[Frederica-l] Christian Reader: Matthew Luhn

2003-06-27 Thread Frederica
y people had heard it all before, and didn't want to hear it again. "When I became a Christian it puzzled my parents," he says. "It put me in the category of every Christian weirdo they'd ever seen in a movie." Now he works making movies, helping craft stories that ha

[Frederica-l] Beliefnet: Bent Woman

2003-06-30 Thread Frederica
quot; He could see her crippled posture as evidence of pain, not mere awkwardness. After eighteen years, someone had set her free. "And she praised God," St. Luke tells us. She was known, she was healed, and she was not alone. [When reprinting please add: This essay was first published by Beliefnet.com in May 2003.] Frederica Mathewes-Green www.frederica.com

[Frederica-l] OSV: "Spellbound"

2003-06-30 Thread Frederica
and we see them doing an informal concert in a Manhattan music store the previous night. As the date lingers on the bottom of the screen we wonder how the events, just hours away, affected them. This film won't tell you; it's a bubble. Still, bubbles can be delightful. Video Club: We've already mentioned the range of excellent documentaries you can seek at your video store. But the classic exploration of the "What is reality?" question is Akira Kurosawa's "Rashomon" (1951). An ambush, rape, and murder take place in the woods, and four characters describe in turn what happened. But each story is different; which one is true? Does every person inevitably filter and alter what he sees? Is it even possible to make a completely objective film? Is every documentary a work of fiction? (OK to forward this email. If reprinting in a print or web magazine, please add : "This article originally appeared in Our Sunday Visitor.") Frederica Mathewes-Green www.frederica.com

[Frederica-l] Beliefnet: marriage

2003-06-30 Thread Frederica
y, you see yourself there; gradually, you become one. And when husband and wife are one, St. John writes, "they have not become the image of anything on earth, but of God himself."  Frederica Mathewes-Green www.frederica.com

[Frederica-l] Christian Reader: Marriage

2003-06-30 Thread Frederica
à vu? -Athena Bici, via e-mail Didn't somebody ask me this question already? Actually, the Bible doesn't appear to address déjà vu. But one leading theory is that parts of the brain fall briefly out of sync, so that while one side is recording an event as fresh input, another is sayin

[Frederica-l] Bnet: Pagels & Gnostics

2003-07-16 Thread Frederica
that whatever you find inside is good. But that will be the next step in the discussion. * What Heresy? The things NeoGnostic seekers want in Christianity--experiential insight, mysticism, a direct link to God-are already there. By Frederica Mathewes-Green I c

[Frederica-l] Again: sin and theodicy

2003-07-31 Thread Frederica
t, who has "trampled down death by death." Day by day growing in grace, we can contribute to the world's healing, by forgiving our enemies, loving those who hate us, and overcoming evil with good. The first place it needs to be overcome, we know, is in our hearts. Fre

[Frederica-l] OSV: Seabiscuit, Pirates

2003-08-01 Thread Frederica
uld be a great idea. Instead, take the opportunity to see Errol Flynn in "Captain Blood" (1935), which established the pirate movie genre at a level never excelled. Orlando Bloom looks like Flynn, but Flynn just has more going on-for one thing, more narcissism. Discussion: Why is a flawed screen figure more interesting than a simple, "good" one? Does this hold true in real life? Frederica Mathewes-Green www.frederica.com ___ Frederica-l mailing list *** Please address all replies to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] *** You can check your subscription information here: http://lists.ctcnet.net/mailman/listinfo/frederica-l

[Frederica-l] The Open Door

2003-08-07 Thread Frederica
asis, beyond the Resurrection and St. John, angels stand guard on doors leading back to the altar. If we look up at the ceiling we're startled to see Christ gazing directly down on us from the dome centered over the nave. Though the congregation has gone downstairs, the church retains a hum

[Frederica-l] OSV: The Magdalene Sisters

2003-08-16 Thread Frederica
ot; ideas that are still radical, such as abolishing the grading system rather than discourage kids. The jewel is Ingrid Bergman's performance as the nun headmistress. Bergman was marvelously subtle actress, and conveys fine shades of emotion with such natural grace that it seems spontaneous. Not

[Frederica-l] B & C : Confession

2003-09-02 Thread Frederica
because it is the only light there is; all else is confusion and darkness. A thought-provoking passage, but it is marred by being divided up every few pages with headings that employ chummy, clumsy puns:  "Pittsburgh Stealer," "Scott-Free," "Forest Clump,"

[Frederica-l] Beliefnet: Mel Gibson's "Passion"

2003-09-25 Thread Frederica
and I were looking so intently at the Gospel descriptions of the Crucifixion, which only say "they crucified him" and don't specify how, that we forgot this evidence from elsewhere in the story.   Frederica Mathewes-Greenwww.frederica.com ___

[Frederica-l] Passion and Atonement

2003-09-26 Thread Frederica
g else: what sin is, what forgiveness is, what the Father's love is like, even the problem of evil (in the Christian east the West's big question, "how can a good God permit evil?" doesn't occur; we know evil is in the world because our sins keep polluting it, keep opening the door. Our sins empower the Evil One, and he delights in hurting the innocent, not only because he enjoys their suffering, but relishes the grief of observers as well.)    An unfamiliar idea like this is disruptive and unsettling, and prompts floods of other questions. I may not have time to answer them all. But I hoped, by this message, to at least lay out the groundwork.   best, F   Frederica Mathewes-Greenwww.frederica.com ___ Frederica-l mailing list *** Please address all replies to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] *** You can check your subscription information here: http://lists.ctcnet.net/mailman/listinfo/frederica-l

[Frederica-l] Beliefnet: Open Door

2003-10-01 Thread Frederica
from the depth of our souls: Lady, come unto our aid, have compassion upon us; hasten, for we are lost in a throng of transgressions.   Excerpt taken from The Open Door: Entering the Sanctuary of Icons and Prayer by Frederica Mathewes-Green, ©2003 by Frederica Mathewes-Green. Used by

[Frederica-l] OSV: School of Rock

2003-10-01 Thread Frederica
; credit: "This review first appeared in Our Sunday Visitor."   Frederica Mathewes-Greenwww.frederica.com _______ Frederica-l mailing list *** Please address all replies to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] *** You can check your subscripti

[Frederica-l] "The Church in Emerging Culture"

2003-10-10 Thread Frederica
s much shorter:   www.frederica.com/orthodox/under_the_heaventree-response.html   I'm afraid that Zondervan won't allow anyone to reprint these, but they are probably too long for most purposes anyway. But feel free to forward this post and the URLs.   best, F   Frederica Mathew

[Frederica-l] Christian Reader: Lotteries & Idols

2003-10-21 Thread Frederica
to forward, but do not reprint till Nov 2003. Credit: This essay first appeared in The Christian Reader.]     ****Frederica Mathewes-Greenwww.frederica.com ___ Frederica-l mailing list *** Please address all replies to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] *** You

[Frederica-l] Our Sunday Visitor: Radio

2003-10-24 Thread Frederica
is movie should have been a documentary. There is a great story here somewhere, but unfortunately, “Radio” doesn’t tell it.   ****Frederica Mathewes-Greenwww.frederica.com ___ Frederica-l mailing list *** Please address all replies to: [EMAIL PROTECT

[Frederica-l] Christian Reader: overcoming sin

2003-10-26 Thread Frederica
and baptize a eunuch (Acts 8:26-40). In Christ, all the ancient barriers of separation were coming down. This means that there is no reason for Don to stay away from churchâno reason on Godâs side, anyway.   Frederica Mathewes-Greenwww.frederica.com _____

[Frederica-l] OSV: "Elf" and "Matrix Revolutions"

2003-11-12 Thread Frederica
by a lady who wears no makeup and chain-smokes. That's as girly as it gets: there is no role here for Marilyn Monroe. All "Matrix Revolutions" has going for it is immense special effects, and that's only going to be enough for a dwindling audience. It's a shame. The first

[Frederica-l] Master and Commander

2003-11-15 Thread Frederica
the goal or each other, and give spontaneous praise for another's achievement. None of this comes easily to women. This film is a good experience for us, because it gives us insight into who that guy in the La-Z-Boy could really be, deep inside. It's good for that guy, too, for the

[Frederica-l] OSV: "Last Samurai"

2003-12-04 Thread Frederica
nion was expressed by St. Teresa of Avila. The soul who has seen the Lord âdeplores the deception it suffered in believing that what the world called honor was honor. It sees how this belief about honor is the greatest lie.â   ****Frederica Mathewes-Greenwww.frederica.com

[Frederica-l] OSV: "Return of the King"

2003-12-10 Thread Frederica
p://lists.ctcnet.net/pipermail/frederica-l/  I was also thinking that I could send it as an attached file as well as pasted in, but don't know if that's a problem for recipients.   ***   What becomes a legend most? The old answer, âfur,â wouldnât be as popular today as it was when Blackglama

[Frederica-l] OSV: Peter Pan

2003-12-18 Thread Frederica
Match the movie to the child.       When I came home from âPeter Panâ I found my son watching a DVD of âPirates of the Caribbean,â and my husband reading âMaster and Commander.â Looks like a themeâs developing here. If Hollywood was opening a fortune cookie at this moment it would read, âYou wi

[Frederica-l] Christian Reader:p-a men and movie trivia

2003-12-22 Thread Frederica
s. But these laws are like the law of gravity-they predict the outcome of certain actions. Promiscuity has brought in a tidal wave of sorrow-abortion, disease, children in poverty, and heartbreak. Eventually people will realize that they don't have to go on having fun if it hurts this much. The voi

[Frederica-l] OSV: "Big Fish"

2004-01-08 Thread Frederica
calling attention to itself. At the end it's exhilarating when a character crosses over; as Will tells a story he breaks visibly out of one format into the other, and all the light and color in the room shift before our eyes.   There is some excellent work in "Big Fish," and for a good wh

[Frederica-l] Touchstone: New Rhetorical Strategy

2004-01-10 Thread Frederica
s of things, and I'm sure he'll be welcomed to the fight. He will be disappointed, however, if he expect everyone else to stop what they're doing and join him. We have a multitude of callings and a multitude of gifts, but we will certainly wish him well, and rejoice in his success.

[Frederica-l] Touchstone follow-up

2004-01-10 Thread Frederica
hen all the pages of the story have been turned.     I suspect that even though Mills and Beckwith have an opinion on what prolifers' goal should be, they don't have a plan for how we should do it. If they did, they would be doing it themselves. Of course, I'd be delighted to be proved

[Frederica-l] OSV: Oscars

2004-01-27 Thread Frederica
The other two in the Best Picture category, "Mystic River" and "Lost in Translation," are complex, dark films that don't attempt an epic sweep, and might have done well without the glory of Tolkein's epic shimmering around them. Expect "Return of the King" to take both Best Picture and Best Director awards this year; for that film alone it might be too much, but in consideration of the entire series, such a delayed victory could not be more fitting or more sweet.     Frederica Mathewes-Greenwww.frederica.com ___ Frederica-l mailing list *** Please address all replies to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] *** You can check your subscription information here: http://lists.ctcnet.net/mailman/listinfo/frederica-l

[Frederica-l] Christian Reader: cohabitation

2004-02-22 Thread Frederica
itor to have a better sense than i do about what works; if it didn't work for him, it would probably misfire with other readers. But in this case I was perplexed abt why this didn't connect. I polled my friends, setting the two versions side by side, and they were all for the scolding

[Frederica-l] Books & Culture: The Meaning of His Suffering

2004-03-01 Thread Frederica
ian of Norwich's meditations on the Crown of Thorns, to "O Sacred Head Sore Wounded," to Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ" is a single devotional thread.   This is a strand that has produced powerfully affecting works of art, and moved and inspired Christians for centuries. The Crucifixion was, in fact, bloody and brutal-Gibson is on good historical ground in wishing to depict them this way-and when he prayerfully reads the Gospels, no doubt these are the pictures that appear in his mind.   But they are not, actually, there. The writers of the Gospels chose to describe Jesus' Passion a different way. Instead of evoking empathy they invite us to grateful, respectful awe, because they had a different understanding of the meaning of his suffering.     Frederica Mathewes-Greenwww.frederica.com ___ Frederica-l mailing list *** Please address all replies to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] *** You can check your subscription information here: http://lists.ctcnet.net/mailman/listinfo/frederica-l

[Frederica-l] Newsday: Images of the Crucifixion

2004-03-08 Thread Frederica
nation permeated our common life to restore God's intimate, immediate presence. "The Kingdom of God is within you," he said (Luke 17:21).   We would not presume to identify with him, as if we can understand what he's going through and figure he feels about how we would. "My

[Frederica-l] some thoughts on "The Passion"

2004-03-08 Thread Frederica
able to believe that this was the real story. But I still valued it as I would any other artwork by a believer. Even Michelangelo could make a mistake, as when he put horns on Moses because of a bad translation. I remain grateful for the depth and vitality of Gibson's faith and apprecia

[Frederica-l] OSV: "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind"

2004-03-16 Thread Frederica
enables them to, and a conclusion that draws it all together. We don't need to watch aimless, confused people dither their lives away. People know how to do that already. What storytelling has done, from time immemorial, is to show characters who either find a way to make their liv

[Frederica-l] Hallmark channel: Listening

2004-03-26 Thread Frederica
g you to do. The more your will conforms to his, the more you can trust your instincts.   Thatâs the point, in the end. God isnât looking to use you as a robot to accomplish his will. He wants all of you; he wants your full assimilation with his love and light. This process will take a lot of

[Frederica-l] Beliefnet: The Alamo

2004-04-23 Thread Frederica
ffers from that in the next theater, in which the hero said, âMy kingdom is not of this world.â Characters in both stories prove that it takes courage to die for a cause. But the Alamo soldiers fought and killed till their last moments; in the other movie, the hero didnât fight back a

[Frederica-l] Beeson / Cresset: "Trinity"

2004-04-23 Thread Frederica
Here's a speech I gave at Beeson Divinity School last October, at their conference on the Trinity. It's published in the current issue of the Cresset. Very long, at over 3000 words, so i"ll just attach the file and you can download it if you want.   ****Fre

[Frederica-l] Today's Christian: Postmodernism

2004-05-03 Thread Frederica
ding and broken prayers. They are keeping you nourished while you wait. Remember: âThis same Jesus, Who was taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you saw Him goâ (Acts 1:11). There is light ahead.     Frederica Mathewes-Greenwww.frederica.com _______

[Frederica-l] Beliefnet: "Van Helsing"

2004-05-07 Thread Frederica
emâ as he strikes the victorious blow.   The mystery of Helsingâs melancholy is kept secret from him and from us till the end of the film. Underneath all the noise and CGI clamor, thereâs a movie here thatâs worth thinking about. Go see it, ke

[Frederica-l] Beliefnet: Troy

2004-05-13 Thread Frederica
ory can still astonish. As the wooden sides popped off the giant wooden horse and Greek soldiers began creeping out into the streets of sleeping Troy, she let out a yelp: "O my God!"  Of all the sorts of buzz Warner Brothers hoped to hear about this film, this must be the one they least ex

[Frederica-l] Dallas Morning News: Abu Ghraib

2004-05-28 Thread Frederica
rist instead. Now in his late seventies, he is the full-time pastor of his congregation, participates in international church affairs, and gives speeches around the country and the world. He is cheerful, vigorous and you might say, indomitable. He has a beautiful smile.       Frederica Mathe

[Frederica-l] Beliefnet: "Raising Helen"

2004-05-28 Thread Frederica
ke. She gets to work on time, manages models efficiently, talks on her cell phone. She's cool because she knows what to buy. At the party someone asks, "Where did you get the red hats?" and she replies, "I found them on the internet." That's what passes for coolness, th

[Frederica-l] National Review Online: Hyphenate

2004-06-01 Thread Frederica
urned into something just silly.   The postman brings me mail for people named Mathwas-Green, Mathers-Crein, Vatherwes-Green, Mebhews-Creen , Morthewes-Aeer, Green-Mathwews and Athewes-Green. If I wanted to begin a life of crime, I would have plenty of aliases. At least these variations still retain t

[Frederica-l] Beliefnet: "Women's" Stuff

2004-07-07 Thread Frederica
of power, praise, and honor. But any Christian effort that's focused on demanding a bigger piece of the pie needs to go back and read the instruction manual. We are called to be servants, to die to self, to expect a cross and not a bouquet. This is an equal-opportunity challenge; men face th

[Frederica-l] Our Sunday Visitor: "I, Robot"

2004-07-16 Thread Frederica
giant scuffed-yellow metal Gobot, and when the preset timer goes off it stands up, towering against the night sky, reaches out a claw-like hand, and begins grabbing chunks out of the second floor. It was great! After the demo-bot had reduced the building to piles of rubble, it sat down and folde

[Frederica-l] National Review: Door in the Floor

2004-07-22 Thread Frederica
w good lines: after a thoughtful pause, "Well, my penis *is* funny"). She's only four years old, she's as fair and delicate as an angel, and this is what the writers have coming out of her mouth. A four-year-old doesn't think this up; someone else makes her do it. Sociolo

[Frederica-l] CTOnline: Antiochian Autonomy

2004-07-26 Thread Frederica
is one more step toward a unity that is long overdue.   Related Elsewhere: Again Magazine, published by the publishing arm of The Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese, devoted a recent issue to the subject of self-rule. http://www.ocl.org/AUnifiedAutocephalousOrthodoxChurchInTheUSA.htm h

[Frederica-l] National Review Online: The Manchurian Candidate

2004-07-27 Thread Frederica
so. If you have never seen the original "Manchurian Candidate," you are in for a scary treat. It's not a summer action movie; it's a smaller, more thoughtful, more provocative film, and one that will haunt you a long time. Rent it before you go to your local giant corporate t

[Frederica-l] Beliefnet: Elder Care for Jesus' Aging Mother

2004-08-13 Thread Frederica
a bit of her mantle in his hands. Many of us who care for and worry about elderly parents need a patron saint to be a guiding example, to support us through hard daily toil and through even harder decisions. Holy Father John, pray to God for us.   Frederica Mathewes-Greenwww.frederica.com _

[Frederica-l] Today's Christian: family stress

2004-09-08 Thread Frederica
st the temptation to spend Sunday catching up on work we do every other day of the week. We should prioritize those activities that are truly relaxing for us, and it will be a personal choice: an office worker might find it restful to work in her vegetable garden, while a farmer would not. Even hous

[Frederica-l] NRO: Sky Captain

2004-09-14 Thread Frederica
t-proper bed scene must have kept it from a G. You can take any kid old enough not to be frightened by stomping robots. In fact, this film is so satisfying, so grand and lovely, that I expect you'll want to see it more than once, and that the eventual DVD will be a family-room favorite. But cat

[Frederica-l] Beliefnet: More than a Feeling

2004-09-18 Thread Frederica
in the night, seeking her beloved. I think somehow this sense of desolation is God's intention, too. It sharpens the desire to seek him. Sometimes it is due to your own fault, of doing something mean or selfish, and severing your focus on communion with him. The way back is always humility. But

[Frederica-l] NRO: Shaun of the Dead

2004-09-25 Thread Frederica
're reassured that, after a bit of excitement, we'd go right back to being comfortable consumers, watching the telly and going to the pub in the evening. That's pretty much what Jesus predicted: "If they do not hear Moses and the prophets, neither will they be convinced if some o

[Frederica-l] bad email

2004-09-29 Thread Frederica
of, I never send an attached file. I always post the text of my column inside the email message. So if this happens again, and you see a message to download something, you can trust your virus software when it tells you that it's not a legitimate message.   Frederica Mathew

[Frederica-l] one more thing

2004-09-30 Thread Frederica
indicators on this mail indicate it began with a computer in Australia, but there are other stop offs as well. It's a crazy world.   Frederica Mathewes-Greenwww.frederica.com ___ Frederica-l mailing list *** Please address all replies to: [

[Frederica-l] NRO: I [Heart] Huckabees

2004-10-08 Thread Frederica
nd Tommy sit on the rescued rock and talk and talk in a veritable denouement dump. Midway through the scene, Tom pulls out a red licorice stick and starts chewing on it. Meaningful or meaningless? I'm not even going to ask.   Frederica Mathewes-Greenwww.frederica.com ___ Frederica-l mailing list *** Please address all replies to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] *** You can check your subscription information here: http://lists.ctcnet.net/mailman/listinfo/frederica-l

[Frederica-l] Christianity Today Online: Joyous Cursing

2004-10-25 Thread Frederica
ken in the streets will be reduced to a few grunts and hand gestures. But Earnhardt is right about this: it's one thing to let a word slip out in a moment of exuberance, and another to use it in anger. If the intention is to convey hatred, contempt or violence, there's a much bigg

[Frederica-l] National Review Online: "Ray"

2004-10-28 Thread Frederica
er. And not all performers can produce folksy dialogue with ease; Charles' mother (Sharon Warren) enunciates a line like "We ain't got no time for no tears" so carefully that you suspect she is a professional actress. But overall the talent going into this biopic has produced

[Frederica-l] NRO: The Incredibles

2004-11-06 Thread Frederica
hose strength rebounds instantly when he learns they need his help. These kids don't have daddy-figures like Woody and Mike and Sullivan, who love and guard the children who enter their care. They don't have a daddy like that, but one day they may be a daddy like that, or have a clear idea of t

[Frederica-l] NRO: Alfie

2004-11-08 Thread Frederica
ed to see "this perfectly formed being." He goes on, "I started praying or something, saying 'God, help me,' and things like that." Alfie says it "brings it home to you what you are when you see a helpless little thing like that lying in your han

[Frederica-l] NRO: Finding Neverland

2004-11-11 Thread Frederica
ently to "believe." Contrary to popular opinion, believing don't make it so. There is a reality about life after death, a "so," that exists whether we believe in it or not. We don't know much about it and can prove even less, but that doesn't mean imaginary pro

[Frederica-l] NRO: Kinsey

2004-11-19 Thread Frederica
it's no surprise that married conservative and Christian women keep topping the surveys of sexual satisfaction. "Kinsey" depicts the confusion the researcher encountered due to his dullness at understanding the emotional and relational aspects of sex, but not the outcome of h

[Frederica-l] NPR Morning Edition: Invisible Pro-lifers

2004-12-01 Thread Frederica
  I just recorded this for NPR's "Morning Edition" show, which airs every morning btwn 6:00 and 10:00 AM. I don't know what day it will run, but might be as early as tomorrow.   If you go to www.npr.com and enter "frederica" in the search engine it will bring up

[Frederica-l] NRO: "Closer"

2004-12-02 Thread Frederica
to be reasonably scarred. In "Closer" the four lovers go through wrenching experiences and then start over with a new, or the same, lover as if the game had been re-set to "Start." Compare that with the accurate way the brutalizing effects of loving and losing were depicted in &

[Frederica-l] Touchstone: Meet your Mocker

2004-12-06 Thread Frederica
even satire, protects the target's dignity and invites him to laugh along. Well-done humor stimulates reflection and reconsideration. The best-honed humor, deft and well-targeted, can nudge a change in the course of the world.     Frederica Mathewes-Greenwww.frederica.com _

[Frederica-l] Beliefnet: Hidden Messages

2004-12-09 Thread Frederica
st want to exercise their super powers because it gives them pleasure.   You know, that doesn't sound all that different from Lenny the Shark. He wants to be a vegetarian; Bob Parr wants to defeat bad guys; can't we all get along? Children's entertainment has always embraced one co

[Frederica-l] NRO: Spanglish

2004-12-15 Thread Frederica
ntroduced and then disappears for virtually the entire film. Everybody fawns over Flor's beauty, and she strikes poses so we can admire her; she looks like an irate heron, darting her head and widening her eyes. And just when you'd gotten over it, the voice-ove

[Frederica-l] NRO: Lemony Snicket

2004-12-18 Thread Frederica
ometimes an audience can surprise you by being pretty intelligent, and appreciating something that breaks out of formulaic bounds. But it wouldn't be a sure thing, and a film like that might not make as much money. Plus you'd  have to forego the bucks from AFLAC for product placement. Two roads diverged, and Dreamworks took the one more traveled by.   Frederica Mathewes-Greenwww.frederica.com ___ Frederica-l mailing list *** Please address all replies to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] *** You can check your subscription information here: http://lists.ctcnet.net/mailman/listinfo/frederica-l

[Frederica-l] Dallas Morning News: "Won't Grow Up"

2004-12-23 Thread Frederica
don't understand my plight." Future historians will have to sort out our plight, how a whole generation could forget to grow up, and still attempt to lead a nation through war and terror. Being kittenish, obscene, or adorably perplexed-we can do that. But gathering the gravity and confide

[Frederica-l] Today's Christian

2005-01-06 Thread Frederica
Only Scripture is Scripture, and anyone who pushes beyond its boundaries in a quest for further understanding can make mistakes. While Eastern Christians prefer different Church Fathers (St. John Chrysosotom, for example, or St. Basil, who was brother

[Frederica-l] Beliefnet: Media coverage of the tsunami

2005-01-06 Thread Frederica
nevitably guide us. The tsunami is just one more float in an endless visual parade.   As the media well knows, nothing transfixes humans like humans suffering. Well, maybe sex. Food's pretty good too, especially when an ad that shows cheese melting on a pizza, or a steak frying

[Frederica-l] Christianity Today Online: Dutch Child Euthanasia

2005-01-08 Thread Frederica
opinions. It's tidy, and can certainly be presented as compassionate. But this time-tested means of problem-solving has been opposed, throughout all history, by Christians. Herod's Slaughter of the Innocents was exposed by St. Luke, and believers ever since have honored the memory

[Frederica-l] NPR, at last

2005-01-19 Thread Frederica
n. What a bumpy road for a little 450 word commentary.   I haven't written much in recent weeks, busy with traveling and speaking, but I'm still out here. Hope yall are having a good new year so far. _______ Frederica-l mailing list *** Please addre

[Frederica-l] Christianity Today: party talk

2005-01-21 Thread Frederica
hat the current phenomenon of transitory student lesbianism was just a strategy of desperation, the only way society currently allows young women to tell boys, "Go away, I'm not ready."   "God hates sin," some emphasize. But God hates sin like the parent of a leukemia vic

[Frederica-l] NRO: "In Good Company"

2005-01-26 Thread Frederica
with a blue light from below, in case we don't realize how evil he is.   But the theme of a regular, hardworking dad as hero-as someone a stylish young man would envy-has not gotten a lot of play in recent decades. We can be grateful for Dan Foreman, who gives us the most realistic

[Frederica-l] NRO: Million Dollar Baby

2005-02-02 Thread Frederica
ty drive-bys to 19th century duels to most of the wars you can think of. Yes, if Maggie's only source of respect is punching another woman in the face, she's not going to be able to do that any more. Using her inner mettle to put a new life together, going to college, becoming a spokespe

[Frederica-l] Washington Examiner: Fashionable Adultery

2005-02-03 Thread Frederica
; 2002).   Helena's mistake was in thinking there's such a thing as progress. Instead, cultures shift about laterally, correcting problems as they become obvious, often in ways that create new problems. It's true that the train isn't coming back. It's going to a new station, and we don't yet know where. Hold on for the ride.       Frederica Mathewes-Greenwww.frederica.com ___ Frederica-l mailing list *** Please address all replies to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] *** You can check your subscription information here: http://lists.ctcnet.net/mailman/listinfo/frederica-l

[Frederica-l] NRO: "Because of Winn-Dixie"

2005-02-12 Thread Frederica
with reflections on the way shared pain and joy can bring people together. "Because of Winn-Dixie" is an excellent addition to the canon of stories for young people about loss, loneliness, and community, and packs lessons worth remembering for a lifetime.   Frederica Mathewes-Greenw

[Frederica-l] Calendar: Orange County, Denver, Charlottesville

2005-02-22 Thread Frederica
Episcopal Church Contact: [EMAIL PROTECTED] March 23 -- Charlottesville, VA University of Virginia Contact: [EMAIL PROTECTED]     Frederica Mathewes-Greenwww.frederica.com ___ Frederica-l mailing list *** Please address all replies to: [

[Frederica-l] NRO: Be Cool

2005-03-07 Thread Frederica
"monologue" as an audition, but it's a dialogue, and in it he swivels back and forth, attempting to portray two cheerleaders. Elliot is actually pretty endearing-the most sincere and likeable character in the movie.  Who knew this professional wrestler and unremitting tough guy could be

[Frederica-l] NRO: "Robots"

2005-03-12 Thread Frederica
nergy and delight. It breathes freely. A story that is schemed, rather than spun, is airless. Though people will savor the images here, I don't think they'll find themselves loving this movie. It's far too true that all the characters are robots.   Frederica Mathewes-Greenwww.frederica.com ___ Frederica-l mailing list *** Please address all replies to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] *** You can check your subscription information here: http://lists.ctcnet.net/mailman/listinfo/frederica-l

[Frederica-l] NRO: "Millions"

2005-04-03 Thread Frederica
, and arrives at a climax that brought tears to my eyes. I walked out of the theater calculating ways to increase my charitable giving by 50%. If only a few people out of each audience do the same, it will make a big difference. Miracles do happen; people make them happen; Danny Boyle starts them happening by making a movie like "Millions."   Frederica Mathewes-Greenwww.frederica.com ___ Frederica-l mailing list *** Please address all replies to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] *** You can check your subscription information here: http://lists.ctcnet.net/mailman/listinfo/frederica-l

[Frederica-l] travel: NYC, Dallas, DC, Wisconsin

2005-04-07 Thread Frederica
Washington, DC Capitol Hill Pregnancy Center Contact: [EMAIL PROTECTED] May 25 -- LaCrosse, WI Viterbo University           Ph  608-796-3788           ****Frederica Mathewes-Greenwww.frederica.com ___ Frederica-l mailing list *** Please address all rep

[Frederica-l] NRO: Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy

2005-04-29 Thread Frederica
t;I'd much rather be happy than right any day," he tells Arthur.   "Well, are you?" Arthur responds.   Twitch. "No. That's where it falls down, of course," he says.   Here's an ultimate question for you. Look at a photo of the beautiful earth taken from space. Think about the confusion and tragedy that fills it. And ask: What's wrong with this picture?   Frederica Mathewes-Greenwww.frederica.com ___ Frederica-l mailing list *** Please address all replies to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] *** You can check your subscription information here: http://lists.ctcnet.net/mailman/listinfo/frederica-l

[Frederica-l] Beliefnet: Pentecost

2005-05-14 Thread Frederica
ntury expectation that the Holy Spirit is a life-giving presence, a Person, not an "it," not a mere state of love.  We know him well, and he knows us better. The most-beloved prayer to the Holy Spirit, one we use in nearly every time of private or public worship, sums it up:   "O Heavenly

[Frederica-l] NRO: Star Wars - Sith

2005-05-17 Thread Frederica
er, when Anakin challenges Obi-wan "If you're not with me, then you're my enemy," Obi-wan replies, "Only a Sith deals in absolutes." But aren't the Jedi the ones who absolutely reject evil?   I could name other problems (when Yoda goes flying through the a

[Frederica-l] Dallas Morning News: Civility

2005-05-27 Thread Frederica
lways stay with me. As a Christian, it became a significant learning experience. My Lord Jesus had told me to go love my enemies, and in order to do that, I had to at least go and look at them from time to time. I looked at them and talked to them and li

[Frederica-l] Touchstone: Bodies of Evidence

2005-05-30 Thread Frederica
Here's an essay in the new Touchstone magazine:   http://www.touchstonemag.com/     It's long, so I'm just sending the URL. Hope youall are having a great Memorial Day!   ****Frederica Mathewes-Greenwww.frederica.com ___ Frederica

[Frederica-l] NRO: Cinderella Man

2005-06-06 Thread Frederica
is wife with every glance. As Mae says to Jim in a late scene, "You're the Bulldog of Bergen, the Pride of New Jersey, you're everybody's hope, you're your kids' hero, and the champion of my heart." Do they make them like that any more?   ****Frederica Mathewes-Greenwww.frederica.com ___ Frederica-l mailing list *** Please address all replies to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] *** You can check your subscription information here: http://lists.ctcnet.net/mailman/listinfo/frederica-l

[Frederica-l] NRO: "Howl's Moving Castle"

2005-06-09 Thread Frederica
wrote "make more sense") in the original Japanese with subtitles, than in the dubbed version. American voices may also drain something away. The character of the fire spirit, Calcifer, is voiced by Billy Crystal with his worn-out "Look, l

[Frederica-l] NRO: Bewitched

2005-06-25 Thread Frederica
r Babes" instead. By the time a movie actually opens, you can feel the resentment of every single person connected with it. That's more true, of course, with some productions than others, but it's palpable here. There's something magical about a really enjoyable and satisfying mo

[Frederica-l] NRO: War of the Worlds

2005-06-28 Thread Frederica
tell us such true things about human nature. “War of the Worlds” sets a new standard for space-age classics; it’s in a universe of its own.   Frederica Mathewes-Greenwww.frederica.com ___ Frederica-l mailing list *** Please address all replies to

[Frederica-l] WSJ: Ortho - Cath Unity

2005-07-15 Thread Frederica
do Catholics have, at present, that we could enter?   There are plenty of good reasons for the Orthodox and Roman Catholic churches to talk. Discussion clears away misunderstanding, and common causes can benefit from the energies of both churches. But we can't be fully united until we agree on what "unity" means.   Frederica Mathewes-Greenwww.frederica.com ___ Frederica-l mailing list *** Please address all replies to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] *** You can check your subscription information here: http://lists.ctcnet.net/mailman/listinfo/frederica-l

[Frederica-l] OCAMPR: gender-specific ministries?

2005-07-18 Thread Frederica
Christmas. So many women have served as midwives and supporters for women in pregnancy, labor, and nursing. So many men have put themselves in harm's way to protect the lives of women and children. Men and women alike have cared for the poor, proclaimed the Gospel, produced icon

[Frederica-l] First Things: Against Eternal Youth

2005-07-19 Thread Frederica
for this, which I gave the intentionally shocking title, "Let's have more teen pregnancy."   In a movie that appeared in the recent Oscar lists, "Sideways," a small-time TV actor in his early 40's is about to get married. He embarks on a week-long pre-weddi

[Frederica-l] Beliefnet: Orthodox Controversies

2005-07-21 Thread Frederica
been able to dig deeper into awareness of my own sinfulness, and take baby steps toward spiritual healing. I'm able to worship in an ancient communion full of awesome beauty, one that is now being blessed with quiet revival. My one regret? That I didn't do it sooner.       ****Frederica Mathewes-Greenwww.frederica.com ___ Frederica-l mailing list *** Please address all replies to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] *** You can check your subscription information here: http://lists.ctcnet.net/mailman/listinfo/frederica-l

[Frederica-l] Books & Culture: Tarzan

2005-09-04 Thread Frederica
moss and leaves; in the third we are given a tour of their elaborate treehouse, complete with elephant-powered elevator and so many other clever conveniences that it may as well have been in Levittown. We've strayed from edgy, violent, sexy jungle drama to the borders of TV sitcom.   The

[Frederica-l] NRO: "Oliver Twist"

2005-09-29 Thread Frederica
, but remains faithful to the material overall. It is going to be too strong for most children. A character is beaten to death, and we see blood fly (and later, leak out from under a door). A character is shot; when the wound is later un-bandaged for cleaning, the sight made the audience gasp. Keep th

[Frederica-l] NRO: "In Her Shoes"

2005-10-07 Thread Frederica
vice to the Sixers' teammates, while they nod as insight dawns). Most of all, he's in charge. When he and Rose begin to go horizontal, she nervously clicks off the lamp; he turns it on again. After a pause, she once again tries to hide her flaws in darkness; he looks at her fi

[Frederica-l] NRO: Elizabethtown

2005-10-12 Thread Frederica
und in the sheets, and other uses - for example, aging, decay and death - are not proper topics. The polite corpse appears only in the form of gray powder. Drew sprinkles his dad's remains around parking lots and theme parks, like Tinkerbelle, as the mood strikes him. It's a g

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