I have been reading articles about using "AIR update framework."
To my understanding this only works to update AIR file??

I hope I am wrong...
Since my AIR app is using Flex-only swcs and is loading Flex-only 

Anybody can shed a light on this? 

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[flexcoders] Alchemy

2009-02-11 Thread Kevin Benz
I've been through the Alchemy documentation (what there is) and am
wondering if anyone has made any progress with it? 

Mostly interested in guidelines regarding what type of project might be
a good target and what might not be. 

For example, would a sound object that processes PCM sound data altering
spectrum be a target for Alchemy?

Is there a better list?



RE: [flexcoders] localConnection not working from Air to Air

2009-02-05 Thread Kevin Benz
There is a security context that runs between Air applications that you
need to make happy. Air expects to share a security token between caller
and callee in order to accept the transport.


As a fast-track, I would explore Arthropod to see their discussion of
security integration between Air and their debugging Air app.




From: [] On
Behalf Of luvfotography
Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2009 12:05 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] localConnection not working from Air to Air


Any hints on getting a localConnection to work from AIR to AIR?
It works from FLEX to FLEX, I am using the code from the livedocs
example. I am getting a statusEvent of 'error'.

backgroundAlpha="0" backgroundColor="#FF">

backgroundAlpha="0" width="600" height="600"



RE: [flexcoders] Encrypted html

2009-02-02 Thread Kevin Benz
Certainly going to be an issue with standard HTML renderers unless you
can override them and insert your own behavior to an anchor. I expect
that webkit, when presented with a file://filepath 
, will go load that file regardless of any click-handlers running in
Air. An approach would have every click, call a Javascript handler and
pass in the target of that click which loads your decrypter and
returning the resulting page as the calling page source. Of course, that
assumes that you have control of the page content, although I assume you
could load and parse the DOM regardless. 

I expect a JS approach might imply security issues over a dedicated web
server. I've used AppWeb before to build custom http based services but
that always ends up being an effort of significant complexity.



From: [] On
Behalf Of Paul Andrews
Sent: Monday, February 02, 2009 9:40 AM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Encrypted html


But what about the links? There will be links to other encrypted html
files and I don't want to decrypt them all at once.



- Original Message - 

From: Kevin Benz <>  


Sent: Monday, February 02, 2009 4:25 PM

Subject: RE: [flexcoders] Encrypted html


No reason why you couldn't do it locally without the web server.
Open a file, decrypt it, display it, no need for http as it ultimately
is a file servlet.




[] On Behalf Of Paul Andrews
Sent: Sunday, February 01, 2009 3:50 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] Encrypted html


In an ideal world, I'd have an AIR app displaying HTML pages
sourced from 
encrypted data installed on the same machine.

Seems to me that the only way to keep the data encrypted would
be to install 
a web server which decrypts the pages on the fly.

Am I missing a something simple?




RE: [flexcoders] Encrypted html

2009-02-02 Thread Kevin Benz
No reason why you couldn't do it locally without the web server. Open a
file, decrypt it, display it, no need for http as it ultimately is a
file servlet.




From: [] On
Behalf Of Paul Andrews
Sent: Sunday, February 01, 2009 3:50 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] Encrypted html


In an ideal world, I'd have an AIR app displaying HTML pages sourced
encrypted data installed on the same machine.

Seems to me that the only way to keep the data encrypted would be to
a web server which decrypts the pages on the fly.

Am I missing a something simple?




RE: [flexcoders] Re: Flex Builder 3 crashes (Vista)

2009-01-19 Thread Kevin Benz
On Vista, I would search for other copies of that file in weird places.
A synchronization folder for example. I have no experience running
FlexBuilder(FB) on Vista as I prefer to avoid painful challenges where I


Here is an idea for you (although a little off topic). 


We don't install the full FB IDE but rather do the follow.. It also
makes FB a lot faster and reduces the memory overhead.. This may seem
really strange.


All of our developers install the C++ version of Eclipse 3.3.2 and then
disable the C++ plug-in. Then install the FB plug-in. There is just so
much goo that comes in with standard FB from Java and JDT that when you
will be surprised how quickly it boots. Downside is that those who do
both Java and FB end up with two installs but we try to isolate Flex
developers from IDE pain so I don't let them install many plug-ins


The way the MXML preview component leaks memory, you have to take
whatever shortcuts you can.




From: [] On
Behalf Of Dmitri Girski
Sent: Monday, January 19, 2009 2:56 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Flex Builder 3 crashes (Vista)


Hi Kevin,

Thank you very much for such detailed instructions.

First, I looked into the log - the exception I can see there is the
!MESSAGE Error creating actionscript project for ui_login
org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException: Error Loading Project

Then, I just recreated the new workspace and so far (2 days yet) have
not got any crashes. Who-hoo!

PS Do you have any idea why FlexBuilder.ini is ignored under Vista?


--- In <>
, "Kevin Benz"  wrote:
> Been there, done that.
> OK..
> There are two paths for you.
> Eclipse Errors: Eclipse makes mountains of log entries so you need to
> isolate Flex issues from Eclipse Issues. Go through the eclipse logs
> looking for errant components and Null Pointer Exceptions. Although
> openness of eclipse encourages the addition of all kinds of great and
> not so great components (Java, Maven, Data Tools, JDT), I believe
> strongly that the Flex development environment should be sandboxed and
> kept single purpose. Yes, I have two eclipse installs. 
> Flex: Flex issues like this, we have found to be resultant to the
> operation of Flex and the operation of SCM and SDK upgrades. I see you
> are using 3.0.2 which tells me your recently updated to the 3.2 SDK. I
> am convinced that Flex cannot handle an SDK upgrade well. Let me
> explain. We have a very large project that started during SDK 3.0 with
> the project files being checked into Subversion as 3.0 files. Now
> are lots of argument regarding checking in project files as in most
> cases they can become platform and developer specific, after going to
> the 3.1 SDK we lost the ability to use the compiler options tab in the
> project properties window with Flex complaining about the SDK string
> value. After a few minutes the IDE becomes unstable and crashes. No
> matter what we did, we could not recover (copy files around between
> developers, manually fixup the SDK and locale strings). If you checked
> out your project again, you have project files built for a different
> SDK. 
> In over for us to overcome this, here is what we do. 
> 2. Turn off automatic build
> 3. Find all instances of files with the .cache extension within
> the Flex plug-in directories THAT START WITH YOUR PROJECT NAME (for
> example myproject.cache) and remove them. They automatically come back
> when the compiler runs. 
> 4. Use FlexBuilder to create a new Empty Workspace. Leave the old
> one alone if we need to get back to it. WE DO NOT MAKE ANY CHANGES TO
> 5. In FlexBuilder, create new copies of the project(s) in the new
> projects empty, in their initial state. This will create new project
> files with the correct SDK string, locale, etc etc.
> 6. Backup these new projects from the new workspace and put them
> aside.
> 7. If using SCM, checkout the project(s) into the new workspace OR
> if not using SCM, copy OLD project(s) into the new workspace
> 8. From your new workspace, recently checked out or copied, remove
> the following files ".project .actionSciptProperties .flexProperties
> /.settings/org.eclipse.core.resources.prefs"
> 9. Copy the empty versions of

RE: [flexcoders] Flex Builder 3 crashes (Vista)

2009-01-17 Thread Kevin Benz
Been there, done that.




There are two paths for you.


Eclipse Errors: Eclipse makes mountains of log entries so you need to
isolate Flex issues from Eclipse Issues. Go through the eclipse logs
looking for errant components and Null Pointer Exceptions. Although the
openness of eclipse encourages the addition of all kinds of great and
not so great components (Java, Maven, Data Tools, JDT), I believe
strongly that the Flex development environment should be sandboxed and
kept single purpose. Yes, I have two eclipse installs. 


Flex: Flex issues like this, we have found to be resultant to the
operation of Flex and the operation of SCM and SDK upgrades. I see you
are using 3.0.2 which tells me your recently updated to the 3.2 SDK. I
am convinced that Flex cannot handle an SDK upgrade well. Let me
explain. We have a very large project that started during SDK 3.0 with
the project files being checked into Subversion as 3.0 files. Now there
are lots of argument regarding checking in project files as in most
cases they can become platform and developer specific, after going to
the 3.1 SDK we lost the ability to use the compiler options tab in the
project properties window with Flex complaining about the SDK string
value. After a few minutes the IDE becomes unstable and crashes. No
matter what we did, we could not recover (copy files around between
developers, manually fixup the SDK and locale strings). If you checked
out your project again, you have project files built for a different


In over for us to overcome this, here is what we do. 



2.   Turn off automatic build

3.   Find all instances of files with the .cache extension within
the Flex plug-in directories THAT START WITH YOUR PROJECT NAME (for
example myproject.cache) and remove them. They automatically come back
when the compiler runs. 

4.   Use FlexBuilder to create a new Empty Workspace. Leave the old
one alone if we need to get back to it. WE DO NOT MAKE ANY CHANGES TO

5.   In FlexBuilder, create new copies of the project(s) in the new
projects empty, in their initial state. This will create new project
files with the correct SDK string, locale, etc etc.

6.   Backup these new projects from the new workspace and put them

7.   If using SCM, checkout the project(s) into the new workspace OR
if not using SCM, copy  OLD project(s) into the new workspace directory.

8.   From your new workspace, recently checked out or copied, remove
the following files ".project .actionSciptProperties .flexProperties

9.   Copy the empty versions of these files (that were put aside)
into the new workspace.

10.   Start FlexBuilder and on each project's properties, enter the
Library Build Path, on the classes tab and uncheck /src and save/close
that form. THEN go back in and check that checkbox, close (this forces
Flexbuilder to walk the filesystem and update its catalog of local
classes) and save that form. You are basically faking an import

11.   Back in Library Build Path, the project may need any swc's or
referenced projects that were in the old project configuration.

12.   Turn back on automatic build.




From: [] On
Behalf Of Dmitri Girski
Sent: Saturday, January 17, 2009 6:38 AM
Subject: [flexcoders] Flex Builder 3 crashes (Vista)


Hi everybody,

After some absolutely painless 6 months run, my Flex Builder 3 (3.0.2) 
started to crash every 10-15 minutes under Vista (I know, I know, this 
is beyond my control, I have to live with this).

The only one thing which actually changed is Flash CS4 - all 
components have been recompiled using Flash CS4 for FP9. There is some 
difference as these components now visible all the time in the Design 
View. SWCs compiled with Flash CS3 were very freaky in Design View.

Here is the Java Screen Of Death:

A couple of questions:
1. Why Xmx & Xms parameters are repeated twice (see the screenshot)?

2. Why Flex Builder simply ignores C:\Program Files\Adobe\Flex Builder 
3\FlexBuilder.ini file? I can place any values and parameters there 
and it just ignores them. 

3. Why does it happen and who is responsible? (this question is

If anyone had this problem before please share your experience.

Thanks in advance.




RE: [flexcoders] Re: LocalConnection issue in AIR to AIR application

2009-01-16 Thread Kevin Benz
And one other important note. The ADL runtime (the debug player) needs
special handling in order for enable communication to happen. You need
to set command-line arguments to make it work with Air to Air
communication work.


Note: When you run your application with ADL (or with a development tool
such as Flash CS3, Flex Builder, or Dreamweaver), the publisher ID is
null and must be omitted from the domain string. When you install and
run your application, the publisher ID must be included in the domain
string. You can assign a temporary publisher ID using the ADL command
line arguments. Use a temporary publisher ID to test that the connection
string and domain name are properly formatted.


adl [-runtime runtime-directory] [-pubid publisher-id] [-nodebug]
application.xml [root-directory] [-- arguments]


-pubid publisher-id Assigns the specified value as the publisher ID of
the AIR application for this run. Specifying a temporary publisher ID
allows you to test features of an AIR application, such as communicating
over a local connection, that use the publisher ID to help uniquely
identify an application. The final publisher ID is determined by the
digital certificate used to sign the AIR installation file.


Better yet, export your Air runtimes and try without the adl fun.




From: [] On
Behalf Of Pete Appleby
Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2009 4:49 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: LocalConnection issue in AIR to AIR


Hi, Kevin. Thanks for the pointer. I looked at the example in the
arthropod debugger class. Unfortunately, it is only the send half of
the equation. It did point me into the direction of verifying that the
domain name is correct.

The error I receive from the Send status event is:

type="status" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 code=null

There is not much to go with. My test sample applications display the
names used in the Connect and Send, everything seems to be in order.

Not sure how I can post code here.

A google search found only a few hits on the above error. One was the
same post a few times about using in FLASH when the receiving swf file
was not running. Another was in German, and my high school German was
over 30 years ago.

Any ideas about this are appreciated!




RE: [flexcoders] Re: LocalConnection issue in AIR to AIR application

2009-01-16 Thread Kevin Benz
So if I understand you, this is the calling (outbound side of the
request) and this error is in the console output? 


Phase 2 means that it was in the targeting phase of the dispatch. 

Are you calling allowDomain() on the connection object?


From: [] On
Behalf Of Pete Appleby
Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2009 4:49 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: LocalConnection issue in AIR to AIR


Hi, Kevin. Thanks for the pointer. I looked at the example in the
arthropod debugger class. Unfortunately, it is only the send half of
the equation. It did point me into the direction of verifying that the
domain name is correct.

The error I receive from the Send status event is:

type="status" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 code=null

There is not much to go with. My test sample applications display the
names used in the Connect and Send, everything seems to be in order.

Not sure how I can post code here.

A google search found only a few hits on the above error. One was the
same post a few times about using in FLASH when the receiving swf file
was not running. Another was in German, and my high school German was
over 30 years ago.

Any ideas about this are appreciated!




RE: [flexcoders] LocalConnection issue in AIR to AIR application

2009-01-15 Thread Kevin Benz
Have you looked to see how Arthropod does it? There is a unique
identifier that is shared between Air apps to allow them to interact.




From: [] On
Behalf Of Pete Appleby
Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2009 1:07 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] LocalConnection issue in AIR to AIR application


Hi, all. 

I am attempting to get started with two AIR applications talking to
each other.

Unfortunately, the StatusEvent basically just says "error" in the
event.level after the Send request. How do I go about debugging this?

I am not getting any Security or Async errors from the send.

Where can I dig deeper into this?





RE: [flexcoders] Re: AIR and SQLLite

2009-01-13 Thread Kevin Benz
If you don't have to preserve any existing client data, then you could
simply rip and replace the existing db file. Your Air application could
drop the file, back it up or whatever and then replace it with another
copy downloaded from a server.


If you need to preserve some of the data then your problem becomes much
more daunting. First you need to determine the rules by which an update
is to occur. Is it at application start or part of some predefined
schedule? What happens if one user leaves their client up for
days/weeks/months and another restarts hourly? If you base on
application start, how will you insure that you cover both use cases?
How will you insure that client A and client B don't have different


I would suggest adding timestamps to every server synchronized row
allowing you to implement some concept of knowing what data might be





From: [] On
Behalf Of bonny_us
Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2009 7:02 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: AIR and SQLLite


Hi Kevin,

i want to do synchronize all client sqlite db's from a common
back-end db?


--- In <>
, "Kevin Benz"  wrote:
> What are you asking?
> Are you wanting to synchronize all client sqlite db's from a common
> back-end db?
> Are you wanting to replicate the client data on the server?
> Air doesn't provide any facilities to help with either although both
> could be accomplished with a non-trivial development effort. I know
> there is some discussion on the web of tools to help although you need
> to be aware of the fact that Adobe extended SQLite with support for AS
> datatypes (like Date for example) so beware of tools that may not be
> aware of your whole schema.
> K
> From: <>
[ <>
] On
> Behalf Of bonny_us
> Sent: Monday, January 12, 2009 7:57 PM
> To: <> 
> Subject: [flexcoders] AIR and SQLLite
> Hi All,
> Any one have idea of SQLLite and AIR Synchronization. I want to create
> one POC using SQLLite. If any one have any example regarding this then
> please let me know. it will be very helpful to me.
> Thanks,
> Bonny



RE: [flexcoders] AIR and SQLLite

2009-01-12 Thread Kevin Benz
What are you asking?


Are you wanting to synchronize all client sqlite db's from a common
back-end db?

Are you wanting to replicate the client data on the server?


Air doesn't provide any facilities to help with either although both
could be accomplished with a non-trivial development effort. I know
there is some discussion on the web of tools to help although you need
to be aware of the fact that Adobe extended SQLite with support for AS
datatypes (like Date for example) so beware of tools that may not be
aware of your whole schema.




From: [] On
Behalf Of bonny_us
Sent: Monday, January 12, 2009 7:57 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] AIR and SQLLite


Hi All,

Any one have idea of SQLLite and AIR Synchronization. I want to create
one POC using SQLLite. If any one have any example regarding this then
please let me know. it will be very helpful to me.




RE: [flexcoders] Creating Asynchronous Classes

2009-01-02 Thread Kevin Benz
We use MD5 and understand the issue completely. We use classes that look
at the file a chunk at a time as we don't want to load 60+MB MP4 files
into a ByteArray. Our solution did help in keeping the general memory
overhead under control. The issue becomes one of time as although our
Air client can usually bring a large file down in a reasonable amount of
time (let's say 1-3 or so minutes for a broadband connection) the sticky
point is the MD5 typically ate another 2+ minutes to complete. Likewise
hoping to implement a progress indicator, MD5 (or any CRC like
mechanism) is processor heavy leaving you with the challenge the balance
of running an animation at the same time you want your processor to be
handling your check with the more animation, the slower your CRC will


If your mention of Asynchronous means you want this to run on its own
thread, then you need to realize that the Flash Player is single
threaded (but read about HTTP traffic).




From: [] On
Behalf Of nathanpdaniel
Sent: Friday, January 02, 2009 2:03 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] Creating Asynchronous Classes


Is there a "primer" on creating asynchronous classes? I've been 
building an app that runs a CRC32 check on each file (which requires 
looking at every byte of every file). It doesn't cause issues when the 
files are small text files, but when they're 40mb video files, the app 
hangs till complete. I want the app to be able to update other things 
while waiting on the CRC32 functionality completes. Actually, all I 
need is some visual progress indicator (some way to update the 
Anyone with any suggestions! I'm all ears! :D

-N. D.



RE: [flexcoders] Any Developers on a Mac?

2008-12-30 Thread Kevin Benz
Speaking for my organization, we have a team with both platforms as well
as a number who run Mac's in a virtualized environment with Flex on both
the Mac and PC sides. Speaking for us, I can say the biggest single
issue we have is the fact that project files get checked in. Although
the project files work equally on both platforms, what really gums up
the works is going thru Flex upgrade, for example SDK 3.0 to SDK 3.1,
can be a big headache.


Don't get me wrong, checking in project files can provide a significant
productivity gain as getting developers up to speed in a common
development environment is a big help.


When the SDK string, in the .actionScriptProperties gets parsed to point
to either an SDK that isn't there anymore or its identity has changed,
you will get to the point where the project properties can no longer be
viewed or modified. We has seen this cause workspace and compiler errors
as well. The only reasonable workaround to this condition is to create
new empty projects, move those new project files aside, checkout your
project and then restore those newly created project files and then go
through the process of manually setting up your projects. 


So you ask yourself, why not just check-in updated project files?
Certainly a solution however there are a number of reasons why I choose
to avoid that. The project files carry with them asset and class
bindings that may or may not be appropriate for each developer to
automatically inherit.





From: [] On
Behalf Of Ralf Bokelberg
Sent: Tuesday, December 30, 2008 11:43 AM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Any Developers on a Mac?


I wonder if people see problems with teams of Mac & Windows machines?
We sometimes see some problems, and i wonder if the problem comes from
a Mac user, who joined our Team lately. We share some of our Workspace
settings via SubVersion. We don't use absolute pathes in our settings


On Tue, Dec 30, 2008 at 7:51 PM, Cole Joplin> > wrote:
> What is better or worse is a matter of opinion, I think. I have used
FB on
> Windows and Mac, and it really doesn't matter. I've switched to the
Mac, as
> a developer, fulltime, and I'm having no problems, it's solid. It
seems to
> me that the biggest problems people have are more about which version
of the
> library/player/AIR they are using than FB.
> I say choose the OS you like, and get Flex, FB or not. You're not
> dinged here. Personally, I'd choose the Mac in a heartbeat.
> From: Jim Hayes> >
> To:  
> Sent: Monday, December 29, 2008 4:04:20 AM
> Subject: RE: [flexcoders] Any Developers on a Mac?
> General platform discussions aside, what is it that makes flexbuilder
> "slightly worse" on mac than it is in windows?
> I'm considering trying out a macbook pro as my next laptop (been on
> sometimes linux, for past ten years or so),
> but most of my work is in flexbuilder these days so it would be nice
> know.
> Many thanks!
> -Original Message-
> From: 
] On
> Behalf Of Josh McDonald
> Sent: 29 December 2008 10:44
> To:  
> Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Any Developers on a Mac?
> Kevlar suit... *check*!
> It's good. I'm happy with it, many people are. I think it's much
> many people agree. And many *other* people here will call me a big
girl for
> thinking so. Which I find hilarious. But this is a well-abused topic
> Builder is slightly better in Windows. in my opinion everything else
> better on Mac :)
> -Josh
> On Mon, Dec 29, 2008 at 8:24 PM, composerguru 
> wrote:
> I'm thinking of converting now that I've dumped Vista... just
> wondering what your experience might be and if you recommend the
> Thanks in advance,
> Kevin
>  - - --
> --
> Flexcoders Mailing List
> FAQ: http://groups. group/flexcoders /files/flexcoder
> Alternative FAQ location: https://share. adc/document.
> do?docid= 942dbdc8- e469-446f- b4cf-1e62079f684 7
> Search Archives: http://www.mail- flexcoders%
> comYahoo! Groups Links
> --
> "Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls. It tolls for
> Like the cut of my jib? Check out my Flex blog!
> :: Josh 'G-Funk' McDonald
> :: 0437 221 380 :: j...@gfunk007. com
> :: http://flex. joshmcdonald. info/
> :: http://twitter. com/sophistifunk
> __
> This communication is from Primal Pictures Ltd., a company registered
> Eng

RE: [flexcoders] Pattern for capturing multi-key/click actions?

2008-12-16 Thread Kevin Benz
Two and three key sequences


  private var _escIsDown:Boolean=false;

  private var _f1IsDown:Boolean=false;

  private var _f2IsDown:Boolean=false;

  private var _f4IsDown:Boolean=false;


  private function
onKeyStrokeEvent(event:KeyboardEvent):void {

if(event.keyCode==Keyboard.ESCAPE) {

  this._escIsDown = (event.type ==


if(event.keyCode==Keyboard.F1) {

  this._f1IsDown = (event.type ==


if(event.keyCode==Keyboard.F2) {

  this._f2IsDown = (event.type ==


if(event.keyCode==Keyboard.F4) {

  this._f4IsDown = (event.type ==


if(this._escIsDown && this._f1IsDown &&
this._f4IsDown ){



if(this._escIsDown && this._f2IsDown ){






   *  place code in this function to be executed by
client when instructed by support.

   * */

  private function callHome():void {






   *  place code in this function to be executed by
client when instructed by support.

   * */

  private function panicFunction():void {





From: [] On
Behalf Of mookie298347
Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2008 10:47 AM
Subject: [flexcoders] Pattern for capturing multi-key/click actions?


I would like to add multi-key/click functionality to my Flex app.
There are a couple of slightly different examples of what I mean:

1. Detect when a user is holding down the 'r' key while clicking a

2. Detect when a certain component has focus and the user types the
letters 'd' 's' in succession within a few seconds of each other.

I noticed there are properties in the MouseEvent class to detect
things like shift,ctrl and alt keys but I need to detect more than
just those. Additionally those properties don't exist in other event
classes like ItemClickEvent.

What I have done so far is simply create a state object at the
application level that captures all keyboard/mouse events and sets the
state of itself based on the events. Individual components can check
the current state at any time to determine which keys/mouse actions
are currently active. 

I don't particularly like this implementation for many reasons and was
hoping someone knew of a pattern to use considering many applications
support such functionality (Eclipse comes to mind).




RE: [flexcoders] Upload file(from local machine) via web service

2008-10-23 Thread Kevin Benz
Depends on what you mean by support and what you are actually trying to


Can  I assume you are talking about an AIR application (as you are
referring to the FileReference class).


Is there a canned function that takes a file reference and uploads it to
a server? No


Is there a HTTP client allowing you to create almost anything?


First, a file reference is simply a reference to the file. You will need
call the upload method on that reference and pass it a valid URLRequest
object. For our organization, we choose not call web services with
binary data uploads but rather use multi-part forms to perform the
upload of images and other complex objects. 


If your plan is to load the file and post the contents of that file more
along the lines of REST, then you can easily get to the data of the
FileReference and post that as well however pay attention to the
necessities of encoding the payload.


See this ->


Also, explore googlecode especially the flickr actionsript API's but we
aware of the fact that if you are going to have to deal with binaries as
well as large file, you will probably be building out your own solution.
The Flickr API's are pretty specific (obviously) and implement their
server side generic method invoking pattern. You should be able to see
how HTTP works.




From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Amanda
Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2008 6:48 AM
Subject: [flexcoders] Upload file(from local machine) via web service



Does anyone know if flex supports browsing a local file system for a 
file and then sending the file via a web service? I have seen the class, but I am not seeing a way to convert the 
fileReference to something useful like an XMLDocument so I can send it.

Amanda S.



RE: [flexcoders] Re: FZip loads cached zip before downloading online

2008-10-17 Thread Kevin Benz
When you destroy the FZip object, don't necessarily know and if you
don't know, you have to clean up after yourself. Remember, when you use
HTTP, you are subject to timeouts that may or may not expire as you
expect them let alone the myriad of other errors along the way
(permissions, server error, etc). If you only wait for a Complete event,
then the HTTP object is left hanging and the file is certainly in a
dirty state as well. 




From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of diigiibot
Sent: Friday, October 17, 2008 9:09 AM
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: FZip loads cached zip before downloading


Yes, that could be a solution. I'll try it out. 
Only I'm not sure the partially downloaded zip will be removed from
the temp folder when I remove the FZip object.

--- In <>
, "Kevin Benz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Not sure exactly what is happening but I suggest an improvement to
> approach.
> You should detect the change in network connection status and use that
> event to flush any objects that are waiting on an event to fire. AIR
> fires a NETWORK_CHANGED event and I would make sure you clean up your
> objects at that point. You cannot depend on the quality of the bits
> just downloaded regardless and need to re-enter the process.
> KFB 
> From: <>
[ <>
] On
> Behalf Of diigiibot
> Sent: Friday, October 17, 2008 3:31 AM
> To: <> 
> Subject: [flexcoders] FZip loads cached zip before downloading online
> I'm using FZip in an AIR application, the application loads the zip
> from a location on our server, unpacks the zip and move the files to
> their local folder. Everything runs smooth until I cut off my internet
> connection while the zip is downloading.
> When I restart the application it looks like FZip is first checking
> the temp folder for the cached zip and if found, it uses that one to
> unzip, even if the zip was not completed the last time.
> Does anyone know of a way to prevent that?
> I use the default load method of the FZip library, this is a part of
> the code I use.
> var moduleLink:String = [EMAIL PROTECTED];
> var zip:FZip = new FZip();
> zip.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComplete);
> zip.load(new URLRequest(moduleLink));
> private function onComplete(evt:Event):void 
> {
> var moduleDir:File =
> File.applicationStorageDirectory.resolvePath("modules");
> var outStream:FileStream;
> for(var i:int; i {
> var zipFile:FZipFile =;
> if(zipFile.sizeUncompressed == 0 &&
> zipFile.filename.toString().substr(-1) == "/")
> {
> var rootDir:File =
> .toString());
> }
> else
> {
> var tempFile:File = moduleDir.resolvePath(zipFile.filename);
> outStream = new FileStream();
>, FileMode.WRITE);
> outStream.writeBytes(zipFile.content, 0, zipFile.sizeUncompressed);
> outStream.close();
> }
> }
> }
> Thanks in advance



RE: [flexcoders] Re: Flex uploader / accessing local files?

2008-10-17 Thread Kevin Benz
This actually isn't very tough at all. You need to get the File object,
load its  BitmapData and use the Matrix object to size it and then
either PNGEncode or JPGEncode back out.


From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of valdhor
Sent: Friday, October 17, 2008 6:41 AM
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Flex uploader / accessing local files?


It looks like you'll have to wait for Flash Player 10. See this thread:

--- In 
, "Rob Kunkle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi -
> I've made a flex uploading application that gets a file from the
> client's file system using FileReference() and uploads it to a server.

> I'd like to be able to resize the image before it is sent to the
> server, but apparently flex doesn't have access to the actual bits
> that make up the image file, only a reference to the file.
> Surely there must be a way to manipulate that image data from the
> client's file before it gets to the server? 
> Has anyone done anything like this? I've looked all around but haven't
> had much luck.
> Thanks in advance,
> Rob



RE: [flexcoders] FZip loads cached zip before downloading online

2008-10-17 Thread Kevin Benz
Not sure exactly what is happening but  I suggest an improvement to your


You should detect the change in network connection status and use that
event to flush any objects that are waiting on an event to fire. AIR
fires a NETWORK_CHANGED event and I would make sure you clean up your
objects at that point.  You cannot depend on the quality of the bits you
just downloaded regardless and need to re-enter the  process.




From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of diigiibot
Sent: Friday, October 17, 2008 3:31 AM
Subject: [flexcoders] FZip loads cached zip before downloading online


I'm using FZip in an AIR application, the application loads the zip
from a location on our server, unpacks the zip and move the files to
their local folder. Everything runs smooth until I cut off my internet
connection while the zip is downloading.
When I restart the application it looks like FZip is first checking
the temp folder for the cached zip and if found, it uses that one to
unzip, even if the zip was not completed the last time.

Does anyone know of a way to prevent that?

I use the default load method of the FZip library, this is a part of
the code I use.

var moduleLink:String = [EMAIL PROTECTED];

var zip:FZip = new FZip();

zip.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComplete);

zip.load(new URLRequest(moduleLink));

private function onComplete(evt:Event):void 
var moduleDir:File =

var outStream:FileStream;

for(var i:int; i

RE: [flexcoders] Can AIR call local DLLs?

2008-10-16 Thread Kevin Benz
The basic answer, anointed by Adobe, no.. 


There is no COM bridge in Air, and I don't expect there to be one


Of note:


another approach 


Although that's a java bridge




From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of thegators_2002
Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2008 8:26 AM
Subject: [flexcoders] Can AIR call local DLLs?


I have a couple older Flash 8 apps that are wrapped inside Zinc, and
that call a custom DLL I did that takes some XML output from the Flash
and blends it with an XML report template to spit out a PDF. I have
some new applications to do, converting Flex web apps to AIR. But I
need to print PDF reports for them as well. For AIR, is there any way
that I can use the same custom print DLLs I have already written?

I don't want to write these reports in Flex, they are really long and
complex, and it would be a bad idea to have two versions to maintain
along with the web-based versions.

I just upgraded to Flex 3, but haven't seen this exact issue dealt
with - printing to a PDF using some sort of external report template,
rather than writing it out inside Flex.




RE: [flexcoders] AS3 within eclipse with Flex SDK

2008-10-01 Thread Kevin Benz
Tell them to buy the software. How many developer hours are excessively
consumed without an integrated debugger, profiler, etc... How much does
that cost?


From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of gabriela.perry
Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2008 4:56 AM
Subject: [flexcoders] AS3 within eclipse with Flex SDK


I'm starting a project in a client who doesnt have either Flex builder
or Flex plugin.
They've been working with java (myEclipse) for some time, and didnt
buy anything for Flex development...
I found lots of directions on how to set up Eclipse for the Flex SDK
(not a difficult thing to do), but found no support for AS3...
I found ASDT, but it's only for AS2...
How do you guys manage this situation?
Thanx in advance :0)



RE: [flexcoders] Odd message on export of release build of AIR app

2008-10-01 Thread Kevin Benz
I believe what you are seeing is an issue with FlexBuilder where the
list of classes in the Library Build Path includes a reference to the
missing class. We see this mostly when we use either SubClipse or
Subversive dealing with the Asset List. They basically trigger a build
before all the project assets are in place corrupting (in the Java
sense) the manifest or those who check in the project files (.project
.flexproperties & .actionscriptproperties) causing platform specific


Basically these lists get incrementally updated during the development
lifecycle and never get completely refreshed until someone goes to the
Library Build Path (Project->Properties->Library Build Path) and touches
the list. This UI is used to determine what classes to make active in
the project so if you are using it this way, then you will need to track
what should be linked in and what shouldn't. 


Most though, that I am aware of, don't use the Build Path this way so
the brute force fix is to uncheck all the classes, close the form,
re-open the form, choose all classes and save. If you manually bind and
unbind classes, then you will need to uncheck one class, close the form,
open the form, recheck that class and then re-validate your list of
excluded classes.






From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Andrew Wetmore
Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2008 2:13 AM
Subject: [flexcoders] Odd message on export of release build of AIR app



For the last few weeks when I export a release build of the current
project, i get this error message: "Flex Builder could not publish the
project source: The application file "courseDevClient336.mxml" was not

The referenced file, courseDevClient336.mxml, was an artifact of a
Subversion update conflict, and has never formed a part of the
project. I don't know where the build process is finding the request
to use it, and therefore I don't know how to address the issue.

Any ideas about how I can get rid of this warning?



RE: [flexcoders] REST Library for Flex or ActionScript?

2008-09-04 Thread Kevin Benz
There are a couple but none are comprehensive.


The ones of note are 

-  Flickr actionscript API's on google which are nice if you
need to see both the API and a number of comprehensive ways they are
used. I would rate them "ok":

-  Arc90restlib - is more of a pattern then a nitty-gritty REST


Ultimately we didn't use either as we are proponents of a strong factory
pattern as well as the fact that we use REST in order to interact nicely
with our load balancers/caching servers and we needed a strong
multi-part form binary upload capability. We ended up writing our own
REST implementation. You have to  also remember in the AMF/FDS world you
get some native error handling since the technologies on either end can
be aware of each others that you have to build yourself in REST. 


The biggest word of caution using any external API set is to evaluate
error handling as a majority of library distributions focus on the
"Happy Path" and either ignore or gloss over when things go poorly. It
really doesn't give your application a chance to gracefully recover if
the only error you get back is "Oh Crap". HTTP by nature empowers the
application to respond differently to the range of HTTP errors it
generates so with a REST library, it's your responsibility to account
for a permissions issue differently than a server error.




From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of bryancostanich
Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2008 8:35 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] REST Library for Flex or ActionScript?


Anyone know of a good REST library for AS3? I've done some research
and come up empty. on cursory research, i'm not even sure it's
possible to do it properly e.g.:



[flexcoders] Anybody found a workaround for this compiler bug?

2008-08-30 Thread Kevin Benz
This is sapping our productivity and wondered if anybody had seen this
or had any ideas? I certainly see the association with Font rendering as
the obvious first instinct would be to question the font file however
with two machines seeing the same behavior, a wider look seems
appropriate. There is Away3D in the project and we do take the TVNord
font and render the SVG in order to support text overlaying on a 3D
plane. Since the "Clean" always resolves the issue, I doubt that the
base font file is the issue.


We currently see this on 2 developer workstations, one a Mac, one a PC.
The only way to get around this is to clean all the projects in the
Workspace (this is part of an application where we have an Air project
and 3 support library projects. Doing a "Clean" of the Workspace allows
us to get past this (until you need to build again). 




The problem is documented in the Adobe Bug System FB-13828.

!ENTRY com.adobe.flexbuilder.project 4 43 2008-08-20 10:27:29.608 
!MESSAGE Uncaught exception in compiler 
!STACK 0 java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0 
at flash.fonts.DefineFontFace.( 

at flex2.compiler.API.loadCompilationUnits( 
Item(Unknown Source) 
(Unknown Source) 
uild(Unknown Source) 


RE: [flexcoders] Save Object with EncryptedLocalStore

2008-08-26 Thread Kevin Benz
Nope.. Strings only although why not XML as a string? 


Be careful as well... .10mb max storage although that's a lot of xml. 




From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of markflex2007
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2008 12:53 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] Save Object with EncryptedLocalStore



I am working for a AIR application now.

It see I only can save string with EncryptedLocalStore.

But I want to save object with EncryptedLocalStore.

For instance:

var obj:userVO = new userVO();
obj.firstName = "Tom";
obj.lastName = "Smith"; 

Do you think if it is possible for me to do this?





RE: [flexcoders] Re: How to check a table already exist in SQLite?

2008-08-25 Thread Kevin Benz
Execute a query  and see if the table name exists in the sqlite_master


From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Tim Rowe
Sent: Monday, August 25, 2008 5:10 PM
Subject: RE: [flexcoders] Re: How to check a table already exist in


If you only want this for when you're actually creating the table,
rather than trying to confirm it exists:




table-name (
column-def [, column-def]*
[, constraint]*


From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of markflex2007
Sent: Tuesday, 26 August 2008 4:54 AM
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: How to check a table already exist in SQLite?

Thanks for your help.

I want to know if SQLConnection provide a method to check if a table
already exist or not.





RE: [flexcoders] Question for AIR Application?

2008-08-20 Thread Kevin Benz
Good luck.. 


I suggest looking at Mike Chambers Post
tion-proof-of-concept/ regarding the CommandProxy concept. It's
interesting reading along with his conclusions. I would almost think the
Mac piece might be a little easier as you have some expectation that
Java is there and can get at least some leverage from that. We are
dealing with a somewhat similar requirement and have a few ideas in the
lab now but nothing definitive. 


One other technology to track is Merapi which
is communicated as an Air to Java bridge.




From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of markflex2007
Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2008 9:58 AM
Subject: [flexcoders] Question for AIR Application?



I want to make sure if AIR can load local application and execute it.





RE: [flexcoders] Date type in AIR application?

2008-08-20 Thread Kevin Benz
Adobe did add support for dates in SQLite, see excerpt below. The
problem is most third party applications that support SQLite don't
understand it so you will have limited ability to work with them, for
example in the Firefox SQLite Extension


For precision and for wider access to the database beyond Flex, we
typically convert the date to its serial value and store that. It is
highly portable and allows you to interact with it nicely. (although you
have to do the conversin back obviously). 


Additional SQL features

The following column affinity types are not supported by default in
SQLite, but are supported in Adobe AIR:


STRING: corresponding to the String class (equivalent to the TEXT column

NUMBER: corresponding to the Number class (equivalent to the REAL column

BOOLEAN: corresponding to the Boolean class.

DATE: corresponding to the Date class.

XML: corresponding to the ActionScript (E4X) XML class.

XMLLIST: corresponding to the ActionScript (E4X) XMLList class.

OBJECT: corresponding to the Object class or any subclass that can be
serialized and deserialized using AMF3 (which includes most classes
including custom classes, but excludes some classes including display
objects and objects that include display objects as properties).


From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of markflex2007
Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2008 10:27 AM
Subject: [flexcoders] Date type in AIR application?



It seems SQLite doesn't have Date type.

I am working in a AIR application now. I want to know how to save data
with Date type to SQLite and how to read it from SQLite and convert to
actionscript date type data.

Do you have a simple demo?



