Re: Why use maillists??

2004-04-17 Thread Craig McClanahan
Serge Knystautas wrote:

J Aaron Farr wrote:

Finally, Jakarta did have forums at one time but I don't think they 
were heavily

IMO this is the best point.  Open source projects get to try dozens of 
different communication patterns (IM, IRC, NNTP, personal email, 
Forums, Wikis, mailing lists, phone calls, CVS, bugzilla, etc...).

Mailing lists have emerged as the most effective means for open source 

There's another reason that is critically important to me ... offline 
access.  I often have to travel with my laptop on an airplane, and 
mailing lists let me take the current state of my IMAP-accessible 
mailbox with me and perform offline processing, ready for 
synchronization next time I've got Internet access.

Note that the fact that Apache uses mailing lists does *not* prohibit 
accessing that information via forum-oriented UIs ... anything from 
mailing list archives to NNTP-based access ( and friends) make 
that quick and easy.  So, get off our case already!  :-)

Personally, I won't use any forum-based communication mechanism unless 
I'm paid to do so.  Mailing lists have proven their worth for longer 
than some of the complainers about them have been alive :-).

Craig McClanahan

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Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT][NET] jakarta-commons/net 1.2 Released

2004-05-03 Thread Craig McClanahan
Jeffrey D. Brekke wrote:


To join in the Jakarta/Commons community is the first step.  There is
alot of information on the Jakarta site about how to contribute.  The
first thing would be to read some this documentation, monitor the
commons-user and commons-dev mailing lists ( where most discussions
are taking place ) and learn how to submit patches to the source code.
This is barely scratching the surface of *how to join an open source
project* so I hope you investigate a little further on your own.

A couple of specific starting points are quite useful:

* How the ASF Works:

* How to Get Involved (Jakarta):

Craig McClanahan

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Re: [Jakarta Wiki] Updated: JakartaPMC

2004-07-08 Thread Craig McClanahan
Henri Yandell wrote:
I wonder if we can configure wiki to make the comment mandatory :)

Doubt it would help much ... like many people, I often play the game of 
"what's the minimum amount of stuff needed to pass the validation on 
this field?".  Most commonly, a simple "." will do the trick :-).


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Re: Can't instantiate Tapestry component "TablePages"

2004-07-27 Thread Craig McClanahan
On Tue, 27 Jul 2004 11:45:09 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Greetings ladies and gentlemen,
> I am attempting to create a table/grid component using the Tapestry
> framework and have hit my head a few times in doing so.
> Currently I am getting an exception and I can't understand why.
> It reads:
> "Unable to instantiate an instance of class
> org.apache.tapestry.contrib.table.components.TablePages. "
> Could someone please provide me with some extra info as to why this would
> happen.
> Thanks very much


You're much more likely to get help on this question if you ask it on
the Tapestry User's List.  To subscribe, send an empty message to


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Re: Where is Cloudscape?

2004-08-04 Thread Craig McClanahan
On Tue, 03 Aug 2004 23:33:35 -0700, Kevin A. Burton
> Hm... wanted to check this code out of CVS but can't find it :-/
> Maybe I'm jumping the gun a bit... I can be patient ;)
> Kevin

As with any other project under incubation, it'll show up at first, when the code is posted.  I'd suggest
subscribing to [EMAIL PROTECTED] (to subscribe, send an
empty message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]) to keep up to
date, until the project has its own mailing lists.


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Re: FYI: Author tags

2004-09-13 Thread Craig McClanahan
Recently, a new twist on @author tags came up, from a direction I
never would have expected.  It seems that the JDK 1.5 compiler whines
when you have non-ISO-8859-1 characters in Javadoc comments in your
source files.  Someone was kind enough to run a compile of a bunch of
open source projects with 1.5, to help identify projects that have
such sources.

It turns out that commons-beanutils has a few such occurrences --
because of non-ASCII characters in the authors's names in the @author

Guess we need to tell such people to change their names if they want
to be an @author :-).

Craig McClanahan

On Mon, 13 Sep 2004 12:48:33 -0400 (EDT), Henri Yandell
> Many will remember the discussion on whether the ASF should discourage,
> ban or allow @author tags. I'm not sure that the end result was reported
> out to the whole community, so going ahead and doing so now. Apologies if
> a repeat.
> The boards statement (via Sam) is that:
>Sam: "The choice of @authors or not is a PMC level decision. "
> Many do think that @author tags are not useful, but we're free to do what
> we want.
> My opinion:
>If we ever get subprojects where things are getting childish over
> @author tags and recognition for fixing newlines or removing unused
> imports (made up examples), then we should just take the easy way out on
> that subproject and remove the @author tags. Otherwise, we continue as
> normal.
> Hen
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Re: Exception handling Was: Future JDK features 2 items

2004-11-19 Thread Craig McClanahan
On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 23:21:02 -0800, Daniel Rall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, 2004-10-29 at 13:35 -0400, Henri Yandell wrote:
> ...
> > How about just being able to do multiple Exceptions in one block?
> >
> > try {
> >  
> > } catch(JMSException, RemoteException, SQLException e) {
> > }
> >
> > or possibly even:
> >
> > try {
> >  
> > } catch( (JMSException | RemoteException | SQLException) e) {
> > }
> Something like this would be truly excellent.  I'm so sick of having to
> write 30 lines of exception handling code.

How about two lines, which you can already do today?

try {
} catch (Exception e) {

If you really want to treat different types of exceptions differently,
you can special case by putting specialized catch blocks for the
special cases in front of this.  The predominant use case, though,
seems to be a standarized "log it and exit" or "log it and rethrow it
in a wrapper exception" strategy, which you can deal with quite

Sheesh, hasn't anyone ever heard of inheritance around here?  :-)


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Re: new sandbox projects

2004-12-19 Thread Craig McClanahan


On Sun, 19 Dec 2004 10:15:01 -0800, Martin Cooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, 14 Dec 2004 21:52:57 -0500 (EST), Henri Yandell
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> > On Tue, 14 Dec 2004, Martin Cooper wrote:
> >
> > >
> > > On Wed, 15 Dec 2004, Torsten Curdt wrote:
> > >
> > >> Over at cocoon we have some code that might be worth
> > >> sharing on jakarta commons. So I was wondering
> > >> if the sandbox is open to any committer or only to
> > >> jakarta committers? (which I am not) I heard
> > >> different stories...
> > >
> > > Any Apache committer can have sandbox karma just for the asking.
> >
> > The only complication is that the committer will need to get the jakarta
> > unix group, so it'll take us a little bit longer to add karma.
> Torsten (tcurdt) is now in the 'jakarta' Unix group. Can someone with
> karma karma please give him access to the Commons Sandbox? Thanks!
> --
> Martin Cooper
> > Hen
> >
> > -
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Re: VOTE: Tomcat -> TLP

2005-04-06 Thread Craig McClanahan

Craig McClanahan (Jakarta PMC Member)

On Apr 6, 2005 4:36 PM, Ian F. Darwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> As has been discussed on this list & on tomcat-dev, the Tomcat people
> are interested in "moving up".
> Attached please find a Resolution to this effect from the proposed new
> Tomcat PMC to the Board.
> This is a binding procedural vote to be decided by a simple majority of
> those eligible and casting votes (as per
>  All current members of
> the Jakarta PMC have binding votes.  Since this involves creation of a
> new project I believe we should give people a week to vote; votes must
> therefore be registered by midnight Eastern time on Wednesday, 13 April
> 2005.
> At that point we will tally the votes and, if the vote is in the
> affirmative, forward the Resolutions to the Board.
> The question:
> I vote in support of the proposal to move Tomcat to an Apache Top
> Level Project as
> detailed in the attached Resolution.
> [  ] +1 Vote in support
> [  ]  0   Abstain
> [  ] -1  Vote against
> Thanks.
> Ian Darwin
> --- Draft TLP Resolution ---
> Establish the Apache Tomcat Project
>WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
>interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
>Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management
>Committee charged with the creation and maintenance of
>open-source software related to the implementation of the
>Java Servlet and Java Server Pages specifications, for
>distribution at no charge to the public.
>NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
>Committee (PMC), to be known as the "Apache Tomcat PMC", be and
>hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the Foundation; and
>be it further
>RESOLVED, that the Apache Tomcat PMC be and hereby is
>responsible for the creation and maintenance of software
>related to creation and maintenance of open-source software
>related to the implementation of the Java Servlet and Java
>Server Pages specifications based on software licensed to
>the Foundation; and be it further
>RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache Tomcat" be
>and hereby is created, the person holding such office to serve
>at the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair of the
>Apache Tomcat PMC, and to have primary responsibility for
>management of the projects within the scope of responsibility
>of the Apache Tomcat PMC; and be it further
>RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
>hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the
>Apache Tomcat PMC:
>Jean-Francois Arcand ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
>Bill Barker ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
>Kin-man Chung ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
>Jean-Frederic Clere ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
>Henri Gomez ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
>Filip Hanik ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
>Larry Isaacs ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
>Jim Jagielski ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
>Costin Manolache ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
>Remy Maucherat ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
>Kurt Miller ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
>Glenn Nielsen ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
>Peter Rossbach ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
>Yoav Shapira ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
>Mark Thomas ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
>Mladen Turk ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
>Keith Wannamaker ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
>be appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Tomcat, to
>serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
>Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
>death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or
>until a successor is appointed; and be it further
>RESOLVED, that the initial Apache Tomcat PMC be and hereby is
>tasked with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to
>encourage open development and increased participation in the
>Apache Tomcat Project; and be it further
>RESOLVED, that the initial Apache Tomcat PMC be and hereby is
>tasked with the migration and rationalization of
>the Apache Jakarta PMC

Re: Name for commons-like area for web

2005-06-25 Thread Craig McClanahan
On 6/25/05, Mario Ivankovits <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi!
> >  Web Commons
> >  Web Components
> For me it depends how fine grained those components are.
> Say, if there is a project which cummulates all filters for a servlet
> container I am for "web commons" as it might result in project sizes we
> have in "commons".
> If we manage (what I prefer) to have much much smaller parts say a
> filter component to handle access control based on the ip address with
> hosts allow/deny rules or another simple component to have
> commons-validator available as tags for jsf (yes I know there is shale)
> I am for "web components".

I am +1 for web components too ... but just wanted to note that the
integration between JSF and Commons Validator in Shale is usable even
if you don't buy in to the rest of the Shale architecture -- it
doens't have any dependencies on the core Shale framework.  That kind
of independence is one of my goals for the Tiles integration in Shale
as well.

Except for the configuration interface (which is hooked in to the
configuration of Shale overall, but is easily separable), the same is
also true for the Dialogs part of Shale ... it has no runtime
dependencies on the Shale framework classes, only on the portable JSF


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Re: Question

2005-08-04 Thread Craig McClanahan
On 8/4/05, Luke Beard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We have a project that we wish to opensource
> It is a small servlet based mobile translator for blogs
> It allows an iterface to bloging sites and translates them into a phone
> friendly way.
> We think because of its size and reliance on Java the Jakarta project
> would suit as a possible place.
> are we moving down the right track?


Your best bet for exploring this idea is to compare the current state
of your project to the criteria outlined in the following page:

As you'll be able to infer from the criteria and warning signs there,
Apache is actually concerned as much (or more) about the community as
about the current state of the code.  If you've got an existing
community willing to understand and comply with "the Apache Way",
you'll have a higher likelihood of success than if this is a single
developer project that might work better at someplace like SourceForge
where a community can be gathered.

Craig McClanahan

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Re: [VOTE] Naming for new Jakarta subproject

2005-08-15 Thread Craig McClanahan
> [X]Apache Silk (the motivation for this name fits the goals perfectly)


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Re: Submitting patches

2006-03-26 Thread Craig McClanahan
On 3/26/06, sebb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> OK, here goes:
> I removed the CVS references.
> Note that the #Patches anchor is referenced from getinvolved & vendors
> so I kept the original heading and added subheadings for the various
> aspects.
> So long as there are no objections, I can apply the changes tomorrow
> and regenerate the site.

+1 ... looks great!



On 26/03/06, robert burrell donkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > On Sun, 2006-03-26 at 12:41 +0100, sebb wrote:
> > > Generally I find that patches are much easier to process as Bugzilla
> > > attachments, rather than sent to the developer list as an attachment.
> > >
> > > And if the patch is large, it uses everyones mail resources, most of
> > > whom aren't interested.
> > >
> > > Just received such a patch on JMeter - the poster helpfully has a blog
> > > where he says that he followed the guidelines in:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > which do indeed suggest sending patches to the developer mailing list.
> > >
> > > I'd like to suggest a change, so that the preferred method of
> > > submitting patches is via Bugzilla or JIRA.
> > >
> > > In the case of projects using JIRA, I believe that asks for a software
> > > grant, so it's important that code is submitted that way.
> > >
> > > [Actually, I'm not sure when emailed patches are appropriate...]
> > >
> > > I'd also like to split the patch section into two:
> > >
> > > Patch Creation
> > >
> > > Patch Submission
> > >
> > > Any objections to this?
> >
> > sounds good :)
> >
> > > If not, I'll make a start on updating the text - and put a copy on my
> > > home page for review.
> >
> > no need to bother: if the feedback's positive then commit and we'll
> > review the diffs.
> >
> > perhaps this information may be better at foundation level but any move
> > can wait until you've patched...
> >
> > - robert
> >
> >
> > -
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[ANNOUNCE][SHALE] Apache Shale Top Level Project Is Now Up And Running

2006-07-08 Thread Craig McClanahan

You might have seen the recent announcement that Apache Shale, originally
developed as part of the Apache Struts project, has been approved as an
Apache top level project of its own.  This message is an announcement that
the project resources are now completely set up (thanks to the prompt
attention of the Apache infrastructure team), and ready for use:

Project Web Site:

Project Wiki Site:

Mailing List Information / Subscription / Archive Links:

Nightly Builds:

On the web site, you will notice that there is, as of yet, no logo for the
project.  In fact, we would really like two images -- one for the web site
logo, and a "Powered By Shale" logo that can optionally be included by web
applications built with Shale.  As someone who can barely draw a rectangle
with straight lines, this seems like the perfect opportunity to get the
community involved in a design ... so we're going to have a logo contest.
Read about it on our wiki page, and submit your creative ideas there:

then, join the Shale User mailing list and root for your favorites.

Craig McClanahan

Re: [m2 config] was: Re: svn commit: r430653 - /jakarta/jakarta-build/trunk/pom.xml

2006-08-27 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 8/27/06, Phil Steitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Dennis Lundberg wrote:

I don't think so. After I had deployed the pom, Maven wanted to deploy
*all* of the sandbox components. At this point I simply canceled the
rest of the deploy.

By the way, there is a technique to avoid this problem .. "mvn -N deploy"
will only deploy the POM in the directory you're executing the command from,
while "mvn deploy" does that POM and all its modules.


Thanks again, Dennis.   Let's take this to commons-dev now.

Sorry, all, about all the noise.

>> Still in learning mode here...
>> Phil

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Re: [PROPOSAL] The future of Jakarta

2007-05-22 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 5/22/07, Danny Angus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 5/22/07, Martin van den Bemt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> It's pretty simple to solve this though (even though repeating myself here) : 
Let (a flattened)
> commons become Jakarta..

I thought that that idea was unpopular with some commons commiters on this PMC?

I'm a Commons Committer (although not active lately, nor likely to be
again soon because of other personal interests, so take this for what
it's worth) ... but I always assumed that what Martin describes
(commons becomes Jakarta) was the natural endgame when you've
encouraged all the active subprojects that should be TLPs to do so,
and dealt appropriately with dormant/dead/inactive codebases.

The only other reasonable alternative would seem to mean sending
Commons somewhere else and retiring the Jakarta name.  That doesn't
make marketing sense to me ... although (even though I have a Business
Admin degree, Marketing was definitely my least favorite subject :-)

On the other hand, are there enough Commons committers (across *all*
the libraries) to matter (i.e. create a viable "community"), or should
we just consider the whole thing an exercise that has come to a
natural conclusion (a bunch of mature code, and a bunch of experiments
that never attracted much community) and call it a day?

If Commons is still viable, then Commons -> Jakarta only makes sense,
and the sooner the better to minize user confusion.  Otherwise, the
discussion of what to do next seems a bit academic.


PS:  Yes, of course, there are passionate believers in the development
of particular libraries.  Are there enough to make a viable community
for *any* of the libraries on their own?  Or enough that care about
the Commons ecosystem as a whole to satisfy Apache's notions of
"community"?  It is not clear to me (any longer) that a "commons" type
environment fits Apache culture (as it is currently being discussed)
at all.

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Re: [PROPOSAL] The future of Jakarta

2007-05-30 Thread Craig McClanahan

On 5/30/07, Henri Yandell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 5/30/07, Ted Husted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 5/26/07, Henri Yandell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Ack in terms of driving a community away because it is unable to meet
> > our arbitrary criteria.
> That sort of thinking just seems so Borg to me. It's another way of
> saying that a software product only has value if its hosted by the
> ASF.
> If a subproject, or even a project, is down to one or two committers,
> and those committers can't find a third, and don't want to apply to
> the Commons or declare the product dormant, then setting up shop on
> GoogleCode is an excellent alternative. I've done the same myself, and
> it's not the least bit painful. In many ways, it's joyful.

Which Apache projects have you moved to GoogleCode and found it a
joyful experience? ie) I presume you mean starting a project there
rather than moving a community from the ASF.

I suspect you are missing the point that *I* at least think Ted is
making ... doing open source outside of Apache is fun, if you like
doing open source.  Doing open source inside Apache is a pain ... even
if you like doing open source, and even if you are an insider and know
all the loopholes.

My distaste for driving people to an open source repository is not
because of the repositories, but because our rules have driven them

> It might even be healthy if more ASF committers were involved with
> other hosts. The ASF may be a cult, but it should not also be a fetish
> :)

Other communities, not 'host's. ie) You won't learn much from, or other than whether you love or hate
the infrastructure. I bet a lot of us are involved with other

You're right that it's more community oriented than host oriented
(because it is about the process, not the technology).  You are wrong
if you believe that "the Apache Way" (if there is such a singular
thing, which I would dispute based on seven years of evidence to the
contrary) makes things easier rather than harder.  Yes, there are some
benefits of the "Apache" brand, but it is an open question whether
they are worth the costs.

For myself, I have lots of ideas to do future open source projects,
and (at the moment) zero plans to do them here at Apache.  The
emotional and procedural and cultural costs are too high to compensate
for the branding benefits.



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Re: Jakarta at the center of the (ASF) universe

2007-11-18 Thread Craig McClanahan
On Nov 18, 2007 10:20 AM, Thomas Vandahl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:
> > Why?  W/o Jakarta, the diagrams don't make any sense.  For example, the
> > Jakarta-free one has velocity's only relationship to DB (!), and for
> > Harmony, to DB and XML!  Ant, arguably one of the most pervasive
> > projects, has no connection to anything else...
> >
> I agree with Geir. The graph that includes Jakarta looks much more
> realistic than the other one.

It also pretty clearly illustrates what happens when splitting up
Jakarta was a deliberate choice, not a random activity.  In other
words, the resulting connectivity afterwards is more of the "well,
duh" variety.  It is effect, not cause.


> Bye, Thomas.
> -
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