Re: Mac Retro Anyone?

2009-10-01 Thread Nathan Templeton

Wallace Adrian D'Alessio wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 2:31 AM, spiceyweasel  > wrote:
> I don't know about the rest of you, but I find my old trusty G4 tower
> and green, see-through iMac G3 to be more aesthetically pleasing than
> the newer, metallic offerings from Apple. Further, I am dismayed by
> the fact Apple has turned it's back on it's plastic past and not
> allowed we, the retro-digging users, to share the benefits of an Intel
> processed machine. Is it asking too much of Apple to release mother
> boards that fit our machines with some of the technical savvy their
> metal wrapped cousins enjoy? I'm not asking for something that will
> put my Power Mac G4 on par with a Mac Pro, but it would be nice to
> compete with a mini AND still have a little room for expansion. Give
> me a 2GHz Intel with, let's say.8GB of RAM, space for three hard
> drives, perhaps dual layer super drive support or, better still Blu
> Ray capability? Am I asking too much, really? I think it would open a
> whole new stream of revenue for Apple and make a lot of die hard old
> Mac fans very happy. Heck, I even came up with an ultra mod, way cool
> logo! Come on Steve Jobs, let's do this!
> I to am a Dreamer myself, and have wondered aloud here " why not'. To 
> be inundated by the "realists" refutation of any such scheme. The 
> Corporate Church must not be expected to give boons to the devotees.
> Many on LEM will be happy to bore you with good rational reasons why 
> this will idea of Intel mobos for old Macs will NEVER happen. I will 
> let them work their magic in peace.
> Perhaps though you would give some attention and money to plop a Mini 
> mobo or whatever you can afford  used into one of your beloved Macs 
> and be proud of the accomplishment.
> -- 
> Adrian D'Alessio aka; Fluxstringer
> >
All interesting stuff, and I have to say I'm a fan of older macs myself. 
This dual G4/450 I'm on right now is that fastest mac I've ever owned. 
Started with an SE/30 that I still have now. If you really want to get 
the best out of your older macs, I hate to say it but leave Mac OS behind.
Right now I have ubuntu 8.04 installed, with FluxBox as a WM.. It's not 
going to win any speed contests against a modern day mac, though even 
with 4 virtual desktops it's quite usable and much more responsive that 
when I had 10.4.11 on here..

When you are Sierra-Oscar-Lima. I am, as always Hotel-Tango-Hotel
Dual G4/450
1.5gig ram
7200rpm 80gig system drive
7200rpm 120gig everything else drive

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Re: Need to install both Classic and OS-X on old iMac's new hard drive, but how?

2009-10-01 Thread Tom

Thanks, Yersinia, but that option, to install the OS 9 drivers, is not
offered by the Disk Utility that is on the Tiger Installer. So I dug
around in my old disc collection and found a 10.1 installer disk, but
discovered on starting up with it that it has no Utilities menu on it
at all. It cannot erase and format a drive, it can only install 10.1.

However,  I accidentally let it install 10.1 on this iMac's hard drive
(once it got started, there was no way to stop it, and I was afraid to
just shut the Mac off, so I let it do the install and figured I'd
erase the disk later), and when I opened the Disk Utility on the
installed 10.1 System, it DID offer to erase the disk and install the
OS-9 drivers. However, the erase and format options were all grayed
out, because Disk Utility cannot erase and format the disk that it's
running from, the startup disk.

So the situation we have here is this: the Tiger installer disk
doesn't offer the option of OS-9 drivers. The 10.1 installer disk has
no Disk Utilities on it, but after you install 10.1, its Disk
Utilities DOES offer the 9 drivers, but you can't do it because it's
the startup disk and it can't operate on itself.

Now, I do have some external hard drives, and my first thought was to
install 10.1 on one of them and then start up the iMac with it and
format the Mac's internal drive that way, but all my external drives
already have 10.4 on them, and you can't install an earlier version of
OS-X over a later version.

So, I'm stymied for a way to get the OS  9 drivers. Any ideas?



On Oct 1, 9:54 pm, wrote:
> Tom writes,
>  10.4 installer disk, and then use its Disk Utility to format the new
> drive, but no matter how I try it (either Erase or Partition), I am
> not given any option to install any OS 9 drivers. It just doesn't
> offer that option. Am I missing it somewhere? Where should I look for
> it?>
> When you go to the Erase tab in Disk Utility, immediately below the
> fields for the choice of Volume Format and the name to give the HD<
> there's a little box for a checkmark next to text which reads "Mac OS 9
> Drivers Installed." If there's already a check in the box, you're OK, no
> need to do anything. But if the box has no checkmark, you give it one by
> clicking the box. This has to be done for OS 9 to install and run on the
> system.
>  rather 460 or something.>
> Wow, that's cool! I guess your mother-in-law's Jurassic Mac can do
> things my Triassic Mac can't! LOL
> Good luck! :-)
> ~Yersinia.
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Re: Need to install both Classic and OS-X on old iMac's new hard drive, but how?

2009-10-01 Thread yersinia

Tom writes,

When you go to the Erase tab in Disk Utility, immediately below the 
fields for the choice of Volume Format and the name to give the HD< 
there's a little box for a checkmark next to text which reads "Mac OS 9 
Drivers Installed." If there's already a check in the box, you're OK, no 
need to do anything. But if the box has no checkmark, you give it one by 
clicking the box. This has to be done for OS 9 to install and run on the 

Wow, that's cool! I guess your mother-in-law's Jurassic Mac can do 
things my Triassic Mac can't! LOL

Good luck! :-)


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Re: Need to install both Classic and OS-X on old iMac's new hard drive, but how?

2009-10-01 Thread Tom

Thanks, Yersinia and Taner. Well, I can start the old iMac up with the
10.4 installer disk, and then use its Disk Utility to format the new
drive, but no matter how I try it (either Erase or Partition), I am
not given any option to install any OS 9 drivers. It just doesn't
offer that option. Am I missing it somewhere? Where should I look for

And by the way, this old iMac does see the new drive as a 500 gig, or
rather 460 or something.

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Re: opening a sit.torrent download

2009-10-01 Thread McGrude

> Does anyone on this list know how to open  a sit.torrent
> download?

A .torrent file is a pointer to where within a BitTorrent peer to peer
network a BitTorrent client can join the cloud and participate in
downloading (and distributing) a given file.

You'll need a BitTorrent client to open and download a .torrent file.

Google for BitTorrent clients, or just go to and download their's.

 - Mike

P.S.  Please do not pirate copyrighted works.

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opening a sit.torrent download

2009-10-01 Thread Wm. Arnold

Does anyone on this list know how to open  a sit.torrent 
I am using an iMac power PC G4 with OSX 10.4.11.

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Re: Need to install both Classic and OS-X on old iMac's new hard drive, but how?

2009-10-01 Thread Taner Sezer

you can simply startup with tiger DVD and split your HD into two  
partitions using disk utility. i'm not sure but i think it could be  
necessary to book a part that is smaller than 128 gb's for classic.
as you partition your HD it no matter which OS you install first...

On Oct 1, 2009, at 9:18 PM, Tom wrote:

> My mother-in-law, an elderly and stubborn lady (though nice) refuses
> to give up her old 1 GHz iMac (the half-soccer-ball novelty with the
> little monitor-on-a-stem sticking out of it) even though it dates from
> the Jurassic Period of computing and we all keep telling her she'd be
> better off with a new or at least newer iMac. She's had this Mac since
> she bought it new. The reason she wants to keep the old thing, says
> the sweet old thing, is that she has equally antique applications that
> she cannot bear to part with, and that can only run in OS 9 (such as
> an old genealogy program, an early word processor, solitaire games,
> etc.), and none of the newer iMacs can run Classic. She has simply got
> to run Classic, as well as OS-X for e-mail and surfing the web with
> Safari.
> We tried to persuade her to give up this old iMac when its hard drive
> died the other day, but she insisted on reviving it, so we bought a
> new 500-gig hard drive from OWC and installed it (and was that ever a
> nightmare, digging into the crammed-full innards of that stupid soccer
> ball). We also upped the ram to 1.5 gigs (I think it was).
> So now we're at the stage where we have this new empty drive in the
> iMac, as yet unformatted, and we have to get both OS-9 and OS-X onto
> it. For some reason, none of the OS-9 installer discs that I've
> accumulated over the years will start up this Mac (while holding down
> the C key), but an OS-X Tiger disk will, and Disk Utility on the Tiger
> installer disk sees the new drive just fine, so the HD installation
> was successful. I did not install Tiger on the new drive because I'm
> worried that we may have to install OS-9 first, and then put OS-X on
> top of it. Is that how it's done, when you want both, and want to run
> Classic?
> Or, am I wrong, and can we install Tiger first, and then put 9.2.2 on
> the same drive (maybe on a different partition) afterward?  I have a
> disk called "9.2.2 Classic Install" that will not start up this iMac,
> but I can view its contents in my G5, and it seems like maybe I could
> install OS-9 from the desktop of OS-X in the iMac. Am I right?
> In short, what would be the best way to install both 10.4.11 and
> Classic 9.2.2 on this old G4 iMac?
> >

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Re: Need to install both Classic and OS-X on old iMac's new hard drive, but how?

2009-10-01 Thread yersinia

Tom writes,

First off, Tom, please give your mother-in-law a great big hug for me 
and tell her I love her for the strength of her backbone! If her G4 iMac 
is "Jurassic," that makes my G4 867 Quicksilver and G3/800 iBook 
Triassic, and although I'm sure I'm a good deal younger than she is, I'm 
just as stubborn and insistent about keeping them and being able to run 
in Classic so I can use ancient apps, which include an old genealogy 
program and old stuff for a game too. Now...

A. You can put OS 9 and OS X on the same HD, but you have to make sure 
that the OS 9 Drivers box is checked when you format the drive. If you 
do that, OS 9 should install and run Classic A-OK, unless she needs a 
machine-specific install CD. This brings us to:

B. Since you say your mother-in-law bought her iMac brand new, I 
suggest you ask her to hunt down the original system disks she got with 
it -- OS 9 installation is occasionally machine specific, and whatever 
she originally had installed to run her Classic before probably came 
from those...right? I had a problem with machine specificity on my iBook 
using one of my own various and sundry OS 9 CDs (which had worked on all 
prior Macs except my iBook) when I wanted to put 9 on there. In my case 
I ended up copying an OS 9 folder from my Quicksilver since I bought my 
iBook used and it didn't come with any system CDs, but it runs Classic fine.

C. Yes, you should be able to install Tiger first, then OS 9 -- as long 
as the OS 9 Drivers box is checked when formatting the drive, and you 
meet machine-specific installation disk requirements if any. If the 
version of Tiger on the original System disk is lower than 10.4.11, 
which it probably would be, the 10.4.11 Combo Updater (free download 
from Apple) will update it.

Another idea I have about your problems with installation is -- does a 
"Jurassic Mac" like this even SEE the entirety of a 500 GB HD? Actually 
I'm not sure how that would affect installation, since both OS's won't 
require nearly that much room, but it makes me curious since I know 
already that when I have my boyfriend put those two 250 GB HDs into my 
Quicksilver, I have to also have him put an ATA controller card in 
because my Quicksilver will not see the entirety of an internal HD 
bigger than 128 GB -- so I think it's something to think about if you 
still have problems installing OS 9 and OS X on that HD formatted with 
the OS 9 drivers box checked and using the original system disks.


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Need to install both Classic and OS-X on old iMac's new hard drive, but how?

2009-10-01 Thread Tom

My mother-in-law, an elderly and stubborn lady (though nice) refuses
to give up her old 1 GHz iMac (the half-soccer-ball novelty with the
little monitor-on-a-stem sticking out of it) even though it dates from
the Jurassic Period of computing and we all keep telling her she'd be
better off with a new or at least newer iMac. She's had this Mac since
she bought it new. The reason she wants to keep the old thing, says
the sweet old thing, is that she has equally antique applications that
she cannot bear to part with, and that can only run in OS 9 (such as
an old genealogy program, an early word processor, solitaire games,
etc.), and none of the newer iMacs can run Classic. She has simply got
to run Classic, as well as OS-X for e-mail and surfing the web with

We tried to persuade her to give up this old iMac when its hard drive
died the other day, but she insisted on reviving it, so we bought a
new 500-gig hard drive from OWC and installed it (and was that ever a
nightmare, digging into the crammed-full innards of that stupid soccer
ball). We also upped the ram to 1.5 gigs (I think it was).

So now we're at the stage where we have this new empty drive in the
iMac, as yet unformatted, and we have to get both OS-9 and OS-X onto
it. For some reason, none of the OS-9 installer discs that I've
accumulated over the years will start up this Mac (while holding down
the C key), but an OS-X Tiger disk will, and Disk Utility on the Tiger
installer disk sees the new drive just fine, so the HD installation
was successful. I did not install Tiger on the new drive because I'm
worried that we may have to install OS-9 first, and then put OS-X on
top of it. Is that how it's done, when you want both, and want to run

Or, am I wrong, and can we install Tiger first, and then put 9.2.2 on
the same drive (maybe on a different partition) afterward?  I have a
disk called "9.2.2 Classic Install" that will not start up this iMac,
but I can view its contents in my G5, and it seems like maybe I could
install OS-9 from the desktop of OS-X in the iMac. Am I right?

In short, what would be the best way to install both 10.4.11 and
Classic 9.2.2 on this old G4 iMac?
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Re: HELP - g5 dual 2.3 multi os install PROBLEM - L O N G

2009-10-01 Thread rumble

On Oct 1, 3:43 am, Kris Tilford  wrote:
> On Sep 30, 2009, at 10:13 PM, rumble wrote:
> > then it displays a "no entry" icon (circle with
> > a slash through it).
> > i rechecked the specs on the g5 dual 2.3 and it says it can run
> > panther, and i checked to see if the cd/dvd drive was blessed by  
> > apple/ able to boot a system disk.
> I don't know where you saw this information, but MacTracker says the  
> Power Mac G5 (Early 2005) shipped with Tiger 10.4 (8A428), and this  
> generally means that it won't work with any earlier system software,  
> which would include all Panther 10.3.

hi kris

i got the info from the read me on the panther install disk.

it said it would work on powerpc g3, g4 & g5.

regardless of that i know now that indeed it will not work on a dual
g5 ppc.

> I believe you've made an error, and that the dual 2.3 G5 is limited to  
> Tiger and Leopard, and will not run anything prior to Tiger, or Snow  
> Leopard. You'll have to make due with two partitions and Tiger and  
> Leopard only. I'm unaware of software that's "Panther only", although  
> I'm sure it's possible. If you're hard core, I'd bet it's possible to  
> hack a Panther installation to boot on this G5, and the required  
> changes would probably be very minimal, but again, why go to the  
> hassle if you can get your applications to run on Tiger? What Panther  
> specific applications are you worried about?

i beta test software and plugins for different companies and need to
test on different systems.
panther isn't as much of an issue anymore except for my own "old" apps
that i can't upgrade or there is no upgrade path to, so i guess i'll
be keeping the old qicksilver 933.

i was hoping to keep it all under one hood..  ;)

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Re: G4 AGP - whats good replacement

2009-10-01 Thread Richard Gerome
Title: G4 AGP - whats good replacement

 I have always been one for buying something that I can use my old one for parts!!! This way if you have trouble again with another part you can swap it out, but in your case I would buy a working machine and not another one for parts to fix yours... Use your old one for the parts!!! When I had my shop I used to do this with the cars I drove because I would have a place to keep them...   CoolKat -Original Message-
From: Erik Hancock 
Sent: Sep 30, 2009 11:10 PM
To: "" 
Subject: G4 AGP - whats good replacement

    Oh my G4 Agp mac has appeared to die – first power supply and now looks like logic board -  not sure if I should replace the board or perhaps I can just buy a new machine cheap.

Wondering about replacing with another system and looking for suggestions – want a comparable system based on what equipments can be reused or is no longer needed (don’t have the $$ to go to the newest machines.)

I had a G4 AGP that was 400mHz but was upgraded to 1.5 mHz (sonnet I think) Had a USB ?PCI card for 4 additional 2.0 slots and had Radeon 128K card with DVI and VGA for dual monitors.  

Wondering about purchasing a used G4 and not sure what architecture differences are presented by the Digital Audio or the Mirror G4s -  

Basically planning to swap out my drives and verify that firmware is updated to handle the faster processer — I was running 10.4 as felt 10.5 was too slow and it was fine as I had it.  
Any one have suggestions or experiences to add?

Thanks in Advance

Erik Hancock

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Re: PPC Geneaology software - what's best?

2009-10-01 Thread Michael Emery

On Sep 30, 1:31 pm, Dan Usmar  wrote:

I've heard good things about Reunion...

Here's another such report, Dan. I've been using Reunion since version
2 when it was based on HyperCard, and now I'm using the latest version
9. To borrow Volvo's catch phrase, "Reunion for life!"

There are also a number of web-based genealogy solutions. I like, sort of a social network for families.

Michael Emery
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those using G3, G4, and G5 desktop Macs - with a particular focus on Power Macs.
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Re: HELP - g5 dual 2.3 multi os install PROBLEM - L O N G

2009-10-01 Thread Kris Tilford

On Sep 30, 2009, at 10:13 PM, rumble wrote:

> then it displays a "no entry" icon (circle with
> a slash through it).

> i rechecked the specs on the g5 dual 2.3 and it says it can run
> panther, and i checked to see if the cd/dvd drive was blessed by  
> apple/
> able to boot a system disk.

I don't know where you saw this information, but MacTracker says the  
Power Mac G5 (Early 2005) shipped with Tiger 10.4 (8A428), and this  
generally means that it won't work with any earlier system software,  
which would include all Panther 10.3.

I own the identical Power Mac G5 dual 2.3 (Early 2005) and just tried  
to boot a Retail Panther 10.3 Installation CD (the black CD with the  
white "X" on it) and got identical results to yours. Further, my G5 is  
set to show verbose dialog in firmware so every startup has the  
verbose dialog, and this didn't show any dialog whatsoever, only the  
slash symbol you saw. This means it's not even beginning to boot at all.

My G5 has a different optical unit than yours, so I'm nearly 100%  
certain your optical unit isn't the problem at all.

I believe you've made an error, and that the dual 2.3 G5 is limited to  
Tiger and Leopard, and will not run anything prior to Tiger, or Snow  
Leopard. You'll have to make due with two partitions and Tiger and  
Leopard only. I'm unaware of software that's "Panther only", although  
I'm sure it's possible. If you're hard core, I'd bet it's possible to  
hack a Panther installation to boot on this G5, and the required  
changes would probably be very minimal, but again, why go to the  
hassle if you can get your applications to run on Tiger? What Panther  
specific applications are you worried about?

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