CURRENT: "broken pipe" / SIGNAL 13 / no X11 / OpenLDAP/nscd weirdness

2013-03-06 Thread Hartmann, O.
The most recent CURRENT (FreeBSD 10.0-CURRENT #0 r247865: Wed Mar  6
08:52:15 CET 2013/amd64, built with CLANG and
CXXFLAGS+=  -stdlib=libc++
CXXFLAGS+=  -std=c++11
set in /etc/src.conf, for the record) does have some serious issues and
I'm wondering why others do not.

The problems I face affect ALL most recent FreeBSD CURRENT boxes. It
doesn't matter whether I use my customized kernel config or GENERIC.

The symptoms are weird. Using system commands like top(1) give me a
"broken pipe" on the console. Repeating the command gives me then after
a while top screen as expected.

Services, like OpenLDAP (which I use throughout all systems with nscd
and /etc/nsswitch.conf configured), nagios, hald, dbusd or starting X11,
doesn't work properly: starting or not starting seems to be a
statistical game.

Since some kernel modifications needs recompiling ports which provides
kernel modules, like


fail with

*** [do-extract] Signal 13

This happens to all ports I try to compile/recompile, but sometimes,
again the gamble, a simple make in the port's directory works and I can

Also strange and possibly a sort of indication for the problem is the
behaviour of sudo(1):

hartmann@gate: [~] sudo su -
hartmann@gate: [~]

sudo(1) does not switch to the superuser as it is expected, sometimes I
receive a "broken pipe" error, sometimes it works as expected.

In single user mode, I can cmpile ports without problems and I do not
see this "broken pipe" issue. To be able to compile and install a port,
I need to perform*** [do-extract] Signal 13

service ldconfig start

which works, so all "suspicious" libraries should be loaded (as a naiv
guess, I thought a miscompiled shared lib could casue the problem).
Well, in general for the ports problem, the SINGLEUSER mode doesn't show
the problem.

The X11 system isn't starting up anymore. The problem why this doesn't
work seems to "change":

with sources/kernel prior or equal to r247839, dbusd couldn't start
(obviously broken pipe ...).

Sporadically non-working services, like slapd (OpenLDAP) seem to start
after repeatedly issue "service slapd restart", but I can not reproduce
by a number the failings. Sometimes the services start at boot time on a
regular basis, sometimes not.

For further informations of the settings: I use TEMPFS for /var/run and
/tmp. This is common to all systems (but it doesn't affect single user
mode, somehow).

Things which do not work or solve the problem:

a) use a GENERIC kernel
b) avoid either in GENERIC or CUSTOM kernel CXXFLAGS+= in /etc/src.conf
c) disable nscd
d) recompile ports which cause trouble or tend to be highly
inresponsive: openldap24-sasl-client/server, pam_ldap, nss_ldap, sudo,
dbus and hal, xdm, xorg-server, virtualbox-ose-kmod

I tried to recompile for now several times the whole sources with all
standard setting (no custom /etc/src.conf or make.conf, also GENERIC
kernel). No salvation.

I also switched off SMP via setting


since this caused earlier some trouble - but this is more a desperate
move to narrow down the problem a bit.

I hope someone can reproduce this problem since I think I'm not the only
one who is using CURRENT in a server-like multiuser/workstation
environment (not only Vbox images, jails).


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Re: HELP! core dumps: install, mtree, et cetera all of the sudden after portmaster security/cyrus-sasl2

2012-08-17 Thread Hartmann, O.
On 08/16/12 17:44, Glen Barber wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 16, 2012 at 05:33:20PM +0200, Hartmann, O. wrote:
>> I ran into a very delicate and nasty situation.
>> On several boxes, FreeBSD 9.1-PRE and FreeBSD 10-CURRENT (build of
>> CURRENT sources from yesterday, r239295 Wed August 15 17:04:51 CEST 2012
>> amd64, I had to recompile all requirements of port Apache22, since after
>> the port update it core dumped.
>> On FreeBSD 9.1-PRE, with pkg(ng), things went well. Recompilation and
>> installation of all "portmaster -f apache-2.2" requirements went perfect.
>> On both FreeBSD 10-CURRENT boxes it ended up in a mess, all of a
>> sudden(!), while reinstalling port security/cyrus-sasl2, things started
>> to fail in a dramatik way!
>> On both FBSD 10 boxes, the installation of the port security/cyrus-sasl2
>> got corrupted by "install" and/or "mtree" dumping core and signalling
>> SIGNAL 11. Booting into multiuser mode is impossible, login core dumps
>> SIGNAL 11, many other daemons, too. The only way is to boot into single
>> user mode.
>> An installation failed due to pkg(ng) was missing via
> There is pkg-static for recovering in this type of situation.

Oh ... I'm new to pkg(ng).

>> portmaster or via core dumping install(1). By installing on one box, my
>> home box, port security/cyrus-sasl2 manually, luckily install(1) and
>> mtree(1) didn't coredump and it worked - and this precedure rescued me.
>> But on my lab's development box, it doesn't work!
>> On this specific box, where this nasty problem also occured the same way
>> by simply recompiling everything for port www/apache22, including the
>> reinstallation of port security/cyrus-sasl2. Nearly every binary is
>> suddenly coredumping (as on the home box). login, vi, install, devfs,
>> syslogd, mtree, id, find ... a whole lot of binaries seem to be
>> compromised by something I do not see ( perhaps?).
>> I tried to help myself via copying /rescue/vi to /usr/bin/vi to have at
>> least a working vi. But in /rescue, I can not find install or mtree. I'm
>> not familiar with the sophisticated ways of /rescue. Where are
>> install(1) and mtree(1)?
>> Trying to reinstall security/cyrus-sasl2 from single-user fails due
>> install coredumps. pkg(ng) fails due to missing and even
>> rejects being reinstalled. But /usr/local/lib/ is even there!
>> Disabling the use of pkg with commenting out WITH_PKGNG=yes in
>> /etc/make.conf leads to the above issues with mtree and install.
>> Disabling this pkgng tag leads to reinstallation of missing packages,
>> which are store in the pkgng sqlite format and not as ASCII anymore, but
>> then I get
>> /var/ No such file or directory
> Is this a typo, or literal transcription?  (The missing "/" between
> 'run' and '', that is.)

A typo, sorry. I had to type it from the screen of the broken box to the

>> Error: shared library "iconv.3" does not exist.
>> But most of the libs have never been touch! So what is the loader
>> complaining about?
>> Well, I'm floating like a dead man in the water and I'm glad that one
>> box survided although suffering from the same symptomes.
>> I tried to find rescue images and a rescue DVD of a snap shot server,
>> but there is no way to crawl through the informations on the web pages
>> towards a snapshot. All folders end up in 2011 and highly outdated
>> (, I didn't look at mirrors since I thought the main
>> server carries the most recent stuff). This isn't funny. No lead, no
>> hint, even in the download section.
> Yes, I have been complaining about this for a while now...

This is a so unneccessary issue. Why are people bothering themselfs with
hiding a bit of information? If one isn't a cold-blood developer aware
of all the neat knobs of FBSD and where to ask and where to look, a
novice or not-so-well-informed guy like me run into frustration. The
main page should have a hint present, where to find the newest stuff.
Leaving the officiela page the way it is at the moment in this specific
issue, it looks a bit "unmaintained" ...

>> If someone has some hints how to recompile the sources with an emergency
>> booted disk, I highly appreciate some desater advice. Maybe the release
>> of FreeBSD-10-CURRENT sources I compiled do have accidentally a nasty
>> bug, so it would be nice to u

HELP! core dumps: install, mtree, et cetera all of the sudden after portmaster security/cyrus-sasl2

2012-08-16 Thread Hartmann, O.

I ran into a very delicate and nasty situation.

On several boxes, FreeBSD 9.1-PRE and FreeBSD 10-CURRENT (build of
CURRENT sources from yesterday, r239295 Wed August 15 17:04:51 CEST 2012
amd64, I had to recompile all requirements of port Apache22, since after
the port update it core dumped.

On FreeBSD 9.1-PRE, with pkg(ng), things went well. Recompilation and
installation of all "portmaster -f apache-2.2" requirements went perfect.

On both FreeBSD 10-CURRENT boxes it ended up in a mess, all of a
sudden(!), while reinstalling port security/cyrus-sasl2, things started
to fail in a dramatik way!

On both FBSD 10 boxes, the installation of the port security/cyrus-sasl2
got corrupted by "install" and/or "mtree" dumping core and signalling
SIGNAL 11. Booting into multiuser mode is impossible, login core dumps
SIGNAL 11, many other daemons, too. The only way is to boot into single
user mode.

An installation failed due to pkg(ng) was missing via
portmaster or via core dumping install(1). By installing on one box, my
home box, port security/cyrus-sasl2 manually, luckily install(1) and
mtree(1) didn't coredump and it worked - and this precedure rescued me.
But on my lab's development box, it doesn't work!

On this specific box, where this nasty problem also occured the same way
by simply recompiling everything for port www/apache22, including the
reinstallation of port security/cyrus-sasl2. Nearly every binary is
suddenly coredumping (as on the home box). login, vi, install, devfs,
syslogd, mtree, id, find ... a whole lot of binaries seem to be
compromised by something I do not see ( perhaps?).

I tried to help myself via copying /rescue/vi to /usr/bin/vi to have at
least a working vi. But in /rescue, I can not find install or mtree. I'm
not familiar with the sophisticated ways of /rescue. Where are
install(1) and mtree(1)?

Trying to reinstall security/cyrus-sasl2 from single-user fails due
install coredumps. pkg(ng) fails due to missing and even
rejects being reinstalled. But /usr/local/lib/ is even there!
Disabling the use of pkg with commenting out WITH_PKGNG=yes in
/etc/make.conf leads to the above issues with mtree and install.
Disabling this pkgng tag leads to reinstallation of missing packages,
which are store in the pkgng sqlite format and not as ASCII anymore, but
then I get
/var/ No such file or directory
Error: shared library "iconv.3" does not exist.

But most of the libs have never been touch! So what is the loader
complaining about?

Well, I'm floating like a dead man in the water and I'm glad that one
box survided although suffering from the same symptomes.

I tried to find rescue images and a rescue DVD of a snap shot server,
but there is no way to crawl through the informations on the web pages
towards a snapshot. All folders end up in 2011 and highly outdated
(, I didn't look at mirrors since I thought the main
server carries the most recent stuff). This isn't funny. No lead, no
hint, even in the download section.

If someone has some hints how to recompile the sources with an emergency
booted disk, I highly appreciate some desater advice. Maybe the release
of FreeBSD-10-CURRENT sources I compiled do have accidentally a nasty
bug, so it would be nice to update the sources and have a complete
recompilation done.

Thanks in advance,

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Re: OpenLDAP 2.4.31 on FreeBSD 10.0-CURRENT/amd64 broken!

2012-05-05 Thread Hartmann, O.
On 05/06/12 01:55, Dimitry Andric wrote:
> On 2012-05-05 17:54, Hartmann, O. wrote:
>> Since Friday, I have on all of our FreeBSD 10.0-CURRENT/amd64 boxes
>> massive trouble with net/openldap24-server (SASL enabled, so it is
>> openldap-sasl-server).
>> Last time OpenLDAP worked was Thursday last week, when obviously a
>> problematic update to the OS was made
> I managed to reproduce the segfault you are seeing in slapd, which is
> caused by a problem in, introduced in r234947.
> Please apply the attached diff, rebuild lib/libthr and install it, and
> then try your slapd tests again.  Let us know. :)
> @David, can you please review this diff?  It looks like there was a
> mistake merging from Perforce, where you also moved the line:
> sc = SC_LOOKUP(wchan);
> to the top of the _sleepq_add() function, just before the call to
> _sleepq_lookup().  If this isn't done, sc may be uninitialized when it
> is dereferenced later on in the function.

Rebuild lib/libthr, installed.

Restarted slapd. slapd(8C) now starts as usual and takes queries.


every client using ldap for authetication is now reporting an error like:

login: pam_ldap: ldap_starttls_s: Connect error

While login on console with LDAP backed users is working although, login
with the very same users on xdm fails (replace login with xdm, the error
is always the same).

I will rebuild a whole system with the patch and report in again, since
I rebuilt only libthr and installed the lib, and rebooted in the first

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Re: OpenLDAP 2.4.31 on FreeBSD 10.0-CURRENT/amd64 broken!

2012-05-05 Thread Hartmann, O.
On 05/05/12 18:34, Chris Rees wrote:
> On 5 May 2012 16:55, "Hartmann, O."  wrote:
>> Hello lists.
>> Since Friday, I have on all of our FreeBSD 10.0-CURRENT/amd64 boxes
>> massive trouble with net/openldap24-server (SASL enabled, so it is
>> openldap-sasl-server).
>> Last time OpenLDAP worked was Thursday last week, when obviously a
>> problematic update to the OS was made - it is a wild guess, since I did
>> daily make world and by the end of the day after the last make world
>> things went worse. I'm sorry having no SVN release tag handy.
>> Well, here some facts.
>> 1) The update of net/openldap24-server has been performed earlier this
>> month and has been run successfully (2.4.31).
>> 2) It doesn't matter whether OpenLDAP is compiled with CLANG 3.1 or
>> legacy GCC 4.2.1, compiled with CLANG, slapd(8C)  coredumps immediately,
>> compiled with gcc, it starts, but when slapd(8C) gets accessed, it
>> coredumps immediately. A simple "id ohartmann" is enough.
>> 3) I recompiled OpenLDAP 2.4.31 client and server and it requisites via
>> "portmaster -f net/openldap24-server|client. No effect/success. I also
>> recompiled every port used with OpenLDAP: security/pam_ldap and
>> net/nss_ldap.
>> 4) OpenLDAP server uses DB5 based backend.
>> 5) The very same configuration (copied slap.d folder's .ldif files)
>> works fine on FreeBSD 9.0-STABLE/amd64, even compiled with CLANG. This
>> makes me believe this is a FreeBSD 10.0-CURRENT specific bug.
>> 6) Following is a truss output of the following comand issued:
>> /usr/local/libexec/slapd -d32 -o ldap -g ldap -F
>> /usr/local/etc/openldap/slapd.d :
>> [...]
>> connect(8,{ AF_INET },16)  ERR#61 'Connection
> refused'
>> shutdown(8,SHUT_RDWR)ERR#54 'Connection
>> reset by pee
>> r'
>> close(8) = 0 (0x0)
>> clock_gettime(13,{1336231852.0 })= 0 (0x0)
>> getpid() = 84297 (0x14949)
>> sendto(3,"<163>May  5 17:30:52 slapd[84297"...,97,0x0,NULL,0x0) = 97
> (0x61)
>> |SIGINFO|SIGUSR1|SIGUSR2,0x0) = 0 (0x0)
>> sigaction(SIGPIPE,{ SIG_DFL SA_RESTART ss_t },{ SIG_IGN 0x0 ss_t }) = 0
>> (0x0)
>> sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK,0x0,0x0) = 0 (0x0)
>> 4fa547ac ldif_read_file: checksum error on
>> "/usr/local/etc/openldap/slapd.d//cn=
>> config/olcDatabase={1}hdb.ldif"
>> 4fa547ac hdb_db_open: database "dc=walstatt,dc=dyndns,dc=org": unclean
>> shutdown
>> detected; attempting recovery.
>> 4fa547ad hdb_db_open: database "cn=accesslog": unclean shutdown
>> detected; attemp
>> ting recovery.
>> 4fa547ad slapd starting
>> setgroups(0x1,0x802c7a000,0x802c7c001,0x,0x0,0x0) ERR#4
>> 'Interrupted sys
>> tem call'
>> process exit, rval = 0
>> 7) Desperately, I tried nearly every variation of the configurable
>> "overlays", even those my configuration doesn't use. But this seems
>> nonesense since OpenLDAP worked before.
>> I'm floating like a dead man in the water and I was wondering if someone
>> else doesn't face this problem. FreeBSD is said to be run in large
>> environments, so at least one should have OpenLDAP as user backend
>> running ...
>> I need some help in this case.
> Why are you running -CURRENT in production?
> Chris
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Some has to report problems in the field and the new hardware in our
science lab benefits from some advantages in FBSD 10, at least

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OpenLDAP 2.4.31 on FreeBSD 10.0-CURRENT/amd64 broken!

2012-05-05 Thread Hartmann, O.
Hello lists.

Since Friday, I have on all of our FreeBSD 10.0-CURRENT/amd64 boxes
massive trouble with net/openldap24-server (SASL enabled, so it is

Last time OpenLDAP worked was Thursday last week, when obviously a
problematic update to the OS was made - it is a wild guess, since I did
daily make world and by the end of the day after the last make world
things went worse. I'm sorry having no SVN release tag handy.

Well, here some facts.

1) The update of net/openldap24-server has been performed earlier this
month and has been run successfully (2.4.31).

2) It doesn't matter whether OpenLDAP is compiled with CLANG 3.1 or
legacy GCC 4.2.1, compiled with CLANG, slapd(8C)  coredumps immediately,
compiled with gcc, it starts, but when slapd(8C) gets accessed, it
coredumps immediately. A simple "id ohartmann" is enough.

3) I recompiled OpenLDAP 2.4.31 client and server and it requisites via
"portmaster -f net/openldap24-server|client. No effect/success. I also
recompiled every port used with OpenLDAP: security/pam_ldap and

4) OpenLDAP server uses DB5 based backend.

5) The very same configuration (copied slap.d folder's .ldif files)
works fine on FreeBSD 9.0-STABLE/amd64, even compiled with CLANG. This
makes me believe this is a FreeBSD 10.0-CURRENT specific bug.

6) Following is a truss output of the following comand issued:

/usr/local/libexec/slapd -d32 -o ldap -g ldap -F
/usr/local/etc/openldap/slapd.d :

connect(8,{ AF_INET },16)  ERR#61 'Connection refused'
shutdown(8,SHUT_RDWR)ERR#54 'Connection
reset by pee
close(8) = 0 (0x0)
clock_gettime(13,{1336231852.0 })= 0 (0x0)
getpid() = 84297 (0x14949)
sendto(3,"<163>May  5 17:30:52 slapd[84297"...,97,0x0,NULL,0x0) = 97 (0x61)
|SIGINFO|SIGUSR1|SIGUSR2,0x0) = 0 (0x0)
sigaction(SIGPIPE,{ SIG_DFL SA_RESTART ss_t },{ SIG_IGN 0x0 ss_t }) = 0
sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK,0x0,0x0) = 0 (0x0)
4fa547ac ldif_read_file: checksum error on
4fa547ac hdb_db_open: database "dc=walstatt,dc=dyndns,dc=org": unclean
detected; attempting recovery.
4fa547ad hdb_db_open: database "cn=accesslog": unclean shutdown
detected; attemp
ting recovery.
4fa547ad slapd starting
setgroups(0x1,0x802c7a000,0x802c7c001,0x,0x0,0x0) ERR#4
'Interrupted sys
tem call'
process exit, rval = 0

7) Desperately, I tried nearly every variation of the configurable
"overlays", even those my configuration doesn't use. But this seems
nonesense since OpenLDAP worked before.

I'm floating like a dead man in the water and I was wondering if someone
else doesn't face this problem. FreeBSD is said to be run in large
environments, so at least one should have OpenLDAP as user backend
running ...

I need some help in this case.


P.S. Please set me CC, I'm not subscribing list "questions".
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Re: editors/libreoffice:internal build errors

2012-05-04 Thread Hartmann, O.
On 05/04/12 19:01, Robert Bonomi wrote:
> "Hartmann, O."  wrote:
>> Cc: 
>> Subject: editors/libreoffice:internal build errors: ERROR: error 65280
>> I found myself incapable of rebuilding/updating editors/libreoffice on
>> ALL FreeBSD 9-STABLE and FreeBSD 10-CURRENT (amd64) platforms with the
>> very same error message as shown below.
> Not to be obnoxious did you try doing what was recommended _in_the_error_
> _message_?
> If so, what were the results of -that-?
> If not, _why_ not?

I did, I did and it ended up as it ended up in the past 5 years with
Open-/LibreOffice and FreeBSD. It doesn't work.
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editors/libreoffice:internal build errors: ERROR: error 65280 occurred while making /usr/ports/editors/libreoffice/work/libreoffice-core-

2012-05-04 Thread Hartmann, O.
I found myself incapable of rebuilding/updating editors/libreoffice on
ALL FreeBSD 9-STABLE and FreeBSD 10-CURRENT (amd64) platforms with the
very same error message as shown below.

It doesn't matter whether I try to build/update with CLANG or the legacy
gcc 4.2.1. GCC 4.6 and 4.7 fail due to 32/64 bit incompatibilities (some
weird errors occur, not further investigated).

It seems impossible to rebuild even a former installed version of

Resources are no problem, I build Libreoffice with "DISABLE_MAKE_JOBS"
and in one case the box has 32GB of RAM -  and is free of other duties
for the time building LibreOffice.


O. Hartmann

/usr/local/bin/xsltproc --nonet --stringparam uri \
Compiling: lingucomponent/source/thesaurus/libnth/ntreg.cxx
Compiling: lingucomponent/source/thesaurus/libnth/nthesimp.cxx
'$LO_LIB_DIR/' -o
../../../ \

Compiling: lingucomponent/source/hyphenator/altlinuxhyph/hyphen/hreg.cxx
/usr/local/bin/xsltproc --nonet --stringparam uri \
'$LO_LIB_DIR/' -o
../../../../ \

/usr/local/bin/xsltproc --nonet --stringparam uri \
'$LO_LIB_DIR/' -o
../../../ \

/usr/local/bin/xsltproc --nonet --stringparam uri \
'$LO_LIB_DIR/' -o
../../ \


 Nothing to build for GUIBASE=unx
lingucomponent deliver
Module 'lingucomponent' delivered successfully. 12 files copied, 2 files

Oh dear - something failed during the build - sorry !
  For more help with debugging build errors, please see the section in:

  internal build errors:

ERROR: error 65280 occurred while making
ERROR: error 65280 occurred while making
ERROR: error 65280 occurred while making

 it seems you are using a threaded build, which means that the
 actual compile error is probably hidden far above, and could be
 inside any of these other modules:
 ucb vcl
 please re-run build inside each one to isolate the problem.

cd /usr/ports/editors/libreoffice/work/libreoffice-core-
source ./
cd odk
rm -Rf
# optional module 'clean'

when the problem is isolated and fixed exit and re-run 'make' from the
gmake[1]: *** [build] Error 1
gmake[1]: Leaving directory
gmake: *** [source-env-and-recurse] Error 2
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/editors/libreoffice.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/editors/libreoffice.

===>>> make failed for editors/libreoffice
===>>> Aborting update

===>>> Update for editors/libreoffice failed
===>>> Aborting update


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Re: The future of FreeBSD at Yahoo!

2011-10-25 Thread Hartmann, O.
On 10/25/11 18:09, Julian H. Stacey wrote:
> Hi,
> Reference:
>> From:"O. Hartmann"  
>> Date:Tue, 25 Oct 2011 12:48:12 +0200 
>> Message-id:  <> 
> "O. Hartmann" wrote:
>> The press in Germania is full of some statements, that Google is about 
>> to overtake Yahoo!. As far as I know, Yahoo! is one of the more popular 
>> and bigger, if not the biggest and last stronghold of a FreeBSD driven 
>> infrastructure. Despite the fact that even Google funded lots of coding 
>> for FreeBSD, I had the impression that Yahoo! might be one of the 
>> biggest contributor. And not to mention the psychological effect of 
>> hearing that such a company is utilizing a project like FreeBSD for 
>> potential newcomers in the business.
>> So, what is about the future of FreeBSD? Does FreeBSD have a site where 
>> all the goods that has been first invented by the FreeBSD/BSD folks or 
>> all the things that are thought about to come in future are 
>> shown/listed? Crawling the mailing lists is a really nasty work.
>> Thanks for having patience,
> Try
> Cheers,
> Julian
I will ;-)
Thanks for the hint.

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Groupware like OX for FreeBSD?

2011-10-22 Thread Hartmann, O.
I'd like to know whether the "power to serve" OS FreeBSD is also capable
of hosting a groupware like OX. I want to build a grupware server and
found OX really nice. Our lab's administration is using OX.
I can't find equivalent software for FreeBSD, but I may lack in the
right termini and so I do not find something suitable in the ports.

Does anyone has suggestions?


P.S. I doubt that OX is ever working for FreeBSD as a native application?
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portsnap fails: look: File too large

2011-10-15 Thread Hartmann, O.
Since today's morning I receive on every box this message shown below
while doing a 'portsnap fetch'.

What's wrong and how to repair?



Looking up mirrors... 5 mirrors found.
Fetching snapshot tag from done.
Fetching snapshot metadata... done.
look: File too large

Portsnap metadata appears bogus.
Cowardly refusing to proceed any further.

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Re: Thunderbird 6.0.2/7.0: Crashing when using with OpenLDAP backend

2011-09-29 Thread Hartmann, O.
On 09/29/11 18:31, Andrea Venturoli wrote:
> On 09/28/11 14:29, O. Hartmann wrote:
>> I run in a problem on FreeBSD 9.0-BETA3/10.0-CURRENT using OpenLDAP
>> (Cyrus SASL2 aktivated) and OpenLDAP backend (most recent client and
>> server). Thunderbird 6.0.2 and 7.0 coredumps with signal 11. I hadn't
>> any chance to check whether this also happens on 8.2-STABLE, but I'll
>> check this as soon as possible, since I run the same OpenLDAP backend
>> and configuration (also the Cyrus SASL2 libs, most recent from ports).
>> The boxes in question do have FreeBSD 9.0-BETA3/10.0-CUR compiled with
>> CLANG and Thunderbird is also compiled with CLANG.
>> Does anyone else experience these issues?
> You mean this?
>  bye
> av.

I think, the gdb output looked like yours. I have to check this when I'm
back in the bureau/lab. But I
remember that tha las line of the gdb-output before the backtrace
refered to

Oliver Hartmann
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Re: files/dd7c394c9c9ddf4b97f1b14c676f370adc259b2c7a4b8346eba0788a431db398.gz not found -- snapshot corrupt.

2011-08-14 Thread Hartmann, O.

On 08/14/11 11:48, Niclas Zeising wrote:

On 2011-08-13 12:08, Roland Smith wrote:

On Sat, Aug 13, 2011 at 09:51:41AM +0200, Hartmann, O. wrote:

On 08/13/11 09:26, Roland Smith wrote:

On Sat, Aug 13, 2011 at 12:43:52AM +0200, Hartmann, O. wrote:

On 08/12/11 22:54, Roland Smith wrote:

On Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 08:44:07PM +0200, Hartmann, O. wrote:


Does this file actually exist if you extract the snapshot? And are the
permissions et cetera OK?


No, it does not.

What I did so far over night:

I deleted /var/db/portsnap as well as /usr/ports/. Then I tried again.
Again failure.
After that it got the ports tree via CVS (make update in /usr/ports).
Everything seems
all right. I tried portsnap again. portsnap compalins about a
non-portsnap-created /usr/ports
and please me to use 'extract'. I do ... but then I run into the very
same failure:

(portsnap fetch extract:)
files/dd7c394c9c9ddf4b97f1b14c676f370adc259b2c7a4b8346eba0788a431db398.gz not
found -- snapshot corrupt.

I've been looking at the portsnap shellscript. This error message is generated
by the shell's built-in test command, specifically '[ -r'. It is looking for a
file that was extracted with tar. So the place to look for the bug is IMO

1) the portsnap script itself (differences between 8.2 and 9?)
2) the sh(1)'s built-in test command (ditto)
3) tar (ditto)

When you run 'portsnap fetch' it downloads a tgz archive and unpacks it with
tar(1). What you could try is to comment out the line 'rm ${SNAPSHOTHASH}.tgz'
in portsnap, and test if the tgz file extracts differently using an
8.2-RELEASE tar and the 9-CURRENT tar.  If so, that would be a bug!


Just a "me too!". It happens for me on a recently updated 9-current
virtual machine, built with clang.

Just got a notebook, build with the old gcc 4.2 of the system FreeBSD 
9.0/amd64 -r224579: portsnap works as expected.

I will build a most recent system on that box (with systems's outdated 
gcc 4.2) and I'll report if the problem is still present.

By the way: My boxes of failure are all built with CLANG.

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Re: files/dd7c394c9c9ddf4b97f1b14c676f370adc259b2c7a4b8346eba0788a431db398.gz not found -- snapshot corrupt.

2011-08-13 Thread Hartmann, O.

On 08/13/11 09:26, Roland Smith wrote:

On Sat, Aug 13, 2011 at 12:43:52AM +0200, Hartmann, O. wrote:

On 08/12/11 22:54, Roland Smith wrote:

On Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 08:44:07PM +0200, Hartmann, O. wrote:


Does this file actually exist if you extract the snapshot? And are the
permissions et cetera OK?


No, it does not.

What I did so far over night:

I deleted /var/db/portsnap as well as /usr/ports/. Then I tried again. 
Again failure.
After that it got the ports tree via CVS (make update in /usr/ports). 
Everything seems
all right. I tried portsnap again. portsnap compalins about a 
non-portsnap-created /usr/ports
and please me to use 'extract'. I do ... but then I run into the very 
same failure:

(portsnap fetch extract:)
files/dd7c394c9c9ddf4b97f1b14c676f370adc259b2c7a4b8346eba0788a431db398.gz not 
found -- snapshot corrupt.


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Re: files/dd7c394c9c9ddf4b97f1b14c676f370adc259b2c7a4b8346eba0788a431db398.gz not found -- snapshot corrupt.

2011-08-12 Thread Hartmann, O.

On 08/12/11 22:54, Roland Smith wrote:

On Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 08:44:07PM +0200, Hartmann, O. wrote:


This file is relatively recent; When I used portsnap yesterday, it wasn't
there, and now it is.

I do a postrmaster on a nearly daily basis. This occured this morning
(German standard time) to me the first time.

I did a portsnap just before my previous mail. It downloaded and extracted the
particular file without problem.

Have you fscked the volume that contains /var? If not I suggest you do. You
might be looking at filesystem corruption.

No I did not. If this is a inconsistent filesystem (I thought about this
also), then it
has occured on ALL(!) FreeBSD 9.0-CURRENT/amd64 boxes over night (this i
why I thought about the filesystem, since the FreeBSD 8.2/amd64-boxes do
not show this problem as I mentioned at the start of the post, my mistake).

Another data-point: I'm on 8.2-RELEASE amd64 as well and it doesn't show a
problem. So it could well be a CURRENT specific problem. But I would think
that the filesystem code would be pretty mature by now. Maybe some changes in
I have a FreeBSD 8.2-STABLE/amd64 server at my lab, no problems. My 
workstation, my laptop and my box at home are all FreeBSD 
9.0-CURRENT/amd64, recent system (r224803) and they have all without 
exception this problem.

I'll force a fsck as soon as possible. I started the boxes already and
they didn't show up any unclean filesystem so far ...

Since portsnap cannot find the file in question, I assume you have checked
that it existed and that it was a normal file etc?

Could it be a hardware issue? Some time ago I began to have random filesystem
corruption and lockups. After cleaning out two years worth of dust out of the
machine in question it now runs fine again.

No hardware issue. This hardware issue must have occured on three 
different systems the same time. An unlikely coincidence.

I did a complete fsck. No problems with the filesystem.
But the problem remains. Again, I'll delete /var/db/portsnap and if it 
doesn't help, I'll also delete /usr/ports ...


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Re: files/dd7c394c9c9ddf4b97f1b14c676f370adc259b2c7a4b8346eba0788a431db398.gz not found -- snapshot corrupt.

2011-08-12 Thread Hartmann, O.

On 08/12/11 20:21, Roland Smith wrote:

On Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 07:38:06PM +0200, Olivier Smedts wrote:

2011/8/12 Roland Smith:

On Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 05:46:37PM +0200, Hartmann, O. wrote:

Since today, I can not update my ports tree due to this error as follows.
This happens on all boxes running FreeBSD, the version of the OS (FBSD
8.2/9.0) doesn't
matter. What's up with the ports collection?

Probably nothing.

files/dd7c394c9c9ddf4b97f1b14c676f370adc259b2c7a4b8346eba0788a431db398.gz not
found -- snapshot corrupt.

This looks like a portsnap error. Remove everything in /var/db/portsnap, and
run 'portsnap fetch extract'.

Same error here and after removing all files in /var/db/portsnap/
except pub.ssl and serverlist*.

Did you clean out the files subdirectory as well? Try and remove
/var/db/portsnap completely.

I did ... I figured out that the files folder was populated with 90MB 
and > 22000 files. I checked that after the error occured and then 
killed the whole postsnap folder ...


This file is relatively recent; When I used portsnap yesterday, it wasn't
there, and now it is.
I do a postrmaster on a nearly daily basis. This occured this morning 
(German standard time) to me the first time.

Have you fscked the volume that contains /var? If not I suggest you do. You
might be looking at filesystem corruption.
No I did not. If this is a inconsistent filesystem (I thought about this 
also), then it
has occured on ALL(!) FreeBSD 9.0-CURRENT/amd64 boxes over night (this i 
why I thought about the filesystem, since the FreeBSD 8.2/amd64-boxes do 
not show this problem as I mentioned at the start of the post, my mistake).

I'll force a fsck as soon as possible. I started the boxes already and 
they didn't show up any unclean filesystem so far ...



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Re: files/dd7c394c9c9ddf4b97f1b14c676f370adc259b2c7a4b8346eba0788a431db398.gz not found -- snapshot corrupt.

2011-08-12 Thread Hartmann, O.

On 08/12/11 19:16, Roland Smith wrote:

On Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 05:46:37PM +0200, Hartmann, O. wrote:

Since today, I can not update my ports tree due to this error as follows.
This happens on all boxes running FreeBSD, the version of the OS (FBSD
8.2/9.0) doesn't
matter. What's up with the ports collection?

Probably nothing.

files/dd7c394c9c9ddf4b97f1b14c676f370adc259b2c7a4b8346eba0788a431db398.gz not
found -- snapshot corrupt.

This looks like a portsnap error. Remove everything in /var/db/portsnap, and
run 'portsnap fetch extract'.


That was the first I did ... but it doesn't help.

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files/dd7c394c9c9ddf4b97f1b14c676f370adc259b2c7a4b8346eba0788a431db398.gz not found -- snapshot corrupt.

2011-08-12 Thread Hartmann, O.

Since today, I can not update my ports tree due to this error as follows.
This happens on all boxes running FreeBSD, the version of the OS (FBSD 
8.2/9.0) doesn't

matter. What's up with the ports collection?



Extracting new files:
files/dd7c394c9c9ddf4b97f1b14c676f370adc259b2c7a4b8346eba0788a431db398.gz not 
found -- snapshot corrupt.

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Re: Heavy I/O blocks FreeBSD box for several seconds

2011-07-07 Thread Hartmann, O.

On 07/06/11 23:49, Oliver Pinter wrote:

On 7/6/11, Hartmann, O.  wrote:

On 07/06/11 21:36, Steve Kargl wrote:

On Wed, Jul 06, 2011 at 03:18:35PM -0400, Arnaud Lacombe wrote:


On Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 12:28 PM, Steve Kargl

On Wed, Jul 06, 2011 at 05:29:24PM +0200, O. Hartmann wrote:

I use SCHED_ULE on all machines, since it is supposed to be performing
better on multicore boxes, but there are lots of suggestions switching
back to the old SCHED_4BSD scheduler.

If you are using MPI in numerical codes, then you want
to use SCHED_4BSD. ?I've posted numerous times about ULE
and its very poor performance when using MPI.

It is rather funny to see that the post you point out has generated
exactly 0 meaningful follow-up then and as you mention later in this
thread, the issue still remains today :-)

Apparently, you are privy to my private email exchanges
with jeffr.

I'm also not sure why you're being sarcastic here.  The
issue was and AFAIK still is a problem for anyone using
FreeBSD in a HPC cluster.  ULE simply performs worse than

Well, I know only very little people using FreeBSD within a HPC cluster
or even for scientific purposes, except myself and some people around here.
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The problem is not only related to desktop boxes, it involves servers 
with "big" hardware as well.

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Re: Heavy I/O blocks FreeBSD box for several seconds

2011-07-06 Thread Hartmann, O.

On 07/06/11 21:36, Steve Kargl wrote:

On Wed, Jul 06, 2011 at 03:18:35PM -0400, Arnaud Lacombe wrote:


On Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 12:28 PM, Steve Kargl

On Wed, Jul 06, 2011 at 05:29:24PM +0200, O. Hartmann wrote:

I use SCHED_ULE on all machines, since it is supposed to be performing
better on multicore boxes, but there are lots of suggestions switching
back to the old SCHED_4BSD scheduler.

If you are using MPI in numerical codes, then you want
to use SCHED_4BSD. ?I've posted numerous times about ULE
and its very poor performance when using MPI.

It is rather funny to see that the post you point out has generated
exactly 0 meaningful follow-up then and as you mention later in this
thread, the issue still remains today :-)

Apparently, you are privy to my private email exchanges
with jeffr.

I'm also not sure why you're being sarcastic here.  The
issue was and AFAIK still is a problem for anyone using
FreeBSD in a HPC cluster.  ULE simply performs worse than

Well, I know only very little people using FreeBSD within a HPC cluster 
or even for scientific purposes, except myself and some people around here.

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Re: Heavy I/O blocks FreeBSD box for several seconds

2011-07-06 Thread Hartmann, O.

On 07/06/11 18:28, Steve Kargl wrote:

On Wed, Jul 06, 2011 at 05:29:24PM +0200, O. Hartmann wrote:

I use SCHED_ULE on all machines, since it is supposed to be performing
better on multicore boxes, but there are lots of suggestions switching
back to the old SCHED_4BSD scheduler.

If you are using MPI in numerical codes, then you want
to use SCHED_4BSD.  I've posted numerous times about ULE
and its very poor performance when using MPI.

Worth a try,
but most of my code I use is OpenMP, not MPI.

The post is of 2008, that's three years ago and 9.0 is on the brink to 
become released ...

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Howto create FAT32 bootable USB device with gpart?

2010-08-26 Thread Hartmann, O.
 Trying to create a bootable USB device (memory stick) with gpart - and 
failed. I need those USB mem sticks for BIOS flashing purposes on an 
older main PCB, utilizing FreeDOS. The old BIOS is capable of booting 
off from USB mem sticks, since I booted and installed FreeBSD via this 
method. But the creation of a bootable FreeDOS USB mem stick failed.
I have FreeBSD 9.0 as a mastering operating system and 8 GB sticks. 
These are the boundary conditions. Is there any way to perform this task 
with gpart?

Thanks in advance.

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Re: FreeBSD, GPGPU and OpenCL/CUDA

2010-08-16 Thread Hartmann, O.

 On 08/16/10 21:13, Pieter de Goeje wrote:

On Monday 16 August 2010 16:50:01 Anton Shterenlikht wrote:

On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 05:33:33PM +0300, Ivan Klymenko wrote:

I think it might be worthwhile to contact nVidia directly about this.
To raise awareness that there are people using FreeBSD for HPC and
that they very much would like to see OpenCL/CUDA supported.

how is this different from getting e.g. native Flash or Matlab on FBSD?
We've been trying to "raise awareness" for years..

So did we for the nvidia driver on amd64.

I'm not saying that we will be successful, I'm just saying if they're not even
aware of this need that it will never happen.

- Pieter

I think they are aware, but the number of users is very, very low. Since 
modern 3D accerlerated and GPGPU capable drivers are developed 
dominantly under Linux, BSDs lack in modern
architectures like KMS necessary running those modern drivers, so in 
case of the 64Bit video drivers it could be more a lack in the 
underlying technical infrastructure than the low number of users. But I 
do not know.

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Re: FreeBSD, GPGPU and OpenCL/CUDA

2010-08-16 Thread Hartmann, O.

 On 08/16/10 16:50, Anton Shterenlikht wrote:

On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 05:33:33PM +0300, Ivan Klymenko wrote:

I think it might be worthwhile to contact nVidia directly about this.
To raise awareness that there are people using FreeBSD for HPC and
that they very much would like to see OpenCL/CUDA supported.

how is this different from getting e.g. native Flash or Matlab on FBSD?
We've been trying to "raise awareness" for years..

I do not know any scientific group using FreeBSD anymore. Most of those 
groups used FreeBSD changed to Linux (mostly Redhat, some Ubuntu). Watching
Phoronix and their benchmarks speaks clear what OS is the first choice. 
Well, I like the staright forward, centralised organization and the 
academic heritage

of the BSDs and I would miss ZFS.

The essence is: there is no serious reason to convince compiler vendors 
or vendors of 3D graphics chips of supporting FreeBSD for a specific 
purpose if there is
no need -statistically. AMD/ATi in conjunction with OpenCL/LLVM was a 
great hope since the GPU vendor offered 3D specs of their chips to 
opensource vendors.
But on the other hand nVidia seems to be much better supported by 
Gallium3D these days although they haven't offered internal 3d specs. 
I'm confused and at the
end I have to decide. At the moment the comunity of astronomers and 
astrophysicist is sharing several very interesting N-body simulation 
code based on CUDA (open source)
but users and maybe rare scientists still using FreeBSD are excluded 
from using those benefits.

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Re: Freebsd Firefox problems

2010-07-10 Thread Hartmann, O.

On 07/10/10 02:46, Sander Janssen wrote:


I am currently having the same problems you were having with firefox 
3.6 on FreeBSD in February (I found the threads on the Freebsd-Ports 
mailing list). The thread doesn't seem to come up with an answer and I 
am wondering if you managed to solve the problem?

I am talking about firefox crashing when you use a context menu. I 
have tried a portupgrade -Rf firefox to try to recompile every depency 
but nothing has any effect. In my case thunderbird works correctly.

Any information would be useful.

Thanks in advance,

I have still this obscure problems. When "gettext" was updated and we 
have had to update any dependend port, within this procedure Firefox 3.6 
worked correctly as expected. But after the update was performed, 
everything remained as it was before. I did several times portmaster -f 
(which is the same as -R with portupgrade) to build every necessary 
port, but with no effect. I also performed the one-day-taking gettext 
update and, additionaly, I recompiled every port (nearly 1000 on my 
systems). No effect.
When delegating the client firefox to another X terminal, say to my 
workstation at home (login with ssh -Y for X11 portforwarding), no 
problems occur, so I guess the problem is riggered by X11 on the local 
machine and especially with the ATI radeonhd driver (which does not work 
correctly on many boxes and with low end Radeon HD 46XX or 47XX cards).

I have no idea. I use Opera for now on the machine in question.

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Re: HELP: cups - can not login on localhost to cups server

2010-05-31 Thread Hartmann, O.

On 05/31/10 18:37, Matthew Seaman wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On 31/05/2010 19:26:07, Hartmann, O. wrote:

my problem sounds trivial, but isn't. I can not login to my cups server
on localhost via http://localhost:631, which worked for me several
months ago. Well I installed a new host using FreeBSD 9.0-CUR and need
to add printers. Regarding to this problem I found a lot of stuff in the
net and mailing lists, but none of the hints and tipps worked for me.
First I will describe what I've already did.

1) ensured local BSD lpd is not running
2) on a prior installed system where cups is up and running printing is
possible but no administration (see subject), so  the problem seems to
be common.
3) followed some hints adding a user "root" with proper password via
4) deleted password.md5 and performed step 3) again
5) deleted all ports cups-* and /usr/local/cups folder and reinstalled
cups, ensured having nothing left in /usr/local/etc

The problem occured out of the blue to me, I possibly missed some
changes within the last row of updates.

Can anyone help?

Please eMail me since I'm not subscriber of the "question" list.

Thanks in advance,

Check /usr/local/etc/pam.d/cups -- change it to use pam_unix rather than
pam_unknown.  (pam_unknown is, errr..., unknown on FreeBSD...)
Like this: nodelay



- -- 
Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.   7 Priory Courtyard

   Flat 3
PGP: Ramsgate
JID:   Kent, CT11 9PW
Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.14 (Darwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


I did - and it works!
Thanks a lot.

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HELP: cups - can not login on localhost to cups server

2010-05-31 Thread Hartmann, O.

my problem sounds trivial, but isn't. I can not login to my cups server 
on localhost via http://localhost:631, which worked for me several 
months ago. Well I installed a new host using FreeBSD 9.0-CUR and need 
to add printers. Regarding to this problem I found a lot of stuff in the 
net and mailing lists, but none of the hints and tipps worked for me. 
First I will describe what I've already did.

1) ensured local BSD lpd is not running
2) on a prior installed system where cups is up and running printing is 
possible but no administration (see subject), so  the problem seems to 
be common.
3) followed some hints adding a user "root" with proper password via 

4) deleted password.md5 and performed step 3) again
5) deleted all ports cups-* and /usr/local/cups folder and reinstalled 
cups, ensured having nothing left in /usr/local/etc

The problem occured out of the blue to me, I possibly missed some 
changes within the last row of updates.

Can anyone help?

Please eMail me since I'm not subscriber of the "question" list.

Thanks in advance,

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magicfilter in FBSD 5.2 not working correctly

2003-12-14 Thread Hartmann, O.
Dear Sir.

Due to my bad English I will try to explain what kind of malfunktion I discovered
in the newest magicfilter 1.2 stuff. Prior to this malfunktion, I used magicfilter
in the desired way - fully functioning!

Base system is a FreeBSD 5.2-RC box acting as printserver for a couple of HP
network attached printers. Most of them are real PostScript printers with
Duplex facility and some colour printers have more than one paper tray which need
to be selected individually due to some transparencies inside some trays.

Here my specific problem.

I compiled ghostscript-gnu 7.07 from the ports and all the necessary stuff. I
also compiled a2ps-a4, psutils-a4 and magicfilter 1.2 as it is in the most recent

My intention is to have one line for each PostScript printer which sets specific
PS parameters for each print queue, for example select tray 2 for transparencies or
coloured plain papers or select whether the document should be printed duplexed or
simplex (several scientific reports need to be printed simplex, others duplex).

For this reason I wrote a magicfilter-filter file with this entry:

 example --
# lj4600-00-05-162-auto-s-filter

0 %!filter /usr/local/bin/psset -q 
0 \004%!filter /usr/local/bin/psset -q 

for automatic tray selection, simplex print.

Another filter file shows

 example --
# lj4600-00-05-162-auto-d-filter

0 %!filter /usr/local/bin/psset -q 
0 \004%!filter /usr/local/bin/psset -q 

the same for duplex. I have three more with the --setpagedevice=MediaPosition:XX otion 
set to select the
tray. This works with original PS-documents great! And I confirm: with PS documents I 
can do everything
I want!

So, now I need to print PDF and plain ASCII and I did this before on FreeBSD 4.8 boxes 
with magicfilter 1.1
by adding a line at the end like this:

0 %PDF  fpipe `/usr/local/bin/pdf2ps  $FILE - 2>/dev/null`

for converting PDF to PS files an reinject the output into the magicfilter to be 
regarding to the PS-tags above (simplex, duplex, tray select and so on).

Another in the past working tag for plain ASCII conversion was this line:

default   pipe/usr/local/bin/a2ps -q -R --columns=1 -B -j --ppd -k 
--prologue=color -o -

(on a colour printer system).

I got output with borderlines and appropriate to the PS-tags above I could print 
duplex or simplex or
selective trays.

And this does not work anymore!

Every printer I examinded (HP LJ4000, LJ4100DTN, CLJ4500, 2x CLJ4600DTN, LJ III, 
LJ1100) I realized,
that the printed file was piped into the print queue as is, unconversted, unprocessed!

I reduced several magicfilter filter files up to four lines, the two for PostScript, 
one for PDF and
the last 'default' for conversion with a2ps to print stupdi ASCII plain text as PS 

At last I will report, that I first used a working environment (printer setup, queue 
setup, magicfilter
setup, then I upgraded to FreeBSD 5.1 and the new magic filter stuff and since then 
nothing worked
as expected.
Another point seems to be that magicfilter isn't capable to inherit the ENVIRONMENT, 
so /usr/local/bin
is completely unknown if some filters like 'fixps' are needed. magicfilter should 
incorporate this
path, otherwise we need to link each needed program to /usr/bin and that's stupid 

It would be nice if someone has some solutions out here.

By the way:

This works fine on stupid non-PS printers:

- HP DJ 1120C A3 format printer 
# dj1120-00-05-273-auto-s-filter

# PostScript
0 %! filter /usr/local/bin/gs -q -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -r300 -sDEVICE=cdj550 
-sOutputFile=- -
0 \004%! filter /usr/local/bin/gs -q -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -r300 -sDEVICE=cdj550 
-sOutputFile=- -

# Acrobat PDF
0 %PDF  ffilter /usr/local/bin/gs -q -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -r300 -sPAPERSIZE=a3 
-sDEVICE=cdj550 -sOutputFile=-
$FILE -c


hope this helps. Many thanks for staying up to the end of my report and have patience.


O. Hartmann

Systemadministration des Institutes fuer Physik der Atmosphaere (IPA)
Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz
Becherweg 21
55099 Mainz

Tel: +496131/3924662 (Maschinenraum)
Tel: +496131/3924144 (Buero)
FAX: +496131/3923532
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Performance impact with SCHED_ULE in 5.1?

2003-10-17 Thread Hartmann, O.

Using SCHED_ULE instead of SCHED_4BSD seems to result in massive
performance losses in NFS in conjunction with the Intel "em"-NICs.

We use some Intel P4 based diskless/dataless nodes for numerical
calculations over GBit LAN (all machines have Intel PRO/1000 LAN
NICs) with "clusterit". On the "master" machine, which is also a P4
system with em-NIC, but SCHED_4BSD scheduler, those massive NFS
problems do not occur. I will do some tests to ensure its really
the SCHED_ULE option but at this stage I'm sure.

I also realised that on SMP machines with Intel 1000/PRO server NICs
and SCHED_ULE and ADAPTIVE_MUTEXES enabled the machine gets highly
instable (also in 5.1-CURRENT!).

On the production systems we use FreeBSD 5.1-RELEASE-p10.

Does anybody recognized similar problems?


O. Hartmann

Systemadministration des Institutes fuer Physik der Atmosphaere (IPA)
Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz
Becherweg 21
55099 Mainz

Tel: +496131/3924662 (Maschinenraum)
Tel: +496131/3924144 (Buero)
FAX: +496131/3923532
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/usr/bin/groff: can't find `DESC' file

2003-08-14 Thread Hartmann, O.

I ran into trouble when a make world of FreeBSD 5.1-CURRENT on a machine died.
A make world died after a install process with the groff:fatal error: can't find file.
A simple 'man' showed up the same error.

I downgraded to 5.1-RELEASE due to big problems with our SMP server, but I still have
no manpages!

I ggogled for this sepcific error and I found one solution, setting GROFF_TMAC_PATH and
GROFF_FONT_PATH by hand. But what wicked up the system? How to repair? Can anyone

Thanks a lot.


O. Hartmann

Systemadministration des Institutes fuer Physik der Atmosphaere (IPA)
Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz
Becherweg 21
55099 Mainz

Tel: +496131/3924662 (Maschinenraum)
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groff: can't file `DESC´ file

2003-08-14 Thread Hartmann, O.

Tried today to make a make world on a FreeBSD 5.1-RELEASE-p2 box. Process
died with the following error:

===> share/doc/usd/13.viref
sed -e 's:^\.so$:&.\\*[.T]:' 
/usr/src/share/doc/usd/13.viref/../../../../contrib/nvi/docs/USD.doc/vi.ref/vi.ref >
sed -e 's:^\.so index\.so\.\\\*\[\.T\]$::' vi.ref-patched |  groff -Tascii -U
-I/usr/src/share/doc/usd/13.viref/../../../../contrib/nvi/docs/USD.doc/vi.ref -t 
-mtty-char -me -o1- -U -z
groff: can't find `DESC' file
groff:fatal error: invalid device `ascii'
*** Error code 3

Stop in /usr/src/share/doc/usd/13.viref.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/src/share/doc/usd.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/src/share/doc.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/src/share.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/src.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/src.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/src.

This occured after a crash of a make world and something went wrong with groff/tmac.

I tried to recover from that vrash but with no success.

I did:

- tried to install groff manually, no success, don't know how and some GOOGLE- reports 
about a similar
  problem do not work (like a make clean obj depend install).

- set GROFF_FONT_PATH=/usr/share/groff_font manually, also GROFF_TMAC_PATH, no success!

- I clean /usr/src and polled for completely new stuff and tried to reinstall world, 
no success!

- selected NO_SHAREDDOC in /etc/make.conf, this works but something went wrong with 
the manpages, no manpages
  available after this. man  does not work after this procedure.

manpages also do not work.

Can anyone help?

Thank you very much in advance,

O. Hartmann

Systemadministration des Institutes fuer Physik der Atmosphaere (IPA)
Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz
Becherweg 21
55099 Mainz

Tel: +496131/3924662 (Maschinenraum)
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FBSD 5.1-RELEASE-p2 crashes/SMP wont work

2003-08-14 Thread Hartmann, O.

Since we upgraded our SMP server (TYAN Thunder 2500 based system) from FreeBSD 4.8
to FreeBSD 5.1-RELEASE the machine crashed sporadicaly while in heavy load or wont
start after recognition of the AMI Enterprise 1600 RAID controller!

Kernel of FBSD 5.1-RELEASE start in single user mode, 5.1-RELEASE-p2 doesn't!

At this moment, the only working kernel is a 5.1-CURRENT kernel from two weeks ago
(see dmesg output below).

FreeBSD 5.1-RELEASE worked for a while, but when samba started and under heavy load
the system crashes (I got no error message, sorry).

FreeBSD 5.1-RELEASE-p2 doesn't want to start anymore! The last line I see while kernel 
booting is this:

amrd0:  on amr0
amrd0: 245014MB (501788672 sectors) RAID 5 (optimal)

and it freezes forever.

Sometimes I see this message below the last line:

amr0: bad slot 2 completed


amr0: bad slot 15 completed

What does it mean? Is this something like a problem in IRQ routing?

normaly, after the RAID controler has been recognized, a message about the launched 
second CPU
shows up.

Using the most recent freeBSD 5.1-CURRENT stuff is impossible on our machine, it 
freezes completely after a while
or does a spontanous reboot (earlier versions did not!).

Is any help available?

Another couriosity is that kernels build with SCHED_ULE freeze much faster than those 
build with
SCHED_4BSD, but SCHED_ULE kernels seem to boot, while SCHED_4BSD kernels sometimes do 

Tnaks a lot for your help.

This is dmesg of the running and obviously working kernel:

Copyright (c) 1992-2003 The FreeBSD Project.
Copyright (c) 1979, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994
The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
FreeBSD 5.1-CURRENT #2: Fri Jul 25 11:45:43 GMT 2003
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/ATMOS
Timecounter "i8254"  frequency 1193182 Hz
Timecounter "TSC"  frequency 868644587 Hz
CPU: Intel Pentium III (868.64-MHz 686-class CPU)
  Origin = "GenuineIntel"  Id = 0x683  Stepping = 3
real memory  = 2147483648 (2048 MB)
avail memory = 2086006784 (1989 MB)
Programming 16 pins in IOAPIC #0
IOAPIC #0 intpin 2 -> irq 0
Programming 16 pins in IOAPIC #1
FreeBSD/SMP: Multiprocessor System Detected: 2 CPUs
 cpu0 (BSP): apic id:  1, version: 0x00040011, at 0xfee0
 cpu1 (AP):  apic id:  0, version: 0x00040011, at 0xfee0
 io0 (APIC): apic id:  2, version: 0x000f0011, at 0xfec0
 io1 (APIC): apic id:  3, version: 0x000f0011, at 0xfec01000
netsmb_dev: loaded
Pentium Pro MTRR support enabled
npx0:  on motherboard
npx0: INT 16 interface
pcibios: BIOS version 2.10
Using $PIR table, 12 entries at 0xc00fdf00
pcib0:  at pcibus 0 on motherboard
pci0:  on pcib0
IOAPIC #1 intpin 13 -> irq 2
IOAPIC #1 intpin 12 -> irq 16
pcib1:  at device 0.1 on pci0
pci1:  on pcib1
IOAPIC #1 intpin 1 -> irq 17
pci1:  at device 0.0 (no driver attached)
sym0: <896> port 0xf800-0xf8ff mem 0xfeafe000-0xfeaf,0xfeafac00-0xfeafafff irq 2 
at device 1.0 on pci0
sym0: Symbios NVRAM, ID 7, Fast-40, SE, parity checking
sym0: open drain IRQ line driver, using on-chip SRAM
sym0: using LOAD/STORE-based firmware.
sym0: handling phase mismatch from SCRIPTS.
sym1: <896> port 0xf400-0xf4ff mem 0xfeafc000-0xfeafdfff,0xfeafa800-0xfeafabff irq 16 
at device 1.1 on pci0
sym1: Symbios NVRAM, ID 7, Fast-40, LVD, parity checking
sym1: open drain IRQ line driver, using on-chip SRAM
sym1: using LOAD/STORE-based firmware.
sym1: handling phase mismatch from SCRIPTS.
isab0:  port 0x500-0x50f at device 15.0 on pci0
isa0:  on isab0
pci0:  at device 15.1 (no driver attached)
pcib2:  at pcibus 2 on motherboard
pci2:  on pcib2
IOAPIC #1 intpin 8 -> irq 18
em0:  port 0xf0c0-0xf0ff mem 
0xf7ee-0xf7ef irq 18 at device 1.0 on pci2
em0:  Speed:N/A  Duplex:N/A
pcib3:  at device 2.0 on pci2
pci3:  on pcib3
IOAPIC #1 intpin 11 -> irq 19
pcib4:  at device 0.0 on pci3
pci4:  on pcib4
IOAPIC #1 intpin 10 -> irq 20
amr0:  mem 0xf000-0xf3ff irq 20 at device 0.0 on pci4
amr0:  Firmware G170, BIOS F316, 64MB RAM
pci3:  at device 1.0 (no driver attached)
pci3:  at device 2.0 (no driver attached)
orm0:  at iomem 0xca000-0xcdfff,0xc-0xc9fff on isa0
fdc0:  at port 
0x3f7,0x3f0-0x3f5 irq 6 drq 2 on isa0
fdc0: FIFO enabled, 8 bytes threshold
fd0: <1440-KB 3.5" drive> on fdc0 drive 0
atkbdc0:  at port 0x64,0x60 on isa0
atkbd0:  flags 0x1 irq 1 on atkbdc0
kbd0 at atkbd0
psm0:  irq 12 on atkbdc0
psm0: model IntelliMouse, device ID 3
vga0:  at port 0x3c0-0x3df iomem 0xa-0xb on isa0
sc0:  at flags 0x100 on isa0
sc0: VGA <8 virtual consoles, flags=0x300>
sio0 at port 0x3f8-0x3ff irq 4 flags 0x10 on isa0
sio0: type 16550A
sio1 at port 0x2f8-0x2ff irq 3 on isa0
sio1: type 16550A
unknown:  can't assign resources (port)
psmcpnp0: irq resource info is missing; assuming irq 12
unknown:  can't assign resources (port)
unknown:  can't assign resources (port)
unknown:  can't assign resources (port)
APIC_IO: Testing 8254 interrupt delivery
APIC_IO: Broke

diskless: FBSD 5.1 fails, 5.0 and 4.8 do it

2003-06-15 Thread Hartmann, O.

Our setup for a cluster and a bunch of diskless terminals utilizes
a DHCP and NFS server to do the job. Each client boots via PXE
(Intel NICs) and then mounts its root filesystem via NFS. This
setup works now for a really long time but it doesn't with rcNG!!

Using the new style setup with RCNG exclusively the cient boots its
kernel and then fails working on the rc-scripts. I figured out that
the client does not recognize whether it is diskless or not. Doing
so with the old style rc.diskless scripts works perfect.

I became aware of the problem when changing the setup from old style
rc scripts towards rc_ng. After mounting root FS, the client operates
on /rootpath/etc/rc script and should then recognize it is diskless
and therefore switch to rc.d/diskless and rc.d/initdiskless. These
two special scripts should then merge conf/base/etc. conf/default/etc
and conf/IP/etc together. This worked in 4.8 and 5.0 and it still works
when using the old 4.8/5.0 script stuff together with the new
5.1 binaries and kernel. But nothing works with rc-ng only. No memory
disk gets created, no merging is done, no diskless tasks are performed.
The process remains in the read only root filesystem and fails.

I am sure the RCNG script does not recognize a diskless operation while
with the same kernel the old style rc-system does.

has anyone the same problem? Can anyone help? What's different with the
new RCNG system to get it working?

Thanks in advance,

O. Hartmann

Systemadministration des Institutes fuer Physik der Atmosphaere (IPA)
Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz
Becherweg 21
55099 Mainz

Tel: +496131/3924662 (Maschinenraum)
Tel: +496131/3924144 (Buero)
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WRITE FILEMARKS. CDB: 10 0 0 0 1 0/ Sequential positioning error

2003-04-02 Thread Hartmann, O.
Dear Sirs.

I did not count the postings I wrote to this group, it seems, in respect to the 
that really few people have DAT changers or a similar problem like me.

The problem I wish to describe is really serious to us and it hits two newer HP DDS4 
drive units, one single drive and one 6 cardridge changer unit.

What happens:

Since FreeBSD 4.6.2 (and exactly since then!) at the end of a DDS 4 tape I receive on
both machines at which the tape drive units are attached the same error from the 

Mar  2 23:28:31  atmos last message repeated 14 times
Mar  2 23:28:33  atmos /kernel: (sa0:sym0:0:5:0): WRITE FILEMARKS. CDB: 10 
0 0 0 1 0
Mar  2 23:28:33  atmos /kernel: (sa0:sym0:0:5:0): MEDIUM ERROR asc:3b,0
Mar  2 23:28:33  atmos /kernel: (sa0:sym0:0:5:0): Sequential positioning 
Mar  2 23:28:33  atmos /kernel: (sa0:sym0:0:5:0): failed to write 
terminating filemark(s)
Mar  2 23:28:33  atmos /kernel: (sa0:sym0:0:5:0): tape is now frozen- use 
MTEOM command to clear this state.
Mar  2 23:28:33  atmos /kernel: (sa0:sym0:0:5:0): tape is now frozen- use 
MTEOM command to clear this state.

(This is the error on ATMOS, a dual CPU system with a HP SureStore 40x6i, dmesg is 

On the other machine the error message is as follows:

Mar  1 22:25:43  klima /kernel: (sa0:sym0:0:4:0): WRITE FILEMARKS. CDB: 10 
0 0 0 1 0
Mar  1 22:25:43  klima /kernel: (sa0:sym0:0:4:0): MEDIUM ERROR asc:3b,0
Mar  1 22:25:43  klima /kernel: (sa0:sym0:0:4:0): Sequential positioning 
Mar  1 22:25:43  klima /kernel: (sa0:sym0:0:4:0): failed to write 
terminating filemark(s)
Mar  1 22:25:43  klima /kernel: (sa0:sym0:0:4:0): tape is now frozen- use 
MTEOM command to clear this state.
Mar  1 22:25:44  klima /kernel: (sa0:sym0:0:4:0): tape is now frozen- use 
MTEOM command to clear this state.

(This is the error on KLIMA, also a dual CPU system with a HP DAT40 single tape drive 
unit, dmesg attached)

On both machines, this error occured the same time and exactly at that point, when we 
moved from
FreeBSD 4.6 to 4.6.2-RELEASE. I think it's obvious that this could not be a drive 

I search google.groups for similar problems. I found several unanswered postings. I 
was said, that
this could be a hardware defect or a tape defect. I exclude hardware defect due to the 
mentioned fact above.
I changed 10 brand new original HP DDS4 tapes to another set of 10 brand new original 
HP tapes.
That did not change anything.

On both tape drives I did a 'mt erase' on a tape cardridge, but I received an error 
two times:

Apr  2 15:29:47  atmos /kernel: sym0:5:control msgout: 80 6.

(on KLIMA it is the same message, two different tapes!).

For your information:

Bot tape units do have the standard DIP switch settings as for PC/PC-UNIX systems 
as mentioned in HPs documentation).

On the HP SureStore 40x6i changer, 'mt status' offers this status message:

root: /var/log: mt status
Mode  Density  Blocksize  bpi  Compression
Current:  0x26:DDS-4   1024 bytes 97000DCLZ
-available modes-
0:0x26:DDS-4   1024 bytes 97000DCLZ
1:0x26:DDS-4   1024 bytes 97000DCLZ
2:0x26:DDS-4   1024 bytes 97000DCLZ
3:0x26:DDS-4   1024 bytes 97000DCLZ
Current Driver State: at rest.
File Number: 0  Record Number: 0Residual Count 0

On the HP DAT40 single tape drive unit 'mt status' offers this:

root: /var/log: mt status
Mode  Density  Blocksize  bpi  Compression
Current:  0x26:DDS-4   1024 bytes 97000DCLZ
-available modes-
0:0x26:DDS-4   1024 bytes 97000DCLZ
1:0x26:DDS-4   1024 bytes 97000DCLZ
2:0x26:DDS-4   1024 bytes 97000DCLZ
3:0x26:DDS-4   1024 bytes 97000DCLZ
Current Driver State: at rest.
File Number: 0  Record Number: 0Residual Count 0

'mt geteotmodel' offers:

root: /var/log: mt geteotmodel
/dev/nsa0: the model is 1 filemark at EOT

on both machines.

The software we use for backups is afbackup in its most recent release. I can read 
each file
backuped on the tapes execept those which ends up on one tape that has not been closed 
due to
the error mentioned above and to be continued on the second tape.

I think it seems not to be a afbackup software problem. afbackup worked perfect before
4.6.2 (we used 4.6-RELEASE before going on with 4.6.2).

I read an article in,,0xd6afba808b46d611abda0090277a778c,00.html

describing a similar problem and HP suggests a recalibration of the tape drive unit.
That sounds senseless to me.

Is someon ou

diskless root-etc and special-etc struggles

2003-03-30 Thread Hartmann, O.

Testing new 5.0-Current stuff for diskless booting I ran into struggle
with some kind of misleading hierarchy in how /etc and /conf/default/etc
ist treated.

I use an environment for diskless systems that has well populated specific
i(assuming I am chrooted to the diskless root partition):

/conf/base/etc, /conf/default/etc and /conf/MY.IP/etc

It works as exspected - but not in all ways.
/etc in diskless environment can not be left empty, the startup seems to need
rc, rc.subr and both rc.diskless[12] files to get clear to startup. rc.d and
the new RCng facility does not work.

Am I right to say: we need rc, rc.subr and both rc.diskless1 and 2 for a proper
diskless boot? Does this imply that rc.d for diskless does not work?
I tried to clean /etc or populated /etc/defaults but that ends up in a dead
diskless system.

Please, this is only a question. At the moment I feel happy that diskless works again
in 5.X and hope it works with RCng soon.


O. Hartmann

Systemadministration des Institutes fuer Physik der Atmosphaere (IPA)
Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz
Becherweg 21
55099 Mainz

Tel: +496131/3924662 (Maschinenraum)
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PICOBSD /dev/mdxx memory disk problems

2003-03-28 Thread Hartmann, O.
Dear Sirs.

I use FreeBSD 5.0-CURRENT on several experimental systems. I try to test
new diskless and picobsd facilities and abilities of the newest FBSD
5.0-CURRENT stuff and I am a little bit disappointed.

First there is a little bug in the picobsd shell-script/command:

newfs does no longer support option '-p', so this runs into a failure.

When buidling a picobsd image I get this error:


*** init_fs_image()
/usr/src/release/picobsd/build_dir-bastion/fs.PICOBSD 8192

*** Labeling MFS image

*** Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/md1c   79830  7983 0%/var/tmp/picobsd.S98gZK4mQz

*** Copy mfs tree into file

*** Status of mfs image
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Avail Capacity iused ifree %iused  Mounted on
/dev/md1c   7983 1458  652518%  81  10697%
fsck: exec /usr/sbin/fsck_4.2BSD for /dev/md1c: No such file or
Warning: creating filesystem that does not conform to ISO-9660.

--- snap

The last warning is due to several special mkisofs options that are not
conform. Important is the failure of building the MFS filesystem.
It seems that /dev/md1c is really present, but when fsck tries to check
it, it gets an error.

I have a similar error on diskless boot process in FreeBSD 5.0-CURRENT,
where obviously no memory disk can be created.
Can someon verify or falsify these oberservations?

Thanks a lot ...


O. Hartmann

Systemadministration des Institutes fuer Physik der Atmosphaere (IPA)
Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz
Becherweg 21
55099 Mainz

Tel: +496131/3924662 (Maschinenraum)
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WRITE FILEMARKS. CDB: 10 0 0 0 1 0 MEDIUM ERROR asc:3b,0

2003-03-19 Thread Hartmann, O.

Since FreeBSD 4.6.2 I receive on one of our systems which does backups
on a HP Sure Store 6x40i Cardridge handler DAT tape using afbackup the following
error when tape end has been reached:

(sa0:sym0:0:5:0): WRITE FILEMARKS. CDB: 10 0 0 0 1 0
(sa0:sym0:0:5:0): MEDIUM ERROR asc:3b,0
(sa0:sym0:0:5:0): Sequential positioning error
(sa0:sym0:0:5:0): failed to write terminating filemark(s)
(sa0:sym0:0:5:0): tape is now frozen- use an OFFLINE, REWIND or MTEOM command to clear 
this state.
(sa0:sym0:0:5:0): tape is now frozen- use an OFFLINE, REWIND or MTEOM command to clear 
this state.

The tape unit gets cleaned every 6 tapes or earlier, the tape cardrdges are original 
HP tapes.
I changed several tapes because I thought the could be demaged but with no effect. It 
is still
the same. Other tapes out of the 54 tapes in the backup set do not show this error, 
other do.

Can you explain what kind of error the kernel shows and on what this could rely on?

I made a very corious observation during the switch from FreeBSD 4.2 towards 4.6.X.
We moved back to 4.2 once and all these errors disappeared, when got back to 4.6.2
they were present as well as before, means: the error came with 4.6.2! I checked the
newsgroups and found several articles describing this error and the occurence with the 
of 4.6 to 4.6.X. But no solution, no explanation. What has been changed in the drivers?

Has anyone any idea?

Thanks in advance,

O. Hartmann

Systemadministration des Institutes fuer Physik der Atmosphaere (IPA)
Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz
Becherweg 21
55099 Mainz

Tel: +496131/3924662 (Maschinenraum)
Tel: +496131/3924144 (Buero)
FAX: +496131/3923532

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Re: FBSD 5.0 diskless environment does not work!

2003-03-12 Thread Hartmann, O.
On Wed, 12 Mar 2003, Kris Kennaway wrote:

:>On Wed, Mar 12, 2003 at 03:43:52PM +0100, Hartmann, O. wrote:
:>> Possibly I should repeat in short terms what I did when 'migrating'
:>> from the working 4.X diskless system to the 5.0 system.
:>I think some of the directory layout needed for diskless nfs booting
:>was frobbed by dillon a few months ago (I had some trouble updating my
:>diskless machines past this change, although I think that was mostly
:>because of a typo in his commit that went unnoticed/untested for a few
:>months).  Compare your previous installation to the comments in
:>rc.diskless (and I presume, the manpage).

Dear Kris,

It's me again.

I tried now the old fashioned rc.-script way and that do some 'diskless' recognition.
The first row after the kernel has been mounted its root from the server is
filled with IP, gateway etc.

The next row shows some formating information and reports that md0c (RAM disk?) has
been formated. But then the next row shows another error:

mount: /dev/md0c: No such file or directory

Then a bunch of cp failures shows up and at the end I receive a error
(but this can be ignored, I think) and kernel drops into /bin/sh as it does when
boot fails (and it fails in this case, but I compared it with a normal disk-boot).

I did a ls -l on /dev and saw /dev/md0c already there. It seems weird to me ... sorry.

rc.d does not work, definitely not. Maybe some of the routines in rc or rc.subr
skip over initdiskless or some other essential scripts.
I will give up for today, switch back to the running config and images up to tommorrow.
Will do tomorrow next investigations ...

O. Hartmann

Systemadministration des Institutes fuer Physik der Atmosphaere (IPA)
Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz
Becherweg 21
55099 Mainz

Tel: +496131/3924662 (Maschinenraum)
Tel: +496131/3924144 (Buero)
FAX: +496131/3923532

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-questions" in the body of the message

Re: FBSD 5.0 diskless environment does not work!

2003-03-12 Thread Hartmann, O.
On Wed, 12 Mar 2003, Kris Kennaway wrote:

Dear Kris.

At the momnent I do several stupid tasks on the faulty environment
and I got several new informations which are hopefully helpful.

I deleted all rc.* files in etc except rc and rc.subr because they
seem to be needed. I wish to use rc_ng and therefore configured
rc.conf (by default it does).

Within rc I found this line:

files=`rcorder -k ${os} -s nostart /etc/rc.d/* 2>/dev/null`

It shows us the order in which the rc.d/-located scripts get passed
through. The first one is 'initdiskless', when I do
files=`rcorder -k FreeBSD -s nostart *
being within the rc.d of the diskless environment.

Just for fun I provided this file with an additional line at the first
place it should show me something like

echo "Hello, this is initdiskless"

and then tried to boot the diskless station again.
The boot process was normal, kernel got bootstrapped but this specific file
never got touched (in meanwhile I tried to set manually 'nfs.diskless_valid="1"'
in boot/loader.conf.local).

I think something got wind up in rc or rc.subr that prevents initdiskless get
executed. I'm not competent to do the work (braindamaged, stupid guy I am...).
Maybe there is another tricky point on which the whole thing collapses which
is invisible to me.

I nice feature would be to have some 'knob' switching on/off debugging, maybe
this is possible or already realized in the shell? How to do the verbosity task?

Within an other experiment I tried the old way to pass through the init scripts,
means: using the old rc.*-styles.
Then I get another weird error message. These scripts obviously walk through 
and rc.diskless2 but I got a failure about a missing device md0c, which means to me:
no RAM disk. And therefore all subsequent errors are relying on this because the
copy actions fail.

Bytheway, I do not know how to do a fast and 'out of the long bug report way' bug
report: while the newest 5.0-CURRENT stuff got rid of Kerberos  IV, thenaming of the
kerberos/heimdal services did some changing and in /etc/defaults/rc.conf it has
to be

kadmind5_server="/usr/libexec/kadmind" # path to kerberos 5 admin daemon

instead of

kadmind5_server="/usr/libexec/k5admind" # path to kerberos 5 admin daemon

Best wishes and thanks for your quick response,

:>On Wed, Mar 12, 2003 at 03:43:52PM +0100, Hartmann, O. wrote:
:>> Possibly I should repeat in short terms what I did when 'migrating'
:>> from the working 4.X diskless system to the 5.0 system.
:>I think some of the directory layout needed for diskless nfs booting
:>was frobbed by dillon a few months ago (I had some trouble updating my
:>diskless machines past this change, although I think that was mostly
:>because of a typo in his commit that went unnoticed/untested for a few
:>months).  Compare your previous installation to the comments in
:>rc.diskless (and I presume, the manpage).

O. Hartmann

Systemadministration des Institutes fuer Physik der Atmosphaere (IPA)
Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz
Becherweg 21
55099 Mainz

Tel: +496131/3924662 (Maschinenraum)
Tel: +496131/3924144 (Buero)
FAX: +496131/3923532

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-questions" in the body of the message

Re: FBSD 5.0 diskless environment does not work!

2003-03-12 Thread Hartmann, O.
On Tue, 11 Mar 2003, M. Warner Losh wrote:

:>In message: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
:>    "Hartmann, O." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
:>: Can anyone help? Has someone a runnng diskless FBSD 5.0-R/5-CURRENT
:>: environment?
:>I fixed a couple of bugs in the /etc/rc.d files that broke diskless
:>boots about a month or two so after 5.0-RELEASE.  It would have
:>precluded diskless systems network from working most of the time.

Dear Warner.
I cvsupdate, build worl and already mergmastered the newest stuff from
FreeBSD 5.0-CURRENT to avoid being outdated.

Possibly I should repeat in short terms what I did when 'migrating'
from the working 4.X diskless system to the 5.0 system.

I backuped everything so I can switch back to the working stuff.
I installed a clear, fresh copy of a FreeBSD 5.0-CURRENT into
the root path of the diskless stations, e.g. for the X11 terminals
this is /usr/diskless/xterm.
I populated /conf/[base,default,IP. as well as /etc.
The config looks like very primitive and I did the whole config
from scratch, so there should nothing be left from the 4.0 config.

DHCP (isc-dhcpd) works like it worked before, no changes.

The diskless station offers a request via PXE (Intel fxp device),
gets IP and pxeboot file, loads kernel, bootstraps kernel and then
does the whole stuff as it would be a standalone machine. It does
not touch the diskless scripts! I checked this by adding some
echo lines which reflect that those scripts has been involved.

It seems to me that after the kernel has been booted and the init
process is walking through all the configurations the system does
not recognize itself being diskless. I'm sorry, I have no glue how
this gets figured out, maybe there should be a special marker in
some of the loader files or in device.hints or within KERNEL config.

If I can figure out what is to do I would probably be able to boot
into diskless.

If I understand what the rc_ng system is doing, the first script is
initdiskless in the hierarchy. But it does not get touched anyway.
Next I try is to figure out whether there is a kernel-switch which
could be set by some loader.conf tags telling that this kernel is some
diskless kernel ...

Sorry bothering you and wasting your time.


O. Hartmann

Systemadministration des Institutes fuer Physik der Atmosphaere (IPA)
Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz
Becherweg 21
55099 Mainz

Tel: +496131/3924662 (Maschinenraum)
Tel: +496131/3924144 (Buero)
FAX: +496131/3923532

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with "unsubscribe freebsd-questions" in the body of the message

FBSD 5.0 diskless environment does not work!

2003-03-10 Thread Hartmann, O.


For a long time with FreeBSD 4.X we ran and still run a bunch of
diskless stations, X11 Terminals, some special workstations and
now a growing system with several nodes for usage as PVM.

Now I want to switch to FreeBSD 5.0 and run into massive problems.
I searched for similar problems in the archive and,
but I did not find any appropriate.
Hope someone can help.

The environment is really simple. All diskless machines uses PXE
to bootstrap. In FreeBSD 4.7 this environment works perfect (and ist
is still working), but in FreeBSD 5.0 I get into trouble.

I want first to describe the environment.

Each class of machines has its own full FreeBSD-4/5 installation.
Within ist root-path, there is a populated /etc and a populated
/conf. /conf has three main entries: /conf/base, /conf/default and
As I understand the diskless boot process in FreeBSD 4.X, at first
a memory disc is created, then the stuff in /etc/ is copied to that
RAM disc, executed and then the process does a kind of hierarchy
overlay by unifying /etc with /conf/base with /conf/default
and at last with /conf/IP.SPECIFIC.ENTRY and executes then the on
top remaining config files (sorry about my English). That means:
the most specific system configs are in /conf/IP.SPECIFIC.ENTRY
and get executed.

This seems to have changed in 5.0 as there is only the /conf/default
and /conf/IP.SPECIFIC.ENTRY left. /conf/base has gone. But nevertheless,
this should work, but does not!
When booting a FBSD 5.0 client without a populated /etc directory but
with a well populated /conf/defaults/etc directory, it fails.
It also fails when populating /etc and delete those files which are
in /conf/default/etc. Putting all the stuff in /etc forces the client to
do things it should do, but this is not the way it should be and
its not the way as it is decribed (rarely) in the docs I found and as I
expect this in FreeBSD 4.7 (where this scheme works like a charme).

This seems to be the first problem I can not figure out. What is the
hierarchy of /etc and /conf/defaults/etc in FBSD 5.0 now? How can I
keep my config files in sync without copying all the stuff again from
/conf/default/etc to /etc (which breaks the config scheme, I think)?

When the kernel has been bootstraped and started , the first thing is
it moans about a non writeable root partition. This also does not
change when exporting the root partition as read/writeable on the server
(doing a killall -HUP mountd ...).
I also use the rc_ng="YES"-scheme.

The kernel has options NFS_ROOT and MD_ROOT and also options md for the
memory disc compiled in. The only problem is that in the clients /dev
directory is no appropriate md0* node, I can not create it via MAKEDEV all
in this directory and I wonder whether this is needed.

Can anyone help? Has someone a runnng diskless FBSD 5.0-R/5-CURRENT

Thanks in advance,


O. Hartmann

Systemadministration des Institutes fuer Physik der Atmosphaere (IPA)
Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz
Becherweg 21
55099 Mainz

Tel: +496131/3924662 (Maschinenraum)
Tel: +496131/3924144 (Buero)
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Ports installation in a different path than standard

2003-03-01 Thread Hartmann, O.

My intention is to install several ports into different paths
other than the default /usr/local. Setting PREFIX to the desired
path isn't the right solution, because the environment I expect to
use is a diskless environment, that means after diskless systems have
already mounted their working areas from the main fileserver, the
base PATH environment changed.

This is if I try to install pvm libraries into PREFIX=/diskless/pvmsystem/usr/local
(where /diskless/pvmsystem is the chrooted / nfs exported base filesystem for the
pvm systems) several paths and symbolic links get setup in the wrong way
while these are set when compiled.

The same problem is with X11 environment.

At the moment, I do the stuff with a self brewed script which needs to find
all the stuff installed on the local bott server for the diskless nodes
so I need to install the stuff localy first, the copy the libs and binaries
to the appropriate place within the diskless tree. As you can imagine, this
is a stupid and hard way to do.

How are you doing this? Is there a primer for FreeBSD how to setup such a
customized environment?

My intention is that I setup only a special environment variable to say the
ports collection building process that an installation should be done to
a different path as it should be used afterwards when the system is started
diskless (means: compiling with the normal PREFIX set to /usr/local, but installed
later using the target base directory where the diskless environment resides).

Can someone help?

Thnaks in advance,

O. Hartmann

Systemadministration des Institutes fuer Physik der Atmosphaere (IPA)
Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz
Becherweg 21
55099 Mainz

Tel: +496131/3924662 (Maschinenraum)
Tel: +496131/3924144 (Buero)
FAX: +496131/3923532

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SecureRPC/NFS, kerberized NFS

2003-02-16 Thread Hartmann, O.


My question is very simple.

Does FreeBSD, either 4.7/4.8 or 5.0 support SecureRPC, especially SecureNFS?
I found the keyserv facility, installed the databases and read some note
in mknetid(8):

-n netid_file
 Specify the location of the netid information file.  The com-
 piled-in default is /etc/netid.  Note that no error is generated
 if the netid database can't be found.  The netid database is not
 likely to be present on most systems until Secure RPC support is
 added to FreeBSD.

For me that sounds like FreeBSD does not have SecureRPC support and therefore
no SecureNFS support.

My intention is that I wish to setup a secure NFS environment with FreeBSD's
basics and had neither success with SecureRPC nor KERBEROS V. In that part
FreeBSD lacks in appropriate documentation, but may netsources told that
securing via SecureRPC and/or kerberos should be possible.

Can someone give me a hint or confirm the lack of SecureRPC in recent FreeBSD

Thanks in advance,

O. Hartmann

IT-Administration des Institutes fuer Physik der Atmosphaere (IPA)
Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz
Becherweg 21
55099 Mainz

Tel: +496131/3924662 (Maschinenraum)
Tel: +496131/3924144 (Buero)
FAX: +496131/3923532

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AMI Enterprise 1600 RAID controller

2003-02-03 Thread Hartmann, O.
Dear Sirs.

We use now for two years a AMI EnterpriseRAID 1600 controler for our
RAID volume with no problems (8x 36GB IBM DDYS drives, one HOTSPARE).

Last night one of these disks died and the AMI controler begun rebuilding
the RAID on the defined HOTSPARE. In the meanwhile its job is done and
I replaced the defective drive by a new ICL type from IBM (DDYS drives
are outdated) with the same capacity. Since the crash occured, the controler's
buzzer is disturbing the environment with a loud sound.

I have two questions. Because of the alarm noise I miss a utility to
control the RAID controler. I checked the error logs and I found no
error message, that something went wrong with the RAID. FreeBSD seems
to lack in some suitable facilities to get error reports?
In this way, I wish to reconfigure the RAID. I exchanged the faulty
harddrive but I do not know wether this is now marked as the HOTSPARE
automaticaly. The only way to test this is to move out one of the
good drives out of the SCA cabinett and watch what is happening. Or
rebooting the machine and take a look into its BIOS, but at the
moment it's impossible to reboot the machine or  take it down for

How can an administrator get information how the RAID is configured
and how can the admin reconfigure the RAID (declare a new exchanged drive as
the spare etc.) from FreeBSD?

Thanks for your help.


O. Hartmann

IT-Administration des Institutes fuer Physik der Atmosphaere (IPA)
Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz
Becherweg 21
55099 Mainz

Tel: +496131/3924662 (Maschinenraum)
Tel: +496131/3924144 (Buero)
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Which TAG(s) in /etc/make.conf to enable using KERBEROS5/Heimdal

2003-01-12 Thread Hartmann, O.

I have a fundamental question to Heimdal/Kerberos5.
I wish to use Kerberos5/Heimdal on our FreeBSD systems (running
actualy 4.7-pl3).

My first attempts failed because I only enabled MAKE_KERBEROS5=YES
in /etc/make.conf as the only build TAG, so when I was trying to
do some installation tasks described in /usr/src/crypto/heimdal/doc
I ran into trouble due to missing of some administrative tools (I can
not remember what; I know, this is really unspecific). I solved the
problem by enabling both MAKE_KERBEROS5 AND MAKE_KERBEROS4 in

Can anyone tell me whether it is right enabling both or is this simply
nonsense? Maybe several code parts of KRB5 relies on parts of KRB4 so it is
needed as well to build KRB5/Heimadal, but I did not find any useable
documentation about this, neither some basic instructions nor further
readings how to play with Heimdal specificaly on FreeBSD.

Can you help?
I would appreciate your hints.

Thanks a lot.


O. Hartmann

IT-Administration des Institutes fuer Physik der Atmosphaere (IPA)
Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz
Becherweg 21
55099 Mainz

Tel: +496131/3924662 (Maschinenraum)
Tel: +496131/3924144 (Buero)
FAX: +496131/3923532

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PicoBSD and KERBEROS V, Kerberos IV

2003-01-09 Thread Hartmann, O.

I fiddle around with Heimdal/Kerberos on FreeBSD 4.7-RELEASE-p3 and
I am responsible for some PicoBSD driven gateways, filters and firewalls.

Creating a boot CD with PicoBSD works well as long as Kerberos IV/Heimdal
(Kerberos V) is not installed. Because I asked previously many times
without response, I would ask someone for doing a favor.

I create the PicoBSD image on a system which should be member of a Heimdal
Kerberos V realm. Now I need to know how to activate Kerberos 5:

First I changed the approprate line in /etc/make.conf to get KERBEROS 5
compiled. But this seems to be insufficient, because some libraries and
tools are not present then. But with only KERBEROS 5 enabled, PicoBSD
compiles well.
So I enabled also KERBEROS 4 to get the full Heimdal/Kerberos 5 functionality,
but after the reinstallation PicoBSD won't compile anymore. When gathering
the binaries of tools and libraries, PicoBSD fails building something around
the passwd.lo or similar and reports missing references to functions
beginning with krb_xxx (kerberos routines).

I have two questions/ favors to ask for:

If I want to have full Kerberos 5 functionality on FreeBSD 4.7/4.8, is
it right to have both KERBEROS_5 __and__ KERBEROS_4 enabled in /etc/make.conf?
Maybe all the problems are results of a mistake I did, but documentation on Kerberos is
really bad in FreeBSD, especially what's special in FreeBSD in spite of
the MIT distribution.

If you verify that it is right having both KERBEROS_5 __and__ KERBEROS_4 enabled
in /etc/make.conf, please try to compile a PicoBSD on such a Heimdal-prepared

I did the following, which worked before:

Go to /usr/src/release/picobsd and make a copy of the here located example
"bridge" and name it, say, bastion. The do a 'cd' into 'bastion' and comment
out all lines for the 'ssh1-shell' at the end of 'crunch.conf' (we do not want
to compile ssh1). Then do a 'cd ..' and call './build/picobsd -v -n bastion',
this calls the builder and picobsd should now try to build a PicoBSD.
I did so on a fresh installed machine (did a make world after patching to
4.7-RELEASE-p3 without any KERBEROS/Heimdal facilities enabled ...) and it
worked for me. You should now ensure that KERBEROS is not installed on your
system, that means, KERBEROS never has been enabled so several libraries are
not kerberized (best way is a fresh installation without Kerberos). If it
installs a PicoBSD well, then try to enable first KERBEROS_5 in /etc/make.conf
and do a build world. I did so the first time and all things ran well also
with PicoBSD. But after additionaly enabling KERBEROS_4 PicoBSD won't compile

Maybe this is a bug or I am too stupid using FreeBSD. but I need to know what
fact is causing the misbehaviour of PicoBSD due to the fact I need PicoBSD
(but I also need Kerberos because we want to build our PicoBSD images on
a system which is memeber of a KRB5 realm).

I will appreciate any comments.

Thanks a lot in advance,


O. Hartmann

IT-Administration des Institutes fuer Physik der Atmosphaere (IPA)
Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz
Becherweg 21
55099 Mainz

Tel: +496131/3924662 (Maschinenraum)
Tel: +496131/3924144 (Buero)
FAX: +496131/3923532

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PICOBSD/FBSD 4.7-p2 won't build with KERB5 and KERB-IV

2002-12-03 Thread Hartmann, O.
Dear Sirs.

We run a filtering bridge using PicoBSD based on FreeBSD 4.7-p2.
Several weeks ago we start building FreeBSD 4.7-p2 with both
'MAKE_KERBEROS4=yes' and 'MAKE_KERBEROS5=yes' enabled by
using the appropriate switches in /etc/make.conf.

PicoBSD built correctly when only MAKE_KERBEROS5=yes is set,
but Kerberos/Heimdal seems to be unable to operate only with
KRB5 is built. While only Heimdal/KRB5 has been built when
doing a 'make world' PicoBSD built correctly.

Now we compile a 'WORLD' by enabling both KRB4 and KRB5/Heimdal
and PicoBSD doesn't built anymore.
First I thought it may has to do with some config errors, but every
preconfigured PicoBSD is unable to produce a correct image.

We use a clone of 'bridge' with several changes within the floppy tree
but still using a 'normal' crunch.conf.

When building/compiling a standard PicoBSD with the original crunch.conf
I get a  lot of errors when populating the binary image (kernel has been
compiled successfuly). Always 'passwd.o' reports lacking in some libraries
using krb_xxx specific things or com_err-specific things. to get rid of these
errors I added an additional line with new libraries defined in crunch.conf
and several errors disappeared. The following error-output shows up the
added libs and the error:

crunchide -k _crunched_mount_cd9660_stub mount_cd9660.lo
cc -static -o crunch1 crunch1.o init.lo fsck.lo ifconfig.lo sh.lo echo.lo pwd.lo 
mkdir.lo rmdir.lo chmod.lo chown.lo mv.lo ln.lo
mount.lo minigzip.lo cp.lo rm.lo ls.lo kill.lo df.lo ps.lo ns.lo vm.lo cat.lo test.lo 
tr.lo time.lo hostname.lo login.lo getty.lo
stty.lo w.lo msg.lo kget.lo reboot.lo sysctl.lo swapon.lo pwd_mkdb.lo dev_mkdb.lo 
umount.lo mount_std.lo du.lo tail.lo tee.lo
passwd.lo sleep.lo basename.lo expr.lo route.lo mount_msdos.lo ee.lo arp.lo 
disklabel.lo fdisk.lo vnconfig.lo grep.lo date.lo
mount_nfs.lo ping.lo ipfw.lo traceroute.lo mount_cd9660.lo -L/usr/lib -lncurses -ledit 
-lutil -lmd -lcrypt -lmp -lgmp -lm -lkvm
-lmytinfo -lipx -lz -lpcap -lwrap -ltermcap -lgnuregex -ldes -lkrb -lkrb5 -lcom_err 
-lpam -lrpcsvc -lcrypto -lkadm -lkadm5clnt
/usr/lib/libkadm.a(kadm_cli_wrap.o): In function `kadm_init_link':
kadm_cli_wrap.o(.text+0x6c): undefined reference to `initialize_krb_error_table'
kadm_cli_wrap.o(.text+0x368): undefined reference to `krb_net_write'
kadm_cli_wrap.o(.text+0x383): undefined reference to `krb_net_write'
kadm_cli_wrap.o(.text+0x39e): undefined reference to `krb_net_read'
kadm_cli_wrap.o(.text+0x3f9): undefined reference to `krb_net_read'
kadm_cli_wrap.o(.text+0x516): undefined reference to `krb_mk_priv'
kadm_cli_wrap.o(.text+0x5a1): undefined reference to `des_quad_cksum'
kadm_cli_wrap.o(.text+0x76f): undefined reference to `krb_rd_priv'
/usr/lib/libkadm.a(kadm_stream.o): In function `stv_string':
kadm_stream.o(.text+0x202): undefined reference to `strnlen'
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/src/release/picobsd/build_dir-bastion/crunch.
---> fail: Error <1> error code  in <>
Error while building bastion.
---> Aborting /usr/src/release/picobsd/build/picobsd

It is very curious that 'strnlen' is missing due to the fact this is part of libc and
gcc should include this by default.

Can someone confirm this behaviour (enable building Kerb4 and Kerb5/Heimdal and then
make world, then try to build any of the examples in /usr/src/release/picobsd, for 

I would appreciate any comment, hint or tip ...

If this is a kind of bug I should send a bug-report, but it may be possible that
I did a stupid mistake ...


O. Hartmann

IT-Administration des Institutes fuer Physik der Atmosphaere (IPA)
Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz
Becherweg 21
55099 Mainz

Tel: +496131/3924662 (Maschinenraum)
Tel: +496131/3924144 (Buero)
FAX: +496131/3923532

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-questions" in the body of the message

Kerberos IV/Heimdal breaks PicoBSD??

2002-11-29 Thread Hartmann, O.

I aesked this question before and I try to ask it again.

Since I enabled Kerberos IV __and__ Heimdal together to be built in
/etc/make.conf, it is no longer possible to compile PicoBSD. Not only
our own config is affected, all default configs have also this problem.
This is the output of the picobsd built-process:

crunchide -k _crunched_mount_cd9660_stub mount_cd9660.lo
cc -static -o crunch1 crunch1.o init.lo fsck.lo ifconfig.lo sh.lo echo.lo pwd.lo 
mkdir.lo rmdir.lo chmod.lo chown.lo mv.lo
ln.lo mount.lo minigzip.lo cp.lo rm.lo ls.lo kill.lo df.lo ps.lo ns.lo vm.lo cat.lo 
test.lo hostname.lo login.lo getty.lo
stty.lo w.lo msg.lo kget.lo reboot.lo sysctl.lo swapon.lo pwd_mkdb.lo dev_mkdb.lo 
umount.lo mount_std.lo du.lo tail.lo
tee.lo passwd.lo sleep.lo basename.lo expr.lo route.lo ee.lo arp.lo disklabel.lo 
fdisk.lo vnconfig.lo grep.lo date.lo
mount_nfs.lo ping.lo ipfw.lo traceroute.lo mount_cd9660.lo -L/usr/lib -lncurses -ledit 
-lutil -lmd -lcrypt -lmp -lgmp -lm
-lkvm -lmytinfo -lipx -lz -lpcap -lwrap -ltermcap -lgnuregex -lkrb5 -lkrb -ldes 
-lcom_err -lkadm5clnt -lkadm5srv -lssl
/usr/lib/libkadm.a(kadm_cli_wrap.o): In function `kadm_init_link':
kadm_cli_wrap.o(.text+0x6c): undefined reference to `initialize_krb_error_table'
kadm_cli_wrap.o(.text+0x368): undefined reference to `krb_net_write'
kadm_cli_wrap.o(.text+0x383): undefined reference to `krb_net_write'
kadm_cli_wrap.o(.text+0x39e): undefined reference to `krb_net_read'
kadm_cli_wrap.o(.text+0x3f9): undefined reference to `krb_net_read'
kadm_cli_wrap.o(.text+0x516): undefined reference to `krb_mk_priv'
kadm_cli_wrap.o(.text+0x5a1): undefined reference to `des_quad_cksum'
kadm_cli_wrap.o(.text+0x76f): undefined reference to `krb_rd_priv'
/usr/lib/libkadm.a(kadm_stream.o): In function `stv_string':
kadm_stream.o(.text+0x202): undefined reference to `strnlen'
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/src/release/picobsd/build_dir-bastion/crunch.
---> fail: Error <1> error code  in <>
Error while building bastion.
---> Aborting /usr/src/release/picobsd/build/picobsd

The base of our config is picobsd/bridge. The crunch.config has not been
edited but the last line to include libs as they are reported to be missed
by the built-process. The more libs I added, the more errors disappeared, but
not all.

Sorry for that unconvenience. Someone out here asked to get the config files
but I lost his address (sorry).

Hope someone has some solutions ...


O. Hartmann

IT-Administration des Institutes fuer Physik der Atmosphaere (IPA)
Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz
Becherweg 21
55099 Mainz

Tel: +496131/3924662 (Maschinenraum)
Tel: +496131/3924144 (Buero)
FAX: +496131/3923532

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-questions" in the body of the message

PICOBSD: problems when Kerberos IV enabled!

2002-11-22 Thread Hartmann, O.

Under FreeBSD 4.7-RELEASE I could compile a PicoBSD environment
when in /etc/make.conf the build of Kerberos IV was disabled.
Now, Kerberos iV enabled, a lot of compile errors occurs in the
unchanged PicoBSD environment:

crunchide -k _crunched_mount_cd9660_stub mount_cd9660.lo
cc -static -o crunch1 crunch1.o init.lo fsck.lo ifconfig.lo sh.lo echo.lo pwd.lo 
mkdir.lo rmdir.lo chmod.lo chown.lo mv.lo
ln.lo mount.lo minigzip.lo cp.lo rm.lo ls.lo kill.lo df.lo ps.lo ns.lo vm.lo cat.lo 
test.lo hostname.lo login.lo getty.lo
stty.lo w.lo msg.lo kget.lo reboot.lo sysctl.lo swapon.lo pwd_mkdb.lo dev_mkdb.lo 
umount.lo mount_std.lo du.lo tail.lo tee.lo
passwd.lo sleep.lo basename.lo expr.lo route.lo ee.lo arp.lo disklabel.lo fdisk.lo 
vnconfig.lo grep.lo date.lo mount_nfs.lo
ping.lo ipfw.lo traceroute.lo mount_cd9660.lo -L/usr/lib -lncurses -ledit -lutil -lmd 
-lcrypt -lmp -lgmp -lm -lkvm -lmytinfo
-lipx -lz -lpcap -lwrap -ltermcap -lgnuregex -lkrb5 -lkrb -ldes -lcom_err -lkadm5clnt 
-lkadm5srv -lssl -lkadm
/usr/lib/libkadm.a(kadm_cli_wrap.o): In function `kadm_init_link':
kadm_cli_wrap.o(.text+0x6c): undefined reference to `initialize_krb_error_table'
kadm_cli_wrap.o(.text+0x368): undefined reference to `krb_net_write'
kadm_cli_wrap.o(.text+0x383): undefined reference to `krb_net_write'
kadm_cli_wrap.o(.text+0x39e): undefined reference to `krb_net_read'
kadm_cli_wrap.o(.text+0x3f9): undefined reference to `krb_net_read'
kadm_cli_wrap.o(.text+0x516): undefined reference to `krb_mk_priv'
kadm_cli_wrap.o(.text+0x5a1): undefined reference to `des_quad_cksum'
kadm_cli_wrap.o(.text+0x76f): undefined reference to `krb_rd_priv'
/usr/lib/libkadm.a(kadm_stream.o): In function `stv_string':
kadm_stream.o(.text+0x202): undefined reference to `strnlen'
*** Error code 1

To get rid of the most 'missing library' error I added in crunch.conf
lines with additional libs definitions, you can see above that I added

-lkrb5 -lkrb -ldes -lcom_err -lkadm5clnt -lkadm5srv -lssl -lkadm

so a lot of errors disappeared. But I can not surpress all of the errors,
either I do not know what libraries also to add or there is a fault
in the build-environment.

Can anyone help?

O. Hartmann

IT-Administration des Institutes fuer Physik der Atmosphaere (IPA)
Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz
Becherweg 21
55099 Mainz

Tel: +496131/3924662 (Maschinenraum)
Tel: +496131/3924144 (Buero)
FAX: +496131/3923532

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-questions" in the body of the message

Re: afbackup anybody know what these errors mean? (fwd)

2002-11-02 Thread Hartmann, O.


Yes, I saw and still see this obscure message since August 2002!
I did several postings here and got into contact with A. Fluegel,
one of the vendors of afbackup.

Afbackup worked 'stable' until we changed from FreeBSD 4.6.2 to 4.6.2-pl2
and this error occurs on our HP SureStore 40x6i DAT changer. The server
which is doing the update needs to backup about 250GB diskspace and
therefore we bought this poor-man's tape changer. Prior to this change
to FreeBSD 4.6.2-pl2 and FreeBSD 4.7-R and followers every version of afbackup
until version 3.3.7 worked like a charm. The several weird errors occured,
first time error was an error when really big files were written and read again
from backup, but Alber Fluegel told me that this has been worked around. The
more critical problem is that what you mentioned here: at the end of a tape
we get this error and afbackup dies. This only happens on our changer.
We run also two other HP backup devices, one DAT 40 single drive and an older
DAT 8 drive and in addtion a sony DAT 7000 drive. The older DAT drives (single)
have no problems in FreeBSD 4.7-R and afbackup 3.3.7pl3, but the important
changer device seems to make trouble in afbackup.

I tried to do several poor investigations on this to exclude the drive's fault.
Using pax or tar in multivolume mode shows no error when tape end has been reached,
but after the change of the cartridge magazine (6 tapes) pax get confused and
whenever a new tape is inserted, it reports a full volume. I never saw this before
in 4.6 but I can not assure this is a new 'bug' in 4.7.

The only thing I know is that with the 2nd August 2002 something has been changed
in scsi_sa.c and this caused a thread I read in GOOGLE concerning some changes in
EOT handling (look for posting of Matthew Jacob). Since August we have this massive
trouble although our error looks like a little bit different from yours (error number
is 87 or 85 and command is not '>', it is 'W', but the error message behind the cause
is the same).

Do you have a changer, too, or occurs this error on a single tape drive?

Well, as I understood the above mentioned thread about EOT handling, in afbackup we
got several changes targeting this but as I understood Mr. Jacob the right way, he
changed back EOT bahaviour.

I hope these problems get fixed soon. afbackup was the only non commercial backup
software for FreeBSD which is able to backup large disk arrays (AMANDA is a crap,
using tar and is not able to split large files/arrays over several consecutive

If you get some more informations about this, I would appreciate any comments or

Our backup system is a FreeBSD 4.7-R-p1 SMP box, HP SureSTore 40x6i tape drive/changer
unit attached to an onboard LSI Logic 53C896 LVD SCSI host controler on a TYAN Thunder
2500 mainboard. The tape drive unit populate one of two channels as the only device,
so bad interaction with other devices should be excluded.

:>-- Forwarded message --
:>Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2002 11:41:54 -0500
:>From: Arley Carter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
:>Subject: afbackup   anybody know what these errors mean?
:>I am receiving these errors below when a client tries to back up to a
:>In the client log:
:>Thu Oct 31 09:35:31 2002, Starting full backup.
:>Thu Oct 31 09:41:53 2002, Error: Backup client side did not receive
:>necessary starting information from server. Output was:.
:>Thu Oct 31 09:41:53 2002, Streamer state: READY
:>Server-ID: hatteras:/usr/local/afbackup/server/etc
:>Precious tapes: -
:>Thu Oct 31 09:41:53 2002, Full backup failed.
:>The server log says
:>Thu Oct 31 09:41:07 2002, Warning: Setting the file number 50 failed.
:>Thu Oct 31 09:41:07 2002, Error: Command 62 ('>') failed (cannot open device
:>for writing)
:>However when I query the tape drive on the server I get:
:>laser# /usr/local/afbackup/client/bin/afclient -qwv -h hatteras
:>Streamer state: READY
:>Server-ID: hatteras:/usr/local/afbackup/server/etc
:>Precious tapes: -
:>Current tape access position
:>Cartridge: 1
:>File:  1
:>Number of cartridges: 1
:>Current cartridge set: 1
:>Also  pref-client on the server says:
:> 1036080814 
:>And  server-ids on the client says:
:>hatteras 2988 hatteras:/usr/local/afbackup/server/etc
:>So, obviously the client and server can find and recognize each other and
:>the client can find the tape drive.
:>Anybody know how to decrypt these error messages to find the cause of why
:>the tape is not starting?  The tape light comes on and the tape moves, so
:>the tape is being accessed.  Apparently though the tape isn't being opened
:>for wrting.
:>Hardware and software :
:>Server: Sun Ultra 5 , Solaris 8. Tape Drive Hp1553 4 mm DAT ,
:>client:  freebsd4-7-Release
:>afbackup software version:  3.3.7p13
:>Anybody have any ideas or seen something like this before?
:>Arley Carter
:>Tradewinds Technologies, Inc

HEIMDAL/KERBEROS V: what do I need?

2002-10-16 Thread Hartmann, O.


I wish to setup a Kerberos V environment using the default stuff
comming with FreeBSD 4.7-RELEASE.

When I did a make world I ommited compiling Kerberos IV support,
only compiled Kerberos V/Heimdal and the great question is now:
I miss several programs to initialize a KDC/master KDC and I guess
the lack of Kerberos IV vanishes these utilities.

Can anyone inform me whether the FBSD 4.7 Kerberos V/Heimdal suite is
usable in a production environment (Kerb-V) and do I need to compile
also the Kerberos IV stuff to get a full working Kerberos V/Heimdal


O. Hartmann

IT-Administration des Institutes fuer Physik der Atmosphaere (IPA)
Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz
Becherweg 21
55099 Mainz

Tel: +496131/3924662 (Maschinenraum)
Tel: +496131/3924144 (Buero)
FAX: +496131/3923532

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-questions" in the body of the message

Abort trap: problem solved

2002-10-16 Thread Hartmann, O.

Dear Sirs.

I reported a few days ago about a problem related to an 'Abort trap'
error whereas I suspected the gcc-2.95-4 compiler suite doing weird

The problem has been solved and was very simple, but tricky to find.
I think many other 'Abort trap' errors reported in the newsgroup related
FreeBSD has the same source.

Clusterwide we use a similar /etc/login.conf file that defines several
classes and one 'power'-class with infinity-resource rights. This caused
the problem, I think there was something wrong and we stopped investigating
for that after the source for our problems has been revealed.

Everything works as expected and great under FreeBSD 4.7-RELEASE (as I expect

Thanks for your answeres and hints.

O. Hartmann

IT-Administration des Institutes fuer Physik der Atmosphaere (IPA)
Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz
Becherweg 21
55099 Mainz

Tel: +496131/3924662 (Maschinenraum)
Tel: +496131/3924144 (Buero)
FAX: +496131/3923532

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-questions" in the body of the message

RE: microuptime() went backwards, FreeBSD 4.7-RELEASE

2002-10-15 Thread Hartmann, O.

On Tue, 15 Oct 2002, Andy Knapp wrote:

No, on our servers I disabled APM by default because it triggered trouble
in the past on several SMP machines. And why APM on every-time-up servers?
No, definitely no APM facilities in kernel or BIOS enabled!

:>are there any references to apm in it? seems the default reference,
:>which says to disable it, doesn't work correctly...
:>-Original Message-
:>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Hartmann, O.
:>Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2002 1:32 PM
:>To: Andy Knapp
:>Cc: 'Tom Snell'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
:>Subject: RE: microuptime() went backwards, FreeBSD 4.7-RELEASE
:>On Tue, 15 Oct 2002, Andy Knapp wrote:
:>This machine has a highly customized kernel ...
:>:>I've actually had this problem before, and I am pretty sure that it is
:>a :>problem with the apm line in the generic kernel. Have you made a
:>:>customized kernel? if not, i would suggest doing that and getting rid
:>of :>all the apm lines; after that i never received these messages
:>again. :> :>HTH, :>Andy :>
:>:>btw: if you do a search in the mailing list archives for "microuptime"
:>:>you can find everything you need. :> :>-Original Message-
:>:>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Tom Snell
:>:>Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2002 12:27 PM
:>:>To: Hartmann, O.; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
:>:>Subject: Re: microuptime() went backwards, FreeBSD 4.7-RELEASE :> :>
:>:>Hartmann, O. wrote: :> :>>Hello. :>> :>>Is this subject of a bug
:>report? :>> :>>While calculating numerical simulations and heavy load
:>one of our P4 :>>systems showed up this:
:>:>>microuptime() went backwards (57243.730002 -> 57243.730001) :> :>>
:>:>>dmesgout of the system follows as attachment. :>> :>>
:>:>>O. Hartmann
:>:>>IT-Administration des Institutes fuer Physik der Atmosphaere (IPA)
:>:>>Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz
:>:>>Becherweg 21
:>:>>55099 Mainz
:>:>>Tel: +496131/3924662 (Maschinenraum)
:>:>>Tel: +496131/3924144 (Buero)
:>:>>FAX: +496131/3923532
:>:>>Copyright (c) 1992-2002 The FreeBSD Project.
:>:>>Copyright (c) 1979, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993,
:>:>>   The Regents of the University of California. All rights
:>:>>FreeBSD 4.7-RELEASE #2: Sat Oct 12 15:12:23 CEST 2002
:>:>>[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/MAIL
:>:>>Timecounter "i8254"  frequency 1193182 Hz
:>:>>Timecounter "TSC"  frequency 2271871004 Hz
:>:>>CPU: Pentium 4 (2271.87-MHz 686-class CPU)
:>:>>  Origin = "GenuineIntel"  Id = 0xf24  Stepping = 4
:>:>>real memory  = 1073659904 (1048496K bytes)
:>:>>avail memory = 1041215488 (1016812K bytes)
:>:>>Preloaded elf kernel "kernel" at 0xc03ac000.
:>:>>ccd0-3: Concatenated disk drivers
:>:>>netsmb_dev: loaded
:>:>>Pentium Pro MTRR support enabled
:>:>>Using $PIR table, 9 entries at 0xc00f1be0
:>:>>npx0:  on motherboard
:>:>>npx0: INT 16 interface
:>:>>pcib0:  on motherboard
:>:>>pci0:  on pcib0
:>:>>pcib1:  at device 1.0 on
:>:>>pci1:  on pcib1
:>:>>pci1:  at 0.0 irq 11
:>:>>pcib2:  at device 30.0 on
:>:>>pci2:  on pcib2
:>:>>pci2:  at 4.0 irq 15
:>:>>pci2:  at 4.1 irq 14
:>:>>pci2:  at 4.2 irq 4
:>:>>ahc0:  port 0xb800-0xb8ff mem
:>:>0xf500-0xf5000fff irq 15 at device 9.0 on pci2
:>:>>aic7860: Ultra Single Channel A, SCSI Id=7, 3/253 SCBs
:>:>>fxp0:  port 0xb400-0xb43f mem
:>:>0xf400-0xf40f,0xf480-0xf4800fff irq 14 at device 10.0 on
:>:>>fxp0: Ethernet address 00:d0:b7:4c:2e:9c
:>:>>inphy0:  on miibus0
:>:>>inphy0:  10baseT, 10baseT-FDX, 100baseTX, 100baseTX-FDX, auto
:>:>>sym0: <1010-33> port 0xb000-0xb0ff mem
:>:>0xf300-0xf3001fff,0xf380-0xf38003ff irq 4 at dev

RE: microuptime() went backwards, FreeBSD 4.7-RELEASE

2002-10-15 Thread Hartmann, O.

On Tue, 15 Oct 2002, Andy Knapp wrote:

This machine has a highly customized kernel ...

:>I've actually had this problem before, and I am pretty sure that it is a
:>problem with the apm line in the generic kernel. Have you made a
:>customized kernel? if not, i would suggest doing that and getting rid of
:>all the apm lines; after that i never received these messages again.
:>btw: if you do a search in the mailing list archives for "microuptime"
:>you can find everything you need.
:>-Original Message-
:>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Tom Snell
:>Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2002 12:27 PM
:>To: Hartmann, O.; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
:>Subject: Re: microuptime() went backwards, FreeBSD 4.7-RELEASE
:>Hartmann, O. wrote:
:>>Is this subject of a bug report?
:>>While calculating numerical simulations and heavy load one of our P4
:>>systems showed up this:
:>>microuptime() went backwards (57243.730002 -> 57243.730001)
:>>dmesgout of the system follows as attachment.
:>>O. Hartmann
:>>IT-Administration des Institutes fuer Physik der Atmosphaere (IPA)
:>>Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz
:>>Becherweg 21
:>>55099 Mainz
:>>Tel: +496131/3924662 (Maschinenraum)
:>>Tel: +496131/3924144 (Buero)
:>>FAX: +496131/3923532
:>>Copyright (c) 1992-2002 The FreeBSD Project.
:>>Copyright (c) 1979, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993,
:>> The Regents of the University of California. All rights
:>>FreeBSD 4.7-RELEASE #2: Sat Oct 12 15:12:23 CEST 2002
:>>[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/MAIL
:>>Timecounter "i8254"  frequency 1193182 Hz
:>>Timecounter "TSC"  frequency 2271871004 Hz
:>>CPU: Pentium 4 (2271.87-MHz 686-class CPU)
:>>  Origin = "GenuineIntel"  Id = 0xf24  Stepping = 4
:>>real memory  = 1073659904 (1048496K bytes)
:>>avail memory = 1041215488 (1016812K bytes)
:>>Preloaded elf kernel "kernel" at 0xc03ac000.
:>>ccd0-3: Concatenated disk drivers
:>>netsmb_dev: loaded
:>>Pentium Pro MTRR support enabled
:>>Using $PIR table, 9 entries at 0xc00f1be0
:>>npx0:  on motherboard
:>>npx0: INT 16 interface
:>>pcib0:  on motherboard
:>>pci0:  on pcib0
:>>pcib1:  at device 1.0 on
:>>pci1:  on pcib1
:>>pci1:  at 0.0 irq 11
:>>pcib2:  at device 30.0 on
:>>pci2:  on pcib2
:>>pci2:  at 4.0 irq 15
:>>pci2:  at 4.1 irq 14
:>>pci2:  at 4.2 irq 4
:>>ahc0:  port 0xb800-0xb8ff mem
:>0xf500-0xf5000fff irq 15 at device 9.0 on pci2
:>>aic7860: Ultra Single Channel A, SCSI Id=7, 3/253 SCBs
:>>fxp0:  port 0xb400-0xb43f mem
:>0xf400-0xf40f,0xf480-0xf4800fff irq 14 at device 10.0 on
:>>fxp0: Ethernet address 00:d0:b7:4c:2e:9c
:>>inphy0:  on miibus0
:>>inphy0:  10baseT, 10baseT-FDX, 100baseTX, 100baseTX-FDX, auto
:>>sym0: <1010-33> port 0xb000-0xb0ff mem
:>0xf300-0xf3001fff,0xf380-0xf38003ff irq 4 at device 11.0 on pci2
:>>sym0: Symbios NVRAM, ID 7, Fast-80, LVD, parity checking
:>>sym0: open drain IRQ line driver, using on-chip SRAM
:>>sym0: using LOAD/STORE-based firmware.
:>>sym0: handling phase mismatch from SCRIPTS.
:>>sym0: SCAN FOR LUNS disabled for targets 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13
:>14 15.
:>>sym1: <1010-33> port 0xa800-0xa8ff mem
:>0xf200-0xf2001fff,0xf280-0xf28003ff irq 10 at device 11.1 on
:>>sym1: Symbios NVRAM, ID 7, Fast-80, SE, parity checking
:>>sym1: open drain IRQ line driver, using on-chip SRAM
:>>sym1: using LOAD/STORE-based firmware.
:>>sym1: handling phase mismatch from SCRIPTS.
:>>isab0:  at device 31.0 on
:>>isa0:  on isab0
:>>pci0:  at 31.1
:>>orm0:  at iomem
:>0xc-0xcdfff,0xd-0xd07ff,0xd4000-0xd57ff,0xd8000-0xdbfff on isa0
:>>atkbdc0:  at port 0x60,0x64 on isa0
:>>atkbd0:  irq 1 on atkbdc0
:>>kbd0 at atkbd0
:>>vga0:  at port 0x3c0-0x3df iomem 0xa-0xb on
:>>sc0:  on isa0
:>>sc0: VGA <8 virtual consoles, flags=0x200>

gcc 2.95.4 seems to be buggy in FreeBSD 4.7-RELEASE!

2002-10-15 Thread Hartmann, O.

Dear Sirs.

While under FreeBSD 4.6.2-pl2 Portland's PGI compiler 4.0 had no
problems compiling several numerical simulations, under FreeBSD 4.7-R
a simpel 'Abort trap' occurs!
The first suspect was the Linuxulator on a P4 machine with FreeBSD 4.7-R,
but logging into a PIII SMP machine showed up no problems. Compiling
there (also FBSD 4.7) and running the program showed no problem!

Then, after a few runs, also those systems on which the small Fortran
program seems to run showed up the same error, out of the blue!

Then I tried to compile the same small programm with the native FBSD 4.7
compiler! And I got the same problem!

Abort trap

This problem is not reproduceable. After a while I can compile it again,
and then not.

Doing a ktrace gives no glue, also truss, which gives:

truss dopptag
process exited before exec'ing

dopptag is a standard f77 program which runs well under Linux SuSE 8.1
and, if it compiles, runs well under FreeBSD.
but this early Abort trap seems to show up a serious error.
Borth, pgf90, pgf77 AND FreeBSD native f77 produces this error!

Please aske me for the Fortran code if you need the code to validate
this behaviour.

this is dmesg output of the failing system (but it fails also on all
othe machines, which have FreeBSD 4.7-RELEASE!):

Copyright (c) 1992-2002 The FreeBSD Project.
Copyright (c) 1979, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994
The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
FreeBSD 4.7-RELEASE #3: Tue Oct 15 17:22:41 CEST 2002
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/MAIL
Timecounter "i8254"  frequency 1193182 Hz
Timecounter "TSC"  frequency 2271852280 Hz
CPU: Pentium 4 (2271.85-MHz 686-class CPU)
  Origin = "GenuineIntel"  Id = 0xf24  Stepping = 4
real memory  = 1073659904 (1048496K bytes)
avail memory = 1041158144 (1016756K bytes)
Preloaded elf kernel "kernel" at 0xc03ba000.
ccd0-3: Concatenated disk drivers
netsmb_dev: loaded
Pentium Pro MTRR support enabled
Using $PIR table, 9 entries at 0xc00f1be0
npx0:  on motherboard
npx0: INT 16 interface
pcib0:  on motherboard
pci0:  on pcib0
pcib1:  at device 1.0 on pci0
pci1:  on pcib1
pci1:  at 0.0 irq 11
pcib2:  at device 30.0 on pci0
pci2:  on pcib2
pci2:  at 4.0 irq 15
pci2:  at 4.1 irq 14
pci2:  at 4.2 irq 4
ahc0:  port 0xb800-0xb8ff mem 0xf500-0xf5000fff 
irq 15 at device 9.0 on pci2
aic7860: Ultra Single Channel A, SCSI Id=7, 3/253 SCBs
fxp0:  port 0xb400-0xb43f mem 
0xf400-0xf40f,0xf480-0xf4800fff irq 14 at device 10.0 on pci2
fxp0: Ethernet address 00:d0:b7:4c:2e:9c
inphy0:  on miibus0
inphy0:  10baseT, 10baseT-FDX, 100baseTX, 100baseTX-FDX, auto
sym0: <1010-33> port 0xb000-0xb0ff mem 0xf300-0xf3001fff,0xf380-0xf38003ff irq 
4 at device 11.0 on pci2
sym0: Symbios NVRAM, ID 7, Fast-80, LVD, parity checking
sym0: open drain IRQ line driver, using on-chip SRAM
sym0: using LOAD/STORE-based firmware.
sym0: handling phase mismatch from SCRIPTS.
sym0: SCAN FOR LUNS disabled for targets 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15.
sym1: <1010-33> port 0xa800-0xa8ff mem 0xf200-0xf2001fff,0xf280-0xf28003ff irq 
10 at device 11.1 on pci2
sym1: Symbios NVRAM, ID 7, Fast-80, SE, parity checking
sym1: open drain IRQ line driver, using on-chip SRAM
sym1: using LOAD/STORE-based firmware.
sym1: handling phase mismatch from SCRIPTS.
isab0:  at device 31.0 on pci0
isa0:  on isab0
pci0:  at 31.1
orm0:  at iomem 
0xc-0xcdfff,0xd-0xd07ff,0xd4000-0xd57ff,0xd8000-0xdbfff on isa0
atkbdc0:  at port 0x60,0x64 on isa0
atkbd0:  irq 1 on atkbdc0
kbd0 at atkbd0
vga0:  at port 0x3c0-0x3df iomem 0xa-0xb on isa0
sc0:  on isa0
sc0: VGA <8 virtual consoles, flags=0x200>
fdc0:  at port 0x3f0-0x3f5,0x3f7 irq 6 drq 2 on isa0
fdc0: FIFO enabled, 8 bytes threshold
fd0: <1440-KB 3.5" drive> on fdc0 drive 0
DUMMYNET initialized (011031)
ipfw2 initialized, divert enabled, rule-based forwarding enabled, default to deny, 
logging unlimited
IPsec: Initialized Security Association Processing.
Waiting 3 seconds for SCSI devices to settle
(noperiph:sym0:0:-1:-1): SCSI BUS reset delivered.
Mounting root from ufs:/dev/da0s1a
da0 at sym0 bus 0 target 0 lun 0
da0:  Fixed Direct Access SCSI-3 device
da0: 160.000MB/s transfers (80.000MHz, offset 62, 16bit), Tagged Queueing Enabled
da0: 17501MB (35843670 512 byte sectors: 255H 63S/T 2231C)
da1 at sym0 bus 0 target 1 lun 0
da1:  Fixed Direct Access SCSI-3 device
da1: 160.000MB/s transfers (80.000MHz, offset 62, 16bit), Tagged Queueing Enabled
da1: 17501MB (35843670 512 byte sectors: 255H 63S/T 2231C)
cd0 at ahc0 bus 0 target 4 lun 0
cd0:  Removable CD-ROM SCSI-2 device
cd0: 20.000MB/s transfers (20.000MHz, offset 15)
cd0: Attempt to query device size failed: NOT READY, Medium not present
fxp0: Microcode loaded, int_delay: 1000 usec  bundle_max: 6
fxp0: Microcode loaded, int_delay: 1000 usec  bundle_max: 6
link_elf: symbol splash_register undefined
fxp0: promiscuous mode enabled
fxp0: Microcode loaded, int_

microuptime() went backwards, FreeBSD 4.7-RELEASE

2002-10-15 Thread Hartmann, O.


Is this subject of a bug report?

While calculating numerical simulations and heavy load one of our
P4 systems showed up this:
microuptime() went backwards (57243.730002 -> 57243.730001)

dmesgout of the system follows as attachment.

O. Hartmann

IT-Administration des Institutes fuer Physik der Atmosphaere (IPA)
Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz
Becherweg 21
55099 Mainz

Tel: +496131/3924662 (Maschinenraum)
Tel: +496131/3924144 (Buero)
FAX: +496131/3923532

Copyright (c) 1992-2002 The FreeBSD Project.
Copyright (c) 1979, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994
The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
FreeBSD 4.7-RELEASE #2: Sat Oct 12 15:12:23 CEST 2002
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/MAIL
Timecounter "i8254"  frequency 1193182 Hz
Timecounter "TSC"  frequency 2271871004 Hz
CPU: Pentium 4 (2271.87-MHz 686-class CPU)
  Origin = "GenuineIntel"  Id = 0xf24  Stepping = 4

real memory  = 1073659904 (1048496K bytes)
avail memory = 1041215488 (1016812K bytes)
Preloaded elf kernel "kernel" at 0xc03ac000.
ccd0-3: Concatenated disk drivers
netsmb_dev: loaded
Pentium Pro MTRR support enabled
Using $PIR table, 9 entries at 0xc00f1be0
npx0:  on motherboard
npx0: INT 16 interface
pcib0:  on motherboard
pci0:  on pcib0
pcib1:  at device 1.0 on pci0
pci1:  on pcib1
pci1:  at 0.0 irq 11
pcib2:  at device 30.0 on pci0
pci2:  on pcib2
pci2:  at 4.0 irq 15
pci2:  at 4.1 irq 14
pci2:  at 4.2 irq 4
ahc0:  port 0xb800-0xb8ff mem 0xf500-0xf5000fff 
irq 15 at device 9.0 on pci2
aic7860: Ultra Single Channel A, SCSI Id=7, 3/253 SCBs
fxp0:  port 0xb400-0xb43f mem 
0xf400-0xf40f,0xf480-0xf4800fff irq 14 at device 10.0 on pci2
fxp0: Ethernet address 00:d0:b7:4c:2e:9c
inphy0:  on miibus0
inphy0:  10baseT, 10baseT-FDX, 100baseTX, 100baseTX-FDX, auto
sym0: <1010-33> port 0xb000-0xb0ff mem 0xf300-0xf3001fff,0xf380-0xf38003ff irq 
4 at device 11.0 on pci2
sym0: Symbios NVRAM, ID 7, Fast-80, LVD, parity checking
sym0: open drain IRQ line driver, using on-chip SRAM
sym0: using LOAD/STORE-based firmware.
sym0: handling phase mismatch from SCRIPTS.
sym0: SCAN FOR LUNS disabled for targets 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15.
sym1: <1010-33> port 0xa800-0xa8ff mem 0xf200-0xf2001fff,0xf280-0xf28003ff irq 
10 at device 11.1 on pci2
sym1: Symbios NVRAM, ID 7, Fast-80, SE, parity checking
sym1: open drain IRQ line driver, using on-chip SRAM
sym1: using LOAD/STORE-based firmware.
sym1: handling phase mismatch from SCRIPTS.
isab0:  at device 31.0 on pci0
isa0:  on isab0
pci0:  at 31.1
orm0:  at iomem 
0xc-0xcdfff,0xd-0xd07ff,0xd4000-0xd57ff,0xd8000-0xdbfff on isa0
atkbdc0:  at port 0x60,0x64 on isa0
atkbd0:  irq 1 on atkbdc0
kbd0 at atkbd0
vga0:  at port 0x3c0-0x3df iomem 0xa-0xb on isa0
sc0:  on isa0
sc0: VGA <8 virtual consoles, flags=0x200>
fdc0:  at port 0x3f0-0x3f5,0x3f7 irq 6 drq 2 on isa0
fdc0: FIFO enabled, 8 bytes threshold
fd0: <1440-KB 3.5" drive> on fdc0 drive 0
DUMMYNET initialized (011031)
ipfw2 initialized, divert enabled, rule-based forwarding enabled, default to deny, 
logging unlimited
IPsec: Initialized Security Association Processing.
Waiting 3 seconds for SCSI devices to settle
(noperiph:sym0:0:-1:-1): SCSI BUS reset delivered.
Mounting root from ufs:/dev/da0s1a
da0 at sym0 bus 0 target 0 lun 0
da0:  Fixed Direct Access SCSI-3 device 
da0: 160.000MB/s transfers (80.000MHz, offset 62, 16bit), Tagged Queueing Enabled
da0: 17501MB (35843670 512 byte sectors: 255H 63S/T 2231C)
da1 at sym0 bus 0 target 1 lun 0
da1:  Fixed Direct Access SCSI-3 device 
da1: 160.000MB/s transfers (80.000MHz, offset 62, 16bit), Tagged Queueing Enabled
da1: 17501MB (35843670 512 byte sectors: 255H 63S/T 2231C)
cd0 at ahc0 bus 0 target 4 lun 0
cd0:  Removable CD-ROM SCSI-2 device 
cd0: 20.000MB/s transfers (20.000MHz, offset 15)
cd0: Attempt to query device size failed: NOT READY, Medium not present
fxp0: Microcode loaded, int_delay: 1000 usec  bundle_max: 6
fxp0: Microcode loaded, int_delay: 1000 usec  bundle_max: 6
link_elf: symbol splash_register undefined
fxp0: promiscuous mode enabled
fxp0: Microcode loaded, int_delay: 1000 usec  bundle_max: 6
cd1 at ahc0 bus 0 target 6 lun 0
cd1:  Removable CD-ROM SCSI-2 device 
cd1: 20.000MB/s transfers (20.000MHz, offset 15)
cd1: Attempt to query device size failed: NOT READY, Medium not present - tray closed
arp: runt packet
arp: runt packet
arp: runt packet
arp: runt packet
arp: runt packet
nfs server not responding
nfs server is alive again
microuptime() went backwards (57243.730002 -> 57243.730001)
arp: runt packet
arp: runt packet

Re: NFS server not respnding!

2002-10-10 Thread Hartmann, O.

On Thu, 10 Oct 2002, Bill Moran wrote:

Hello Bill.

:>Hartmann, O. wrote:
:>> Dear Sirs.
:>> Using FreeBSD 4.6.2-pl2 and FreeBSD 4.7-RC2 on our server system (one 4.7-RC
:>> experimental system) and utilizing AMD for mounting home space and other
:>> services via TCP protocol results in
:>> nfs server not responding
:>> nfs server is alive again
:>> very often, when load of the appropriate client is very high. That happens
:>> when on our number crunching systems utilization of CPU time is high or
:>> many users try copy from and to via SAMBA to the main NFS server system.
:>Yup.  Happens because either the server or the network is swamped and some
:>NFS packets are not being responded to as quickly as the client expects.
:>Other than being annoying, it's not really a major problem.

Well, it seems to _be_ a major problem due to breaking copy actions from
Windows clients over SAMBA when NFS server is not respondig.

I still __use__ TCP for the NFS connections, especially for all AMD mounts.
Since tcp has been choosen as the main protocoll, those problems occur.
I think something has to be changed to make all clients waiting a little bit
for the server. The only real tweak would be to swap over to GigaBit LAN
within our server system room to avoid the traffice bottleneck between
the serving systems (we have a really misconfigured network and it makes
it really hard to deal with a suitable topology - at the moment all traffic
goes twice through our FreeBSD/PicoBSD filtering bridge).

:>> This happens under heavy load and, when only a few users are on the systems,
:>> but it happens very often while
:>> - copying big files/datas from PC systems via SAMBA
:>> - whenever a number crunching job runs on a different server
:>>   and on another server a job for copying data has been started,
:>>   the influences to a completely different system, in this case the main
:>>   NFS server, is significant.
:>> FreeBSD offers a lot of kernel stuff tunig the system's performance,
:>> especially for NFS etc (also sysctl changeable kernel varibales).
:>> Can anyone help with tuned parameters or give hints how to
:>> investigate problems?
:>Search the mailing list archives.  This was discussed some months back,
:>and someone provided info on which knobs to tweak to make the messages
:>go away, along with the possible pitfalls of tweaking those knobs.
:>> What's about the fact running AMD/NFS over TCP instead of UDP? UDP
:>> seems to give the benefit of speed, while TCP seems to be more
:>> reliable and secure from the point of view from the network.
:>I don't think switching to TCP will stop this.  To my knowledge, TCP
:>connections only improve reliability over sketchy connections (such
:>as WANs)  My experience with NFS/TCP has been that it doesn't really
:>improve reliability that much either (although we were dealing with
:>an _extremely_ flakey wireless WAN - nothing was reliable)
:>Bill Moran
:>Potential Technologies

O. Hartmann

IT-Administration des Institutes fuer Physik der Atmosphaere (IPA)
Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz
Becherweg 21
55099 Mainz

Tel: +496131/3924662 (Maschinenraum)
Tel: +496131/3924144 (Buero)
FAX: +496131/3923532

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-questions" in the body of the message

NFS server not respnding!

2002-10-10 Thread Hartmann, O.

Dear Sirs.

Using FreeBSD 4.6.2-pl2 and FreeBSD 4.7-RC2 on our server system (one 4.7-RC
experimental system) and utilizing AMD for mounting home space and other
services via TCP protocol results in

nfs server not responding
nfs server is alive again

very often, when load of the appropriate client is very high. That happens
when on our number crunching systems utilization of CPU time is high or
many users try copy from and to via SAMBA to the main NFS server system.

This happens under heavy load and, when only a few users are on the systems,
but it happens very often while

- copying big files/datas from PC systems via SAMBA
- whenever a number crunching job runs on a different server
  and on another server a job for copying data has been started,
  the influences to a completely different system, in this case the main
  NFS server, is significant.

FreeBSD offers a lot of kernel stuff tunig the system's performance,
especially for NFS etc (also sysctl changeable kernel varibales).
Can anyone help with tuned parameters or give hints how to
investigate problems?

What's about the fact running AMD/NFS over TCP instead of UDP? UDP
seems to give the benefit of speed, while TCP seems to be more
reliable and secure from the point of view from the network.

Thanks in advance for responding to this foolish questions ...


O. Hartmann

IT-Administration des Institutes fuer Physik der Atmosphaere (IPA)
Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz
Becherweg 21
55099 Mainz

Tel: +496131/3924662 (Maschinenraum)
Tel: +496131/3924144 (Buero)
FAX: +496131/3923532

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-questions" in the body of the message

Fibre channel HBAs and FreeBSD

2002-10-08 Thread Hartmann, O.


We plan to expand our storage and due to the high demand on
storage we would like to install a SAN solution based on
Mylex products.

We wish to utilize a 2Gb HBA for PCI-X bus, like LSI/Logic
LSI7202XP-LC (two channel solution) or LSI7402XP-LC (quad
channel solution) or those from QLogic, e.g. SANBlade 2300
series PCI-X HBA.

Does either FreeBSD 4.6.2-pl2 or FreeBSD 4.7 support Fibre
Channel controllers of that brands?

Thanks in advance for your answer,


O. Hartmann

IT-Administration des Institutes fuer Physik der Atmosphaere (IPA)
Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz
Becherweg 21
55099 Mainz

Tel: +496131/3924662 (Maschinenraum)
Tel: +496131/3924144 (Buero)
FAX: +496131/3923532

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with "unsubscribe freebsd-questions" in the body of the message

mt/tape media: how to reuse worn media?

2002-09-29 Thread Hartmann, O.

Changing several parameters of a tape drive/autoloader unit seems to
remains DDS-4 media unuseable.

I playes around with mt blocksize, mt seteotmodel and tried to do backups
either via tar or afbackup. But now several tape media seems to force the
tape drive unit to recognize this medium as "Worn Media'.

I tried an erase, without success. It hink it is a simple 'trick' to get back a valid
tape, but how?

Thanks for your mail.


O. Hartmann

IT-Administration des Institutes fuer Physik der Atmosphaere (IPA)
Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz
Becherweg 21
55099 Mainz

Tel: +496131/3924662 (Maschinenraum)
Tel: +496131/3924144 (Buero)
FAX: +496131/3923532

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with "unsubscribe freebsd-questions" in the body of the message

tape autoloader/chio usage gets kernel error

2002-09-28 Thread Hartmann, O.


Again, much trouble with the tape device forces me into some questions
about several errors logged during the last session.

When retrieving the status of the autoloader via 'chio status' I get
this error:

ch: warning: could not map element source address 0d to a valid element type

What does this mean? Prior to FreeBSD 4.2.6, e.g. FreeBSD 4.6-RELEASE
I never saw this error.

Can anyone explain what it means?



O. Hartmann

IT-Administration des Institutes fuer Physik der Atmosphaere (IPA)
Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz
Becherweg 21
55099 Mainz

Tel: +496131/3924662 (Maschinenraum)
Tel: +496131/3924144 (Buero)
FAX: +496131/3923532

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with "unsubscribe freebsd-questions" in the body of the message

Re: Writing to tape drive produces invalid requests

2002-09-28 Thread Hartmann, O.

On Sat, 28 Sep 2002, Dan Nelson wrote:

:>In the last episode (Sep 28), Hartmann, O. said:
:>> Hello.
:>> While writing to a tape drive unit I get this kernel log:
:>> (sa0:sym1:0:5:0): Invalid request.  Fixed block device requests must be a multiple 
:of 1024 bytes
:>Try running "mt blocksize 0" to enable variable-length blocks.  I think
:>ancient QIC tape drives are the only ones that require a fixed
:>  Dan Nelson

I tried this, also, but with a similar effect. It think the HP SureStore 40x6i
(DDS-4) isn't a ancient tape drive, the PC-recommended and factory default
setting for this expensive DAT autoloader is 1024 bytes per block.

I switched via mt blocksize 0 to variable blocksize, but then writing to
the tape took much longer.

O. Hartmann

IT-Administration des Institutes fuer Physik der Atmosphaere (IPA)
Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz
Becherweg 21
55099 Mainz

Tel: +496131/3924662 (Maschinenraum)
Tel: +496131/3924144 (Buero)
FAX: +496131/3923532

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Writing to tape drive produces invalid requests

2002-09-28 Thread Hartmann, O.


While writing to a tape drive unit I get this kernel log:

(sa0:sym1:0:5:0): Invalid request.  Fixed block device requests must be a multiple of 
1024 bytes

Can anyone explain what this means?

OS is FreeBSD 4.6.2-pl2, backupsoftware is afbackup 3.3.7pl3, tapedrive unit is
a HP SureStore 40x6i (DDS-4 autoloader with 6 cartridges). By default, the tape
drive shows up after reset this 'mt status' messages:

Mode  Density  Blocksize  bpi  Compression
Current:  0x26:DDS-4   1024 bytes 97000DCLZ
-available modes-
0:0x26:DDS-4   1024 bytes 97000DCLZ
1:0x26:DDS-4   1024 bytes 97000DCLZ
2:0x26:DDS-4   1024 bytes 97000DCLZ
3:0x26:DDS-4   1024 bytes 97000DCLZ
Current Driver State: at rest.
File Number: 1  Record Number: 0Residual Count 0

This is hardcoded by DIP-switches and it whas worked up to FreeBSD 4.6-RELEASE.

Any ideas whats wrong?

O. Hartmann

IT-Administration des Institutes fuer Physik der Atmosphaere (IPA)
Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz
Becherweg 21
55099 Mainz

Tel: +496131/3924662 (Maschinenraum)
Tel: +496131/3924144 (Buero)
FAX: +496131/3923532

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with "unsubscribe freebsd-questions" in the body of the message

FreeBSD 4.6.2-p2/4.7-RC tape drive/sa - driver problems

2002-09-27 Thread Hartmann, O.


I have serious trouble with two HP DAT drives (both DAT 40 drives,
one single tape drive, one 6-slot autoloader SureStore 40x6i).

Both trouble making systems are SMP machine (two Intel PIII/866 CPUs)
with SymbiosLogic SCSI controler.

Both tape drives have the following parameters:

Physical blocksize: 1024
EOT model:  1 file mark

As backup software I use afbackup 3.3.7pl2.

Since we moved from FreeBSD 4.6 to 4.6.2-p2 or towards FreeBSD 4.7-RC,
FreeBSD and afbackup seem to fall into serious trouble.

First the system with the autoloader:

At the end of a tape, tape changes couldn't be performed anymore
and the kernel log is full of this message:

(sa0:sym1:0:5:0): Invalid request.  Fixed block device requests must be a multiple of 
1024 bytes
(sa0:sym1:0:5:0): tape is now frozen- use an OFFLINE, REWIND or MTEOM command to clear 
this state.

The loader displays shows a status of: Semi Loaded - then Loading - Then Semi Loaded 

And I get error messages on the console from afbackup that it expects tape 2 but have 
tape 1.

After doing this pseudochanging the cassette a whole night, at the end, when doing a 
ktrace -p PID
the autoloader status display showed up this: EOTMark not found.

The switches of the Autoloader and of the single tape drive are switched to the 
recommended PC-style
config. When power off and power on an 'mt status' displays a block size of 1024, like 

root: /root: mt status
Mode  Density  Blocksize  bpi  Compression
Current:  0x26:DDS-4   1024 bytes 97000DCLZ
-available modes-
0:0x26:DDS-4   1024 bytes 97000DCLZ
1:0x26:DDS-4   1024 bytes 97000DCLZ
2:0x26:DDS-4   1024 bytes 97000DCLZ
3:0x26:DDS-4   1024 bytes 97000DCLZ
Current Driver State: at rest.
File Number: 0  Record Number: 0Residual Count 0

The same on the single tape drive.

FreeBSd 4.6-RELEASE and afbackup 3.3.7 did not show up this problem. I do not know 
whether these
problems are hardware or software related, but watching that massive kernel low level 
suspects me the kernel and/or sa driver.

Does anyone has a glue how to fix this? What blocksize should I switch the tape drives 
to? Any

I feel really confused about this. At this moment the last inserted tape is stuck in 
autoloader and could be only freed by pressing 5 seconds the eject button for 
emergency eject.
No 'mt rewoffl' works ...

Any email appreciated ...
Thansk in advance,

O. Hartmann

IT-Administration des Institutes fuer Physik der Atmosphaere (IPA)
Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz
Becherweg 21
55099 Mainz

Tel: +496131/3924662 (Maschinenraum)
Tel: +496131/3924144 (Buero)
FAX: +496131/3923532

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PICOBSD problems: won't compile SH

2002-09-23 Thread Hartmann, O.


In FreeBSD 4.6.2-RELEASE-p2 I have a problem with PICOBSD:
we use PICOBSD for our security purposes and therefore it is
important to resolve the problem occured.

While compiling a CD/Floppy Image I receive this error:

cc -O -pipe -march=pentiumpro -DSHELL -I. -I/usr/src/bin/sh -Wall -Wformat-c 
/usr/src/bin/sh/parser.c: In function `readtoken':
/usr/src/bin/sh/parser.c:748: invalid operands to binary -
*** Error code 1

I deleted twice the whole PICOBSD path and cvsupdated it again (TAG=RELENG_4_6).
Then I did all the settings from scratch except the PICOBSD kernel config
file and the content of floppy.tree/etc within my own configured PICOBSD.

Compiling all the other stuff in src/release/picobsd make no problems. Compiling
the same failing stuff on a machine running 4.7-RC results in no errors so I
guess there is somewhere a config mistake. We downgraded our servers from
4.7-RC back to 4.6.2-p2 two days ago. I think it could be very likely that
a change in a config file I saved forces this error (files:
floppy.tree/ -content

configured from scratch:

Any hint?

Thanks a lot.


O. Hartmann

IT-Administration des Institutes fuer Physik der Atmosphaere (IPA)
Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz
Becherweg 21
55099 Mainz

Tel: +496131/3924662 (Maschinenraum)
Tel: +496131/3924144 (Buero)
FAX: +496131/3923532

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with "unsubscribe freebsd-questions" in the body of the message

Essentiell questions on SA-tape driver: blocksize, EOT-model

2002-09-20 Thread Hartmann, O.

Dear Sirs.

We use at our department of meteorology FreeBSD 4.6 and 4.7 based
systems and several HP DAT tape drives in conjunction with afbackup
3.3.7pl2 for performing our backup tasks.

I need to mention that afbackup worked well since the changes of
FBSD 4.7 in the SA driver (early August/2002).

With FreeBSD 4.7-PRERELEASE and FreeBSD 4.7-RC afbackup 3.3.7pl2
and the ports-collection outdated afbackup 3.3.5 doesn't work anymore.

But this is simply the background for my outstanding questions.

I try to figure out what to do to get best results and stability with
tape drives and fiddling around with several parameters results in
several strange behaviours of the tape drives.

We use two single tape drives from HP, one DDS-4, recognized by FBSD 4.7-RC
sa0 at sym0 bus 0 target 4 lun 0
sa0:  Removable Sequential Access SCSI-2 device
sa0: 40.000MB/s transfers (20.000MHz, offset 31, 16bit)

and an older DDS-2 tape drive, recognized as:
sa0 at ahc1 bus 0 target 5 lun 0
sa0:  Removable Sequential Access SCSI-2 device
sa0: 10.000MB/s transfers (10.000MHz, offset 8)

The last one, DDS-2 type tape drive, has been run all the time with
varibale-block size without any kind of errors while doing backups
localy and via network.

The newer DAT 40 tape drive (DDS-4) reports errors when switching
to varibale blocksize with 'mt blocksize 0'. this is the error
message reported by the kernel of the  drive:

(sa0:sym0:0:4:0): WRITE FILEMARKS. CDB: 10 0 0 0 1 0
(sa0:sym0:0:4:0): MEDIUM ERROR asc:3b,0
(sa0:sym0:0:4:0): Sequential positioning error
(sa0:sym0:0:4:0): failed to write terminating filemark(s)
(sa0:sym0:0:4:0): tape is now frozen- use an OFFLINE, REWIND or MTEOM command to clear 
this state.
(sa0:sym0:0:4:0): tape is now frozen- use an OFFLINE, REWIND or MTEOM command to clear 
this state.

Both tape drives use EOT model 1 filemark (mt seteotmodel 1).

What does this error mena and why does it occur? Why not on the older tape drive?

Next problematic device is our third backup system, also a DAT drive from HP, but
mounted to an autoloader (HP SureStore 40x6i):

sa0 at sym1 bus 0 target 5 lun 0
sa0:  Removable Sequential Access SCSI-2 device
sa0: 40.000MB/s transfers (20.000MHz, offset 31, 16bit)
ch0 at sym1 bus 0 target 5 lun 1
ch0:  Removable Changer SCSI-2 device
ch0: 40.000MB/s transfers (20.000MHz, offset 31, 16bit)
ch0: 6 slots, 1 drive, 0 pickers, 0 portals

This autoloader/tape unit backups our RAID system and utilize afbackup 3.3.7pl2, or 
it utilized afbackup, it is now broken and unuseable with FreeBSD 4.7!

Using viarible blocksize, EOT filemark 1 and compression on with this tape drive 
in this this error:

(sa0:sym1:0:5:0): unable to rewind after test read
(ch0:sym1:0:5:1): READ ELEMENT STATUS. CDB: b8 20 0 2 0 1 0 0 4 0 0 0
(ch0:sym1:0:5:1): NOT READY asc:3e,0
(ch0:sym1:0:5:1): Logical unit has not self-configured yet
ch: warning: could not map element source address 0d to a valid element type
(ch0:sym1:0:5:1): chgetparams: error getting device capabilities page
(ch0:sym1:0:5:1): chgetparams: error getting element address page
(ch0:sym1:0:5:1): chgetparams: error getting element address page
sym1:5:control msgout: 80 6.
(ch0:sym1:0:5:1): chgetparams: error getting element address page
sym1:5:control msgout: 80 6.

It seems also that the changer (ch0) has problems to change tapes in afbackup, but I 
not figure our why and I suspect the chaos in the new sa-driver (where is the HEADS 
but I confess that this is out of my focus of competence.

The big mystery is: why does varibale blocksize work on the older models of HP and not 
the newer ones (DAT tape drives)?

At the end I do not want to ask for a solution for the afbackup-catastrophy, but I want
to know more about how to use variable blocksize - or to avoid them, if they are not
suitable for FreeBSD.
What is about the two distinguish EOT models? Which one is the one we should prefer, 2
filemarks or only one? Assuming having modern tape drives, like DAT 40 or SDLT/LTO, 
kind of model is prefereable? And what kind of blcoksize?
As often as I read something about blocksizes on tape drive units I read '10240', ten 
more than 1024. But when I took a look on a new tapedrive unit or after a reset, I see 
blocksize of 1024 (fixed). Is that correct?  Should the blocksize be variable or fixed 
to 1024?
Please refer this to FreeBSD and its backup utilities and with modern tape drive units 
in mind.
At this moment I feel sick and really confused, especially disappointed by the 
weirdness of
the sa driver failure with the very important 'afbackup' utility.

Hope someone dares to answer, I know the problems are more specific than they seem to 

Thanks in advance,


O. Hartmann

IT-Administration des Institutes fuer Physik der Atmosphaere (IPA)

Openoffice installation problem/BOOTDIR JDK1.3.1 problems

2002-07-25 Thread Hartmann, O.

Dear Sirs.

I have problems installing openoffice-1.0.1.
After installation of all necessary ports, gathering all needed stuff from
SUN, I run into the follwoing error:

===>  Extracting for openoffice-1.0.1
===>   openoffice-1.0.1 depends on executable: zip - found
===>   openoffice-1.0.1 depends on executable: unzip - found
===>   openoffice-1.0.1 depends on file: /usr/local/jdk1.3.1/bin/java - not found
===>Verifying install for /usr/local/jdk1.3.1/bin/java in /usr/ports/java/jdk13
===>  Building for jdk-1.3.1p6_4
i386 Build started:   1.3.1-p6-root-020725-12:15
ERROR: Your BOOTDIR environment variable does not point
to a valid Java 2 SDK for bootstrapping this build.
A Java 2 SDK 1.3.1 build must be bootstrapped against any
1.3 build. Please update your ALT_BOOTDIR setting, or
just unset it, and start your build again.

Exiting because of the above error(s).
gmake: *** [sanity] Error 1
*** Error code 2

Stop in /usr/public/ports/ports/java/jdk13.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/public/ports/ports/editors/openoffice.

As I read in the newsgroups, this error occurs due to the lack of the
linux-sdk1.3.1 - but it is already installed and useable!

How can I set BOOTDIR to point to the right path or how does the
port installes this variable?

The same happens on a 'naked', plain and completely fresh installed mashine.
Maybe something with dependencies ran wrong ...

O. Hartmann

IT-Administration des Institutes fuer Physik der Atmosphaere (IPA)
Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz
Becherweg 21
55099 Mainz

Tel: +496131/3924662 (Maschinenraum)
Tel: +496131/3924144 (Buero)
FAX: +496131/3923532

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