[fonc] Halide: Decoupling algorithm from scheduling for image processing

2012-10-26 Thread Marcel Weiher
Looks like an interesting approach:


The presentation was impressive, especially for a performance + expressiveness 
geek like myself.


fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] Apple and hardware (was: Error trying to compile COLA)

2012-03-16 Thread Marcel Weiher

On Mar 16, 2012, at 0:03 , Jecel Assumpcao Jr. wrote:

> Marcel Weiher wrote on Thu, 15 Mar 2012 15:33:07 +0100
>> I have a little Postscript interpreter/scratchpad in the AppStore 
>> (TouchScript,
>> http://itunes.apple.com/en/app/touchscript/id398914579?mt=8 ).  Admittedly, 
>> it
>> was mostly a trial balloon to see if something like that would be accepted, 
>> and
>> it was (2nd revision so far).  And somewhat surprisingly a (very) few people
>> even seem to be using it!
>> Sharing is via iTunes.
> Thanks for the tip! I see your description is "Use the Postscript(tm)
> language to express your ideas and see the results on your iPhone.
> Transfer your creations to your computer via iTunes sharing as either
> PNG or Postscript documents."
> It is likely that the reviewers considered that "Postscript documents"
> means a text file (like a .pdf or .doc).

Or a .m or a .c or or a .pl or a .rb or a .js …  I am not sure how it is on 
other platforms, but on OS X program files are also documents.  I see your 
point, but I think it is a little thin to base your argument on a single word 
that is at the very least ambiguous (partly on purpose) when the rest of the 
description is very clear that this is about a programming language and that 
you are programming.

In addition the reviewers also actually run the program, and at that point it 
becomes 100% clear what this does.

> The user who gave you a bad review certainly did (another user corrected 
> him/her).

And the user(s) who corrected the first user chided him for not reading the 
fracking description or looking at the fracking screenshots (RTFD, LATFSS?).   
App Store purchasers are known for not looking at what they are buying and then 
complaining bitterly.  Fact of life...

> So this doesn't tell us what Apple would do with a language that allows you 
> to share
> programs.

I think it tells us that Apple does not, at this point, have a consistent or 
consistently applied policy.  Which may have something to do with the fact that 
such a policy is impossible.   So we chip away at the edges and live with the 


fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] Apple and hardware (was: Error trying to compile COLA)

2012-03-15 Thread Marcel Weiher

On Mar 14, 2012, at 17:17 , Jecel Assumpcao Jr. wrote:
> Alan Kay wrote on Wed, 14 Mar 2012 05:53:21 -0700 (PDT)
>> No matter what Apple says, the reasons clearly stem from strategies and 
>> tactics
>> of economic exclusion.
>> So I agree with Max that the iPad at present is really the anti-Dynabook
> They have changed their position a little. I have a "Hand Basic" on my
> iPhone which is compatible with the Commodore 64 Basic. I can write and
> save programs, but can't send them to another device or load new
> programs from the Internet. Except I can - there are applications for
> the iPhone that give you access to the filing system and let you
> exchange files with a PC or Mac. But that is beyond most users, which
> seems to be a good enough barrier from Apple's viewpoint.

I have a little Postscript interpreter/scratchpad in the AppStore (TouchScript, 
http://itunes.apple.com/en/app/touchscript/id398914579?mt=8 ).  Admittedly, it 
was mostly a trial balloon to see if something like that would be accepted, and 
it was (2nd revision so far).  And somewhat surprisingly a (very) few people 
even seem to be using it!

Sharing is via iTunes.

I think people generally overthink the grand-strategy/evil-overlord aspects of 
Apple's actions.   Having spent time on the inside, it was always funny to see 
the interpretations in (particularly) the rumor mill of what were genuine 
screw-ups or "we don't know how to do it better" moments.   Not saying that 
Apple can't be very evil, they sure can.

In terms of apps, it seems to me that they went with a total lockdown model and 
have been gradually loosening.

> http://twolivesleft.com/Codea/

Very nice.

> You can program on the iPad/iPhone, but can't share.

Sharing via iTunes works with TouchScript.  So far.  


fonc mailing list

[fonc] Sussman on InfoQ: We Really Don't Know How To Compute!

2011-11-08 Thread Marcel Weiher


fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] Alan Kay talk at HPI in Potsdam

2011-07-25 Thread Marcel Weiher
e address-spaces come from other parts of the net. There would then be 
> no difference between "local" and "global" apps.
> Since parts of the address spaces can be externalized, indexing as rich (and 
> richer) to what we have now still can be done.
> And so forth.
> The Native Client part of Chrome finally allows what should have been done in 
> the first place (we are now about 20+ years after the first web proposals by 
> Berners-Lee).  However, this approach will need to be adopted by most of the 
> already existing multiple browsers before it can really be used in a 
> practical way in the world of personal computing -- and there are signs that 
> there is not a lot of agreement or understanding why this would be a good 
> thing. 
> The sad and odd thing is that so many people in the computer field were so 
> lacking in "systems consciousness" that they couldn't see this, and failed to 
> complain mightily as the web was being set up and a really painful genii was 
> being let out of the bottle.
> As Kurt Vonnegut used to say "And so it goes".
> Cheers,
> Alan
> From: Marcel Weiher 
> To: Fundamentals of New Computing 
> Cc: Alan Kay 
> Sent: Sun, July 24, 2011 5:39:26 AM
> Subject: Re: [fonc] Alan Kay talk at HPI in Potsdam
> [..]
> There was one question I had on the scaling issue that would not have fitted 
> in the Q&A:   while praising the design of the Internet, you spoke less well 
> of the World Wide Web, which surprised me a bit.   Can you elaborate?

fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] Alan Kay talk at HPI in Potsdam

2011-07-24 Thread Marcel Weiher
Hi Alan,

as usual, it was inspiring talking to your colleagues and hearing you speak at 
Potsdam.  I think I finally got the Model-T image, which resonated with my 
fondness for Objective-C:  a language that a 17 year old with no experience 
with compilers or runtimes can implement and that manages to boil down dynamic 
OO/messaging to a single special function can't be all bad :-) 

There was one question I had on the scaling issue that would not have fitted in 
the Q&A:   while praising the design of the Internet, you spoke less well of 
the World Wide Web, which surprised me a bit.   Can you elaborate?



On Jul 22, 2011, at 6:29 , Alan Kay wrote:

> To All,
> This wound up being a talk to several hundred students, so most of the 
> content is about "ways to think about things", with just a little about 
> scaling and STEPS at the end.
> Cheers,
> Alan
fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] How to do 'Perform' better than Smalltalk

2007-07-30 Thread Marcel Weiher

On Jul 21, 2007, at 12:42 AM, Marcus Denker wrote:

> What Ted suggests is to use a special "selector name" object (or an  
> object encodig
> Selector + Arguments) instead of symbols for #perform and then search
> *the complete system* for this on "senders of". This them will catch  
> Selectors that
> are not referenced from a method, but stored in an iVar in some  
> object.
> For Squeak, this would mean that this would be not allowes:
>   self perform: #hallo
> but this instead:
>   sel := Selector named: #hallo.
>   self perform:  sel.

I am not sure what the original proposal would gain, because typically  
you do not do a

self perform:#hallo.

where #hallo is any constant/literal selector, because if it were  
constant/literal, then you could just write the message-send naturally:

self hallo.

However, the fact that you need to use #perform: when you want to have  
a variable selector has bothered me for some time, because it is a  
weird asymmetry that, for example, functional programming languages do  
not seem to share:  if you get passed a function (function pointer in  
C and the like), you can call it using natural syntax.  So what I  
would like to see would be some sort of "selector variable", a  
variable that can be used in a standard message expression but is  
actually variable:

|  variableSelector:withArg: |

variableSelector:withArg:  :=  self computeSelector.
" probably  
need to check arity for compatibility here "
self variableSelector:'hello' withArg:2.

Not sure this is workable/agreeable in a Smalltalk context, but  
something like it would be really nice.  IMHO.


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