TCS 4 as DITA out-of-the-box solution

2012-11-27 Thread Gillian Flato
Thanks, Scott!


From: Scott Prentice []
Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2012 11:27 AM
To: framers at; Gillian Flato
Subject: Re: TCS 4 as DITA out-of-the-box solution

Hi Gillian...

As I'm sure you're aware, I'm a big proponent of using Frame for DITA 
authoring, but I do try to remain reasonably objective when comparing it to 
other DITA tools.

The big thing that sets TCS apart from other DITA authoring tools is that in 
addition to authoring, it provides a more complete publishing solution for both 
PDF and various online formats. Other authoring tools will likely bundle the 
DITA-OT as the publishing tool, which can work quite well, if you've got XSLT 
developers at your disposal. The HTML-based formats aren't too much work to 
customize, but if PDF is an important deliverable, you're in for a lot of time 
and money to get XSL-FO styleheets built that would be something you'd deliver 
to your customers.

Because TCS includes RoboHelp, you'll find it much easier to get online Help 
from DITA, and you'll be hard-pressed to get PDFs from the OT that come close 
to what you can get from Frame.

Personally, I use Frame for authoring DITA and Oxygen for coding XML/XSL. 
Oxygen is a great tool, but I much prefer the authoring experience with Frame 
over any other tool out there. I publish PDFs from Frame (via DITA-FMx), and 
use the OT for my online outputs (HTML, CHM, and EPUB). Samples here ..

If you do decide to use Frame/TCS for DITA, you should check out DITA-FMx, 
which provides numerous additional authoring features, as well as makes 
publishing complete and PDF-ready books much easier than the default options ..



Scott Prentice

Leximation, Inc.<>


On 11/26/12 11:08 AM, Gillian Flato wrote:
I went to a presentation last week given by Maxwell Hoffman from Adobe on TCS 
v4.x. He stated that TCS v4.x is an out-of-the-box DITA solution that contains 
DTDs, EDDs, etc, so you don't have to go to third-party solutions to obtain the 
necessary pieces.

Has anyone used TCS v4.x as a complete DITA solution? Are you liking it? Is it 
better or worse than using, for example, XMetal or Oxygen with 3rd-party 
scripts, etc.

Thank You,

Gillian Flato
Senior Content Developer
Skype: Gillian.B.Flato
Gillian.Flato at<mailto:Gillian.Flato at>

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Confluence 4 export: the one feature that would justify my upgrading from FM10

2012-11-27 Thread Robert Lauriston
Ah, so you're using conditional text like text insets.

Neither Confluence nor any other extant wiki is set up for reusing
content. We discussed that in detail in July in the "Single sourcing
from Frame and a wiki ... or something ..." topic you started. As I
noted there, AutoDesk's hybrid system does what you want but it's

On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 8:02 PM, rebecca officer
> Hi Robert
> Thanks for discussing this - I really appreciate it.
> Our company produces half a dozen different hardware products with similar
> software feature sets. There's a lot of feature overlap. And we do new
> software releases at least annually. We've got one set of source FM files,
> and we use conditional text to build a document set for each product at each
> new release. Without conditional text, we'd have to maintain multiple
> similar copies of FM files, which would be an error-rich nightmare. Many of
> the differences are at the word or sentence level, but we could rewrite them
> into separate paragraphs if we have to.
> I think, if we go to Confluence, we'll need to create one wiki space per
> product (per release), so we can keep delivering product-specific info. That
> would mean maintaining multiple similar copies, unless we can reuse content
> in multiple spaces. So I'm trying to work out what the Confluence model is
> for reusing content, and how we could get there from FM.

framers Digest, Vol 85, Issue 26

2012-11-27 Thread Wim Hooghwinkel
Hi Gillian,

In the same sense both XMetaL and Oxygen also are out-of-the-box complete
DITA solutions. You can create, edit, modify, publish DITA content out of
the box using the default templates that come with the tool, to PDF, HTML,
Help etc..

What all these tools don't have is the option to manage the dita topics.
Unless you're satisfied with storing the contents in a file system you'll
definitely need a third party tool for content management.

And as soon as you need to adapt the stylesheets to your company look and
feel or if you start using filtering or even customization or have more
complex publishing needs - in all tools you'll have to rework stylesheets,
or EDD's or other files. For publishing you'll find the need to buy
additional tools soon enough, even with Adobe TCS4. 

So, 'out of the box' is a simplification  but good enough to get started

To answer your question: I'm a happy FM user and will sure encourage you
download the trial to see for yourself.

Vriendelijke groet / Kind regards,

Wim Hooghwinkel

Message: 8
Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2012 19:08:51 +
From: Gillian Flato < >
To: "framers at" 
Subject: TCS 4 as DITA out-of-the-box solution

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

I went to a presentation last week given by Maxwell Hoffman from Adobe on
TCS v4.x. He stated that TCS v4.x is an out-of-the-box DITA solution that
contains DTDs, EDDs, etc, so you don't have to go to third-party solutions
to obtain the necessary pieces.

Has anyone used TCS v4.x as a complete DITA solution? Are you liking it? Is
it better or worse than using, for example, XMetal or Oxygen with 3rd-party
scripts, etc.

Thank You,

Gillian Flato
Senior Content Developer
Skype: Gillian.B.Flato
Gillian.Flato at

TCS 4 as DITA out-of-the-box solution

2012-11-27 Thread Gillian Flato
Thanks Craig. Appreciate the response.


From: Craig Ede []
Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2012 6:50 AM
To: Gillian Flato; framers
Subject: RE: TCS 4 as DITA out-of-the-box solution

I am currently working a contract for a company where we are writing DITA files 
using FM11 (not TCS 4). Producing DITA using FM 11 is fairly easy, but there as 
some caveats. The built in EDDs, etc. allow producing more-or-less adequate PDF 
using SaveAsPDF from ditamap files. To get TOCs, covers and other nicities, you 
have to save the ditamap as a composite FM file and then add the additional 
files into a FM book containing the composite file. Exactly how to massage 
paragraph formats to get the results you desire withing the composite FM file 
is not transparent. Structured documents are more difficult to change the 
formats in since the EDD is the source of that information.  (Any tips on how 
to get the notes that are warnings and cautions will be accepted with much 
happiness from anyone reading this.)

Another avenue to PDF (as well as HTMLHELP, javaHelp and other formats) comes 
through using the DITA Open Toolkit. This is now easy to install so you get 
what you need and the results are great for many of the formats. Most of the 
help systems offered come through without muss or fuss except for an occasional 
unrecognized character that can cause problems but is easily fixed). My boss 
was astounded at the ease of producing HTMLHelp in this way.

The DITAOpenToolkit PDF is equally easy to produce from a ditamap, but, of 
course, has a different look than the SaveAsPDF from FM11. This is because it 
uses CSS templates to format the output. The result is a terrible cover sheet, 
a great TOC, nice formatting of Warnings and the like. The regular notes icon 
is terrible; a finger pointing to the note that seems totally out of place [it 
reminds me of the similar character used by Walt Kelly in the world ballons for 
the P.T. Bridgeport character from POGO]. Wading into the OpenToolkits 
templates to modify the CSS is daughting, but doable. There are tips on this 
that pop up if you search the web, but, again, it is not particularly 
straightforward. Be sure to save the original copy of each template before 

My experience with DITA is that it is great at reducing duplication in manuals, 
aids in breaking apart tasks that actually combined multiple tasks in one (thus 
making them both clearer and more reusable), and helps to identify material in 
manuals that just got in there because the designers of a machine were 
enamoured of explaining how the pieces of it work (even if that information is 
useless for any operator or maintainance task). I love it! However, I would 
take the statement that TCS 4 offers a  single out-of-the-box solution with a 
big grain of salt.

I am going to send a separate posting with some DITA codeview interface 
complaints for Adobe to consider as areas where improvement is desired (at 
least from this user).


Craig Ede

From: Gillian.Flato at<>
To: framers at<mailto:framers at>
Subject: TCS 4 as DITA out-of-the-box solution
Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2012 19:08:51 +
I went to a presentation last week given by Maxwell Hoffman from Adobe on TCS 
v4.x. He stated that TCS v4.x is an out-of-the-box DITA solution that contains 
DTDs, EDDs, etc, so you don't have to go to third-party solutions to obtain the 
necessary pieces.

Has anyone used TCS v4.x as a complete DITA solution? Are you liking it? Is it 
better or worse than using, for example, XMetal or Oxygen with 3rd-party 
scripts, etc.

Thank You,

Gillian Flato
Senior Content Developer
Skype: Gillian.B.Flato
Gillian.Flato at<mailto:Gillian.Flato at>

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TCS 4 as DITA out-of-the-box solution

2012-11-27 Thread Gillian Flato
Thanks for the response.


From: Roger Shuttleworth []
Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2012 5:10 AM
To: Gillian Flato
Cc: framers at
Subject: Re: TCS 4 as DITA out-of-the-box solution

Hello Gillian

Regarding your question about TCS4 being the "complete solution" for DITA. You 
have to analyze that statement rather carefully and remember it's from the 
evangelist! The comments below are from a TCS4 user.

First, several of the components of TCS4 have nothing at all to do with DITA - 
Captivate, Illustrator, RoboScreen Capture, and Acrobat. That basically leaves 
FrameMaker and RoboHelp as candidates. So right there you ask yourself: would 
buying just FM and RH be better and/or cheaper?

FrameMaker does come with DTDs, EDDs, and templates provided, so you can 
immediately create, save, and open DITA XML documents. You'd want to tweak the 
templates, of course, and it helps if you are familiar with EDDs. As an XML 
editor, FM11 in my view is a big step forward from 9 and 10, but I doubt it can 
compete with oXygen or xMetal (I have not used the latter). The ability to 
output fine PDF is a key difference in favour of FM. There are some 
deficiencies in FM, which Scott Prentice has identified in his comparison at (that comparison covers 
FM10 but not 11, but it's still applicable). You may want to supplement FM11 
with DITA-FMx, though there are pros and cons for that too.

Moving on to RoboHelp: RH was fundamentally designed as an HTML authoring tool. 
Integration with FrameMaker has been cobbled into it, and it works on book 
files, not ditamaps. So you have to create your book from a ditamap in FM, then 
open the book in RH. RoboHelp can also process ditamaps directly, but it rather 
depends on the day of the week and how you hold your mouth. I sometimes have a 
problem with the mouth part. DITA support in RH has a lng way to go, and 
the glowing reports I read of DITA support in WebWorks (not cheap) give me the 
impression that is probably the better tool.

Having said all that, yes, you can use TCS4 to output DITA to PDF and HTML (we 
do it). If you don't want impressive PDF, FM is inferior to the alternatives 
you mention. If you're happy to just have FM and forgo the other TCS4 
components, there are other tools you could use with FM alone to create output 
from DITA files: WebWorks, as mentioned, DITA2Go, etc.

Hope this helps alleviate some of the marketing overhead!

Roger Shuttleworth
London, Canada
On 26/11/2012 2:08 PM, Gillian Flato wrote:
I went to a presentation last week given by Maxwell Hoffman from Adobe on TCS 
v4.x. He stated that TCS v4.x is an out-of-the-box DITA solution that contains 
DTDs, EDDs, etc, so you don't have to go to third-party solutions to obtain the 
necessary pieces.

Has anyone used TCS v4.x as a complete DITA solution? Are you liking it? Is it 
better or worse than using, for example, XMetal or Oxygen with 3rd-party 
scripts, etc.

Thank You,

Gillian Flato
Senior Content Developer
Skype: Gillian.B.Flato
Gillian.Flato at<mailto:Gillian.Flato at>


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How to generate an index of names without markers (or by automated insertion of markers)

2012-11-27 Thread rebecca officer
Hi Bj?rn

I think you could do this with search-and-replace, especially for names
that aren't also words.

For example, make an index marker for the name "Bradbury", then paste
the marker immediately after an instance of the name Bradbury. Then copy
the name + the marker. Then use search-and-replace to find all examples
of "Bradbury" and replace them by pasting. That'd replace "Bradbury"
with "Bradbury + marker".


>>> Bj?rn Mattsson 25/11/12 08:19 >>>
Hi all.

I have received a request from a client, late in a huge book project,
generate an index with all of the names of people that are mentioned in
book. We have been supplied with a list of names and the client thinks
we can just "press a button" to compile the index. This is not the case
course, but the client insists that it should be done.

What I am looking for is a way to locate a name in the document, find
the page number and then create an index looking like this:

Adams, Douglas 42
Bradbury, Ray 451
Dumas, Alexandre 20, 45


I am fairly experienced Framemaker user but I can not come up with a
way of
doing this without inserting (Author) markers for every instance where
of the listed names occur in the text. This would be hundreds of
places, and
we would have to view each page manually. 

I have tried my best to come up with some (semi)automated way of
this but the only thing I can think of would be to save the document as
and write some sort of script that parses the text file inserting
elements where it finds any of the listed names. Probably time
and highly unsafe or at least unpredictable.

My question to all you experts is if there is any way to get this done
Framemaker itself, or a plug-in for Framemaker, or using any other tool
might think of.

For this project we use Framemaker 7.2.

Thanks for any input,
Bj?rn Mattsson


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Confluence 4 export: the one feature that would justify my upgrading from FM10

2012-11-27 Thread Robert Lauriston
Confluence excerpts are comparable to FrameMaker text insets, not
conditional text.

What are you using conditional text for? Few of the things I've used
it for in FrameMaker make any sense in a wiki.

On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 4:08 PM, rebecca officer
> Oops, I meant "Confluence excerpts".
> So here's my question in a form that might make sense:
> Am I right that at the moment, the best FM-to-Confluence flow would be:
> 1) use MIF2Go to export Confluence 4 XHTML from FM
> 2) import the output into Confluence one page at a time
> 3) manually muck with each page to convert the conditional text to
> Confluence excerpts?
> If there's an easier flow for converting conditional-text-rich FM files into
> Confluence, I'd really appreciate someone describing it.

No subject

2012-11-27 Thread Craig Ede

As promised in an earlier post to the framers list, here are some concerns I 
have about the FM 11 codeview mode. I am also copying this to framemaker-dita 
at since it falls in that domain. Maybe I am missing something 
easy that would solve these issues. I would be happy to be made aware of ways 
of dealing with them.
 find myself working in the FM11 codeview mode a lot and have the following 
complaints: I wish FM would leave my indenting alone and not collapse 
everything (or some things).I wish FM would not added navtitles and metadata 
tags that I don't need. This seems to happen when I save after returning to the 
WYSIWYG view (which I try not to do for that reason).The codeview interface 
often lacks a scroll bar when you enter it. Hitting the minimized and then 
maximize window icons gets them, but that should be fixed so you don't have to 
do that.
One more trying aspect of the current implementation: Since I am converting 
files to DITA I often work with a non-structured file open to consult or 
sometimes cut-and-paste from. This file disappears when I move to codeview, 
which makes sense since it does not have a structure with text to view. 
Returning to WYSIWYG mode always returns the file to a docked tab, so I have to 
reposition it to the other monitor again and again. Can't these windows just be 
left where they were placed? Enough for now. Craig Ede  
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TCS 4 as DITA out-of-the-box solution

2012-11-27 Thread Robert Lauriston
FrameMaker 10 comes with DTDs, EDDs, and templates, but those did not
give me enough to go on to figure out how to create a project. The
documentation was no help, nor were the resources people on the
Structured FrameMaker forum pointed me to adequate:

On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 5:09 AM, Roger Shuttleworth  
> ... FrameMaker does come with DTDs, EDDs, and templates provided, so you can
> immediately create, save, and open DITA XML documents. You'd want to tweak
> the templates, of course, and it helps if you are familiar with EDDs. ...

Powerpoint to FrameMaker

2012-11-27 Thread Pat Christenson
The version I have can only save the outline as rtf.


On Nov 26, 2012, at 4:53 PM, Robert Lauriston wrote:

> My copy of PowerPoint (2010 aka 14) can't save as .doc or .docx, only .rtf.
> On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 2:49 PM, Bill Swallow  
> wrote:
>> You can save PPT to Word and import that into FM. How easy it'll be really
>> depends on how the PPT was designed.
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Re: TCS 4 as DITA out-of-the-box solution

2012-11-27 Thread Robert Lauriston
When I evaluated Oxygen XML, it seemed like a full-featured
single-source help authoring tool much like Madcap Flare, except using
DITA as its source format. Out-of-the-box web help and PDF output
seemed of professional quality to me. I could have been productive

TCS 3.5 / FrameMaker 10, on the other hand, I was unable to evaluate
(even though I'm fairly expert in unstructured FrameMaker) due to the
lack of documentation and samples for doing DITA with structured
FrameMaker. I know from reading other people's reports that it can be
used to author DITA and DocBook projects, but figuring out how to do
it would have required some sort of third-party consulting, training,
or add-ons. Maybe TCS 4 / FrameMaker 11 has better samples and
documentation, but I looked for such improvements when it came out and
did not find them.

Another weakness of TCS: all else being equal, I would prefer not to
create any new projects involving RoboHelp. I've found it inflexible
and buggy, and had to use MIF2Go for some output formats RoboHelp
could not generate.

On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 11:27 AM, Scott Prentice  wrote:
> ... The big thing that sets TCS apart from other DITA authoring tools is that 
> in
> addition to authoring, it provides a more complete publishing solution for
> both PDF and various online formats. ...

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menu-command macro recorder utility for FM?

2012-11-27 Thread Robert Lauriston
Is there an old-fashioned menu-command macro recorder that's
compatible with FrameMaker 10?

I want to automate some simple but time-consuming build processes. For
example: open book, set conditions, update, save as PDF, set
conditions, update, close book, launch batch file to generate online

Both ExtendScript and FrameScript require that I learn a complex
object model and neither comes with sample scripts or straightforward
documentation on doing the kind of stuff I need to do. Both seem
designed for developers who want to extend or customize the
application, not for end users who want to automate common tasks.

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RE: TCS 4 as DITA out-of-the-box solution

2012-11-27 Thread Gillian Flato
Thanks Craig. Appreciate the response.


From: Craig Ede []
Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2012 6:50 AM
To: Gillian Flato; framers
Subject: RE: TCS 4 as DITA out-of-the-box solution

I am currently working a contract for a company where we are writing DITA files 
using FM11 (not TCS 4). Producing DITA using FM 11 is fairly easy, but there as 
some caveats. The built in EDDs, etc. allow producing more-or-less adequate PDF 
using SaveAsPDF from ditamap files. To get TOCs, covers and other nicities, you 
have to save the ditamap as a composite FM file and then add the additional 
files into a FM book containing the composite file. Exactly how to massage 
paragraph formats to get the results you desire withing the composite FM file 
is not transparent. Structured documents are more difficult to change the 
formats in since the EDD is the source of that information.  (Any tips on how 
to get the notes that are warnings and cautions will be accepted with much 
happiness from anyone reading this.)

Another avenue to PDF (as well as HTMLHELP, javaHelp and other formats) comes 
through using the DITA Open Toolkit. This is now easy to install so you get 
what you need and the results are great for many of the formats. Most of the 
help systems offered come through without muss or fuss except for an occasional 
unrecognized character that can cause problems but is easily fixed). My boss 
was astounded at the ease of producing HTMLHelp in this way.

The DITAOpenToolkit PDF is equally easy to produce from a ditamap, but, of 
course, has a different look than the SaveAsPDF from FM11. This is because it 
uses CSS templates to format the output. The result is a terrible cover sheet, 
a great TOC, nice formatting of Warnings and the like. The regular notes icon 
is terrible; a finger pointing to the note that seems totally out of place [it 
reminds me of the similar character used by Walt Kelly in the world ballons for 
the P.T. Bridgeport character from POGO]. Wading into the OpenToolkits 
templates to modify the CSS is daughting, but doable. There are tips on this 
that pop up if you search the web, but, again, it is not particularly 
straightforward. Be sure to save the original copy of each template before 

My experience with DITA is that it is great at reducing duplication in manuals, 
aids in breaking apart tasks that actually combined multiple tasks in one (thus 
making them both clearer and more reusable), and helps to identify material in 
manuals that just got in there because the designers of a machine were 
enamoured of explaining how the pieces of it work (even if that information is 
useless for any operator or maintainance task). I love it! However, I would 
take the statement that TCS 4 offers a  single out-of-the-box solution with a 
big grain of salt.

I am going to send a separate posting with some DITA codeview interface 
complaints for Adobe to consider as areas where improvement is desired (at 
least from this user).


Craig Ede

Subject: TCS 4 as DITA out-of-the-box solution
Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2012 19:08:51 +
I went to a presentation last week given by Maxwell Hoffman from Adobe on TCS 
v4.x. He stated that TCS v4.x is an out-of-the-box DITA solution that contains 
DTDs, EDDs, etc, so you don't have to go to third-party solutions to obtain the 
necessary pieces.

Has anyone used TCS v4.x as a complete DITA solution? Are you liking it? Is it 
better or worse than using, for example, XMetal or Oxygen with 3rd-party 
scripts, etc.

Thank You,

Gillian Flato
Senior Content Developer
Skype: Gillian.B.Flato

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RE: TCS 4 as DITA out-of-the-box solution

2012-11-27 Thread Gillian Flato
Thanks for the response.


From: Roger Shuttleworth []
Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2012 5:10 AM
To: Gillian Flato
Subject: Re: TCS 4 as DITA out-of-the-box solution

Hello Gillian

Regarding your question about TCS4 being the "complete solution" for DITA. You 
have to analyze that statement rather carefully and remember it's from the 
evangelist! The comments below are from a TCS4 user.

First, several of the components of TCS4 have nothing at all to do with DITA - 
Captivate, Illustrator, RoboScreen Capture, and Acrobat. That basically leaves 
FrameMaker and RoboHelp as candidates. So right there you ask yourself: would 
buying just FM and RH be better and/or cheaper?

FrameMaker does come with DTDs, EDDs, and templates provided, so you can 
immediately create, save, and open DITA XML documents. You'd want to tweak the 
templates, of course, and it helps if you are familiar with EDDs. As an XML 
editor, FM11 in my view is a big step forward from 9 and 10, but I doubt it can 
compete with oXygen or xMetal (I have not used the latter). The ability to 
output fine PDF is a key difference in favour of FM. There are some 
deficiencies in FM, which Scott Prentice has identified in his comparison at (that comparison covers 
FM10 but not 11, but it's still applicable). You may want to supplement FM11 
with DITA-FMx, though there are pros and cons for that too.

Moving on to RoboHelp: RH was fundamentally designed as an HTML authoring tool. 
Integration with FrameMaker has been cobbled into it, and it works on book 
files, not ditamaps. So you have to create your book from a ditamap in FM, then 
open the book in RH. RoboHelp can also process ditamaps directly, but it rather 
depends on the day of the week and how you hold your mouth. I sometimes have a 
problem with the mouth part. DITA support in RH has a lng way to go, and 
the glowing reports I read of DITA support in WebWorks (not cheap) give me the 
impression that is probably the better tool.

Having said all that, yes, you can use TCS4 to output DITA to PDF and HTML (we 
do it). If you don't want impressive PDF, FM is inferior to the alternatives 
you mention. If you're happy to just have FM and forgo the other TCS4 
components, there are other tools you could use with FM alone to create output 
from DITA files: WebWorks, as mentioned, DITA2Go, etc.

Hope this helps alleviate some of the marketing overhead!

Roger Shuttleworth
London, Canada
On 26/11/2012 2:08 PM, Gillian Flato wrote:
I went to a presentation last week given by Maxwell Hoffman from Adobe on TCS 
v4.x. He stated that TCS v4.x is an out-of-the-box DITA solution that contains 
DTDs, EDDs, etc, so you don't have to go to third-party solutions to obtain the 
necessary pieces.

Has anyone used TCS v4.x as a complete DITA solution? Are you liking it? Is it 
better or worse than using, for example, XMetal or Oxygen with 3rd-party 
scripts, etc.

Thank You,

Gillian Flato
Senior Content Developer
Skype: Gillian.B.Flato


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RE: TCS 4 as DITA out-of-the-box solution

2012-11-27 Thread Craig Ede

I am currently working a contract for a company where we are writing DITA files 
using FM11 (not TCS 4). Producing DITA using FM 11 is fairly easy, but there as 
some caveats. The built in EDDs, etc. allow producing more-or-less adequate PDF 
using SaveAsPDF from ditamap files. To get TOCs, covers and other nicities, you 
have to save the ditamap as a composite FM file and then add the additional 
files into a FM book containing the composite file. Exactly how to massage 
paragraph formats to get the results you desire withing the composite FM file 
is not transparent. Structured documents are more difficult to change the 
formats in since the EDD is the source of that information.  (Any tips on how 
to get the notes that are warnings and cautions will be accepted with much 
happiness from anyone reading this.)  Another avenue to PDF (as well as 
HTMLHELP, javaHelp and other formats) comes through using the DITA Open 
Toolkit. This is now easy to install so you get what you need and the results 
are great for many of the formats. Most of the help systems offered come 
through without muss or fuss except for an occasional unrecognized character 
that can cause problems but is easily fixed). My boss was astounded at the ease 
of producing HTMLHelp in this way. The DITAOpenToolkit PDF is equally easy to 
produce from a ditamap, but, of course, has a different look than the SaveAsPDF 
from FM11. This is because it uses CSS templates to format the output. The 
result is a terrible cover sheet, a great TOC, nice formatting of Warnings and 
the like. The regular notes icon is terrible; a finger pointing to the note 
that seems totally out of place [it reminds me of the similar character used by 
Walt Kelly in the world ballons for the P.T. Bridgeport character from POGO]. 
Wading into the OpenToolkits templates to modify the CSS is daughting, but 
doable. There are tips on this that pop up if you search the web, but, again, 
it is not particularly straightforward. Be sure to save the original copy of 
each template before modifying. My experience with DITA is that it is great at 
reducing duplication in manuals, aids in breaking apart tasks that actually 
combined multiple tasks in one (thus making them both clearer and more 
reusable), and helps to identify material in manuals that just got in there 
because the designers of a machine were enamoured of explaining how the pieces 
of it work (even if that information is useless for any operator or 
maintainance task). I love it! However, I would take the statement that TCS 4 
offers a  single out-of-the-box solution with a big grain of salt. I am going 
to send a separate posting with some DITA codeview interface complaints for 
Adobe to consider as areas where improvement is desired (at least from this 
user). Thanks. Craig EdeFrom:
Subject: TCS 4 as DITA out-of-the-box solution
Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2012 19:08:51 +

I went to a presentation last week given by Maxwell Hoffman from Adobe on TCS 
v4.x. He stated that TCS v4.x is an out-of-the-box DITA solution that contains 
DTDs, EDDs, etc, so you don’t have to go to third-party solutions to obtain the
 necessary pieces.
Has anyone used TCS v4.x as a complete DITA solution? Are you liking it? Is it 
better or worse than using, for example, XMetal or Oxygen with 3rd-party 
scripts, etc.
Thank You,
Gillian Flato
Senior Content Developer
Skype: Gillian.B.Flato


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Re: TCS 4 as DITA out-of-the-box solution

2012-11-27 Thread Roger Shuttleworth

Hello Gillian

Regarding your question about TCS4 being the "complete solution" for 
DITA. You have to analyze that statement rather carefully and remember 
it's from the evangelist! The comments below are from a TCS4 user.

First, several of the components of TCS4 have nothing at all to do with 
DITA - Captivate, Illustrator, RoboScreen Capture, and Acrobat. That 
basically leaves FrameMaker and RoboHelp as candidates. So right there 
you ask yourself: would buying just FM and RH be better and/or cheaper?

FrameMaker does come with DTDs, EDDs, and templates provided, so you can 
immediately create, save, and open DITA XML documents. You'd want to 
tweak the templates, of course, and it helps if you are familiar with 
EDDs. As an XML editor, FM11 in my view is a big step forward from 9 and 
10, but I doubt it can compete with oXygen or xMetal (I have not used 
the latter). The ability to output fine PDF is a key difference in 
favour of FM. There are some deficiencies in FM, which Scott Prentice 
has identified in his comparison at (that comparison 
covers FM10 but not 11, but it's still applicable). You may want to 
supplement FM11 with DITA-FMx, though there are pros and cons for that too.

Moving on to RoboHelp: RH was fundamentally designed as an HTML 
authoring tool. Integration with FrameMaker has been cobbled into it, 
and it works on book files, not ditamaps. So you have to create your 
book from a ditamap in FM, then open the book in RH. RoboHelp can also 
process ditamaps directly, but it rather depends on the day of the week 
and how you hold your mouth. I sometimes have a problem with the mouth 
part. DITA support in RH has a lng way to go, and the glowing 
reports I read of DITA support in WebWorks (not cheap) give me the 
impression that is probably the better tool.

Having said all that, yes, you can use TCS4 to output DITA to PDF and 
HTML (we do it). If you don't want impressive PDF, FM is inferior to the 
alternatives you mention. If you're happy to just have FM and forgo the 
other TCS4 components, there are other tools you could use with FM alone 
to create output from DITA files: WebWorks, as mentioned, DITA2Go, etc.

Hope this helps alleviate some of the marketing overhead!

Roger Shuttleworth
London, Canada

On 26/11/2012 2:08 PM, Gillian Flato wrote:

I went to a presentation last week given by Maxwell Hoffman from Adobe 
on TCS v4.x. He stated that TCS v4.x is an out-of-the-box DITA 
solution that contains DTDs, EDDs, etc, so you don't have to go to 
third-party solutions to obtain the necessary pieces.

Has anyone used TCS v4.x as a complete DITA solution? Are you liking 
it? Is it better or worse than using, for example, XMetal or Oxygen 
with 3^rd -party scripts, etc.

*Thank You,*


*Gillian Flato*

*Senior Content Developer*

*Skype: Gillian.B.Flato*



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Powerpoint to FrameMaker

2012-11-27 Thread Bill Swallow
Sorry, I meant .rtf. You may want to clean up the .rtf in Word before
importing to FrameMaker.

On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 5:53 PM, Robert Lauriston wrote:

> My copy of PowerPoint (2010 aka 14) can't save as .doc or .docx, only .rtf.
> On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 2:49 PM, Bill Swallow 
> wrote:
> > You can save PPT to Word and import that into FM. How easy it'll be
> really
> > depends on how the PPT was designed.
> ___
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Bill Swallow
Writing and Content Strategy Consultant
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TCS 4 as DITA out-of-the-box solution

2012-11-27 Thread Robert Lauriston
When I evaluated Oxygen XML, it seemed like a full-featured
single-source help authoring tool much like Madcap Flare, except using
DITA as its source format. Out-of-the-box web help and PDF output
seemed of professional quality to me. I could have been productive

TCS 3.5 / FrameMaker 10, on the other hand, I was unable to evaluate
(even though I'm fairly expert in unstructured FrameMaker) due to the
lack of documentation and samples for doing DITA with structured
FrameMaker. I know from reading other people's reports that it can be
used to author DITA and DocBook projects, but figuring out how to do
it would have required some sort of third-party consulting, training,
or add-ons. Maybe TCS 4 / FrameMaker 11 has better samples and
documentation, but I looked for such improvements when it came out and
did not find them.

Another weakness of TCS: all else being equal, I would prefer not to
create any new projects involving RoboHelp. I've found it inflexible
and buggy, and had to use MIF2Go for some output formats RoboHelp
could not generate.

On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 11:27 AM, Scott Prentice  wrote:
> ... The big thing that sets TCS apart from other DITA authoring tools is that 
> in
> addition to authoring, it provides a more complete publishing solution for
> both PDF and various online formats. ...

Powerpoint to FrameMaker

2012-11-27 Thread Stuart Rogers
On 26/11/2012 5:40 PM, Combs, Richard wrote:
> Pat Christenson wrote:
>> I have material in Powerpoint (text and graphics) that need to be
>> transferred to FrameMaker 9.

> If you want to reuse the text and graphics, but not as they appear in
> the PPT slides, you'll probably have to cut and paste. But you might
> experiment with saving the PPT file as HTML. If nothing else, that
> should give you the graphics as individual files, and that may be
> both more convenient and better quality than if you copy/paste them.

If you have the later versions of Powerpoint that save as .pptx, you can 
access the original graphics with this method:

1. Save as .pptx (if it's not already in that format).
2. Close Powerpoint.
3. Rename your file.pptx to (Dismiss the warning.)
4. Unzip the file.  Several folders will be created.
5. Open the "media" folder to see all the graphics.


Stuart Rogers
Technical Communicator
Phoenix Geophysics Limited
3781 Victoria Park Avenue, Unit 3
Toronto, ON, Canada  M1W 3K5
+1 (416) 491-7340 x 325

Re: TCS 4 as DITA out-of-the-box solution

2012-11-27 Thread Scott Prentice

Hi Gillian...

As I'm sure you're aware, I'm a big proponent of using Frame for DITA 
authoring, but I do try to remain reasonably objective when comparing it 
to other DITA tools.

The big thing that sets TCS apart from other DITA authoring tools is 
that in addition to authoring, it provides a more complete publishing 
solution for both PDF and various online formats. Other authoring tools 
will likely bundle the DITA-OT as the publishing tool, which can work 
quite well, if you've got XSLT developers at your disposal. The 
HTML-based formats aren't too much work to customize, but if PDF is an 
important deliverable, you're in for a lot of time and money to get 
XSL-FO styleheets built that would be something you'd deliver to your 

Because TCS includes RoboHelp, you'll find it much easier to get online 
Help from DITA, and you'll be hard-pressed to get PDFs from the OT that 
come close to what you can get from Frame.

Personally, I use Frame for authoring DITA and Oxygen for coding 
XML/XSL. Oxygen is a great tool, but I much prefer the authoring 
experience with Frame over any other tool out there. I publish PDFs from 
Frame (via DITA-FMx), and use the OT for my online outputs (HTML, CHM, 
and EPUB). Samples here ..

If you do decide to use Frame/TCS for DITA, you should check out 
DITA-FMx, which provides numerous additional authoring features, as well 
as makes publishing complete and PDF-ready books much easier than the 
default options ..



Scott Prentice
Leximation, Inc.

On 11/26/12 11:08 AM, Gillian Flato wrote:

I went to a presentation last week given by Maxwell Hoffman from Adobe 
on TCS v4.x. He stated that TCS v4.x is an out-of-the-box DITA 
solution that contains DTDs, EDDs, etc, so you don't have to go to 
third-party solutions to obtain the necessary pieces.

Has anyone used TCS v4.x as a complete DITA solution? Are you liking 
it? Is it better or worse than using, for example, XMetal or Oxygen 
with 3^rd -party scripts, etc.

*Thank You,*


*Gillian Flato*

*Senior Content Developer*

*Skype: Gillian.B.Flato*



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TCS 4 as DITA out-of-the-box solution

2012-11-27 Thread Scott Prentice
Hi Gillian...

As I'm sure you're aware, I'm a big proponent of using Frame for DITA 
authoring, but I do try to remain reasonably objective when comparing it 
to other DITA tools.

The big thing that sets TCS apart from other DITA authoring tools is 
that in addition to authoring, it provides a more complete publishing 
solution for both PDF and various online formats. Other authoring tools 
will likely bundle the DITA-OT as the publishing tool, which can work 
quite well, if you've got XSLT developers at your disposal. The 
HTML-based formats aren't too much work to customize, but if PDF is an 
important deliverable, you're in for a lot of time and money to get 
XSL-FO styleheets built that would be something you'd deliver to your 

Because TCS includes RoboHelp, you'll find it much easier to get online 
Help from DITA, and you'll be hard-pressed to get PDFs from the OT that 
come close to what you can get from Frame.

Personally, I use Frame for authoring DITA and Oxygen for coding 
XML/XSL. Oxygen is a great tool, but I much prefer the authoring 
experience with Frame over any other tool out there. I publish PDFs from 
Frame (via DITA-FMx), and use the OT for my online outputs (HTML, CHM, 
and EPUB). Samples here ..

If you do decide to use Frame/TCS for DITA, you should check out 
DITA-FMx, which provides numerous additional authoring features, as well 
as makes publishing complete and PDF-ready books much easier than the 
default options ..



Scott Prentice
Leximation, Inc.

On 11/26/12 11:08 AM, Gillian Flato wrote:
> I went to a presentation last week given by Maxwell Hoffman from Adobe 
> on TCS v4.x. He stated that TCS v4.x is an out-of-the-box DITA 
> solution that contains DTDs, EDDs, etc, so you don't have to go to 
> third-party solutions to obtain the necessary pieces.
> Has anyone used TCS v4.x as a complete DITA solution? Are you liking 
> it? Is it better or worse than using, for example, XMetal or Oxygen 
> with 3^rd -party scripts, etc.
> *Thank You,*
> **
> *Gillian Flato*
> *Senior Content Developer*
> *Skype: Gillian.B.Flato*
> *Gillian.Flato at*

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menu-command macro recorder utility for FM?

2012-11-27 Thread Robert Lauriston
Is there an old-fashioned menu-command macro recorder that's
compatible with FrameMaker 10?

I want to automate some simple but time-consuming build processes. For
example: open book, set conditions, update, save as PDF, set
conditions, update, close book, launch batch file to generate online

Both ExtendScript and FrameScript require that I learn a complex
object model and neither comes with sample scripts or straightforward
documentation on doing the kind of stuff I need to do. Both seem
designed for developers who want to extend or customize the
application, not for end users who want to automate common tasks.

RE: framers Digest, Vol 85, Issue 26

2012-11-27 Thread Wim Hooghwinkel
Hi Gillian,

In the same sense both XMetaL and Oxygen also are out-of-the-box complete
DITA solutions. You can create, edit, modify, publish DITA content out of
the box using the default templates that come with the tool, to PDF, HTML,
Help etc..

What all these tools don't have is the option to manage the dita topics.
Unless you're satisfied with storing the contents in a file system you'll
definitely need a third party tool for content management.

And as soon as you need to adapt the stylesheets to your company look and
feel or if you start using filtering or even customization or have more
complex publishing needs - in all tools you'll have to rework stylesheets,
or EDD's or other files. For publishing you'll find the need to buy
additional tools soon enough, even with Adobe TCS4. 

So, 'out of the box' is a simplification  but good enough to get started

To answer your question: I'm a happy FM user and will sure encourage you
download the trial to see for yourself.

Vriendelijke groet / Kind regards,

Wim Hooghwinkel

Message: 8
Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2012 19:08:51 +
From: Gillian Flato < >
To: "" 
Subject: TCS 4 as DITA out-of-the-box solution

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

I went to a presentation last week given by Maxwell Hoffman from Adobe on
TCS v4.x. He stated that TCS v4.x is an out-of-the-box DITA solution that
contains DTDs, EDDs, etc, so you don't have to go to third-party solutions
to obtain the necessary pieces.

Has anyone used TCS v4.x as a complete DITA solution? Are you liking it? Is
it better or worse than using, for example, XMetal or Oxygen with 3rd-party
scripts, etc.

Thank You,

Gillian Flato
Senior Content Developer
Skype: Gillian.B.Flato


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Re: Powerpoint to FrameMaker

2012-11-27 Thread Pat Christenson
The version I have can only save the outline as rtf.


On Nov 26, 2012, at 4:53 PM, Robert Lauriston wrote:

> My copy of PowerPoint (2010 aka 14) can't save as .doc or .docx, only .rtf.
> On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 2:49 PM, Bill Swallow  wrote:
>> You can save PPT to Word and import that into FM. How easy it'll be really
>> depends on how the PPT was designed.
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2012-11-27 Thread Yves Barbion
Hi group

Is there anyone using FrameMaker 10 or 11 with Sharepoint? Any good or bad
experiences you wish to share?


Yves Barbion
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Re: Powerpoint to FrameMaker

2012-11-27 Thread Bill Swallow
Sorry, I meant .rtf. You may want to clean up the .rtf in Word before
importing to FrameMaker.

On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 5:53 PM, Robert Lauriston wrote:

> My copy of PowerPoint (2010 aka 14) can't save as .doc or .docx, only .rtf.
> On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 2:49 PM, Bill Swallow 
> wrote:
> > You can save PPT to Word and import that into FM. How easy it'll be
> really
> > depends on how the PPT was designed.
> ___
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Bill Swallow
Writing and Content Strategy Consultant

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2012-11-27 Thread

At this point I am only using MySpace on SharePoint, and I have a number of
.dita and .xml files stored there.  As I have recently had a machine upgrade and
software upgrade (From XP to 7, Office 2007 to 2010, and TCS3 to TCS4 - and IT
also upgraded from SPserver 2007 to 2010) I can't tell what influenced the
difference... However, I used to be able to open Frame and DITA files from
MySpace and they would open in Frame.  Now, nothing happens.

We are developing new workflows and processes and will need Frame/DITA/XML files
to work with SharePoint (or we need to get a real CCMS).  I am due to get two
days of SharePoint training next Monday/Tuesday so may be able to a give a
better answer next week.  Also looking forward to hearing from others.

Best regards,

On 27 November 2012 at 08:49 Yves Barbion  wrote:

> Hi group
>  Is there anyone using FrameMaker 10 or 11 with Sharepoint? Any good or bad
> experiences you wish to share?
>  Thanks.
>  --
>  Yves Barbion
> <>
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TCS 4 as DITA out-of-the-box solution

2012-11-27 Thread Craig Ede

I am currently working a contract for a company where we are writing DITA files 
using FM11 (not TCS 4). Producing DITA using FM 11 is fairly easy, but there as 
some caveats. The built in EDDs, etc. allow producing more-or-less adequate PDF 
using SaveAsPDF from ditamap files. To get TOCs, covers and other nicities, you 
have to save the ditamap as a composite FM file and then add the additional 
files into a FM book containing the composite file. Exactly how to massage 
paragraph formats to get the results you desire withing the composite FM file 
is not transparent. Structured documents are more difficult to change the 
formats in since the EDD is the source of that information.  (Any tips on how 
to get the notes that are warnings and cautions will be accepted with much 
happiness from anyone reading this.)  Another avenue to PDF (as well as 
HTMLHELP, javaHelp and other formats) comes through using the DITA Open 
Toolkit. This is now easy to install so you get what you need and the results 
are great for many of the formats. Most of the help systems offered come 
through without muss or fuss except for an occasional unrecognized character 
that can cause problems but is easily fixed). My boss was astounded at the ease 
of producing HTMLHelp in this way. The DITAOpenToolkit PDF is equally easy to 
produce from a ditamap, but, of course, has a different look than the SaveAsPDF 
from FM11. This is because it uses CSS templates to format the output. The 
result is a terrible cover sheet, a great TOC, nice formatting of Warnings and 
the like. The regular notes icon is terrible; a finger pointing to the note 
that seems totally out of place [it reminds me of the similar character used by 
Walt Kelly in the world ballons for the P.T. Bridgeport character from POGO]. 
Wading into the OpenToolkits templates to modify the CSS is daughting, but 
doable. There are tips on this that pop up if you search the web, but, again, 
it is not particularly straightforward. Be sure to save the original copy of 
each template before modifying. My experience with DITA is that it is great at 
reducing duplication in manuals, aids in breaking apart tasks that actually 
combined multiple tasks in one (thus making them both clearer and more 
reusable), and helps to identify material in manuals that just got in there 
because the designers of a machine were enamoured of explaining how the pieces 
of it work (even if that information is useless for any operator or 
maintainance task). I love it! However, I would take the statement that TCS 4 
offers a  single out-of-the-box solution with a big grain of salt. I am going 
to send a separate posting with some DITA codeview interface complaints for 
Adobe to consider as areas where improvement is desired (at least from this 
user). Thanks. Craig EdeFrom: Gillian.Flato at
To: framers at
Subject: TCS 4 as DITA out-of-the-box solution
Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2012 19:08:51 +

I went to a presentation last week given by Maxwell Hoffman from Adobe on TCS 
v4.x. He stated that TCS v4.x is an out-of-the-box DITA solution that contains 
DTDs, EDDs, etc, so you don?t have to go to third-party solutions to obtain the
 necessary pieces.

Has anyone used TCS v4.x as a complete DITA solution? Are you liking it? Is it 
better or worse than using, for example, XMetal or Oxygen with 3rd-party 
scripts, etc.

Thank You,

Gillian Flato
Senior Content Developer
Skype: Gillian.B.Flato
Gillian.Flato at


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2012-11-27 Thread Jim Owens
We're using FM 11 and SharePoint 2010. Our DITA project has a few 
hundred files.

For check-in/check-out and version management, it's acceptable. The time 
to load the list of files when you want to insert a graphic into a 
topic  is measurable in long seconds, and I wish that were faster. I'd 
like to hear others' experiences.

In terms of DITA management, it doesn't do much. SharePoint has no 
mechanism for keeping track of relationships between files, so you don't 
get the file and folder name management, conref lookup, and so on that 
you need. You'd have to build "DITA-awareness" yourself with custom 
code, or buy it if you can. Every commercial offering I've found comes 
with a sales pitch to turn your whole organization into a 
DITA-SharePoint operation through extensive consulting services.  If 
anyone is selling a simple DITA database plugin, I haven't found it yet.

FM's SharePoint Connector does have dependency awareness, but Adobe's 
implementation relies on an "FMDependency" field added to the SharePoint 
library columns. This field contains a delimited list of all files 
referenced by a file. If you want to write your own custom code to 
manage file name changes, then you're stuck with keeping this field up 
to date as well. Since you're sharing it with Adobe, you may feel uneasy 
about this. I know I do.

On 2012-11-27 03:49, Yves Barbion wrote:
> Hi group
> Is there anyone using FrameMaker 10 or 11 with Sharepoint? Any good or 
> bad experiences you wish to share?
> Thanks.
> -- 
> Yves Barbion
> <>
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Re: Powerpoint to FrameMaker

2012-11-27 Thread Stuart Rogers

On 26/11/2012 5:40 PM, Combs, Richard wrote:

Pat Christenson wrote:

I have material in Powerpoint (text and graphics) that need to be
transferred to FrameMaker 9.

If you want to reuse the text and graphics, but not as they appear in
the PPT slides, you'll probably have to cut and paste. But you might
experiment with saving the PPT file as HTML. If nothing else, that
should give you the graphics as individual files, and that may be
both more convenient and better quality than if you copy/paste them.

If you have the later versions of Powerpoint that save as .pptx, you can 
access the original graphics with this method:

1. Save as .pptx (if it's not already in that format).
2. Close Powerpoint.
3. Rename your file.pptx to (Dismiss the warning.)
4. Unzip the file.  Several folders will be created.
5. Open the "media" folder to see all the graphics.


Stuart Rogers
Technical Communicator
Phoenix Geophysics Limited
3781 Victoria Park Avenue, Unit 3
Toronto, ON, Canada  M1W 3K5
+1 (416) 491-7340 x 325

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RE: Powerpoint to FrameMaker

2012-11-27 Thread Combs, Richard
Robert Lauriston wrote:
> My copy of PowerPoint (2010 aka 14) can't save as .doc or .docx, only
> .rtf.
> On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 2:49 PM, Bill Swallow 
> wrote:
> > You can save PPT to Word and import that into FM. How easy it'll be
> really
> > depends on how the PPT was designed.

I have PPT 2007, and can't save as DOC, DOCX, or RTF. My only options are PDF, 
ODF, XPS, HTML, MHTML, a bunch of PPT formats, and a bunch of graphics formats. 

Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom


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TCS 4 as DITA out-of-the-box solution

2012-11-27 Thread Roger Shuttleworth
Hello Gillian

Regarding your question about TCS4 being the "complete solution" for 
DITA. You have to analyze that statement rather carefully and remember 
it's from the evangelist! The comments below are from a TCS4 user.

First, several of the components of TCS4 have nothing at all to do with 
DITA - Captivate, Illustrator, RoboScreen Capture, and Acrobat. That 
basically leaves FrameMaker and RoboHelp as candidates. So right there 
you ask yourself: would buying just FM and RH be better and/or cheaper?

FrameMaker does come with DTDs, EDDs, and templates provided, so you can 
immediately create, save, and open DITA XML documents. You'd want to 
tweak the templates, of course, and it helps if you are familiar with 
EDDs. As an XML editor, FM11 in my view is a big step forward from 9 and 
10, but I doubt it can compete with oXygen or xMetal (I have not used 
the latter). The ability to output fine PDF is a key difference in 
favour of FM. There are some deficiencies in FM, which Scott Prentice 
has identified in his comparison at (that comparison 
covers FM10 but not 11, but it's still applicable). You may want to 
supplement FM11 with DITA-FMx, though there are pros and cons for that too.

Moving on to RoboHelp: RH was fundamentally designed as an HTML 
authoring tool. Integration with FrameMaker has been cobbled into it, 
and it works on book files, not ditamaps. So you have to create your 
book from a ditamap in FM, then open the book in RH. RoboHelp can also 
process ditamaps directly, but it rather depends on the day of the week 
and how you hold your mouth. I sometimes have a problem with the mouth 
part. DITA support in RH has a lng way to go, and the glowing 
reports I read of DITA support in WebWorks (not cheap) give me the 
impression that is probably the better tool.

Having said all that, yes, you can use TCS4 to output DITA to PDF and 
HTML (we do it). If you don't want impressive PDF, FM is inferior to the 
alternatives you mention. If you're happy to just have FM and forgo the 
other TCS4 components, there are other tools you could use with FM alone 
to create output from DITA files: WebWorks, as mentioned, DITA2Go, etc.

Hope this helps alleviate some of the marketing overhead!

Roger Shuttleworth
London, Canada

On 26/11/2012 2:08 PM, Gillian Flato wrote:
> I went to a presentation last week given by Maxwell Hoffman from Adobe 
> on TCS v4.x. He stated that TCS v4.x is an out-of-the-box DITA 
> solution that contains DTDs, EDDs, etc, so you don't have to go to 
> third-party solutions to obtain the necessary pieces.
> Has anyone used TCS v4.x as a complete DITA solution? Are you liking 
> it? Is it better or worse than using, for example, XMetal or Oxygen 
> with 3^rd -party scripts, etc.
> *Thank You,*
> **
> *Gillian Flato*
> *Senior Content Developer*
> *Skype: Gillian.B.Flato*
> *Gillian.Flato at*
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Powerpoint to FrameMaker

2012-11-27 Thread Combs, Richard
Robert Lauriston wrote:

> My copy of PowerPoint (2010 aka 14) can't save as .doc or .docx, only
> .rtf.
> On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 2:49 PM, Bill Swallow 
> wrote:
> > You can save PPT to Word and import that into FM. How easy it'll be
> really
> > depends on how the PPT was designed.

I have PPT 2007, and can't save as DOC, DOCX, or RTF. My only options are PDF, 
ODF, XPS, HTML, MHTML, a bunch of PPT formats, and a bunch of graphics formats. 

Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

ANN: 1-hr webinar: Multimedia in PDFs (with FM-to-Acrobat TimeSavers+Multimedia Asst), Dec 12

2012-11-27 Thread Shlomo Perets
Wed, Dec 12, starting 10am PST
(free; no hype, no fluff, no nonsense)

With Multimedia Assistant (FM-to-Acrobat TimeSavers extension), you use 
hypertext markers to define access (embed or link) to multimedia files in 
all formats supported by Acrobat/Reader, so that the defined features 
(including media settings and bookmarks to media) are automatically present 
in the PDF file.

Movies defined this way can also be web-based -- served from your company's 
site, or from video hosting services such as Screencast, Vimeo, CloudFront, 

For some PDF examples of what can be done, please visit the Showcase 
section at (Multimedia Asst section) -- I will 
demonstrate/discuss these examples (and more) in the webinar.

Note: webinar topics apply to all versions of FM

Register at

Other upcoming webinars:

* Better PDFs with FM-to-Acrobat TimeSavers, Nov 28

* Creating PDF Forms (with FM-to-Acrobat TimeSavers+Form Assistant), Dec 5

Shlomo Perets

FrameMaker/TCS training & consulting * FM-to-Acrobat TimeSavers/Assistants

Re: Fm+Sharepoint?

2012-11-27 Thread Jim Owens
We're using FM 11 and SharePoint 2010. Our DITA project has a few 
hundred files.

For check-in/check-out and version management, it's acceptable. The time 
to load the list of files when you want to insert a graphic into a 
topic  is measurable in long seconds, and I wish that were faster. I'd 
like to hear others' experiences.

In terms of DITA management, it doesn't do much. SharePoint has no 
mechanism for keeping track of relationships between files, so you don't 
get the file and folder name management, conref lookup, and so on that 
you need. You'd have to build "DITA-awareness" yourself with custom 
code, or buy it if you can. Every commercial offering I've found comes 
with a sales pitch to turn your whole organization into a 
DITA-SharePoint operation through extensive consulting services.  If 
anyone is selling a simple DITA database plugin, I haven't found it yet.

FM's SharePoint Connector does have dependency awareness, but Adobe's 
implementation relies on an "FMDependency" field added to the SharePoint 
library columns. This field contains a delimited list of all files 
referenced by a file. If you want to write your own custom code to 
manage file name changes, then you're stuck with keeping this field up 
to date as well. Since you're sharing it with Adobe, you may feel uneasy 
about this. I know I do.

On 2012-11-27 03:49, Yves Barbion wrote:

Hi group

Is there anyone using FrameMaker 10 or 11 with Sharepoint? Any good or 
bad experiences you wish to share?


Yves Barbion 


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Re: Fm+Sharepoint?

2012-11-27 Thread

At this point I am only using MySpace on SharePoint, and I have a number of
.dita and .xml files stored there.  As I have recently had a machine upgrade and
software upgrade (From XP to 7, Office 2007 to 2010, and TCS3 to TCS4 - and IT
also upgraded from SPserver 2007 to 2010) I can't tell what influenced the
difference... However, I used to be able to open Frame and DITA files from
MySpace and they would open in Frame.  Now, nothing happens.

We are developing new workflows and processes and will need Frame/DITA/XML files
to work with SharePoint (or we need to get a real CCMS).  I am due to get two
days of SharePoint training next Monday/Tuesday so may be able to a give a
better answer next week.  Also looking forward to hearing from others.

Best regards,

On 27 November 2012 at 08:49 Yves Barbion  wrote:

> Hi group
>  Is there anyone using FrameMaker 10 or 11 with Sharepoint? Any good or bad
> experiences you wish to share?
>  Thanks.
>  --
>  Yves Barbion
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Re: How to generate an index of names without markers (or by automated insertion of markers)

2012-11-27 Thread rebecca officer
Hi Björn
I think you could do this with search-and-replace, especially for names
that aren't also words.
For example, make an index marker for the name "Bradbury", then paste
the marker immediately after an instance of the name Bradbury. Then copy
the name + the marker. Then use search-and-replace to find all examples
of "Bradbury" and replace them by pasting. That'd replace "Bradbury"
with "Bradbury + marker".

>>> Björn Mattsson 25/11/12 08:19 >>>
Hi all.

I have received a request from a client, late in a huge book project,
generate an index with all of the names of people that are mentioned in
book. We have been supplied with a list of names and the client thinks
we can just "press a button" to compile the index. This is not the case
course, but the client insists that it should be done.

What I am looking for is a way to locate a name in the document, find
the page number and then create an index looking like this:

Adams, Douglas 42
Bradbury, Ray 451
Dumas, Alexandre 20, 45


I am fairly experienced Framemaker user but I can not come up with a
way of
doing this without inserting (Author) markers for every instance where
of the listed names occur in the text. This would be hundreds of
places, and
we would have to view each page manually. 

I have tried my best to come up with some (semi)automated way of
this but the only thing I can think of would be to save the document as
and write some sort of script that parses the text file inserting
elements where it finds any of the listed names. Probably time
and highly unsafe or at least unpredictable.

My question to all you experts is if there is any way to get this done
Framemaker itself, or a plug-in for Framemaker, or using any other tool
might think of.

For this project we use Framemaker 7.2.

Thanks for any input,
Björn Mattsson


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Re: Powerpoint to FrameMaker

2012-11-27 Thread Robert Lauriston
My copy of PowerPoint (2010 aka 14) can't save as .doc or .docx, only .rtf.

On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 2:49 PM, Bill Swallow  wrote:
> You can save PPT to Word and import that into FM. How easy it'll be really
> depends on how the PPT was designed.

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Re: Powerpoint to FrameMaker

2012-11-27 Thread Robert Lauriston
You might try saving as RTF from PowerPoint and importing that into a
FM document.

On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 2:13 PM, Pat Christenson  wrote:
> I have material in Powerpoint (text and graphics) that need to be transferred 
> to FrameMaker 9. I'm assuming this is a cut-and-paste procedure but if anyone 
> has any tips, I'd appreciate hearing about them.

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TCS 4 as DITA out-of-the-box solution

2012-11-27 Thread Gillian Flato
I went to a presentation last week given by Maxwell Hoffman from Adobe on TCS 
v4.x. He stated that TCS v4.x is an out-of-the-box DITA solution that contains 
DTDs, EDDs, etc, so you don't have to go to third-party solutions to obtain the 
necessary pieces.

Has anyone used TCS v4.x as a complete DITA solution? Are you liking it? Is it 
better or worse than using, for example, XMetal or Oxygen with 3rd-party 
scripts, etc.

Thank You,

Gillian Flato
Senior Content Developer
Skype: Gillian.B.Flato


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Re: Confluence 4 export: the one feature that would justify my upgrading from FM10

2012-11-27 Thread Robert Lauriston
What are "Confluence extracts"?

On Thu, Nov 22, 2012 at 7:50 PM, rebecca officer
> 1) use MIF2Go to export Confluence 4 XHTML from FM
> 2) import the output into Confluence one page at a time
> 3) manually muck with each page to convert the conditional text to
> Confluence extracts

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2012-11-27 Thread Yves Barbion
Hi group

Is there anyone using FrameMaker 10 or 11 with Sharepoint? Any good or bad
experiences you wish to share?


Yves Barbion

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