I agree strongly with Simon Woodside's answers--experimentation, more
modern technology, and broadband. But I was also struck by what another
contributor said, e.g. "Find successful and sustainable activities.
Replicate. Get constraints out of the way. Get funding on the right
basis. Let the demand pull what is wanted." I think the aid community
should continue experimentation, but also be willing to fund scale-ups
of apparently successful models--yes, that would include those that have
a business model--even to the point of making equity investments or
funding additional training and social networking that leverage a
private sector enterprise and its network.  There are beginning to be
some successful models, many of them driven by the private sector, and
some not aimed primarily at connectivity, but at an agricultural
solution or a microfinance solution or a health solution. Nonetheless,
they will spread access perhaps more rapidly. See our case studies at

Allen L. Hammond
Vice President for Innovation & Special Projects
World Resources Institute
10 G Street NE
Washington, DC 20002  USA
V (202) 729-7777 
F (202) 729-7775

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