Re: FVWM: grid in root window

2015-02-07 Thread bruce m beach
On Fri, Feb 06, 2015 at 09:19:26AM -0800, bruce m beach wrote:
> Hello Everybody
>  I would like to put a configurable grid on the root window to
> help in the manual placement and sizing of windows. The simplest
> arrangement might be something like a horizontal line and a
> vertical line bisecting the screeen in each direction. fvwm-root
> would work, I think, but could involve drawing large pictures and
> in addition if the screen resolution changed then the various
> ratios would change. Do you have any suggestions?

Stroke support in fvwm is as good as you'll get to doing this.

-- Thomas Adam

Thanks for the reply. I can see using "stroke support" to control
the grid but how can I draw the vector orientated grid (as
opposed to bit-mapped) on the root window in the first place? I
suppose I'll have write something but then the question is "Where
do I put it?, What subsystem does it come under?" I thought maybe
the window manager would be a natural place, specifically in


FVWM: grid in root window

2015-02-06 Thread bruce m beach
Hello Everybody

 I would like to put a configurable grid on the root window to
help in the manual placement and sizing of windows. The simplest
arrangement might be something like a horizontal line and a
vertical line bisecting the screeen in each direction. fvwm-root
would work, I think, but could involve drawing large pictures and
in addition if the screen resolution changed then the various
ratios would change. Do you have any suggestions?

Regards Bruce

FVWM: Re: 2.5.x questions (Was: i can't run fvwm 2.4)

2002-09-04 Thread Bruce M Beach
On Tue, 3 Sep 2002, Mikhael Goikhman wrote:

> On 03 Sep 2002 12:02:41 +0000, Bruce M Beach wrote:
> >
> > 1)  I am at this point using 2.5.2 more or less because I have to.
> I think your short description (in another thread) is not enough to
> understand the problem. Please add more details to that message.
> What is the "mouse-menu" problem and what to do exactly to reproduce it.
  It wasn't really a bug report. I was just commenting on
  the two development releases fvwm-2.5.2 and fvwm-2.5.3
  since Dominik is rewriting this area it wouldn't make sense to
  submit a bug report at this time.

> > 2)  It looks like the following are not getting execute permission
> > when installed. For instance:
> > sh-2.05b# fvwm-bug
> > sh: /usr/local/bin/fvwm-bug: Permission denied
> > A chmod fixes it.
> >fvwm-bug
> >fvwm-menu-desktop ...
> Seems unlikely to me that they are installed without a+x.
> Please do the following:
>   #cd fvwm_installation_dir
>   cd bin/
>   make uninstall  # as root ...

   I tried the above. Make install works fine but if you
   make -k install-strip
   then the problem occurs.

> This depends on how you start the fvwm executable. If you call it in
> ~/.xinitrc without redirection to a file, the output will be together
> with the X output, possibly on your virtual console.
   Thanks for the info. The above idea does what I want. i.e
   startx >>/var/log/win_system_log 2>&1
   gives me everything.

   What I had in mind was the thread on the bash syntax. If
   a log was running I would have immediately seen

  /bin/sh: -c: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `;'

  and now that I have have the log running I notice that I have
  a million errors in my fvwm2rc script.


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Re: FVWM: i can't run fvwm 2.4

2002-09-02 Thread Bruce M Beach
On Mon, 2 Sep 2002, Dominik Vogt wrote:

> > Ah. On the FVWM home page it says:
> >
> > Latest Alpha Release:  2.5.3
> >
> > which I must admit has coloured my thinking a bit.
> Doh.  When the web site is updated the next time it will read
> "very unstable" instead of "alpha".

1)  I am at this point using 2.5.2 more or less because I have to.
I used a very early version of fvmw for years with no problems
and then upgraded to xwindows 4.2 which caused significant problems
with the mouse-menu interaction. An upgrade to fvwm-2.4.8 did not
solve the problems whereas the alpha version fvwm-2.5.2 did. I've
used fvwm-2.5.2 for a while now and for my use it works fine.
With fvwm-2.5.3 the problems started again.

2)  It looks like the following are not getting execute permission
when installed. For instance:
sh-2.05b# fvwm-bug
sh: /usr/local/bin/fvwm-bug: Permission denied
A chmod fixes it.


3) I built with the following configure options
   and it builds fine but I don't understand where the messages
   get piped to. syslogd? an fvwm console?

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Re: FVWM: i can't run fvwm 2.4

2002-09-02 Thread Bruce M Beach
On Mon, 2 Sep 2002, Dominik Vogt wrote:

> Furthermore, *if* you stumble across a problem that is really bad,
> you may be forced to upgrade to a version that's very unstable.
> Right now I'm planning to rewrite major parts of the menu loop,
> the builtin command interface and the main event loop - three of
> fvwm's most central parts.
> > Meanwhile, I have switched to using 2.5.3 personally --

   I had been using 2.5.3 but had a lot of problems with the mouse
   and drop down menus and switched back to 2.5.2. Typically if I'm
   above an xterm (say) and move the mouse rapidly up and down a root
   drop down menu, eventually it looses the menu and highlights the
   xterm. I have a dual processor 2.1Ghz  motherboard so I don't think
   its some kind of a speed issue, but I also have a tiny usb mouse,
   and it zips all over the screen.


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Re: FVWM: simple question: how execute xterm and then a script?

2002-08-19 Thread Bruce M Beach
On Mon, 19 Aug 2002, Rob 'Feztaa' Park wrote:

> Alas! Bruce M Beach spake thus:
> >+ "All" Exec xterm &; xterm &
> >
> >doesn't work. Nothing happens. If I remove the last xterm then an
> >xterm pops up as expected, as in
> Didn't we just go through this on another thread? The syntax you are
> looking for is this:
> + "All" Exec xterm & xterm &
> --
> Rob 'Feztaa' Park
> --
> Sometimes the best medicine is to stop taking something.
> --
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   Yes, and for reasons not understood the original emails appeared
   appeared out of nowhere from the list, or I sent them again
   without being aware of it.


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Re: FVWM: simple question: how execute xterm and then a script?

2002-08-19 Thread Bruce M Beach

On Sat, 17 Aug 2002, Mikhael Goikhman wrote:

> > I thought the ';' would work.
> Here you should remove "exec":
>   Exec xterm &; xterm &; xterm &
> The last & is optional, but I would leave it for symmetry.
   + "All" Exec xterm &; xterm &

   doesn't work. Nothing happens. If I remove the last xterm then an
   xterm pops up as expected, as in

   + "All" Exec xterm &

   but if I add a semicolon

   + "All" Exec xterm &;

   then nothing happens

> > By the way I have a very unusual problem with fvwm-2.5.2. It just
> > occurred while I was writing this email. And its this kind of problem.
> > Intermittent, ..
> Try to narrow the problem and make it reproducible, so that others can see
> this too.
   Tricky, only thing I can think of is 'ps x' to see if the process's
   are stopped. It seems that as long as I don't move into the mouse
   into the window it stay in that state. All other windows are functional.
   The question is what to examine. Suggestions are welcome.


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Re: FVWM: simple question: how execute xterm and then a script?

2002-08-19 Thread Bruce M Beach
On Sat, 17 Aug 2002, Mikhael Goikhman wrote:

> On 17 Aug 2002 19:13:24 +0200, Ulrich Fahrenberg wrote:
> >
> > On Sat, 17 Aug 2002, Felix Kater wrote:
> >
> > > I defined a Menu to start an xterm like this:
> > >
> > > AddToMenu MenuBackup
> > > + "start backup"  Exec exec xterm
> > >

  Along these lines how would some one start multiple applications?

AddToMenu Tails "Tails" Title
+ "Messages" exec xterm -fn 7x13bold -T \
   messages -fg white -bg black -j -rw -aw +sf -sl 200 -sb -e \
   tail -f /var/log/messages

  I have 5 or 6 tails that I bring up and sometimes I would like
  to bring up different groups of them. I tried

+ "All" Exec exec xterm  -fn 7x13bold -T \
  Messages -fg white -bg black -j -rw -aw +sf -sl 200 -sb -e \
   tail -f /var/log/messages &; \
  xterm  -fn 7x13bold -T \
 Syslog -fg white -bg black -j -rw -aw +sf -sl 200 -sb -e \
tail -f /var/log/syslog  &
   I thought the ';' would work.

   By the way I have a very unusual problem with fvwm-2.5.2. It just
   occurred while I was writing this email. And its this kind of problem.
   Intermittent, (i.e. occurs every couple of days.) It seem to occur under
   heavy load, and perhaps is connected with a large amount of output to an
   xterm. What happens is that the output to the xterm freezes, until I bring
   the mouse into the xterm (FocusFollowsMouse) then every everything is back
   to normal. This time was unusual because I happened to have 'top' running.
   The processors were about 75% usage (say), the output stopped in an xterm
   and the processors wentt o to 100.0% idle,  (I was doing a series of builds)
   I typed this letter for a while and finally moved the mouse into the xterm.
   The builds started up again and the processors went back to 75% usage again.
   What I didn't do, I'm sorry to say was type 'ps x' to see what it said.
   I know that fvwm-2.5.2 is development, but I need to use it because it
   fixes some serious problems that occurred with an upgrade to xwindows 4.2
   fvwm-2.5.2 seems to work fine anyway. I haven't been on the site for
   a while to see what the latest is.


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Re: FVWM: simple question: how execute xterm and then a script?

2002-08-18 Thread Bruce M Beach

   The real and simple truth is that the syntax of bash will
   just drive you crazy.


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Re: FVWM: simple question: how execute xterm and then a script?

2002-08-17 Thread Bruce M Beach
On Sun, 18 Aug 2002, Mikhael Goikhman wrote:

> Funny, the following is incorrect in bash and ksh:
>   % xterm &; xterm
> But this is correct in tcsh, zsh, ash and csh. If you put a command
> with & in parentheses it should work in all shells:
>   Exec (xterm &); (xterm &); (xterm &)

   Yeah. I've seen the above "% xterm &; xterm" fail a million
   times and never learn because it doesn't make any sense to
   me. I think its a bug. Heres a line from a script where I use
   the semi-colon which works just fine:

   cd /usr/src; rm -rf $GCC; tar -zxvf $GCC.tar.gz;

   I guess the & confuses it. Somebody should send a report
   to to get clarifition. ( not me. I already
   got a bug report pending) I quickly tried this

   set -o monitor   # enable jobs
   set -b   # enable immediate reporting of SIGCHLD
   xterm &; xterm

to enable job control and it still doesn't like it.

   Anyway the second form "Exec (xterm &); (xterm &); (xterm &)"
   does the trick. Sometimes something is funny is happening on
   the net like somebody trying to use your machine as a relay
   when they have no business doing so and I want to fire up a
   whole bunch of tails on the logs really quick. Now I can do it.


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Re: FVWM: Own mouse pointers: define hot spot?

2002-08-12 Thread Bruce M Beach
On Mon, 12 Aug 2002, Gregg Dameron wrote:

> Dominik Vogt wrote:
> > On Mon, Aug 12, 2002 at 11:49:54AM -0400, Dan Espen wrote:
> > > Dominik Vogt  writes:
> > > > Could you put that in the FAQ?
> > >
> > > Sure. ...

I noticed that there was a facility shipped with the standard xwindows
distribution called "bitmap"  which seems to do what is wanted. ie
set the hotspot.



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Re: FVWM: fvwm hangs

2002-06-18 Thread Bruce M Beach
On Tue, 18 Jun 2002, Dominik Vogt wrote:

>On Fri, Jun 14, 2002 at 09:49:22PM +0000, Bruce M Beach wrote:
>>   Hello All
>>   If  I execute a tcl script from the fvwm menu
>>   that has the  the following line:
>> "Tkxset" Exec exec /scripts/tkxset
>>   the xterms dont' change color as I move the mouse into them,
>>   ..

> Can you send me the whole tk script?  Pressing ctrl-alt-escape may
> help to break the freeze.

   Thanks for the reply. I can send you the script but I'm not sure
   of the need. I was going to write to the tk/tcl people about the
   problem, but first I thought I would see if there were any new
   versions. There was so I upgraded from tcl8.4a3 to tcl8.4a4,
   likewise with tk and the problem went away. I rebuild the entire
   system from source every week and at one point tcl8.4a3 and fvwm
   were working fine. Then one week something (probably a new glib)
   broke tcl8.4a3. At first I thought it was fvwm-2.4.8, but I went
   back to an older version, tcl was still broken, so it wasn't fvwm.
   As I say tcl8.4a4 fixed the problem.  As far as the script goes,
   all tcl/tk scripts were broken on that term signal. I imagine that
   the tcl/tk people know about the problem but it does seem strange
   that there is a lib/tcl/gcc/... combination where signals are not
   working properly. If you need to know more about this problem let me
   know and I can restore the old tcl again.


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FVWM: fvwm hangs

2002-06-14 Thread Bruce M Beach
  Hello All

  If  I execute a tcl script from the fvwm menu
  that has the  the following line:
"Tkxset" Exec exec /scripts/tkxset
  It start up fine and works fine but when I push the "quit"
  button which executes the following tcl procedure

  #!/usr/local/bin/wish  #<- First line of script
  proc quit {} {
  destroy .
  the  button stays depressed and the whole root screen partially
  freezes. Partially because the mouse is still working, but the
  various applications do not respond. (i.e in focus-follows mouse
  the xterms dont' change color as I move the mouse into them,
  raising and lowering window or moving no longer works etc.)

  Now if I'm clever I'll have two xterms
  1) with the line: sh-2.05a# ps x
  2) with the line: sh-2.05a# kill

  I can add a carriage return to the "ps x", get the process
  number (cut and paste) and add it to the kill and kill the
  tk application. It does not kill the application!, or restore
  the window manager. Every thing remains non-functional but the
  usual sequence "cntrl-alt-backspace" still works so I can kill
  the xserver and start again.

  I have the following
(These comments apply to all tk/tcl applications)

1)  Start tkset(just a tk/tcl application) from an xterm.
Works fine and exits fine.
2)  Start from the root menu and use the window dropdown
Close <-- this partially hangs the window manager
Destroy   <-- closes the application

I'm using
xwindows 4.20
no gnome

I suspect that the problem is not fvwm but
one of the other major subsystems, but who ?
I've been using fvwm for 5 or 6 years and
this is something new.


   Ps I'm behind the great firewall of China and if
   I subscribe to the list I tend to get weird things
   happening like messages from the mailing list saying
   that message are bounceing back with headers that say
   " More than ten words matched. Rejected"
   so if you could cc any replies it would be appreciated.


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