Re[2]: [fpc-pascal] Is it save to think default value of untouched string is ''?

2010-03-06 Thread JoshyFun
initialize strings. They are not quaranteed to be JM empty. Sorry ... What ? It must be garanteed in ansistring mode! or everything will simple kboom! There is no way to initialize a non initialized string. -- Best regards, JoshyFun ___ fpc-pascal maillist

Re[2]: [fpc-pascal] some new features to delphi prisem

2010-02-21 Thread JoshyFun
point of view is much more reasonable to use something like: z := iff(a=b,1,2); But to me it looks awful and a bit of c-ism and really horrible code could be written: z: Boolean; begin z := iff(a=b,iif(b=2,a=b,ba),not(a=b)); -- Best regards, JoshyFun

Re[2]: [fpc-pascal] some new features to delphi prisem

2010-02-21 Thread JoshyFun
only have 3 Kb for source code. -- Best regards, JoshyFun ___ fpc-pascal maillist -

Re[6]: [fpc-pascal] Re: Ido not understand UTF8 in Windows

2010-02-20 Thread JoshyFun
(''); writeln('Retcode: ',retcode,' Returned written bytes: ',writ); End. -- -- Best regards, JoshyFun ___ fpc-pascal maillist -

Re[2]: [fpc-pascal] Re: Ido not understand UTF8 in Windows

2010-02-19 Thread JoshyFun
, JoshyFun ___ fpc-pascal maillist -

Re[4]: [fpc-pascal] Re: Ido not understand UTF8 in Windows

2010-02-19 Thread JoshyFun
'; //camión writeln('Length of string: ',Length(s)); writeln(' - Returned written: ',OutputStream.write(s[1],Length(s)));; End. -- Best regards, JoshyFun ___ fpc-pascal maillist - http

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Ido not understand UTF8 in Windows console.

2010-02-18 Thread JoshyFun
. Remember that most linux have a default ANSI charset UTF8 while windows uses code page. If you like put an attached small file to be compiled directly and the command line to be used and I'll test it. -- Best regards, JoshyFun ___ fpc-pascal maillist

Re: [fpc-pascal] Ido not understand UTF8 in Windows console.

2010-02-17 Thread JoshyFun
estoy haciendo mal? Lo mismo pero en español :) Vamos que elimines el flag de Win32 GUI application en Compiler - Linker. Por cierto CP_UTF8 sólo funciona en =NT 4.0 con fuentes TrueType en ventana y muchos bats y similares dejan de funcionar. -- Best regards, JoshyFun

Re[2]: [fpc-pascal] LZMA Algorithm fails on 64bit

2010-01-26 Thread JoshyFun
is quite small. -- Best regards, JoshyFun ___ fpc-pascal maillist -

Re[4]: [fpc-pascal] LZMA Algorithm fails on 64bit

2010-01-26 Thread JoshyFun
: Can anybody comment if this is expected ? 32 bits: ($8001 - 1) shr 31 = 1 64 bits: ($8001 - 1) shr 31 = -1 64 bits: DWORD($8001 - 1) shr 31 = 1 -- Best regards, JoshyFun ___ fpc-pascal maillist - http

Re[2]: [fpc-pascal] LZMA Algorithm fails on 64bit

2010-01-25 Thread JoshyFun
stream decompressed with the 64 bits version ? -- Best regards, JoshyFun ___ fpc-pascal maillist -

Re[4]: [fpc-pascal] LZMA Algorithm fails on 64bit

2010-01-25 Thread JoshyFun
spare time this afternoon to test it, as I also need LZMA decompress in 64 bit. -- Best regards, JoshyFun ___ fpc-pascal maillist -

Re[2]: [fpc-pascal] Need help to fix a bug

2010-01-24 Thread JoshyFun
Hello FPC-Pascal, Sunday, January 24, 2010, 6:18:22 PM, you wrote: JvdS On Wed, 2010-01-13 at 16:13 +0100, JoshyFun wrote: I wish to fix this bug but I had found serious problems to understand how data is structured in the TBufIndex and descendant

[fpc-pascal] Firebird errors

2010-01-17 Thread JoshyFun
the reason ? I'm using FPC 2.5.1 + Lazarus SVN + WinXP SP3 + Firebird 2.1 Thank you. -- Best regards, JoshyFun ___ fpc-pascal maillist -

[fpc-pascal] Need help to fix a bug

2010-01-13 Thread JoshyFun
minutes anyway. Is there a faster way to correctly build only the affected package (in this case fcl-db) ? -- Best regards, JoshyFun ___ fpc-pascal maillist -

Re[2]: [fpc-pascal] creating a standalone executable (eg: application installation file)

2010-01-12 Thread JoshyFun
attached at the end where the application read its internal data structures and some graphics. -- Best regards, JoshyFun ___ fpc-pascal maillist -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Const Array Length (was Dynamic Array Length)

2010-01-02 Thread JoshyFun
be a dynamic array. Other pascals uses something like: a: array[1..] or string = ('aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc'); or a: array[..] or string = ('aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc'); I think that: a: array[..n] or string = ('aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc'); is not allowed. -- Best regards, JoshyFun

Re[2]: [fpc-pascal] RE: Possibly a dumb question.... (Jennifer Usher)

2009-12-28 Thread JoshyFun
, JoshyFun ___ fpc-pascal maillist -

Re[4]: [fpc-pascal] sql server embedded: sqlite the only solution?

2009-12-23 Thread JoshyFun
in the first place. Please check the :) smiley at the end... -- Best regards, JoshyFun ___ fpc-pascal maillist -

Re[2]: [fpc-pascal] sql server embedded: sqlite the only solution?

2009-12-22 Thread JoshyFun
little directive for special queries). SQLite is faster than Firebird, but take care that SQLite does not enforce foreign keys, so data integrity must be handled by the programmer manually. -- Best regards, JoshyFun ___ fpc-pascal maillist - fpc-pascal

Re[3]: [fpc-pascal] sql server embedded: sqlite the only solution?

2009-12-22 Thread JoshyFun
to crash. MVC (last time I checked, they called this a feature) Yes :) As far as I know, everything is a text field. -- Best regards, JoshyFun ___ fpc-pascal maillist -

Re[2]: [fpc-pascal] sql server embedded: sqlite the only solution?

2009-12-22 Thread JoshyFun
Hello FPC-Pascal, Tuesday, December 22, 2009, 3:18:27 PM, you wrote: GG JoshyFun wrote: etc. For serious projects with important data it has many deficiences. GG I thought all data should be treated as important - otherwise why bother GG saving it. :-) Check your temp folder :) -- Best

Re[2]: [fpc-pascal] How does inline work?

2009-11-22 Thread JoshyFun
it is called. In the former So inlined methods should appear just after implementation keyword to get inlined all along the code ? -- Best regards, JoshyFun ___ fpc-pascal maillist -

Re[2]: [fpc-pascal] How to solve variable does not seem to be initialized compiler hint.

2009-11-20 Thread JoshyFun
Initializers.pas unit, which redefine FillChar and maybe some others like Move, them add the unit in the last position in your 3rd party unit and compile. If everything is hint free, you can remove the unit and add a hints off. -- Best regards, JoshyFun ___ fpc

Re[2]: [fpc-pascal] How to solve variable does not seem to be initialized compiler hint.

2009-11-19 Thread JoshyFun
?? out parameters seems to have a difficult to predict effects on some types, I think interfaces could be affected by out parameters also and anything that it's auto-freed by the compiler. -- Best regards, JoshyFun ___ fpc-pascal maillist - fpc-pascal

Re[2]: [fpc-pascal] How to solve variable does not seem to be initialized compiler hint.

2009-11-18 Thread JoshyFun
, JoshyFun ___ fpc-pascal maillist -

Re: [fpc-pascal] How to solve variable does not seem to be initialized compiler hint.

2009-11-17 Thread JoshyFun
p2:= @Outdata; Insert this, or in other words use it. The reason is that fillchar first parameter is var instead out. Temp[0]:=0; GG FillChar(Temp, SizeOf(Temp), 0); // -- I added this to no affect GG for i:= 1 to Size do -- Best regards, JoshyFun

Re[2]: [fpc-pascal] How to solve Conversion between ordinals and pointers is not portable

2009-11-17 Thread JoshyFun
to not exist) should do the trick. -- Best regards, JoshyFun ___ fpc-pascal maillist -

Re[2]: [fpc-pascal] How to solve variable does not seem to be initialized compiler hint.

2009-11-17 Thread JoshyFun
MyFillChar(out x; count: SizeInt; Value: char); inline; begin {$PUSH} {$HINTS OFF} FillChar(x,count,Value); {$POP} end; -- Best regards, JoshyFun ___ fpc-pascal maillist -

Re[2]: [fpc-pascal] Any Way to catch endless loop in fpc in Wince?

2009-11-11 Thread JoshyFun
and the handler of that message notify the watchdog thread with an acknowledge procedure. If acknowledge takes more than X seconds them the hang in endless loop is quite sure. Or maybe in the OnIdle event of the application ? -- Best regards, JoshyFun ___ fpc

Re: [fpc-pascal] can not debug on macosx 10.4 ppc

2009-10-24 Thread JoshyFun
\ command. I'm not used to anything different than windows, but had you checked that you are writting GDB information ? -- Best regards, JoshyFun ___ fpc-pascal maillist -

Re[2]: [fpc-pascal] Creating text files with TFileStream

2009-10-23 Thread JoshyFun
of restrictive, not thread safe and are very tied to which they expect to read/write. Graeme's problem seems to be that he is writting UTF-8 text files without UTF-8 BOM. If the text presents high ascii chars the file will look to not text to some inteligent editors. -- Best regards, JoshyFun

Re: [fpc-pascal] Object instance is suddenly corrupt or of unknown type?

2009-10-08 Thread JoshyFun
; //Crash... This will not be detected by runtime checks and I think it will not also detected by heaptrc memory verifications. So take a look over the prior declared variables, specially is they are arrays. As you are running linux valgrind should help you. -- Best regards, JoshyFun

Re[2]: [fpc-pascal] Is this an error ?

2009-10-02 Thread JoshyFun
an error in 64 bits because I think that this code: a := NativeInteger div NativeUnsignedInteger; should have the same behaviour in 32 and 64 bits, so I do not know if I must fill a bug report or not :-? Thank you for your help. -- Best regards, JoshyFun

[fpc-pascal] Is this an error ?

2009-09-28 Thread JoshyFun
, JoshyFun ___ fpc-pascal maillist -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Please Help with inifile in WinCE (ReadSectionValues into stringlist)

2009-09-12 Thread JoshyFun
be UTF8 to be displayed in a memo box. -- Best regards, JoshyFun ___ fpc-pascal maillist -

Re: [fpc-pascal] GetThreadId, GetCurrentThreadId and MainThreadId

2009-09-08 Thread JoshyFun
) function. -- Best regards, JoshyFun ___ fpc-pascal maillist -

Re[3]: [fpc-pascal] Case insensitive comparison of strings with non-ascii characters

2009-07-26 Thread JoshyFun
to simply work and return a value not to get the value fast. I'll post a link in the list as soon as I can confirm that it at least compile. -- Best regards, JoshyFun ___ fpc-pascal maillist - http

Re[3]: [fpc-pascal] Case insensitive comparison of strings with non-ascii characters

2009-07-26 Thread JoshyFun
things must be done, and there are some data files mixed with source code files (not well organized). It has been developed with Lazarus so maybe some code could need lazarus LCL or related functions. -- Best regards, JoshyFun ___ fpc-pascal maillist

Re[2]: [fpc-pascal] Case insensitive comparison of strings with non-ascii characters

2009-07-25 Thread JoshyFun
) is the same as: IsSameText(a,b) is wrong at unicode levels. -- Best regards, JoshyFun ___ fpc-pascal maillist -

Re[2]: [fpc-pascal] Case insensitive comparison of strings with non-ascii characters

2009-07-25 Thread JoshyFun
to use them please ask :) The case of the SameText is specially CPU consumer as each string must be transformed several times before the comparation is some complex characters are present. -- Best regards, JoshyFun ___ fpc-pascal maillist - fpc-pascal

Re: [fpc-pascal] How to get programatically a UTF8 encoded string?

2009-07-22 Thread JoshyFun
LAPC Any hint on how to get UTF8 encoded strings at runtime? Check your current source code format, this means the encoding of your .pas file, quite sure it is still UTF-8, so simply: Key := 'ç'; Right click - File settings - Encoding -- Best regards, JoshyFun

Re: [fpc-pascal] Case insensitive comparison of strings with non-ascii characters

2009-07-21 Thread JoshyFun
tables and a non trivial amount of CPU (based in the amount of folded code points). Try to do the same with WideStrings instead UTF8. -- Best regards, JoshyFun ___ fpc-pascal maillist -

Re: [fpc-pascal] XML with lazarus UTF8 problem

2009-07-06 Thread JoshyFun
contains an ANSI german umlaute the XML is not valid as the text is not UTF-8 conformant. fpc UTF-8 decoder clear any UTF-8 string with wrong encode (I think trunk one replace wrong encodes with '?' mark). -- Best regards, JoshyFun ___ fpc-pascal

Re[4]: [fpc-pascal] XML with lazarus UTF8 problem

2009-07-06 Thread JoshyFun
format, regardless the input encoding. That's the reason you cast it to WideString and them UTF8 encode it to be displayed by the LCL. I think the cast is not needed, but as the string is a DOMString maybe it is a must (not checked). -- Best regards, JoshyFun

Re[2]: [fpc-pascal] Generic a Clone method

2009-06-16 Thread JoshyFun
it is not a generic function ;) -- Best regards, JoshyFun ___ fpc-pascal maillist -

Re[2]: [fpc-pascal] exceptions

2009-05-28 Thread JoshyFun
from the socket problem, can somebody explain me this line: RS byte( p^ ) := 0; ? from my point of view it should be PBYTE(P)^:=0; am I missing something ? -- Best regards, JoshyFun ___ fpc-pascal maillist - fpc-pascal

Re[2]: [fpc-pascal] Remove unused functions in a class

2009-04-05 Thread JoshyFun
an error if you try to link a unit compiled with the JM option using the external linker), but that hasn't been done yet. Just for curiosity which is the parameter set ? Thank you for the answer. -- Best regards, JoshyFun ___ fpc-pascal maillist

Re[4]: [fpc-pascal] Remove unused functions in a class

2009-04-05 Thread JoshyFun
on this determines which [...] JM referenced directly, then they can be removed by the linker (and the JM ones that are referenced can be turned into normal function calls). More or less I understand the WPO way of work. Thank you again. -- Best regards, JoshyFun

Re[6]: [fpc-pascal] Remove unused functions in a class

2009-04-05 Thread JoshyFun
),%edx JM - call*80(%edx) JM + callL_P$PROGRAM_TDEDERIVEDFOO_$__MYPROCEDURE$stub JM I'm not sure about -dvtentry. Nice to see that, that's for sure a non easy objetive :) -- Best regards, JoshyFun ___ fpc-pascal maillist - fpc

Re: [fpc-pascal] Compiler raise an EAbort exception

2009-04-04 Thread JoshyFun
it should look like: SetLength(Prefix, Length(aPrefix)); SetLength(NumberLength, Length(aNumberLength)); -- Best regards, JoshyFun ___ fpc-pascal maillist -

[fpc-pascal] Remove unused functions in a class

2009-04-04 Thread JoshyFun
Hello FPC-Pascal, If a virtual method of a class is not used at all in the programm will the compiler remove it from the executable ? I think that unused constants and functions will be removed by the compiler or the linker but the methdos of a class... :-? -- Best regards, JoshyFun

Re[2]: [fpc-pascal] Maybe one stupid question

2009-01-23 Thread JoshyFun
that Lazarus is passing all parameters well to fpc... -- Best regards, JoshyFun ___ fpc-pascal maillist -

Re[2]: [fpc-pascal] Maybe one stupid question

2009-01-23 Thread JoshyFun
of variables and records, unfortunatly the calls counter does not appear (spontaneous), and the fact that heaptrace produces faster code makes me think in the memory manager, but without a conclusion to this trivial. -- Best regards, JoshyFun ___ fpc

Re[2]: [fpc-pascal] 32 to 64 bits

2009-01-10 Thread JoshyFun
MvdV is 8-bit signed and which is 16-bit signed. (which is why I never use them MvdV and always use ctypes) Yes, ctypes could be my solution too. Thank you for your help. -- Best regards, JoshyFun ___ fpc-pascal maillist - fpc-pascal

[fpc-pascal] 32 to 64 bits

2009-01-09 Thread JoshyFun
LongInt fits ? Bits dependent or not ? Maybe a table is available in the wiki, but I was unable to find it. Thank you. -- Best regards, JoshyFun ___ fpc-pascal maillist -

Re[2]: [fpc-pascal] TListBox bug in LCL of Lazarus?

2008-12-23 Thread JoshyFun
provided by fpc which is more or less the same as the Delphi one, kills the output on any error, and allow other errors to be passed away to the result string which will bypass some security functions. -- Best regards, JoshyFun ___ fpc-pascal maillist

Re[2]: [fpc-pascal] Procedure types

2008-12-20 Thread JoshyFun
Hello Mark, Saturday, December 20, 2008, 1:40:15 PM, you wrote: MML Already am using (*$MODE DELPHI *) Hmmm... this should be {$MODE DELPHI} do not ? using (* *) you get a comment, or maybe I'm wrong ? In Delphi mode you must not need the @ for procedural assigns. -- Best regards, JoshyFun

Re[2]: [fpc-pascal] TListBox bug in LCL of Lazarus?

2008-12-20 Thread JoshyFun
the whole string is dropped when not using AnsiToUTF8. JH Without the conversion I would expect to see incorrect characters JH instead of the umlauts. The UTF8Decode routine kills any string with malformed UTF8 sequences. -- Best regards, JoshyFun

Re: [fpc-pascal] Un/De-Format function still exists?

2008-11-25 Thread JoshyFun
file. GB Is a function/procedure still exists in FPC or Lazarus for this problem. GB If anybody understood me. ;-) Look for SScanf function, maybe it will fit your needs. -- Best regards, JoshyFun ___ fpc-pascal maillist - fpc-pascal

Re: [fpc-pascal] Help with understanding HeapTrc output

2008-11-03 Thread JoshyFun
line? If I allocated memory on a GG specific line, should just that line be quoted? You may allocate a memory block in the same line following different paths, finally all memory blocks are a GetMem so if only one line is quoted you will only see GetMem procedure. -- Best regards, JoshyFun

[fpc-pascal] New object created in custom pool

2008-10-28 Thread JoshyFun
overriding the create method like: constructor MyObject.Create() begin result:=GetMem(sizeof(myobject)); end; Thank you. -- Best regards, JoshyFun ___ fpc-pascal maillist -

Re[2]: [fpc-pascal] New object created in custom pool

2008-10-28 Thread JoshyFun
aproximation, so I'll try to put all the small objects in a single block and see what happends with the memory (and also learn a bit more about fpc ;) ). -- Best regards, JoshyFun ___ fpc-pascal maillist - http

Re[2]: [fpc-pascal] New object created in custom pool

2008-10-28 Thread JoshyFun
for the tips. -- Best regards, JoshyFun ___ fpc-pascal maillist -

Re[4]: [fpc-pascal] New object created in custom pool

2008-10-28 Thread JoshyFun
around 15% in excess. I'll search the hard disk for the test routine, maybe it is still somewhere in the HD. -- Best regards, JoshyFun ___ fpc-pascal maillist -

Re[2]: [fpc-pascal] connection problem

2008-03-31 Thread JoshyFun
sure. -- Best regards, JoshyFun ___ fpc-pascal maillist -

Re[2]: [fpc-pascal] connection problem

2008-03-29 Thread JoshyFun
like a transparent proxy problem, so setting an alternative port different then 80 may help. Maybe somebody that can successfully access should dump the received http headers, maybe one of them is confusing the transparent proxy :-? -- Best regards, JoshyFun

Re: [fpc-pascal] connection problem

2008-03-26 Thread JoshyFun
a Telefónica Data problem. -- Best regards, JoshyFun ___ fpc-pascal maillist -

Re[2]: [fpc-pascal] problem with interface (OOP not widget)

2008-01-29 Thread JoshyFun
:=QuerySimple2(OnChange); end; It is not very elegant, I know :) -- Best regards, JoshyFunmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ fpc-pascal maillist -