Re: AW: What should I be doing ?

2003-12-19 Thread Ben Galbraith
Do you know other projects dealing with high quality typesetting with
 Java or if Java 1.5 will bring improvements? I'm thinking about
writing my diploma thesis about how to extend the current/implement a
 typesetting API for Java.
The iText project exposes an API for obtaining metrics (including
kerning tables) of a TrueType font (and perhaps Adobe, not sure).  This
information can easily be used to write an algorithm which incorporates
kerning into a custom font rendering pipeline.  I've done it and can
help if need be.
Last time I checked, Java 1.5's slated Java2D changes did not include
this issue.  I for one would love to see better font anti-aliasing and
more font layout controls in the Java2D API.
Let me know if you find anything.  We probably ought to take future
messages on this thread off-line unless some of the FOP developers are
interested in this topic for future FOP work.

(this message might show up again; I accidentally sent it with another 
account not signed up on the mailing list. Apologies if it does)

Re: AW: What should I be doing ?

2003-12-19 Thread Christian Ziesemer
Am Mi, den 17.12.2003 schrieb J.U. Anderegg um 07:53:

> o Java supports TrueType, OPI and Type1 fonts
> o XSL properties : Java TextAttribute's = 1:1
> - TextAttribute maps give a binary object representation for XSL font
> properties in Java (more Float's than int's)
> - Java2D 1.4 does not process stretch and weight properly (hopefully fixed
> in Java 1.5), variant is not supported
> - font face picking by Java 1.4 is funny: a static font mapping is required
> to get predictable results
> o Java2D supports font metrics, i18n, bidi and Unicode well
> o Java2D does not support
> - word and character spacing: may be programmed by inserting white space
> - kerning: info not available in font metrics

Do you know other projects dealing with high quality typesetting with
Java or if Java 1.5 will bring improvements? I'm thinking about writing
my diploma thesis about how to extend the current/implement a
typesetting API for Java.
