Re: Version Differences

2002-06-25 Thread J.Pietschmann
[ERROR]: Logger not set
You can ignore this, or look into Driver.jage getLogger()
how to set your own logger.
[INFO]: building formatting object tree
[INFO]: [1]
[WARN]: table-layout=auto is not supported, using fixed!
Formally, the default value for the table-layout property
iss "auto". This means the processor calculates the column
widths from the cell content. FOP doesn't implement this,
in order to inform clients about possibly not meeting their
expectation, the warning was added.

2.  Version 0.20.1 would, by default, dump performance data (like "Avg
render time per page") to the console, where 0.20.3 does not appear to do
this.  How can I turn this back on to get the performance data?
You can get this from the command line by adding the -d
switch. This will also print some amount of other debugging
information. For embedded use, try
 Also, for
when the code moves to production, how do I suppress all messages?
You can't shut up the command line application other than
by rerouting stdout into the null device. For embedded use,
write your own logger implementing the Logger interface which
discards the messages, or check the LogKit for a Null logger
(can't be bothered to look it up now, 0.20.4 should use the
avalon logging mechanism, which has a null logger)

RE: Version Differences

2002-06-25 Thread Jose Hernandez
Hello ...

Only I can respond the first question ... 

Maybe, you have in your FO style sheet a syntax like that ...

only you need to add (only in the fo:table tags) the attribute
"table-layout" with the next value

OK ... I hope that it's fine for you ...

-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2002 01:41 p.m.
Subject: Version Differences


I recently upgraded from FOP 0.20.1 to 0.20.3.  I have a couple of minor
questions.  I'm using FOP in a servlet environment:

1.  I now get these warnings:

[ERROR]: Logger not set
[INFO]: building formatting object tree
[INFO]: [1]
[WARN]: table-layout=auto is not supported, using fixed!
[WARN]: table-layout=auto is not supported, using fixed!

I'm not too worried about them, I'm just wondering what they mean.  What
does it mean by "Logger not set?"  And what does it mean about
table-layout?  I don't have this in my FO style sheet.

2.  Version 0.20.1 would, by default, dump performance data (like "Avg
render time per page") to the console, where 0.20.3 does not appear to do
this.  How can I turn this back on to get the performance data?  Also, for
when the code moves to production, how do I suppress all messages?

Thanks for your help!!
