Re: congrlations to the freebsd developers

2007-11-19 Thread Andrew Reilly
> 3. The issues with nvidia kernel module on amd64 (alternativelly
> does anyone know how hard it would be to get bettern 1024x768 with nv?)

I used to be able to get nv to do 1280x1024, with my 6600LE
graphics card.  I could never convince it to do 1600x1200, the
native resolution of my LCD panel, though.  Claimed to be
limited by BIOS setting, whatever that means.

There was, and is, however, a funky booting issue: sometimes nv
would not get the card set up right, and all I would see was
blocky-wrong-raster-ish screen noise.  That would go away if
I switched to vesa mode (which has always worked reliably for
me) and back again.  Sadly that fix doesn't work since the last
upgrade (from 7.2 to 7.3), seemingly, so I'm stuck with vesa at
1280x1024, which is tollerable for my purposes, given how fast
the processors are.

Actually, I don't have that at the moment, either: something
broke GNOME at the ORB level, seemingly, after I upgraded to
RELENG_7...  I'm fighting with portupgrade at the moment...

Hopefully it'll all come good again once it's been re-built...


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Re: [RFC/P] Port System Re-Engineering (Repost from -ports@)

2007-12-03 Thread Andrew Reilly
On Mon, Dec 03, 2007 at 09:19:15AM -0500, Aryeh M. Friedman wrote:
> 1. What is more important to your personal use of FreeBSD (the ports
> system, the underlaying OS, some other aspect)?

Yes.  (i.e., mu)

> 2. How frequently do you interact with the ports systems and what is
> the most common interaction you have with it?

Slightly more than weekly.  Updating.

> 3. What is the single best aspect of the current system?

Most of what I want to use is in there, and builds and installs without
fault or clashes.

> 4. What is the single worst aspect of the current system?

A toss-up between
- inability to cross-build (not entirely fixable by ports, I
  know, but I'm sure that *some* ports would be buildable with
  appropriate cross-tools, and there's some chance that that set
  would include the pieces I'm interested in...) and
- library dependencies don't extend to the base system.  I've just spent a
  week un-breaking my GNOME environment after upgrading to 7-STABLE from
  6-STABLE (which worked, as did all my existing ports) and then
  portupgrading (which broke nearly everything, because of the upgraded
  system, and>, resulting in
  applications that depended on both old and new base libraries).  A
  corollary of this is that portupgrade -af is not restartable if
  something breaks or requires manual intervention, which results in
  quadratic rebuild time, unless the whole process is managed manually.

> 5. If you where a new FreeBSD user how would your answers above
> change?   If you where brand new to UNIX how whould they change?

No idea.  I haven't been a new FreeBSD user for a long time.  If I were a
new UNIX user, I might hope that things would work as they do in MacOS-X,
and probably would prefer to use a GUI interface to pre-built packages,
rather than the ports system at all.  [That being the case, it's *most*
important that the ports system be useful for the package-building farm.]

> 6. Assuming that there was no additional work on your behalf would you
> use a new system if it corrected your answer to number 4?

Probably, but there are other aspects of ports that I like.  I *like* that
it's made out of make, and can be coerced into doing things *my* way, with
little effort.  At least I have the fall-back of using the NetBSD pkgsrc
system.  It is mostly Ports with some additional sophistication for

> 7. Same as question 6 but for your answer on question 3?

No.  If you break 3, you lose me to pkgsrc.

> 8. How long have you used FreeBSD and/or UNIX in general?

FreeBSD since '94, BSD since '85 or '86.

> 9.  That is your primary use(s) for your FreeBSD machine(s) (name upto 3)?

Workstation (software dev.), production CVS/Perforce/Web server,
experimental audio server.

> 10. Assuming there is no functional difference what is your preferred
> installation method for 3rd party software?


> 11. On a scale from 1 to 10 (10 being the best) please rate the
> importance of the following aspects of the ports system?
>a. User Interface

1 (it has a user interface?)

>b. Consistency of behaviors and interactions

>c. Accuracy in dependant port installations


>d. Internal record keeping

4 (this is only a performance issue)

>e. Granularity's of the port management system

mu (without having seen the discussion, I don't understand the question.)

> 12. Please rate your personal technical skill level?



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rpcbind: connect from to dump() ??

2006-04-04 Thread Andrew Reilly
Hi there,

I'm running an NFS server on one of my FreeBSD-6-STABLE systems,
and it keeps putting that message into my /var/log/auth.log
file.  When I say keeps, there are thousands of such logs per
day, sometimes separated by seconds, sometimes by many minutes
or hours.  I can't find anything on the subject in the man pages
for rpcbind.

Presumably it's whinging because I'm not running some service
that it expects to be there?

The relevant (?) part of my rc.conf file is just:


The primary NFS client is a diskless NetBSD box, if that
matters.  (That's why mountd has -r set: I used to NFS mount a
swap partition, but now I just run that box without swap, so
that flag is redundant.)

This has been happening for a long time, and doesn't seem to be
causing any actual problem, I just wanted to know what's going
on, and perhaps to stop it from complaining.

Any help greatly appreciated.


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Programming question: fcntl(...,O_ASYNC) on device?

2004-05-27 Thread Andrew Reilly
Hi, oh gurus,

I'm venturing into a realm of Unix programming that I had
previously been able to avoid: asynchronous event processing,
with or without threads.

Can anyone suggest why the following test-case program always

$ ./test-case 
test-case: can't set O_ASYNC on device: Invalid argument


For reference to details, my system is 4-STABLE about a week
old, and the device in question is a Midiman1010 sound card with
the 4Front (OSS) driver.  (FreeBSD's native pcm device doesn't
support this card.)

What I'm trying to achieve is the Unix equivalent of a DSP-style
IO interrupt for audio processing.  I want the main body of the
code to be able to go on and do UI things without sitting and
waiting at the inevitable read(,fd), but I also want processing
of the input data to proceed immediately that data is available,
irrespective of what the UI code is doing (so just O_NONBLOCK
isn't what I'm after).  The code doesn't work if the O_ASYNC
argument to fcntl is O_NONBLOCK|O_ASYNC either.  Any clues?

Thanks for any suggestions.

/* standard OSS includes */


#define BUF_SIZE 4096
int fd;
unsigned char buf[BUF_SIZE];

got_data(int sig)
/* foo: do something with buf[] */
if (-1 == read(fd, buf, BUF_SIZE))  /* initiate next read */
err(1, "can't read from device");

main(int argc, char **argv)
signal(SIGIO, got_data);
fd=open("/dev/dsp6", O_RDONLY);
if (-1 == fd) err(1, "can't open device");
if (-1 == fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, O_ASYNC))
err(1, "can't set O_ASYNC on device");
if (-1 == read(fd, buf, BUF_SIZE))  /* initiate next read */
err(1, "can't read from device");

for (;;) { /* UI */ }

return 0;

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ataraid/fsck glitch on upgrade from 5.5 to 6-stable?

2006-09-21 Thread Andrew Reilly
Hi all,

I ran into an unexpected problem today, when I tried to do
an in-place upgrade from FreeBSD 5.5 (actually RELENG_5) to
6-STABLE, following the procedure in /usr/src/UPDATING.

The buildworld and buildkernel went without a hitch, and
installkernel was fine, too.

When I rebooted to single-user, though, the fsck -p step
reported that my /usr partition was bad, and unfixable.
Something about not being able to find a good superblock, but I
didn't copy down the details.  The root partition was OK,
though, so I upgraded the mount to r/w and moved /boot/kernel
out of the way to /boot/kernel.6 and moved /boot/kernel.old back
to /boot/kernel, and rebooted back to multi-user in 5.5.  The
system claimed that /usr had not been unmounted properly, and
fired off a background fsck, which finished without finding any

I tried this twice (since fsck had given the /usr partition a
clean bill of health again), and it failed the same way the
second time.

Any thoughts on what could be going wrong?

This is a server, using ataraid to bind a pair of SATA drives
into a mirrored pair.  I had good success previously, with an
in-place upgrade of my workstation from RELENG_5 to RELENG_6,
but that wasn't using ataraid.


The top of dmesg.boot says:

FreeBSD 5.5-STABLE #1: Thu Sep 21 08:23:18 EST 2006
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/CORVUS
Timecounter "i8254" frequency 1193182 Hz quality 0
CPU: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz (2992.52-MHz 686-class CPU)
  Origin = "GenuineIntel"  Id = 0xf43  Stepping = 3
  Hyperthreading: 2 logical CPUs
real memory  = 1065242624 (1015 MB)
avail memory = 1032859648 (985 MB)
FreeBSD/SMP: Multiprocessor System Detected: 2 CPUs
 cpu0 (BSP): APIC ID:  0
 cpu1 (AP): APIC ID:  1

and the parts related to the disk controllers says:
atapci0:  port 
0xffa0-0xffaf,0x376,0x170-0x177,0x3f6,0x1f0-0x1f7 at device 31.1 on pci0
ata0: channel #0 on atapci0
ata1: channel #1 on atapci0
atapci1:  port 
0xc400-0xc40f,0xc480-0xc483,0xc800-0xc807,0xc880-0xc883,0xcc00-0xcc07 irq 19 at 
device 31.2 on pci0
ata2: channel #0 on atapci1
ata3: channel #1 on atapci1

and the drives:
acd0: DVDROM  at ata0-master PIO4
ad4: 76319MB  [155061/16/63] at ata2-master SATA150
ad6: 76319MB  [155061/16/63] at ata3-master SATA150
ar0: 76319MB  [9729/255/63] status: READY subdisks:
 disk0 READY on ad4 at ata2-master
 disk1 READY on ad6 at ata3-master

fdisk says:
*** Working on device /dev/ar0 ***
parameters extracted from in-core disklabel are:
cylinders=9729 heads=255 sectors/track=63 (16065 blks/cyl)

Figures below won't work with BIOS for partitions not in cyl 1
parameters to be used for BIOS calculations are:
cylinders=9729 heads=255 sectors/track=63 (16065 blks/cyl)

Media sector size is 512
Warning: BIOS sector numbering starts with sector 1
Information from DOS bootblock is:
The data for partition 1 is:
sysid 165 (0xa5),(FreeBSD/NetBSD/386BSD)
start 63, size 156296322 (76316 Meg), flag 80 (active)
beg: cyl 0/ head 1/ sector 1;
end: cyl 1023/ head 254/ sector 63
The data for partition 2 is:

The data for partition 3 is:

The data for partition 4 is:

and bsdlabel ar0s1 says:
# /dev/ar0s1:
8 partitions:
#size   offsetfstype   [fsize bsize bps/cpg]
  a:   52428804.2BSD 2048 16384 32776
  b:  4126128   524288  swap
  c: 1562963220unused0 0 # "raw" part, don't 
  d:   524288  46504164.2BSD 2048 16384 32776
  e:   524288  51747044.2BSD 2048 16384 32776
  f: 150597330  56989924.2BSD 2048 16384 28552

and /etc/fstab says:
# DeviceMountpoint  FStype  Options DumpPass#
/dev/ar0s1b noneswapsw  0   0
/dev/ar0s1a /   ufs rw  1   1
/dev/ar0s1e /tmpufs rw  2   2
/dev/ar0s1f /usrufs rw  2   2
/dev/ar0s1d /varufs rw  2   2
/dev/acd0   /cdrom  cd9660  ro,noauto   0   0

and df says:
Filesystem  1K-blocks UsedAvail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/ar0s1a25367860566   17281826%/
devfs   110   100%/dev
/dev/ar0s1e25367810266   223118 4%/tmp
/dev/ar0s1f  72924656 23641878 4344880635%/usr
/dev/ar0s1d25367894556   13882841%/var

Would anything else be useful?

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Re: Hardware Console Redirection

2006-10-31 Thread Andrew Reilly
On Tue, Oct 31, 2006 at 06:18:22PM -0500, Brian A. Seklecki wrote:
> I have noticed that the "Phoenix BIOS" console redirection feature on both 
> discontinues to operate once the kernel has booted (however, the 1st/2nd 
> stage boot loaders work fine).

Why is that a problem?  The BIOS doesn't use the console once
the kernel has booted.

> The advantage of native, hardware level BIOS -> VGA emulated console 
> redirection is that, much like Sun/MacPPC or any OPF/PROM aware platform 
> (Soekris), the OS/Bootblocks need not be aware of the serial console 
> semantics; -- only of a benign VGA console.

What serial console semantics do the bootblocks get wrong?

> Is there some routine in the *BSD kernel console code that performs an 
> operation, perhaps a reset, on the serial ports, that wouldn't happen in 
> DOS?

What sort of reset do you need?  I don't really understand the
question, I'm afraid.  Do you mean a hardware reset of the
serial port, or using the serial port to have the effect of
Ctl-Alt-Delete (NMI) from a PC keyboard?

> In the case of the Axiom device, the console is redirected to the BIOS 
> level "com0" 0x3f8.  In the case of the PowerEdge, the redirection is to a 
> "virtual com1" which is attached to the DRAC5 LOM card.
> I tried the FreeBSD loader(8) hint.sio.1.flags="0x40" to attempt to have 
> the kernel ignore the device without success.

You can build a kernel that explicitly doesn't have a driver
that will look at a particular serial port, I think (by making
it explicit which ports it *does* look at), but I don't
understand how that would help: you'd have a serial port that
would be used by the BIOS, but would do nothing once the main OS
was booted.


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Re: Don't buy AMD products (was Re: Xorg and ATI card query.)

2007-03-13 Thread Andrew Reilly
On Tue, 13 Mar 2007 14:17:00 -0800 (PST)
Doug Ambrisko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> One thing that is a plus with nv is that X has some support for it,
> whereas, the newer ati cards have no support :-(  I was a fan of ati 
> since it was easier to get support.  Now I'm starting to lean towards 
> Nvidia :-(

Does anyone know if there are *any* contemporary graphics cards
that have 3D acceleration supported by some flavour of
open-source  Doesn't have to be a super-fast 'leet gamer
system to be better than a non-accelerated frame buffer.

Matrox used to have a reputation for goodness (I used to have a
G400 or the like), but it's been a long time...

(I'm currently using a lowish-end NVidia card under the nv
driver, but it has issues (of which no 3D accel is but one...)


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Re: Don't buy AMD products (was Re: Xorg and ATI card query.)

2007-03-13 Thread Andrew Reilly
On Tue, 13 Mar 2007 14:17:00 -0800 (PST)
Doug Ambrisko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> One thing that is a plus with nv is that X has some support for it,
> whereas, the newer ati cards have no support :-(  I was a fan of ati 
> since it was easier to get support.  Now I'm starting to lean towards 
> Nvidia :-(

Does anyone know if there are *any* contemporary graphics cards
that have 3D acceleration supported by some flavour of
open-source  Doesn't have to be a super-fast 'leet gamer
system to be better than a non-accelerated frame buffer.

Matrox used to have a reputation for goodness (I used to have a
G400 or the like), but it's been a long time...

(I'm currently using a lowish-end NVidia card under the nv
driver, but it has issues (of which no 3D accel is but one...)


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Expected speed of firewire-attached drive?

2007-03-13 Thread Andrew Reilly
Hi there,

I don't do a whole lot of benchmarking: mostly my computer's
speed is "perfectly adequate", and working reliably is key.

At the moment, though, I'm curious.  I'm sitting here while I
attempt to restore a file from a level-0 dump, and it's taking a
while.  The backup medium is one of those firewire-attached
Maxtor 300G drives, but to make it interesting I compress the
backup image with bzip2 (which keeps the file size down to about
16G).  Dmesg.boot says that the drive is capable of 50MB/s, the
firewire driver says nothing obvious about speed, except "invalid
speed 7 (fixed to 3)." (details below).  The motherboard is a
relatively shiny Athlon X2-4400 NVidia-4 based system, so there
ought to be oodles of compute grunt for this exercise, surely?

Anyway, systat -vmstat says that da0 is doing about 40 128KB
transfers per second, or about 5MB/s (actually a bit under), or
12% busy.  One of the CPUs is pegged.  Hmm, it's pegged running
bzcat.  That would be the bottleneck, then.

OK, so I've answered my own question.  Please consider this post
informative or noise at your discretion: I'm going to post it
anyway on the grounds that it might provoke some interesting
discussion, and perhaps a suggestion for a less cpu-hungry
compression algorithm (I guess I could try gzip for the next


from dmesg.boot:
fwohci0:  mem
0xf0004000-0xf00047ff,0xf000-0xf00 03fff irq 18 at device
10.0 on pci1 fwohci0: OHCI version 1.10 (ROM=1)
fwohci0: No. of Isochronous channels is 4.
fwohci0: EUI64 00:14:85:56:00:e6:80:b0
fwohci0: invalid speed 7 (fixed to 3).
fwohci0: Phy 1394a available S800, 3 ports.
fwohci0: Link S800, max_rec 4096 bytes.
firewire0:  on fwohci0
fwe0:  on firewire0
if_fwe0: Fake Ethernet address: 02:14:85:e6:80:b0
fwe0: Ethernet address: 02:14:85:e6:80:b0
fwe0: if_start running deferred for Giant
sbp0:  on firewire0
fwohci0: Initiate bus reset
fwohci0: node_id=0xc800ffc1, gen=1, CYCLEMASTER mode
firewire0: 2 nodes, maxhop <= 1, cable IRM = 1 (me)
firewire0: bus manager 1 (me)
fwohci0: phy int
da0 at sbp0 bus 0 target 0 lun 0
da0:  Fixed Direct Access SCSI-4 device 
da0: 50.000MB/s transfers
da0: 286188MB (586114704 512 byte sectors: 255H 63S/T 36483C)

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Re: Don't buy AMD products (was Re: Xorg and ATI card query.)

2007-03-15 Thread Andrew Reilly
On Wed, Mar 14, 2007 at 11:55:20AM -0400, Sean Bryant wrote:
> Try the 'vesa' xorg driver. It may not be fancy or all that accelerated 
> but it works quite well. I have an nvidia card and cannot get it to work 
> for the life of me. the drive attached, but nothing happens after that. 
> It might be the fact that I have a PCI express card. But the vesa driver 
> is working just fine for me.

I have tried the vesa driver.  Indeed I re-use it sometimes when
I power-cycle the computer, because one of the quirks of the nv
driver is that it doesn't seem to be able to put the card into a
state where it actually displays a useful or stable image.  Once
the vesa driver has that sorted out, though, the nv driver seems
to work reliably for me, and seems to be slightly faster, thanks
(I think) to some 2D acceleration.

Other things the nv driver won't do for me: power control of
the monitor from screen-saver, and ability to drive my display
at its rated 1600x1200 resolution (logs claim that it's
restricted to 1280x1024 by BIOS, whatever that means...)
I don't think that the vesa driver can do either of those
either, though.


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Re: [bugs] SMP, KDE3 and OpenOffice

2006-07-16 Thread Andrew Reilly
On Sun, Jul 16, 2006 at 03:12:49PM +1000, Rob Hurle wrote:
>   I'm trying to set up FreeBSD on my box, which has an Intel
> D945GNT motherboard, two 3.2GHz processors, 1GB memory.  The system
> installs OK and I've been able to use cvsup to upgrade everything,
> remake the kernel (for SMP), build 2.0.2 KDE 3.5.

Just to clarify, are those processors amd64/em64, or ia32?  Are
you running a 32-bit or 64-bit system on them?  Aah.  I see from
your uname, below, that you're running i386 code.  That should
remove a few potential pitfalls.

> However, three problems remain unsolved in spite of all of these
> things:
> 1.  Only one processor seems to be used.  The output from top -S is:
>11 root  1 171   52 0K 8K CPU1   0   0:00 99.02% idle: cpu1
>12 root  1 171   52 0K 8K RUN0 139:40 98.34% idle: cpu0

It seems to me that the FreeBSD scheduler is pretty keen on
processor affinity, which is a good thing.  My AMD-X2 dual core
system has been up a good deal longer than yours, but the idle
times are still fairly different:

root  12 99.0  0.0 016  ??  RL8Jul06 9797:24.05 [idle: cpu0]
root  11 98.5  0.0 016  ??  RL8Jul06 11206:02.27 [idle: cpu1]

Do you get any activity on the other CPU if you do a buildworld
with make -j4 or so?

> 2.  KDE 3.5 does not like to run any screensaver.  They all run OK on
> test, and if I run the actual programs themselves, there is no
> problem.  However, KDE will not start them up automatically.

I'm afraid I run a GNOME system, so I can't help with that
problem.  The screen saver doesn't seem to have any trouble
starting under GNOME, but I haven't been able to get it to do
the DPMS monitor power-down yet.  Still investigating that.

> 3. does not like any of the files produced from
> anywhere else.  I have stuff written in StarOffice 5.2 and in MS Word,
> but none of these will open.  Even stuff written using
> 2 on a MS system is not acceptable.  The error is always "General I/O
> Error".  OpenOffice will read files that it has written quite OK and
> permissions, ownership, etc all seem to be OK.

I believe that most of the OOo file import functionality is
provided by Java modules, and it will successfully build without
this functionality if you don't have or don't want to run Java.
Do you have a working native Java implementation?  You might
need to get Java going before building (or re-building) OOo.

>   Neither the KDE nor the OpenOffice problem has altered by
> upgrading these two systems and the SMP problem is also the same as
> with the GENERIC kernel.  uname -a gives:
> FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE-p3 FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE-p3 #0: 
> Sat Jul 15 16:46:44 EST 2006 [EMAIL 
> PROTECTED]:/usr/src/sys/i386/compile/SMP  i386

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