Excessive bounces

2013-08-26 Thread Robert Huff

Harald Weis writes:

>  My membership to this list has been disabled due to excessive bounces.
>  Could somebody please tell me how to stop these bounces in the future ?

You are not the only one with this problem.  I am subscribed,
from the same address, to about half a dozen Freebsd lists;
questions@ is the only one that insists I confirm my subscription
(roughly once a month).
Attempts to work with the Freebsd mailing-lists admins have
been far from satisfactory 

        Robert Huff

freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
To unsubscribe, send any mail to "freebsd-questions-unsubscr...@freebsd.org"

Re: dig

2013-08-21 Thread Robert Huff

>  > There appears to be a problem with dig and the +trace option in
>  > 9.2.  I believe its also in 9.1.  The command: 
>  >
>  > dig freebsd.org +trace
>  >
>  > Only yields a dumb response.  No useful information is
>  provided.  Running the same command on FreeBSD 7.2 yields a
>  complete trace with lots of useful information.
>  Works for me on 9.0 and 9.1 (and 8.2, 7.1, 7.0)

And on:

FreeBSD 10.0-CURRENT #0 r248938: Sun Mar 31 06:24:42 EDT 2013  amd64 

    Robert Huff

freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
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Re: deleting managed content using svn

2013-08-05 Thread Robert Huff

Matthew Seaman writes:

>  >For reasons I won't get into, I want to scrub all svn-managed
>  > material under src in preparation for grabbing a completely clean
>  > copy.
>  >Is there a better way than "rm -rf"?
>  Nope.  rm -rf of the checked out filesystem is going to blow away
>  everything you had and let you start again from scratch.  The only
>  things that could remain are entries under ~/.subversion (or
>  /root/.subversion) which will contain such things as records of SSL keys
>  to trust or login details if you needed a password for access.  You
>  probably don't need to worry about doing anything to those.


Robert Huff

freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
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deleting managed content using svn

2013-08-05 Thread Robert Huff

I have a system that uses svn to track src+ports+doc.
For reasons I won't get into, I want to scrub all svn-managed
material under src in preparation for grabbing a completely clean
Neither on-system documentation nor the deeper documentation
listed therein show how to do this.  Or at least not in a way my
brain is currently processing.  :-)
Is there a better way than "rm -rf"?


    Robert Huff

freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
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.sh script code to determine IPv4 or IPv6

2013-08-03 Thread Robert Huff

Fbsd8 writes:

>  I have a .sh script that I need to determine if the entered IP
>  address is IPv4 or IPv6.
>  Is there some .sh command that does this?

Not that I know of.
But ... how hard can it be to figure out whether it uses '.' or

    Robert Huff

freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
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Access guard

2013-07-07 Thread Robert Huff

Jos Chrispijn writes:

>  I am looking for a program that watches login attempts (mail and
>  ssh login) and blocks the ip address after xx failed attempts.
>  Currently I am using ipfw - might be great if that program works
>  with ipw too...

Don't know about mail, but security/denyhosts works for SSH.

        Robert Huff

freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
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Re: logging during loader

2013-06-26 Thread Robert Huff

Polytropon writes:

>  >During the processing of loader.conf, something gets printed
>  > that suggests all is not right.  However, this is a sufficiently
>  > modern machine it goes by too fast to read exactly what.
>  >It is my understanding that file gets read before the system
>  > logging facilities are operational, and possibly before things like
>  > ^S/^Q work on the terminal.
>  >Is there a way to store the results of that phase of boot-up?
>  Being on the 1st virtual terminal in text mode (ttyv0) which
>  also acts as the console device, press the "Scroll Lock"
>  key and use the vertical arrow keys and page scrolling keys
>  to get to the top of the log.

This does not work for me.  Specifically, pushing [Scroll Lock]
causes the appropriate light to go on, but output continues to flow.

Robert Huff

freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
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Re: logging during loader

2013-06-24 Thread Robert Huff

Bernt Hansson writes:

>  Try "start freebsd with verbose logging" then check dmesg.

Doesn't that only apply to stuff generated by the hardware
enumeration/drivar attach phase?

        Robert Huff

freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
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logging during loader

2013-06-24 Thread Robert Huff

During the processing of loader.conf, something gets printed
that suggests all is not right.  However, this is a sufficiently
modern machine it goes by too fast to read exactly what.
It is my understanding that file gets read before the system
logging facilities are operational, and possibly before things like
^S/^Q work on the terminal.
Is there a way to store the results of that phase of boot-up?


Robert Huff

freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
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Re: Daily periodic cronjob generates core dump

2013-06-14 Thread Robert Huff

C. L. Martinez writes:

>  > Have you added anything to the default system crontab?  Are
>  I have added a script to rebuild packages every week with poudriere:

And if you comment that out?

    Robert Huff

freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
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Daily periodic cronjob generates core dump

2013-06-14 Thread Robert Huff

C. L. Martinez writes:

>   I have a FreeBSD 9.1 host (fully patched) with ZFS. Every day I
>   am receiving in security output this message:
>  fbsd.domain.local kernel log messages:
>  +++ /tmp/security.AT1oDecp   2013-06-14 03:02:10.0 +
>  +pid 75930 (try), uid 0: exited on signal 10 (core dumped) pid 76241
>  +(try), uid 0: exited on signal 10 (core dumped)
>   How can I detect where is the problem??

Have you added anything to the default system crontab?  Are
there any user crontabs?

    Robert Huff

freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
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Re: buildworld selectively?

2013-06-10 Thread Robert Huff

Walter Hurry writes:

>  >>  Fair enough. Point taken, thanks. Nevertheless I see no reason to
>  >>  compile stuff I neither want nor need.
>  > 
>  >While I endorse the principle ... it can be difficult for the
>  > casual user to know which parts can be removed without blowing up things
>  > they want.
>  >(Been there, had to change the underwear after the new kernel
>  > didn't boot.  Booted old kernel, fixed things.)
>  > 
>  Wise words. The kernel and world builds/installs went fine, but
>  soon afterwards I noticed a problem with the mail/dcc-dccd port
>  (required, in my case, by SpamAssassin), which would not rebuild,
>  complaining that the base sendmail was not found or too old.
>  Since I use Postfix, I had set WITHOUT_SENDMAIL in
>  /etc/src.conf. I shall remove it and rebuild. C'est la vie!

My case was more spectacular: since there were no ISA slots I
removed "device ISA" (or whatever it was).  Turns out that dragged
in a whole _truckload_ of essential infrastructure 

Robert Huff

freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
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Re: buildworld selectively?

2013-06-09 Thread Robert Huff

Walter Hurry writes:

>  Fair enough. Point taken, thanks. Nevertheless I see no reason to
>  compile stuff I neither want nor need.

While I endorse the principle ... it can be difficult for the
casual user to know which parts can be removed without blowing up
things they want.
(Been there, had to change the underwear after the new kernel
didn't boot.  Booted old kernel, fixed things.)

    Robert Huff

freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
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Re: define more partitions in freebsd

2013-06-01 Thread Robert Huff

s m writes:

>  and my last question, some people say to change byte 0x28a of the
>  disk from 0x08 to 0x14 (which 14 is the number of partitions). do
>  you think it's a good idea and applicable solution?

Short answer: if you have to ask - no, it isn't.

    Robert Huff
freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
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pkg version -L howto?

2013-05-18 Thread Robert Huff

Leslie Jensen writes:
>  pkg version -vIL
>  pkg: option requires an argument -- L
>  usage: pkg version [-IPR] [-hoqv] [-l limchar] [-L limchar] [[-X] -s string]
>  [-r reponame] [-O origin] [index]
>  pkg version -t  
>  pkg version -T  
>  According to "pkg help version" the -l -L should be followed by limchar.
>  Unfortunately it is not clear what limchar can be. Looking at the 
>  examples in help I drew the conclusion that limchar can be one of the 
>  following:
>  = < > ? !

The limchar needs to be escaped, otherwise it gets picked off
by the shell.
Grepped for my crontab:

pkg version -vl \<

    Robert Huff  
freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
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Re: Hot Swapping SATA drive?

2013-05-16 Thread Robert Huff

Warren Block writes:
>  > I don't there there is any difference between SATA and eSATA above the
>  > physical layer. I'm not sure what that setting would do.
>  At a guess, it could connect one of the internal SATA ports to
>  the eSATA connector.

That's the way mine works; on the other hand, it's specially
marked internal connector.

    Robert Huff

freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
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Re: Hot Swapping SATA drive?

2013-05-14 Thread Robert Huff

Ronald F. Guilmette writes:

>  >That works for me.  I need to re-scan the ata channel using
>  >"atacontrol" but once that happens it's fine.
>  Hummm... I tried "atacontrol info" and I got this:
>  atacontrol: 
>  ATA_CAM option is enabled in kernel.
>  Please use camcontrol instead.
>  So I guess I need to use camcontrol instead.  But what command?
>  What were you using with atacontrol to "re-scan"?  Was that
>  "atacontrol attach"?

Yeah - 

# atacontrol detach ata0
# atacontrol attach ata0

did it.

Robert Huff

freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
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Hot Swapping SATA drive?

2013-05-14 Thread Robert Huff

Ronald F. Guilmette writes:

>  I bought one of these things awhile ago:
> http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004LXJXSW/ref=oh_details_o00_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

I believe I have a similar object, only a) external (eSATA), b)
from a different manufacturer, and c) connected to a -CURRENT
system.  I use it as a backup device. 

>  I just now tried to read up a little bit on all of this ACPI
>  stuff, but my eyes are starting to glaze over.  So if someone
>  would answer these simple and obvious questions, I'd appreciate
>  it:
>  1) Given a system running FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE, is anything bad
>  gonna happen if I insert a drive into this thing while the system
>  is running?  Will I be able to mount partitions contained on the
>  drive in question after I do so?

That works for me.  I need to re-scan the ata channel using
"atacontrol" but once that happens it's fine.

>  2) Given a system running FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE, is anything bad
>  gonna happen if I remove a drive from this thing while the system
>  is running, assuming that I have already properly umounted all
>  relevant partitions first?

Nothing bad happened to me.

>  3) Assuming that I want to do this stuff, what BIOS options
>  should I be setting or unsetting on the motherboard?

I am unable to check the BIOS settings on that MB (which may be
ASrock as well), but I don't believe I had to do anything other hand
make sure eSATA was enabled.

>  Please excuse my ignorance, but I've never done this stuff
>  before.

I remember the nerves when I tried this.
You should be fine,

Robert Huff

freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
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Re: update from apache22 to apache24

2013-05-03 Thread Robert Huff

Ryan Frederick writes:

>  The Apache site has documentation on upgrading from 2.2 to 2.4 -- 
>  http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/upgrading.html
>  The main change for me was the new allow/deny syntax.
>  I've updated almost all of my Apache installs from 2.2 to 2.4 with no 
>  issues.

Lucky you.
I've just been making the change.  In addition to the
allow/deny syntax, the biggest change is some old modules disappear
and new ones need to be added.
Unfortunately I'm now getting this:

Performing sanity check on apache24 configuration:
Syntax OK
Starting apache24.
/usr/local/etc/rc.d/apache24: WARNING: failed to start apache24

and none of the usual suspects have additional information.
(Anyone want to take a shot at this?  :-)


    Robert Huff

freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
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Re: Kernel Modules Documentation?

2013-04-30 Thread Robert Huff

kpn...@pobox.com writes:
>  > alias_cuseeme
>  I don't know this one. Google?

CU-SeeMe is a video conferencing product; I have no idea what
this module does.

        Robert Huff

freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
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Kernel Modules Documentation?

2013-04-30 Thread Robert Huff

Walter Hurry writes:

>  I have a list of about 220 kernel modules and would like to find out what 
>  they do, or are for (none has a man page). I suspect that many of them 
>  are drivers for particular devices.

>  ahc_eisa
>  ahc_isa
>  ahc_pci

Try "man 4 ahc".

    Robert Huff

freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
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Firefox is so slow

2013-04-29 Thread Robert Huff

David Demelier writes:

>  On my machine : intel i3 540, 2G of RAM and FreeBSD 9.1 it takes
>  around 12 secondes to start. Is it so long for you too?

Additional data point:

FreeBSD 10.0-CURRENT #0 r248938: Sun Mar 31 06:24:42 EDT 2013  amd64


AMD Phenom, 4 cores @ 3 Ghz, 8mbytes RAM

With the load (as reported by top) at around 6, Firefox 20 also
takes ~12 seconds.
On the other hand ... once I open a browser I work within it,
until it's no longer needed (or it crashes :-( ).  Opening a new
window/tab in SeaMonkey is so fast I can barely see it happen.

    Robert Huff

freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
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Re: enter single user mode from boot menu

2013-04-28 Thread Robert Huff

Joshua Isom writes:

>  >> mount -u -o rw /
>  >
>  > or
>  >
>  > mount -u -rw /
>  >
>  > (just thought I'd save you 2 keystrokes, nyuk nyuk)
>  >
>  Or
>  mount -ua

Understand this mounts all filesystems not marked "noauto" in
fstab ... whether that's the right thing or not.

Robert Huff

freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
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Re: Upgrading from 7.4 to 9.1

2013-04-27 Thread Robert Huff

b...@todoo.biz writes:

>  >> I wanted to know if you would consider updating from 7.4 to 9.1
>  >> directly ?
>  >> 
>  >> Has anyone tried that with success ? 
>  >While it is certainly possible, many (myself included) will
>  > recommend a clean install.  Doing so has the following advantages:
>  Well to tell you the truth, the main reason I was asking is that
>  I'll have to visit my datacenter in order to do a clean install…
>  as opposed to remote upgrade.

If you know your hardware, you can build a disk /here/, send it
/there/, and have someone swap disks.  Usually - but not always -
one can simply copy the kernel configuration file and rebuild
kernel+world.  (Read /usr/src/UPDATING before doing so,)

>  Unless someone else tells me that It is a painless rapid update.

It's painless ... except when it isn't.

Robert "trust in Allah, but tie up your camel" Huff

freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
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Re: Why is "pkg_glob" no longer working for me?

2013-04-27 Thread Robert Huff

Matthew Seaman writes:

>  >I use portupgrade for two features: portsclean (for which there
>  > is probably a pkgng replacement, I just haven't bothered to check)
>  > and pkg_sort (for which there is no alternative) which is necessary
>  > for certain scripts.
>  Well, given that pkgng is a binary package management system, it
>  achieves the required aim of keeping the ports tree nice and clean by
>  the simple expedient of not downloading distfiles or using the ports to
>  compile them.  No mess created means none to be cleared up.

Except it's not exclusively for binary packages.  :-)
Portsclean's 'L' option also cleans out un-needed
libraries. Which shouldn't be necessary ... but too often is.

Robert Huff

freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
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Re: Why is "pkg_glob" no longer working for me?

2013-04-27 Thread Robert Huff

Joe Altman writes:

>  > Anyone else have this issue?  Or am I the only one left still using
>  > portupgrade and its associated tools?
>  I use portupgrade and have noticed no failures.

I use portupgrade for two features: portsclean (for which there
is probably a pkgng replacement, I just haven't bothered to check)
and pkg_sort (for which there is no alternative) which is necessary
for certain scripts.

    Robert Huff

freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
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How to manually start firewall after system completed boot.

2013-04-17 Thread Robert Huff

Joe writes:

>  I have special purpose situation where I need to wait until the boot 
>  process has completed the starting of the system and then start the 
>  firewall (ipfw or pf). Commenting out the firewall statements from the 
>  hosts /etc/rc.conf does stop the firewall from starting at boot time.
>  Is there some format of the service command that could be used to 
>  manually start the selected firewall?
>  Any ideas on how to accomplish this is welcome.

The "boot process", as used here, is simply a series of calls
to various scripts in /etc/rc.d ... any of which can (theoretically)
be invoked by itself.  The details of this may be important;
_please_ do more research before blowing yourself up.  :-)

        Robert Huff

freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
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Re: reporting clang version?

2013-04-13 Thread Robert Huff

mrkvrg writes:

>  Is this what you are looking for?
>clang --version
>clang -v

It is.
However: "clang -help" says "-v" means 

show commands to run and use verbose output



    Robert Huff
freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
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reporting clang version?

2013-04-13 Thread Robert Huff

Looking at the man page I can find no option for reporting the
version - have I missed something?


Robert Huff

freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
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Re: Power switch not working

2013-04-09 Thread Robert Huff

Polytropon writes:

>  > Somebody is always coming up with something new that will 
>  > inevitably force me to spend money, buing new hardware, despite
>  > all my resistance. 
>  I cannot wait to participate in this wonderful experience
>  that keeps the "throw away society" alive (and enable us
>  to buy cheaper and more powerful stuff, on the other hand).
>  How will I be going to have a video feed from a VCR when
>  I cannot plug in my fully working and excellently supported
>  PCI TV card (with video input) anywhere?

"... a VCR ..."?   How ... Devonian.   :-)

> hard to keep
>  doing "the same" over the period of time the equipment will
>  work. Okay, no problem if you need to to "something new"
>  (which requires more power, more storage or faster speed),
>  but if that's not the case, the wheel keeps being reinvented.
>  What has been old will be new, except it comes in shiny new
>  marketing mumbo-jumbo to convince us. :-)

There are still graphics cards out there that also function as
TV tuner/input/output.  But it is increasingly a niche market, just
like external modems (or modems in general), and probably few are
being made for something as ... experienced ... as plain PCI.
I might even have one stuck in my old parts stash 

Robert Huff

freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
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seeking mailing list manager(s)

2013-04-07 Thread Robert Huff

(Yes - I know there's a list owner's address.
I send mail there.
Nothing happens.  I am chosing to believe this is a technical
problem, perhaps part of the same problem about which I wish to

Would someone repsonsible for the mamagement of this mailing
list please contact me privately?


        Robert Huff

freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
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Re: Power switch not working

2013-04-06 Thread Robert Huff

Polytropon writes:
>  > But running FreeBSD seems to
>  > cause it (the case power switch) to be ignored.
>  Check the BIOS settings, the switch should be programmed to
>  something like "soft power-off", it's "the other thing" to
>  whatever caption has been chosen for "immediately power
>  off" (forced by the 4 second press).

Also make sure you are running the latest BIOS update, and that
this is not a known issue for the motherboard.
(I have a FreeBSD-only system that cannot do "shutdown -r"
correctly.  If I ever figure out a way to flash the BIOS from within
FreeBSD ....)


Robert Huff

freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
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dump locking up system

2013-03-29 Thread Robert Huff

(While the system involved is -CURRENT, this doesn't seem to
have anything CURRENT-related.)
On a system running:

FreeBSD 10.0-CURRENT #0: Sun Dec 30 12:52:09 EST 2012  amd64 

running dump causes the system to lock up ... sometimes.
I have a cron job which runs at 0200 local; it dumps three
filesystems - /, /var, and /usr - to an external hard drive attached
by eSATA.  (Dump is incremental Tuesday through Sunday, full on
After some time of working transparently, this now semi-
reliably causes the system to lock up requiring power-off to fix.
a) According to dumpdates, the dump of / always completes.
Only dumping /var or /usr cause the lock-up.
b) There's nothing else in cron running about that time.
c) "Top" doesn't show any suspicious processes or activity.
d) When doing "fsck" on re-boot, the only thing suspicious is
a file - caught in fsck phase 1 - large enough to be the usused
space on the disk.
e) The dump is run in snapshot mode; this has not previously
been a problem.
f) The exact command used is:

$DUMP_DATE.var.dump /var 

where all of the $VARs are appropriately defined elsewhere.
g) When run outside the cron environment, the script always
runs to completion.

Two possibilities come to mind: some kind of hardware failure,
or a subtle corruption of the file system.
Please - someone out there hav a better idea.


Robert Huff

freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
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Re: Handbook Jail Chapter rewrite available for critique

2013-03-18 Thread Robert Huff

Isaac (.ike) Levy writes:

>  Pretty heavy cross-posting here, could you perhaps reign this in
>  to the freebsd-jail@ list, where it can be discussed in-context?
>  This will help keep the noise down.

It will also keep down the signal from people who use or are
interested in jails, but do not (and do not plan to) subscribe to
that list.


        Robert Huff

freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
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Re: svn & new pkg system

2013-03-09 Thread Robert Huff

Giorgos Keramidas writes:

>  > Is svn going to become part of the base system in 9.2-RELEASE?
>  No.

[good reasons for not including subversion ellided]

On the other hand ...
The traditional - and I believe still canonical - way of
updating the system is to recompile from source.
I know I am not alone in feeling the system is substantially
incomplete if it does not come with all the tools necessary to do
(Not slighting freebsd-update (don't know enough about it to
have an opinion); just pointing out it has limitations.)


        Robert Huff

freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
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buildowrld fails in sendmail

2013-03-01 Thread Robert Huff
s passing 'void ()' to parameter of type 'void 
(*)(char *, bool, MAILER *, struct mailer_con_info *, ENVELOPE *)' 
   getsasldata, NULL, XS_AUTH);
/usr/src/usr.sbin/sendmail/../../contrib/sendmail/src/sendmail.h:2519:67: note: 
passing argument to parameter here
extern int  reply __P((MAILER *, MCI *, ENVELOPE *, time_t, void 
(*)__P((char *, bool, MAILER *, MCI *, ENVELOPE *)), char **, int));
/usr/obj/usr/src/tmp/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h:136:21: note: expanded from macro 
#define __P(protos) protos  /* full-blown ANSI C */
/usr/src/usr.sbin/sendmail/../../contrib/sendmail/src/usersmtp.c:1864:8: error: 
incompatible pointer types passing 'void ()' to parameter of type 'void 
(*)(char *, bool, MAILER *, struct mailer_con_info *, ENVELOPE *)' 
   getsasldata, NULL, XS_AUTH);
/usr/src/usr.sbin/sendmail/../../contrib/sendmail/src/sendmail.h:2519:67: note: 
passing argument to parameter here
extern int  reply __P((MAILER *, MCI *, ENVELOPE *, time_t, void 
(*)__P((char *, bool, MAILER *, MCI *, ENVELOPE *)), char **, int));
/usr/obj/usr/src/tmp/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h:136:21: note: expanded from macro 
#define __P(protos) protos  /* full-blown ANSI C */
3 errors generated.
*** [usersmtp.o] Error code 1

Stop in /usr/src/usr.sbin/sendmail.
*** [all] Error code 1

Stop in /usr/src/usr.sbin.
*** [usr.sbin.all__D] Error code 1

"make.conf" is appended.
Any idea what I've borked?

Robert Huff


CFLAGS= -O -pipe -g 



# To avoid building various parts of the base system:
#   (copied from /usr/share/examples/etc/make.conf

#NO_BOOT=   true# do not build boot blocks and loader
#NO_CVS=true# do not build CVS
#NO_CXX=true# do not build C++ and friends
#NO_BIND=   true# do not build BIND
NO_BIND_ETC=   true# Do not install files to /etc/namedb
NO_BLUETOOTH=  true# do not build Bluetooth related stuff
#NO_FORTRAN=true# do not build g77 and related libraries
#NO_GDB=true# do not build GDB
#NO_I4B=true# do not build isdn4bsd package
#NO_IPFILTER=   true# do not build IP Filter package
#NO_PF= true# do not build PF firewall package
#NO_AUTHPF= true# do not build and install authpf (setuid/gid)
#NO_KERBEROS=   true# do not build and install Kerberos 5 (KTH Heimdal)
#NO_LPR=true# do not build lpr and related programs
#NO_MAILWRAPPER=true# do not build the mailwrapper(8) MTA selector
#NO_MODULES=true# do not build modules with the kernel
#NO_OBJC=   true# do not build Objective C support
#NO_OPENSSH=true# do not build OpenSSH
#NO_OPENSSL=true# do not build OpenSSL (implies NO_KERBEROS/NO_OPENSSH)
#NO_SENDMAIL=   true# do not build sendmail and related programs
#NO_SHAREDOCS=  true# do not build the 4.4BSD legacy docs
#NO_TCSH=   true# do not build and install /bin/csh (which is tcsh)
#NO_VINUM=  true# do not build Vinum utilities
#NOCRYPT=   true# do not build any crypto code
#NOGAMES=   true# do not build games (games/ subdir)
#NOINFO=true# do not make or install info files
#NOLIBC_R=  true# do not build libc_r (re-entrant version of libc)
#NOMAN= true# do not build manual pages
NO_PROFILE= true# Avoid compiling profiled libraries
#NOSHARE=   true# do not go into the share subdir

#   to get automatic SASL in sendmail

SENDMAIL_CFLAGS+=   -I/usr/local/include/ -DSASL=2
SENDMAIL_LDFLAGS+=  -L/usr/local/lib

#   to make CUPS magically keep working
#   See: http://www.csua.berkeley.edu/~ranga/notes/freebsd_cups.html

NO_LPR= true

#   added per /usr/ports/UPDATING entry 20090401



WITH_MOZILLA=   libxul
WITH_GECKO= libxul

# added 2007/03/04 per advice of  
#   in re science/gramps


#  as required by ports/UPDATING of 20121012


# PORTS: use clang 

choosing ACLs

2013-02-17 Thread Robert Huff

"man tunefs" mentions two types of ACLs: POSIX.1e and NFSv4.
Am I correct in assuming an unqualified "ACL" in general usage
defaults to the former, not the latter?


    Robert Huff
freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
To unsubscribe, send any mail to "freebsd-questions-unsubscr...@freebsd.org"

Re: How to achieve E-Mail Notification on root login?

2013-02-12 Thread Robert Huff

Polytropon writes:

>  > given there is a FreeBSD system with users in the wheel group, 
>  > what is the best practise to send out a notification
>  > via E-Mail if one of them becomes root via su? In an ideal
>  > case the E-Mail would contain the user name and the time.
>  I'm not sure if there already is a solution (provided in the
>  base system) that offers this functionality, but the fact of
>  a user having used "su" to "su root" is logged by the system.
>  The line is appended to /var/log/messages:
>   Feb 12 14:40:57 r56 su: poly to root on /dev/pts/2
>  The information you want is in there, and you could either use
>  the whole line, or apply some sed, awk or even perl to form a
>  message with less information (only date and user).
>  A scripted solution could monitor /var/log/messages for changes
>  and use the system's builtin mailer to deliver the message. Tools
>  like "tail -f", "grep" and "| mail" could be involved. It should
>  be quite trivial to implement this and add a custom rc.d-style
>  script (or even few lines in ye olde /etc/rc.local).

Take a look at the "-p" option of "split".
The bigger question is how quickly do you need to know -
instantly?  once an hour?  once a day?  

Robert Huff

freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
To unsubscribe, send any mail to "freebsd-questions-unsubscr...@freebsd.org"

dump issue

2013-02-11 Thread Robert Huff

Will someone please confirm or deny that (UFS) journaling and
"dump -L" continue to be incompatible?


        Robert Huff

freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
To unsubscribe, send any mail to "freebsd-questions-unsubscr...@freebsd.org"

parallel/simultaneous portinstall ?

2013-02-04 Thread Robert Huff

Ronald F. Guilmette writes:

>  My question is just this: Is it possible that Something Bad might
>  happen if, in one terminal session, the root user does
>  "portinstall A" and if, which that instance of portinstall is
>  still running, he then immediately switches to his other terminal
>  session and then does "portinstall B" ?

It's possible; I will leave the details as an exercise for the
On the other hand: the worst that happens is that one loses the
time invested (so far) in both builds.  (Well, if you discount tail
cases like running out of disk space.)

    Robert Huff

freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
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9.1 install wipes out gpart boot blocks?

2013-01-30 Thread Robert Huff

Gary Aitken writes:

>  I used gpart to set up a new disk,
>  then went through a 9.1 install.
>  Everything seemed to go fine, but when time came to boot the new drive,
>  it wouldn't boot.

While the "it wouldn't boot" is catastrophically imprecise, I
had what sounds like a similar problem about a month ago.
I installed from the 9.0 CD and everything appeared to go
correctly.  However, on final re-boot the loader couldn't identify
the root partition.
The solution was to identify the disks using the GPT labels in
Check the archive of questions@ for more details.

        Robert Huff

freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
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clipboard mangling cut/paste?

2013-01-28 Thread Robert Huff

(I'm posting this here because I have not been able to narrow
it down to a more specific candidate.  Also, my Google-fu is

On a system running:

FreeBSD 10.0-CURRENT #0: Sun Dec 30 12:52:09 EST 2012  amd64 

and xorg-server-1.10.6_2.1, I can cut from FireFox (18) and
paste into xemacs (21.4).
However, cutting from xemacs and pasting into Firefox turns the
characters into something that looks like Japanese/Chinese.  I can't
even tell whether it's pasting the same number of characters (or
twice/half that number).
I have other systems on which this works, but have not been
able to find the setting which makes everything happy.


    Robert Huff

freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
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Re: Cronjob Cvsup -> What?

2013-01-27 Thread Robert Huff

Steve O'Hara-Smith writes:

>  > The only downside with svn seems to be the 728 MB footprint.
>   With hard disc space running at around 10c per gigabyte it's a
>  minor issue.

Doesn't that depend on whose money it is?

        Robert Huff

freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
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problem building swt-devel

2013-01-19 Thread Robert Huff
Call__JI(JNIEnv*, jclass, 
jlong, jlong, jlong, jlong, jlong, jint)':
 [exec] xpcom.cpp:58:15: error: expected primary-expression before '(' token
 [exec] xpcom.cpp:58:15: error: expected primary-expression before ')' token
 [exec] xpcom.cpp:58:15: error: expected primary-expression before '*' token
 [exec] xpcom.cpp:58:15: error: expected primary-expression before ',' token
 [exec] xpcom.cpp:58:15: error: expected primary-expression before '*' token
 [exec] xpcom.cpp:58:15: error: expected primary-expression before ',' token
 [exec] xpcom.cpp:58:15: error: expected primary-expression before '*' token
 [exec] xpcom.cpp:58:15: error: expected primary-expression before ',' token
 [exec] xpcom.cpp:58:15: error: 'nsStaticModuleInfo' was not declared in 
this scope
 [exec] xpcom.cpp:58:15: error: expected primary-expression before ')' token
 [exec] xpcom.cpp:58:36: error: expected ')' before 'arg0'
 [exec] *** [xpcomxul.o] Error code 1
 [exec] Stop in /data/port-work/usr/ports/x11-toolkits/swt-devel/work.

/data/port-work/usr/ports/x11-toolkits/swt-devel/work/build.xml:62: exec 
returned: 1

I re-installed www/libxul, and nothing changed.

Receimination phase - if any - will happen after this gets
Help, please!


Robert Huff

freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
To unsubscribe, send any mail to "freebsd-questions-unsubscr...@freebsd.org"

fsck can't determine fstype

2013-01-16 Thread Robert Huff

   I have a hard drive which may or may not have died already,
from which I would _very_ much like to recover maybe 1 gbyte of data.
   After extracting it from the old machine, it's now hooked up to
a system running:

FreeBSD 10.0-CURRENT #0: Sun Dec 30 12:52:09 EST 2012 amd64 

  "gpart show" identifies it as "ad1" with partition 2 as type
"freebsd-ufs" and label "g_user".

>> fsck /dev/ad1p2
fsck: could not determine filesystem type

  Adding " -t ufs " produces:

huff@>> fsck -t ufs /ad1p2
** /dev/ad1p2
** Last Mounted on /usr
** Phase 1 - Check Blocks and Sizes
-2103374334359810 BAD I=342

-2103382924294404 BAD I=342

-2103391514228998 BAD I=342

-2103400104163592 BAD I=342

-2103408694098186 BAD I=342

-2103417284032780 BAD I=342

-2103425873967374 BAD I=342

-2103434463901968 BAD I=342

-2103443053836562 BAD I=342

-2103451643771156 BAD I=342

-2103460233705750 BAD I=342


  While I'm not an fs expert, this feels wrong.
  Is there some clue I'm missing?


Robert Huff

freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
To unsubscribe, send any mail to "freebsd-questions-unsubscr...@freebsd.org"

Re: change in buildworld output when gcc -> clang

2013-01-15 Thread Robert Huff

Alexandre writes:

> > Before the installation of clang and the default system
> > compiler, "make buildworld" ended with a nice little banner announcing
> > the fact and the time the build completed.
> > After, it ends like this:
> Your mail has been truncated. Could you please send us the end?

   Looking at current@, I see someone else has noticed this.

Robert Huff


/usr/src/lib/libwrap/../../contrib/tcp_wrappers/shell_cmd.c:79:9: warning: 
implicit declaration of function 'open' is invalid in C99 
if (open("/dev/null", 2) != 0) {
/usr/src/lib/libwrap/../../contrib/tcp_wrappers/shell_cmd.c:81:16: warning: 
implicit declaration of function 'dup' is invalid in C99 
} else if (dup(0) != 1 || dup(0) != 2) {
/usr/src/lib/libwrap/../../contrib/tcp_wrappers/shell_cmd.c:84:9: warning: 
implicit declaration of function 'execl' is invalid in C99 
(void) execl("/bin/sh", "sh", "-c", command, (char *) 0);
/usr/src/lib/libwrap/../../contrib/tcp_wrappers/shell_cmd.c:91:5: warning: 
implicitly declaring library function '_exit' with type 'void (int) 
/usr/src/lib/libwrap/../../contrib/tcp_wrappers/shell_cmd.c:91:5: note: please 
include the header  or explicitly provide a declaration for '_exit'
7 warnings generated.
/usr/src/lib/libwrap/../../contrib/tcp_wrappers/update.c:110:33: warning: 
implicit declaration of function 'getpid' is invalid in C99 
sprintf(request->pid, "%d", getpid());
1 warning generated.
cc: warning: argument unused during compilation: 
cc: warning: argument unused during compilation: 
cc: warning: argument unused during compilation: 

freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
To unsubscribe, send any mail to "freebsd-questions-unsubscr...@freebsd.org"

change in buildworld output when gcc -> clang

2013-01-14 Thread Robert Huff

Before the installation of clang and the default system
compiler, "make buildworld" ended with a nice little banner announcing
the fact and the time the build completed.
After, it ends like this:

freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
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Re: sendmail not working

2013-01-10 Thread Robert Huff

Karl Vogel writes:

 > R> After looking into several things, I can now send mail successfully.
 > R> However, delivery to local mailboxes is still blocked.  sm-mta reports
 > R> "accepting connections", but maillog is still full of:
 > R>   jerusalem sm-mta[28896]: r05KsfdB048780: smtpquit: mailer local exited
 > R>   with exit value 1
 >Can you temporarily replace your local mailer?

 I found the problem - mail.local exiting because it couldn't load
libsasl2.so.2 - and worked around by adding an entry in libmap
pointing to .3.
 This is (obviously) not the final solution, and I am trying to
figure out how to recompile mail.local to fix this.  Recompiling all
of sendmail didn't seem to catch it 


Robert Huff

freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
To unsubscribe, send any mail to "freebsd-questions-unsubscr...@freebsd.org"

Re: sendmail not working

2013-01-10 Thread Robert Huff

On 1/8/2013 2:04 PM, Robert Bonomi wrote:

  > WHAT HAPPENS when you 'telnet' to your mailserver port(s) and try
  > doing smtp transaction(s) manually?

  I don't get the SMTP prompt.

"Insufficient data"
   a) does telnet say "connected"?


   b) if yes, how long did you wait for the banner?
  (if there's a DNS problem, it can be 90 seconds befre the banner line)

Good catch - yes sendmail does seem to be hooked to port 25.

Jan  8 10:12:44 jerusalem sm-mta[28896]: r05KsfdB048780: forward
/home/huff/.forward.jerusalem+: Group writable directory

Supposedly you fixed the above problem.  But sendmail disagrees.  
check permissions on / /home and /home/huff

	Exactly.  I fixed the file permissions, but not those on /home/huff. 
Permissions are now 755.

Jan  8 10:12:44 jerusalem sm-mta[28896]: r05KsfdB048780: forward
/home/huff/.forward+: Group writable directory
Jan  8 10:12:44 jerusalem sm-mta[28896]: r05KsfdB048780: forward
/home/huff/.forward.jerusalem: Group writable directory
Jan  8 10:12:44 jerusalem sm-mta[28896]: r05KsfdB048780: forward
/home/huff/.forward: Group writable directory
Jan  8 10:12:44 jerusalem sm-mta[28896]: r05KsfdB048780: smtpquit: mailer
local exited with exit value 1 Jan  8 10:12:44 jerusalem sm-mta[28896]:
r05KsfdB048780: to=, delay=2+18:16:27, xdelay=00:00:00,
mailer=local, pri=56791038, relay=local, dsn=4.4.2, stat=Deferred:
Connection reset by local

ok, it's been trying to deliver for nearly three days. with local delivery
(program mail.local) failing.

mail.local can fail for a number of reasons that shouldn't happen.
   check permissions on the mailbox directory also owner/permissions on the
   mailbox, for starters.

/var/mail is owned by root:mail with permissions 775
/var/spool/mqueue is owned by root:daemon with permissions 755

> maildir quota set??


Robert Huff

freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
To unsubscribe, send any mail to "freebsd-questions-unsubscr...@freebsd.org"

Re: sendmail not working

2013-01-10 Thread Robert Huff

Progress has been made.

After looking into several things, I can now send mail successfully.
	However, delivery to local mailboxes is still blocked.  sm-mta reports 
"accepting connections", but maillog is still full of:

jerusalem sm-mta[28896]: r05KsfdB048780: smtpquit: mailer local exited 
with exit value 1
jerusalem sm-mta[28896]: r05KsfdB048780: to=, 
delay=2+18:16:27, xdelay=00:00:00, \
mailer=local, pri=56791038, relay=local, dsn=4.4.2, stat=Deferred: 
Connection reset by local

	So close, and yet so far.  What next?  Is there a "-d " setting which 
will get to the heart of this?


freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
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Re: sendmail not working

2013-01-08 Thread Robert Huff

On 1/8/2013 9:18 AM, Robert Bonomi wrote:

  I have compiled sendmail following the instructions in the
  cyrus-sasl port. Sendmail starts, but no mail is processed either
  way.  /var/log/maillog has this:

No clue, except the first message might be saying it's not going to
honor anything from .forward because it's in a group writable directory
which would be considered a security issue.  Try making /home/huff
group read only?

  Done. Restarted sendmail (all parts). Still no mail processed.

> WHAT HAPPENS when you 'telnet' to your mailserver port(s) and try
> doing smtp transaction(s) manually?

I don't get the SMTP prompt.

WHAT HAPPENS when you -try- to send an email _out_?
 Do you get an error email?


 Does it show in the outbound mail queue?
(if it's in the queue, look at the qf* file, to see why it is deferred.)

In /var/spool/mqueue:

Mreply: read error from local
$_localhost []
MDeferred: Connection reset by local
rRFC822; h...@jerusalem.litteratus.org
H?P?Return-Path: <g>
H??Received: from jerusalem.litteratus.org (localhost [])
by jerusalem.litteratus.org (8.14.6/8.14.6) with ESMTP id r07FoGPd052948
for ; Mon, 7 Jan 2013 10:51:53 -0500 
(envelope-from h...@jerusalem.litteratus.org)
H?x?Full-Name: Robert Huff
H??Received: (from root@localhost)
by jerusalem.litteratus.org (8.14.6/8.14.6/Submit) id r07FoGrl052947
for huff; Mon, 7 Jan 2013 10:50:16 -0500 (EST)
(envelope-from huff)
H??Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2013 10:50:16 -0500 (EST)
H??From: Robert Huff 
H??Message-Id: <201301071550.r07fogrl052...@jerusalem.litteratus.org>
H??To: undisclosed-recipients:;
H??X-Spam-Status: No, score=4.3 required=5.0 

MISSING_HEADERS,MISSING_SUBJECT autolearn=no version=3.3.2
H??X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.3.2 (2011-06-06) on

 What do the sendmail log messages say?

Jan  8 10:12:44 jerusalem sm-mta[28896]: r05KsfdB048780: forward 
/home/huff/.forward.jerusalem+: Group writable directory
Jan  8 10:12:44 jerusalem sm-mta[28896]: r05KsfdB048780: forward 
/home/huff/.forward+: Group writable directory
Jan  8 10:12:44 jerusalem sm-mta[28896]: r05KsfdB048780: forward 
/home/huff/.forward.jerusalem: Group writable directory
Jan  8 10:12:44 jerusalem sm-mta[28896]: r05KsfdB048780: forward 
/home/huff/.forward: Group writable directory
Jan  8 10:12:44 jerusalem sm-mta[28896]: r05KsfdB048780: smtpquit: 
mailer local exited with exit value 1
Jan  8 10:12:44 jerusalem sm-mta[28896]: r05KsfdB048780: 
to=, delay=2+18:16:27, xdelay=00:00:00, mailer=local, 
pri=56791038, relay=local, dsn=4.4.2, stat=Deferred: Connection reset by 

Robert Huff

freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
To unsubscribe, send any mail to "freebsd-questions-unsubscr...@freebsd.org"

Re: sendmail not working

2013-01-08 Thread Robert Huff

On 1/7/2013 11:48 PM, Gary Aitken wrote:

On 01/07/13 19:45, Robert Huff wrote:

 I have compiled sendmail following the instructions in the cyrus-sasl port.
 Sendmail starts, but no mail is processed either way.  /var/log/maillog 
has this:

Jan  7 21:07:42 jerusalem sm-mta[69792]: r05KsfdB048780: forward 
/home/huff/.forward: Group writable directory
Jan  7 21:07:42 jerusalem sm-mta[69792]: r05KsfdB048780: smtpquit: mailer local 
exited with exit value 1
Jan  7 21:07:42 jerusalem sm-mta[69792]: r05KsfdB048780: to=, 
delay=2+05:11:25, xdelay=00:00:00, mailer=local, pri=52831038, relay=local, 
dsn=4.4.2, stat=Deferred: Connection reset by local

 The sendmail.cf and submit.cf are attached.

 Any idea what I've screwed up, or my next step in finding out?

No clue, except the first message might be saying it's not going to honor 
from .forward because it's in a group writable directory which would be 
a security issue.  Try making /home/huff group read only?

Restarted sendmail (all parts).
Still no mail processed.

    Robert Huff

freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
To unsubscribe, send any mail to "freebsd-questions-unsubscr...@freebsd.org"

Re: update to SASL breaks sendmail

2013-01-07 Thread Robert Huff

Any more thoughts on the problem?
(I send a previous follow-up, but I'm not sure it got out.)

    Robert Huff

freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
To unsubscribe, send any mail to "freebsd-questions-unsubscr...@freebsd.org"

Re: update to SASL breaks sendmail

2013-01-05 Thread Robert Huff

On 1/5/2013 8:55 PM, Dan Nelson wrote:

Base sendmail doesn't link with sasl by default.  If you had edited
Makefiles or make.conf to enable that, running "make clean all install
clean" in /usr/src/usr.sbin/sendmail/ should build and install just the new
sendmail.  Or, if you had installed the mail/sendmail port with sasl
enabled, force-upgrade that port using your favorite method.

Good news:
Rebuilt sendmail per above, and it starts without complaining.
Bad news:
	Mail is not flowing in or out.  Looking at /var/log/maillog, I'm 
guessing this has to do with the line:

sm-mta: smtpquit: mailer local exited with exit value 1

It also complains about my .forward being group-writable, when it is 

    Robert Huff

freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
To unsubscribe, send any mail to "freebsd-questions-unsubscr...@freebsd.org"

Re: update to SASL breaks sendmail

2013-01-05 Thread Robert Huff

On 1/5/2013 8:30 PM, Dan Nelson wrote:

In the last episode (Jan 05), Robert Huff said:

This morning I updated cyrus-sasl to the latest version, which
bumps the library version from ".2" to ",3".  This appears to break
sendmail in at least two places.

 I have added a mapping in libmap.conf ... which seems to work
... but I'm pretty sure that's Not The Right Thing.
 What is?

Rebuild sendmail so that it links against the updated sasl libraries, or
make sure to preserve old shared libraries when upgrading packages.

	I know how to build world; what is the correct way of 
building/installing just sendmail and making sure I get the right 
libraries?  (The information in 
/usr/ports/security/cyrus-sasl/files/Sendmail.readme doesn't appear to 

    Robert Huff

freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
To unsubscribe, send any mail to "freebsd-questions-unsubscr...@freebsd.org"

update to SASL breaks sendmail

2013-01-05 Thread Robert Huff

I have followed the canonical procedure to get Sendmail to use
Yesterday this worked.
This morning I updated cyrus-sasl to the latest version, which
bumps the library version from ".2" to ",3".  This appears to break
sendmail in at least two places.
 I have added a mapping in libmap.conf ... which seems to work
... but I'm pretty sure that's Not The Right Thing.
What is?


        Robert Huff

freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
To unsubscribe, send any mail to "freebsd-questions-unsubscr...@freebsd.org"

Re: problem after installkernel going from 9.0 to CURRENT

2012-12-31 Thread Robert Huff

On 12/30/2012 7:11 PM, Robert Huff wrote:

It indicates
that the / partition cannot be mounted to continue booting.
Maybe you can interrupt at the boot loader and examine the
mount source for /, or manually set it to be ada0p1?

 I'll try that.

OK - I'm at the part of loader2(?) where it shows:


and wants something of the form

However, the sample format for the partition is


How do I specify a GPT partition?

        Robert Huff

freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
To unsubscribe, send any mail to "freebsd-questions-unsubscr...@freebsd.org"

Re: problem after installkernel going from 9.0 to CURRENT

2012-12-30 Thread Robert Huff

On 12/30/2012 6:24 PM, Polytropon wrote:

Used csup (tag=.) to update the source tree as of midnight last night.

This seems to be discouraged today. Instead svn should be used.

	I'm using this for ports, will convert for source ... probably in the 
next round after I deal with this.

5) On rebooting, the loader(??) claims to not be able to find a
bootable partition - i.e. I get a screen that ends in "mountpoint  > ".

Are you sure this isn't the "mountroot>" prompt?

Right you are; sorry, typing from memory on a different system.

It indicates
that the / partition cannot be mounted to continue booting.
Maybe you can interrupt at the boot loader and examine the
mount source for /, or manually set it to be ada0p1?

I'll try that.

Providing the presumptive value by hand returns "error 19".

No root partition, probably. :-)

Duh.  :-)

That's why _I_ prefer old-fashioned MBR partitioning with
sysinstall which has never failed me. :-)

	There's something to be said for that.  On the other hand, GPT is the 
rising tide and one has to learn to swim sometimes.

Robert Huff

freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
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problem after installkernel going from 9.0 to CURRENT

2012-12-30 Thread Robert Huff

	One of my boxes failed, and for various reasons it became easier to 
just scrub and rebuild it.

1) Using BSDinstall, I created the first disk:

ada0p1  freebsd-boot128k
ada0p2  freebsd-swap4g
ada0p3  freebsd-ufs 25g

2) Installed off the CD, got it up and running, everything was good.
3) Like it's predecessor, this wants to run CURRENT.
Used csup (tag=.) to update the source tree as of midnight last night.
4) Built world - OK.
Build kernel - OK.
Ran mergemaster - OK.
Installed kernel - OK.
	5) On rebooting, the loader(??) claims to not be able to find a 
bootable partition - i.e. I get a screen that ends in "mountpoint  > ".

Providing the presumptive value by hand returns "error 19".
	6) Boot using installation CD and use "gpart show" to double check 
device names and partitions; everything looks good.

7) Try normal booting again, no go.

	This is my first time installing to a GPT partitioned system, and I 
have (obviously) failed to grok something.  I checked src/UPDATING and 
found nothing which covered this.

What is it, and how do I fix it?


        Robert Huff
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Re: HELP: some process eat my /var

2012-11-02 Thread Robert Huff

Gary Aitken writes:

>  Looks like /var/log has most of it.
>  If you're running X, check for a huge Xorg.0.log.
>  I had this problem as a result of a radeon graphics card that would get into
>  some kind of reinitialization loop.
>  In any case, look at the files in /var/log

A way to check disk usage:

du /var | sort -nr | head -n 25

If you see something you don't recognize or that seems wrong

        Robert Huff

freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
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new to subversion

2012-09-22 Thread Robert Huff

One quick question:

I've converted from csup to subversion for ports and docs.
Ports works fine, but for docs, I get messages like:

Skipped 'mn_MN.UTF-8' -- Node remains in conflict

Deleting the tree and pulling a fresh chackout has not helped.
Any suggestions?

    Robert Huff

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Re: What replaces csup?

2012-09-19 Thread Robert Huff

Walter Hurry writes:

>  PMFJI. Newbie here: What's wrong with using SVN for src, and
>  portsnap for ports?

_Wrong_?  Nothing.
But a lot of people like the idea of using the same tool to
solve nearly identical problems.
Your experience may diverga.

    Robert Huff

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Re: What replaces csup?

2012-09-18 Thread Robert Huff

Warren Block writes:

>  You're right.  'svn blame', for instance, retrieves the history
>  from the repository.  So it's not as bad as it could be... but
>  that 700M number was from a ports tree checkout.  My source
>  checkout shows 869M in .svn.  That's a pretty large chunk of
>  bandwidth for data that is useless to someone who just wants to
>  do a buildworld, as opposed to actually working on the source.

Having no idea about what's inside the black box ... it would
be nice to be able to specify a default level of commit retireval
with overrides on a per-subtree basis.

    Robert Huff

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Re: What replaces csup?

2012-09-17 Thread Robert Huff

Paul Schmehl writes:

>  Does csup use subversion now?  Or do we need to use something
>  else to fetch source?

As I understand it, for the average user c(vs)up and subversion
serve the same function using different methods (both in terms of
identifying what files need to be fetched and actually fetching
them).  At this level of discussion they are mutually exclusive.
I have switched from csup to subversion for ports and docs.
After modest preparation it was essentially painless.

    Robert Huff

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Re: [solved]: to move csup 90 to subversion 91rc

2012-09-04 Thread Robert Huff

Darrel writes:

>  Also, on my amd64 kernel I had to remove 'device atapicam'.
>  The failed kernel build might be a bug, perhaps I should file a
>  report.

As far as I know, this is completely unrelated to
subversion/c(v)sup.  Please check for other issues.

        Robert Huff

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Re: [solved]: to move csup 90 to subversion 91rc

2012-09-03 Thread Robert Huff

Darrel writes:

>  Next, I will decide whether to keep /usr/ports with portsnap or
>  move ports to svn as well.

I just did this (ports and docs) and  - modulo an error on my
part - it has been remarkably painless.  (Make sure you eradicate
all vesitges of c(v)sup activity.)

    Robert Huff

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Re: [solved]: to move csup 90 to subversion 91rc

2012-09-03 Thread Robert Huff

Lowell Gilbert writes:

>  Is anyone working on documenting this for the "cutting edge"
>  section of the Handbook? I could take a shot at it myself, but I
>  likely couldn't produce anything intelligible for beginners (at
>  least, not before 9.1 is out).

That would be hugely appreciated; none of the current
references (I'm aware of) carry the imprimitur of the Handbook.

    Robert Huff

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system build variables

2012-08-28 Thread Robert Huff

I currently have

#   to get automatic SASL in sendmail

SENDMAIL_CFLAGS+=   -I/usr/local/include/ -DSASL=2
SENDMAIL_LDFLAGS+=  -L/usr/local/lib

in make.conf.
Would it be legal/better to put this in src.conf?

Robert Huff

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Re: /tmp filesystem full

2012-08-22 Thread Robert Huff

RW writes:

>  > I have about 500MB in my /tmp and it seems to be too small when the
>  > periodic LOCATE script runs every week.
>  There's also a periodic script to remove older files from /tmp which
>  may help.

My gut reaction is: what's taking up so much room?
My /tmp contains 6 mbytes.  Even back when it was sharing space
on a 500 mbyte /, it only filled up on the rare occasions when something
went Horribly Wrong(tm) with a large compilation or backup.
To the OP:
See what you can delete.
Then figure out what's filling it up.


    Robert Huff

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Re: Building a FreeBSD desktop.

2012-08-21 Thread Robert Huff
Daniel Feenberg writes:

>  But why order parts? If you want to learn FreeBSD, just take any
>  old windows box and install FreeBSD over the existing windows
>  install. It will work fine and won't cost you anything.

This was (close to) my gut reaction.  If all you want it the
learning experience, any machine made in the last 10 (15?) years
that can install Windows can probably install FreeBSD.
If/when you get past that and want (e,g,) a:

high performance gaming box
file server
high availability web server

... now we're talking about specific hardware.

    Robert Huff

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Re: Issue with kernel building

2012-08-20 Thread Robert Huff

Polytropon writes:

>  > Very good point! I'd clear the /usr/src/obj directory as pointed out,
>  > then build a generic kenel, install it and boot from it. Then you
>  > know you've got a working kernel to fall back on.
>  You could then make a copy of that kernel, e. g. from its initial
>  installation location /boot/kernel to /boot/kernel.GENERIC.

Before doing this, make sure you have enough space on /.  On my
-CURRENT system, /boot/kernel uses ~300 mb and /boot/modules another
35; I created / with 2 gb in part so it could hold multiple kernels.
Running out of space on / is a Really Bad Idea(tm).

    Robert Huff

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Re: Best file system for a busy webserver

2012-08-16 Thread Robert Huff

Paul Schmehl writes:

>  >That's an average of about 3 hits per second. If it's static pages
>  > then pretty much anything will handle it easily (but please don't use
>  > FAT). If it's dynamic then the whole problem is more complex than a
>  > simple page rate. If that load is bursty it may make a difference too.
>  >
>  Thanks for the reply.  It's a combination.  There are many static
>  pages, but there is also a php-mysql forum that generates pages
>  on the fly.  It accounts for about half of the traffic.  I've
>  always used ufs but am wondering if switching to zfs would make
>  sense.

ZFS is known to use much more RAM than UFS.  While (from the
'top' below) you have enough ... is that RAM best used for ZFS, or
for something else?

Robert Huff

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sendmail + clamav + spamassasin config help

2012-08-14 Thread Robert Huff

AN writes:

>  I am trying to configure sendmail + clamav + spamassasin.  The
>  problem I have is that neither clamav or spamassasin runs when I
>  send or receive email.  I would like the server to do the
>  following:

This has been running fine for years on one of my machines.
Do you have spamassassin and clamd (and the milters) enabled in

    Robert Huff

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FIXED: sendmail breakage

2012-08-10 Thread Robert Huff

Perhaps that should be "WORKING AGAIN" because I'm not sure I
did anything to actually fix the problem.

In any event: thanks.

    Robert Huff

freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
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partial sendmail breakage

2012-08-10 Thread Robert Huff

I have a machine (call it ADAM) running:

FreeBSD 10.0-CURRENT #0: Tue Jul 24 08:55:46 EDT 2012  amd64 

which has had no change to the mail components since that
Approximately 12 hours ago, something in sendmail broke.

1) It works as a relay.  I can send mail to ADAM from ADAM and
from other machines for forwarding, and the forwarding happens

2) Fetchmail on ADAM no longer fetches.

3) Mail sent between users on ADAM never shows up.

I have restarted sendmail and get this in /var/log/messages:

Aug 10 08:26:56 jerusalem sm-mta[87853]: sql_select option missing
Aug 10 08:26:56 jerusalem sm-mta[87853]: auxpropfunc error no mechanism 

I'm (obviously) not a sendmail expert; what other information
should I provide to help figure out what went wrong?


    Robert Huff

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Re: Patent hit - MS goes after Linux - FreeBSD ?

2012-08-05 Thread Robert Huff

Jerry writes:

>  I agree up to the point about financial incentive. For myself, I
>  like making money. I don't apologize for that. Most engineers,
>  software / hardware designers also enjoy receiving a monetary
>  reward for their hard work.  Simple giving away our hard work,
>  sweat and time to some socialist just because they feel they have
>  the right to the hard work of others is repulsive.

Would you call Jeff Bezos (CEO of Amazon) a socialist?
Some years ago, he was giving an interview and was asked "Jeff,
Amazon has applied for a patent for the One-Click system.  If Amazon had
known before it started there was no chance of receiving a patent -
would it have created One-Click anyway?"
[While I'm paraphasing, the essential content is preserved.]
There was a long pause, during which you could tell Bezos
understood _precisely_ what the real question was ...
... and (to his credit) answered "Yes."

The programmers got paid.
Amazon gets paid in the form of more expedient processing and
(presumably) more sales due to ease of check-out.
Why, as a society, should we deny other innovators the ability
to use that technology to develop - hopefully - even better stuff?

    Robert Huff

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Re: Patent hit - MS goes after Linux - FreeBSD ?

2012-08-05 Thread Robert Huff

Wojciech Puchar writes:

>  Bad that there are patents at all. Not just in software.

Patents are - or should be - the means, not the end.  The end
is encourage people to create new stuff; the means of encouragement
is to give them exclusive rights for a limited time.  As long as the
idea gets out there, we should be indifferent as to whether they
make money.

    Robert Huff

freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
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boinc_gui missing after portupgrade

2012-08-03 Thread Robert Huff

Robert Huff writes:

>  >  I am now missing boinc_gui from /usr/local/bin
>  >  
>  >  any ideas as to how to get it back ?
>   I believe the literal answer is "downgrade".  :-(
>   The more useful answer is "it has been replaced by
>  'boincmgr'".  hich, unfortunately, does not seem to pick up
>  project/task information from the previous version.

Further information:
It does pick up the current porject/task information if you
start it in the boinc directory (e.g. /var/db/boinc).

Robert Huff

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boinc_gui missing after portupgrade

2012-08-03 Thread Robert Huff

David Whytcross writes:

>  I just performed a portupgrade on 9.0-RELEASE to the
>  boinc-setathome-enhanced port, which took boinc-client from
>  boinc-client-6.4.5_7 to boinc-client-7.0.25_4
>  I am now missing boinc_gui from /usr/local/bin
>  any ideas as to how to get it back ?

I believe the literal answer is "downgrade".  :-(
The more useful answer is "it has been replaced by
'boincmgr'".  hich, unfortunately, does not seem to pick up
project/task information from the previous version.

Robert Huff

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calculating difference of times

2012-07-27 Thread Robert Huff

Matthias Apitz writes:

>  Do we have something (in the ports) to calculate easy the
>  difference of two times given as hh:mm - hh:mm? Some hack in
>  bc(1) or something like this? Well, I could translate the times
>  into UNIX seconds of epoche, build the diff and reconvert, but
>  something more easy (and not in Perl or C, just shell); thanks

I don't know if there's something already available. (Sorry -
never had this problem.)
If the format is fixed, then parsing it with awk is trivial.
After that, the math should be doable with "expr".

    Robert Huff

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Re: how to speed up port make??

2012-07-25 Thread Robert Huff

Anton Shterenlikht writes:

>   >>  i want to install openbox and xorg on a Pentium 4 and 2gb ram,
>   >>  compiling xorg takes about 2 hours
>  2 hours only??
>  Try lang/gcc46 or 47
>  or science/paraview

 I beiieve the winner is OpenOffice and its kindred;
still compiling after 2.75 hours on 4x3ghz and 8gbytes memory.  The
various Javas also take a while 

    Robert Huff

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how to speed up port make??

2012-07-25 Thread Robert Huff

Mr U writes:

>  is it possible to speed up port make ??
>  i want to install openbox and xorg on a Pentium 4 and 2gb ram,
>  compiling xorg takes about 2 hours

Humorous answer:
Yes - get a more powerful computer.

        Robert Huff

freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
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version of clang in HEAD?

2012-07-24 Thread Robert Huff

This is nominally more suited for current@, but:
As of midnight US Pacific Time, what is the version of clang in

Robert Huff

freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
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Re: for the impatient: Linux LibreOffice works on FreeBSD

2012-07-19 Thread Robert Huff

Alexander Kapshuk writes:

>  Just upgraded libreoffice to version 3.5.5 using ports. Didn't have any 
>  trouble installing is, nor upgrading it.

>  What sort of errors did you encounter while building the package using 
>  the ports?

Check the last few weeks of office@ and ports@; there are
multiple people (including me) reporting problems, especially with
9.recent and -Current.

        Robert Huff

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for the impatient: Linux LibreOffice works on FreeBSD

2012-07-19 Thread Robert Huff

Vaclav Kadlcik writes:

>  since there has been various issues building LibreOffice from
>  ports lately and not everyone can or wants follow all the patches
>  flying around, I'd like to share that the Linux binary build runs
>  fine for me.

Excellent work.
Two questions:
1) Is there a port?
2) Have you considered submitting one?


        Robert Huff

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Re: Does FreeBSD start slices at head boundaries?

2012-07-06 Thread Robert Huff

Ryan Coleman writes:

>  > Anyway just don't make slices at all if your disk is dedicated
>  > to FreeBSD  
>  Except for swap, right?

Why do you say that?

    Robert huff

freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
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"npviewer" error

2012-07-06 Thread Robert Huff

Carmel writes:

>  I am running FreeBSD-8.3 STABLE amd64. I continually see this
>  error message in the "/var/log/messages" file:
>  (npviewer.bin): syscall pipe2 not implemented
>  The program crashes continually also. I have tried doing an R&R
>  without favorable results. Does anyone have any idea what the
>  problem might be or where I should escalate the problem to?

("npviewer" is a program that allows Linux plug-ins to run under
native Firefox/Seamonkey.)

Robert Huff

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Re: 32 bit to 64 bit

2012-06-27 Thread Robert Huff

Odhiambo Washington writes:

>  > Will the buildworld ---> buildkernel KERNCONF=FOO64 allow a 32 bit
>  > installation to build a 64 bit kernel?  I'd like to upgrade this 
>  > machine to 64 bit AMD and I'd prefer not to do it from a DVD if
>  > I can do it from source.   Has anyone tried this and succeeded
>  > (or failed spectacularly) on a remote install/upgrade?
>  Please just don't do it.
>  Backup, Install new, restore configs and data!

I'd go even further: 

1) replace the old disk, and jumper it to "read-only".
2) install 64-bit system on new disk.  (use the opportunity to
adjust partition size/layout)
3) mount the old disk externally, and copy as needed.
4) when done, store the old disk in a safe, known spot for a

Robert Huff

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IPNAT seems to affect network performance? of jails on lo0 ( - why?

2012-06-25 Thread Robert Huff

Christopher J. Ruwe writes:

>  On a KVM virtualized host, I run FreeBSD 8.3-RELEASE-p3 and some
>  qjails, 8.3-RELEASE. The jails are connected all via lo0 on
>  While by the large working as expected, I have noticed one
>  pecularity I have failed to pinpoint: When launching processes
>  with some network interaction, like sshing into one of the jails
>  from the platform or launching emacs, the command spends ages (
>  ~(1-2) minutes) idling?  (nothing happens) before becoming
>  interactive.

If the number is very close to 90 seconds, my first guess would
be you have a DNS problem.

        Robert Huff

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Understanding XDM

2012-06-24 Thread Robert Huff

Christian Graulund writes:

>  I just install FreeBSD 9, and after compiling Xorg, I started trying to
>  figure out how to install a Window Manager.
>  When Following the handbook, I suggest installing XDM.

Assuming we're talking about the same xdm ... your first
problem is it's not window manager.
It's a _display_ manager.
The cenonical place to set the window manager seems to be in

    Robert Huff

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Building libreoffice on 8.3 x86-64, not

2012-06-22 Thread Robert Huff

John Levine writes:

>  I have an 8.3 x86-64 system, fully patched, all ports but one up to date.
>  When I try to build libreoffice, it fails in various sub-builds.
>  Most of the sub-builds work when I retry them, except for
>  tail_build which fails repeatedly.

There are known issues with libreoffice-3.5.2; the most common
have to do with problems choosing the correct library (usually
involving boost (port vs. libreoffice native)).
There is a work-around, described in a revent thread in
There is also reason for hope this will be fixed in 3.5.4.

    Robert Huff

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Re: New to FreeBSD - Some questions

2012-06-21 Thread Robert Huff

Fred Morcos writes:

>  q) Is it possible to run a FreeBSD system without much building?
>  In other words, can I survive by depending on packages and only
>  resorting to ports when really needed?

Mostly, yes.  There are down-sides, but if you're building a
client where specific functionality is not needed and performance is
not crucial - yes.

>  1. Too often, core system components break (especially with every
> Linux kernel release).
> 1. Yesterday I spent 30 minutes until my webcam worked, dealing with
>v4l, gstreamer and cheese.
> 2. The USB3 port in my laptop used to work as USB2 (never as USB3),
>not anymore, it's now completely useless and doesn't react to

To work in FreeBSD-land, you're going to need to understand the
difference between the system and the ports.  Also, the difference
between CURRENT and STABLE releases.  See the Handbook for more

>  2. Sudden drastic changes that are deviating from simplicity.
> 1. The sudden flood of daemons that are designed to do everything
>for me, without giving me much say in the matter. My computer is
>supposed to help me, not decide for me or replace me.

Not much of this.

> 2. Those daemons are hard to get rid of and are tightly integrated
>into higher-level components in the stack (ie, into the desktop
>  Those are dbus, hal, udev, udisks, upower, pulseaudio, systemd,
>  consolekit and policykit.

Hal and dbus are used by a fair number of programs; many can be
compiled not to used them, with varying consequences.
As for the others: on a system with 882 ports installed, 44 use
pulseaudio, 61 use consolekit and 62 use policykit.  (Porbably a
high degree of overlap there.) 

>  5. I think many of the developers of those components are trying to
> reach a Mac-like experience? I am not against that in any way, but
> it needs to be working well.

Everything is a work in progress.  :-)

>  q) Does ZFS make sense on a laptop? Any advantages of using it over
>  USF with J+SU? I am not interested in any striping or mirroring on
>  the laptops, but the compression features is very attractive for the
>  HDDs in the first laptop.

I am given to understand ZFS can do some wonderful things
... but uses a _lot_ of memory, which may be unacceptable.

>  q) Can I live with a desktop environment (Gnome or KDE) and desktop
>  applications (Firefox, Libreoffice, etc) by relying only on
>  packages?

Yes, assuming you're willing to live with the default options
for each.
Note: there may be ports whose packages are - for various
reasons - not of the most recent version.

>  q) I noticed all file/data-sizes are in bytes (ls, dd, etc), is
>  there a way to change that system-wide to be in human-readable
>  format?

Check out the BLOCKSIZE environment variable, and the -H/-h
setting to individual programs.

>  q) Is there a tool that can test a set of mirrors for connection time
>  and speed (for packages and ports)? Analogous to Archlinux's
>  rankmirrors?


>  q) I noticed in the ports collection that there were some outdated
>  packages (skype-2.2, gimp-2.6), should I report that and where? (A
>  PR?)

Generally - the right people know.  What they don't know is
when they will have the time (and in some cases, motivation) to import
(and test) the latest version.
Anyone can submit patches.  The default person in charge of
dealing with patches is the "maintainer", who can be identified by
going to the port directory and doing "make MAINTAINER".  Talking to
the maintainer about new versions and trouble with old versions is
both polite and (usually) more efficient.  (For some large projects
- Gnome, KDE, Mozilla, Java, etc. - the maintainer is a team.) 

Robert Huff

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Re: Why Clang?

2012-06-19 Thread Robert Huff

Thomas Mueller writes:

>  Now how will I know whether GCC or Clang is the default compiler
>  for building the world and kernel, and for ports?

My understanding is:

base - gcc
ports - gcc

9.0 (and possibly 9.*)
base - gcc
ports - clang (with the caveat some ports need either any gcc
or a specific version)

base - as of this writing, clang (look for announcement in
current@ or hackers@)
ports - clang, as above though with a shorter list

(Someone please correct me if they have more accurate

    Robert Huff
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Re: Lost /var/db/pkg

2012-06-13 Thread Robert Huff

Matthew Seaman writes:

>  > I had a hard disk failure some time ago, and I ended up losing
>  > /var/db/pkg/ and everything under it (before you say I should've been
>  > backing it up, I know, I was actually doing an initial full when this
>  > happened). Is there a way I can restore it, or at least manually add
>  > entries I know for sure about?
>  Reinstall all the ports on your system?  Since you've lost
>  /var/db/pkg, you won't have a handy record of what the necessary
>  packages are.  You can get a long way by starting with ports you
>  want directly (eg.  firefox) and reinstalling all of their
>  dependencies.
>  It's unlikely to be completely accurate, and the system will
>  probably have odd little issues with normal ports maintenance
>  going on.  Perhaps the most effective procedure would be to wipe
>  out the contents of /usr/local and /compat/linux and just start
>  again from scratch.

Only that's going to eradicate anything in /usr/local that a)
one wants/uses and b) wasn't put there by ports.  (Tell me you don't
have a handful of scripts which have been working happily away since
you wrote them in the early Devonian.  :-)
A less drastic path would be to wipe out /usr/local/{lib,
libexec}, /compat/linux, and whatever directory has port-installed
Check /usr/local/bin, /usr/local/etc (especially rc.d/), and
/usr/local/share; many files there are named for their ports. Grep
bin/ for anything whose first line is "#! /bin/sh", and figure out
where it came from.
_Now_ start with major prograns you know were installed  -
on my system that would be emacs, FireFox, Java, LibreOffice,
ImageMagick, and mplayer - and get out your copy of  - because even on a fast system you're talking
days to put everything back.

Robert "learned the hard way" Huff
freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
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Re: speed of "dump"

2012-06-11 Thread Robert Huff

Adam Vande More writes:

>  >  DUMP: finished in 1746 seconds, throughput 19568 KBytes/sec
>  Looks like one of your disks must be USB.

Source disk: SATA, I believe 3mbit
Target disk: e-SATA, which may be limited to 1.5 mbit/sec.

    Robert Huff

freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
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Re: speed of "dump"

2012-06-11 Thread Robert Huff

Warren Block writes:

>  >Another thread, which I seem to have lost, was talking about
>  > dump and sizing its cache.
>  >Per my promise, appended is the log of this morning's level 0 dump,
>  > using C=32.  THe system is -CURRENT from March, using AMD Phemon II
>  > x4/3ghz and SATA 3gbit drives (one internal, one external.).
>  >
>  >  DUMP: finished in 1746 seconds, throughput 19568 KBytes/sec
>  Are you using -b64 ?  That can make a serious throughput improvement 
>  over smaller values.

No.  I'll give it a try.

Robert Huff

freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
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speed of "dump"

2012-06-11 Thread Robert Huff

Another thread, which I seem to have lost, was talking about
dump and sizing its cache.
Per my promise, appended is the log of this morning's level 0 dump,
using C=32.  THe system is -CURRENT from March, using AMD Phemon II
x4/3ghz and SATA 3gbit drives (one internal, one external.).

    Robert Huff

Backup started. at Mon Jun 11 01:59:00 EDT 2012
/backup clean
Disk mounted
  DUMP: Date of this level 0 dump: Mon Jun 11 01:59:02 2012
  DUMP: Date of last level 0 dump: the epoch
  DUMP: Dumping snapshot of /dev/ad2s1a (/) to 2012.Jun.11.root.dump
  DUMP: mapping (Pass I) [regular files]
  DUMP: Cache 32 MB, blocksize = 65536
  DUMP: mapping (Pass II) [directories]
  DUMP: estimated 1295163 tape blocks.
  DUMP: dumping (Pass III) [directories]
  DUMP: dumping (Pass IV) [regular files]
  DUMP: DUMP: 1295138 tape blocks on 1 volume
  DUMP: finished in 106 seconds, throughput 12218 KBytes/sec
  DUMP: level 0 dump on Mon Jun 11 01:59:02 2012
  DUMP: Closing 2012.Jun.11.root.dump
Compressing with gzip ...
  DUMP: Date of this level 0 dump: Mon Jun 11 02:02:06 2012
  DUMP: Date of last level 0 dump: the epoch
  DUMP: Dumping snapshot of /dev/ad2s1d (/var) to 2012.Jun.11.var.dump
  DUMP: mapping (Pass I) [regular files]
  DUMP: Cache 32 MB, blocksize = 65536
  DUMP: mapping (Pass II) [directories]
  DUMP: estimated 545087 tape blocks.
  DUMP: dumping (Pass III) [directories]
  DUMP: dumping (Pass IV) [regular files]
  DUMP: DUMP: 545009 tape blocks on 1 volume
  DUMP: finished in 72 seconds, throughput 7569 KBytes/sec
  DUMP: level 0 dump on Mon Jun 11 02:02:06 2012
  DUMP: Closing 2012.Jun.11.var.dump
Compressing with gzip...
  DUMP: Date of this level 0 dump: Mon Jun 11 02:04:01 2012
  DUMP: Date of last level 0 dump: the epoch
  DUMP: Dumping snapshot of /dev/ad4p2 (/usr) to 2012.Jun.11.usr.dump
  DUMP: mapping (Pass I) [regular files]
  DUMP: Cache 32 MB, blocksize = 65536
  DUMP: mapping (Pass II) [directories]
  DUMP: estimated 34156025 tape blocks.
  DUMP: dumping (Pass III) [directories]
  DUMP: dumping (Pass IV) [regular files]
  DUMP: 11.75% done, finished in 0:37 at Mon Jun 11 02:46:45 2012
  DUMP: 29.89% done, finished in 0:23 at Mon Jun 11 02:37:39 2012
  DUMP: 44.21% done, finished in 0:18 at Mon Jun 11 02:38:07 2012
  DUMP: 63.00% done, finished in 0:11 at Mon Jun 11 02:35:56 2012
  DUMP: 83.78% done, finished in 0:04 at Mon Jun 11 02:34:02 2012
  DUMP: DUMP: 34166302 tape blocks on 1 volume
  DUMP: finished in 1746 seconds, throughput 19568 KBytes/sec
  DUMP: level 0 dump on Mon Jun 11 02:04:01 2012
  DUMP: Closing 2012.Jun.11.usr.dump
569586  /backup/Mon/root
139058  /backup/Mon/var
Disk unmounted.
Backup complete. at Mon Jun 11 02:33:30 EDT 2012

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Re: Making a bootable backup (hard)disk... how?

2012-06-10 Thread Robert Huff

Ronald F. Guilmette writes:

>  Warren?  Just a couple more quick questions.  You recommend:
>  >>   dump -C16 -b64 -0uanL -h0 -f - /usr | (cd /mnt && restore -ruf -)
>  I'm real curious about you suggestions for the -C and -b values.
>  I have what amounts to a personal workstation.  Yea, OK, it is running
>  mail, web, and FTP servers also, but fundementailly, it is not that busy
>  most of the time.  And it's got 4GB of main installed.  On average, I
>  suspect that I ain't even using half of that.
>  Given all that, why shouldn't I specify (e.g.): -C512 -b1024  ?
>  Wouldn't that all make the dump go faster?

There are many possible obstacles to faster dump speed;
enumerating them is left as an exercise for the reader.
As it happens, I have a set-up very similar to what you
describe ... except with 8g of memory.  A few years ago I did some
testing with various cache sizes (as part of diagnosing other
problems) and ended up with C=32.
(I should probably run the tests again, given some hardware
changes since.)
That machine's level 0 runs tonight; I will try to remember to
(retain and) post the results.

Robert Huff
freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
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Making a bootable backup (hard)disk... how?

2012-06-08 Thread Robert Huff

Ronald F. Guilmette writes:

>  I got a lot of disks here, so that part is not a problem.  I just
>  need to make sure that I'm gonna do this the Right Way[tm].
>  (I've already been making my own ham-fisted disk-to-disk backups
>  in the past, but I'm sure that the way I have been doing that is
>  sub-optimal, so I'm here seeking knowledge of how to do this the
>  Right Way.)
>  The bottom line is this... I know how to use cpio, and would like
>  to use it to create a complete and _bootable_ backup of my main
>  system disk.  (My main system disk has only one BIOS partition,
>  and that is sub-divided into the usual set of FreeBSD partitions,
>  you know, /, /dev, /tmp, /usr, /var, /usr/compat/linux/proc, and
>  /var/named/dev.)

As far as I know, the only way guaranteed to preserve metadata
is dump/restore.  See previous (not necessarily recent) discussion
(on this list, and possibly in the Handbook) for more information.

Robert Huff

freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
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Re: IP -> e-mail

2012-06-06 Thread Robert Huff

Matthias Apitz writes:

>  > Let say my computer is connected to the internet with a cable
>  modem and has a dynamic IP address via DHCP. This address is
>  refreshed after every random days.
>  > I want to know the new address even when I'm not home. Like
>  send an e-mail with the new IP, I already know how to do this,
>  but how can I track the event when my computer receives the new
>  IP?
>  Run this in a cronjob:
>  lynx -dump myip.nl | fgrep 'WAN IP'
>  strore the result in a file and when it changes, trigger a mail;

Or, using only tools in the base system:

ifconfig | head | grep "inet " | awk '{print $2}'

Robert Huff

freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
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