Re: Structured: about containers, other matter and chapter numbering

2014-08-17 Thread rebecca officer
Hi Teresa
How are you planning to turn your structured Frame files into ebooks?
If I understand things right, it'll be the same process as you'd use for 
unstructured Frame. Does the process work better if your files are structured? 
If not, I'm really having trouble figuring out what you'll gain from putting 
your novellas into structured Frame.
We're in the middle of a conversion to DITA, so I know a lot more about DITA 
than about vanilla structured Frame, so I might be talking garbage here. But 
it's not exactly trivial to specify formatting in DITA! Even with something 
simpler, I'm wondering if you're signing yourself up for weeks/months of work.

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Re: Structured: about containers, other matter and chapter numbering

2014-08-17 Thread Mike Wickham
I can't give advice on structured FrameMaker, but an easy way to make 
the correct title appear on the running header of an unstructured book 
is to use numbering properties. I assume the same applies to structured 

1. In the files' appropriate master pages, insert the <$volnum> variable 
in the running header in a background text frame.
2. In the book file, select all files from one novella, then right-click 
and choose Numbering Properties.
3. On the Volume tab, click the Volume # radio button. Enter your 
novella title in the dialog box, and choose "Text" as the format. That's 
right. Numbering does not have to be numbering. It can be static text.

4. Click set.
5. Repeat steps 2-4 for the files in the second novella.

A novella is the simplest kind of document. It is basically straight 
text and not likely to have graphics, lots of variables, 
cross-references, hyperlinks, etc. It's not likely to even have many 
types of paragraph or character formats. I think setting it up as a 
structured document is probably overkill and a lot of unnecessary work. 
I would set it up using simple, unstructured documents, with properly 
assigned paragraph and character formats.

Mike Wickham

On 8/17/2014 4:56 PM, Theresa de Valence wrote:
In order to get the two novellas to display the correct title of the 
story (novella) on the master page, I understand I’ll need separate 
books (nested). 


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Re: Structured: about containers, other matter and chapter numbering

2014-08-17 Thread Steve Rickaby
I can only hazard a guess at a fraction of this...

At 16:56 -0500 17/8/14, Theresa de Valence wrote:

>In FrameBook, there will also be Front Matter and Back Matter. Can I use the 
>Section element here or should I create a new element called OtherMatter?

If you are creating an EDD from scratch (as I hope you are), it is entirely up 
to you how you use elements. However, as with para tags, the function of an 
element should be consistent. So, if you are using 'Section' for body sections 
within a book, you should create a different element for front and/or 
backmatter, as these are functionally different elements, and have different 
formatting (usually) and different context rules.

It is difficult to scope your numbering queries, as it sounds as if you are 
working from a template created elsewhere. If this is the case, we do not know 
how the TOC is formed from the chapter templates. However, one way in which you 
can format a TOC consistently is to use numbered tags for the chapter titles 
for numbered chapters, and unnumbered tags for the titles of the unnumbered 
'chapters' such as Preface, Index and so on, including both tag types in the 
TOC. There are many other methods though. This doesn't really relate to 

I still don't see why you are using structure, though.


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Structured: about containers, other matter and chapter numbering

2014-08-17 Thread Theresa de Valence

Hi Framers, thanks for all the help you’ve given me so far.

Naturally, I’ve got some more structured Frame questions.

To recap: I’m creating a structured book so that I can create one ebook 
out of two fiction novellas. I am aware that it’s possible to do this in 
an unstructured world, but I’m not.

In order to get the two novellas to display the correct title of the 
story (novella) on the master page, I understand I’ll need separate 
books (nested).

Let’s say my EDD begins:
Element (Container): FrameBook
Valid as the highest-level element.

To create the child-book, I will need
Element (Container): VolumeBook
Element (Container): Chapter
Element (Container): Section

As the chapter files are separate files, does the outside container 
(FrameBook) exist in the chapter files, or, do I list both VolumeBook 
and Chapter as "Valid as the highest-level element"?

In FrameBook, there will also be Front Matter and Back Matter. Can I use 
the Section element here or should I create a new element called 

One of the novellas has a Prologue. This behaves in most ways like a 
chapter except that no number is displayed and its leading caption 
(title) is different, i.e. Prologue, Chapter 1, Chapter 2. In 
unstructured Frame, I cheated and took a bad shortcut. I copied the 
master page and took out the autonumber paratag so that "Chapter" 
doesn’t show up on the printed page. However, the TOC is not working 
right, so this is not a good solution.

--Do I use paratag "Chapter" for the prologue and then Format > Document 
> Numbering to reset the second instance of Chapter to be =1 ?
--Do I remove the word "Chapter" from the master page? How then do I get 
the word "Chapter" to show up on all printed chapters except the 
Prologue (including the TOC)?

--Do I have one element or two in the EDD?

Hard to believe but I am progressing.

Thanks for your advice,

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