RE: keep-together=always problem...

2008-06-13 Thread Griffin,Sean
I assume you're wanting keep-together within the page. See Use keep-together.within-page=always. -Original Message- From: Jiri Tyr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, June 13, 2008 9:42 AM To:

RE: fop-trunk nonbreaking spaces

2008-06-13 Thread Griffin,Sean
Is nbsp; even a valid entity for FO? Try #x00A0; instead. Unless nbsp; is defined to match the character \u00A0... I tried a test locally using #x00A0; and it worked just fine. Although I would question your use of non-breaking spaces in the first place. Might you really want

RE: fop-trunk nonbreaking spaces

2008-06-13 Thread Griffin,Sean
seemed to make a difference. I am posting a screenshot of what its doing. thank you again zach Griffin,Sean wrote: Is nbsp; even a valid entity for FO? Try #x00A0; instead. Unless nbsp; is defined to match the character \u00A0... I

RE: Can i put two block in a single line?

2008-06-30 Thread Griffin,Sean
I don't think blocks inside an inline is going to get you the desired effect. I think what you're looking for is an inline-container, and unfortunately it appears that FOP does not support inline-containers. I think using a table is your only option here, which, because of lack of auto table

RE: Inline blocks in fop 0.94 (not block with inlines)

2008-07-02 Thread Griffin,Sean
I'm not exactly sure I follow the question, but I think (hope) I understand it well enough to answer. The example you gave seems a bit off, though, as I don't see how the word Test3 would ever break in the middle. The only break opportunity in the Test3 Test3 inline would be at the space

RE: Inline blocks in fop 0.94 (not block with inlines)

2008-07-02 Thread Griffin,Sean Subject: RE: Inline blocks in fop 0.94 (not block with inlines) Thanks Griffin,Sean for your answer but i think that my problem is more complicated I'll give you a better example I have this text* in an inline. --- *Today is a beautiful day # ok;; SO

RE: Inline blocks in fop 0.94 (not block with inlines)

2008-07-02 Thread Griffin,Sean Subject: RE: Inline blocks in fop 0.94 (not block with inlines) Griffin,Sean THANK YOU VERY maybe it'so simple, but i cannot understand you. can you send me mini fo:example... I need it... thanks Griffin,Sean wrote: It's not the spaces *between* inlines where you want

RE: Inline blocks in fop 0.94 (not block with inlines)

2008-07-02 Thread Griffin,Sean
: RE: Inline blocks in fop 0.94 (not block with inlines) no result nothing---thanks..i cannot understand where is my problem;; Griffin,Sean wrote: fo:block fo:inlineToday#xA0;is#xA0;a#xA0;beautiful#xA0;day#xA0;1/fo:inline fo:inlineToday#xA0;is#xA0;a#xA0;beautiful#xA0;day

RE: Inline blocks in fop 0.94 (not block with inlines)

2008-07-02 Thread Griffin,Sean
For some reason I had the mistaken impression that keep-together only applied to blocks and not inlines. Guess I'm wrong! And yes, that would certainly be an easier way to make it work. -Original Message- From: Andreas Delmelle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, July 02, 2008

RE: list-item - Keep together

2008-07-03 Thread Griffin,Sean
Which version of FOP are you using? First of all, if you want to keep within a page you should say keep-together.within-page instead of just keep-together. Second, you should need keep-together only on the list-item and not also on the list-item-block. And finally, this doesn't appear to

RE: How to use glyphs from the Symbol font ?

2008-07-29 Thread Griffin,Sean
I think there's an issue in how FOP translates the fonts in the Symbol font-family...or at least an inconsistency with other user agents I tried, in particular Internet Explorer and FireFox. I tried to dig into the CodePointMapping class and the magic it's doing on more than one occasion but

RE: Help with layout and design

2008-07-31 Thread Griffin,Sean
I don't think your problem will be XSLT and certainly not XSL-FO but how you tell the difference between one column and the next and which data element you're actually dealing with. Just pseudo-code, outside of any particular language, what would the algorithm be for determining that. How

RE: Possible to avoid page breaks between table rows with keep-together?

2008-08-11 Thread Griffin,Sean
Alexander, It's hard to tell, but I'm assuming that the row that contains the text There should not be a page break now is supposed to stay on the same page as the rows containing the texts With this line and And this line? If so, you could accomplish this a couple of different ways. You

RE: Repeating table/group headers on subsequent pages

2008-08-12 Thread Griffin,Sean
Paige, I have to do the very same thing in my solution. Just use nested tables where each nested table gets its table-header. So it would be something like (obviously pseudo): table table-headerEducation/table-header table-body table table-headerOrganization | Project |

RE: Repeating table/group headers on subsequent pages

2008-08-12 Thread Griffin,Sean
After reading this over again I'm not sure you need to do the nested tables after all. It looks like you want to print a new set of column headers at the same point in time as when you want a new group header, and if that's the case you can just create 2 rows inside one table-header. So I

RE: Use only a limited number of items in an xsl:for-each

2008-08-18 Thread Griffin,Sean
Brian, select=intellispec/aliases/alias is different than select=//*[local-name()='intellispec/aliases/alias'], if not functionally, at least in the area of performance. Just try select=intellispec/aliases/alias[position() lt; 3] and see if that works any better. BTW, this has nothing to do

RE: 0.95 Acrobat Performance Problems

2008-12-01 Thread Griffin,Sean
I would look for differences in the source PDFs between the two versions. Even opening a PDF in a text editor will possibly show enough differences to explain the problem. FOP 0.95 creates PDF v1.4 files. I don't remember what FOP 0.20.5 created. Maybe there's a difference in how the

RE: Out of Memory error

2008-12-11 Thread Griffin,Sean
Vsyamala, There are a variety of factors that could contribute to your OOM error, including, most significantly, the size of your page sequences within you FO, the types of images that you're embedding, the version of FOP that you're using, and whether you're writing to the PDF in memory or

RE: Out of Memory error

2008-12-12 Thread Griffin,Sean
Vsyamala, I was assuming you were embedding FOP into your application and calling directly through Java. Since it appears you're launching from the command-line, it's up to the FOP command-line program on how it streams the output. Since you're specifying file names as your I/O, it stands to


2008-12-16 Thread Griffin,Sean
Greg, Can you show how you are calling into FOP? Through the command-line or embedded in your Java app? FOP can take either an XSL-FO document or an XML/XSLT document pair that generates the XSL-FO and then turns around and processes that FO. While I'm guessing a bit here, this error seems

RE: Scale fop created pages for pdf output

2009-01-13 Thread Griffin,Sean
Peter, By scale do you mean a different page size? As you probably know, this isn't exactly a difference scale (where the page size would be the same but the image zoom would be different). If you want to use the same XSLT to generate similar XSL-FO with just different page sizes, you can

Incorrect display of accented characters in plain font

2009-04-30 Thread Griffin,Sean
Fellow FOP users, I am looking for some help in an issue I am investigating for one of my clients that actually doesn't appear to have much to do with FOP at all. However, since there's a good chance that someone on this list knows more than I do about how fonts map to glyphs in PostScript, I

RE: Incorrect display of accented characters in plain font

2009-04-30 Thread Griffin,Sean
. From: Griffin,Sean [] Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2009 9:04 AM To: fop-users

RE: Auto Table Column Width

2009-05-27 Thread Griffin,Sean
Tobias, We have a similar need for auto table sizing, but we also have an additional need for table wrapping, so we simply had to come up with an alternative solution. Since the FO is generated from XSLT, we can pass the page width and margin values as parameters to the XSLT stylesheets that

RE: 0.95 text wrap issue

2009-09-03 Thread Griffin,Sean
Senthil, Two things I would try: 1. Remove keep-together on the table-cell. In this contrived example you wouldn't need it. Not sure if that affects the hyphenation behavior or not. 2. Ensure you have the xml:lang attribute on the page-sequence element containing this block or the hyphenation