Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.4 (407) English [73573]

2020-05-25 Tema obsahu Mat
--> Skins - Program settings / Colors - is possible to change program skin to

Works like a charm!
Thank u!


PSPad freeware editor

Unwanted and sudden converting to strange characters [73692]

2020-06-04 Tema obsahu Mat
>From time to time it happens that in a random part of a file, the clear-code is
suddenly converted in 'strange' special characters.
As its out of view, u realize it after upload ist app/browser says that's there
no way to process it.
Attaching the link to a screen-shot in hope that it works:
(viz )


PSPad freeware editor

Re: Unwanted and sudden converting to strange characters [73694]

2020-06-04 Tema obsahu Mat

Cannot save index.html [73881]

2020-06-26 Tema obsahu Mat
I can save all files (of any file-type/extension, even html) but not the file
index.html once it was opened on localhost (for example via http-serve).

Closing localhost-connection/shutdown local server doesn't change behavior.
Sometimes the error-message is 'error on saving ...', sometimes PsPad runs
directly in a memory error and needs to be restarted.

Opening the file index.html in another text-editor (for example notepad.exe) and
edit/save it doesn't cause any problems, even with localhost serving and/or
opened in PsPad at the same time.

Is there any solution/workaround out?


PSPad freeware editor

Re: Cannot save index.html [73915]

2020-07-05 Tema obsahu Mat
works ... thx


PSPad freeware editor

access violation - happens more frecuently [73918]

2020-07-08 Tema obsahu Mat
Exception description:

Access violation at address 00808ABF in module 'PSPad.exe'. Read of
address 00AD.

Exception class: EAccessViolation
Exception address: 00808ABF

Stack list, generated 8/7/2020 12:04:45
[00808ABF] Vcl.Controls.DoAlign + $CF
[0086DB98] JclDebug.JclCreateStackList (Line 5308, "JclDebug.pas" + 1) +
[0086DB06] JclDebug.DoExceptionStackTrace (Line 5249, "JclDebug.pas" +
20) + $15
[0086F4F2] JclDebug.DoExceptNotify (Line 6276, "JclDebug.pas" + 7) + $0
[0085D995] JclHookExcept.TNotifierItem.DoNotify (Line 272,
"JclHookExcept.pas" + 5) + $11
[0085DBDB] JclHookExcept.DoExceptNotify (Line 339, "JclHookExcept.pas" +
13) + $2B
[0085DD97] JclHookExcept.HookedExceptObjProc (Line 395,
"JclHookExcept.pas" + 5) + $0
[0041148E] System.@DelphiExceptionHandler + $26E
[7FFE723A11CF] Unknown function at __chkstk + $11F
[7FFE7236A209] Unknown function at RtlRaiseException + $399
[7FFE7239FE3E] KiUserExceptionDispatcher + $2E
[00808ABF] Vcl.Controls.DoAlign + $CF
[0080929A] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.AlignControls + $10A
[007AE4F6] Vcl.Forms.TScrollingWinControl.AlignControls + $26
[007B269C] Vcl.Forms.TCustomForm.AlignControls + $1C
[008094A8] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.AlignControl + $88
[0080DD61] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.WMSize + $81
[007AED61] Vcl.Forms.TScrollingWinControl.WMSize + $31
[0040FED5] System.TObject.Dispatch + $45
[00804D90] Vcl.Controls.TControl.WndProc + $370
[0080BFE9] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.WndProc + $989
[007B21EA] Vcl.Forms.TCustomForm.WndProc + $95A
[00747327] Vcl.Themes.TStyleHook.CallDefaultProc + $37
[007D30F6] Vcl.Forms.TFormStyleHook.WMSize + $96
[0040FED5] System.TObject.Dispatch + $45
[00748276] Vcl.Themes.TStyleHook.WndProc + $1D6
[00748609] Vcl.Themes.TMouseTrackControlStyleHook.WndProc + $9
[007D3466] Vcl.Forms.TFormStyleHook.WndProc + $56
[0074759C] Vcl.Themes.TStyleHook.HandleMessage + $8C
[007CDAE8] Vcl.Forms.TFormStyleHook.HandleMessage + $18
[00BC7251] Vcl.Styles.TStyleEngine.HandleMessage + $C1
[0074307E] Vcl.Themes.TStyleManager.HandleMessage + $7E
[008096B9] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.DoHandleStyleMessage + $29
[0080B71F] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.WndProc + $BF
[007B21EA] Vcl.Forms.TCustomForm.WndProc + $95A
[0080B1CC] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc + $2C
[0055E9B6] System.Classes.StdWndProc + $26
[7FFE71935C0D] Unknown function at CallWindowProcW + $3BD
[7FFE7193521C] Unknown function at SendMessageW + $38C
[7FFE7193443B] Unknown function at GetWindowTextW + $8FB
[7FFE71933AFF] Unknown function at MapWindowPoints + $3BF
[7FFE6D53C58F] Unknown function at IsCompositionActive + $310F
[7FFE6D53BFF1] Unknown function at IsCompositionActive + $2B71
[7FFE7193403F] Unknown function at GetWindowTextW + $4FF
[7FFE7194CC43] Unknown function at DefMDIChildProcW + $E3
[7FFE7194CB6E] DefMDIChildProcW + $E
[7FFE71935C0D] Unknown function at CallWindowProcW + $3BD
[7FFE719358DE] CallWindowProcW + $8E
[0080C187] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.DefaultHandler + $117
[007B5623] Vcl.Forms.TCustomForm.DefaultHandler + $73
[00805D59] Vcl.Controls.TControl.WMWindowPosChanged + $19
[0080DC3D] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.WMWindowPosChanged + $ED
[007B7A17] Vcl.Forms.TCustomForm.WMWindowPosChanged + $17
[0040FED5] System.TObject.Dispatch + $45
[00804D90] Vcl.Controls.TControl.WndProc + $370
[0080BFE9] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.WndProc + $989
[007B21EA] Vcl.Forms.TCustomForm.WndProc + $95A
[0080B1CC] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc + $2C
[0055E9B6] System.Classes.StdWndProc + $26
[7FFE71935C0D] Unknown function at CallWindowProcW + $3BD
[7FFE719357DC] Unknown function at DispatchMessageW + $3CC
[7FFE71945100] Unknown function at MBToWCSEx + $1C0
[7FFE7239FDE4] KiUserCallbackDispatcher + $24
[7FFE6FC11B84] NtUserShowWindow + $14
[7FFE7194D3F5] Unknown function at DefMDIChildProcW + $895
[7FFE7194CF16] Unknown function at DefMDIChildProcW + $3B6
[7FFE71935C0D] Unknown function at CallWindowProcW + $3BD
[7FFE719358DE] CallWindowProcW + $8E
[007B2352] Vcl.Forms.Default + $52
[007B2639] Vcl.Forms.TCustomForm.ClientWndProc + $269
[0055E9B6] System.Classes.StdWndProc + $26
[7FFE71935C0D] Unknown function at CallWindowProcW + $3BD
[7FFE719358DE] CallWindowProcW + $8E
[007CED6C] Vcl.Forms.TFormStyleHook.MDIClientWndProc + $12C
[0055E9B6] System.Classes.StdWndProc + $26
[7FFE71935C0D] Unknown function at CallWindowProcW + $3BD
[7FFE7193521C] Unknown function at SendMessageW

Re: access violation - happens more frecuently [73922]

2020-07-08 Tema obsahu Mat
When I get this error, generally in the pspad-window all is frozen, was an
'exception' that I could copy the posted error-log.
So how to log to support mail?
I normally have 2 or 3 instances of PsPad running, in each of them 'created a
project from folder'.
If the error occurs in one of the instances, the others are not affected.
One of the possibilities to reproduce the error (even it doesn't happen always)
is to make some 'hard-changes' in the file-folder (eg. add, delete files with
the windows explorer) 
I don't think that the error is related to the Carbon theme, it also happened
before - what happens is actually creating a new project, that there are changed
folder files/contents more often, once the project enter in a more stable status
with less changing files, file names etc. the error will happen less, I think


PSPad freeware editor

Re: access violation - happens more frecuently [73923]

2020-07-08 Tema obsahu Mat
Note: Upcoming this error, all settings regarding to the skin in then PsPad.ini,
and the 'special settings' are erased, and set back to the default settings.


PSPad freeware editor

PsPad.ini modifications not as expected [73924]

2020-07-08 Tema obsahu Mat
Modifying the PsPad.ini, adding custom highlighters works fine.

Deleting 'standard highlighters' which u never would use, also ...

But: if you restart PsPad, the deleted 'standard highlighters' are back again.

As for I'm 'processing' *.htm files on the server with, I wanna use the
created custom highlighter for all files processed with, but PsPad
insists in highlighting *.htm files with the .htm-highlighter ... 

Any workaround out there, or is it possible to prevent the
standard-htm-highlighter from coming back?


PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.4 (527) English [74221]

2020-09-19 Tema obsahu Mat
Search in files - some files are omitted
The problem isn't new, occurred in prior versions, also in 'stable' versions:
When searching in files, some files are omitted and don't appear in search
Even renaming, duplicating the affected files doesn't change this behavior.
After some investigating I found out that the character combination '×'
(dec 215) followed immediately, without any space by '¬' (dec 172) causes
this - doesn't matter if remarked the line or not.
Because in 'real live' phrases this character combination unlikely occurs, I use
it (validating phrase before) as separator ...


PSPad freeware editor

Access violation in ntdll.dll [74411]

2020-11-17 Tema obsahu Mat
Access violation at address 7FF8C28072A6 in module 'ntdll.dll'. Write of
address 0002015DCD24.
Happens rather often when trying to close a file from the tabs ... and occurrs
always twice.
Note: more than 15 years opening 'project from folder', never saving projects,
always happened but with much less frecuency - now it happens with mor than 66%
of attemps closing files ... restart the instance/all instances of pspad, wich
formerly resolved the problem for a while, actually doesn't have no effect.


PSPad freeware editor


2020-11-17 Tema obsahu Mat
U all know that Windows in it's task bar below, adds the programms/window tabs
in order they are opened.
But u can drag a tab to another (e.g. first) position, which might beneficial in
the case of PsPad, if u have 'some' more applications open (ftp, taski manager,
remote access to the server, browser, and another browser, mail-client, file
explorer ...), so u can regress to PsPad without doin' a huge search.
So drag it there and PsPad stays there. But a second later it disappears and
reappears as the last tab - like if it would have been closed and reopenend.
Workarround: Open at least one more instance of PsPad and it remains on its
(e.g. first) posistion.


PSPad freeware editor


2020-11-18 Tema obsahu Mat
5.0.4 (531)
But this happens since I swapped over to developer editions (+/- 1/2 a year),
and for me there's no problem, because normally I run 2 - 3 instances at once,
so they stay where dragged to - it's as I said before: just curious :-))


PSPad freeware editor

Re: Access violation in ntdll.dll [74416]

2020-11-18 Tema obsahu Mat
5.0.4 (531)
The problem isn't new, but now with higher frequency (2 from 3). And what causes
attention is, that it always happens twice on closing one tab, to say: happens,
on closing the error window it happens another time.
Closing tabs in bulk manner (e.g. 'all left' or 'all but this'), it seems to
happen fewer times (only to click through 3 - 4 error windows), closing the
PsPad +/- twice.
Note: I'm running PsPad from an extern disk (like 'portable').


PSPad freeware editor

new 'stable' version 5.0.4 (543) - dark and other themes not working [7451= 3]

2020-12-31 Tema obsahu Mat
On Windows 10, tried the new 'stable' version  5.0.4 (543), and rapidly switched
back to PsPad unicode 5.0.4 (539):
In the new 'stable' version dark themes are missing (cannot find 'carbon' for
example), other themes cannot be set - the only 'IDE-Style' is Windows, selected
color shemes vanish on accept/saving ... maybe there's a plugin/extension needed
for getting dark themes working like before.


PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.4 (541) English [74523]

2021-01-02 Tema obsahu Mat
Cannot find the PSPad 64 bit version preview, I use with 539, anymore - is it


PSPad freeware editor

Re: Problem with random chars [74532]

2021-01-02 Tema obsahu Mat
see there ...,73692


PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.4 (541) English [74533]

2021-01-02 Tema obsahu Mat
nice to hear - thx!


PSPad freeware editor

Access violation the four thousand six hundred seventeenth [74572]

2021-01-09 Tema obsahu Mat
Don't know, maybe the problem of the access violation only exists on the
southern hemisphere, but here it's very easy to replicate:

--> close a file = access violation
--> close the program = access violation
--> editing/working for more than an hour = access violation

And yes, the problem is around for 15 years ore more, but now it became

Removing the heavy sound it's producing, just would be a welcomed starting
point, as access violation always occurrs twice, it wakes everyone up, even the
deaf old dog, not even mentioning the bearded grandfather, walking around asking
'what happened? , what happened?'
So some mercy to us and a Happy New Year to all! :-)


PSPad freeware editor

Re: Access violation the four thousand six hundred seventeenth [74595]

2021-01-21 Tema obsahu Mat
Exception description:

Access violation at address 7FF9786A72A6 in module 'ntdll.dll'. Write of
address 0002015DCD24.

Exception class: EAccessViolation
Exception address: 7FF9786A72A6

Stack list, generated 21/1/2021 05:25:15
[7FF9786A72A6] Unknown function at RtlDllShutdownInProgress + $C6
[00866278] JclDebug.JclCreateStackList (Line 5308, "JclDebug.pas" + 1) +
[008661E6] JclDebug.DoExceptionStackTrace (Line 5249, "JclDebug.pas" +
20) + $15
[00867BD2] JclDebug.DoExceptNotify (Line 6276, "JclDebug.pas" + 7) + $0
[00856075] JclHookExcept.TNotifierItem.DoNotify (Line 272,
"JclHookExcept.pas" + 5) + $11
[008562BB] JclHookExcept.DoExceptNotify (Line 339, "JclHookExcept.pas" +
13) + $2B
[00856477] JclHookExcept.HookedExceptObjProc (Line 395,
"JclHookExcept.pas" + 5) + $0
[0041138E] System.@DelphiExceptionHandler + $26E
[7FF97874184F] Unknown function at __chkstk + $11F
[7FF97870A889] Unknown function at RtlRaiseException + $399
[7FF9787404BE] KiUserExceptionDispatcher + $2E
[7FF9786A72A6] Unknown function at RtlDllShutdownInProgress + $C6
[7FF9786BB576] Unknown function at RtlEnterCriticalSection + $1F6
[7FF9786BB3C0] RtlEnterCriticalSection + $40
[005DC9B0] Vcl.Graphics.TCustomCanvas.Lock + $30
[005E66D8] Vcl.Graphics.TBitmapCanvas.FreeContext + $28
[005E92A5] Vcl.Graphics.TBitmap.FreeContext + $15
[005E7E34] Vcl.Graphics.TBitmap.CopyImage + $44
[005E8C0C] Vcl.Graphics.TBitmap.FreeImage + $3C
[005E7F54] Vcl.Graphics.TBitmap.Changing + $14
[005DC92C] Vcl.Graphics.TCustomCanvas.Changing + $1C
[005DE4F2] Vcl.Graphics.TCanvas.GetHandle + $12
[006D28C8] Vcl.ComCtrls.TTabControlStyleHook.Paint + $2A8
[004116A9] System.@DelphiExceptionHandler + $589
[7FF9787418CF] Unknown function at __chkstk + $19F
[7FF9786BD9B2] RtlUnwindEx + $522
[00411509] System.@DelphiExceptionHandler + $3E9
[7FF97874184F] Unknown function at __chkstk + $11F
[7FF97870A889] Unknown function at RtlRaiseException + $399
[7FF9787404BE] KiUserExceptionDispatcher + $2E
[7FF9786A72A6] Unknown function at RtlDllShutdownInProgress + $C6
[7FF9786BB576] Unknown function at RtlEnterCriticalSection + $1F6
[7FF9786BB3C0] RtlEnterCriticalSection + $40
[005DC9B0] Vcl.Graphics.TCustomCanvas.Lock + $30
[005E67AB] Vcl.Graphics.TBitmapCanvas.CreateHandle + $2B
[005DE65E] Vcl.Graphics.TCanvas.RequiredState + $3E
[005DE503] Vcl.Graphics.TCanvas.GetHandle + $23
[006D2670] Vcl.ComCtrls.TTabControlStyleHook.Paint + $50
[0073FDE9] Vcl.Themes.TStyleHook.WMPaint + $199
[0040FEE5] System.TObject.Dispatch + $45
[00740596] Vcl.Themes.TStyleHook.WndProc + $1D6
[00740929] Vcl.Themes.TMouseTrackControlStyleHook.WndProc + $9
[006D0CE7] Vcl.ComCtrls.TTabControlStyleHook.WndProc + $17
[0073F8BC] Vcl.Themes.TStyleHook.HandleMessage + $8C
[00BD34D1] Vcl.Styles.TStyleEngine.HandleMessage + $C1
[0073B39E] Vcl.Themes.TStyleManager.HandleMessage + $7E
[00801CD9] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.DoHandleStyleMessage + $29
[00803D46] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.WndProc + $D6
[00BE660E] TabControlEx.TCustomTabControlHelper.NewWndProc (Line 234,
"TabControlEx.pas" + 12) + $0
[0080378C] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc + $2C
[005564A6] System.Classes.StdWndProc + $26
[7FF9775F5C1D] Unknown function at CallWindowProcW + $3BD
[7FF9775F57EC] Unknown function at DispatchMessageW + $3CC
[7FF977601F83] Unknown function at IsWindowVisible + $1A3
[7FF978740464] KiUserCallbackDispatcher + $24
[7FF9758A1304] NtUserRedrawWindow + $14
[7FF967D7DD34] Unknown function at  + $229A4
[7FF967E062E3] Unknown function at  + $27E43
[7FF9775F5C1D] Unknown function at CallWindowProcW + $3BD
[7FF9775F58EE] CallWindowProcW + $8E
[008047A7] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.DefaultHandler + $117
[0040FEF3] System.TObject.Dispatch + $53
[007FD3B0] Vcl.Controls.TControl.WndProc + $370
[00804610] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.WndProc + $9A0
[00BE660E] TabControlEx.TCustomTabControlHelper.NewWndProc (Line 234,
"TabControlEx.pas" + 12) + $0
[0080378C] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc + $2C
[005564A6] System.Classes.StdWndProc + $26
[7FF9775F5C1D] Unknown function at CallWindowProcW + $3BD
[7FF9775F522C] Unknown function at SendMessageW + $38C
[7FF9775F4F98] SendMessageW + $F8
[0069C58C] Vcl.ComCtrls.TCustomTabControl.UpdateTabSize + $4C
[0069C244] Vcl.ComCtrls.TCustomTabControl.SetTabHeight + $A4
[00D5F3F0] uMain.TfPSPad.ResizeFileTabs (Line 11966, "uMain.pas" + 8) +
[00D5FD43] uMain.TfPSPad.WindowClosed (Line 12180, "uMain.pas" + 6) +

Re: Access violation the four thousand six hundred seventeenth [74650]

2021-01-30 Tema obsahu Mat
updated ...
not such a big difference, still happens twice closing one file.
Best regards

Access violation at address 005E372F in module 'PSPad.exe'. Read of
address .

Exception class: EAccessViolation
Exception address: 005E372F

Stack list, generated 30/1/2021 11:26:47
[005E372F] Vcl.Graphics.TCanvas.GetHandle + $F
[0086B4B8] JclDebug.JclCreateStackList (Line 5308, "JclDebug.pas" + 1) +
[0086B426] JclDebug.DoExceptionStackTrace (Line 5249, "JclDebug.pas" +
20) + $15
[0086CE12] JclDebug.DoExceptNotify (Line 6276, "JclDebug.pas" + 7) + $0
[0085B2B5] JclHookExcept.TNotifierItem.DoNotify (Line 272,
"JclHookExcept.pas" + 5) + $11
[0085B4FB] JclHookExcept.DoExceptNotify (Line 339, "JclHookExcept.pas" +
13) + $2B
[0085B6B7] JclHookExcept.HookedExceptObjProc (Line 395,
"JclHookExcept.pas" + 5) + $0
[0041147E] System.@DelphiExceptionHandler + $26E
[7FF97874184F] Unknown function at __chkstk + $11F
[7FF97870A889] Unknown function at RtlRaiseException + $399
[7FF9787404BE] KiUserExceptionDispatcher + $2E
[005E372F] Vcl.Graphics.TCanvas.GetHandle + $F
[006D7B08] Vcl.ComCtrls.TTabControlStyleHook.Paint + $2A8
[00411799] System.@DelphiExceptionHandler + $589
[7FF9787418CF] Unknown function at __chkstk + $19F
[7FF9786BD9B2] RtlUnwindEx + $522
[004115F9] System.@DelphiExceptionHandler + $3E9
[7FF97874184F] Unknown function at __chkstk + $11F
[7FF97870A889] Unknown function at RtlRaiseException + $399
[7FF9787404BE] KiUserExceptionDispatcher + $2E
[7FF9786A72A6] Unknown function at RtlDllShutdownInProgress + $C6
[7FF9786BB576] Unknown function at RtlEnterCriticalSection + $1F6
[7FF9786BB3C0] RtlEnterCriticalSection + $40
[005E1BF0] Vcl.Graphics.TCustomCanvas.Lock + $30
[005EB9EB] Vcl.Graphics.TBitmapCanvas.CreateHandle + $2B
[005E389E] Vcl.Graphics.TCanvas.RequiredState + $3E
[005E3743] Vcl.Graphics.TCanvas.GetHandle + $23
[006D78B0] Vcl.ComCtrls.TTabControlStyleHook.Paint + $50
[00745029] Vcl.Themes.TStyleHook.WMPaint + $199
[0040FFD5] System.TObject.Dispatch + $45
[007457D6] Vcl.Themes.TStyleHook.WndProc + $1D6
[00745B69] Vcl.Themes.TMouseTrackControlStyleHook.WndProc + $9
[006D5F27] Vcl.ComCtrls.TTabControlStyleHook.WndProc + $17
[00744AFC] Vcl.Themes.TStyleHook.HandleMessage + $8C
[00BD8231] Vcl.Styles.TStyleEngine.HandleMessage + $C1
[007405DE] Vcl.Themes.TStyleManager.HandleMessage + $7E
[00806F19] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.DoHandleStyleMessage + $29
[00808F86] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.WndProc + $D6
[00BEB36E] TabControlEx.TCustomTabControlHelper.NewWndProc (Line 234,
"TabControlEx.pas" + 12) + $0
[008089CC] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc + $2C
[0055B6E6] System.Classes.StdWndProc + $26
[7FF9775F5C1D] Unknown function at CallWindowProcW + $3BD
[7FF9775F57EC] Unknown function at DispatchMessageW + $3CC
[7FF977601F83] Unknown function at IsWindowVisible + $1A3
[7FF978740464] KiUserCallbackDispatcher + $24
[7FF9758A1304] NtUserRedrawWindow + $14
[7FF967D7DD34] Unknown function at  + $229A4
[7FF967E062E3] Unknown function at  + $27E43
[7FF9775F5C1D] Unknown function at CallWindowProcW + $3BD
[7FF9775F58EE] CallWindowProcW + $8E
[008099E7] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.DefaultHandler + $117
[0040FFE3] System.TObject.Dispatch + $53
[008025F0] Vcl.Controls.TControl.WndProc + $370
[00809850] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.WndProc + $9A0
[00BEB36E] TabControlEx.TCustomTabControlHelper.NewWndProc (Line 234,
"TabControlEx.pas" + 12) + $0
[008089CC] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc + $2C
[0055B6E6] System.Classes.StdWndProc + $26
[7FF9775F5C1D] Unknown function at CallWindowProcW + $3BD
[7FF9775F57EC] Unknown function at DispatchMessageW + $3CC
[7FF977601F83] Unknown function at IsWindowVisible + $1A3
[7FF978740464] KiUserCallbackDispatcher + $24
[7FF9758A1184] NtUserMessageCall + $14
[7FF9775F5289] Unknown function at SendMessageW + $3E9
[7FF9775F4F98] SendMessageW + $F8
[006A17CC] Vcl.ComCtrls.TCustomTabControl.UpdateTabSize + $4C
[006A1484] Vcl.ComCtrls.TCustomTabControl.SetTabHeight + $A4
[00D6446C] uMain.TfPSPad.WMResizeFileTabs (Line 11997, "uMain.pas" + 5)
+ $0
[0040FFD5] System.TObject.Dispatch + $45
[008025F0] Vcl.Controls.TControl.WndProc + $370
[00809850] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.WndProc + $9A0
[007AF7DE] Vcl.Forms.TCustomForm.WndProc + $99E
[008089CC] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc + $2C
[0055B6E6] System.Classes.StdWndProc + $26

Re: Access violation the four thousand six hundred seventeenth [74770]

2021-02-24 Tema obsahu Mat
--> does this error occur in a clean PSPad install clean PSPad install portable
version (read/write there), no older settings available

--> Is some specific file involved or does it crash
allways happened (started using PSPad in 2004 or 2005), files changed with time,
but now it became massive (and happens always twice withe the same file closing

--> Do you use WSH-scripting
no and never used it

I noticed it happens frecuently when PSPad tries to add/quit a third
file-tab-line, maybe that's a hint ...


PSPad freeware editor

Randomly changing folder names with strange characters [75914]

2021-05-26 Tema obsahu Mat
Houston we have a problem!

Until now the 'random strange characters' affected the code only. But now we
notice the 'random' renaming of the project folders.

And it seems that only project folders are hurted, because the extern
ftp-programm (still) shows the folder names correctly.

Synchronizing the project with its folder corrects project folder name again.

And yes, the message 'suspicious code found at line ...' helps, but not changing
code to rare characters would be nicer ...

PsPad version 5.0.7 (638) 64bit portable install

Have a nice day,

(viz )


PSPad freeware editor

Re: Randomly changing folder names with strange characters [75921]

2021-05-27 Tema obsahu Mat
Tried now 639 build for some hours, until now works fine.
What still happens, appearing the last builds only, but might be that this has
to do with the 'random strange characters', is, that inserting with ctrl + V
some copied code/text, is generating some vertical dotted lines from the line
above the inserted code/text.

Have a nice day,

(viz )


PSPad freeware editor

Re: Randomly changing folder names with strange characters [75931]

2021-05-28 Tema obsahu Mat
Bad news: 639 build second day - and strange characters are back again.

And even worse: before 1 line code/text was converted in 1 line strange
characters, now 1 line code/text goes to 5 lines (3 with strange characters, 2
blank between)

Have a nice day!


PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPAD v 5.0.7 (649) -> no Clipboard - functionality [76048]

2021-06-09 Tema obsahu Mat
noticed that functionality of some keys disappears sometimes and than the famous
'access violation' happens ... eg. backspace key ...


PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.7 (659) English [76236]

2021-06-30 Tema obsahu Mat
Randomly inserting rare characters is still an issue, but much less than in
previous versions.

Same with access violations: still happen, but less.

Minor observation: the save-button sometimes doesn't change to 'active' aspect
on changes realized in the code.


PSPad freeware editor

Clear History --> Access Violation [76293]

2021-07-08 Tema obsahu Mat
Hitting twice *Clear History* in *Files and Dirs*, the second time it
ends up with an 'Access Violation' - seems that clearing the history there, if
the history is empty, causes this behaviour.

Have a nice day!


PSPad freeware editor

Missing comment-style [76475]

2021-08-19 Tema obsahu Mat
Missing comment-style in own highlighters


as comment-style for


PSPad freeware editor

Crashes on the 7th or 8th file opened [76477]

2021-08-19 Tema obsahu Mat
Hi there,
the programm still crashes on the 7th or 8th, maybe 9th or 10th, file opened ...
doesn't affect the number of files closed meanwhile, crashes. File size
generally ranges within 4 kb and 30 kb.

Sometimes there is no other way out than close the programm forced by the
taskmanager as for every click in PsPad causes a new 'Access Violation', even
clicks on the close button, but somentimes after several times closing the
notification window of the 'Access Violation' which returns, it is possible
going on using the programm as if there were no prob - until the next 'Access
Violation' happens (which might be more or less heavy ...)

I'm using PsPad like a portable programm from an extern disk and after launching
the program, I start with 'create project from directory ...' (made a shortcut
to this menu entry years ago) to load the standard directory stored in
'designate directory' or 'create project' from some other directory like a
backyp directory.

Btw: the changing of 'good characters' into 'bad, strange characters' still
happens but much less than before.  

Machine and programm details se below.

Have a nice evening!
Best regards.

Exception description:

Access violation at address 00518EB9 in module 'PSPad.exe'. Read of
address 07E0.

Exception class: EAccessViolation
Exception address: 00518EB9

Stack list, generated 19/8/2021 14:31:10
[00518EB9] System.Classes.TList.Get + $29
[007F2A58] JclDebug.JclCreateStackList (Line 5351, "JclDebug.pas" + 1) +
[007F29C6] JclDebug.DoExceptionStackTrace (Line 5292, "JclDebug.pas" +
20) + $15
[007F4F66] JclDebug.DoExceptNotify (Line 6741, "JclDebug.pas" + 7) + $0
[007E2795] JclHookExcept.TNotifierItem.DoNotify (Line 272,
"JclHookExcept.pas" + 5) + $11
[007E29DB] JclHookExcept.DoExceptNotify (Line 339, "JclHookExcept.pas" +
13) + $2B
[007E2B97] JclHookExcept.HookedExceptObjProc (Line 395,
"JclHookExcept.pas" + 5) + $0
[004115D7] System.@DelphiExceptionHandler + $267
[7FFB1369217F] Unknown function at __chkstk + $11F
[7FFB13641454] RtlRaiseException + $434
[7FFB13690CAE] KiUserExceptionDispatcher + $2E
[00518EB9] System.Classes.TList.Get + $29
[00869F2D] SynEditKbdHandler.TMethodList.GetItem (Line 376,
"SynEditKbdHandler.pas" + 2) + $B
[008697D6] SynEditKbdHandler.TSynEditKbdHandler.ExecuteKeyDown (Line
207, "SynEditKbdHandler.pas" + 9) + $11
[00890AD9] SynEdit.TCustomSynEdit.KeyDown (Line 1950, "SynEdit.pas" + 4)
+ $0
[0079481D] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.DoKeyDown + $BD
[00794858] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.WMKeyDown + $18
[00410135] System.TObject.Dispatch + $45
[0078AAC0] Vcl.Controls.TControl.WndProc + $370
[00791F00] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.WndProc + $980
[008A090B] SynEdit.TCustomSynEdit.WndProc (Line 6621, "SynEdit.pas" + 8)
+ $0
[006FD607] Vcl.Themes.TStyleHook.CallDefaultProc + $37
[0074DEB1] Vcl.Forms.TScrollingStyleHook.WMKeyDown + $11
[00410135] System.TObject.Dispatch + $45
[006FE558] Vcl.Themes.TStyleHook.WndProc + $1B8
[006FE899] Vcl.Themes.TMouseTrackControlStyleHook.WndProc + $9
[0074E0F9] Vcl.Forms.TScrollingStyleHook.WndProc + $9
[006FD8BC] Vcl.Themes.TStyleHook.HandleMessage + $8C
[00B77563] Vcl.Styles.TStyleEngine.HandleMessage + $C3
[006F8C1E] Vcl.Themes.TStyleManager.HandleMessage + $7E
[0078F289] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.DoHandleStyleMessage + $29
[0079163F] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.WndProc + $BF
[008A090B] SynEdit.TCustomSynEdit.WndProc (Line 6621, "SynEdit.pas" + 8)
+ $0
[0079109C] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc + $2C
[00540866] System.Classes.StdWndProc + $26
[7FFB12D5E858] Unknown function at CallWindowProcW + $3F8
[7FFB12D5E299] Unknown function at DispatchMessageW + $259
[00745573] Vcl.Forms.TApplication.ProcessMessage + $133
[007455E8] Vcl.Forms.TApplication.HandleMessage + $18
[00745A3F] Vcl.Forms.TApplication.Run + $EF
[00D2EA0C] PSPad.PSPad (Line 120, "" + 57) + $0
[7FFB11717034] BaseThreadInitThunk + $14
[7FFB13642651] RtlUserThreadStart + $21

Program  : L:a-PORTABLEyLAUNCH\PROGS\ESENCIALES\PSPad\PSPad.exe  5.0.7 (681)
System   : Windows 10 Professional x64, Version: 10.0, Build: 4A63, 
Processor: Intel, Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10700F CPU @ 2.90GHz, 2900 MHz MMX
Display  : 1920x1080 pixels, 32 bpp PPI: 96
Skin : Carbon

Active Controls Hierarchy:
TPSSynEdit "FEditor1"
TfChildEdit "fEdit_A63549816"


Re: Missing comment-style [76478]

2021-08-19 Tema obsahu Mat
hi, thanks, but the comment style is

<%--...--%> (note: --)



which defines a programm/application section.


PSPad freeware editor

ASCII table window incorrect page encoding setting [76484]

2021-08-21 Tema obsahu Mat
Selecting a single character and clicking below at the bottom of the PsPad
program window on the character information, opens the ASCII table window, but
initially always set to ANSI Arabic (1256) and not to the set page encoding - in
my case ANSI Western European (1552)

Win 10 PRO 64bit, always happened trough at least 10 PsPad versions and still
happens ...


PSPad freeware editor

Unwanted 'automatic' encoding change by PsPad project on file open [76485]

2021-08-21 Tema obsahu Mat
I've an archive (maybe more archives ...) containing strings like "œ" or

I'm using this 'strange characters' combination as separators/ids in 'custom
dictionaries' because in 'real life' these combinations rather exist, and when
they are eliminated in keys and values before creating the dictionary ...

Opening the file with some text-editor, all ok.
Opening the file with PsPad, sometimes, ok but mostly popping up a warning
window saying file 'contains broken UTF-8 encoding. Do you want to open it?'
If u confirm the warning window with NO, pops up an error message, saying file
cannot be opened.
In this case PsPad looses the ability to access the file from the left project
file list  (clicking it) until PsPad is restarted. 
If PsPad is restarted generally the atempt to open the file, terminates in
popping up the warning window saying file 'contains broken UTF-8 encoding' ...

Selecting from the file-explorer-window on the left 'open with Notepad' works
fine, 'open with PsPad' ends up with the warning window saying file 'contains
broken UTF-8 encoding' ...

If u confirm the warning window 'contains broken UTF-8  ..' with YES,  File
Encoding changes from ANSI Western European (1552) to Unicode UTF-8 no BOM
(65001), but in the Encoding menu still remains selected 'ANSI Western European
(1552)'. The characters of the 'rare' strings are converted in ďż˝, putting back
the file encoding to ANSI Western European (1552) by clicking the encoding
information on the bottom of the PsPad program window, saving the file with ANSI
Western European (1552) encoding, results that on reopening the archive, it
stays in ANSI Western European (1552) and the ďż˝ signs are converted  in
standard ? signs.

Clicking on file-info and statistics throws an

Access violation at address 7FFB1100A525 in module 'KERNELBASE.dll'. Read of
address 073C.

... which can be closed without PsPad to crash and opening the window with the
file-info: Words count zero, lines count 47 (see image)

Windows 10 Pro 64bit, PsPad(64) 5.0.7 (681) used from extern disk (crete project
from folder on start) same effects downgrading to 649 ... but in times when 649
was latest version it didn't happen.

(viz )

BTW: reopening such a lot of times PsPad I noticed that selecting 'Create
Project from Directory' the 'Project Default Directory' search window on each
new search opens a little bit more down-right ... :-)
And I remember the times when the Program Default Directory there was scrolled
in the view, and in Dark Theme the search window  is bright ... but these are
not important details.


PSPad freeware editor

Version 687 - search in files result clicking [76671]

2021-10-10 Tema obsahu Mat
Doing 'search in files', clicking in the results only once (after restart PSPad)
behaviours in the correct way (opens the file containing the and goes down to
line), second and more times go to the 'correct' line in the current/actual
file, doesn't open the file with the found search result.

If the result line of  the result-file is greater than the total line number of
the actual file, it goes down to the end of the actual file, what not only
causes not showing up what u want, but also leads to a certain confusion because
in several cases u end up in other lines/at the end of the current file ...

Note: this is a new behaviour in version 687, in versions before it worked well.


PSPad freeware editor

Strange cursor behaviors [76684]

2021-10-12 Tema obsahu Mat
In some files opened with PSPad, the vertical cursor stops flashing and remains
fixed on a place, but inserting on the desired place works (without having a
flashing cursor there ...).

At the same time in other open files cursor desplaces where clicked in code.

Note: all files are of the same type.

PSPad Version 687 64bit, Win10 64bit


PSPad freeware editor

Unhappily and sadly leaving PSpad for a working alternative. [76717]

2021-10-26 Tema obsahu Mat
Working with PSpad is easy: No 'Microsoft Extras', no anoying 'Web development
goodies', simple write highlightened code as u know it and usually use it. And
portable, so one has his work and program on a stick/extern disc.

That's why PSpad attracts.

But ultimately in the last month problems became overwelming, they are not new
but happen with more frequency:

Permanent access violations, random converting code to strange characters,
functionality failing of the search result window ... and solving the problems
is not in sight.

So after more then 18 years using PSpad, sadly I decided to search for an

And I found it: doing some tasks in adapting highlighters, configuring keyboard
short cuts, settings, theme and configuration - within a day I had nearly an
exact 'copy' of that what PSpad looked to me.

No probs, no issues - happy? No, I'd wished to proceed with PSpad, but I also
need to proceed with working.

Maybe, some day, when PSpad regains functionality, I'll come back.

Thank you for this programm which was a faithful companion through nearly 2


PSPad freeware editor