Re: 32bit

2000-02-01 Thread Andreas Beck

> please view

Here we go ...:

: do not do anything with directbuffers, it's useless.

Well - for your exact problem, you are right. Directbuffer is for apps that
update only small portions of the screen. Full screen changes are slow on
some targets, due to the reasons you outline very nicely.

Also note, that for the X target, the directbuffer _is_ in main memory, so
that you could as well use it. (However as you can't probe, if you are in X,

: - if you do 32bit or 16bit access, some hardware cannot do this. 

Note, that this also applies to most host memories. If I do _unaligned_
accesses on Alpha or Sparc, I get SIGBUS. x86 is the only architecture that
goes to excessive complications in the PCI and memory interface of the
CPU to work around such misconcepted software.

Linux/Alpha will work around on demand using a CPU exception, but this will
be _very_ slow. So the message is: Don't do unaligned accesses. Never.

AFAIK there is no hardware that cannot do a given width (of the form 8^n), 
as long as it it is aligned. This is due to the simplicity of splitting
larger transfers and the commonness of having byte-accesses.

: why not use a mem-target instead of the mainmem buffer and
: do a ggiCrossBlit with it ?
:   because this is exactly the same thing. it is exactly the same speed.
:   but it is more complicated to code, so why should you do it.

This depends on how your code is organized. It sometimes is convenient to
have the highlevel functions available, if the code is structured to make
use of them (then it is simpler to code using the memtarget), but for many 
games codes, you have code that uses direct access to a membuffer for 
everything anyway, so then it would be more complicated to code as you say.

: why use palemu target if visual is not 8 bit, why not use
: the not 8 bit visual and do a ggiCrossBlit from my 8bit mem-target visual
: to the not 8 bit visual ?
:   because palemu is faster.

Is it ? It shouldn't make much difference actually, but maybe. Got to check
the sources on that one ... Is the difference significant ?

CU, ANdy

= Andreas Beck|  Email :  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> =

Re: 32bit

2000-02-01 Thread Andreas Beck

> i am especially interested in if
> ggiPutBox from memory(malloc) to visual
> is equally fast then
> ggiCrossBlit from memory-target to visual
> (memory(malloc) and memory-target and visual are all
> the same format. 640x480x8 linear)

This shouldn't make much difference, as long as format is the same.
The CrossBlit function first checks, if the Directbuffers are compatible,
and if so, it will try to memcpy between them.

Potentially CrossBlit should also have the possibility for accelerated
transfers (DMA), but this isn't implemented for any target AFAIK.

CU, ANdy

= Andreas Beck|  Email :  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> =

Re: 32bit

2000-02-01 Thread Erik Thiele

On Tue, Feb 01, 2000 at 10:40:10AM +0100, Erik Thiele wrote:
> i'd like to contribute a little bit of GGI documentation.
> please view
> and please correct me if i am wrong!

i am especially interested in if
ggiPutBox from memory(malloc) to visual
is equally fast then
ggiCrossBlit from memory-target to visual

(memory(malloc) and memory-target and visual are all
the same format. 640x480x8 linear)


Name:  Erik Thiele   
IRC:   erikyyy/   __8
WWW: '  `

Re: 32bit

2000-02-01 Thread Erik Thiele

On Mon, Jan 31, 2000 at 11:43:52PM +0100, Andreas Beck wrote:
> > if directbuffer fill it with memcpy but memcpy does 32 bit stuff. 
> > (rep movsl) but directbuffer maybe 16bit limited on old vga hardware
> > how to deal with this.
> First of all, check the "align" and "noaccess" members. 
> If no restrictions are set, go ahead, use memcpy.
> > do not have memcpy 16bit. for(...)... is very bad code if you look at the 
> > asm.
> > how deal with this issue ?
> Call higher level primitives. The common cases are erasing the screen or 
> drawing scanlines. Especially erasing the screen shouldn't be done by
> DB-access, as it is commonly accelerated. Drawing scanlines might be o.k.,
> but if they aren't very short, the overhead for calling hline isn't
> very high.

sure but i have software rendered buffer. cannot accelerate.
this buffer shall be shown on screen after calculation.
not possible to do hline or other accelerated stuff.

so.. in the end, it might be true, that
a memtarget and then a crossblit are the fastest solution,
and always working.
but ggiPutBox are exactly equal fast.

i'd like to contribute a little bit of GGI documentation.

please view

and please correct me if i am wrong!


Name:  Erik Thiele   
IRC:   erikyyy/   __8
WWW: '  `

Re: 32bit

2000-01-31 Thread Andreas Beck

> if directbuffer fill it with memcpy but memcpy does 32 bit stuff. 
> (rep movsl) but directbuffer maybe 16bit limited on old vga hardware
> how to deal with this.

First of all, check the "align" and "noaccess" members. 
If no restrictions are set, go ahead, use memcpy.

> do not have memcpy 16bit. for(...)... is very bad code if you look at the 
> asm.
> how deal with this issue ?

Call higher level primitives. The common cases are erasing the screen or 
drawing scanlines. Especially erasing the screen shouldn't be done by
DB-access, as it is commonly accelerated. Drawing scanlines might be o.k.,
but if they aren't very short, the overhead for calling hline isn't
very high.

CU, ANdy

= Andreas Beck|  Email :  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> =


2000-01-31 Thread Erik Thiele


if directbuffer

fill it with memcpy

but memcpy does 32 bit stuff. (rep movsl)

but directbuffer maybe 16bit limited on old vga hardware

how to deal with this.
do not have memcpy 16bit.

is very bad code if you look at the asm.

how deal with this issue ?


Name:  Erik Thiele   
IRC:   erikyyy/   __8
WWW: '  `