Re: [gaidhlig-gu-leor] Ciamar a chanas mi--

2000-10-28 Thread ednsue

Hallo Eideird,

Tha mi direach air de\anamh eadar-theangachadh, agus tha e a' dol mar seo:
I've just made a translation, and it goes like this:

..mar coinneal bheag a' losgadh anns an oidhche..
..bidh thusa san d'oisean beag 's mi fhi\n san oisean 'n-seo.

 " a little candle burning in the night, you in your small corner
 I in mine."

Is toigh leam e...chan 'eil fhios-am air an t-eadar-theangachadh ceart no
cea\rr, ach tha e a' cordadh rium.
I like it...I don't know if the translation is right or wrong, but I like

It sounds/looks correct to me, but that's not much of an assurance!  ;D

Would "Burn, Baby, burn!" be:
"Loisg, a Leanabh, loisg!"

Oidhche mhath,
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Re: [gaidhlig-gu-leor] Ciamar a chanas mi--

2000-10-24 Thread Lois\Ted Macdonald

A Shiu\saidh,

Sgri\obh thu:

'S e duine coibhneil a th'annad, tha mi a' smaoineachadh.
It's a kind man that you are, I think.
(to think up the exercises and then respond to, mo/ran taing!)

Bidh thu ro choibhneil. 'S e car-oibre shalach a th'innte, ach feumaidh 
cuideigin a de\anamh!
You're too kind. It's a dirty job, but someone has to do it!

 For some reason at times like this I'm reminded of the children's hymn:
 " a little candle burning in the night, you in your small corner and
 I in mine."

Tha mi a' dol leatsa...
I agree with you...

Tha mi direach air de\anamh eadar-theangachadh, agus tha e a' dol mar seo:
I've just made a translation, and it goes like this:

..mar coinneal bheag a' losgadh anns an oidhche..
..bidh thusa san d'oisean beag 's mi fhi\n san oisean 'n-seo.

De\ do bheachd, a Shiu\said? (What do you think, S.?)


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