Re: [fpc-devel] mips-linux and mipsel-linux snapshots available

2012-12-17 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Mon, 17 Dec 2012, Nikolai Zhubr wrote:

Hi Sergei and Mark,
16.12.2012 12:41, Sergei Gorelkin:

This was caused by insufficient alignment of Double-typed temp
variables, fixed in r23146.
Moreover, it appeared that function UnixToWinAge wasn't doing anything
useful since year 2005, so it was removed in r23145, making
FindFirst/FindNext routines somewhat faster (and able to run without FPU).

Now I am able to run the big-endian MIPS compiler on QEMU. Hoping you'll
be able to reproduce it, too.

This is to remind you guys that if you wish to do some testing/debugging/etc 
on a real mips device via ssh, two debian mips boxes (big and little endian) 
with plenty of disk space are running here 24/7 for exactly that purpose. 
They are not much loaded and I can create some account(s) for you any time.

The FPC team has a MIPS device (longsoon?) available. 
It's currently switched off, but can be switched on at any time.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Is this future save? class casting for var-param

2012-12-03 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Mon, 3 Dec 2012, Martin wrote:

having a
 procedure Foo(var x: TSomeClass);

calling it with


It compiles with 2.6.0.

Just want to be sure, it wont stop in future versions.

It should not stop.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Tests of observer feature [was: Considerations about observer]

2012-11-29 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Thu, 29 Nov 2012, luiz americo pereira camara wrote:

- I cannot define FieldsObserver as IFPObserver (the reasons why do i
prefer as it are above)
- Using FieldsObserver as TObject each time i attach/dettach from a
TFields there will be a type cast that i know before hand is not
necessary and could avoid.

That depends on the implementation.

Not everybody will have the IFPObserver available as a separate field.
I suspect that in many cases, it will be the observer object itself.

In that case you would have to do 
(YourObserverObject as IFPObserver)

anyway, and you gain nothing. the 'as' does the same thing as what is now in
the implementation of attachobserver...

In my proposition, is up to programmer decide if will use TObject or
IFPObserver in FieldsObserver, different from today that i'm tied with

Since every object is TObject, I do not see this as a problem.

Since in your code you will only attach a FieldsObserver, you 
lose nothing in the process.

Different from what Michael stated in previous email, in my
proposition there would be no increase of interface usage in the
functionality itself. Just would be explicit to the programmer that
this feature requires a interface rather than now, that is hidden in
the implementation.

That it is hidden, is exactly what I wanted. To me, that is a plus.

Anyway, with this I have a clearer example of what you want to achieve.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Tests of observer feature [was: Considerations about observer]

2012-11-29 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Thu, 29 Nov 2012, luiz americo pereira camara wrote:

I fail to see how the current interface forbids this ?

It does not forbids. It's just an example of the need to check if a
object implements an IFPObserver before attaching it.
You have said that there's no real life situation you need to do this
check since the programmer should know that implements always before

Yes. I still do not see how your example shows this ?

Your wizard knows it can observe. It attaches itself to the frame.
The code frame does not need to know the observing object ?

In the two cases one does not know about the other. What links is if
the owner implements an interface or not and the implicit contract of
this interface usage that is defined by the programmer. So i cannot
simply call AttachObserver(Owner).

So you say, but you do not explain why not.

It can crash since not necessarily owner (e.g. a simple TForm) will
implements IFPObserver?

Who takes the decision to observe or not ? The TForm, I assume.
Somewhere the decision is made. In this location you will necessarily know
who will do the observing, and you will know it has IFPObserver.

Anyway, to me is clear that you wont change your mind regardless of
the arguments i use since you are not willing to change your code that
relies on it.

No, actually that is the least of my worries. It is an argument, not *the*

The argument is:

I am not a fan of interfaces, and will avoid them like the plague when
possible. The current implementation makes absolute minimal use of them and
it works.

Your proposal goes against all that I try to avoid, meaning that if I do as
you ask, I am in fact changing it to something that I will later try to
avoid as much as possible ?

You would not be forced or induced to use an interface it would be optional.

Eh ? 
I would need to do a AttachObserver(MyObservingObject as IFPObserver) everywhere 
where I want to observe, instead of AttachObserver(MyObservingObject).

That is hardly optional ?

Other programmer can have a different view/need of you. It's up to him
decide what to use.

BTW: did you read my comment about observer method not being public?
By the currently implementation to attach a Observer to a TPersistent
the programmer is _forced_ to use an interface contradicting what you
said above.

I already fixed that. I also fixed the sender problem. 
In my cases I always had (Sender=Self).

I am willing to do this for the sake of FPC in general, but then you'll have
to convince me of the huge benefits this change will bring.


You now present a use case where you do not want to change your own
implementation in order to be able to use Observer ?

As i said Observer would simplify the usage, so i'm willing to change my code.


When in fact you could most likely perfectly use it as it is (see the "as
TObject" elsewhere), or in the worst case slightly change your interface so
the observer support can be used.

All you need to do is 'expose' the observer TObject (implicitly or
explicitly). I hardly see how this compromises your interface/implementation
separation, by definition it is a TObject anyway ?

I know what to expect when i see an IFPObserver property but not when
i see an TObject (although i can guess by the name).

I am sorry, but I really still do not understand your problem with the 

Contrary to what it may look like, it is not so that I am dead set 
against such a change. However, to me, your change presents a serious 
disadvantage. Therefore I expect you at least to show to me that there 
is a substantial need or benefit in this for all of us.

Because till now I simply do not see the need or benefit...

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Are global variables guaranteed to be zero?

2012-11-29 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Thu, 29 Nov 2012, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote: wrote:

You must initialize local variables.

Are there cases where locals are set to a sane initial state, e.g. for 
strings and dynamic arrays? What about (references to) objects?

Managed types are normally initialized. That means Ansistrings,
UnicodeString, and COM interfaces and dynamic arrays (maybe I forget some)

Classes and objects are not.

By which I presume that (references to) objects are not set to nil, in the 
same way that an integer or pointer wouldn't be set to zero or nil.


fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Tests of observer feature [was: Considerations about observer]

2012-11-29 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Thu, 29 Nov 2012, luiz americo pereira camara wrote:

Well i have at least two situations, with code that is already
running, that the observer pattern would fit as i described.

- I implemented a Wizard Page component where i can attach a page to
any TFrame. Each page can be assigned as an instance or it can be
created at demand when is entered. Optionally the TFrame (Observed)
can implement a CORBA interface to communicate with the wizard
controller (Observer). This same TFrame can be used elsewhere, e.g, in
a configuration page, in this case, the wizard functionality will be
ignored since there's no observer.

I could use the native Observer support to simplify the interface,
making easier implement.

I still do not see how this is forbidden by the observers as they work now.

- I have a code that takes a TFrame and show as dialog with some
configurable buttons. To communicate to inform of state changes i use
LCL messages that is really cumbersome.

I could use the native observer support also. So if something changed
in the TFrame i could enable the save button or popup a dialog to save
the changes. If this same frame is used every where the Notidications
would be discarded since there's no observer

I fail to see how the current interface forbids this ?

In the two cases one does not know about the other. What links is if
the owner implements an interface or not and the implicit contract of
this interface usage that is defined by the programmer. So i cannot
simply call AttachObserver(Owner).

So you say, but you do not explain why not.

Anyway, to me is clear that you wont change your mind regardless of
the arguments i use since you are not willing to change your code that
relies on it.

No, actually that is the least of my worries. 
It is an argument, not *the* argument.

The argument is:

I am not a fan of interfaces, and will avoid them like the plague when
possible. The current implementation makes absolute minimal use of them and
it works.

Your proposal goes against all that I try to avoid, meaning that if I do 
as you ask, I am in fact changing it to something that I will later try 
to avoid as much as possible ?

I am willing to do this for the sake of FPC in general, but then you'll 
have to convince me of the huge benefits this change will bring.

You now present a use case where you do not want to change your own 
implementation in order to be able to use Observer ?

When in fact you could most likely perfectly use it as it is (see the "as
TObject" elsewhere), or in the worst case slightly change your interface 
so the observer support can be used.

All you need to do is 'expose' the observer TObject (implicitly or explicitly). 
I hardly see how this compromises your interface/implementation separation, 
by definition it is a TObject anyway ?

So in my eyes, you fail to present a clear use case to show that
use of interfaces would actually be beneficial for the majority of 
intended use cases of observers.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Tests of observer feature [was: Considerations about observer]

2012-11-29 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Thu, 29 Nov 2012, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:

Hi Luiz,

First off, thanks for take the trouble it creating test projects.

On 2012-11-29 02:59, luiz americo pereira camara wrote:

As is today, if you have a reference to a IFPObserver is not possible
to use it to attach to, e.g., child objects. This occurs because AFAIK
you can't get a TObject from a interface reference.

OK, there are quite a few things I consider wrong with your Test1

1) Nothing stops Michael from extending the IPFObserver interface to
   include a GetObject function that returns a TObject reference of
   the observer.
   I have seen many such cases in the wild. Not sure if I agree
   with it, but that is another story.

2) What exactly are you observing in Test1? What are you trying to
   TMyParentView is a TObject. Adding children to the Children property
   doesn't notify the observer about anything.
   ... now if the Observer property is holding reference to something
   that should observer each of the Children, well, then that is very
   easy to accomplish too. Simply changes the Observer property to
   a TObject instance.

3) Something Michael should fix. TFPObjectList doesn't support
   IPFObserver. TObjectList does though. I guess many of the list
   classes in the Contnrs unit should be double checked.

No. This is left out on purpose.

If you want observer support, you need TObjectList and TList.

The primary reason of existence for TFPList and TFPObjectList is speed and
minimal overhead. TList and it's observer/notification capabilities introduce 
a serious speed penalty.

For instance when doing a Clear, all items are removed one by one as opposed 
to just de-allocating the array used to hold them.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Are global variables guaranteed to be zero?

2012-11-29 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Thu, 29 Nov 2012, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote: wrote:

On Thu, 29 Nov 2012, Alexander Klenin wrote:

On Wed, Nov 28, 2012 at 2:29 PM, Jonas Maebe  

Will global variables and static global arrays be always initialized to


Then I suggest to amend the first paragraph of
which directly contradicts this.

It does not directly contradict this ?

For local variables the statement is 100% correct.
You must initialize local variables.

Are there cases where locals are set to a sane initial state, e.g. for 
strings and dynamic arrays? What about (references to) objects?

Managed types are normally initialized. That means Ansistrings,
UnicodeString, and COM interfaces and dynamic arrays (maybe I forget some)

Classes and objects are not. I am not sure about widestrings on Windows.

But again, not always:

For instance

Function a(B : Integer) : Ansistring;

  Result:=Result+' something';

You would think that Result is initialized because it is managed: 
it is an ansistring. In fact, it is not initialized, leading sometimes to surprises.

I only learned about this relatively recently, much to my surprise.

It is one of the reasons I am reluctant to document this in detail, there
always seem to pop up new cases.

In general, you are safer off by assuming that nothing is initialized.
Initializing it again does no damage.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Tests of observer feature [was: Considerations about observer]

2012-11-29 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Thu, 29 Nov 2012, luiz americo pereira camara wrote:

2012/11/29  :

On Thu, 29 Nov 2012, Sven Barth wrote:

Am 29.11.2012 03:59, schrieb luiz americo pereira camara:

As is today, if you have a reference to a IFPObserver is not possible
to use it to attach to, e.g., child objects. This occurs because AFAIK
you can't get a TObject from a interface reference.

At least for COM interfaces "as" and "is" with a class type on the right
side is supported. The corresponding code for Corba interfaces is not
implemented (yet). This feature exists at least since 2.6.0.

Well. I did not know of this feature. I should document it :-)

If so, that solves Luiz' problem, since it would allow him to retrieve the
to use as an observer.

I'm assuming that Luiz uses COM interfaces.

Again: in this case, i don't use COM interfaces nor do i propose to use

That's not what I meant with this statement:

I meant that if you do happen to use COM interfaces for everything else, 
the above means you can get the object that's associated with it and pass 
it on as an observer, so the current implementation will work for you as

it is now.

If you use CORBA interfaces, it means you must wait till the corresponding
code is implemented (which I am willing to do) for it to work.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Are global variables guaranteed to be zero?

2012-11-29 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Thu, 29 Nov 2012, Alexander Klenin wrote:

On Wed, Nov 28, 2012 at 2:29 PM, Jonas Maebe  wrote:

Will global variables and static global arrays be always initialized to


Then I suggest to amend the first paragraph of
which directly contradicts this.

It does not directly contradict this ?

For local variables the statement is 100% correct.
You must initialize local variables.

For global variables, it's a different story.

The last time that this discussion popped up - exactly 3 years ago in 
fpc-pascal - there was some confusion as to what is now exactly behaviour and

what is spec for global variables.

From what I can see in the archives, the FPC behaviour is to zero out
because Delphi and TP do so.  The Pascal spec is not to assume that it 
is zeroed out.

So, based on the specs, the teachers are right.
Based on docs as they are now, they are also right.

The docs does not specifically say something about the difference 
between global and local variables.  (unless I've missed it)

But I will amend the docs.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Tests of observer feature [was: Considerations about observer]

2012-11-29 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Thu, 29 Nov 2012, Sven Barth wrote:

Am 29.11.2012 03:59, schrieb luiz americo pereira camara:

As is today, if you have a reference to a IFPObserver is not possible
to use it to attach to, e.g., child objects. This occurs because AFAIK
you can't get a TObject from a interface reference.

At least for COM interfaces "as" and "is" with a class type on the right side 
is supported. The corresponding code for Corba interfaces is not implemented 
(yet). This feature exists at least since 2.6.0.

Well. I did not know of this feature. I should document it :-)

If so, that solves Luiz' problem, since it would allow him to retrieve the 
to use as an observer.

I'm assuming that Luiz uses COM interfaces. But in the case he uses CORBA
interfaces: What routine needs to be implemented to do this for Corba 
interfaces ?

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Tests of observer feature [was: Considerations about observer]

2012-11-29 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Wed, 28 Nov 2012, luiz americo pereira camara wrote:

Given the considerations i did about the observer feature, here are
some simple projects that supports my concerns and therefore the
request i made to change the interface of two functions.

As is today, if you have a reference to a IFPObserver is not possible
to use it to attach to, e.g., child objects. This occurs because AFAIK
you can't get a TObject from a interface reference.

This limits the programmer choice to use a TObject in such situations,
in this case the Observer property.

All objects in memory descend from TObject, so this is not a problem.
COM provided objects are not supported. That would require COM interfaces.

I have looked at your tests. They are IMHO rather theoretical and will not
happen in real life. I can think of plenty of things that will not work even
with TComponent or TObject. That doesn't mean they will happen.

Your 'problem' is that you store only interfaces for objects that will
observe. Indeed, this is a programming model I do not care to support 
*for observers*, because I  do not think it is likely to happen in real 
life situations.

I explain this below.

Pretty simple: if you don't know if a TObject descendant instance
implements a IFPObserver (most cases) you have to do a check before
attaching to a IFPObserved otherwise an exception is raised.

Let me get this straight:

What you say is that you get from somewhere an unknown object 
(or an interface) and just decide to let it observe another object ? 
For what ? For fun ?

That is a very strange argument. You don't "accidentally" observe.
It is also not true that all objects A that have the IFPObserver 
interface are suitable to observe a particular object B.

You observe for a purpose. I'll say even more: in most cases your 
observer will be written to specifically observe the observed class.

You will not let object A observe object B for no good reason.
Observing introduces an overhead. For this reason alone, you 
should not 'just observe'.

A will observe B in order to react on changes that B reports,
and A will act on these changes. In almost all cases, A will 
have specific knowledge about B: even if it is just that B 
has a published property named XYZ.

So you will know in advance that when attaching A to B, that A will 
have the IFPObserver interface.

Therefore your test to see if A has the observer interface is simply redundant.

Anyway, all this is why I think that using an interface-based API
has no value in this case. There will be an object somewhere that 
you will have written to do some observations and act on changes.

All I require is that you use the actual object in the API.
It's guaranteed to be there anyway.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Considerations about observer [was: Free Pascal 2.6.2 rc1]

2012-11-28 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Wed, 28 Nov 2012, luiz americo pereira camara wrote:

2012/11/28 Graeme Geldenhuys :

On 2012-11-27 16:19, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

If you haven't made other changes to those LCL Mediators since the code
you emailed me, I could take a look at updating the code for Lazarus too.

That's a perfect example of the FPC Observers support being fully
functional as-is.

I don't discuss being fully functional as is. But you must agree that,
if an architeture works in a scenario does not mean it's good or at
least could not be improved.

But the design should also not try to cover all possible use cases at any cost.

Till now, I have not seen a common use case that will not work.

I just proposed a change that will give more flexibility for the
programmer when designing his application interface. As a plus with
less typecasts, so less overhead.

If we assume for a second that the internal change to store the interface 
instead of the instance is done:

There are not less typecasts executed, they are in a different place simply.
You must always type the typecast before calling AttachObserver, I do it 
inside AttachObserver. 
My code is therefore simpler to read, generates less code and hence is preferable.

I'm not speaking idly about less code generated. Interfaces generate
some overhead. COM interfaces generate even quite some overhead.

Compare this (not meant to be runnable):

{$mode objfpc}
uses classes;

Procedure DoI(I : IInterface);


  C : TComponent;

  DoI(C as IInterface);

With this:

{$mode objfpc}
uses classes;

Procedure DoI(C : TComponent);

  (C as IInterface)._addref;

  C : TComponent;


The latter (no interface passed on) generates the following assembler 
for the main program:


The former (pass an interface) generates for the main program the following 

testl   %eax,%eax
jne .Lj10
testq   %rax,%rax
je  .Lj11

If you use corba interfaces, then the interface version of the main program is 
reduced to


This kind of code you will generate for each call to 

So, not requiring the interface to be passed on saves code if you use corba interfaces. 
Using COM classes would generate even more code for each invokation.

Just to show why I prefer to avoid COM interfaces and the whole 'as' when 

If it had been possible to implement the whole observer thing without using
interfaces, I would have done it, but alas...

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Considerations about observer [was: Free Pascal 2.6.2 rc1]

2012-11-28 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Wed, 28 Nov 2012, Marco van de Voort wrote:

In our previous episode, said:

At some point, there must be an object, and at some point, there is a

You often can't reroot external components, but if they support tcomponent

What does "reroot external components" mean ?

(Change the root of their inheritance tree. e.g. something that doesn't
inherit from interfacedobject to inherit from it)

(and thus Tinterfacedobject), you can add an interface in a child class.

The interfaces are CORBA, so there is no need for TInterfacedObject.

Ok. I assumed they also had to be COM compatible because of tiopf.

That the interface is CORBA was a conscious decision so reference counting
and all the overhead associated with it was avoided. As far as I know, this
rules out COM provided interfaces (if this is what you refer to by external
components). That is a tradeoff I find acceptable.

For me personally that is unacceptable. But that is not with just an FPC hat

The probability of using COM with the observer interface is IMHO almost zero.
That's simply not the main intended use case, in casu: GUI elements observing
business objects: both will normally be in-process.

Given the benefit of no reference counting and all that implies
(TInterfacedObject etc), it was obvious that CORBA interfaces 
were the way to go.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Considerations about observer [was: Free Pascal 2.6.2 rc1]

2012-11-28 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Wed, 28 Nov 2012, Marco van de Voort wrote:

In our previous episode, said:

Then Luiz is right on time with his proposal, with the frist release
candidate of the first release that contains this feature. If
production code already uses it, then the production code writers must
have taken a risk for change knowing that this was a not yet released

It's rather the opposite. This code was developed and has been in use since
years. I simply integrated the code in the classes unit, making the
production code simpler.

Yes, and by doing that  you submit it to public scrutiny, risking other


Based on feedback, the interface was already changed slightly, but not in 
a super invasive way as asked here.

Apart from that, I don't see the point in changing it to an interface.

At some point, there must be an object, and at some point, there is a

You often can't reroot external components, but if they support tcomponent

What does "reroot external components" mean ?

(and thus Tinterfacedobject), you can add an interface in a child class.

The interfaces are CORBA, so there is no need for TInterfacedObject.

That the interface is CORBA was a conscious decision so reference counting 
and all the overhead associated with it was avoided. As far as I know, this

rules out COM provided interfaces (if this is what you refer to by external
components). That is a tradeoff I find acceptable.

I can see the speed argument when notifying, but that can be changed by
an internal change, without API changes.

As Paul and Vincent correctly state, from the view of the FPC project, the
interface is not yet fixed.


But I want to see some stronger reasons than the ones given before I change the 

Like I said:
The one about speed in notifyupdates is not a problem, I'll improve that,
implementation speed is important.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Considerations about observer [was: Free Pascal 2.6.2 rc1]

2012-11-28 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Wed, 28 Nov 2012, Vincent Snijders wrote:


It IS a big change. There is production code out there that uses this,
and this is an incompatible change.

Then Luiz is right on time with his proposal, with the frist release
candidate of the first release that contains this feature. If
production code already uses it, then the production code writers must
have taken a risk for change knowing that this was a not yet released

It's rather the opposite. This code was developed and has been in use since
years. I simply integrated the code in the classes unit, making the
production code simpler.

Apart from that, I don't see the point in changing it to an interface.

At some point, there must be an object, and at some point, there is a
typecast, this is unavoidable. Nothing is gained by changing the API 
to use an interface.

I can see the speed argument when notifying, but that can be changed by 
an internal change, without API changes.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Considerations about observer [was: Free Pascal 2.6.2 rc1]

2012-11-28 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Tue, 27 Nov 2012, luiz americo pereira camara wrote:

2012/11/27 Michael Van Canneyt :

On Tue, 27 Nov 2012, luiz americo pereira camara wrote:

Hi, i requested a change to observer interface with some
considerations in

It will not happen.

If you want to pass around interfaces safely, then you need to implement
them as
descendents of IUnknown to maintain reference counts. They are implemented
as CORBA interfaces exactly to avoid the overhead of IUnknown.

The consequence is that you must pass around the objects themselves.

I don't see the point.

It would be true if the IFPObserved (e.g., TPersistent) takes
ownership of the attached observers. That is not the case.

Currently, in the observer feature, there's no difference between
plain TObject and corba interface (IFPObserver) regarding the life
cycle management.


Both there are no guarantees that they will still be alive when accessed.

The current approach limits the programmer flexibility and adds
unnecessary overhead.

As practical example take a LCL Form that is supposed to be observed.
It takes an Observer property and attach it to certain child controls
(TEdit etc)

1) Currently i'm forced to declare as the Observer property as an
TObject. If i declare Observer property as IFPObserver i cannot attach
to children controls.

I do not understand this ?

2) Each time i attach to a child control this Observer property will
be queried to see if implements IFPObserver (but we already know that
it implements, we already checked !!!)

You only gain speed when notifying. When calling FPOAttachAbserver or
FPODetachAbserver, you would need to typecast some object anyway if we 
would change the interface, so there is no speed gain there...

During notification, we can gain speed by internally storing the interface.

So, i keep my points. Even because is not a big change with easy
implementation that will fix the above issues.

It IS a big change. There is production code out there that uses this,
and this is an incompatible change.

I can change the internals so speed is gained during notifyobservers,
but I do not see sufficient reasons to change the interface and introduce an

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Memory Streams unable to handle reads past 2GB

2012-11-06 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Mon, 5 Nov 2012, Andrew Brunner wrote:

Same problem with TMemoryStream.Write :-(

On 11/05/2012 10:09 PM, Andrew Brunner wrote:


function Read(var Buffer; Count: LongInt): LongInt; override;

Having Read result declared as LongInt is problematic on 64 bit systems 
with large streams.

Read result MUST be either PtrInt or Int64 but it cannot be LongInt.

Since you can only read 2GB (Count is a longint) in a single read operation, 
it makes no sense to return a 64-bit result.

Note that the operating system only allows 2Gb reads anyway, even on 64-bit

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Observer support in Delphi

2012-10-24 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Wed, 24 Oct 2012, Marco van de Voort wrote:

In our previous episode, said:

Recently observer support was added to fpc.

Just wondering what path fpc will follow:

1) Ditches the current fpc implementation and implements a Delphi
compatible interface

2) Time to diverge from Delphi. Keeps fpc own implementation

3) Implement both interfaces

Probably 3.
However, given the total lack of documentation, it is hard to say.

I can still unmerge the observer functionality from fixes/2.6.2. Then (1) is
also still a possibility.

Not if I have anything to say about it :-)

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Observer support in Delphi

2012-10-24 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Wed, 24 Oct 2012, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:

On 2012-10-24 07:52, wrote:

However, given the total lack of documentation, it is hard to say.


I had a look too, the Embarcadero website isn't much help.

From what I've seen, I can surmise it is geared towards their 'livebindings' 

Seeing things like

in the classes (!) unit, makes me shudder, though.

How anyone can create such a convoluted system is beyond me.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Observer support in Delphi

2012-10-23 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Tue, 23 Oct 2012, luiz americo pereira camara wrote:

While looking for the new TextHint property in Delphi docs, i found that
recent Delphi implements Observer support. See:

Recently observer support was added to fpc.

Just wondering what path fpc will follow:

1) Ditches the current fpc implementation and implements a Delphi
compatible interface

2) Time to diverge from Delphi. Keeps fpc own implementation

3) Implement both interfaces

Probably 3. 
However, given the total lack of documentation, it is hard to say.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] FPC related fairy tale

2012-10-18 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Thu, 18 Oct 2012, Sven Barth wrote:

Hello together!

Over the past weeks I've spent some time on getting something to work in FPC 
and now I'm about to commit this either this evening or at least this weekend 
(depending on the time I have). Now I thought that I'd make a little test to 
see how good you know FPC and thus I've written a little fairy tale which is 
more or less loosely based on the work I've done.
One important note beforehand though: it may sound as if I'm critizing some 
actions of the other FPC core devs in this tale, but this is definitely NOT 
my intention, so take the story not too seriously, please ;) [and also keep 
in mind, please, that I'm not a native English speaker...]


I've been on the core team since a very long time, but I don't have a
clue what this is about. I can think of several things that could apply, 
but the story really doesn't give clear hints - well, not to me at least.

(but then, I've never been good at symbolics)

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Local variable names and colision with attributes/properties names

2012-09-27 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Thu, 27 Sep 2012, Marcos Douglas wrote:

Yes, it's always possible. In practice, I haven't seen this happen a single
time in the 10+ years that the compiler has had this feature. That doesn't
mean that it's impossible, but it's another factor in the "good to have"
versus "causes more harm than good" equation.

Well, happened on the own compiler.  ;-)
IMHO, these collisions happen a lot and because of this many
programmers use prefixes in local variables, see:
lNet, fpGUI, tiOPF2, Indy, and even Delphi (DateUtils unit eg.).


The compiler helps you by forcing you to use a prefix in objfpc mode in case
you forgot.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Local variable names and colision with attributes/properties names

2012-09-27 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Thu, 27 Sep 2012, Marcos Douglas wrote:

But this is a programmer's choice, ie, using or not the Self. The
problem, IMHO, is that I can't choose when we talk about local

You can: Use delphi mode.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Local variable names and colision with attributes/properties names

2012-09-27 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Thu, 27 Sep 2012, Marcos Douglas wrote:

On Thu, Sep 27, 2012 at 11:01 AM, Jonas Maebe  wrote:

On 27 Sep 2012, at 15:51, Marcos Douglas wrote:

What is the advantages to the compiler return the error bellow?
ERROR: unit1.pas(31,3) Error: Duplicate identifier "FooVar"

Why the compiler do not respect the scope, ie, the local variable
should have the preference, I'm not right?

Yes, but the human brain is very good at confusing such things, and it's
very easy to accidentally assign something to a local variable instead of to
a field.

Only Pascal uses that way?

No, the brain works that way.

The FPC team decided to protect you from accidental mistakes by forbidding
this special case in $mode objfpc.

For me, it has become second nature never ever to have a variable with the
same name as a property, even in Delphi.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] XML Parser problems with C-Data and Character Encoding

2012-09-27 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Thu, 27 Sep 2012, Andrew Brunner wrote:

On 09/27/2012 04:19 AM, Mattias Gaertner wrote:
Have you tried setting the right encoding in the xml?  >

I have, and it did and it did work (thanks Sergei :-)

Maybe you can explain what you are trying to do?

I have a cloud social virtual operating system and each read/write operation 
is done via XML.  So adding content encoding mechanism for comparing each 
byte is extremely costly from a client/server standpoint.  Just imagine 1M+ 
users and having to encode/decode each xml fragment just to get the parser to 
parse the data - unwanted latency.

AFAIK such statements have seldom a positive effect on volunteer projects.

My frustration is not with FPC team, because they are drawing code from 
projects like firefox.

To my knowledge, we are not ?

 I am extremely sensitive towards wasted cpu cycles as 
efficiency in scale is maximized by reducing things like byte encoding.  Some 
of my stream fragments can be as large as 1.4MB deflated from 8MB.  Multiply 
that number by say 100 concurrent users on that 1 node and you'll begin to 
see my frustration.

If you are sensible to that, drop XML and use JSON. It will parse much
faster, contains far less overhead (smaller packet size).
It was invented exactly because XML became too heavyweight.

I did some benchmarking. Using XML (well, SOAP) makes a typical application 
6 times slower than a comparative binary transmission mechanism.

To me, an XML parser is just looking for "<>" etc.  Once it hits a CDATA 
section it should only look for ]].  Therefore I was surprised to learn that 
it required the encoding tag (which in itself just increased the average 
network packet size) that I must transmit from client to my server nodes.

You cannot just choose which parts of XML to use, and which not.
XML is highly standardized, and so are XML parsers.
That is why people have standards.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Using Macros for IInterface

2012-09-26 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Wed, 26 Sep 2012, Sven Barth wrote:

Am 26.09.2012 12:28, schrieb Marco van de Voort:

In our previous episode, Sven Barth said:

 IInterface = IUnknown;

This depends on whether we want to enable $macro in the system unit...

It doesn't work at all since macro's don't export over unit borders.

Nowhere did I mention that it needs to be exported... that's why I thought of 
the following as a "convention".

My suggestions (if we do indeed enable it):
intfconst for constref/const
intfdecl for stdcall/cdecl {I would not use extdecl so that there are no
potential conflicts}

libcall was already mentioned. It also helps in a lot of other places, and
kills ninetynine percent of macro use. (which IMHO is always a good thing)

The question is then whether this should indeed be a new calling convention 
or merely something that translates to stdcall/cdecl...

I would be in favour of handling it at the level of the parser, but
simply translate to cdecl/stdcall. 
I would not use a macro that is handled on the level of the scanner.

The parser has more info at it's disposal, which could be useful if the 
behaviour needs to be refined.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Using Macros for IInterface

2012-09-26 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Wed, 26 Sep 2012, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:

On 2012-09-25 22:16, Henry Vermaak wrote:> I've used a macro for this in the 
past.  E.g. :

{$macro on}
{$ifdef windows}
   {$define CCONV:=stdcall}
   {$define CCONV:=cdecl}

Then use CCONV where you would specify the calling convention.

Couldn't something like this be applied to IInterface too?  So we can get rid 
of those horrible IFDEF lines. If you don't know what I am talking about, 
have a look at the IInterface definition.

  IUnknown = interface
function QueryInterface({$IFDEF 
FPC_HAS_CONSTREF}constref{$ELSE}const{$ENDIF} iid : tguid;out obj) : 
longint;{$IFNDEF WINDOWS}cdecl{$ELSE}stdcall{$ENDIF};
function _AddRef : longint;{$IFNDEF 
function _Release : longint;{$IFNDEF 

  IInterface = IUnknown;

And all those IFDEF's must go in your own code too when you implement a class 
with IInterface support.  Yuck!!

Since years I am a proponent of a libcall calling convention which translates 
to the
common library calling convention for the platform. i.e. stdcall on windows,
cdecl on all other platforms. A much cleaner solution IMHO.

The FPC_HAS_CONSTREF should disappear as soon as the RTL must not be
compilable with a previous version that does not have CONSTREF.
(which in fact could be 2.6.0, but someone would have to confirm that)

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] inode number

2012-09-24 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Mon, 24 Sep 2012, Michael Schnell wrote:

In the RTL, is there an encapsulation for finding the inode number of a file 
in an extX file system ? Or dis anybody already do code for this ?

You need to use the fpstat function for this. The stat record contains the
inode number.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] URIParser is not up to spec

2012-09-19 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Wed, 19 Sep 2012, Sergei Gorelkin wrote:

19.09.2012 11:45, Graeme Geldenhuys пишет:


I have to deal with complex URL's in a new part in my project, and thought 
I would take advantage of
the already existing URIParser unit in FPC. At closer inspection I noticed 
that the URIParser is not
up to RFC-3986 specs. Even some of the terminology and values used in 
URIParser is different to the

official RFC's.

Would anybody mind if I updated the URIParser unit to be "more correct", or 
is it the FPC
pereference to leave it as it is, and I'll make my own amendments for my 

Originally uriParser code was written to handle only URLs, without RFC3986 in 
mind. Later I updated it so the logic became closer to RFC3986, but had to 
keep URI syntax components as is in order to preserve compatibility with 
existing code.

So I think if we go after strict RFC compliance, we should introduce a new 
unit and deprecate an old one.

I agree.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] TProcess and arguments with quotes

2012-09-05 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Wed, 5 Sep 2012, Marco van de Voort wrote:

In our previous episode, Martin said:

function RunCommand(const cmdline:string;var
outputstring:string):boolean; deprecated;

Sorry seen to late, it is deprecated...

Seems that FPC is missing the functionality for "commandline" (which is
a property that existed for very long). Seen that it is now deprecated
probably means there are no plans to implement it?

Nope. Actually issues like this were the reason to deprecate it. There
barely has been a FPC version without changes to the quoting, and every
usage could possibly break something else again.

Users also seemed to be unable to handle the difference between api and
shell, which also caused constant confusion.


fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] TProcess and arguments with quotes

2012-09-05 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Wed, 5 Sep 2012, Martin wrote:

On 05/09/2012 10:38, Martin wrote:

function RunCommand(const cmdline:string;var outputstring:string):boolean; 

Sorry seen to late, it is deprecated...

Seems that FPC is missing the functionality for "commandline" (which is a 
property that existed for very long). Seen that it is now deprecated probably 
means there are no plans to implement it?


However the reason
On 05/09/2012 10:00, Marco van de Voort wrote:
The reason why tprocess changed to a list is to avoid the need to 
concatenate arguments (and thus split them again). So in time it is 
urgently recommended to follow that.

does not explain the lack of a working command line property. For code that 
has already individual params, the new Parameters[] property could live 
together with a fully implemented commandline.

The reason we want to get rid of the commandline is EXACTLY what you are
experiencing. The quoting rules, which are non-existent and application
specific on Windows, and which cause nothing but problems on Unix because
most people do not understand them.

To avoid these, we switched to Parameters. They have the benefit of a simple
use, and it is easier to 'imitate' windows using the unix Argv paradigm than
vice versa. Namely: it avoids parsing.

Assuming, that there are many apps that have a single string, IMHO it would 
be a good idea to add this functionality in fpc.

It will not be added to TProcess. 
On the contrary: CommandLine is marked deprecated becase it will disappear.

I have explained what to do, I will check if the documentation needs
some enhancements. But you must use parameters correctly.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] TProcess and arguments with quotes

2012-09-05 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Wed, 5 Sep 2012, wrote:

On Wed, 5 Sep 2012, Martin wrote:

You should not pass quotes. The quotes are only needed in a shell. 

That is not always possible. And the quotes work on most platforms.

Windows is an exception (as usual). See below.

I know TProcess changed from a single command-line to a listof arguments. 
So I couldn't find the User Changes note for this.

You don't need the 'User changes'. It is documented. Press F1.

An application may however have a list of arguments in a single string 
(e.g. the IDE ask the user to specify extra arguments. This can be 0, 1 or 

So ?

Those must be broken into individual strings.  TProcess does that if send 
as command line.

No, it does not "break anything down".

On non-windows, each element in the params list is passed as-is in the argv
array; No changes are performed at all.

On windows, each string is surrounded by quotes if there is a space and no
quotes in the string. The string itself is not touched.

This is necessary because the Windows API (CreateProcess) requires a single 

Note that the API does not mention anywhere how quotes or spaces should be 

I should specify here: for parameters. For the binary, it is specified,
because of the spaces in the path.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] TProcess and arguments with quotes

2012-09-05 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Wed, 5 Sep 2012, Martin wrote:

You should not pass quotes. The quotes are only needed in a shell. 

That is not always possible. And the quotes work on most platforms.

Windows is an exception (as usual). See below.

I know TProcess changed from a single command-line to a listof arguments. So 
I couldn't find the User Changes note for this.

You don't need the 'User changes'. It is documented. Press F1.

An application may however have a list of arguments in a single string (e.g. 
the IDE ask the user to specify extra arguments. This can be 0, 1 or many)

So ?

Those must be broken into individual strings.  TProcess does that if send as 
command line.

No, it does not "break anything down".

On non-windows, each element in the params list is passed as-is in the argv
array; No changes are performed at all.

On windows, each string is surrounded by quotes if there is a space and no
quotes in the string. The string itself is not touched.

This is necessary because the Windows API (CreateProcess) requires a single 

Note that the API does not mention anywhere how quotes or spaces should be 
The reason is that the started application on windows is supposed to handle its 
command-line processing. Unlike Unix, the started application gets the whole
command-line and is supposed to take care of everything by itself. How it
does this is ruled by custom only.

In short: Windows doesn't cater very well for the command-line. 
What quoting may work for application 1, may not work for application 2.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Implementing a Dataset

2012-09-03 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Mon, 3 Sep 2012, Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho wrote:

On Mon, Sep 3, 2012 at 11:18 AM,   wrote:

I think your best bet is to create a descendent of TBufDataset: it is in
itself a full TDataset.

You'll have to implement the least amount of methods there, and you can see
in TSQLQuery which ones.

But why would this be a better solution? TBufDataset is huge ... it me
it looks much harder to understand how it works and subclass it then
to attempt to start with empty methods and see if implementing
something on them will work.

Believe me, it is not :-)

And do not forget, you don't need to do TBufDataset, but TSQLQuery.
That just implements a few simple things. The rest is taken care of by

In essence you need to define which fields you need (i.e. populate
TFieldDefs) and then a routine to copy data from the source to the buffer,
and vice versa.

If you want, you can also look at the JSON Dataset. That is quite simple.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Implementing a Dataset

2012-09-03 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Mon, 3 Sep 2012, Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho wrote:


I searched a bit but there seams to be no documentation showing how to
implement a new dataset, correct? Any idea what is the list of minimum
amount of methods which I need to implement? I really would like to
implement the absolute minimum to get started. I am starting already
based on what TBufDataset implements, but it is a shot in the dark...

Also, it seams that datasets now use TRecordBuffer which does not
exist in my FPC 2.5.1 for Android. When was this introduced? Does it
change a lot of things? Because the Android branch still doesn't work
for me, so I am still stuck in my own personalized FPC 2.5.1.

TRecordBuffer was - if memory serves me well - implemented by Marco for
Delphi compatibility.

Basically I want to implement a new dataset for Android which works via JNI.

I think your best bet is to create a descendent of TBufDataset: it is in
itself a full TDataset.

You'll have to implement the least amount of methods there, and you can see
in TSQLQuery which ones.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Recent added support for Observer pattern in FCL

2012-08-28 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Tue, 28 Aug 2012, Luiz Americo Pereira Camara wrote:

Em 28/8/2012 09:15, escreveu:

On Tue, 28 Aug 2012, Luiz Americo Pereira Camara wrote:

Why not let TFPObservedOperation as integer and define constants.

It could define a constant like ooUser = 32
Below ooUser is reserved for future default constants
Above ooUser could be added custom messages
This is how LCL messages works

Exactly because it is not meant as a general messaging interface, and I 
want the interface to reflect this.

There is a clear intended use case: Mainly notification of changes.

This is the purpose i intend to use (replace my implementation). Basically is 
a tree structure that needs to be observed. To avoid performance problems 
like having to parse all the tree when a change occurs i defined actions when 
a Child is added, deleted or inserted.

Exactly. You should use ooAddItem, ooDeleteItem, and pass the treenode in Data.

To be clear what i would need to do with the current approach:

Your example is not correct. I don't see why you would not use ooItemAdded.

You observe a tree. Your observer code knows what it means if the tree sends 
a ooItemAdd or ooItemDelete. There is not even the need for a custom type here.

Do not forget that the implementor of some control decides (and documents)
what notifications he/she will send. The 4 standard ones will probably cover
everything. The observers need to know what they observe, and know what to
do for each operation.

If you make the operation an integer, an observer will never know if it has
covered all operations. With an enumerated type, the observer can implement the 
enumerated values, and know that all operations have been covered.

We can agree on the exact number of operations that we define, but I will
not implement a system with an open number of operations.

If you think that each and every possibly imaginable operation needs its own
type of message, then you are IMHO on the wrong track. My original implementation 
didn't even have ooCustom, and I could observe all controls in the LCL with just 
the 4 messages ooChange,ooFree,ooItemAdd and ooItemDelete; That included

observing a tree.

Today or tomorrow I will commit the fpObserver unit, which contains a
basic mediator factory which I used to implement just that.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Recent added support for Observer pattern in FCL

2012-08-28 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Tue, 28 Aug 2012, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:

On 28/08/12 13:15, wrote:

For example, on my 'doubtful' list I had "ooPropertyChange", to be used
in combination with the GetPropInfo() and a call in TPersistent:

FPOPropertyChanged(Const APropName : String);

This could work, and I can see use-cases where this could be useful. I'm not 
sure how much overhead it will add though, but probably very small if done 
correctly. How would streaming affect this? eg: populating objects from a 
.lfm file. I don't use such streaming, but thought I need to mention it. For 
more accurate information, I guess the best would be to do a reference 
implementation, create a test case, and decide from there.

Well, I can add the call, but I would not call it automatically.
It is up to the implementor of a class to call the FPOPropertyChanged from
a setter.

I imagine that this could be protected with a

if not (csLoading in ComponentState) then

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Recent added support for Observer pattern in FCL

2012-08-28 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Tue, 28 Aug 2012, Luiz Americo Pereira Camara wrote:

Em 28/8/2012 04:50, escreveu:

On Mon, 27 Aug 2012, Luiz Americo Pereira Camara wrote:

I ask to change to a mechanism that could allow customizable operations 
(more than one)

That is why you have ooCustom.

I'm asking that because i have implemented a similar mechanism that 
support operations like Load, ChildAdd, ChildDelete, ChildChange. I 
believe that more developers are in the same situation,i.e., using 
observer pattern to an action not handled by those 5 types. It would be 
helpful to use the native implementation otherwise i will have to 
keep(re-implement) the observer support over TPersistent.

That's why you have ooCustom and Data at your disposal.

ooCustom is already used in TCollection if i remember correct.

In TList and TCollection. I will change it to ooDeleteItem; The effect is
the same. Extract and Delete are the same operation at the pointer level, 
after all.

If i use it for a TCollection descendant that uses ooCustom with a record 
pointer i would get a conflict and a possible crash.

A useful observation, and I will take it into account.

Why not let TFPObservedOperation as integer and define constants.

It could define a constant like ooUser = 32
Below ooUser is reserved for future default constants
Above ooUser could be added custom messages
This is how LCL messages works

Exactly because it is not meant as a general messaging interface, 
and I want the interface to reflect this.

There is a clear intended use case: Mainly notification of changes.

In this sense, it is a unification and extension of the 
TCollection.Notify and
which already were defined by Delphi (and which, for some strange reason,

have different interfaces).

The enumerated reflects the intended use cases:
Change notification, and for list-type objects, insertion and deletion of items.

If you want to go outside that, then this is possible too:
you can use ooCustom and Data.

I will make sure it is not used in standard notifications.
(see the change above)

Using the outlined use-cases I gave you can still define an extension with
an integer and put that in the object/record to use on ooCustom.

If someone has an idea about a general-purpose notification type then that can 
of course be discussed.

For example, on my 'doubtful' list I had "ooPropertyChange", to be used in 
combination with the GetPropInfo() and a call in TPersistent:

FPOPropertyChanged(Const APropName : String);

I'm still not 100 % sure what to do with that.

As for the preterit in ooChanged, I will look at it too.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Recent added support for Observer pattern in FCL

2012-08-28 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Tue, 28 Aug 2012, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:

On 28/08/12 02:48, Luiz Americo Pereira Camara wrote:

Back in 2010, in the thread about observer support in fcl, i asked if
the actions would be customizable so i could, e.g., notify/observe if a
child was added or removed in a tree structure. The answer was yes.

I've emailed Michael 2-3 weeks ago about a previous mailing list discussion 
about Observer support too - which I concluded as will be accepted, Michael 
just needs time to commit his changes. Adding support for Observer into base 
RTL classes (not FCL). Any extra resources will only be used when the 
Observer functionality is actually requested, by the developer, it can't 
break any existing code because no such functionality existed before etc. 
Michael said it was "again under discussion" behind closed doors, but he will 
notify me of the outcome.

I think you didn't read the original poster's mail subject line 100% carefully 

The support has been committed. I didn't get around to notifying you yet.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Recent added support for Observer pattern in FCL

2012-08-28 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Mon, 27 Aug 2012, Luiz Americo Pereira Camara wrote:

Back in 2010, in the thread about observer support in fcl, i asked if the 
actions would be customizable so i could, e.g., notify/observe if a child was 
added or removed in a tree structure. The answer was yes.

Looking at the recent added support, it limit the actions (called operations) 
to 5 types

TFPObservedOperation = (ooChanged,ooFree,ooAddItem,ooDeleteItem,ooCustom);

I ask to change to a mechanism that could allow customizable operations (more 
than one)

That is why you have ooCustom.

I'm asking that because i have implemented a similar mechanism that support 
operations like Load, ChildAdd, ChildDelete, ChildChange. I believe that more 
developers are in the same situation,i.e., using observer pattern to an 
action not handled by those 5 types. It would be helpful to use the native 
implementation otherwise i will have to keep(re-implement) the observer 
support over TPersistent.

That's why you have ooCustom and Data at your disposal.

I imagined 3 scenarios for this:

The first:

Procedure TmyObject.SomethingChanged;

  Rec : TMyOperationInfo; // Contains custom information about your operation.

  Rec.XYZ:=MoreInfo; // Set up as needed.

Or, you can do

Procedure TmyObject.SomethingChanged;

  Obj : TMyOperationInfo; // Contains custom information about your operation.


Procedure TmyObject.SomeThingChanged(APropName : String);


But I think the additional Create/Free may be heavy. That is why I decided
on a data pointer, not an object. It allows to use records as well as

The last scenario was for property change notifications:

Procedure TmyObject.SomeThingChanged(Const APropName : String);


This could be called from a property setter.

There are many ways to implement an observer pattern. It is always a balance
between lightweight and extensibility. I believe the implemented mechanism
is both: it does not require additional objects (and thus heap operations)
but does allow using them.

The names of the TFPObservedOperation are not consistent:
ooChanged is in preterit while others not

ooChanged does not has Item suffix

It does not need one. The sender has changed, not an item in a list.
The 'Item'-s are  for when sender is a list, and an item is added to the list.
(TList, TStringList, TCollection)

That's a matter of documentation.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Does FPC optimize unused parameters ?

2012-08-08 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Wed, 8 Aug 2012, Jonas Maebe wrote:

Martin wrote on Wed, 08 Aug 2012:

Out of curiosity. Is there an optimization like this

[removing calculation/load of unused parameters]


(or is it possible?

After the body of the called routine has been parsed, it would be possible in 
theory (with indeed all the caveats the compiler would have to take care of 
such as side effects -- note that these may include non-obvious side-effects, 
such as potential overflow exceptions and invalid pointer accesses).

You'd need to check the caller routine as well, values for parameters might
still be used after the call to the function.

Dbg:=SomeCalculatingFunction+' Some message';

DebugLn(Dbg); // If debugln is empty, you don't need dbg for it, so the 
previous call is not needed.

Writeln(dbg); // but you need it here.

And you don't know what SomeCalculatingFunction may have as side effects.

Function SomeCalculatingFunction : String;


If the call to this function is optimized away, LastKnownAlive is not updated 
any more...

Of course, all highly theoretical.
I still use ifdefs for debug messages, and have a template to quickly insert :

{$ifdef debugmsg}SendDebug('|');{$endif debugmsg}

This way, there is no extra code in my final build.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Opening FPC base classes

2012-07-23 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Mon, 23 Jul 2012, Martin Schreiber wrote:

On Monday 23 July 2012 15:31:42 wrote:

I don't see why you cannot do the same. It's perfectly possible to use the
streaming system for both TComponent and other classes. All it takes is
RTTI, which happens to be enabled in TPersistent.

Because of integration of third party components. But you are probably right,
it seems to be the time to leave FCL compatibility. The design of
TPersistent/TComponent and the whole classes unit has been made by Borland so
that it made the development of a concurrent IDE to Delphi as difficult as

I've never seen it as such. There is nothing special about the classes unit.
It uses available RTTI in a certain way, that's it.

You're free to create a system that uses the same RTTI in a completely
different way, and build an eco system around this.

That you then cannot use code that expects the functionality of the classes 
unit, is a consequence you must accept.

I hope Free Pascal has not the same attitude. ;-)

Well, for starters, I don't draw the same conclusion as you:

You don't need to leave compatibility behind. IMO it is perfectly possible to
design a streaming system that streams both TComponents as non-TComponents,
given a few small changes to TFiler. That would allow you to re-use
third-party TComponent descendents and still offer all the things you need
in msegui/mseide.

I see that as a useful extension, and you can always ask for changes that
would make this possible.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Opening FPC base classes

2012-07-23 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Mon, 23 Jul 2012, Martin Schreiber wrote:

On Monday 23 July 2012 13:58:56 wrote:

These fields must remain private to ensure proper functioning of the
component system. Too much depends on the proper functioning of the
notification API and the owner/owned relations and its inherent memory

That is one of the reasons I need the full control. Please remember, the
properties are "deprecated".

You ask to throw away the very purpose and reason of existence for TComponent.
This is not going to happen.

The 'deprecated' does not change that. These fields are private for a reason.
Making them protected exposes them e.g. in TForm and TDatamodule from
Lazarus, which is a can of worms we are not going to open.

Please explain the actual problem. Till now you explain your solution to a 
you seem to have, not the problem itself. You hide behind other 'potential' 

And in general:
if TComponent imposes such restrictions on what you want to do: Simply do not use it. 
There is nothing sacred about TComponent. Lazarus for instance only requires TPersistent.

This is not as bad or such a big obstacle as it may seem: The tiOPF
framework has written a complete class system without referring to 
TPersistent or TComponent, it uses RTII successfully. 
It works very well, I use it myself.

I don't see why you cannot do the same. It's perfectly possible to use the
streaming system for both TComponent and other classes. All it takes is
RTTI, which happens to be enabled in TPersistent.

If we need to make some adjustments in TFiler so it will treat additionally
other classes as it currently treats TComponent, we can do that as well.
This should not be hard to do. You probably only need 3 things:
- Decide (based on a class) whether to descend in a component or write a  
- Set the name.
- Set the owner/parent.
These operations can be moved to virtual methods, and then the streaming can
stream a TComponent as well as a (supposed) TMSEComponent tree.


Is it possible to add
 protected //for toolkit access only
  property HandlePrivate: THandle read FHandle
write FHandle; deprecated;
" to THandleStream

No problems here. We can do this as well, provided we can make the
signature slightly different:

Procedure SetHandle(AHandle : THandle); virtual;
property HandlePrivate: THandle read SetHandle

SetHandle will just set the FHandle fields, but I want a virtual setter
so descendent classes get a chance to react on the change in case they need

Then SetHandle() is sufficient.


 protected //for toolkit access only
  property CapacityPrivate: PtrInt read FCapacity
write FCapacity; deprecated;
" to TMemoryStream?

TMemoryStream.Capacity is already read/write.

Why do you think you need direct access to the field ?

 TMemoryStream = class(TCustomMemoryStream)
   FCapacity: PtrInt;
   procedure SetCapacity(NewCapacity: PtrInt);
   function Realloc(var NewCapacity: PtrInt): Pointer; virtual;
   property Capacity: PtrInt read FCapacity write SetCapacity;

procedure TMemoryStream.SetCapacity(NewCapacity: PtrInt);

 SetPointer (Realloc(NewCapacity),Fsize);


The reason is to replace the memory without to trigger Realloc(). Used in the
internal memory stream of tmsefilestream. tmsefilestream.create() behaves as
memory stream, tmesefilestream('thefilename') as file so the descendants
(ttextdatastream for example) can work with all the different stream kinds
and inherit from TStream.

If it is internal to tmesefilestream, why don't you create your own descendent 
of TCustomMemoryStream ? If it is for this purpose, then it seems to be far

easier to use that technique than to request this change. There is nothing
magical about TMemoryStream.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Opening FPC base classes

2012-07-23 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Mon, 23 Jul 2012, Martin Schreiber wrote:

I am the author of MSEide+MSEgui, a Free Pascal development environment:

MSEide+MSEgui is not Delphi compatible and handles some basic TComponent
issues differently to Lazarus:

Is it possible to add
 protected //for toolkit access only
  property OwnerPrivate: TComponent read FOwner write FOwner; deprecated;
  property NamePrivate: TComponentName read FName write FName; deprecated;
  property ComponentsPrivate: TfpList read FComponents
write FComponents; deprecated;
  property ComponentStatePrivate: TComponentState read FComponentState
write FComponentState; deprecated;
  property FreeNotifiesPrivate: TFpList read FFreeNotifies
write FFreeNotifies; deprecated;
to TComponent in order other toolkits than Lazarus can fulfil their
taskwithout the necessity of changes in the FPC RTL?

These fields must remain private to ensure proper functioning of the
component system. Too much depends on the proper functioning of the
notification API and the owner/owned relations and its inherent memory

We can discuss alternative solutions for the tasks you need to do, if 
you'd care to explain them in detail.

TReader and TWriter are classes which normally are used by frameworks only. Is
it possible to move all private fields of TFiler, TReader and TWriter to
protected in order other toolkits than Lazarus can fulfil their task without
the necessity of changes in the FPC RTL?

No problems here, we can give protected access to all of these fields.

Is it possible to add
 protected //for toolkit access only
  property HandlePrivate: THandle read FHandle
write FHandle; deprecated;
" to THandleStream

No problems here. We can do this as well, provided we can make the
signature slightly different:

   Procedure SetHandle(AHandle : THandle); virtual;
   property HandlePrivate: THandle read SetHandle

SetHandle will just set the FHandle fields, but I want a virtual setter
so descendent classes get a chance to react on the change in case they need to.

 protected //for toolkit access only
  property CapacityPrivate: PtrInt read FCapacity
write FCapacity; deprecated;
" to TMemoryStream?

TMemoryStream.Capacity is already read/write.

Why do you think you need direct access to the field ?

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Packpage Installer.

2012-07-19 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Fri, 20 Jul 2012, Cristofer Martins wrote:

I think it could be very usefull for all the comunity. Python have pypi and 
ruby have ruby Gems, FreePascal having its own easy way of install/uninstall 
packpages would make installing and using packpages easy, with a good 
standard library, FreePascal can truly shiny.

This exists already. fmpake and fppkg.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Class field reordering

2012-07-18 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Wed, 18 Jul 2012, Martin Schreiber wrote:

On Wednesday 18 July 2012 09:33:09 wrote:

I think you are missing an important point:

You want some radical changes, so I expect you to be the one giving the
reasons/motivations for a change. I want to help find solutions, but not
at the price of destroying what is in my eyes a correctly constructed class

If you don't give a detailed explanation why you need to manipulate
all these private fields outside of the proper methods, then I cannot
help you find solutions for the problems you experience, so please:

If I only could be sure that it is worth the effort...

Does this mean you're not even going to try ?

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Class field reordering

2012-07-18 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Wed, 18 Jul 2012, Martin Schreiber wrote:

On Wednesday 18 July 2012 08:19:02 Martin Schreiber wrote:

Used in order TParams create tmseparam items instead of TParam:

- FItemClass

Probably can be solved in a forked db.pas

Or by 2 other solutions:

* having a global variable ParamsClass : TParamsClass and use that whenever a 
TParams instance is created.

* Or have a virtual function CreateParams which is used everywhere.

There are always other solutions.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Class field reordering

2012-07-18 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Wed, 18 Jul 2012, Martin Schreiber wrote:

On Tuesday 17 July 2012 09:40:36 wrote:

Maybe, but what about performance? Another complication is the
"updatebuffer" with the "oldvalues".

Thinking about it:

I would allocate the buffer as is, with for all string fields an
integer-sized slot in the buffer. The slot contains an index, pointing
to a separate array of strings containing  N*M*2 strings. (N=number of
records, M= Number of string fields per record, factor 2 for old values)

Field value =  Element [Index  [+1 for old value]] in the array.
where the [Index] is stored in the buffer.

The speed performance penalty of this system should be negligable, since
you assume all records are in memory anyway.

And: everything can be done without meddling with the internals of TField.

Thank you. There are more items in the db.pas list...
But I think first we should concentrate on classes.pas because I really don't
want to fork it. Forking db.pas is less problematic and I probably prefer it
in place of an endless discussion and in my eyes not optimal solutions. With
a forked db.pas I can eliminate the many workarounds I already had to

Currently needed crackerclasses by MSEide+MSEgui:

Used by MSEide for different tasks (example: ask for ancestor forms and
frames/submodules while loading a form/datamodule, recover in case of an
error) and for streaming of frames with additional components/widgets:

- FComponents
- FComponentState
- FFreeNotifies

Descendent classes should not manipulate these except through the right
methods such as insert/remove component and FreeNotification/RemoveFreeNotification ? 
You have the means to manipulate the contents, what is wrong ?

- FPropPath
- FAncestors

I see no problem in making these available as read-only protected

- FStream
- FLoaded

Used in order TParams create tmseparam items instead of TParam:

- FItemClass

A collection must always contain the same items. The class is determined
when the collection is instantiated.

Used to unify memorystreams/files/pipes/sockets/stringstreams:

- FHandle

The handle is fixed throughout the lifetime of the stream. It is set when
creating the stream, and closed when destroying the stream.

- FCapacity

What is wrong with the r/w property "Capacity" ?

I think you are missing an important point:

You want some radical changes, so I expect you to be the one giving the 
reasons/motivations for a change. I want to help find solutions, but not
at the price of destroying what is in my eyes a correctly constructed class 

If you don't give a detailed explanation why you need to manipulate 
all these private fields outside of the proper methods, then I cannot 
help you find solutions for the problems you experience, so please:


fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Class field reordering

2012-07-17 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Tue, 17 Jul 2012, Martin Schreiber wrote:

On Monday 16 July 2012 17:25:58 wrote:

On Mon, 16 Jul 2012, Martin Schreiber wrote:

On Monday 16 July 2012 16:50:06 wrote:

Well, from your code adding the following to the protected section:

   Property ValueBuffer : Pointer Read FValueBuffer;
   Property Validating : Boolean Read FValidating ;

Should be enough to remove the need for the TFieldCracker ?

Unfortunately no:
procedure tmsebufdataset.checkfreebuffer(const afield: tfield);
{$ifdef FPC}{$warnings off}{$endif}
with tfieldcracker(afield) do begin
{$ifdef FPC}{$warnings on}{$endif}
 if foffset and 2 <> 0 then begin
  fvaluebuffer:= nil;

If I understand correctly, you have in the record buffer just the pointer
of the (wide)string instead of the actual string data ?

Correct. The UnicodeString pointer. That has not directly to do with the
procedure above BTW. This one is to allow changing field values in OnValidate

If so, why then didn't you implement the string fields as blobs are
implemented in SQLDB (it is basically the same problem), in that case you
would not need the internal fields of TField at all ?

Maybe, but what about performance? Another complication is the "updatebuffer"
with the "oldvalues".

Thinking about it:

I would allocate the buffer as is, with for all string fields an
integer-sized slot in the buffer. The slot contains an index, pointing 
to a separate array of strings containing  N*M*2 strings. (N=number of 
records, M= Number of string fields per record, factor 2 for old values)

Field value =  Element [Index  [+1 for old value]] in the array. 
where the [Index] is stored in the buffer.

The speed performance penalty of this system should be negligable, since you
assume all records are in memory anyway.

And: everything can be done without meddling with the internals of TField.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Class field reordering

2012-07-16 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Mon, 16 Jul 2012, Martin Schreiber wrote:

On Monday 16 July 2012 16:50:06 wrote:

Well, from your code adding the following to the protected section:

   Property ValueBuffer : Pointer Read FValueBuffer;
   Property Validating : Boolean Read FValidating ;

Should be enough to remove the need for the TFieldCracker ?

Unfortunately no:
procedure tmsebufdataset.checkfreebuffer(const afield: tfield);
{$ifdef FPC}{$warnings off}{$endif}
with tfieldcracker(afield) do begin
{$ifdef FPC}{$warnings on}{$endif}
 if foffset and 2 <> 0 then begin
  fvaluebuffer:= nil;

If I understand correctly, you have in the record buffer just the pointer of
the (wide)string instead of the actual string data ?

If so, why then didn't you implement the string fields as blobs are implemented
in SQLDB (it is basically the same problem), in that case you would not need the 
internal fields of TField at all ?

If that is not possible, it means you need a mechanism to 'finalize' the record 
whenever it is re-filled or goes out of scope ?

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Class field reordering

2012-07-16 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Mon, 16 Jul 2012, Martin Schreiber wrote:

On Monday 16 July 2012 09:35:16 wrote:

The DB components mainly because MSEgui stores string fields as
UnicodeString in datasets and because of the direct data access by index
without scrolling.

So you take away the concept of cursor. That is a radical change.

The cursor concept still exists, direct access without scrolling is an

This assumes that all records are always in memory ?

In tmsebufdataset yes.

I will look at what can be done here.

The string fields should not necessitate the access of private fields, you
can just always create TWideStringField instances ?

TWideStringField probably can not handle the MSEgui storage of UnicodeString
with variable length in datasets.
The code of tmsestringfield:

function tmsebufdataset.getmsestringdata(const sender: tmsestringfield;
  out avalue: msestring): boolean;
po1: pointer;
int1: integer;
{$ifdef FPC}{$warnings off}{$endif}
with tfieldcracker(sender) do begin
{$ifdef FPC}{$warnings on}{$endif}
 if fvalidating then begin
  result:= (fvaluebuffer <> nil) and (foffset and 1 = 0);

So you need to access to

FValueBuffer : Pointer;
FValidating : Boolean;

I can make these available as protected properties.


Maybe we need a function to decide the class of a string field ?

Probably does not help if the descendant can not access private base fields.

Well, from your code adding the following to the protected section:

  Property ValueBuffer : Pointer Read FValueBuffer;
  Property Validating : Boolean Read FValidating ;

Should be enough to remove the need for the TFieldCracker ?

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Class field reordering

2012-07-16 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Mon, 16 Jul 2012, Mattias Gaertner wrote:

On Mon, 16 Jul 2012 09:35:16 +0200 (CEST) wrote:


TComponent, TWriter, TReader for example because in
MSEide+MSEgui one can place additional components in an inserted tframe and
combination of inherited frames and inherited forms need special handling.

Basically, you want to drop a component on a Form containing a frame, and make
it's owner the frame ?

I guess he meant adding a component with
Owner=Form, Parent=nested frame
As far as I remember TReader (or TWriter I'm not sure) does not support
this. Lazarus artificially forbids this too. Internally most code
supports this.

I see no reason why TWriter would not support this, because it uses
GetChildren to get the list of children ? There must be something else.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Class field reordering

2012-07-16 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Sun, 15 Jul 2012, Martin Schreiber wrote:

On Sunday 15 July 2012 19:21:58 Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

On Sun, 15 Jul 2012, Martin Schreiber wrote:

Currently I need access to the following private FCL class fields because
of MSEide+MSEgui extensions:

I have looked at your list. (I sent my previous mail about this without
having seen the list)

At first sight, I see no reason to make any of these fields protected.

Jup, I feared it. ;-)

I wrote 'at first sight', because without explanation I don't know what you
try to achieve.

For example:
Is directly accessible through TParam.Bound, so why on earth would you need
to have it protected ??

Hmm, this probably is a mistake from me. Was it writeable in all FPC versions?

This I don't know. At least, now it is writable.

Can you give some explanations at least of what you're trying to do,
maybe we can find workarounds for your problems ?

Before I started to use cracker classes I searched workarounds for weeks or
even months already...

2 pairs of eyes always see more than one.

If you want you can grep the MSEide+MSEgui sources for "cracker" in order see
what I do with them.

That does not tell me why you do something ?

TComponent, TWriter, TReader for example because in
MSEide+MSEgui one can place additional components in an inserted tframe and
combination of inherited frames and inherited forms need special handling.

Basically, you want to drop a component on a Form containing a frame, and make 
it's owner the frame ?

The DB components mainly because MSEgui stores string fields as UnicodeString
in datasets and because of the direct data access by index without scrolling.

So you take away the concept of cursor. That is a radical change.
This assumes that all records are always in memory ?

The string fields should not necessitate the access of private fields, you can 
just always create TWideStringField instances ? 
Maybe we need a function to decide the class of a string field ?

The stream components because in MSEgui there is a single hierarchy for file
and memory stream so the more specialized descendants (ttextstream,
ttextdatastream) can work on files and on memory.

I'm sorry, I don't understand what this means ?

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] How to delete cookie in fcl-web?

2012-07-02 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Mon, 2 Jul 2012, silvioprog wrote:


What better way to delete a cookie using fcl-web? Remembering that to
delete a cookie simply set the 'Thu, 01-Jan-70 00:00:01 GMT' date to
expires property.

There is a demo in freepascal showing how to do this?

I think it would be interesting to have a method to do this. :/

Presumably a ExpireCookie method can be added to TCookie.
This simply sets the date to the correct value.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Windows 64bit SEH exception handling

2012-06-19 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Wed, 20 Jun 2012, Sergei Gorelkin wrote:

19.06.2012 23:43, tomek пишет:


with reference to about random 
crash with Windows

OpenDialog Box only on Win7 64bit.

Today I compile trunk-fpc with TEST_WIN64_SEH support and it seems that 
this bug is resolved with SEH.

I checked a few times to make sure that this is due to SEH support.

My question is, why? how is it possible that support for SEH exceptions 
handling fix OpenDialog issue ?
or perhaps an exception is hidden ? as described in

do have you any suggestions ?

Non-SEH exception handling on Win64 is known to handle exceptions too early, 
bypassing frame-based handlers and therefore disrupting the intended control 
flow. Most probably the exception under question was meant to be handled 
within OS libraries and not passed to the application.

It makes you wonder why they created 2 systems in the first place...

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Parallel procedures

2012-06-15 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Fri, 15 Jun 2012, Mattias Gaertner wrote:


FPC does not yet have parallel loops/procedures, but there is a unit
that helps to create parallel procedures/methods (mtprocs).

I use this unit since 4 years in several of my projects, which run on
linux, os x and windows. Not much was done on the unit in the last
years, because it simply works.

mtprocs implements a thread pool, although it is not a general
purpose one.

It uses one extra unit mtpcpu, which has a function to guess the number
of cores.

I think both features would be nice to have in fpc by default, so
maybe they should be added.

What do you think?

Pending language support for parallellism, I think this is a good idea.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Breaking change in FPC 2.6.1

2012-05-02 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Wed, 2 May 2012, Martin Schreiber wrote:

On 01.05.2012 17:37, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

As written before, in MSEgui I'll define a "bookmarkty" type, so
MSEgui users
have "bookmarkty" in order to avoid the warning. FPC and Lazarus
can't do the same because of Delphi compatibility. Suggestion:
remove "deprecated" from TBookmarkStr in fixes_2_6.

Well, I think it is better to warn people of a coming change.

So I have added a description that warns people that it will disappear
in 2.6.3.

For users who do not want to see the "deprecated" warnings in fixes_2_6 do

In MSEide+MSEgui:

Use "bookmarkty" instead of "TBookmarkStr" for bookmark variables.

In Lazarus:

Use "string" instead of "TBookmarkStr" for bookmark variables.

This last one is bad advice, this code will break as soon as they switch 
to 2.6.3. Which, presumably, eventually they will.

If you really want to avoid the messages, it is better to use 
TBookmark, GetBookmarkData and FreeBookmark.

That will not generate warnings and will continue to work with 2.6.3.

Or you can simply ignore the warnings, which is by far the easiest option.
I can't believe people are making such fuss over a couple of warnings.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Breaking change in FPC 2.6.1

2012-04-30 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Mon, 30 Apr 2012, Martin Schreiber wrote:

On Monday 30 April 2012 13:40:43 Marcos Douglas wrote:

I strongly recommend to revert the type of TDataSet.Bookmark to
TBookmarkStr in FPC 2.6.1 (fixes_2_6) and to change type of
TDataSet.Bookmark  = tbytes in FPC 2.7.1 only.

What is the decision of FPC-core?

I think is TDataSet.Bookmark = TBytes.

Thanks. So the decision is to change TDataSet.Bookmark from TBookmarkStr to
TBytes in FPC 2.6.1 which breaks FPC 2.6.0 user and framework code?
Are there other breaking changes planned for FPC 2.6.1? cpstrnew related

Wait. The matter is still under discussion on core.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: RE : RE : RE : [fpc-devel] Breaking change in FPC 2.6.1

2012-04-25 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Wed, 25 Apr 2012, Marco van de Voort wrote:

In our previous episode, Ludo Brands said:

that is increasingly happening, with the first D7 supports

The underlying problem is that the Delphi Tbookmark definition migrated from
the simple record tag to something that holds (or can hold) the state of the

A reason the more to not rely on implementation details, but treat it as an
opague type as much as possible.

But note that changing it to tbytes IMHO doesn't mean you can
skip freebookmark, if you do that you cut corners, and
program for a specific tdataset

OK. I understand your point. But now that the dataset implementers, who
follow 2.7.1 as you indicated, have added freebookmark to their code, can we
move on the next phase: tbytes?

No need to linger on TBookmark=pointer.

Well, are you sure that the whole FPC+Lazarus codebases properly use
freebookmark everywhere?

Definitely not. I've never used it in my life. It was the whole point of
having TBookmarkStr: not needing to call freebookmark. And we use bookmark a
lot in our server app.

IMHO FreeBookmark is a relic of the Delphi 1&2 days. 
The switch to a managed TBytes only reinforces this hypothesis.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] RFC: sqlDB extend TStatementType

2012-04-19 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Thu, 19 Apr 2012, LacaK wrote:

In fact, this is not quite correct.

Insert into table (a,b,c) returning values (x,y,z)

can also be done with an Open, yet it will probably get stInsert as type.
This case is handled in PrepareStatement phase. In case of IBConnection is 
StatementType re-mapped to stExecProcedure and in case of PQConnection is 
re-maped to stSelect.

That should obviously be changed to return the same type :-)

But because this change is not unavoidable I am not sure if go this way or 
leave it as is and definitely abandon that stSelect is 'SELECT ...' ?

What do you think ?

It is not clear to me what are you trying to accomplish with this change ?

Hm, good point ;-)
Answer depends on answer of question what is purpose of StatementType ?
What kind of information do we expect ? How detailed ?

In my mind is strange if stSelect is once true 'SELECT ' then 'INSERT INTO 
I would expect, that stSelect is always only 'SELECT' and other sql 
statements, that may return data map to any other StatementType ... may be, 
we can all other map to stExecProcedure (if we do not want introduce new 
statement type)? (like it is done internaly by fbclient for ...returning 

As far as I know, the statementtype is mostly (if not only) used to determine 
whether Open or ExecSQL must be used. For this purpose, no new statement type 
is needed IMHO.

If you want more detailed information, then the new statement type can be
introduced. But then one could argue that a lot of new types can be
introduced: stAlterObject or stDDL and so on.

One would also need to see to it that stQuery can be used both in Open and
ExecSQL, since you don't know in detail what the statement does.

Maybe Joost can comment on this.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] RFC: sqlDB extend TStatementType

2012-04-19 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Thu, 19 Apr 2012, LacaK wrote:

Hi ,
now we have in sqlDB.pp:

TStatementType = (stNone, stSelect, stInsert, stUpdate, stDelete,
  stDDL, stGetSegment, stPutSegment, stExecProcedure,
  stStartTrans, stCommit, stRollback, stSelectForUpd);

Statement type is initialy determined by parsing SQL.Text in function 
TCustomSQLQuery.SQLParser and function TSQLConnection.StrToStatementType 
based on first word (token) of SQL.Text.
(i.e. 'SELECT ...' -> stSelect, 'INSERT ...' -> stInsert, 'CREATE ...' -> 
stDDL, etc.)
As you can see there is very limited count of sql statements which are 
recognized (but this is not problem ;-)).

Statement types stSelect and stExecProcedure have special meaning, because 
only these two types are allowed when using Open method
(i.e. only these two types are expecting, that return any data rows; see 
procedure TCustomSQLQuery.InternalOpen; )

In fact, this is not quite correct.

Insert into table (a,b,c) returning values (x,y,z)

can also be done with an Open, yet it will probably get stInsert as type.

Due to this fact also other sql statements like SHOW, PRAGMA, TRANSFORM, 
MySQL Admin.statements (CHECK TABLE, REPAIR TABLE etc.) which return data are 
mapped to stSelect (and others ATM unhandled like CTEs 'WITH ...' and 'PIVOT 
...' etc. must in future also map to stSelect).
This is OK as far as we do not expect, that stSelect = 'SELECT ...' , which 
is NON-intuitive assumption.

So I am thinking about adding new statement type stQuery and map all other 
than 'SELECT ...' statements that return dataset to this general statement 
( See also and )

But because this change is not unavoidable I am not sure if go this way or 
leave it as is and definitely abandon that stSelect is 'SELECT ...' ?

What do you think ?

It is not clear to me what are you trying to accomplish with this change ?

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Request to review patch from 21530

2012-04-12 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Wed, 11 Apr 2012, Luiz Americo Pereira Camara wrote:


Can someone review the patch of 

I applied the patch, but I don't see what the reason is for having it read-only. 
I can think of use-cases where I would want to set the dataset as not-modified.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] sqlite support for Android

2012-04-03 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Tue, 3 Apr 2012, Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho wrote:

On Tue, Apr 3, 2012 at 11:47 AM, Jonas Maebe  wrote:

In Android a dlopen operation without a full path will fail:

A bit of googling suggests that the above statement is wrong:

ops, it seams you are correct. In a new test sending only
worked properly ... no idea why the first test failed. Probably I was
using an old APK or library which tested against which

Continuing I have an even much wierder issue. The following code:

procedure TForm3.Button2Click(Sender : TObject) ;
 SQLite3Connection1.ExecuteDirect('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS PRODUTOS ( '+
'PRECO NUMERIC(12,3), '+

Causes a very wierd crash without stacktrace and no way to work
around, but only in LCL-CustomDrawn it works fine in LCL-Gtk2:

(gdb) break fpc_raiseexception
Breakpoint 1 at 0x8058d46
(gdb) cont
MouseMove x=47 y=93
MouseMove x=-9 y=63
MouseMove x=-79 y=47
MouseMove x=-57 y=58
MouseMove x=-26 y=63
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
Cannot find new threads: generic error
Missing debug package(s), you should install: sqlite3-debug-3.7.9-1.1.mga1.i586
(gdb) bt
Target is executing.

This package does not exist. And if I add "cthreads" as the first unit
in the project automagically it starts working o.O It looks really
wierd that sqlite is using threading behind my back, or is it sqldb?

SQLDb does not use threads by itself.

It can be that the sqlite library uses threads, and if a SQLite callback 
is done from a different thread, then the RTL may present you with a nice error.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] sqlite support for Android

2012-04-03 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Mon, 2 Apr 2012, Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho wrote:


In Android a dlopen operation without a full path will fail:

 sqliteDLL:=DlOpen('',RTLD_LAZY); ==> fails
 sqliteDLL:=DlOpen('',RTLD_LAZY); ==> fails
==> fails
==> works
 sqliteDLL:=DlOpen('/system/lib/',RTLD_LAZY); ==> works

So the existing sqlite bindings fail. The simples solution would be
hardcode for Android /system/lib/ but this is somewhat of
a grey area since this library is not guaranteed to exist. The other
option is placing it in our lib folder, but then you need to pass the
entire path for dlopen and this path will necessarely change with each
project, for example: '/data/data/com.pascal.lcltest/lib/'
constains the name of the project "com.pascal.lcltest"

The solution would be to make this library name a variable then, but
this won't work because the sqlite bindings need to support static
linking too =O So maybe a variable only in the case of dynamic

This variable already exists: SQLiteDefaultLibrary.

Well, so basically I am just sending this e-mail to start talks about
what kind of solution would be accepted, maybe someone has better
ideas then I had. I am tempted towards:

{$ifdef Android}
 libsqlite3 = '/system/lib/';

This is the most practical solution, just redefine the constant.

The SQLiteDefaultLibrary variable is initialized from this constant.

In case a private library is used, users can always explicitly do a


to override the default behaviour.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] TStrings Add(array of string)

2012-04-02 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Sun, 1 Apr 2012, Andrew Haines wrote:

On 04/01/12 05:13, Marco van de Voort wrote:

In our previous episode, Michael Van Canneyt said:

I was thinking about TStrings possibly having an overloaded function Add
or AddStrings where the argument is an array of string?

procedure Add(strs: array of string); overload;
procedure AddStrings(strs: array of string); overload;

Better implement the second.
AddStrings already exists for a TStrings, it is more similar in functionality.

Maybe better extending tprocess to have a array of const function than
fpc-devel maillist  -

Here are two patches that do both. One extends TStrings with AddStrings
and the other extends TProcess with AddParams.

I'll let someone else decide which is better. :)

I added the overloaded version of AddStrings.

It comes in handy for other cases as well. Rev 20691.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Are "C style operators" default or not?

2012-03-27 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Tue, 27 Mar 2012, Sven Barth wrote:

Am 27.03.2012 07:47, schrieb Gennadiy Poryev:

Hi all,

I’ve recently ran into weird problem with “C style operators”. Though the 
story is about Lazarus, I thought I better ask it here. All of a sudden, my 
Lazarus trunk had refused to build 
( ) and I've tracked the 
problem to the use of "+=" operator somewhere in the recent revisions. 
Apparently this is easily fixed by adding -Sc compiler option to the 
makefile, had it not been the fact that I seem to be the only one 
experiencing this issue :( How this can be? I use latest fpc trunk with no 
self-made modifications, and it thinks that -Sc is not the default. Please 
enlighten me on this.

As far as I can see from the source the default should be "not enabled".

I had the same problems.

C style operators are by default off.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] TMSSQLConnection - sqlDB component for accessing MS SQL Server

2012-03-23 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Fri, 23 Mar 2012, LacaK wrote:

I updated patch for fcl-db test suite. See:

Would you be so glad and will you apply them please ?

Done, rev. 20572.

As I wrote yesterday, I uploaded last patch for fcl-db test suite to

From me side it is all for this moment.

Applied. Rev. 20585.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] TMSSQLConnection - sqlDB component for accessing MS SQL Server

2012-03-22 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Thu, 22 Mar 2012, LacaK wrote:

And will you apply also diffs to fcl-db tests ? So we can run complete 
test suite ...

I will do so later today.

I updated patch for fcl-db test suite. See:

Would you be so glad and will you apply them please ?

Done, rev. 20572.

Sorry for the delay.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] TMSSQLConnection - sqlDB component for accessing MS SQL Server

2012-03-21 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Wed, 21 Mar 2012, Marcos Douglas wrote:

On Wed, Mar 21, 2012 at 3:34 AM, LacaK  wrote:

create table #t (col1 int NULL, col2 varchar(60) NULL)

(MS SQL Server nullability is controled by database setting "ANSI null
default" so you can check this setting on your temp database also)

Yes, of course... you're right.
I have this code that worked before so, I thought something broked.
I had tested before in a different machine with other installation of
MSSQL. My mistake, sorry.

If I find some problems I can post in bugtracker or still early to do this?
Michael, sorry for your time.

No problem.

I'm glad the problem turned out not to be in FPC, and that it is now solved
anyway. It means there is lots of useful expertise on these mailinglists :)

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] What's the state of "string"?

2012-03-21 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Wed, 21 Mar 2012, Hans-Peter Diettrich wrote:

I wonder about much code in the RTL/FCL, that depends on String type 
arguments, like:

 Procedure TStream.WriteAnsiString (const S : String);
 Var L : Longint;
   WriteBuffer (L,SizeOf(L));
   WriteBuffer (Pointer(S)^,L);

This method will work only as long as String=AnsiString, because Length 
*bytes* are written, not *chars* of a possibly different byte count.

Is the use of generic types, like String, really okay in the library code, 
when the concrete type matters?

No. This work still needs to be done.

The documentation on strings (3.2 Character types) is not really helpful, 
most entries look like they deserve an update reflecting the role of 
UnicodeString and the generic String type, and implicit string conversions. 
In detail I miss instructions on how to determine or specify the String type, 
with different FPC versions.

{$H} is documented, {$IFOPT} is documented.

That's all there is.

As soon as the rest is implemented, it will be documented as well.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] TMSSQLConnection - sqlDB component for accessing MS SQL Server

2012-03-21 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Tue, 20 Mar 2012, Marcos Douglas wrote:

On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 8:12 PM,   wrote:

On Tue, 20 Mar 2012, Marcos Douglas wrote:

On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 6:59 PM, Michael Van Canneyt

On Tue, 20 Mar 2012, Marcos Douglas wrote:

Anyway, I change the colum names (id,name to col1, col2)
The error is:
"Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'col', table tempdb.dbo.#t..."

This error has nothing to do with FPC or SQLDB.

Your SQL statement is trying to insert NULL in a required field.

No Michael, see the example I wrote before.

I saw the example :-)

Create table:
create table #t (col1 int, col2 varchar(60))

OBS: No column is required.

This INSERT works:
insert into #t values (1, 'bla bla bla')

This INSERT do NOT works:
insert into #t (col2) values ('bla bla')

This kind of SQL is passed as-is to MSSQL. To my knowledge, SQLDB does not
change it.

If you had been using parameters, it would have been a different story.

Does matter if I use or not parameters.

Yes, of course. In that case, SQLDB does some preprocessing of your SQL

This can easily be checked. Try setting ParamCheck to 'False' before
executing your statement.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] TMSSQLConnection - sqlDB component for accessing MS SQL Server

2012-03-20 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Tue, 20 Mar 2012, Marcos Douglas wrote:

On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 6:59 PM, Michael Van Canneyt

On Tue, 20 Mar 2012, Marcos Douglas wrote:

Anyway, I change the colum names (id,name to col1, col2)
The error is:
"Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'col', table tempdb.dbo.#t..."

This error has nothing to do with FPC or SQLDB.

Your SQL statement is trying to insert NULL in a required field.

No Michael, see the example I wrote before.

I saw the example :-)

Create table:
create table #t (col1 int, col2 varchar(60))

OBS: No column is required.

This INSERT works:
insert into #t values (1, 'bla bla bla')

This INSERT do NOT works:
insert into #t (col2) values ('bla bla')

This kind of SQL is passed as-is to MSSQL. To my knowledge, SQLDB does not 
change it.

If you had been using parameters, it would have been a different story.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] TMSSQLConnection - sqlDB component for accessing MS SQL Server

2012-03-19 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Mon, 19 Mar 2012, LacaK wrote:

Hi Michael,
splitting files into two packages was unavoidable?


As you can see for the other databases, we always keep the header imports 
separate from the components. Standard time-tested practice.

Hm, although I am not happy with this, I can do nothing with it ;-)
Then I have minor comments:
- in packages/dblib/fpmake.pp at line 23: Author put please instead of 
"Lacak2" "Ladislav Karrach" (as in dblib.pp header)
- in packages/fcl-db/src/sqldb/mssql/makefile.fpc at line 2: change 
IBConnection to MSSQLConnection ;-)

Done. Rev. 20540 and 20541.

And will you apply also diffs to fcl-db tests ? So we can run complete test 
suite ...

I will do so later today.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] TMSSQLConnection - sqlDB component for accessing MS SQL Server

2012-03-19 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Mon, 19 Mar 2012, LacaK wrote:  wrote / napísal(a):

On Thu, 15 Mar 2012, Marcos Douglas wrote:

On Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 9:33 AM, Marcos Douglas  wrote:

On Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 5:08 AM,   wrote:

On Mon, 27 Feb 2012, LacaK wrote:

let me share same basic info/ideas about TMSSQLConnection :
1. As Marcos wrote it is descendant of sql-db TSQLConnection class and
provides native connector for MS SQL Servers and Sybase servers
2. is depends/requires on FreeTDS open-source cross platform DB-Library
(alternatively can be used also Microsoft db-library ntwdblib.dll)
3. all what is needed are 2-3 files:
- mssqlconn.pp (implementation of TMSSQLConnection and 

- dblib.pp (interface to FreeTDS db-library ABI dblib.dll on Windows, on *NIX)
- readme.txt (some info for users/developers)
4. according to market share of MS SQL Server and Sybase there may be 

users, which will welcome alternative to TODBCConnection
5. there is on in "Improve the
database support" > "Drivers (descendants) for more database types" so 

understand it as FPC is open for new stuff ;-)
6. if there is any problem please let us know. If you decide to include 
into fcl-db then you can place files for example into src/sqldb/mssql 


I will have a look and include both units.

And the dream will become true... Thanks Michael.
Any chance to merge in fixes_2_6 in short time?

Marcos Douglas

Hi Michael,
Do you have some prediction to include the sources?

My apologies, I had totally forgotten; I am buried in work currently.

Committed in revision 20522. I didn't commit any examples or tests. Please 
test if everything works OK. I compiled on Linux 64-bit, I don't have

a working FPC/Lazarus 32-bit windows development environment currently.

Hi Michael,
splitting files into two packages was unavoidable?


As you can see for the other databases, we always keep the header imports 
separate from the components. Standard time-tested practice.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] TMSSQLConnection - sqlDB component for accessing MS SQL Server

2012-03-16 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Thu, 15 Mar 2012, Marcos Douglas wrote:

On Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 9:33 AM, Marcos Douglas  wrote:

On Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 5:08 AM,   wrote:

On Mon, 27 Feb 2012, LacaK wrote:

let me share same basic info/ideas about TMSSQLConnection :
1. As Marcos wrote it is descendant of sql-db TSQLConnection class and
provides native connector for MS SQL Servers and Sybase servers
2. is depends/requires on FreeTDS open-source cross platform DB-Library
(alternatively can be used also Microsoft db-library ntwdblib.dll)
3. all what is needed are 2-3 files:
- mssqlconn.pp (implementation of TMSSQLConnection and TSybaseConnection)
- dblib.pp (interface to FreeTDS db-library ABI dblib.dll on Windows, on *NIX)
- readme.txt (some info for users/developers)
4. according to market share of MS SQL Server and Sybase there may be many
users, which will welcome alternative to TODBCConnection
5. there is on in "Improve the
database support" > "Drivers (descendants) for more database types" so I
understand it as FPC is open for new stuff ;-)
6. if there is any problem please let us know. If you decide to include it
into fcl-db then you can place files for example into src/sqldb/mssql folder

I will have a look and include both units.

And the dream will become true... Thanks Michael.
Any chance to merge in fixes_2_6 in short time?

Marcos Douglas

Hi Michael,
Do you have some prediction to include the sources?

My apologies, I had totally forgotten; I am buried in work currently.

Committed in revision 20522. I didn't commit any examples or tests. 
Please test if everything works OK. I compiled on Linux 64-bit, I don't have

a working FPC/Lazarus 32-bit windows development environment currently.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] FPImage unit ImageHandlersManager design problem

2012-03-15 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Thu, 15 Mar 2012, Andrew Brunner wrote:

Having just looked over the class factory for images in FPC, I found
that ImageHandlersManager is missing a critical method to obtain a reader
or write by the extension used.

Presently the getReader uses the TypeName and not the Extenstion.  I find
this quite annoying.  Can someone please extend the manager to handle a
GetReaderByExt(sExt) ?  Thanks!

I would be willing to do it myself but don't know if it would be accepted.

It would be accepted.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] FreeNotification and opRemove

2012-03-08 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Thu, 8 Mar 2012, Martin wrote:

Further more:

the program below, does not crash in delphi (turbo delphi)

I also noticed. I suspect the problem is the owner; 
If it gets a free notification, it should pass it to all the children.


On 08/03/2012 09:56, Martin wrote:
I found a behaviour, of which I am not sure, if it is intended. Maybe 
someone can comment

My understanding is that FreeNotification are *always* set up 
bi-directional ?

At least
will set up for C1 to inform C2, and for C2 to inform C1 whichever is 
destroyed first to call the other

will remove both.

  C2.Notification(C1, opRemove);
breaks that.
It will lead to C2 removing C1 from it's list of FreeNotifies, but C1 will 
keep C2 on the list.
If then C2 is destroyed, it does not inform C1 about that, and C1 ends up 
with a dangling pointer to the no longer existing C2.

Destroying C2 will then crash.

In the example below (compile with -gt) opRemove is caused by 

It crashes on the last line.

I was briefly wondering, if in case C1 did call "C1.FreeNotification(c2);", 
then C1 should overwrite Notification and check for the opRemove and call 
"RemoveFreeNotification" itself?
But if that was the case, then why does TComponent interfer with the 
FreeNotify list at all?

program Project1;
{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
uses  Classes;
  Owner, C1, C2: TComponent;
  Owner := TComponent.Create(nil);
  C1 := TComponent.Create(Owner);
  C2 := TComponent.Create(Owner);


  Owner.RemoveComponent(C1); // C2 Gets on opRemove
  C1.Free; // crash


fpc-devel maillist  -

fpc-devel maillist  -

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Inversion of control for TCustomHTTPModule and descendants

2012-03-06 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Tue, 6 Mar 2012, Sven Barth wrote:

Hello together!

I'm currently playing around with fcl-web a bit.

As I'd like to utilize inversion of control (e.g. passing things like 
database connections through the constructor [as one possible implementation 
of this pattern]) for my modules I'd like to ask whether it would be an idea

whooohoo - expensive terminology detected !!
"Inversion of Control" 

for a feature request (maybe even with patch) to add an "OnCreateModule" 
event to TWebHandler which is called inside TWebHandler.HandleRequest before 
the module is created using CreateNew or Create?

Well, it can only be after create. 
You need the instance first, and it is constructed with Create(New).

If you need to do something before that, there already is the OnGetModule 

But yes, a centralized initialization handler for webmodules is OK. 
Something like 'OnInitModule' or so ?

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] TMSSQLConnection - sqlDB component for accessing MS SQL Server

2012-02-27 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Mon, 27 Feb 2012, LacaK wrote:

let me share same basic info/ideas about TMSSQLConnection :
1. As Marcos wrote it is descendant of sql-db TSQLConnection class and 
provides native connector for MS SQL Servers and Sybase servers
2. is depends/requires on FreeTDS open-source cross platform DB-Library 
(alternatively can be used also Microsoft db-library ntwdblib.dll)

3. all what is needed are 2-3 files:
- mssqlconn.pp (implementation of TMSSQLConnection and TSybaseConnection)
- dblib.pp (interface to FreeTDS db-library ABI dblib.dll on Windows, on *NIX)

- readme.txt (some info for users/developers)
4. according to market share of MS SQL Server and Sybase there may be many 
users, which will welcome alternative to TODBCConnection
5. there is on in "Improve the database 
support" > "Drivers (descendants) for more database types" so I understand it 
as FPC is open for new stuff ;-)
6. if there is any problem please let us know. If you decide to include it 
into fcl-db then you can place files for example into src/sqldb/mssql folder 

I will have a look and include both units.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] MakeSkel problem with operators?

2012-02-20 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Mon, 20 Feb 2012, Hans-Peter Diettrich wrote:

In an attempt to check the yet undocumented FCL units for use with FPDoc and 
MakeSkel, I got an error in the created skeleton for gmp:


The "<" and ">" chars in operator names should be escaped in the XML files.

Last time this was remarked on, there was discussion whether < and > need to
be escaped inside attribute values. I never got around to checking the XML

In each case it's easily fixable.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] PParser.IsTokenHint deserves an update

2012-02-20 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Mon, 20 Feb 2012, Hans-Peter Diettrich wrote:

The extended syntax of hint tokens should be reflected in IsTokenHint.
See oldlinux.pp:
 unit oldlinux deprecated 'Use Baseunix/Unix';

Perhaps it's sufficient to skip the next token after an hint, when it is a 
string literal? Dunno about the concrete syntax changes...

I have this fixed locally, but it is not yet committed.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Problem documenting source code

2012-02-17 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Fri, 17 Feb 2012, Hans-Peter Diettrich wrote:

After adding documentation for some items in the FPDoc Editor, I have 
problems running MakeSkel or FPDoc. Both report errors in the input file, 
which seem to be related to wrong or missing compiler options for that file.

How can a documentation writer determine the required compiler options, so 
that the fpdoc tools can be made work?

In former times[tm] I used "make all -n" in the source directory, to make the 
compiler options visible. But this approach fails now, the fpmake 
commandlines are not informative enough for that purpose.

It may be a bad example (work in progress?), but I couldn't figure out the 
required compiler options for e.g. fcl-process/pipesipc.pp, in an attempt to 
create the skeletons for the fcl-process package.

Why would you want to do that ? These units are fully documented ?

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Changing Windows API A routines in SysUtils to W in Windows NT

2012-02-07 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Tue, 7 Feb 2012, Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho wrote:

On Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 9:35 PM, Sergei Gorelkin  wrote:

So, this is basically a first step of locking Windows RTL to use utf-8 by

No, it will not use UTF-8 by default because that would break
compatibility. It will use the system encoding by default and you can
use SetMultiByteConversionCodePage to change it to use UTF-8.

And this is not about just about Windows, but all platforms of the
Ansi RTL. Just that most other platforms are already using APIs which
can handle Unicode so they don't need changes.
SetMultiByteConversionCodePage is not specific to the Windows RTL.

and reducing chances it ever will call 'W' API without conversions?

This is a very strange argument. You cannot oppose something by
arguing that then it will be successful and people will not want to
implement your way. There are no such barriers in a volunteer led
project. If someone wants the UnicodeString RTL ... he can write it. I
am not against another RTL existing which will use UnicodeString or
which will use 1 different string in each platform or 1 different
string for each weather condition. But I just don't want to use it. I
want to use the Ansi RTL + SetMultiByteConversionCodePage to make it
UTF-8 capable, so that's what I am writing.

Let me intercede here:

The plans are already laid out.

The ANSI RTL will be exactly that: ANSI; 
No unicode or UTF-8 hacks will be added to it.

The planned unicode RTL will be unicode, and by corollary will support UTF-8.

So any patches to "utf8-enable" the Ansi RTL will not be accepted.

You'll have to wait for the unicode RTL or start work on it yourself.

If you want, I can send you the details in private, and you can decide for
yourself what to do.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] FPDoc imports

2012-02-02 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Thu, 2 Feb 2012, Hans-Peter Diettrich wrote: schrieb:

One reason may be the different assumptions about the content of the 
FProcessedUnits list, where either the input file part or the entire input 
specification is stored. But this seems not to be the only bug :-(

The entire input spec is stored.

Only in HandleOnParseUnit, not in CreateDocumentation!

Indeed. Fixed in rev. 20216. I just store the unit filename.

In each case:
Connecting this mail to your other mail reports of packages automatically
appearing etc, I'm inclined to think that the automatisms you added in your
private version are somehow interfering with the regular workings.
But that is a wild guess.

You're right, for some reason SVN duplicated just the line where the module 
is added, and did not find it as a modification later :-(

Having fixed beforementioned bug, I couldn't find any more errors :-)

In each case: If you want to file bug reports, please use the official 
sources only to

reproduce the problem.

Currently I don't want to file bug reports, when your modifications are in 
alpha state. Discussing issues in Mantis is so slow ;-)

BTW, did you test MakeSkel, too?

Not yet. But I don't think makeskel needs this recursive algorithm.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] FPDoc imports

2012-02-02 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Thu, 2 Feb 2012, Hans-Peter Diettrich wrote:

Michael Van Canneyt schrieb:

Well, It took me about 15 lines to implement it in dglobals.pas of fpdoc.
I moved one function out of fpdocoptsxml to mkfpdoc to split the input 

First tests work fine. See revision 20213.

A fine solution :-)

I happen to get an AV during the Engine destruction, when the packages are 
released (in TPasElement.Release). It seems to occur when the current package 
is relased, not for imported packages. In one test I found each module 
duplicated in the modules list, so that the release of the first entry will 
invalidate the second one.

One reason may be the different assumptions about the content of the 
FProcessedUnits list, where either the input file part or the entire input 
specification is stored. But this seems not to be the only bug :-(

The entire input spec is stored. I could change this, but I don't think it
is the problem. (eventually I probably will, but for other reasons)

In each case:
Connecting this mail to your other mail reports of packages automatically
appearing etc, I'm inclined to think that the automatisms you added in your
private version are somehow interfering with the regular workings.
But that is a wild guess.

In each case: 
If you want to file bug reports, please use the official sources only to

reproduce the problem.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] FPDoc imports

2012-02-01 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Wed, 1 Feb 2012, Hans-Peter Diettrich wrote:

Sven Barth schrieb:

Am 31.01.2012 14:42, schrieb Hans-Peter Diettrich:

I still wonder why the number of units in the imported RTL package
increases over time. Initially it contains 7 modules, and 38 modules in
the end, where the RTL currently consists of 46 units. 6 of the initial
modules contain classes, but I couldn't find the 7th module "iostream"
anywhere, which is the first module in the list.

The only "iostream" unit I'm aware of is in packages/fcl-base/src.

Right, and it somehow found its way into the rtl package. I'll know more 

In the meantime I found a solution for the input files order, by recursive 
compilation. Unfortunately I couldn't test it right now, for several reasons. 
Most important is the large number of affected units, which may make some 
people reject such an patch immediatly. So let me explain first what I 
implemented so far, and what remains to be done.

First the storage format of the fpdoc Inputs is not really handy, every 
commandline has to be parsed for the input filename, from which the unit name 
can be extracted. It would help when the storage format would be modified, so 
that the entries can be found with IndexOfName, as implemented in 
FPDocManager. This is what I didn't implement yet.

Next problem is the separation between parser, engine and the fpdoc creators, 
which are involved in finding the used units in the current package. Herfore 
I added a method AddModule to the engine, which adds the newly created module 
to the Modules list, and also notifies fpdoc of the addition by an 
OnAddModule callback. Then the creator can put the TPasModule into 
Inputs.Objects, to signify that it is or has been parsed.

Why do you need this ? You make it quite complicated.

All you need is a FindModule(Const AName,AFileHint : String) : TPasModule call 
in TPasTreeContainer which must be overridden in a descendent (such as TFPDocEngine). 
The default implementation returns nil.

This call can search the module list if it has one. If it doesn't find it, 
it can then decide to parse it anyway and return the just-parsed instance.

All the parser needs to do is call FindModule whenever it encounters a unit
in a uses clause; The rest will happen then automagically.

Then you can create a TPasTreeContainer descendent called TModulesPasTreeContainer 
which keeps a list of modules and which implements FindModule with the above described 
recursive mechanism.

The FPDoc engine can then be a descendent of that class.

The above is what I was planning to implement. It is simple and will do the
job, plus, for circumstances where there is no need for the recursive
mechanism, nothing changes.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] EBCDIC (was On a port of Free Pascal to the IBM 370)

2012-01-30 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Mon, 30 Jan 2012, wrote: wrote the following on 30/01/12 14:49:53:

I think the reason for producing an ASCII version first is very simple:
All FPC sources - including the compiler - are in ASCII encoding.

I don't understand this statement - ASCII and EBCDIC are just human 
representations of a computer's internal code.
I write my programs in the Latin (or Roman) alphabet and the computer does the 
When I was writing VS/Pascal programs I used the same source code as input to 
VS/Pascal on the mainframe and to Virtual Pascal on the PC.

Unless the FP source code is to be fed into a mainframe compiler like
IBM's VS/Pascal or the Stanford compiler then the first step is surely to
write a backend for the (eg PC) compiler to produce 370 assembler code. 
Producing EBCDIC rather than ASCII sounds a trivial part of the task.

I had in mind the following scenario:

1) Somehow we build - using cross-compilation - a first version of the
  compiler that actually runs on the 370. This binary is transferred to a
  370 machine.

2) The sources of the compiler and RTL are transferred to the 370.
   I assume that after the file transfer, the sources are still in ASCII format 

3) At that point the compiler can try to recompile itself on the 370

Unless you have performed some tranformation of the compiler/RTL sources, 
the compiler in step 3 will read and compile from ASCII sources, no ?

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] EBCDIC (was On a port of Free Pascal to the IBM 370)

2012-01-30 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Mon, 30 Jan 2012, steve smithers wrote:

Finally, the suggestions about developing FreePascal/370 as an ASCII compiler
seem somewhat pointless to me.  Why would anyone want to use an ASCII compiler
on an EBCDIC system?  I accept fully that producing an EBCDIC version will
present problems, but if this compiler is actually going to be used by anyone,
these have to be overcome.

I think the reason for producing an ASCII version first is very simple: 
All FPC sources - including the compiler - are in ASCII encoding.

Whatever is made, the hypothetical compiler will need to understand ASCII in
the first place, or it cannot recompile itself or it's RTL...

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] FPDoc improvements

2012-01-27 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Fri, 27 Jan 2012, Hans-Peter Diettrich wrote:

should first document dependent units. It currently does not know how to do 
this by itself.

Again, what are you talking about? FPDoc doesn't require a special order of 
input files, neither source nor documentation files :-)

It does, see the explanation of Marco.

Which is why I again removed the input-dir option (but this is not yet 

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] FPDoc improvements

2012-01-27 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Fri, 27 Jan 2012, Hans-Peter Diettrich wrote:

Unfortunately I managed to supply the EasyImports.patch twice, please drop 
Mantis #21168 as a dupe of #21167. Sorry for the inconvenience :-(

Thank you. I will look at it.

Starting with this patch I suggest further improvements of fpdoc. Except for 
the RTL docs, which require a couple of special compiler options for every 
input file, a package project can be shrunk essentially to the specification 
of these options:

--package the package name
--imports a list of related packages
--input-dir containing all source files
--descr-dir containing all XML files
--output-dir where the output files are created
--format the document format

As I said before:

Neither --input-dir nor --descr-dir will be put in the fpdoc implementation.

I don't see the problem of having to specify all files that are part of the
project explicitly. Make does it, Lazarus does it, Delphi does it, Visual
Studio does it. 
All require you to specify exactly which files should be there when compiling, 
and rightly so.

For the --input-dir there is an extra reason: the order of files is important.
Just like in the compiler, which must compile dependent units first, fpdoc
should first document dependent units. It currently does not know how to do 
this by itself.

So, a patch providing these 2 options will not be applied.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] New bug in building RTL docs

2012-01-25 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Wed, 25 Jan 2012, Hans-Peter Diettrich wrote: schrieb:

I checked here at work, and here the SVN copy is different than at home.
So I committed a fix, please test rev. 20169.

Just tested: the dupes error has gone away :-)


Now remain the syntax errors, see Mantis #21148.

For those, I still need to test.

BTW. In future, please file separate reports for separate issues.

There are 2 distinct problems: 
* the duplicate defines, 
* the parsing of certain constructs.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] New bug in building RTL docs

2012-01-25 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Wed, 25 Jan 2012, wrote:

On Wed, 25 Jan 2012, Hans-Peter Diettrich wrote:

Michael Van Canneyt schrieb:

On Tue, 24 Jan 2012, Hans-Peter Diettrich wrote: schrieb:

Today I had problems in the FPDocManager, where the scanner/parser 
throws an exception "String list does not allow duplicates". Reason 
may be duplicate include paths, definitely a duplicate -dCPU32 from 
both the parser and the commandline.

The sources have been stripped from dupError a long time ago. So I 
can't reproduce this.

See pscanner.pp line 947, where FDefines is created with dupError.

What is the problem ? Defines or include paths ?

The problem is at least one list which reject duplicates. Since the
error message is too vague, I only can guess what may be the exact 
problem. Defines definitely are a problem.

Not here.

Perhaps not on your platform, but perhaps on many others. The -dCPU32 in 
the fpdoc commandline may be inserted on a Win64 platform only...

Look, I tested by inserting the same define twice on the command-line, and 
all worked fine. Further, there is not a single piece of evidence that 
dupError is used in defines in the SVN sources.

Always doubt yourself.

I checked here at work, and here the SVN copy is different than at home.
So I committed a fix, please test rev. 20169.

Now I should learn to doubt and check before writing an answer.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] New bug in building RTL docs

2012-01-25 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Wed, 25 Jan 2012, Hans-Peter Diettrich wrote:

Michael Van Canneyt schrieb:

On Tue, 24 Jan 2012, Hans-Peter Diettrich wrote: schrieb:

Today I had problems in the FPDocManager, where the scanner/parser 
throws an exception "String list does not allow duplicates". Reason 
may be duplicate include paths, definitely a duplicate -dCPU32 from 
both the parser and the commandline.

The sources have been stripped from dupError a long time ago. So I 
can't reproduce this.

See pscanner.pp line 947, where FDefines is created with dupError.

What is the problem ? Defines or include paths ?

The problem is at least one list which reject duplicates. Since the
error message is too vague, I only can guess what may be the exact 
problem. Defines definitely are a problem.

Not here.

Perhaps not on your platform, but perhaps on many others. The -dCPU32 in the 
fpdoc commandline may be inserted on a Win64 platform only...

Look, I tested by inserting the same define twice on the command-line, 
and all worked fine. Further, there is not a single piece of evidence 
that dupError is used in defines in the SVN sources.

There is only 1 dupError in all the sources of fcl-passrc:

Yes, see above where it sits.

Indeed. It is not in the defines. In the TStreamResolver, and this class
is currently only used in the testcases.

I'm sorry, but the problem is on your pc, not in FPC.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] New bug in building RTL docs

2012-01-24 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Tue, 24 Jan 2012, Hans-Peter Diettrich wrote:

Michael Van Canneyt schrieb:

On Mon, 23 Jan 2012, Hans-Peter Diettrich wrote:

Today I had problems in the FPDocManager, where the scanner/parser throws 
an exception "String list does not allow duplicates". Reason may be 
duplicate include paths, definitely a duplicate -dCPU32 from both the 
parser and the commandline.

The sources have been stripped from dupError a long time ago. So I can't 
reproduce this.

See pscanner.pp line 947, where FDefines is created with dupError.

What is the problem ? Defines or include paths ?

If you think there is a problem with double defines, please state this
clearly. From your report I understand you think there is a problem with
include paths. I cannot reproduce this: Yesterday I built FCL and RTL 
with ALL include paths doubled. Everything went well, so I think the 
problem is on your machine.

If you think there is an additional problem with defines, then state this
clearly or at the very least in a separate report.

Another parser error occurs in line 283 col. 30:
 UCS4Char= type 0..$10;
where the parser expects an "=" after "type". Wasn't this syntax 
recognized already before 2.6?

As far as I know, I have fixed this already in trunk.

The reported problems exist since my last FPC 2.7 SVN update (yesterday), 
they did not exist in the last months.

For this one, please file a separate bug report.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] On a port of Free Pascal to the IBM 370

2012-01-18 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Wed, 18 Jan 2012, Tomas Hajny wrote:

But then you are assuming the RTL should be using EBCDIC internally as
well ?
Obviously, that will be a lot more work.

But I don't think this should be so.

I may be overlooking something, of course. However: Our RTL is based on
common (target specific) routines for reading (and writing) text and
binary files (do_read & do_write). You cannot translate between ASCII and
EBCDID in these target specific routines because you don't know how the
input would be used at that point (not even mentioning the fact that there
is nothing like translation between ASCII and EBCDIC because there are
multiple different character sets for both and real conversion isn't
possible without taking this into account and knowing the real character
sets which again depends on the context which is again not known at this
low level).

Once more: I do not think this is the task of the RTL. FPC and the RTL works 
with ASCII. That includes the expected contents of text files and whatnot.

That a hypothetical FPC program opening an EBCDIC file on OS/370 needs to
convert this to ASCII first is in my view the responsability of the programmer.

The same goes for the FPC sources. 
I do not suppose that a FPC port would first convert the current ASCII

sources to EBCDIC, but would continue to use the ASCII version.

If you define the RTL as being able to handle EBCDIC on OS/370, 
it is a different matter, and a lot more work.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] On a port of Free Pascal to the IBM 370

2012-01-18 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Wed, 18 Jan 2012, Tomas Hajny wrote:

On Wed, January 18, 2012 11:23, wrote:

On Wed, 18 Jan 2012, Tomas Hajny wrote:

On Wed, January 18, 2012 10:15, wrote:

On Wed, 18 Jan 2012, Michael Schnell wrote:

AFAI learned:
I suppose the code generator should be doable, regarding that there
are several supported CPUs. At least a working compiler might come
existence in a decent amount of time, adding optimizations is another

OTOH I suppose that a porting the RTL to a mainframe OS will not be
without this the compiler is quite useless.

I do not think it is more difficult than any other OS.

...except for the EBCDIC stuff, because the common parts of our RTL
ASCII in many places (most of them probably not that difficult to fix by
adding some platform specific constants changing the behaviour from
only to consider EBCDIC too, but scattered around many places and thus
difficult to find). That doesn't mean it shouldn't be doable, of course,
it will just require debugging even parts which didn't have to be
during ports to other operating systems.

? It just means you must convert ascii to ebcdic in OS calls that require
strings. All these calls must be re-implemented anyway, so a generic
to do this conversion seems like the obvious path. I doubt this will be
real bottleneck :-)

It should not be a bottleneck, but I'm afraid that you underestimate it a
bit. As an example, searching for #10 and #9 across files (just) in
rtl/inc (there's much more in rtl/objpas) shows quite a few places which
would need to be changed for EBCDIC support and which are not touched
otherwise during a RTL port (control characters have completely different
layout in EBCDIC compared to ASCII). Also case insensitive search for
"'a'" (just as an example - there are more ways how this can appear in the
code) finds several places containing code assuming either certain
position of the standard alphabet ('a'..'z') in the character set - both
assumptions regarding the absolute value of 'a' (or 'A') used e.g. for
translation of hexadecimal numbers, or assumptions about the whole
alphabet being in one consecutive range (which is not the case for

But then you are assuming the RTL should be using EBCDIC internally as well ?
Obviously, that will be a lot more work.

But I don't think this should be so.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] On a port of Free Pascal to the IBM 370

2012-01-18 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Wed, 18 Jan 2012, Tomas Hajny wrote:

On Wed, January 18, 2012 10:15, wrote:

On Wed, 18 Jan 2012, Michael Schnell wrote:

AFAI learned:
I suppose the code generator should be doable, regarding that there
are several supported CPUs. At least a working compiler might come into
existence in a decent amount of time, adding optimizations is another

OTOH I suppose that a porting the RTL to a mainframe OS will not be easy
without this the compiler is quite useless.

I do not think it is more difficult than any other OS.

...except for the EBCDIC stuff, because the common parts of our RTL assume
ASCII in many places (most of them probably not that difficult to fix by
adding some platform specific constants changing the behaviour from ASCII
only to consider EBCDIC too, but scattered around many places and thus
difficult to find). That doesn't mean it shouldn't be doable, of course,
it will just require debugging even parts which didn't have to be touched
during ports to other operating systems.

? It just means you must convert ascii to ebcdic in OS calls that require
strings. All these calls must be re-implemented anyway, so a generic routine
to do this conversion seems like the obvious path. I doubt this will be the
real bottleneck :-)

As for using Linux: I have no idea how this works in practice, so I can't
comment on that. I know that people here use Hercules inside linux to
develop for zSeries, but then again running a linux inside that seems a bit 
like overkill :-)

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] On a port of Free Pascal to the IBM 370

2012-01-18 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Wed, 18 Jan 2012, Michael Schnell wrote:

AFAI learned:
I suppose the code generator should be doable, regarding that there already 
are several supported CPUs. At least a working compiler might come into 
existence in a decent amount of time, adding optimizations is another 

OTOH I suppose that a porting the RTL to a mainframe OS will not be easy and 
without this the compiler is quite useless.

I do not think it is more difficult than any other OS.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Cant' compile trunk

2011-12-27 Thread michael . vancanneyt

On Tue, 27 Dec 2011, José Mejuto wrote:

Hello FPC,

I can't compile trunk:

make[1]: Entering directory `F:/fpc/svn/utils/importtl'
F:/fpc/fpc/2.4.4/bin/i386-win32/ppc386.exe -Fu../../rtl/units/i386-win32 -FE. 
-FUunits/i386-win32 -di386 importtl.pas
Free Pascal Compiler version 2.4.4 [2011/12/16] for i386
Copyright (c) 1993-2010 by Florian Klaempfl
Target OS: Win32 for i386
Compiling importtl.pas
Fatal: Can't find unit typelib used by importtl
Fatal: Compilation aborted
make[1]: *** [importtl.exe] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `F:/fpc/svn/utils/importtl'
make: *** [importtl_all] Error 2

I was trying to fix the makefile but me and makefiles are not good
friends :)

Should be fixed in rev. 19895.

As a workaround, compile *and install* the latest version of the packages.

fpc-devel maillist  -

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