[gaidhlig-gu-leor] email woes

2000-08-23 Thread leslie

Hi all:

   Pardon the English.  I can't think right now.
   I've been having serious problems with my email server, so I have a new email 
address, effective [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Get your FREE personalized e-mail at http://www.canada.com
The Nova Scotia Scottish Gaelic Learner's List - Archives -

Re: [gaidhlig-gu-leor] Hallo/ Hello

2000-08-23 Thread Christine Murphy

Hai Eideaird agus a h-uile duine cuideachd!

'S mise Cairistìona agus tha mi a' fuireach anns an Ottawa.  Rugadh mi a
Vancouver, ma tha.
 Bha mi o chionn goirid anns an Italy airson a bhith a' faicinn am Pàpa
during World Youth Days (Gabh mo leisgeul airson am Beurla).

I'm Christine and I live in Ottawa.  I was born in Vancouver, though.
I was in Italy recently to see the Pope ...

Bha i glé bhlath an sin (40 C in the shade) agus bha e "shock" mòr a bhith
a' tighinn dhachaidh far a bheil i fionnar.

It was very warm there, and it was a big shock to come home where it is

Ciammar a tha a h-uile duine a-nis?  An robh an t-samhraidh agaibh math?

How is everyone now? Was your summer good?

Slàn leibh,
Cairistìona )o(

The Nova Scotia Scottish Gaelic Learner's List - Archives -

Re: [gaidhlig-gu-leor] abairtean

2000-08-23 Thread Angus MacLeod

LoisTed Macdonald wrote:

> Cha b'urrainn dhomh bun neo ba\rr a dheanamh dhen cho\mradh.
> I couldn't make head or tail of the conversation.
> Chan eil bun neo ba\rr aig a sheanachas.
> His story makes no sense.


Tapadh leat airson na h-abairt sin; cha robh i agam roimhe. Tha ciall mho\r
innte cuideachd! (mar a tha na faclan air an cuir ri che/ile )

Thank you for that expression; I didn't have it before. There's a lot of sense
in it too! ( as [ the way] the words have been  put together )

Le meas,

The Nova Scotia Scottish Gaelic Learner's List - Archives -