Imported SVG files Get Clipped

2007-06-07 Thread Randall C. Reed
We have a curious problem: We are bringing in a 700-page addition to our
document from another source, complete with graphics. The master page
and variable conversions went smoothly. But, when we attempted to import
and re-link the hundreds of graphics, we've run into a consistent,
recurring glitch: Our normal file format is .cgm, but these files with
the new document are .svg files that we've never used before. The basic
page format is two-columns and the 1-column wide .svg files import
nicely. When we try to import two-column and "full-page" .svg files,
however, the images get clipped off to the right and along the top about
a third of the way on each axis. Some files have some call-outs drop out
unexpectedly, regardless of image size. We also have black artifact
lines in the art (similar to the infamous PageMaker 3.1 register table
glitch in the early 1990s) in both axes in some figures. Since the
narrower files import perfectly, I don't see how it can be a filter
issue, but I just don't have any experience with the .svg  format to be
sure of anything.  Any Listers out there have any suggestions?


This material contains confidential and proprietary information of Force 
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Force Protection Industries, Inc.

Imported SVG files Get Clipped

2007-06-07 Thread Combs, Richard
Randall C. Reed wrote: 

> We have a curious problem: We are bringing in a 700-page 
> addition to our document from another source, complete with 
> graphics. The master page and variable conversions went 
> smoothly. But, when we attempted to import and re-link the 
> hundreds of graphics, we've run into a consistent, recurring 
> glitch: 

It might help to know something about what you're working with -- OS and
FM versions, for starters. And what you mean by "a 700-page addition" --
What is this addition (e.g., FM file, Word file, text, ...)? How and to
what are you adding it? Direct import into FM file? Import by reference
(text inset)? Import as object? New file(s) added to book? And why do
you have to re-link all these graphics? 


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

RE: Imported SVG files Get Clipped

2007-06-07 Thread Combs, Richard
Randall C. Reed wrote: 
> We have a curious problem: We are bringing in a 700-page 
> addition to our document from another source, complete with 
> graphics. The master page and variable conversions went 
> smoothly. But, when we attempted to import and re-link the 
> hundreds of graphics, we've run into a consistent, recurring 
> glitch: 

It might help to know something about what you're working with -- OS and
FM versions, for starters. And what you mean by "a 700-page addition" --
What is this addition (e.g., FM file, Word file, text, ...)? How and to
what are you adding it? Direct import into FM file? Import by reference
(text inset)? Import as object? New file(s) added to book? And why do
you have to re-link all these graphics? 


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom


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Imported SVG files Get Clipped

2007-06-07 Thread Randall C. Reed
We have a curious problem: We are bringing in a 700-page addition to our
document from another source, complete with graphics. The master page
and variable conversions went smoothly. But, when we attempted to import
and re-link the hundreds of graphics, we've run into a consistent,
recurring glitch: Our normal file format is .cgm, but these files with
the new document are .svg files that we've never used before. The basic
page format is two-columns and the 1-column wide .svg files import
nicely. When we try to import two-column and "full-page" .svg files,
however, the images get clipped off to the right and along the top about
a third of the way on each axis. Some files have some call-outs drop out
unexpectedly, regardless of image size. We also have black artifact
lines in the art (similar to the infamous PageMaker 3.1 register table
glitch in the early 1990s) in both axes in some figures. Since the
narrower files import perfectly, I don't see how it can be a filter
issue, but I just don't have any experience with the .svg  format to be
sure of anything.  Any Listers out there have any suggestions?


This material contains confidential and proprietary information of Force 
Protection, Inc. and its subsidiaries. Copying this material or disclosing such 
information to others without the Company's prior consent is prohibited. This 
material may also contain technical data relating to a "Defense Article" within 
the meaning of the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (22 CFR Part 120). 
The transfer or disclosure of this information to any non-U.S. person or 
company without any required export license approved by the United States 
Department of State, Directorate of Defense Trade Controls may be prohibited 
under federal law.
Force Protection Industries, Inc.


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