Re: [Freedos-user] DOS GUI opinions

2006-07-05 Thread chris evans
'Cuz, I havnt worked it in years, if someone want to take menu.pas for 
ideas. If ppl want I can try to get vp/2  dosshell working again.


John Hupp wrote:

Picking up on this thread, which is of continuing interest, at least to me!

I said originally that I was looking for suggestions/opinions regarding 
freeware or open source DOS GUI interfaces.  That I was familiar with 

{$M 65520, 65520, 131040}
(* MENU.PAS- An eXecmenu for Virus Park (c) 1993-2002 DMSoftware, Ltd.
 *   see history.doc
 * ---
uses dos, crt, overlay, ovrstart,
 sfx, sbdsp,  { sound support }
 mousetbx, sysid, mtbwin, vpsystem,{ vp/2 OS3 }
 dsansi, inimgr,
 logtool, myextras, mytoolbx;
 {$O dsansi} {$O inimgr} {$O logtool} {$O myextras} {$O mytoolbx}
const {$I c:\mysrc\} { $I c:\mysrc\warez\}
   oldmin, lastkeyp_Min : word;
   mfp, mainmenu, Submenu, advancedsnd : Integer;
   registered, welc, fades, FX, clockbeep, sounddevice, Quit : Boolean;
   { temporary measure until the system is runable feb 14 2002 }

procedure playsoundfx(sndfx:string);
 if advancedsnd = 1 then
 if not(on_floppy) then
   end else
if pos('.VOC',soundeffect(sndfx)) > 0 then
if not(playvoc(soundeffect(sndfx))) then beep;

function Closeup(errlvl : byte; mstr : string) : boolean;
var ctr, a, c, i : integer;
crap : string;
shutdowntype : byte; {0 = NORMAL.. to dos
  1 = REBOOT,
  3 = LOCK SYSTEM (no exit)
  4 = PUREDOS }
 closeup := true;
 shutdowntype := 0;
 crap := get_shutdownnow_setting('EXIT');
 if (crap = '') or (crap = 'NORMAL') then shutdowntype := 0 else
 if crap = 'REBOOT' then shutdowntype := 1 else
 if crap = 'RESTART' then shutdowntype := 2 else
 if crap = 'LOCK' then shutdowntype := 3 else
 if crap = 'PUREDOS' then shutdowntype := 4;
 if shutdowntype =  1 then mytoolbx.boot($);
 if shutdowntype =  2 then { ... restart system ... };
 if shutdowntype =  3 then
 closeup := false;
 if (shutdowntype =  0) or
(shutdowntype =  4) then { ... pure dos mode ... }
 if (errlvl = exitnum[3]) and (shutdowntype = 0) then
 i:=mb('The system shell is about to shutdown!   '+
'Are you sure you wish to commence with  '+
'this course of action?  ',
 if i = 3 then msgstatus('! Select YES to shutdown or CANCEL to 
duuh cancel');
 if i = 2 then msgstatus('> shutdown cancelled.');
 if i = 1 then msgstatus('> Now exiting... ');
 if (i = 2) or (i = 3) then
 closeup := false;
 gotoxy(1, rows);
{ if (fileexist(scriptspath+'\')) and
(not shutdowntype = 4) then deletefile(scriptspath+'\'); }
 If fileexist(scriptspath+'\shutdown.x2c') then
 writeln(' { run the shutdown script }');
 If (FX) Then
 gotoxy(1, rows);
 If (Mouse.found>0) then hidemouse;
 if (errlvl = exitnum[1]) and (fades) then fadeout(5);
 if errlvl=exitnum[1] then ;
 if errlvl=exitnum[2] then ;
 pipeln('!15System Shell has exited with an !12LOGIN FAILURE!14!  
 pipeln('!01-- ');
 pipeln('!03Contact the Sys-Admin if you believe this an ');
 pipeln('!03error. System will now be in !11locked!03 mode!01.');
 pipeln('!01-- ');
 pipeln('!04Look at you hacker, you pathetic creature of ');
 pipeln('!04meat and bone, running though my cooridors. ');
 pipeln('!04What makes you think you can hack *me*, a ');
 pipeln('!04a master rage of machine ? ');
 pipeln('!15!!! !10ACCESS DENIED!15!!! !08{!07ERRORĂ„505!08} ');
 if errlvl=exitnum[3] then writeln;
 if errlvl=exitnum[4] then writeln;
 if errlvl=exitnum[5] th

Re: [Freedos-user] DOS GUI opinions

2006-07-05 Thread John Hupp
Picking up on this thread, which is of continuing interest, at least to me!

I said originally that I was looking for suggestions/opinions regarding 
freeware or open source DOS GUI interfaces.  That I was familiar with 
still-developing OpenGEM, but was especially interested in any GUI's that 
provide for long names for program items -- like MS-DOS DOSSHELL but with a 
more modern look.  OpenGEM has no such provision.  (Note that DOSSHELL 
modestly provides for long group and program item names without supporting 
long file names.  It simply maintains an INI file with its long program and 
group names.)  I was also interested in your judgment of any GUI's file 
manager, stability and resource consumption.  I said that task switching is 
nice, especially if stable, but that this was a secondary concern for me.


It turns out that there are interesting half-a-loaf or partial solutions.

My first thought had been about full desktops with a program manager, file 
manager and command shell/programming environment.  Here I start with MS 
DOSSHELL.  Then we have OpenGEM, but it does not yet support long 
group/program names (not to speak of long file names).  I have also read a 
bit about Desktop 2 and SEAL (and the SWORD library).  These look hot, 
especially SEAL, but they are said to be buggy and/or no longer under 
development.  Flo Xaver of this list is working on oZone, which is promising 
but still in initial development.  In all cases, as one reviewer noted, full 
GUI desktops have set themselves a difficult task because they design to 
offer a programming environment, so to succeed *fully* they require 
application developer support.  (Though I would be happy right now with just 
a program + file manager of the right description.)

But there is software out there now that attempts less but does it pretty 
well.  Developers have crafted free-standing program managers (aka menu 
programs or menu executors, some graphical) and file managers that are 
capable and modern-looking.

I mentioned the Access program manager in a recent post about screenshots, 
but wanted to return to it just to share my thoughts about it as a program 

The author is Ronald Blankendaal, and his site is at

My positive feedback:
I was looking for a more modern looking program manager than MS DOSSHELL, 
but one that supports long group and program names as DOSSHELL does.  Access 
is just what I wanted there.  It has proportional fonts, color schemes, a 
library of color icons, and supports Windows .ico icons.  Memory usage drops 
to zilch while it is executing programs.  It seems to be quite stable.

Suggestions and issues:
- I would like it if I could create sub-groups (nested program groups). 
This is something that DOSSHELL does nicely.

- It would also be nice if I could adjust the screen resolution.  DOSSHELL 
allows me a number of choices there, which gives me the flexibility to 
squeeze everything onto one screen if I want to, rather than scrolling down 
to see more items.

- I would prefer it if Access returned to the group-and-item position from 
which it launched a program.  Currently it resets to the first group and 
item upon return.

- There is an integrated CD Player, and the program seems designed to 
display a button if it finds a CD-ROM drive installed, but on one test 
machine with a SCSI CD-ROM, it displayed the button but was not capable of 
supporting the drive.  The previous version of the SETUP program allowed the 
user the choice to install the CD Player or not, but the current version 
does not, so I was stuck with a CD Player that was offered but did not work.

- In one case, I was not able to remove a program item.  Rather, the item 
was removed temporarily, but upon re-starting Access it reappeared. 
Repeated attempts to remove the item failed.  If this had been DOSSHELL, I 
could have manually edited the text file DOSSHELL.INI and gotten what I 
wanted, but Access's configuration files seem to be binary.

** Despite those points, I regard Access as a winnner.  I use it now instead 
of the DOSSHELL program manager.  Thank you, Mr. Blankendaal!

Next up: Anyone know of a nice two-pane Explorer-like graphical file 
manager?  There is OpenGEM of course, but I like Del, Ctrl-X, Ctrl-C and 
Ctrl-V more than drag-and-drop.  GEM has keyboard shortcuts for file 
selection, but requires drag-and-drop for copying or deleting.

--John Hupp 

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Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] DOS GUI opinions

2006-06-16 Thread Blair Campbell
On 6/14/06, John Hupp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> (Granted to all: This feedback for the oZone developer may be a bit
> off-topic, unless it reveals any FreeDOS issues.  Though I imagine that DOS
> GUI's may be of general interest here.)
> Flo,
> I looked at oZone 0.6 some.  My first questions/observations while *running
> it on a pure FreeDOS machine with DOSLFN loaded*:
> 1) I take it that CWSDPMI is not required when FreeDOS EMM386 is loaded and
> providing whatever DPMI support it has.  True?  (I did not notice any
> difference when I loaded CWSDPMI first.)
> 2) It takes a long time to load, about 25 seconds on this Pentium 100 with
> 16 MB.  (DOSSHELL loads in 2-3 seconds.)  Should it take that long to load?
> 3) It is a much more modern and pleasing looking interface than DOSSHELL.
> 4) The Console did not work for me.  The window appeared, but I could not
> enter anything.
> 5) Copy-and-paste would not work for me in Navigateur.  I tried to copy a
> LFN file from floppy to the C drive.  With the file selected, nothing
> appeared when I clicked the Edit menu.  I right-clicked on the file and got
> a popup menu that let me select Copy, but in the folder on C, when I
> right-clicked, the popup menu did not show Paste, nor did the Edit menu show
> anything.

The LFN-related problems are because the programs you used don't
support LFNs, not because DOSLFN isn't doing its job.  There are
different DOS interrupts required to access long filenames.

> 6) DOSLFN observations (from the command prompt, not in oZone):
> a) I entered MD "DOS Games" and successfully created a directory.  But
> CD "DOS Games" does not work.  The directory created is DOS GAME (an
> 8-character name) and must be referenced that way.  DIR /LFN reports the
> directory name as DOS GAME, not DOS GAMES.  So it seems like DOSLFN does not
> support long directory names.
> b) I entered EDIT "Flight Of The Amazon Queen.LN" and entered a command
> line, saved and exited.  When I EDIT "Flight Of The Amazon Queen.LN" again,
> it opens the file, so LFN support seems good on that point.  But DIR /LFN
> displays FLIGHT O.LN, so it fails to report a LFN created under its own
> driver.
> c) On the other hand, it properly reports a LFN created under Windows XP
> and not edited or otherwise operated on under FreeDOS, just doing a DIR /LFN
> A: for a floppy where I had copied a LFN file from Win XP.
> 7) I could not figure out how to create program folders or items from within
> oZone, but poked around and found that folders created in OZONE\SYSTEM\MENU
> become program folders, and .LN files are program items - simple command
> lines as far as I could see.
> 8) In accord with my observations in (6), "Flight Of The Amazon Queen.LN"
> was rendered as a short-name program item named FLIGHT O.
> --John Hupp
> - Original Message -
> From: Florian Xaver
> To:
> Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2006 12:56 PM
> Subject: Re: [Freedos-user] DOS GUI opinions
> Hi,
> ok - I see I have to update my website :-)
> I am using FreeDOS and Enhanced Dr-DOS with DOSLFN, a very good LFN
> driver for DOS (I mean Win32 long file name implementation!). oZone is a
> DJGPP program, so it uses LFN if a LFN driver is present. Else it uses
> short file names (not tested by me, but I think it will make some
> problems (but it should be configurable to use only short file names).
> I don't see any reason, why you wouldn't want to use the LFN driver. And
> then you can work without problems... copy, rename, move etc. inside of
> oZone! It includes a navigator, which is like the "explorer" of Windows.
> The test version at my page hasn't a sorted (by name, size etc.) file
> list and directory tree, the next version will have a sorted list, so
> oZone should be really useable as a file manager.
> Sorry for my bad English...
> bye
>   flo
> PS: a mouse driver like CTMOUSE needs to be installed!
> John Hupp wrote:
> > Yes, I see that I need to clarify.  This is for a pure FreeDOS system.
> > FreeDOS does not have native support for LFN, correct?  I could perhaps
> > run
> > a LFN driver, but I don't know how much native support FreeDOS has for
> > LFN.
> > If you do some FreeDOS operation on a file that the LFN driver has named
> > (move, copy, xcopy, chkdsk), will it strip the LFN?  Or worst case, mess
> > up
> > the file/directory structure trying to interpret what the LFN driver has
> > done?
> >
> > The approach that MS-DOS DOSSHELL takes is to offer long Program Ite

Re: [Freedos-user] DOS GUI opinions

2006-06-15 Thread Florian Xaver
> I looked at oZone 0.6 some.  My first questions/observations while *running 
> it on a pure FreeDOS machine with DOSLFN loaded*:

Cool - thanks!

> 1) I take it that CWSDPMI is not required when FreeDOS EMM386 is loaded and 
> providing whatever DPMI support it has.  True?  (I did not notice any 
> difference when I loaded CWSDPMI first.)

It needs CWSDPMI in the path or directory. oZone uses it automaticly. 
Btw: You don't need any himem.sys or emm386!

> 2) It takes a long time to load, about 25 seconds on this Pentium 100 with 
> 16 MB.  (DOSSHELL loads in 2-3 seconds.)  Should it take that long to load?

That's very slow. But may have some reaseon:
(1) it is a debug version with debug infos etc. -> very slow. The 
"final" version will be optimized.
(2) maybe it needs more than 16MB, then it uses virtual memory on the 
hard disc.

> 3) It is a much more modern and pleasing looking interface than DOSSHELL.

Yes...DOSSHELL use the textmode I think?

> 4) The Console did not work for me.  The window appeared, but I could not 
> enter anything.

This is a known bug. I will work on it!

> 5) Copy-and-paste would not work for me in Navigateur.  I tried to copy a 
> LFN file from floppy to the C drive.  With the file selected, nothing 
> appeared when I clicked the Edit menu.  I right-clicked on the file and got 
> a popup menu that let me select Copy, but in the folder on C, when I 
> right-clicked, the popup menu did not show Paste, nor did the Edit menu show 
> anything.

This is a new problem. I have no problem with copy and paste. Have you 
tried Drag&Drop?

Did you want to paste the file in another navigator window or in the 
same? Very important question :-) Maybe there could be a problem in an 
other windows.

> 6) DOSLFN observations (from the command prompt, not in oZone):
> a) I entered MD "DOS Games" and successfully created a directory.  But 
> CD "DOS Games" does not work.  The directory created is DOS GAME (an 
> 8-character name) and must be referenced that way.  DIR /LFN reports the 
> directory name as DOS GAME, not DOS GAMES.  So it seems like DOSLFN does not 
> support long directory names.

FreeCOM doesn'T support LFN now. Try 4DOS or Dr-DOS's

> b) I entered EDIT "Flight Of The Amazon Queen.LN" and entered a command 
> line, saved and exited.  When I EDIT "Flight Of The Amazon Queen.LN" again, 
> it opens the file, so LFN support seems good on that point.  But DIR /LFN 
> displays FLIGHT O.LN, so it fails to report a LFN created under its own 
> driver.

Only new programs support LFN. All programs which are compiled with 
DJGPP support it. I am using Setedit ( ). Also 
most File manager like Necromancer DOS Navigator or VC support it.

> c) On the other hand, it properly reports a LFN created under Windows XP 
> and not edited or otherwise operated on under FreeDOS, just doing a DIR /LFN 
> A: for a floppy where I had copied a LFN file from Win XP.
> 7) I could not figure out how to create program folders or items from within 
> oZone, but poked around and found that folders created in OZONE\SYSTEM\MENU 
> become program folders, and .LN files are program items - simple command 
> lines as far as I could see.


> 8) In accord with my observations in (6), "Flight Of The Amazon Queen.LN" 
> was rendered as a short-name program item named FLIGHT O.

Rendered under pure DOS or in oZone? In oZone it should be displayed 
right. And I have no problem. How did you created it? With FreeCOM? Then 
this may be a problem with FreeCOM.

Under pure DOS + DOSLFN I am using Necromancers DOS Navigator - it 
supports LFN very good. Also if you rename the file in oZone there 
should be no problem.


Florian Xaver 

Dr-DOS  Wiki 
oZone-a GUI operating system for DOS,Linux,Win
SWORD-a nice GUI library for DOS/DJGPP

Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] DOS GUI opinions

2006-06-14 Thread John Hupp
(Granted to all: This feedback for the oZone developer may be a bit 
off-topic, unless it reveals any FreeDOS issues.  Though I imagine that DOS 
GUI's may be of general interest here.)


I looked at oZone 0.6 some.  My first questions/observations while *running 
it on a pure FreeDOS machine with DOSLFN loaded*:

1) I take it that CWSDPMI is not required when FreeDOS EMM386 is loaded and 
providing whatever DPMI support it has.  True?  (I did not notice any 
difference when I loaded CWSDPMI first.)

2) It takes a long time to load, about 25 seconds on this Pentium 100 with 
16 MB.  (DOSSHELL loads in 2-3 seconds.)  Should it take that long to load?

3) It is a much more modern and pleasing looking interface than DOSSHELL.

4) The Console did not work for me.  The window appeared, but I could not 
enter anything.

5) Copy-and-paste would not work for me in Navigateur.  I tried to copy a 
LFN file from floppy to the C drive.  With the file selected, nothing 
appeared when I clicked the Edit menu.  I right-clicked on the file and got 
a popup menu that let me select Copy, but in the folder on C, when I 
right-clicked, the popup menu did not show Paste, nor did the Edit menu show 

6) DOSLFN observations (from the command prompt, not in oZone):
a) I entered MD "DOS Games" and successfully created a directory.  But 
CD "DOS Games" does not work.  The directory created is DOS GAME (an 
8-character name) and must be referenced that way.  DIR /LFN reports the 
directory name as DOS GAME, not DOS GAMES.  So it seems like DOSLFN does not 
support long directory names.
b) I entered EDIT "Flight Of The Amazon Queen.LN" and entered a command 
line, saved and exited.  When I EDIT "Flight Of The Amazon Queen.LN" again, 
it opens the file, so LFN support seems good on that point.  But DIR /LFN 
displays FLIGHT O.LN, so it fails to report a LFN created under its own 
c) On the other hand, it properly reports a LFN created under Windows XP 
and not edited or otherwise operated on under FreeDOS, just doing a DIR /LFN 
A: for a floppy where I had copied a LFN file from Win XP.

7) I could not figure out how to create program folders or items from within 
oZone, but poked around and found that folders created in OZONE\SYSTEM\MENU 
become program folders, and .LN files are program items - simple command 
lines as far as I could see.

8) In accord with my observations in (6), "Flight Of The Amazon Queen.LN" 
was rendered as a short-name program item named FLIGHT O.

--John Hupp

- Original Message - 
From: Florian Xaver
Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2006 12:56 PM
Subject: Re: [Freedos-user] DOS GUI opinions


ok - I see I have to update my website :-)

I am using FreeDOS and Enhanced Dr-DOS with DOSLFN, a very good LFN
driver for DOS (I mean Win32 long file name implementation!). oZone is a
DJGPP program, so it uses LFN if a LFN driver is present. Else it uses
short file names (not tested by me, but I think it will make some
problems (but it should be configurable to use only short file names).

I don't see any reason, why you wouldn't want to use the LFN driver. And
then you can work without problems... copy, rename, move etc. inside of
oZone! It includes a navigator, which is like the "explorer" of Windows.
The test version at my page hasn't a sorted (by name, size etc.) file
list and directory tree, the next version will have a sorted list, so
oZone should be really useable as a file manager.

Sorry for my bad English...


PS: a mouse driver like CTMOUSE needs to be installed!

John Hupp wrote:
> Yes, I see that I need to clarify.  This is for a pure FreeDOS system.
> FreeDOS does not have native support for LFN, correct?  I could perhaps 
> run
> a LFN driver, but I don't know how much native support FreeDOS has for 
> LFN.
> If you do some FreeDOS operation on a file that the LFN driver has named
> (move, copy, xcopy, chkdsk), will it strip the LFN?  Or worst case, mess 
> up
> the file/directory structure trying to interpret what the LFN driver has
> done?
> The approach that MS-DOS DOSSHELL takes is to offer long Program Item 
> names
> or descriptions that display in the Program Manager, but the underlying 
> file is untouched.  The long name is maintained only in DOSSHELL.INI.
> The DOSSHELL approach is fine for my purposes at the moment, but I'd like 
> to
> see a more graphical-looking interface.
> So that was my question about oZone.  When you say that oZone supports 
> LFN,
> do you mean the Win32 long file name implementation?
> --John Hupp
> - Original Message - 
> From: Florian Xaver
> To:
> Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2006 11:45 AM
> Subject: Re: [Freedos-user] DOS GUI opinions

Re: [Freedos-user] DOS GUI opinions

2006-06-13 Thread Florian Xaver

ok - I see I have to update my website :-)

I am using FreeDOS and Enhanced Dr-DOS with DOSLFN, a very good LFN 
driver for DOS (I mean Win32 long file name implementation!). oZone is a 
DJGPP program, so it uses LFN if a LFN driver is present. Else it uses 
short file names (not tested by me, but I think it will make some 
problems (but it should be configurable to use only short file names).

I don't see any reason, why you wouldn't want to use the LFN driver. And 
then you can work without problems... copy, rename, move etc. inside of 
oZone! It includes a navigator, which is like the "explorer" of Windows.
The test version at my page hasn't a sorted (by name, size etc.) file 
list and directory tree, the next version will have a sorted list, so 
oZone should be really useable as a file manager.

Sorry for my bad English...


PS: a mouse driver like CTMOUSE needs to be installed!

John Hupp wrote:
> Yes, I see that I need to clarify.  This is for a pure FreeDOS system. 
> FreeDOS does not have native support for LFN, correct?  I could perhaps run 
> a LFN driver, but I don't know how much native support FreeDOS has for LFN. 
> If you do some FreeDOS operation on a file that the LFN driver has named 
> (move, copy, xcopy, chkdsk), will it strip the LFN?  Or worst case, mess up 
> the file/directory structure trying to interpret what the LFN driver has 
> done?
> The approach that MS-DOS DOSSHELL takes is to offer long Program Item names 
> or descriptions that display in the Program Manager, but the underlying DOS 
> file is untouched.  The long name is maintained only in DOSSHELL.INI.
> The DOSSHELL approach is fine for my purposes at the moment, but I'd like to 
> see a more graphical-looking interface.
> So that was my question about oZone.  When you say that oZone supports LFN, 
> do you mean the Win32 long file name implementation?
> --John Hupp
> - Original Message - 
> From: Florian Xaver
> To:
> Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2006 11:45 AM
> Subject: Re: [Freedos-user] DOS GUI opinions
> Hi,
> what do you mean with long names for program items? oZone supports LFN
> (long file names), so there should be no problem :-)
> bye
>   Flo
> John Hupp wrote:
>> I couldn't tell from the screen shots or descriptions if the oZone desktop
>> currently supports creating long names for program items.  I would like 
>> the
>> program manager to display "Flight Of The Amazon Queen", for instance, and
>> not just FOTAQ.
>> --JDH
>> - Original Message - 
>> From: Florian Xaver
>> To:
>> Sent: Thursday, June 08, 2006 5:00 PM
>> Subject: Re: [Freedos-user] DOS GUI opinions
>> John Hupp wrote:
>>> I'm looking for opinions on DOS GUI's.  I'm familiar with 
>>> still-developing
>>> OpenGEM, but I am especially interested in any freeware/open source GUI's
>>> that provide for long names for program items (like MS-DOS DOSSHELL but
>>> with
>>> a more modern look).  Also your judgment of the GUI's file manager,
>>> stability and resource consumption.  Task switching is nice, especially 
>>> if
>>> stable, but that's a secondary concern.
>> A very cool GUI is oZone ;-)) It includes a file manager (navigator)
>> and is a "modern" GUI with Skin support. Feedback is welcome everytime ;-)
>>> An off-hand related thought: Is anyone using Arachne as a primary GUI? 
>>> If
>>> so, the same kinds of questions apply about its shell support.
>> I am using as HTML/Help viewer in DOS. The GUI is very good for a
>> browser, but not so good for a general GUI.
>> Bye

Florian Xaver <>

Dr-DOS  Wiki <>
oZone-a GUI operating system for DOS,Linux,Win
SWORD-a nice GUI library for DOS/DJGPP

Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] DOS GUI opinions

2006-06-13 Thread John Hupp
Yes, I see that I need to clarify.  This is for a pure FreeDOS system. 
FreeDOS does not have native support for LFN, correct?  I could perhaps run 
a LFN driver, but I don't know how much native support FreeDOS has for LFN. 
If you do some FreeDOS operation on a file that the LFN driver has named 
(move, copy, xcopy, chkdsk), will it strip the LFN?  Or worst case, mess up 
the file/directory structure trying to interpret what the LFN driver has 

The approach that MS-DOS DOSSHELL takes is to offer long Program Item names 
or descriptions that display in the Program Manager, but the underlying DOS 
file is untouched.  The long name is maintained only in DOSSHELL.INI.

The DOSSHELL approach is fine for my purposes at the moment, but I'd like to 
see a more graphical-looking interface.

So that was my question about oZone.  When you say that oZone supports LFN, 
do you mean the Win32 long file name implementation?

--John Hupp

- Original Message - 
From: Florian Xaver
Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2006 11:45 AM
Subject: Re: [Freedos-user] DOS GUI opinions


what do you mean with long names for program items? oZone supports LFN
(long file names), so there should be no problem :-)


John Hupp wrote:
> I couldn't tell from the screen shots or descriptions if the oZone desktop
> currently supports creating long names for program items.  I would like 
> the
> program manager to display "Flight Of The Amazon Queen", for instance, and
> not just FOTAQ.
> --JDH
> - Original Message - 
> From: Florian Xaver
> To:
> Sent: Thursday, June 08, 2006 5:00 PM
> Subject: Re: [Freedos-user] DOS GUI opinions
> John Hupp wrote:
>> I'm looking for opinions on DOS GUI's.  I'm familiar with 
>> still-developing
>> OpenGEM, but I am especially interested in any freeware/open source GUI's
>> that provide for long names for program items (like MS-DOS DOSSHELL but
>> with
>> a more modern look).  Also your judgment of the GUI's file manager,
>> stability and resource consumption.  Task switching is nice, especially 
>> if
>> stable, but that's a secondary concern.
> A very cool GUI is oZone ;-)) It includes a file manager (navigator)
> and is a "modern" GUI with Skin support. Feedback is welcome everytime ;-)
>> An off-hand related thought: Is anyone using Arachne as a primary GUI? 
>> If
>> so, the same kinds of questions apply about its shell support.
> I am using as HTML/Help viewer in DOS. The GUI is very good for a
> browser, but not so good for a general GUI.
> Bye

Florian Xaver <>

Dr-DOS  Wiki <>
oZone-a GUI operating system for DOS,Linux,Win
SWORD-a nice GUI library for DOS/DJGPP

Freedos-user mailing list 

Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] DOS GUI opinions

2006-06-13 Thread Florian Xaver

what do you mean with long names for program items? oZone supports LFN 
(long file names), so there should be no problem :-)


John Hupp wrote:
> I couldn't tell from the screen shots or descriptions if the oZone desktop 
> currently supports creating long names for program items.  I would like the 
> program manager to display "Flight Of The Amazon Queen", for instance, and 
> not just FOTAQ.
> --JDH
> - Original Message - 
> From: Florian Xaver
> To:
> Sent: Thursday, June 08, 2006 5:00 PM
> Subject: Re: [Freedos-user] DOS GUI opinions
> John Hupp wrote:
>> I'm looking for opinions on DOS GUI's.  I'm familiar with still-developing
>> OpenGEM, but I am especially interested in any freeware/open source GUI's
>> that provide for long names for program items (like MS-DOS DOSSHELL but 
>> with
>> a more modern look).  Also your judgment of the GUI's file manager,
>> stability and resource consumption.  Task switching is nice, especially if
>> stable, but that's a secondary concern.
> A very cool GUI is oZone ;-)) It includes a file manager (navigator)
> and is a "modern" GUI with Skin support. Feedback is welcome everytime ;-)
>> An off-hand related thought: Is anyone using Arachne as a primary GUI?  If
>> so, the same kinds of questions apply about its shell support.
> I am using as HTML/Help viewer in DOS. The GUI is very good for a
> browser, but not so good for a general GUI.
> Bye

Florian Xaver <>

Dr-DOS  Wiki <>
oZone-a GUI operating system for DOS,Linux,Win
SWORD-a nice GUI library for DOS/DJGPP

Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] DOS GUI opinions

2006-06-12 Thread John Hupp
I couldn't tell from the screen shots or descriptions if the oZone desktop 
currently supports creating long names for program items.  I would like the 
program manager to display "Flight Of The Amazon Queen", for instance, and 
not just FOTAQ.


- Original Message - 
From: Florian Xaver
Sent: Thursday, June 08, 2006 5:00 PM
Subject: Re: [Freedos-user] DOS GUI opinions

John Hupp wrote:
> I'm looking for opinions on DOS GUI's.  I'm familiar with still-developing
> OpenGEM, but I am especially interested in any freeware/open source GUI's
> that provide for long names for program items (like MS-DOS DOSSHELL but 
> with
> a more modern look).  Also your judgment of the GUI's file manager,
> stability and resource consumption.  Task switching is nice, especially if
> stable, but that's a secondary concern.

A very cool GUI is oZone ;-)) It includes a file manager (navigator)
and is a "modern" GUI with Skin support. Feedback is welcome everytime ;-)

> An off-hand related thought: Is anyone using Arachne as a primary GUI?  If
> so, the same kinds of questions apply about its shell support.

I am using as HTML/Help viewer in DOS. The GUI is very good for a
browser, but not so good for a general GUI.

Florian Xaver <>

Dr-DOS  Wiki <>
oZone-a GUI operating system for DOS,Linux,Win
SWORD-a nice GUI library for DOS/DJGPP

Freedos-user mailing list 

Freedos-user mailing list

Re: [Freedos-user] DOS GUI opinions

2006-06-08 Thread Florian Xaver
John Hupp wrote:
> I'm looking for opinions on DOS GUI's.  I'm familiar with still-developing 
> OpenGEM, but I am especially interested in any freeware/open source GUI's 
> that provide for long names for program items (like MS-DOS DOSSHELL but with 
> a more modern look).  Also your judgment of the GUI's file manager, 
> stability and resource consumption.  Task switching is nice, especially if 
> stable, but that's a secondary concern.

A very cool GUI is oZone ;-)) It includes a file manager (navigator) 
and is a "modern" GUI with Skin support. Feedback is welcome everytime ;-)

> An off-hand related thought: Is anyone using Arachne as a primary GUI?  If 
> so, the same kinds of questions apply about its shell support. 

I am using as HTML/Help viewer in DOS. The GUI is very good for a 
browser, but not so good for a general GUI.

Florian Xaver 

Dr-DOS  Wiki 
oZone-a GUI operating system for DOS,Linux,Win
SWORD-a nice GUI library for DOS/DJGPP

Freedos-user mailing list