[GKD-DOTCOM] A Closing Message from WRI

2004-11-29 Thread Al Hammond
Dear Colleagues, This has been a powerful and rewarding discussion for me -- and I hope for everyone else. On behalf of the World Resources Institute, I want to thank all those who have participated and shared their insights and experience. I have been particularly struck by the degree of consensu

[GKD-DOTCOM] Social As Well As Business Metrics

2004-11-22 Thread Al Hammond
Vickram Crishna and others have written on this. From the perspective of our research on successful BOP business models, we think that the companies who have really done well have had both business and social metrics, the latter articulated at the very top of the company. They take the form of "We

[GKD-DOTCOM] ICT and Sustainable Development

2004-11-18 Thread Al Hammond
On 11/17/04, Tom Abeles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > What I would like to see is WRI's projection on the resources of the > world with its increasing success in this approach to poverty > alleviation even with increased efficiency and maximum recycling. Tom Abeles raises the question of resource

[GKD-DOTCOM] Win-Win Business Models

2004-11-12 Thread Al Hammond
For Tom Abeles and others who have joined the conversation recently, I would like to point out that we have documented a number of what we believe can be win-win models, and even sustainable models, in connectivity, agriculture, finance, health care, and other sectors, in detailed case studies that

Re: [GKD-DOTCOM] Is Profitability Essential for Sustainability?

2004-11-11 Thread Al Hammond
Adriana Labardini raises a very important question--how to get infrastructure and connectivity into rural areas. She poises the question of prices, but the real failure of old-line telcos is that they are wedded to a subscription model--the right business model (shared use, pre-paid in small units,

Re: [GKD-DOTCOM] Can Technology and a Business Approach Make Globalization Work for the Poor?

2004-11-10 Thread Al Hammond
Chetan Sharma points out that technology by itself may not generate jobs. But entrepreneurship certainly does--and the examples of Germany and Finland he points to may reflect lack of an entrepreneurial culture more than anything about technology. And technology can play a role in helping create en

[GKD-DOTCOM] Profitability as an Indicator and a Driving Force

2004-11-09 Thread Al Hammond
Sam Lanfranco makes some nice points about profitability as an indicator and driving force, even for "non-profit" or socially-motivated projects. I'd like to turn the point around and argue that being profitable, or the profit motive, is not a good basis for judging the social motivation or social

Re: [GKD-DOTCOM] Can Technology and a Business Approach Make Globalization Work for the Poor?

2004-11-08 Thread Al Hammond
I agree fully that benefits must reach the very poor, whose greatest need is often livelihoods. And you are right that globalization--on the export platfrom model--has so far contributed little to such people. But I do believe that when companies target poor communities as customers, something diff

Re: [GKD-DOTCOM] Is Profitability Essential for Sustainability?

2004-11-03 Thread Al Hammond
Bettina Hammerich and Jim Forster both make useful points. Of course, markets don't attend well to everything. But the core of providing useful services at prices people will pay--and the market discipline of listening to customers that Forster underscores--is a strength of the business approach, o

[GKD-DOTCOM] Blurring Corporate and NGO Lines

2004-10-29 Thread Al Hammond
Vickram Crishna offers interesting insights--and I accept that the world is more complicated and that boundaries are often blurred in practice. How do we understand the recent marketing partnership between Care and Hindustan Lever in rural India--is it business (yes) or social development (yes)? No

Re: [GKD-DOTCOM] Can Technology and a Business Approach Make Globalization Work for the Poor?

2004-10-27 Thread Al Hammond
Cornelio Hopmann raises some important points. I agree that IT may often be used by service providers rather than by the poor directly. But I don't agree that there is no connection between what companies can sell to the poor and the needs of poor households. In conjuction with Professor CK Prahala

Re: [GKD-DOTCOM] The Role of the Private Sector

2003-12-02 Thread Al Hammond
1. One of the key policy changes required to unlease a flood of investment, job creation, and related benefits is for developing countries to make unlicensed spectrum actually available for commercial use, without licenses, fees, or other government approvals. WiFi uses outside of specific establis

Re: [GKD-DOTCOM] What's on the Horizon?

2003-11-24 Thread Al Hammond
I agree strongly with Simon Woodside's answers--experimentation, more modern technology, and broadband. But I was also struck by what another contributor said, e.g. "Find successful and sustainable activities. Replicate. Get constraints out of the way. Get funding on the right basis. Let the demand

Re: [GKD-DOTCOM] Improving Access Via Mobile Telephony

2003-11-21 Thread Al Hammond
I think William Lester and Fola Odufuwa are pointing out something important--the potential of cellular networks to provide data connectivity inexpensively, if imperfectly. As converged devices proliferate and newer network technologies spread to developing countries, these problems will ease--and

[GKD-DOTCOM] Misunderstanding Broadband

2003-11-06 Thread Al Hammond
I'd like to reply to Peter Burgess and clear up an important misconception. Connectivity is essential for local networking, for access to information, for local content generation, for increasing transparency and trust, for e-commerce--so its not the goal, but it is a critical tool. In most develop

Re: [GKD-DOTCOM] Bringing Connectivity to Under-Served Communities

2003-10-28 Thread Al Hammond
A resource that describes briefly many such efforts can be found on line at --our Clearinghouse, with over 900 ICT for development projects. Quite a few are basic connectivity efforts--both networks, like n-Logue, EID Parry's Corners, ITC echoupal, etc., as well as access points like telecenters (w